
Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site

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TAX ROLL of the town of COLCHESTER for the year 1849

Attached to this Roll, on a seperate sheet, is the following:)
This the Tax Roll of Colchester for 1849 delivered to W. Youmans Jr at his Office in Delhi NY, Out 13th 1873 by Stephen C. Johnson in our presence - and then and there by us carefully examined and found to contain but 14 leaves 29 pages, the one cover included. No lot No 92 or Spooner Tract on said Roll

                 Jno Gray Pain
                 Chas. McPhail
                 Geo. W. Youmans
                 Wm J Palmer
page 1    Inventory of the Real and Personal property in the town of 
          Colchester, the County of Delaware, and the Tax thereon in the year
          of cur Lord 1849
     2    Names                     acres  Real Personal aggrt    Tax
          Alby, John                 116   $250 $        $ 250    $2.19
          Allen, Philip              330    400   -----    400     3.50

          Boyce, James                50     75   -----     75      .66
          Barnhart, George           193    300   -----    300     2.63
          Barnhart, Morgan            31     50   -----     50      .44
          Baxter, Joel               215    400   -----    400     3.50
          Baxter, Giles              430    350   -----    350     3.06
          Baxter, Hiram              200    150   -----    150     1.32
          Baxter, Solomon             57    100   -----    100      .88
          Brainard, Isaac            127   1200   -----   1200    10.50
          Brainard, John             100    300   -----    300     2.63

page 2    Brainard, James            143    380   -----    380     3.32
          Brock, Daniel              200    700   -----    700     6.13
          Brock, John                100    400   -----    400     3.50
          Brock, Peter Shaw & Titus   54     60   -----     60      .53
          Brock, George              150   1000   -----   1000     8.75
          Brazee, Tunis              160    100   -----    100      .88
          Brazee, Peter & Robert     126    125   -----    125     1.10
          Bassett, Philip              6.5  350    300     650     5.69
          Bogart, Benjamin            20    275   -----    275     2.41
          Bogart, Richard occupant    60    600   -----    600     5.25
          Bogart, Phebe             ----   ----    400     400     3.50
               Administrator of James 
          Bogart, Peter 3d            25     75   -----     75      .66
          Bogart, Leonard             60    100   -----    100      .88
          Bigelow, Ephraim            56    175   -----    175     1.54
          Barlow, Eli                107    325   -----    325     2.84
          Barlow, Corbin             196    200   -----    200     1.75
          Bennett, Cornelius          94    250   -----    250     2.19
page 3    Bradley, Abel C.           120    100   -----    100      .88
          Bradley, Nathsan           160    150   -----    150     1.32
          Bradley, Isaac              70    100   -----    100      .88
          Bates, James               637    950   -----    950     8.31
     3    Bates, Robert              ----------------------------------
          Boughton, Nathan           167    125   -----    125     1.10
          Boughton, Rufus & Babcock  120     90   -----     90      .79
          Barns, Amos                100    120   -----    120     1.06
          Butler, Alexander          100    100   -----    100      .88
          Butler, Charles             70     75   -----     75      .66
          Butler, Henry              130    130   -----    130     1.14
          Barns, Andrew              164    250   -----    250     2.19
          Buckly, James M.           100    150   -----    150     1.32
          Baker, William & William jr 91    325   -----    325     2.84

page 4    Cook, Jepatha              200    150   -----    150     1.32
          Cook, Joseph               238    350   -----    350     3.06
          Cook, Daniel occupant      160    250   -----    250     2.19
          Cook, Halsey               166    250   -----    250     2.19
          Cook, Enoch                 80    110   -----    110      .97
          Cole, Nathan                50     50   -----     50      .44
          Cook, John                 160    160   -----    160     1.41
          Cook, Elisha               160    160   -----    160     1.41
          Campbell, Daniel           160    850   -----    850     7.44
          Campbell, Robert           102    300   -----    300     2.63
          Campbell, Archibald jr     221    450   -----    450     3.94
          Chubb, Abraham             100    300   -----    300     2.63
          Chubb, Abraham jr          100    100   -----    100      .88
          Cole, Henry                 63     80   -----     80      .70
          Cole, Alexander            503    500   -----    500     4.38
          Cochran, Oliver             66    150   -----    150     1.32

page 5    Chapman, Enos               40     40   -----     40      .35
          Conklin, Elisha            100    500      50    550     4.82
          Conklin, Ambrose           200    275      50    325     2.84
          Conklin, Eleazer G         100    250      75    325     2.84
     4    Conklin, Eleazer & Stevens 100     75   -----     75      .66
          Conklin, James A            84    100   -----    100      .88
          Clapperton, Agnes          200    275   -----    275     2.41
              widow of James
          Chrisman, Henry             26     50   -----     50      .44
          Climmts, Clark              10     50   -----     50      .44
          Combs, Joseph               10    100   -----    100      .88
          Cummin, John               130    175   -----    175     1.54

          Dann, Henry                167    650   -----    650     5.67
          Downs, Sarah                12    200    1000   1200    10.50
          Downs, George & Elwood     ---    ---     500    500     4.38
          Downs, George             1334   4500   -----   4500    39.38
          Dibble, Henry W.           303    450   -----    450     3.94
          Davis, John                150    175   -----    175     1.54
          Davis, Elias                70     55   -----     55      .48
page 6    Davis, Richard              90     50   -----     50      .44
          DeWitt, Harry               60     40   -----     40      .35
          DeWitt, Garrett         -------------------------------------
          DeWitt, Harry               80     60   -----     60      .53
          Dodge, Israel               25     25   -----     25      .22
          Denio, John                 90     67   -----     67      .58
          Disbrow, Jacob             100    125   -----    125     1.10 
          Disbrow, George & William  327    225   -----    225     1.97
          Davidson, William           80    250   -----    250     2.19
          Davidson, William Jr       363    300   -----    300     2.63
          Dodge, Cyrus C.            278    300   -----    300     2.63
          Dodge, Austin               50     50   -----     50      .44
          Dodge, Israel I.           148    150   -----    150     1.32

          Ebenezer, Dann (sic)       260    700   -----    700     6.13
          Elwood, Nathan             140    200   -----    200     1.75
          Elwood, William V.          88     50   -----             .44
          Elwood, Alexander & William H ---------   600    600     5.25

page 7    Elwood, George             100    300   -----    300     2.03
          Elwood, Hezekiah           537   1500     400   1900    16.63
          Early, Edget               258    300   -----    300     2.63
     5    Fuller, Thomas W.          148    275   -----    275     2.41
          Fuller, Hiram               27    50    -----     50      .44
          Fuller, John D.             83   800    -----    800     7.00
          Fuller, Loami                1   200    -----    200     1.75
          Fuller, Nathan S.          300   200    -----    200     1.75
          Fuller, Samuel L.          140   250    -----    250     2.19
          Fuller, George & Harrison  290   400    -----    400     3.50
          Fuller, Hiram & Jared      100   150    -----    150     1.32
          Fuller, Hiram T             63   100    -----    100      .88
          Fuller, Daniel              80    80    -----     80      .70
          Fuller, David              420   300    -----    300     2.63
          Fuller, Jacob              200   225    -----    225     1.97
          Fuller, Timothy & Elijah   120   100    -----    100      .88
          Fuller, Nathan & Benjamin  100    75    -----     75      .66

page 8    Francisco, Delaney          73   625    -----    625     5.47
          Francisco, Orlando         150   120    -----    120     1.06
          Francisco, Benjamin        150   120    -----    120     1.06
          Francisco, John            960   800    -----    800     7.00
          Francisco, Francis         160   150    -----    150     1.32
          Francisco, Richard         200   550    -----    550     4.82
          Francisco, Erastus         100   250    -----    250     2.19
          Francisco, Garret          100    75    -----     75      .66
          Flower, George G.          120   120    -----    120     1.06
          Furguson, John             100    75    -----     75      .66
          Finch, Jesse               176   225    -----    225     1.97
          Finch, Francis             170   175    -----    175     1.54
          Finch, Jacob               100   200    -----    200     1.75
          Folkerson, Mark            279   200    -----    200     1.75
          Flinn, Thomas              100   400    -----    400     3.50

page 9    Gardner(?), Alexander       50    50    -----     50      .44
          Gregory, John W.           110   500    -----    500     4.38
          Gregory, John H.           900  1800    -----   1800    15.75
     6    Gregory, Daniel H.          98   750    -----    750     6.57
          Gregory, Linas F.           22    50    -----     50      .44
          Gregory, Amos               78   700    -----    700     6.13
          Gregory, Amos Josiah P     216   175    -----    175     1.54
          Gregory, Josiah R          192   260    -----    260     2.28
          Gregory, Hiram             347   350    -----    350     3.06
          Gregory, George P.         100   125    -----    125     1.10
          Gregory, Hamilton           80   150    -----    150     1.32
          Gregory, Ira               220   125    -----    125     1.10
          Gregory, David W.           80   125    -----    125     1.10
          Green, William H.           78   125    -----    125     1.10
          Garrison, Samuel W.         50    75    -----     75      .66
          Gage, David                132   300    -----    300     2.63
          Gage, Thomas                50    75    -----     75      .66
          Gillet, Luther             223   300    -----    300     2.63

page 10   Gilmon, Joseph W.          483   250    -----    250     2.19

          Hood, Minard                50    50    -----     50      .44
          Howard, George R.          150   160    -----    160     1.41
          Hitt, Mary, widow of       157   285    -----    285     2.49
          Hitt, Samuel               250   500    -----    500     4.38
          Hitt, Erastus              187   300    -----    300     2.63
          Hitt, John T.               60   600    -----    600     5.25
          Harmon(?), Robert M.       100   150    -----    150     1.32
          Hunter, Alfred             305  2000      150   2150    18.82
          Hunter, John               296   600    -----    600     5.25
          Hunter, Daniel             100   350    -----    350     3.06
          Hall, Seth                 192   175    -----    175     1.54
          Holliday, William Jr.      498  1000    -----   1000     8.75
          Hotchkiss, Solomon         100   100    -----    100      .88
          Hulbut, Lyman              112   100    -----    100      .88
          Harrow, Ransford            15    45    -----     45      .39

page 11   Harrow, Hanford &Jerry Bice 32   150    -----    150     1.32
          Hawks, Eben                135   300    -----    300     2.63
          Hawks, Nathaniel            80   100    -----    100      .88
      7   Hutchins, John             108   150    -----    150     1.32
          Horton, Peter               66   150    -----    150     1.32
          Horton, G.W. Paige & J.    666   333    -----    333     2.93
          Horton, David              200   400    -----    400     3.50
          Horton, Enoch              369   275    -----    275     2.41
          Huntly, George              49   275    -----    275     2.41
          Hardy, John M.             180   180    -----    180     1.59

          Johnson, Edward              1    50    -----     50      .44
          Ingraham, John              80    80    -----     80      .70
          Johnson, Henry              92   150    -----    150     1.32
          Johnson, John               92   150    -----    150     1.32
          Jenning, George             93   100    -----    100      .88

page 12   Kinch, Heth                 63   100    -----    100      .88
          Kinch, Joshua P.            98   100    -----    100      .98
          Knox, David                 50    50    -----     50      .44
          Knapp, Wm.Enoch occupant    51   650    -----    650     5.69
          Knapp, Phelps              250   150    -----    150     1.32
          Knapp(?), Allen             60   700    -----    700     6.13
          Kimball, William           160   550      100    650     5.69
          Kimball, William D.         82   150    -----    150     1.32

          Lloyd, Jesse & Henry B.    103   300    -----    300     2.63
          Lloyd, Enoch W.            100   100    -----    100      .88
          Lenox, James                52   250    -----    250     2.19
          Kimball, Isaac             110   200    -----    200     1.75
          Knapp. Wm Enoch             66    75    -----     75      .66
          Lane, William S.            60    50    -----     50      .44
          Lawrence, Jacob            100   150    -----    150     1.32

page 13   Landfield, Majah D.        161   300    -----    300     2.63
          Lindley, Ezra              156   300    -----    300     2.63
      8   Lindley, Samuel C.         200   450    -----    450     3.94
          Lown, David                 98   275    -----    275     2.41
          Lamb, Rowland              100   160    -----    160     1.41

          More, William H.           190   225    -----    225     1.97
          Miller, George F.          138   200    -----    200     1.75
          Miller, Albert              80   125    -----    125     1.10
          Miller, William            100   125    -----    125     1.10
          Miller, David               30   150    -----    150     1.32
          Miller, Jacob               25    75    -----     75      .66
          Miller, Joseph              25    75    -----     75      .66
          Mallory, Enos               20    20    -----     20      .18
          Mallory, David             100   150    -----    150     1.32
          Minard, Widow of Oliver     84   200    -----    200     1.75
          Minard, Lewis               60   100    -----    100      .88
          Minard, Erastus             31    40    -----     40      .35

page 14   McDonald, James             83   125      125   1110     1.10
          McDonald, John              50     75   -----     75      .66
          McNee, William B.          167    280   -----    280     2.45
          McGown; Duncan              60     60   -----     60      .53
          Martin, Joseph             234   1200   -----   1200    10.50
          Merriet, Ebenezer          100    125   -----    125     1.10
          Merriet, John              100    250   -----    250     2.19
          Merriet, John & Spencer    100     75   -----     75      .66
          Martin, James              150    300   -----    300     2.63
          Northrop, Joseph           139    150   -----    150     1.32
          Northrop, Moses            139    150   -----    150     1.32
          Northrop, Gilbert          260    400   -----    400     3.50
          Owen, Jesse                 50     75   -----     75      .66
          Odwell, John                 1    100   -----    100      .88

page 15   Pine, Horatio N.            20    275   -----    275     2.41
          Palmer, Sanders             75     80   -----     80      .70
          Paul, John                 153    160   -----    160     1.41
      9   Phelp, George H.           144    775   -----    775     6.79
          Pelton (?), Milton         160    150   -----    150     1.32
          Pratt, Joseph               80    100   -----    100      .88
          Prion(?), William          157    250   -----    250     2.19
          Quinn, Timothy             100    130   -----    130     1.14
          Radeker, John              155   1000   -----   1000     8.75
          Radeker, Henry             150    200   -----    200     1.75
          Radeker, Peter R.            5    150   -----    150     1.32
          Radeker, John H. &Peter R. 448    750   -----    750     6.57
          Radeker, Perry               1    100      50    150     1.32
          Radeker, Barna             690   1600     500   2100    18.38
          Radeker, Henry J.          160    700   -----    700     6.13
page 16   Radeker, William H.         45    375   -----    375     3.28
          Radeker, John R.            65    400   -----    400     3.50
          Roff, William H.           190    650   -----    650     5.69
          Ruoff, Frederick           264    275   -----    275     2.41
          Reid, Hamilton             195    200   -----    200     1.75
          Rhead, Jacob               160    250   -----    250     2.19
          Rose, James & Peter        217    163   -----    163     1.44
          Ryant, Joel & Leander Hitt   1    150   -----    150     1.32
          Ryant, Joel                  40    75   -----     75      .66
          Ramsey, Simeon J.R.         150   150   -----    150     1.32
          Ramsey, Samuel              150   150   -----    150     1.32
          Rdse, Charles                98    75   -----     75      .66
          Rose, James & John Denio    100   125   -----    125     1.10
          Row, Lorenzo                 43    60   -----     60      .53
          Row, Samuel                 100   100   -----    100      .88
          Rayner, Levi                360   250   -----    250     2.19
page 17   Rayner, James                50    75   -----     75      .66
          Rayner, William                 (all     blank
          Russel, Matthew             600   750   -----    750     6.57
    10    Row, Leonard & Barber,levi    1   100   -----    100      .88
          Spragu, George               95    95   -----     95      .83
          Sewell, William               1    30   -----     30      .26
          Signer, John                 15    30   -----     30      .26
          Signer, David M              54    60   -----     60      .53
          Signer, David               154   225   -----    225     1.97
          Smith, Topher (?)           130   250   -----    250     2.19
          Shaw, Donald                104   125   -----    125     1.10
          Shaw; Daniel                 50    40   -----     40      .35
          Smith, Henry                 96   150   -----    150     1.32
          Smith, John                 199   350   -----    350     3.06
          Sacket, George              173   130   -----    130     1.14
          Shaver, William K.          200   275   -----    275     2.41
          Shaver, Townsend            131  1000   -----   1000     8.75
page 18   Shaver, James W.            222   350   -----    350     3.06
          Shaver, James & Henry S.    180  1450   -----   1450    12.69
          Shaver, Henry               117   100   -----    100      .88
          Shaver, Henry & William     160   700   -----    700     6.13
          Shaver, Henry S             400  1700   -----   1700    14.88
          Shaver, John 2nd            500  2000   -----   2000    17.50
          Seth, George                110   150   -----    150     1.32
          Stevens, Sebra              100   100   -----    100      .88
          Stevens, Aaron              156   150   -----    150     1.32
          Stevens, William            100   150   -----    150     1.32
          Sprague, Peter H.           100   200   -----    200     1.75
          Sprague, Hiram              100   225   -----    225     1.97
          Sprague, Abraham S.         530  1200   -----   1200    10.50
          Sprague, Abraham 2nd        150   150   -----    150     1.32
          Sewell, Daniel K.             3    25   -----     25      .22
          Sewell, Nathan              155   200   -----    200     1.75
          Sprague, Hiram occupant      50    40   -----     40      .35
page 19   Stewart, William             90    75   -----     75      .66
          Stewart, Marshall           156   100   -----    100      .88
          Tiffany, Thomas Jr          193   140   -----    140     1.23
          Tiffany, Harry              275   200   -----    200     1.75
          Tompkins, Enoch             160   150   -----    150     1.32
          Tompkins, Nathaniel         164   120   -----    120     1.06
          Thompson, John               90   100   -----    100      .88
          Thompson, Daniel             50    75   -----     75      .66
          Tompkins, William            50    75   -----     75      .66
          Townsend, Peter             262   250   -----    250     2.19
          Taviss, Russell             110   160   -----    160     1.41
          Teed, Isaac                 189   550   -----    550     4.82
          Teed, Elisha                112   150   -----    150     1.32
          Taylor, John                102   100   -----    100      .88
          Twaddle, James M..          156   100   -----    100      .88
                (Page with no information on it. Not numbered.)
page 20   Vernold, George       (*95?) 15*  150   -----    150     1.32
          Vernold, John                30   100   -----    100      .88
          Vernold, Henry               40    60   -----     60      .53
      12  Vernold, Margaret             3    15   -----     15      .13
          Vail, James                  70   125   -----    125     1.10
          Wilson, Daniel & William    285  1200   -----   1200    10.50
          Wilson, Isaac               150   225   -----    225     1.97
          Wilson, Isaac                89   100   -----    100      .88
              son of James C.
          Wilson, Joshua              200   300   -----    300     2.63
          Wilson, James C.            212  1200     100   1300    11.09
          Wilson, Peter                74   125   -----    125     1.10
          Wilson, Charles             164   650   -----    650     5.69
          Wilson, Ephraim J.           50   225   -----    225     1.97
          Wilson, Daniel & J. Barnhart 100  200   -----    200     1.75
          Williams, Isaac              91   100   -----    100      .88
          Williams, Smith              54   125   -----    125     1.10
          Wilson, Clinton              50   150   -----    150     1.32
page 21   Williams, James              87   275   -----    275     2.41
          Williams, Thomas             86   225   -----    225     1.97
          Williams, Marles G.          74   100   -----    100      .88
          Williams, Albert T.          10    30   -----     30      .26


                                                John Gladston
          Superintendent of Schools $ 217.51    John Calhoun
               Do        of Highways  338.45    Asahel R. Dutton
          Supervisor                  295.93    Hiram Scofield
          Treasurer                   434.13    Alexr Salton
                                                J.R. Baldwin
                      Total         $1285.99    Homer Bostwick
                                                Charles Maples
                                                Samuel Doyle
                                                Alfred Hunter
                                                Gabriel S Mead
                                                John B. Yendes
                                                Ira Hicks             14
                                                Wm Simpson Jr
 Back page
                Collector of the Town of Colchester

You are hereby directed and required to collect from the several persons named in this Assessment Roll, the several sums mentioned in the last column of every page opposite their respective names; And you are hereby authorized, in case any shall refuse or neglect to pay such sum or sums, to levy the same by distress and sale of his or her goods and chattels, together with the costs and charges of distress and sale; And you are directed to pay out of the money so collected to the Superintendent of Common Schools of said town, the sum of two hundred and seventeen Dollars and fifty one Cents; to the Commissioners of Highways of said town three hundred thirty eight Dollars and forty five Cents; to the Supervisor of said town, two hundred and ninety five Dollars and ninety Cents; and to the Treasurer of the County of Delaware, the residue, being four hundred thirty four Dollars and thirteen Cents, on or before the first day of February next; And you are also to collect for your services, on all monies received or collected by you, as aforesaid, two per cent fees on all voluntary payments made to you within thirty days from the time you shall have first posted the notices in the town; and after the expiration of the said thirty days you are to collect five cents on each dollar for your services on all sums remaining unpaid, in pursuance of the Act passed May 10th, 1845, entitled "An Act to reduce the number of Town Officers, and Town and County expenses, and to prevent abuses in auditing town and County Accounts," and also in pursuance of an act, passed December 15, 1847, entitled "An Act to amend the twenty-ninth section of an Act entitled "An Act to reduce the number of Town Officers and Town and County expenses, and to prevent abuses in auditing Town and County Accounts, passed May 10,1845," - And for doing this shall be your sufficient WARRANT,
Given under our hands and seals, this 19th day of December, 1849.

                                     Robert Hughston Chairman
                                     Orrin Denizon
                                     J B Brugg    
hardcopy submitted by Shirley Houck, Delaware County Clerks Office
electonic text by Joyce Riedinger, August 28, 2000

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a service of the Delaware County Historical Association located at 46549 State Highway 10, Delhi, NY 13753

Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger