This page serves as a way to let all volunteers of data to this website know that their efforts are appreciated. It is through a continual stream of submissions from so many that this website continues to grow.
We would love to hear from you too! Joyce Riedinger
18 December 1998
Since I have been researching my family tree (history) I have found reference and history related to several of my ancestors. The Wattles, Bartlett, and St. John Surnames. This site is very rich with history. Keep up the good work. --Ken Levett
16 December 1998
I found my great-great-grandparents Dougal among the letters of transfer. Terrific job, Joyce! Most of my Scots and Scotch Irish relatives have been found on your wonderful site. . . . --Catherine Havemeier
15 December 1998
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!
I am just so thrilled tonight I can hardly sit still! Shirley Houck's "Church Transfer Letters" listed my Great Great Great Grandfather, Samuel LOVE and his wife Sarah as the first transfer! I have had no clue before this as to where they came from in Ireland although I knew from an old letter written by their daughter Caroline Love to my grandmother, that they came from Ireland. The immigration date in that letter says they came in 1817 and from other data collected that seems to be true, so the "Tranfer" letters must have preceded the actual immigration, or maybe Samuel came and checked out the area first before he brought his family over. Another possibility was that there was a Joseph Love in the 1800 census in Delhi- maybe he was an older brother of Samuel who came earlier. At any rate- thankyou so very much for hosting this wonderful web-site- I have made such great strides in researching my family through this site- I have visited many other sites in the last two years and none compare with the vast amount of valuable information that the Delaware Co. site has! And please pass on my heart felt thanks to Shirley for the generous giving of her time to transcribe these tranfer letters. I am eternally grateful to both of you and Merry Christmas! --Pam Frederic in California
13 December 1998
The work put into this Delaware county website is incredible! I found one of the missing links in the Griffin genealogy I've been researching. Who knows how long it would have taken me without you. I am still trying to determine the parents of the William Griffin who married Phoebe J.Griffin, daughter of John Griffin and Hannah Miles. John was brother of Matthew Griffin. THANK YOU! --Dana Griffin
6 December 1998
Dear Joyce and crew: Wow! What a wonderful job you've all done! I'm not finished combing through everything yet, but I've never seen such a complete collection of genealogical data on the web. If only other counties could follow your example, genealogy wouldn't be such a costly and time-consuming task. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your hard work. I will send some civil war/cemetery information shortly. --Debbie Burke
4 Dec 1998
Joyce, I'd just like to commend you on this web site. This is the most thorough county web site I've seen pertaining to genealogy. Although I haven't found any proven connections with my ancestors, it was very interesting and I will visit it again. Good job. --Peg
4 Dec 1998
I must tell you. . .I just spent 3 hours on the web page. So much information to go through and found a few clues that might link to my family. Thank you! It's nice when volunteers help out to make these pages and I am grateful. I cannot travel and need to do most of my research online, then be able to send what I have found to the courthouses or professional researchers to get me the proof. I can now
add Delaware Co., NY to one of my county/state places to research in more detail. --Sharon Freeman
4 Dec 1998
Hi Joyce, . . . Appreciate your time and effort, and saw you mention Carolee and her Walton House in Walton, N.Y. I found her site through a friend. Have exchanged several e-mails with Carolee on people I knew in Walton. Enjoy what she has done. Wanted to say how great the Delaware County site is, and have found several Kinch relatives. Just to let you know how good the site is. --Marsha Clark
4 Dec 1998
I just wanted to congratulate you on an excellent website. It is by far one of the most (if not the most) informative county
website that I have seen. Sincerely, --Leon Blauvelt, Lockbourne, OH
4 Dec 1998
A couple days ago I posted a query for the COLE surname. I had very little info but thought "what the heck, someone might know". Someone did ! My warmest thanks to John Noxel for the connections. He was able to link my Great Grandfather Stephen Cole B: 1857 back to 1621 when we were in England !
To All: When we work together we all benefit. Thanks again John and to all those who have made this site possible. --Tina Burt
4 Dec 1998
This is probably the best WEB PAGE I have seen. I was able to find a number of my ancesters in the census & cemetary areas.
Thankyou! jhw
22 Nov 1998
I want to add my thanks for this wonderful Web page and to all the volunteers that see that it happens. My husband and I recently returned from Scotland where we visited places we knew my ancestors had lived. Because of the info on your web site we learned that the Stott family left Scotland in 1818 from Leath, now a part of Edinburgh. Not only did we visit there, but we found a professional genealogist who gave us a four hour tour. Incredible! --Mary Curtis, Seattle WA.
20 Nov 1998
My wife and I were able to find several relatives on a recent visit to the Delhi area. Despite incorrect information I received from the care taker at
the Woodland Cemetery I was able to find John Littlejohn and his wife thanks to information that I received here on your site. I was also able to find Donald Littlejohn's grave in the Old Presbyterian Cemetery (Flats) in Delhi thanks to information that I received from you <smile>. My wife and I were very lucky to identify Donald's stone since little of the stone's information was still legible due to the weathering. I was also able to find several other relatives in a remote Cemetery (Herr) which I would have never found without the help of your site and the wonderful people that are involved with your project. I seem to find something new everytime I log onto the Delaware Co. site. Keep up the good work. I hope I will be able to contribute more to your site in the future. --David A. Littlejohn
12 Nov 1998
Thanks to you and your hardWORKING team of volunteers, I have found more information on my HORTON/RADEKER/KNAPP lines in your site than I have anywhere else online. Your site is always my first stop whenever I get online to research. I almost never have to post queries anymore because the answers always seem to lie right here in the Delaware County site! That's because the quality and the wealth of information you provide is truly outstanding. :) Major kudos to everybody who makes that possible! My latest success comes from the 1900 census information you posted on Colchester. Thanks *SO* much for putting that information online! I am now able to prove that people who were thought to be dead in 1900 were actually alive. That's wonderful news! Keep it coming, especially the information on Colchester! --Sue Dewey, Round Rock, Texas
04 Nov 1998
Hello. I wanted to write to say how great the website is!! I have found our gggrandparents through this website. The Delaware County Clerks office is wonderful! Ms. Shirley Houck is very kind and patient too. Between marriage records, cemetery records, and the census online, I have found information on my ggrandmother, a great aunt, and grandparents. Thank you so much and thanks to the coordinator who must put in a lot of time and energy to run such a fabulous web page! --Michele R. Lockwood
01 Nov 1998
Have spent a few hours now traversing the Delaware County page. It gets better and better! You all are doing a wonderful job. . . .
--Patty Gaddis
A Response to Dottie and all Delaware County Enthusiasts:
WOW! Thank you so much. I have always enjoyed and gotten a lot of satisfaction out of doing the Delaware web-site. I think I can speak for all the workers on this web-site when I say that messages such as yours makes the effort all the more worthwhile. One of the nicest things is the enthusiasm this site generates amongst Delaware county researchers. So many have stepped forward to lend a hand keying stuff in, Gary Myers created a major section on the Civil War, and the support from the Delaware County Clerks' office has been superb. We all are very lucky to have had ancestors settle in Delaware County. I might also add here that I am thrilled with the web-site The Walton House Hotel that Carolee Inskeep has created. It is wonderful!
! Joyce Riedinger, October 24, 1998
23 October 1998
I just have to thank you for this wonderful website. I spend hours reading all there is and have learned so much about my Delaware County ancestors and what their life was like. I so much appreciate all the work you have done and hope others will use this website as a model.
--Dottie Reyes
19 October 1998
I feel compelled to sing the praises of the Delaware County web site and the praises of everyone in the clerk's office and in the county in general. I have experienced, and witnessed via the site, so much kindness! This is one of the best sites I have ever seen and the volunteers are amazing - they help people for the sake of helping. Maybe it's the fresh air. So THANK YOU. Regards, --Roberta Meehan
17 October 1998
Joyce, What a terrific NY-GenWeb site you have for Delaware County. I visited it today for the first time and am just amazed at how many records you have online and all the wonderful other connections that are here. Truely the best I have seen. Thank you! --Pat Matola
10 September 1998
Dear Joyce, I think back in prodigy days we had conversations. You were helpful then but really shine on this webpage. My skills at computerese aren't great but this has opened so many doors. I was researching the Davis family of Andes, and happened upon a couple who set me on the trail. I want you to know that the start came from a large family Bible presented to my great grandparents by Aunt Parthenia Davis; and Andes and the date were all I had to go on to find Eliza Davis'parents. Thank heavens for maiden aunt school teachers who present autographed Bibles.
In fact this Bible was unknown until 1950 when distant cousins decided it should be with the Dickinson family.
Talk about coincidences. Thanks to "softbear" and Vernon Brown for helping fit the puzzle pieces. --Diane Titus
9 September 1998
Dear Joyce, I wish I had an Award to give you and all your assistants, contributors, and volunteers who have devoted so much time and effort to making the Delaware Site The Best I Have Viewed and Browsed. Each time I visit I am amazed by the wealth of information I find here. I have collected all kinds of Tid-Bits in regard to my Hawks line and I hope someday they all fit together to form a big chunk of my past. My 3rd great grandfather and Revolutionary War Soldier Jotham Hawks died in Colchester in 1851 and according to his Rev. War Pension Papers his death was recorded in the Family Bible by his son Daniel and Daniel was in possession of the Bible. I keep returning to your pages to find more about Jotham and hopefully pick up some tid bit that might lead me to where that Family Bible might be today. I wanted you and all the staff to know how much your work is appreciated. I hope to make a visit to Delaware someday if I can get time off from work and find my way from Poughkeepsie. Keep up the great work and if I ever find that Family Bible - I will be proud to contribute its contents to your pages. -- Sincerely, Ginny, Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, New York --Virginia A Buechele
9 September 1998
Linda, Thank you for the wonderful job you did with getting the Hales Eddy cemetery data online. I have already found some of my people that I missed in my recent visit. . . . . Thank you for your willingness to share. You have helped make my research a great deal easier.
--Doug Boyer
8 September 1998
Dear friends, Can't tell you how absolutely delighted I am to have found your wonderful web page! My grandmother was born in Del. Co., and talked about it - relatives and friends for the 93 years we had her. I feel as though I had lived there too. Am doing research an her Hymers family and related families. --Prudence Gould Muran
28 August 1998
Many thanks to you, Joyce, and all the volunteers who've so generously given of their time. Information from your site has made searching for my family easier and much more interesting. In fact, last week, I made the trip to Delhi and Walton with my husband and daughter in order to continue my search--thanks to your information. We had a wonderful time and met some truly kind and helpful people in the Town Clerk's Office in Delhi--especially Nancy Smith. Delaware County is a special place and I look forward to a longer return trip in the near future. At that time, I hope to be able to thank you and some of the other volunteers in person. Once again, many thanks.
--Nancy Woodburn, Schrecongost, Indiana, PA
(Searching the Woodburn, Burton and McGuire families of Delaware County)
28 July 1998
. . . From one of my queries on the Delaware County Site, a distant cousin e-mailed me and I was able to meet her family at a reunion this past weekend. While there, a couple of family members brought their genealogical
research so we could compare was a very successful and worthwhile time!! --Deanna Rickard
21 July 1998
First of all I would like to thank you and your staff and volunteers for all that you have put into this project. It is wonderful, I have been browsing for days. It is one of the best put together pages in the network. Keep the flame glowing.
--Bruce Boyd
18 July 1998
Let me add my congratulations to the many already received for the work on the web site. It truly helped me find some family members that our family geneaologist could not find. Peace to you and yours! --Bert More
17 July 1998
Just wanted to let you know that I am very impressed with this site. I found so much information that I have never seen on the web. It was fabulous! Got me some new information. Thanks so much for all your and your partners' efforts. --Patty Gaddis
13 July 1998
I just returned from a 4-day research trip to Delaware Co. What a wonderful experience I had! I received so much help from the County Clerk's office at the Delaware Co. Court House (Gary Cady, Linda Ogborn, Shirley Houck), the Delaware Co. Historical Assoc. Library, the Delhi and Hamden Town Clerks (Tracy Kinch, Linda Shepard) and great people at the Ogden Library in Walton (Annie Sulger, Barbara Cucciarre, Colleen MacRabie). A special thanks to all of them! Nancy of Sterling, VA
03 July 1998
A successful research trip in Delaware County, New York!
My wife and I spent a week in Delaware Co. in mid-June, dividing the week among a number of modest B&B's. Really loved the scenery and the people. Among the many people who were helpful were Mary Cable of the Deposit Museum, Frederika Cranston, Walton Village Historian, Bea Bennett, Walton Town Historian, Diane Pickett, Roxbury Town Clerk, Nancy Smith in the courthouse in Delhi, John E. Raitt, local historian in Delhi. I was even able to obtain a death certificate in Walton without waiting six weeks!
I have tied my Hull family now back into the William HULL family of Roxbury, and through that death certificate in Walton (for Damon Hull, eldest son of Wm. Hull, who died in Walton in 1886) I discovered the maiden name of Wm. HULL: Sabra Olmstead!
Through the Irma Mae Griffin papers at the Roxbury Library, I found that Wm Hull's youngest son (named in his will), William Emerson Hull, had moved to Ellenville, NY, where he had become a teacher. When I returned home, I checked the internet white pages for Ellenville, NY, on the outside chance that a Hull or two might still be living there. There are five. I called one, who referred me to his father, who referred me to his sister, who is their "family genealogist". She had been researching for years, and even kept non-related material she had encountered, "just in case". She remembered seeing an obituary for William Emerson Hull, school teacher/school principal. It was
"somewhere among her papers". She agreed to mail me a copy (I gave her my address and tel. no.)--and 15 minutes later she called me to say that she had found among her papers the obits for both Wm. Emerson Hull and for his widow. She read them to me. Wm's obit stated that, in addition to his widow and sons, he was also survived by a brother, Daniel Webster Hull of Brisben, Chenango Co., and a sister, Sarah Patterson, of Rochester, Minnesota! This was the piece of evidence I had been lacking to identify my Sarah/Sally Hull, born in 1824 in Roxbury, living in Iowa by 1850 as the wife of Darwin Patterson, with the "daughter Sally" mentioned in Wm. Hull's will of 1841. The lady in Ellenville still insists on sending me fresh photocopies of the obits from the library microfilm at Ellenville, even though we are not related. Well, my birthday is in three days, and this is a VERY nice birthday present. Gary E. Myer, Columbia, MD
30 June 1998
I have had two emails about the Cannon family which put me in touch with distant cousins. Thanks so much for your great work! Ruth Huggler
29 Jun 1998
Made a one day stop in Middletown Clerk's Office and was given the opportunity to research all the 5 Vital Statistics Books, by myself. This provided me with valuable information on many of my relatives who resided in this general area plus others, that were of interest to me (distant relations). I believe the clerk's name was Russell and he gladly provided the books, so I could look at them and records my finds. I plan another trip later this year and hope that the other town's clerks are as helpful as Russell was in Margaretville. Alan Malz
13 Jun 1998
Re: 144th NY
Hi Gary, My great great granfather was Squire Thomas Whitaker. Squire, or Thomas as he liked to be called was taken prisoner and spent time in Andersonville prison. John Whitaker I believe was his brother. He died of dysentary(sp) and is the one buried at Beaufort S.C. I want to congratulate you putting together such an interesting site. Stephen B. Whitaker, Harrisburg, Pa
29 May 1998
Re: Pepacton Res Removals
This compilation has provided me with an invaluable break-through in my search for Charles Grant Ellis. He is listed as responsible for the removal and reinterrment for several Grant's from the old Arena Cem. Thank you from one who has searched for these people for about 25 years with no success til now. ....... Again a warm thank you, for the effort you expended, without it the faint glimmer of hope I have of finding these people at last, would not
exist. --Ray Ebbett , great grandson of Charles Grant Ellis, who was ggdson of Avery Grant, on this list.
9 May 1998
Hello researchers - I want to thank Laura M.Kelsy of the Delaware Co.Supreme Court Library in Delhi. I called her last week and asked about a penal code I needed from the early 1900's and I got a response via snail mail in one week. I just wanted to let all you researchers know that some of our public servants are great. I got the information I needed in a timely manner and a cheerful letter from her also.
--Rose Stovall
23 Apr 1998
I had the opportunity this week to spend some time in Delhi doing research at the County Clerk's office and the Delaware County Historical Association. I just want to publicly say a big THANK YOU to the folks that work there. I found everyone to be very helpful and information to be well organized. I was able to find some things I was looking for and even some things that I wasn't. As I look through my notes I have a whole new set of questions to answer. Oh well, I guess that is the nature of genealogical research. Thanks Again, --Jerry Neild
21 Apr 1998
Regarding "Gary Myers' 144th NY Enthusiasts Group" on this web-site
Hi Gary: My name is Gabriele Hammon. I have been researching our family tree and I came across your site. My husbands Great-great grandfather fought in this regiment. Thank you for having this wonderful site since we learned alot about the regiment and even found his name in the roster you have. He was in Co C, William H. HAMMON. Thank you, --Gabriele Hammon
6 Apr 1998
Gary - My interest in your list (Honey Hill)) is because of my GGrandfather Theodore Kelsey who
was at Honey Hill. I live in N. Carolina so if there ever should be a get together of descendents that fought at Honey Hill I will surely be there. I find the Honey Hill page fascinating. As a matter of fact, I can't get
over the interest that Delaware County has in its genealogy and what you all have made available. I swear you must be the best in the country. I am always browsing and have not run across another county that matches your
information on Honey Hill or Delaware County. Alice L. Geier
28 Mar 1998
Dear Joyce, Just wanted to say Thanks again for getting goods up so fast and for providing an excellent site. The breadth & depth of data made available is a genealogist/historian's delite!
--Dan Touse
21 Mar 1998
Gary, My interest in Honey Hill arose last week, when I discovered that my great-great-grandfather, John C. Carpenter, was wounded at Honey Hill. He was a private in the 144th NY Vols. (Company A) from Delaware Co.,
NY. Up until last week, I knew nothing about this man other than his name, but was able to find out quite a bit by studying the resources available through the Delaware Co. NY Genealogy and History site. It was there that I learned of the Honey Hill mailing list. I subscribed because I think I owe it to myself to learn all I can about a historical event
in which my relative played a part -- I'm looking forward to it. Best regards (and keep up the good work),
--Mark S. Barnes , Waterville, NY
20 Mar 1998
I must say that I am awestruck by your Delaware Co. web site. The breadth and depth of information is absolutely extraordinary. Thanks to your work, I have taken my family tree back two more generations within
two weeks! You, and all those who have contributed to this site should be commended. Good luck with your future endeavors and keep up the great work. Very truly yours, Mark S. Barnes, Attorney at Law, Waterville, NY
14 Mar 1998
. . . The Delaware Co site is fantastic and I've found, and learned so many things. Many, many thanks to Joyce and all the volunteers that have made family research available for us "out-of-staters"! Cyndie
10 Mar 1998
Dear Joyce, I just wanted to pass along my thanks for all of the great work that you, and all of the Delaware County web site volunteers, have been doing. The web site is, by far, a godsend to someone like me who does not live in the DelCo area, and cannot get to the various research facilities there. I have, so far, been able to find information on my GGGrandfather and various other members of my family that may date back to the Revolution... There is no way that I would have ever been able to find out most of this information on my own. And if I did, the amount of time and money spent performing research would have added up to quite a bit. Thanks again for all of the great work.
Very sincerely, Don Elliott
09 Mar 1998
Joyce and Laurie, Thanks for putting the Marriage list on the net and also for allowing me to be of some assistance. I previously located seven marriages of my REYNOLDS relative and just sent off for 20 more, so you
see that I have been greatly helped by this listing. Will check it again once its completed, but thanks for letting me assist you on the "G", "R" and "S", which cover the majority of my Delaware clan. Thanks again for the total listing, as its one I check daily to see whats new. Alan Malz, Woodbridge, VA.
8 Mar 1998
I just recently joined the Delaware County Mailing List. The Delaware County web site is fantastic, I have found some great information on some of my Barlow ancestors, including some more Barlow info (William H.) in your biographical section ... William H. is my great great grandfather. Keep up the great work ! Mr. Brown
2 Mar 1998
I have been researching in Delaware county off and on for 7 years. Also throughout the nation, and I wanted to tell you that the Delaware page is by far the BEST that I have seen anywhere. I have researched the Reside, Gregory, Barnhart and Flewelling names. Not a thing on Flewelling as of yet. Thanks for the great work. Steve Kadera, Holmen, Wi
1 Mar 1998
Great site - I found 2 more new family members looking for same info on family tree. W all had new info to share about family and now I also have new found family members and reunion to attend this summer . Great work : )
Donald R. Warren Sr. (SilentBear)
26 Feb 1998
Joyce, . . . I certainly enjoy the Delaware site, which is among the most comprehensive I have encountered. You certainly are a dedicated coordinator with scads of dedicated volunteers. . . . Randy McConnell
26 Feb 1998
. . . Thanks to this site I have contacted 4 living relatives and expanded my family tree by leaps and bounds! I am eternally grateful! Please keep up the great work! Bridget Lane
26 Feb 1998
Delaware Co. is one of the best sites for genealogical information. Cayuga County is also doing a great job. I am in hopes that some of our neighboring counties will some day be influenced by what Delaware County has done and
follow their lead. Anne Townsend
25 Feb 1998
Joyce, I want to echo some comments by Gary Meyer. The Delaware Site is the best of all sites I have visited, and many of the others are no slouch, either! You have shown excellent leadership and talent in selection of help. Thanks for giving us such a great site! Best regards, Bruce Lloyd, Dryden, NY
25 Feb 1998
Hello Joyce and everybody else, Don't you just love this site? I do! You've done a great job ... a lot of
information with great results. I check it out everyday. Ruth Willson
24 Feb 1998
Joyce - Thanks to you and Linda Ogborn, I have located my ggggrandmother's grave and learned her maiden name. I drove up to Roxbury last Sunday and got a thrill walking through the cemetery and finding Thirza Eaton - the
"Thursey Kilpatrick" I'd found on the census. I'll definitely be visiting Roxbury again to go through all the cemeteries - when it warms up a bit! Thanks again for the cemetery inventory and the excellent driving
directions. Ann O'Hara
24 Feb 1998
I have not traveled to all of the usgenweb sites in the U.S., but of those I know, yours is still by far the best. I have found a good bit of information on your site that has helped me (although I still need
more)), and I like the way you have things organized and your efforts to continue to find ways to make the information more accessible. As a librarian, I applaud your success! Keep up the good work! -- Gary E. Myer, Maryland (not to be confused with Gary Myers!)
24 Feb 1998
. . . I must tell you and all your wonderful volunteers you are doing a great job. Take Care, Jolene Osmun in Michigan
18 Feb 1998
I had already found my great uncle, David F Eaton, on the list of the 144th in Company C. According to family legend, he had gone off to the Civil War, never returned, his fate unknown. Now Gary has sent me a beautiful shot of his gravestone in the Beaufort National Cemetery. I have sent a print to my brother who was named after him. Many thanks to you and Gary for the great information available on the Delaware GenWeb site. Jim Eaton
18 Feb 1998
I have enjoyed the Delaware County web site for months now. My fathers family is from Delaware County. It is the Henderson family. I have finally gotten my act together and had copies made of family photos and photos taken in Walton. Please tell me how I can send them to you so everyone can enjoy them. I guess my grandfather liked to take pictures because I have at least a hundred. I only made copies of the ones I could identify. Thank you for all you have done to make your web site my favorite place on the web. Helen Guerrera
13 Feb 1998
Joyce - Thank you so much for your E-mail. I was thrilled to learn you are related to this line (Whitney/Young). I read the Delaware County Page constantly and after reading many other genealogy sources on the Web I think this site has the best information out there. Thank you for all the work you have done. Karen Whitney Andres, Virginia Beach, Va
