
Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site

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Copy from Delaware County Clerk's Office
Electronic Text prepared by Joyce Riedinger, August 30, 1998

Assessment Roll - 1798
Town of Delhi (East Part)

Atkinson, John John Atkinson Of New York Adjoining West Branch of Delaware 19,000 38,000
Barber, Amazia Amazia Barber 1 log house 13X13 on little Delaware 3 143 289
Barber, George George Barber 1 log house 18X15 Joining the above 10 144 298
Barber, Augustus Augustus Barber do 152 304
Bill, Benajah Gideon Frisbee or Benajah Bill 1 log house 23X28 do 20 160 340
Bill, Jonathan Jonathan Bill 1 log house 18X14 Joining the farm of Daniel Smith on Little Delaware 6 157 320
Burgen, Chandler Stephen Palmer Joining Jonathan Bill Farm 147 394
Bramblee, William William Bramblee 1 log house 20X18 Joining Henry Shoemaker 16 145 306
Benedict, Thaddeus Thaddeus Benedict 1 log house 18X14 Joining Carr Farm on Delaware 4 116 236
Baxter, Levi Levi Baxter Joining Ben Smith on Delaware 115 230
Beardslee, Elijah Robert R. Livingston 1 log house 20X16 in the mountains 30 120 270
Beardslee, Daniel Daniel Beardslee 1 log house 18X18 in the mountains 18 100 218
Barker, Richard Richard Barker 1 log house 24X16 Joining Joseph McFarlane 12 202 416
Barber, William William Barber 1 log house 14X13 Joining Jacob Wright 5 80 165
Bailey, Jacob Jacob Bailey 1 log house 16X16 Joining Abijah Gregory 12 160 332
Brush, Alexander Alexander Brush 1 log house & sawmill 16X13 Joining Abel Beardsley 5 160 395
Boomhower, Andrew Andrew Boomhower 1 frame barn 31X31 Joining Jacob Boomhower 100 345
Boomhower, Jacob Jacob Boomhower 1 frame barn 22X18 Joining Andrew Boomhower 75 100 287
Burdick, Rufus Rufus Burdick 1 log house 20X18 on the mountain E. of Carpenter 2 160 322
Chase, Philip Philip Chase Joining Miles Ralph 95 190
Chase, Walter Walter Chase 1 log house 32X16 Joining Edward Chase 12 79 170
Chase, Edward John Atkinson of New York 1 log house 18X16 Joining Walter Chase 6 160 320
Carpenter, Jonathan Jonathan Carpenter 1 log house 16X14 on the mountain 5 160 325
Carpenter, William William Carpenter 1 log house 30X15 Joining Judge Leal 15 74 163
Carr, William William Carr 1 log house 16X16 Joining Thaddeus Benedict 2 108 218
Davis, Widdow Robert R. Livingston 1 log house 14X12 Joining William Bramley 6 160 320
Denio, William Robert R. Livingston 1 log house 28X15 Joining Silas Green on Delaware 15 50 115
Deforest, Isaac Madam Montgomery in the mountains 160 322
Dodge, Joseph Madam Montgomery 1 log house 12X12 in the mountains 2 80 160
Dodge, Joseph Joseph Dodge 1 log house 30X20 Joining Widdow Greens Farm 22 50 122
Edward, Henry Henry Edward 2 log houses 20X16 & 40X14 Joining Wagners on Delaware 23 200 423
Foote, Ebenezer Ebenezer Foote 295 590
Fisk, Joseph Joseph Fisk 1 log house 27X13 on Verplanks Great Flat 18 200 418
Green, Philaman Robert R. Livingston 1 log house 16X16 Joining Silas Green 6 90 180
Green, Silas Robert R. Livingston 1 log house 28X14 Joining Wm Denio 12 50 112
Green, John Robert R. Livingston 1 framed house 24X16 Joining Wm Denio 75 50 175
Gregory, Abijah Abijah Gregory 1 log house 38X20 Joining Jacob Bailey 30 160 350
Gerome, Timothy Timothy Gerome 1 log house 24X16 Joining Henry Ranson 15 160 335
Gerome, Eliphaz Eliphaz Gerome 1 log house 18X16 Joining John Sines 12 160 332
Green, Clark Clark, Green 1 log house 20X17 Joining Joseph Dodge 10 10 30
Green, Widdow Widdow Green 1 log house 26X13 Joining Joseph Dodge 15 60 135
Griswold, Elias Ebenezer Barker of Freehold 1 log house 15X15 Joining Widdow Green 10 60 130
Hall, Adam Adam Hall 1 log house 16X16 Joining Elias Griswold 8 50 108
Hughson, Isaac Isaac Hughson 1 log house 16X14 Joining Joseph McFarlane 10 100 210
Howland, Samuel John Atkinson 1 log house 16X14 Joining Delaware 5 9 23
Howland, Joseph John Atkinson 1 log house 16X16 Joining Job Howland 2 36 74
Howland, Job Job Howland 1 log house 30X14 Joining Josep Howland 15 83 181
Howland, Phineas Phineas Howland 1 frame barn 40X30 Joining Gersham Howland
Howland, Phineas Phineas Howland 1 log house 18X14 Joining Gersham Howland 10 80 270
Howland, Gershom Gershom Howland 2 log houses 16X14 & 20X18 Joining Charles Howard 18 86 190
Howard, Charles Charles Howard 1 log house 16X16 Joining Philip Chase 7 91 189
Kidsey, Adam Adam Kidsey Stamford 1 log house 21X19 Joining Alexander McDonald 13 165 343
Unoccupied Robert R. Livingston Joining West Branch of Delaware 13000 26000
Unoccupied Morgan Lewis Joining West Branch of Delaware 14000 28000
Leal, Alexander Alexander Leal 1 log house 18X18 on Delaware at mouth of Little Delaware 20 408 876
Lee, John Abraham Simmons 1 log house 14X12 Joining Daniel Mabee 65 135 135
Miller, Caleb Caleb Miller 1 log house 18X16 Joining Stephen Palmer 146 293 293
Miller, Jacob Jacob Miller 1 log house 20X20 Joining Joseph Mitchells lot 7 125 257
Mitchell, Joseph Joseph Mitchell Joining Jacob Miller 125 250
McFarlane, Joseph Joseph McFarlane 2 log houses 14X14 & 20X20 Joining Richard Barker 22 172 366
Mabee, Daniel Daniel Mabee 1 log house 20X20 Joining Francis Yeomans 8 100 238
Mason, James James Mason 1 log house 24X12 on Great Flat 10 100 210
Mason, George George Mason 1 log house 16X13 on Great Flat 10 100 210
Unoccupied Madam Montgomery Joining Robert R Livingston tract 14000 28000
McKee, Alexander Alexander McKhee 1 log house 20X17 on the mountain 4 160 324
Maxwell, Alexander Alexander Maxwell 1 log house 20X17 Joining Wm Carpenter 13 74 161
Odell, Jeremiah Madam Montgomery 1 log house 16X14 Joining John Lee 12 117 246
Osborn, Peter Jun Peter Osborn Jun Stamford 1 log house 18X16 Joining Justus Purdy 6 153 312
Palmer, Stephen Stephen Palmer 1 mill 21X20 on little Delaware
Palmer, Stephen Stephen Palmer 1 log house 24X20 on little Delaware 10 150 160
Peters, James James Peters 1 log house 16X16 Joining Eliphaz Gerome 10 160 330
Place, Daniel Maddam Montgomery 1 log house 16X15 Joining Seth Whitney 6 94 194
Purdy, Justus Justus Purdy Stamford 1 log house 14X12 Joining Peter Osburn 3 139 281
Powell, James James Powell Stamford 1 log house 16X13 Joining William Yeoman 12 202 416
Paterson, Hezekiah Pain Cleveland 1 log house 14X12 in Wilsons Clove 3 100 203
Riggs, Mathew Mathew Riggs 1 log house 12X12 Joining Adam Hall 2 25 52
Randall, Greenfield Robert R. Livingston 1 frame house 16X16 Joining Palmer Wardwell 5 46 97
Rider, John John Rider 1 log house 16X14 Joining Isaac Hughson 3 91 185
Rhoads, Cornelius Madam Montgomery 1 log house 16X14 on the mountain 3 160 200
Ranson, Henry Madam Montgomery 1 log house 16X14 Joining Timothy Gerome 4 120 244
Ralp, Miles Miles Ralph 1 log house 22X18 joining Walter Chase 6 65 136
Smith, Daniel Daniel Smith 2 log houses 20X16 & 14X14 Joining Jonathan Bills 17 316 649
Shoemaker, Henry Henry Shoemaker 1 log house 16X14 Joining Caleb Miller 6 145 296
Smith, Benjamin Benjamin Smith 1 log house 16X14 Joining Thaddeus Benedict 8 116 240
Simmons, Joshua Joshua Simmons 1 frame house 18X16 Joining Delaware River 12 93 198
Soper, Jonas Jonas Soper 1 log house 20X16 on the mountains 12 186 191
Sines, John John Sines 1 log house 18X16 Joining Eliphaz Gerome 12 160 332
Sniffin, Andrew Maddam Montgomery 1 log house 18X16 on mountains 4 160 124
Storey, James James Storey Stamford 1 log house 18X16 Joining Judge Lambs land 13 103 219
Stephens, Nathan Pain Cleveland owns 100 acres - Nathan Stephens 1 log house 20X16 Wilsons Clove 12 202 416
Unoccupied Nathan Stephens Streight 1 log house 14X14 near Baxters East Lot 4 100 203
Thompson, John jun John Thompson Stamford 1 framed house 18X16 Joining Adam Kidsey 50 195 340
Tiffany, Nathaniel Nathaniel Tiffany 2 log houses 14X14 on Great Flat of Verplanks 22 100 222
Ten Broeck, John John Ten Broeck 1 log house 22X16 Joining Ebenezer Footes lot 15 185 385
Terry, Urbanna Pain Cleveland 1 log house 16X14 Wilsons Clove 5 100 205
Townsend, Gilbert Gilbert Townsend 1 framed house 30X20 unfinished in Wilsons Clove 40 100 250
Unoccupied Gulian Verplank Joining Judge Lewis Tract 18000 36000
Unoccupied Samuel Verplank Joining Gulian Verplank 12400 24800
Wardwell, Palmer Palmer Wardwell 1 log house 16X14 Joining William Denio 6 47 100
Wright, Jacob Jacob Wright 1 log house 16X14 Joining William Barber 8 80 168
Whitney, Sith Maddam Montgomery 1 log house 15X15 Joining Francis Yeomans 4 94 192
Williams, William John Atkinson 1 log house 15X15 Joining Edward Chase 5 80 165
Wagner, Henry Henry Wagner 1 framed barn 36X20 on Great Flat
Wagner, Henry Henry Wagner 1 log house 20X20 5 200 485
Ward, Reuben Reuben Ward 1 log house 24X14 on Great Flat 20 100 220
Yeomans, Francis Francis Yeomans 1 log house 16X16 Joining James Powell 10 160 330
Yeomans, William William Yeomans Stamford 1 log house 18X16 Joining James Powell 10 165 335

* Not Exceeding $100

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a service of the Delaware County Historical Association located at 46549 State Highway 10, Delhi, NY 13753

Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger