
Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site

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The Town of Delhi was erected by Act of the State Legislature, passed March 23, 1798, from part of the Towns of Walton, Kortright, and Middletown. At this time, it included part of what later became the Towns of Meredith, Bovina, Andes, & Hampton (later renamed Hamden).

Amount of State Taxes paid in the Town of Delhi in the year 1799

      Names of Persons Taxed      dolls  cents  mills

    1 Francis Yeomans                      43 |    6
    2 Seth Whitney                         26      2
    3 Daniel Place                         22      4
    4 Jacob Wright                         22      8
    5 Richard Baker                        47      0
    6 William Barber                       31      2
    7 Isaac Deforest                       37      8
    8 Jacob Bailey                         36      2
    9 Abijah Gregory                       48      4
   10 Timothy Jeroms                       36      1
   11 Henry Ranson                         24      4
   12 John Jerome in place of Eliphalet    43      2
   13 John Sines                           39      5
   14 James Peters                         44      2
   15 Daniel Beardsley                     26      -
   16 Elijah Beardsley                     32      6
   17 Abel Beardsley                        4      2
   18 Alexander Brush                      45      5
   19 Samuel Barker                         3      -
   20 Joseph McFarland Junr                 1      -
   21 Joseph McFarland                     40      6
   22 Isaac Huson                          29      -
   23 William Youl                          4      1
   24                                      29      3
   25 John Bremblee                         3      -
   26 William Bremblee                     34      8
   27 Henry Shoemaker                      31      8
   28 Widdow Davis                         35      -
   29 Jacob Miller                         30      9
   30 Jonah Soper                          41      8
   31 John Kidder                          73      4
   32 The same                             24      3
   33 David Clark                          16      2
   34 Michael Frear                         3      -
   35 Chauncey Kidder                      14      8
   36 Abraham Sloot                        11      5
   37 John Mabee                           75      6
   38 Abraham Mabie .                       7      5
   39 John Cole                            20      3
   40 Matthew Riggs                        16      5
   41 The same                              5      2
   42 John Lee                             19      8
   43 Benajah Bill for Wm                  11      3
   44 Jeremiah Odell                       31      6
   45 Jacob Boomhouer                      35      7
   46 Andrew Boomhouer                     31      5
   47 Clark Green                           3      -
   48 Joseph Dodge                         21      4
   49 The same                             12      2
   50 Widdow Green                         17      5
   51 Adam Hall                            42      4
   52 Philimon Green                       19      -
   53 James Smith                           4      1
   54 Abraham Simmons                      19      5
   55 Daniel Mabe                          32      6
   56 Silas Green                          17      6
   57 John Dennand                         28      2
   58 James J. White                       35      1
   59 Erastus Root                         13      2
   60 George Fisher                  1     33      8
   61 John McCleland                       25      -
   62 David Rathbone                       16      -
   63 Gideon Rathbone                      45      1
   64 Simeon Sloot                          4      5
   65 Putnam Farrington                    48      2
   66 Ephraim Barrett                      36      5
   67 John Green                           22      5
   68 Palmer Wardwill                      13      2
   69 Josiah Simmons                       21      6
   70 Gideon Frisbee                 1     63      9
   71 Thomas Fitch                          4      2
   72 Jacob Virgill                        13      8
   73 Ephraim Brownson                      7      5
   74 Thomas Gillet                        31      -
   75 Haniel Warnir                        44      5
   76 Benjamin Sears                       66      6
   77 Ebenezer Patchin                      6      0
   78 Edmund Rathbone                      25      4
   79 Francis Robinson                     20      1
   80 Edward Robinson                       6      6
   81 Levi Baxter                    1     28      1
   82 The same                             23      -
   83 James Tift                           36      7
   84 William Denio                        14      5
   85 John J. TenBroeck for Finch          23      9
   86 Alexander Maxwell                    22      6
   87 Amaziah Barber                       30      8
   88 George Barber                        32      8
   89 Augustus Barber                      32      3
   90 Elias Griswold                       21      5
   91 Theophilus Fenn                       9      2
   92 Daniel Smith                         74      9
   93 Chandler Burgin                      32      4
   94 Jonathan Bill                        35      8
   95 Stephen Palmer                       51      2
   96 William Carpenter                    24      5
   97 Barber Carpenter                      3      0
   98 Ebenezer Foote                       77      -
   99 John Shoemaker                 1     31      5
  100 Peter Wiesmer                         3      -
  101 Alexander Leal                       90      5
  102 Henry Leal                            6      -
  103 Joseph Denio                         65      4
  104 Abel Beaman                          33      3
  105 Joseph Fisk                          54      -
  106 George Mason                         27      -
  107 James Mason                          29      8
  108 Henry Waggonnen                      61      8
  109 Henry Edward                         58      7
  110 Urbanna Terry                        25      7
  111 Hezekiah Patterson                   26      7
  112 Nathan Stevens                       68      8
  113 Gilbert Townsend                     30      6
  114 Joseph Edward                                4
  115 Nathaniel Tiffany                    32      1
  116 Reuben Ward                          28      -
  117 Jonathan Cowley                      17      7
  118 Ebenezer Kinnie                      28      2
  119 John Howard                          66      4
  120 Enoch Miller Junr             1       5      5
  121 Enoch Miller                          7      8
  122 William Cornell               1      27      8
  123 Oliver Peek                          29      -
  124 Roswell Peek                         40      8
  125 James Howard                         89      -
  126 David Harrow Junr                    50      -
  127 David Harrow                  1      22      5
  128 Samuel Robinson                      90      6
  129 Ely McIntyre                         14      4
  130 Thomas Hamilton                      40      5
  131 George Wiesmer                1       2      5
  132 Bartholemew Yendes                   90      1
  133 Jacob Best                            6      -
  134 Jacob Platner                 2      26      5
  135 William Andrews                      39      5
  136 Jonathan Carpenter                   32      5
  137 John Andrews                         31      5
  138 Ephraim Beers                        60      6
  139 Walter Chase                         30      8
  140 Philip Chase                         20      -
  141 Samuel Olmstead                      19      -
  142 Herman Sawyer                         3      -
  143 Jessee Sawyer                         3      -
  144 Michael Goodrich Junr                 4      -
  145 Elisha Williams               1      24      8
  146 Samuel Frisbee                       62      1
  147 Jacob Best for Shoemaker             12      6
  148 Michael Ralph for Darrow             41      -
  149 John Atkinson of New York     3      80      -
  150 Robert R. Livingston         10       -      -
  151 Morgan Lewis                 12       -      -
  152 Maddam Montgomery            12       -      -
  153 Gulian Verplank              18       -      -
  154 Samuel Verplank              12      40      -
  155 Sam. A. Law for James Brace  11      52      7
  156 Henry Drinker                 3      33      4
  157 Temple Franklin               3      56      6
  158 James C. Fisher               3      84      -
  159 William W Fisher              3      72      8
  160 Stephen Hogaboom              3      67      5
  161 Peter Kemble                 11      25      -
  162 Charles & Isaac Wharton       3      02      4
  163 Norton & others taken
         out of Franklin           18       -      -
  164 Frederick W Huyck- do         4      20      -
  165 Heirs of Ziba Bronson         1      90      8
  166 Gideon Frisbee for B Bills           34      -
  167 Thaddeus Benedict                    23      6
  168 Rufus Burdick                        32      2
  169 William Carr                         21      8
  170 Joseph Mitchell                      25      -
  171 Alexander McKee                      32      4
  172 Greenfield Randall                    9      7
  173 Cornelius Road       
  174 Benjamin Smith                       24      -
  175 Andrew Sniffin                       32      4
  176 ----- Streight                       24      -
  177 John J TenBroeck                     38      5
  178 Joshua Bill                           1      -
  179 Mark Farrington                      21      -
  180 Wm Denio for S Kidder                43      -
  181 Stephen Miller                       60      -
  182 Nathaniel Mitchell                   40      -
  183 William Reside                1      20      -
  184 Caleb Strong                         44      -

                                $ 198      43

of the above Tax the amount
payable by Non Residents is     $ 136      14      4

Residue payable by Inhabitants  $  62      28      6
Copy provided by the Delaware County Clerk's Office, Delhi, NY - Electronic Text prepared by Joyce Riedinger, December 2, 1997

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a service of the Delaware County Historical Association located at 46549 State Highway 10, Delhi, NY 13753

Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger