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United Presbyterian Church of Bovina, Delaware County, NY 1852 to 1886 I decided to concentrate on the sections of most value to genealogists. New York State did not require the recording of births, marriages and deaths until 1880. The baptisms, marriages and deaths in this volume start in 1852 and end in 1886. Because of time constraints, I did not attempt to index the death records. The main reason I held off on these is that the cemetery listing done by David Hoy around 1912, and available on the web site, contains the same information as in the register (and often more). The Baptism section contains 429 names of children and adults baptized. The list includes the child's name, name of the parents (almost always just the first names), when born and when baptized. If the person baptized was an adult, it says 'ADULT' in the register and on the transcription. The parents name was not provided for an Adult baptism. In about a third of the entries, the birth date is missing. There are also periods (such as the 1860s) instances when the barest information is provided, ie.; a last name and parents name (no child's first name). There are a couple of instances in which the same child appears to be on the list twice. The baptism information is on pages 73 through 91 of the church register. I have numbered the entries on each page to make my data entry easier (the lines were not numbered in the book). There is a note in pencil on pages 83 and 84 stating that "This page is imperfect." Page 83 also says "The names will be found in Book No. 3." I have not been able to determine what is meant by book three. Page 84 says "Many names omitted." The 142 marriages transcribed are recorded on pages 102 to 110 of the register. Each line entry takes two pages, so there will be no odd numbered pages for this listing. Again, I assigned a number to each line to make the data entry and sorting of information easier. The information in the register includes the name of the groom, the name of the bride, the residences of each, the date, and witnesses. The information suffers from the same difficulties encountered with the baptism records - missing dates, names, etc. The information was transcribed as much as possible as presented in the Register. A question mark in parentheses (?) indicates that I could not determine what the name was. I did review other sources to help translate some of the handwriting. If an item is blank (name of parent, date, etc), that is because it is blank in the original record. You also will note that the items are not always entered in chronological order. I typed these as I came to them in the register. I want to thank the Reverend Ed McNulty and the Session of the Bovina United Presbyterian Church for allowing me to create this transcript. The information is the property of the Presbyterian Church and should be sited as the source in any research. The copyright for these transcriptions remains with the church. --Ray LaFever Baptisms
73 01 Forrest Walter Miller William Jennet 6/21/1852
73 02 Liddle James Andrew Betsy 6/21/1852
73 03 Graham Samuel Marrow(?) Rev John Mary 6/21/1852
73 04 Thomson David William D. Agnes 10/10/1851 6/21/1852
73 05 Boyd Nancy Christina Andrew Ellen 9/13/1851 6/21/1852
73 06 Dunn Mary Jane Edward Margaret 12/14/1852 6/12/1854
73 07 Gowanlock William George William Ann 11/28/1853 6/12/1854
73 08 Doig William Cleland James Mary 9/28/1853 6/12/1854
73 09 Doig Margaret Jane Walter Margaret 5/20/1854 6/12/1854
73 10 Clark Josephine Peter Elizabeth 1/30/1854 6/12/1854
73 11 Scott David Thomas Betsy 6/12/1854
73 12 Scott Gilbert Turnbull James (crossed out Mary 3/28/1854 6/12/1854
73 13 Boyd James David Andrew Ellen 5/24/1853 6/12/1854
73 14 Scott Nancy Russel John C. Susan 7/17/1854 10/23/1854
73 15 Raitt John Shaw Joseph S. Mary 6/17/1853 10/23/1854
73 16 Coulter Walter Leiper James Nancy 10/23/1854
73 17 Forrest Thomas William Jessie 10/23/1854
73 18 Miller James Scott John A. 4/1/1854 10/23/1854
73 19 Miller David Scott Andrew Christina 10/23/1854
73 20 Gladstone Mary Ann William (Guardians Christina 10/1/1849 10/23/1854
73 21 Doig Mary Isabella William S. Elizabeth 11/16/1854 6/22/1855
73 22 Murray Jane John Ellen 11/11/1854 6/22/1855
73 23 Hilson Jane John Hannah 5/16/1854 6/25/1855
73 24 Hilson Elizabeth John Hannah 5/16/1854 6/25/1855
73 25 Elliot Thomas 6/25/1855
73 26 Liddle David Alexander Bina 9/15/1854 6/25/1855
73 27 Boyd Francis McBurney 9/5/1854 6/25/1855
74 01 Winter William Murray John Rebecca 9/9/1854 6/25/1855
74 02 Forrest Jennet Elizabeth Robert Mary 6/25/1855
74 03 Oliver Isabella Miller James Eliza 6/25/1855
74 04 Miller William John Nancy 1/22/1855 6/25/1855
74 05 Miller Shaw Isabella 6/25/1855
74 06 Thomson John Murray William D. Agnes 5/28/1855 6/25/1855
74 07 McFarland John B. Bartholemew Margaret 1/29/1855 6/25/1855
74 08 Shackleton James R. James Anna 10/6/1854 6/25/1855
74 09 Raitt William Forrest Joseph Mary 1/7/1855 7/22/1855
74 10 Blair Charles Peter Samuel O. Elizabeth 9/22/1855
74 11 Oglivie Hugh John Elizabeth 8/28/1855 9/25/1855
74 12 Smith Agnes Charles 1/6/1853 9/25/1855
74 13 Smith Annie Charles 6/24/1855 9/25/1855
74 14 Forrest Elizabeth Lee Thomas Ellen 9/13/1855 5/11/1856
74 15 Campbell Agnes Scott William Anna 11/6/1855 5/11/1856
74 16 Telford Elizabeth Ann Dr. John Ellen 2/14/1856 6/22/1856
74 17 Doig Mary Alice Walter Margaret 7/3/1856
74 18 Cowan Andrew Turnbull Margaret 12/25/1855 7/3/1856
74 19 Miller John McCune Michael Sallie Ann 12/4/1855 7/3/1856
74 20 Murray Jane Robert 7/20/1856
74 21 Clark Edward McKenzie Peter Elizabeth 4/20/1856 9/1856
74 22 Clark James Lee Peter Elizabeth 4/20/1856 9/1856
75 01 Miller Mary Ellison John Nancy 7/1/1856 9/1856
75 02 Wright David Laidlaw William Isabella 10/6/1855 9/1856
75 03 Scott Walter Francis John Susan 7/17/1856 9/1856
75 04 Raitt Thomas Wilson Joseph S. Mary 7/17/1856 10/17/1856
75 05 Cathels William Bailey James Nancy 6/9/1856 10/17/1856
75 06 Murray Henry William Robert 10/11/1856 5/8/1857
75 06 Birdsall Rhoda Ann Margaret 1/18/1856 10/17/1856
75 07 Winter John Gilbert John Rebecca 9/14/1856 10/17/1856
75 08 Murray Ella Grave(?) James Jr. Isabella 5/25/1856 10/17/1856
75 09 Forrest Andrew Miller William Jennet 5/16/1856 10/17/1856
75 10 O'Conner Edward ADULT 10/17/1819 10/17/1856
75 11 Hoy Robert Alexander David Margaret 1/8/1856 10/17/1856
75 12 Liddle Martha J. ADULT 2/3/1832 10/17/1856
75 13 Liddle William Henry John O. Martha J. 2/1/1856 10/17/1856
75 14 McArthur Elizabeth Jane John 4/20/1854 10/17/1856
75 15 Thomson Agnes Jennet David L. Eliza 1/9/1855 10/17/1856
75 16 Boyd Elizabeth Ellen Robin Andrew Ellen 4/13/1856 10/17/1856
75 17 Rutherford Mary Ann Elizabeth ADULT 9/26/1823 10/17/1856
75 18 Hilson Hannah ADULT 2/25/1826 10/17/1856
75 19 Scott Andrew Hamilton James Mary 6/3/1856 10/17/1856
75 20 Forrest William Lee Robert Mary 5/27/1856 10/17/1856
75 21 Sloan Christina Jane Robert H. Nancy Sr(?) 6/15/1848 10/17/1856
75 22 Sloan Catherine Robert H. Nancy Sr(?) 12/2/1851 10/17/1856
75 23 Rutherford Thomson James Mary A.E. 4/12/1848 1/20/1857
75 24 Rutherford Alexander James Mary A.E. 6/16/1852 1/20/1857
75 25 Rutherford Walter James Mary A.E. 9/9/1854 1/20/1857
75 26 Doig Margaret Sanderson William Elizabeth 11/19/1856 1/29/1857
75 27 Gillie Jennet Trotter Alexander Elizabeth 9/10/1842 2/12/1857
75 28 Gillie William Thomson Alexander Elizabeth 4/1844 2/12/1857
75 29 Miller Mary Alice John Nancy 7/1/1856 2/12/1857
76 01 Gillie Anna Mary Alexander Elizabeth 4/1846 2/12/1857
76 02 Doig Andrew Walter Patrick Sarah 2/11/1857 3/15/1857
76 03 Blair Charles Samuel O. Elizabeth 4/5/1857
76 04 Miller William Archibald Andrew Christina 10/5/1856 5/8/1857
76 05 Oliver Mary Isabella David Ellison 9/1/1856 5/8/1857
76 07 Gowanlock Isabella Stewart William Ann 9/21/1856 10/2/1857
76 08 McGibbon Marion ADULT 10/2/1857
76 09 Frudum(?) Charlotte ADULT 10/2/1857
76 10 Hoy Mary Isabella John R. Isabella 9/6/1857 10/4/1857
76 11 Oglivie Joseph Raitt John Elizabeth 6/28/1857 10/4/1857
76 12 Sloan Albert Robert H. Nancy Sr(?) 7/12/1857 10/5/1857
76 13 Liddle Isabella John O. Martha J. 5/11/1857
76 14 Elliot Walter William Jane 12/15/1855 5/11/1857
76 15 Strangeway James Lee Christopher Margaret 10/4/1857 1/3/1858
76 16 Rutherford Eliza Ann Mary A.E. 2/8/1858
76 17 Cathels James Nancy 2/8/1858
76 18 Johnston Thomas Hamilton Thomas Violet 1/13/1858 5/8/1858
76 19 O'Conner David Edward Edward 3/30/1858 5/8/1858
76 20 McGibbon James Andrew John Marion 2/10/1858 5/8/1858
76 21 Boyd Mary B. Lee Andrew Ellen 3/14/1858 5/8/1858
76 22 Scott Margaret Ann John C Susan 2/15/1858 5/8/1858
76 23 Wight Jennet William Isabella 5/8/1858
76 24 Campbell John Murray William Ann 1/14/1858 5/8/1858
76 25 Forrest Walter Telford Thomas Ellen 5/8/1858 7/4/1858
76 26 Doig Elizabeth Walter Margaret 4/26/1858 9/9/1858
76 27 Hoy Peter Blair David Margaret 5/5/1858 9/9/1858
77 01 Scott Ann Isabella James R. Mary 6/3/1858 10/1/1858
77 02 Raitt Walter Scott Joseph S. Mary 8/28/1858 11/7/1858
77 03 Thomson Jennet Mina William D. Agnes 4/30/1858 10/1/1858
77 04 Miller Sallie Ann ADULT 3/29/1832 9/9/1858
77 05 Conklin Susan ADULT 9/9/1858
77 06 Miller Isabella Jennet Michael Sallie A. 11/26/1857 9/13/1858
77 07 Miller David James David J. Christina 6/9/1858 9/9/1858
77 08 McNaught Susan ADULT 1/21/1823 1/28/1859
77 09 Miller George Archibald John A. Margaret 12/27/1858 4/11/1859
77 10 Clark Thomas Hugh Peter Mary 11/10/1858 4/11/1859
77 11 Clark Ellen Mary Peter Mary 11/10/1858 4/11/1859
77 12 Scott Elizabeth S. ADULT 12/1/1832 5/13/1859
77 13 Scott M. Ellen (?) ADULT 12/1/1834 5/13/1858
77 14 Hilson Alexander John Hannah 3/3/1859 5/16/1859
77 15 Liddle James Archibald Alex. Bina 10/10/1858 5/16/1859
77 16 Thomson Anna Bell D.L. Eliza 6/9/1859
77 17 Lewis Elizabeth John Barbara 10/5/1858 7/7/1859
77 18 Cathels Margaret Niles(?) James Nancy 7/7/1859
77 19 Burns James Douglass John Nancy 4/25/1859 7/7/1859
77 20 Doig Andrew Archibald William S. Elizabeth 3/25/1859 7/7/1859
77 21 Barlow Erastus Mary B. 2/1859 7/7/1859
77 22 McGibbon Margaret Agnes John Marion 3/1/1859 7/7/1859
77 23 Gray Jennett Ann James Jane 12/15/1849 9/5/1859
77 24 Gray William Smith James Jane 2/14/1852 9/5/1859
77 25 Gray Thomas Clark James Jane 1/22/1855 9/5/1859
77 26 Gray Robert Lyden James Jane 7/7/1857 9/5/1859
77 27 Gray Margaret Jane James Jane 7/21/1859 9/5/1859
77 28 Hoy Jennet Ellen John R. Isabella 9/4/1859 10/21/1859
77 29 Oliver David Archibald David Margaret 8/9/1859 1/8/1860
78 01 Lee Alphonso ADULT 1/27/1860
78 02 Lee Charles R. ADULT 1/27/1860
78 03 Cook Helen Irvine William Helen Knox 1/20/1859 1/30/1860
78 04 Campbell William James Eliza 11/23/1858 1/30/1860
78 05 Campbell Bailey James Eliza 11/23/1858 1/30/1860
78 06 Smith Robert John Isabella 10/16/1859 1/30/1860
78 07 Thomson Jacob Newkirk James H. 11/14/1859 4/27/1860
78 08 Doig Andrew Francis Walter A. Margaret 3/14/1860 5/5/1860
78 09 Miller John Barton John A. Margaret 3/16/1860 5/5/1860
78 10 Archibald James George Jane 1/29/1860 4/27/1860
78 11 Miller Catherine Maria Michael Sallie Ann 3/10/1860 4/27/1860
78 12 Lee James B. Jr. Rev J.B. Jane Isabella 3/7/1860 5/1/1860
78 13 Pringle Robert Joanna 5/1/1860
78 14 Campbell Eusilla(?) Samuel James Eliza 4/3/1856 5/1/1860
78 15 Thomson William Henry William D. Agnes 5/28/1859 6/25/1860
78 16 Blair Jennet Agnes Samuel O. Elizabeth 3/4/1860 7/8/1860
78 17 Lee Nancy Augusta Charles R. 11/28/1852 5/15/1860
78 18 Lee Charles A. Charles R. 11/8/1854 5/15/1860
78 19 Lee Margery Longhram(?) Charles R. 4/23/1857 5/15/1860
78 20 Lee George Hizer Charles R. 2/20/1860 5/15/1860
78 21 Smith Anna Leal David L. Margaret 8/23/1860 10/28/1860
78 22 Doig Patrick Sarah 9/6/1860
78 23 Scott Mary Elizabeth John C. Susan 5/29/1860 9/6/1860
78 24 Sloan Jennie Isabella Robert H. Nancy 9/6/1860
78 25 Turnbull William Margaret 9/6/1860
78 26 Turnbull John James Margaret 9/6/1860
78 27 Cathels(?) James Nancy 9/6/1860
78 28 Miller David Jr. Christina 9/6/1860
79 01 Stott Samuel Patton Walter Mary 9/6/1860
79 02 Telford Jane Isabella Dr. John Ellen 2/23/1858 9/6/1860
79 03 Campbell William Ann 9/6/1860
79 04 Thomson Robert L. ADULT 9/6/1860
79 05 Thomson Christy R. ADULT 9/6/1860
79 06 Strangeway John Edward William Margaret 11/15/1860 2/1861
79 07 Raitt John Leslie Adam T. Mary A.
79 08 Graham Ellen Sophia ADULT 4/19/1861
79 09 Hoy Julia Ann ADULT 4/19/1861
79 10 Wight Thomas G. William Isabella 4/22/1861
79 11 Archibald Margaret William Margaret 4/22/1861
79 12 McEachron Jennett Peter Harriet 4/22/1861
79 13 Boyd Henrietta Ann Patton Andrew Ellen 4/22/1861
79 14 Hoy Thomas Julia Ann 4/22/1861
79 15 Winter Emily Vernon(?) John Rebecca 9/18/1859 7/4/1861
79 16 McDivitt Elizabeth ADULT 9/7/1861
79 17 Hoy Jane Thomas Julia Ann 8/13/1861 9/9/1861
79 18 Raitt Henry Lee Joseph Mary 5/18/1861 9/9/1861
79 19 Hoy James Thomas John R. Isabella 7/18/1861 9/9/1861
79 20 Miller William Kidzie(?) John A. Margaret 7/11/1861 9/9/1861
79 21 Miller Ellen Jane John T. Nancy 9/9/1861
79 22 Johnston Andrew J. Thomas Violet 5/9/1861 9/9/1861
79 23 Currie Ellen Julia George Margaret 11/5/1861 9/9/1861
79 24 Lewis Nancy Christina John Barbara H. 11/17/1861
79 25 Scott Mary Ellen James R. Mary 7/25/1861 1/23/1862
79 26 Lee Thomas H. Rev Jas B. Jane Isabella 5/13/1862 9/23/1862
79 27 Shaw Alexander ADULT 4/14/1862
79 28 Shaw Jane ADULT 4/14/1862
80 01 Atkins Ella Catherine Isaac Nancy 3/25/1862 10/20/1862
80 02 Strangeway Andrew C. William T. Margaret 9/9/1862 10/20/1862
80 03 McFarland Wilson ADULT 4/2/1839 10/16/1862
80 04 Strangeway Andrew Christopher William T. Margaret T.
80 05 Shaw Alexander Jane
80 06 Shaw Alexander Jane
80 07 Shaw Alexander Jane
80 08 Cook Isabella Wilson William Hellen Knox 3/2/1862 5/8/1863
80 09 Archibald James William William Margaret 8/24/1862
80 10 Maynard Isaac M. Elisha Jane 7/2/1854
80 11 Maynard Margaret F. Elisha B. Jane 8/18/1856
80 12 Maynard Henry A. Elisha B. Jane 11/9/1858
80 13 Doig Archabald Walter A. Margaret 3/28/1863
80 14 Johnson John H. John Sarah M. 1/30/1863
80 15 Stott Eliza Ann Walter Mary 3/15/1863
80 16 Forrest Ellen Elizabeth Thomas Ellen
80 17 Thomson William Henry W.D. Agnes 12/2/1862
80 18 Maynard Archabald Elisha B. Jane 10/10/1860
80 19 Pringle John Murray Robert Joanna 2/27/1863
80 20 Maynard Jane F. Elisha B. Jane 12/5/1862
80 21 Scott Hannah Rebecca ADULT 5/7/1863
80 22 Gladstone Walter Lee Robert O. Jane 2/18/1862
80 23 Coulter James Leiper Andrew Eliza
81 01 Rutherford Hannah Matilda ADULT 7/25/1825 10/5/1863
81 02 Currie Margaret Handir(?) George Margaret 4/5/1863 10/5/1863
81 03 Archibald Andrew Sinclair George Jane 1/13/1863 10/5/1863
81 04 Blair Rachel Eliza Sam O. Elizabeth 8/1863 10/5/1863
81 05 Forrest Christina Euphemia Thomas E. Ellen 9/13/1863 1/10/1864
81 06 Boyd Flora Matilda Andrew Ellen 7/28/1863 2/6/1864
81 07 Telford Ella Grace Dr. John Ellen 2/6/1864
81 08 Hoy Robert 6/6/1863 10/5/1863
81 09 Doig Rose Anna Patrick Sarah 10/30/1863 2/6/1864
81 10 Archibald George Jane
81 11 Dennis Louisa Elizabeth ADULT 6/9/1864
81 12 Strangeway Elizabeth Dunn William L. Margaret T. 2/23/1864 6/13/1864
81 13 Raitt George Telford Joseph S. Mary 3/22/1864 6/13/1864
82 01 Lee James Beveridge(?) Rev. J.B. Jane Isabella 1/21/1865 6/4/1865
82 02 Archibald George Jane 6/4/1865
82 03 Boyd Andrew John Andrew Ellen 6/4/1865
82 04 Doig Archibald McKenzie Walter L. Jane A. 6/4/1865
82 05 Wight Ellen Margaret William 12/25/1864 6/4/1865
82 06 Laidlaw David George Jennette 6/4/1865
82 07 Phyfe Archibald B. ADULT 7/1866
82 08 Scott James Adams ADULT 7/1866
82 09 Scott Adam ADULT 7/1866
82 10 Scott Robert T. ADULT 7/1866
82 11 Cunningham William ADULT 7/1866
82 12 Archibald George ADULT 7/1866
82 13 Phyfe Sarah Matilda ADULT 7/1866
82 14 Adee Mary Henrietta ADULT 7/1866
82 15 Patterson Jennette Ormiston ADULT 7/1866
82 16 Scott Nancy Jane ADULT 7/1866
82 17 McNaught Margene E. ADULT 7/1866
82 18 McFarland Louisa ADULT 7/1866
82 19 McFarland Anna M. ADULT 7/1866
83 01 Stul James J. Nancy Cathels 5/11/1866 10/22/1866
83 02 Strangeway William James Wm.T. M.T. 8/7/1866 10/22/1866
83 03 Archibald George R. George Jane 10/22/1866
83 04 Miller Lizzie John T. Nancy
83 05 Wight Lizzie Bell Wm. C. Isabella 11/18/1867 5/18/1868
83 06 Burns Emily Lula Wm. Emily J. 10/28/1867 5/18/1868
83 07 Doig Christina Lee Walter A. Margaret S. 2/22/1868 5/15/1868
83 08 Doig John T. Wm. S. Margaret D. 5/18/1868
83 09 Doig James Lee Wm. S. Margaret D. 5/18/1868
83 10 Boyd Andrew Ellen
83 11 Boyd Ada Marion Black Andrew Ellen
84 01 Doig Christina Lee Walter A. Margaret 5/1868
84 02 Raitt Adam Mary A. 6/28/1868
84 03 Lee Duncan Campbell Rev J.B. Jane Isabella 4/4/1868 5/1868
84 04 Thomson Fannie Robert F. Ellen
84 05 Doig Andrew Thomas Walter L. Jane
84 06 Thomson William D. David Low Eliza
84 07 Armstrong William Francis C. Janette B.
84 08 Downie James Scott John Mary Ann
84 09 Hoy Milton Robinson John R. Isabella
85 01 Currie George L. George Maggie 5/28/1869
85 02 Miller Willie Thomas Michael Sallie Ann
85 03 Hoy Maggie A. Thos. Julia A.
85 04 Doig William Robert Walter A. Margaret
85 05 Thomson William B. David Ellen B.
85 06 Miller Willie Berry Kate
85 07 Doig James Lee W.S. Margaret
85 08 Doig John T. W.S. Margaret
85 09 Ballard Addison J. ADULT 5/14/1870
85 10 Murray John Henry Henry Lizzie A.
85 11 Beissel Emma Susan Michael Emma 2/21/1871 5/15/1871
85 12 Miller Margaret Christina John T. Ellen 1/12/1871 5/15/1871
85 13 Hannon William Alexander James Janette 10/15/1870 5/15/1871
85 14 Foreman James Fletcher Arch Divine 2/2/1871 5/15/1871
85 15 Orr Martha ADULT 5/13/1871
85 16 Strangeway Margaret Ellen William Margaret 9/9/1868 10/2/1871
85 17 Strangeway Walter Dunn William Margaret 3/27/1871 10/2/1871
85 18 Laidlaw Adam George Janette 10/2/1871
85 19 Lambert George Nicholas Martin Jane L. 10/30/1871 6/16/1872
85 20 Fuller Walter Edwin Edwin Janette 1/16/1872 6/16/1872
85 21 Hoy David Arthur Thos. Julia A. 3/2/1872 6/16/1872
85 22 Raitt Rev. Geo. P. Janet
85 23 Forrest Alexander McEachon Thomas E. M.D. 8/9/1872
85 24 Mabon William Thomas James C. Ellen J. 9/25/1871 2/8/1872
85 25 Gladstone James Walter George Helen S. 9/23/1871 2/8/1872
85 26 Fisher James Clark Peter Catherine C. 2/21/1872 5/1/1872
85 27 Lee Jane Isabella Rev. J.B. J.I. 4/9/1872 6/18/1872
85 28 Doig Milton Alexander Walter L. Jane 7/1/1872
86 01 Forrest Alexander McEachon Thos. E. Margaret 8/9/1872 10/21/1872
86 02 Black James T. David 6/27/1859 10/21/1872
86 03 Black William T. David 8/5/1861 10/21/1872
86 04 McCune Walter John William 10/21/1872
86 05 McCune William William 10/21/1872
86 06 Hoy William Hilson J.R. 9/21/1872 10/21/1872
86 07 Murray David Hamilton Henry S. Lizzie 7/4/1872 10/21/1872
86 08 Currie Janette Isabella George Maggie 8/8/1872 10/21/1872
86 09 Archibald Jennie Violet George Jane 4/1/1873
86 10 Burns Aggie Bell Alex Isabella 9/25/1872 5/4/1873
86 11 Northrup Ellen Amos Aggie 4/3/1872 5/4/1873
86 12 Strangeway Margaret Doig A.T. Maggie J. 5/1/1873
86 13 Palmer Christina Renwick Charles Mary Ann 6/16/1873
86 14 McNaught Mary Jane ADULT 10/18/1873
86 15 Mabon John Peter James G. Ellen J. 8/31/1873 2/9/1874
86 16 Doig Anda Bell Walter A. Margaret 7/5/1874
86 17 Mabon Jane Isabella Thomas Janette 2/27/1874 7/5/1874
86 18 Strangeway Elizabeth Jane Andrew T. Maggie 6/19/1874 8/23/1874
86 19 Gladstone Christopher S. George Hellen 4/20/1874 8/23/1874
86 20 Laidlaw Robert George Janet 2/22/1874 7/5/1874
86 21 Hoy Elizabeth Hellen David Josephine 7/30/1874 10/13/1874
86 22 Ormiston(?) George Alexander George Isabella 6/5/1874 10/15/1874
86 23 Thomson Christina Susan
86 24 Maynard Mrs. Jennie I. ADULT 10/14/1875
86 25 Douglas George James Ann 5/23/1875
86 26 Lee John Harvey Rev. J.B. Jennie I. 6/16/1875 10/17/1875
86 27 Burns Ella Miller Alexander Nancy Isabell 11/5/1874 10/24/1875
86 28 Strangeway Rosa Bell Wm. Margaret 6/19/1875 10/24/1875
87 01 Raitt Thomas Andrew John 3/29/1874
87 02 Scott Martha Bell Jas A. Maggie 1/7/1875 2/19/1876
87 03 Adee James A. ADULT 2/17/1876
87 04 McPherson Ferris J. ADULT 2/17/1876
87 05 Ormiston Thomas ADULT 2/17/1876
87 06 McCune William ADULT 2/17/1876
87 07 Dumond Stella ADULT 2/17/1876
87 08 Lee Mrs. Flora A. ADULT 5/12/1876
87 09 Tuttle Alphonzo ADULT 5/12/1876
87 10 Tuttle Mrs. Martha ADULT 5/12/1876
87 11 Bryden Mrs. Mary ADULT 5/12/1876
87 12 Dibble Mrs. Elizabeth Ruth ADULT 5/12/1876
87 13 Hannon James ADULT 5/12/1876
87 14 McCune James P. ADULT 5/12/1876
87 15 Hogaboom Horace Clark ADULT 5/12/1876
87 16 Currie David George George Maggie 10/3/1875 5/13/1876
87 17 Cook Mina Bell William Ellen Knox 9/10/1874 5/13/1876
87 18 Bryden Mina Alexander Jessie 12/21/1875 5/13/1876
87 19 Archibald George Jane 5/13/1876
87 20 Gladstone Robert Elmer George Hellen 5/13/1876
87 21 Hoy Thomas Lester Thomas Julia A. 4/24/1875 5/13/1876
87 22 Scott John Marshal Edwin J. Margery 5/23/1875 5/13/1876
87 23 Murray James Scott Henry S. Lizzie A. 1/3/1876 5/13/1876
87 24 Graham Miss Ida Julia ADULT 10/12/1876
87 25 Davidson Charles Henry ADULT 10/12/1876
87 26 Hoy Peter Blair David Josephine 5/23/1876 10/14/1876
87 27 Hannon Lester Lee James Jennie 10/22/1876
87 28 McNee William Forrest Wm. G. Euphine F. 12/24/1876
88 01 Strangeway Harvey(?) C. A.T. Maggie A. 2/15/1877
88 02 Maynard William Hector Arch Jane 2/17/1877
88 03 Hinckley Nancy Jane ADULT 2/17/1877
88 04 McNair Ida Jane Peter 9/23/1870 6/9/1877
88 05 McNair George Robert Peter 4/19/1872 6/9/1877
88 06 McNair Henry Lee Peter 12/13/1875 6/9/1877
88 07 Douglas Jennett Elizabeth James Ann 7/2/1877 10/20/1877
88 08 Scott Carrie May Edwin J. Margery 4/16/1877 10/20/1877
88 09 Ormiston Nancy Jane ADULT 6/8/1878
88 10 McCune Margaret ADULT 6/8/1878
88 11 Gladstone Wm. Arthur Geo Hellen 3/11/1878 2/1879
88 12 Mabon James Cairns James C. Ellen 5/1878 2/1879
88 13 Scott James Howard Jas. A. Maggie
88 14 Bryden James William Alex Jessie 6/15/1878
88 15 Northrup Amos ADULT 6/8/1879
88 16 Johnston Alexander ADULT 6/8/1879
88 17 Biggar Jennie May Walter Esther 8/18/1878 6/8/1879
88 18 Maynard Geo. Cowan Arch Jane 5/23/1878 6/8/1879
88 19 Archibald Andrew Thomas Geo Jane 6/1878
88 20 Northrup Anna Elizabeth Amos Aggie 7/12/1877 11//1878
88 21 McNee Jane Elizabeth Thos. Mary 11/8/1878
88 22 Mabon Wm. Wm. Grace 6/1879
88 23 McNee Nettie Griffin(?) Effie 6/1879
88 24 Hoy Carrie May David Josephine 12/17/1878 10/18/1879
88 25 McCune Mary Ann ADULT 10/18/1879
88 26 Scott Eva Bell Edwin Margery 6/1/1879 1/28/1880
88 27 Hoy Thomas Julia Ann 1/28/1880
88 28 Richardson Lillie Ada ADULT 1/28/1880
88 29 Jardine Agnes Dricilla(?) ADULT 1/28/1888
89 01 Strangeway Thos. C. Jennie 6/15/1880
89 02 Strangeway Thomas C. Wm. Margaret 6/15/1880
89 03 Mabon Wm. Alexander William Grace 6/1/1883
89 03 Oliver Allice May John Stella 6/15/1880
89 04 Davidson James Howard Charles Allice(?) 6/15/1880
89 05 Miller Thomas Frank Wm. R. Mary Laing 6/15/1880
89 06 Bryden(Briden Thomas Lee Alexander Jessie 7/4/1880
89 07 Armstrong Bessie Sinclair F.C. Jennette 1/22/1881
89 08 Ormiston James Lee ADULT 1/22/1881
89 09 Dennis Mary Abigal ADULT 1/22/1881
89 10 Bell Homer ADULT 1/22/1881
89 11 Rutherford Walter ADULT 1/22/1881
89 12 Thomson Jennie Leona Lyle D. Jane 10/8/1879 10/17/1880
89 13 Thomson Charles W. James W. Ella 8/17/1877 2/16/1878
89 14 Foreman Maggie Bell Arch Divina(?) 7/28/1877 2/16/1878
89 15 McPherson Charlie Ferris J. Isabella 8/3/1880 10/22/1881
89 16 Thomson William Irving D. Lyle Jane 4/2/1881 10/22/1881
89 17 Hobbie John Smith ADULT
89 18 Miller Cassie(?) Eliza Wm. R. Mary L. 1/2/1882 6/27/1882
89 19 Oliver Jennie Florence Wm. Fanny C. 12/27/1881 6/27/1882
89 20 McNee Celora(?) Leslie Gifford(?) Euphemia 3/29/1881 6/27/1882
89 21 Gavette Emory ADULT 6/27/1882
89 22 Seth(?) Henrietta ADULT 6/27/1882
89 23 Yaple Mary Hannah ADULT 6/27/1882
89 24 Hilson Mary Sophia ADULT 6/27/1882
90 01 Sloan William Orr ADULT 6/1/1883
90 02 Young Miss ADULT 6/1/1883
90 04 McNee Eva B. Thomas Mary 6/1/1883
90 05 Hastings Elizabeth Ellen James Ellen 6/1/1883
90 06 Strangeway Mrs. Hattie E. ADULT 1/20/1884
90 07 James Miss Elizabeth Mary ADULT 1/20/1884
90 08 Close Elmer Christine S. 1/20/1884
90 09 Thomson Laura Amelia Andrew Jane
90 10 Mabon Wm. Alexander
90 11 Gavette Walter Emory Mary 6/12/1885
90 12 Coulter Maggie Dixon M. 6/12/1885
90 13 Coulter Dixon M. 6/12/1885
90 14 Thomson Martha Janette James W. Ella 6/12/1885
90 15 Baker Rachel ADULT 6/12/1885
90 16 Sloan Sarah E. ADULT 6/14/1885
90 17 Hoy Nellie ADULT 10/18/1885
90 18 James ADULT 1/8/1886
91 01 Thomson Lizzie Mary And. D. Jennie 6/19/1886
91 02 Thomson Willie W. Elliot Mary 6/19/1886
91 03 Finkle Clarence A. David Mary 6/19/1886
91 04 Robinson Elsie Edith Mary 6/19/1886
91 05 Liddle Mrs. Maggie A. ADULT 6/19/1886
91 06 Hobbie Miss Sarah Amelia ADULT 6/19/1886
91 07 Coulter Miss Ada ADULT 6/19/1886
91 08 Oliver Mrs. Agnes B. ADULT 6/19/1886
91 09 Archibald Mrs. Palmyra A. ADULT 6/19/1886
Note: Remember to scroll to the right in order to view all the data Marriages
102 01 William McDivitt Miss Elizabeth Kipp Bovina Bovina 11/6/1856
102 02 Charles F. Smith Miss Christina Lemont Bovina Delhi, NY 11/28/1856
102 03 Thomas H. Johnston Miss Violet Telford Bovina Bovina 3/5/1857
102 04 David Black Miss Margaret Thomson Andes, NY Bovina 7/2/1857
102 05 Thomas Elliot Miss Elizabeth Thomson Bovina Bovina 7/2/1857
102 06 Henry Koestaser(?) Miss Mary Graham Delhi, NY Delhi, NY 8/19/1857
102 07 Erastus W. Barlow Miss Mary R. Elliot Stamford, NY Bovina 10/15/1857
102 08 Francis Coulter Miss Ruhannah Henderson Bovina Middletown 12/3/1857
102 09 William, Jr. Miller Miss Catherine Miller Bovina Andes, NY 1/28/1858
102 10 William B. Cook Miss Hellen Knox Laidlaw Bovina Bovina 2/18/1858
102 11 David Russel Miss Margaret Murray Bovina Delhi, NY 2/18/1858
102 12 Warren P. Peak Miss Eunice (?) Bagley Hamden, NY Hamden, NY 9/1/1858
102 13 James Clapperton Miss Christina McGibbon Colchester, NY Andes, NY 10/25/1858
102 14 Peter McEachron Miss Barns(?) Bovina Franklin, NY 11/11/1858 Robt Forrest & Walter D. Miller
102 15 Gilbert Dixon Miss Frazier Bovina Roxbury, NY
102 16 Jeremiah Akerly Miss Nancy J. McFarland Middletown, NY Bovina
102 17 Zabiskie(?) Miss Post Prattsville, Green Co, NY Bovina
102 18 William T. Strangeway Miss Margaret Dunn Bovina Bovina 10/13/1859
102 19 Adam T. Raitt Miss Mary A. Leslie Bovina Bovina 10/20/1859
102 20 Thomas Liddle Mrs. Magdaline McArthur Bovina Scotland 11/2/1859
102 21 Andrew A. Thomson Miss Margaret Oliver Middletown, NY Delhi, NY 12/21/1859
102 22 Gilbert Winter Miss Margaret Donaldson Middletown, NY Middletown, NY 12/28/1859
102 23 Adam Henderson Miss Isabella Archibald Middletown, NY Middletown, NY 12/29/1859
102 24 Edward O'Connor Mrs. Fanny Brainard(?) Bovina Colchester, NY 12/1/1859
102 25 George Currie Miss Maggie Laidlaw Bovina Bovina 1/12/1859
102 26 Francis Richardson Miss Adda Clark Hobart, NY Hobart, NY
102 27 William Bairns(?) Miss Emily J. McFarland Bovina Bovina
102 28 Patrick Doig Miss Aggie Down(?) Andes, NY Andes, NY 12/27/1860
104 01 John Johnston Miss Sarah A. Mitchel Bovina Bovina 12/13/1860
104 02 Andrew Thomson Miss Margaret Scott Bovina Bovina 1/23/1861
104 03 Andrew T. Coulter Miss Eliza McDonald Bovina Bovina 1/23/1861
104 04 John W. Winter Miss Elizabeth S. Scott Middletown, NY Bovina 2/2/1861
104 05 Thomas Hilson Miss Ellen S. Graham Bovina Bovina 6/5/1861
104 06 Henry Forman Miss Jane M. Elliot Bloomville, NY Bovina 10/8/1861
104 07 Robert Wight Miss Catherine Smith Delhi, NY Delhi, NY 10/10/1861
104 08 Peter Hernon(?) Miss Jennet Renwick Hobart, NY Bovina
104 09 Robert Scott Miss Rebecca Scott Bovina Bovina 11/28/1861
104 10 John G. Armstrong Miss Christina Smith Bovina Delhi, NY 12/26/1861
104 11 Walter L. Doig Miss Jane McNair Bovina Bovina 1/2/1861
104 12 William Bryce Miss Renwick Hamden, NY Hamden, NY
104 13 Moses Burns Miss Mary Scott Bovina Bovina 7/1/1863
104 14 William, Jr. Miller Miss Nancy Sloan Bovina Bovina
104 15 William S. Doig Mrs. Margaret D. Dunn Andes, NY Andes, NY 4/30/1863
104 16 John McArthur Mrs. Mary Barlow Bovina Bovina 5/6/1863
104 17 Morgan Garrison(?) Miss Louisa J. Gunn(?) Middletown, NY Middletown, NY 3/24/1864 JoAnn(?) Atkins(?) & Walter D. Miller
104 18 Charles A. Laughran Miss Augusta Scott Stamford, NY Bovina
104 19 Alexander Hoy Miss Elizabeth Hilson Bovina Bovina 3/23/1864
104 20 Francis C. Armstrong Miss Jennette Burns Bovina Bovina 7/2/1863
104 21 David Sloan Miss Maggie Hilson Bovina Bovina 3/9/1864
104 22 Robert T. Scott Miss Jennette Ormiston Bovina Bovina
104 23 William Thomson Miss Nettie McEachron Bovina Bovina
104 24 William McCune Kate M. Oliver
104 25 Thos Hilson Miss Ellen Stott Bovina Bovina
104 26 Robert Gladstone Miss Jane Armstrong Andes, NY Bovina
104 27 George Gladstone Mrs. Ellen Strangeway Andes, NY Bovina
104 28 John Foster Miss Ellen Armstrong Argyle, NY Bovina 3/12/1868
104 29 Jonah Moses Miss Jane Erkison Chemung Co, NY Bovina
104 30 William Winter Miss Margaret Ellen Scott New Kingston, NY Middletown, NY 7/2/1868 Louisa McFarland & P. Winter
104 31 Robt. R. Gladstone Miss Maggie Thomsons Andes, NY Andes, NY
104 32 Warren Murray(?) Miss Maggie Lewis Bovina Bovina
104 33 Patrick Doig Miss Jane Mabon Walton, NY Bovina
104 34 Andrew Hewitt Miss Mary Miller Middletown, NY Middletown, NY
104 35 Thomas Mabon Miss Janette Patterson(?) Bovina Bovina
106 01 Ingels Miss Scott Roxbury, NY Middletown, NY
106 02 Thomas Miller Miss Maggie Campbell Bovina Fonda, NY Mrs. J.I. Lee & Kate M. Campbell
106 03 William C. Clark Miss Jane C. Gill Toledo, Iowa Bovina
106 04 Peter Fisher Miss Catherine Clark Kortright, NY Bovina
106 05 Andrew Hewitt Miss Lizzie Hamilton(?) Middletown, NY Bovina
106 06 Christy Miss Margaret Lillias Coulter Hamden, NY Bovina
106 07 Henry S. Murray Miss Lizzie A. Coulter Bovina, NY Bovina
106 08 Alexander Burns Miss Isabella Miller Bovina Bovina
106 09 Thomas E. Forrest Miss Margaret McEachron
106 10 Abel Munson Miss Nellie(?) Telford Delhi, NY Bovina
106 11 Charles Arbuckle Miss Augusta Lee Delhi, NY Bovina 1873
106 12 Edwin J. Scott Miss Margery McNaught Bovina Bovina 3/1873
106 13 Caleb B. Monroe Miss Mary Ann Coulter Andes, NY Bovina 5/28/1873 Thos. E. Hastings & J.I. Lee
106 14 Hamilton B. Swart Miss Mary T. McDonald Franklin, Del Co, NY Bovina 6/18/1873 Miss Mary Ormiston & Mrs. J.I. Lee
106 15 Lancelot Thomson Miss Annie Smith Bovina Bovina 9/2/1873 David(?) Curtis(?)
106 16 David Hoy Miss Josephine Clark Bovina Bovina 9/30/1873 Mrs. Lee & Thr H Luddington
106 17 James Fiffe Miss Nancy B. Oliver Bovina Bovina 11/4/1873 Mrs. Lee & Isabella Oliver
106 18 William D. Covert(?) Miss Eliza J. Reid(?) Andes, NY Andes, NY 3/3/1874 Jennie I. Lee & Louisa Muller
106 19 Alexander Bryden Miss Jessie Mabon Bovina Delhi, NY 2/3/1875
106 20 Wm. Gifford McNee Miss Euphemia I. Doig Delhi, NY Bovina 2/25/1875
106 21 Alexander Smith Miss Elizabeth Wight Salinas, California Bovina 3/18/1875
106 22 David Black Miss Mary J. Scott Bovina Bovina 4/8/1875
106 23 Wilson Bell Miss Adelia Terwilliger Phonicia, Ulster Co, NY Mt Pleasant, Ulster Co 5/18/1875 Margaret Bryce(?) & J.I. Lee
106 24 Archd F. Maynard Miss Jennie I. Cowan Bovina Stamford, Del Co, NY 6/2/1875 Robt. Nesbit Trip(?)
106 25 James Burns Miss Elinor J. McFarland Bovina Bovina 6/10/1875 Alex Johnston & Mary A. Miller
106 26 Archibald B. Phyfe Miss Mary Ormiston Bovina Bovina 10/5/1875 Mrs. Lee & Jennie Ormiston
106 27 Jas. W. Thomson Miss Ella McNair Andes, NY Bovina 1/13/1876 Mrs. M.J. McNee
106 28 Henry Rittinger Mrs. Emma Brissel Delhi, NY Delhi, NY 1/13/1876 Louisa Muller & Mrs.
106 29 Robert Telford Miss Sarah Ann Vail(?) Delhi, NY Andes, NY
108 01 William S. Gray Mary Crook(?) Andes, NY Hardenburgh, Ulster Co,NY 11/7/1876 J.I. Lee & Hannah Dumond
108 02 John K. Russell Miss Mina Murray Delhi, NY Bovina J.I. Lee & Henry Murray
108 03 Thomas C. Strangeway Miss Jane M. Doig Bovina Bovina J.I. Lee & David H. Coulter
108 04 George R. Sliter Miss Hannah Henderson Middletown, NY Middletown, NY 5/3/1877 J.I. Lee & Maggie Telford
108 05 Hugh C. Munn Miss Mary S. Thomson Walton, NY Bovina 5/31/1877 J.I. Lee
108 06 Mathew G. Russel Mrs. Janette Thomson Thomson Delhi, NY Andes, NY 6/21/1877 J.I. Lee & Mrs. Lee
108 07 Andrew D. Thomson Miss Mary Jane McNaught Bovina Bovina 9/1877 J.I. Lee
108 08 Douglas Davidson Miss Mary Isabella Hoy Delhi, NY Bovina J.I. Lee
108 09 George Butte(?) Miss Mary B.L. Boyd Delhi, NY Bovina 4/1878 J.I. Lee
108 10 Clark Hoffman Miss Nancy C. Boyd Sidney, NY Bovina 5/15/1878 J.I. Lee
108 11 William Richardson Mrs. Eliza T. Coulter Bovina Bovina 6/1878 J.I. Lee
108 12 John Oliver Miss Stella A. Dumond Bovina Middletown, NY 11/6/1878 J.I. Lee
108 13 William Turnbull Miss Bell J. Winter Tracr(?) Tama(?) Cor, IA Bovina 12/26/1878 J.I. Lee
108 14 David Lyle Thomson Miss Jane Scott Bovina Bovina 1/8/1879 J.I. Lee
108 15 William R. Miller Miss Mary G. Laing Bovina Andes, NY 1/15/1879 J.I. Lee
108 16 William A. Odell Miss Ida J. Graham Delhi, NY Bovina 2/5/1879 J.I. Lee
108 17 John A. Salton Miss Margaret Telford Bovina Bovina 3/5/1879 J.I. Lee
108 18 William Lee Forrest Miss Mary C. Lunn Bovina Andes, NY 3/18/1879 J.I. Lee
108 19 William Oliver Miss Fanny Coulter Bovina Bovina 10/22/1879
108 20 Marion M. Robertson Miss Mary D. Oliver Andes, NY Bovina 10/23/1879
108 21 Alexander R. Meyers Miss Bell J. Laing Andes, NY Andes, NY 11/19/1879
108 22 Malcom C. McNaught Miss Mary Alice Doig Bovina Bovina 1/1/1880
108 23 James N. Butler Miss Lucinda M. VanDusen Andes, NY Hobart, NY 01/28/1880 Mrs. Lee & Henrietta Boyd
108 24 Thomas N. Scott Miss Nancy Jane Ormiston New Kingston, NY Bovina 2/3/1880 Mrs. Lee & Libbie Hastings
108 25 Robert Gray Miss Henrietta B. Dibble Andes, NY Bovina 12/29/1880 Mrs. Lee & Thos H. Lee
108 26 George Cabel Miss Ella Forrest Bovina, NY Bovina
108 27 Emory Gavette Miss Mary A. Adee Middletown, NY Bovina
108 28 Robert J. Hoag Miss Elizabeth Luvis(?) Delhi, NY Bovina
108 29 David Champion Worden Miss Henrietta Boyd Bovina Bovina 1883 Mrs. Lee &
110 01 Miller Miss Libbie Johnson Middletown, NY Bovina
110 02 James Lee Strangeway Hattie E. Delamater Bovina Middletown, NY 1/1883 Mrs. Lee & Wm Swart
110 03 James D. Boyde Miss Henrietta Seath(?)
110 04 David H. Finkle Miss Mary S. Hilson Bovina Bovina 1/22 (newsclipping pasted in volume)
110 05 George Chapman Miss Emma Bivvins Rockland, Sullivan Co, NY Shin Creek, NY 1/28 (newspaper clipping pasted in book)
110 06 Henry Hamilton Donnelly Miss Agnes Janette Davenport, NY Bovina 9/24/1884 Dr. Jas Donnely & Mrs. J.B. Lee
110 07 Robert Dickman Miss Mary Hannah Yaple Middletown, NY Middletown, NY 11/19/1884 Sarah A. Yaple & John Yaple
110 08 Elliott Thomson Miss Mary E. Gow Bovina Bovina 10/22/1884 Joe Gow & Miss White
110 09 Walter A. Borthwick Miss Sarah F. Whitcomb Delhi, NY Delhi, NY 1/6/1885 J.B. Lee & Mrs. J.B. Lee
110 10 Hiram Knapp Mrs. Louisa L. Northrup Bovina Bovina 3/28/1885 John H. Lee & Mrs. J.B. Lee
110 11 Alexander H. Wells(?) Miss Minnie A. Graham Albany, NY Delhi, NY 5/26/1885 Capt Jas S. Adee & Mrs. Mary Adee
110 12 Alexander Archibald Miss Ellen Grace Telford Delhi, NY Hamden, NY Mrs. James I. Lee & John Salton
110 13 David J. Corbitt Miss Jessie W. Latimer New York City New York City 12/17/1885 Mary E. Latimer & Wm. Corbitt
110 14 William B. Tuttle Miss Bell Elliott Bovina Middletown, NY 12/23/1885 Dr. Alleben & wife
110 15 David R. Liddle Miss Hattie B. Jackson Andes, NY Bovina 1/12/1886 W.J. Coulter & wife
110 16 Charles L. Roberts Miss Margaret J. Boyd Kortright, NY Bovina 2/24/1886 Jennie(?) Lee & Ada Boyd
110 17 William Nesbit Henderson
110 18 David Miller Gow
110 19 Mable Gow
110 20 Edwin Burgin Ida Liddle
110 21 Charles Adee Elizabeth Coulter
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