12 Feb 1998
Gary - Thank you very much for the assistance on posting the updated "Pioneer" sketch on Maj. Ebenezer Robinson. So many people in Delaware County have helped on my research project and I know many will appreciate seeing their work shared with others. Again, thanks and best wishes, Wade Robinson
11 Feb 1998
Re: 144th & Honey Hill:
Just looked over your web page for Honey Hill. Great! Tremendous amount of information and energy. Congratulations! Max Shaw, Executive Director, South Carolina Battleground Preservation Trust
10 Feb 1998
Joyce, I posted a message-query regarding my Roach-Waring families to the Delaware LIST and immediately received a response as follows: "Dan, I will look up what I have and send it to you. Helen Roach and Alice Waring, Rex Waring's wife are both related to me and I have some of the connections. Louise Little"
Wow, never thought it would connect like this. Keep up the GREAT job!!! Helen Roach is my Father's Brother's wife!!! My Uncle. :) Daniel Roach, Florida
10 Feb 1998
Re: 144th:
Gary - I saw your web site on the Beaufort National Cemetery. You are to be commended for your efforts to honor this cemetery and make it accessible to internet access. . . . Richard Smothermon, Frankfort, KY
08 Feb 1998
The addition of the Old School Baptist Church Cemetery was a great boost to my searches. I obtained three key dates of COON and CROSBY members. Thanks Linda Ogborn! and Joyce Riedinger! Don Risen in Modesto, CA
07 Feb 1998
Re: 144th:
Gary, I visited your excellent site on the Battle of Honey Hill, SC this morning. Once our web site is a little more developed, I would like to link with your page, as I will do with the Battle of Olustee, FL site. Thanks. John B. McGowan
07 Feb 1998
Re: Honey Hill site appreciation
Hi Gary, What a great web site..... so much wonderful information. You really made my day . . . and the print by Rick Reeves .... what can I say .... thanks. Jill
06 Feb 1998
First off, my heartfelt thanks to Linda Ogborn of Delhi and also to Steve Bauck of Washington for putting the "Old School Baptist Church Cemetery" online. The Hull, Bookout, and Jaquish families are related to me, and I had some vague information from distant relatives, but this is the most precise information I have seen
yet. THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Gary E. Myer
03 Feb 1998
Hi everyone! My name is Terri Kunze and I'm been reading all of your posts for months now. I thought it was time to say hello. My brother and I just went to Delaware County last week to attend my aunt's funeral. We live in the northern Virginia area. My parent, grandparents, and great grandparents grew up all over Delaware County, and my brothers and I spent many summers there (we grew up in the Binghamton area). He and I spent less than two hours at the County Clerk's office in Delhi and found tons of great information on our family. I had been looking for my great grandfather Pardon BEARDSLEY and his brothers for many years, and I found them on the WWI Militia Enrollment list on the Delaware Co. NY Genealogy and History Site, so I knew just what to look for. The women in the office were very friendly and helpful, as I've read on this list many times. I hope to start posting more often now. This is a great group of people - I belong to a couple of other listserves which are no where near as pleasant as this one! Thanks! Terri Kunze
01 Feb 1998
Re: 144th Civil War Unit
Gary-- This is a thank you for your pages on the 144th NY. Your coverage is about the best I've seen for any Civil War unit. I think I found the man I was looking for, but I have a question-- The 144th is from Delaware Co and the soldier in question (Jeremiah Barnhart) was from Ulster Co. Is it likely that a man from Ulster would go to Delaware to enlist? Joy Weaver
01 Feb 1998
Re: Civil War - 144th NY Pages
Gary - .... Again, thanks for all your great work. It surpasses alot of other sites which I've come across. R. C. Dix
17 Jan 1998
. . . Most Important --- Delaware County, New York is one of the best counties for information that I have found on usgenweb. Please relay to all of those volunteers that their time, efforts, and work are greatly appreciated.
Glenna Tippett Mullen of Cotter, Baxter County, Arkansas
15 Jan 1998
First of all, I'd like to thank you, for all your help and to say that this is absolutely the best on the net. Since finding this I have have done more than in the last twelve years in the libraries. Mr. J Noxel has sent me my COLE, back to the 1600's, Sallie Nilsen from Mi. has the BUTTS, Sherry the IRELAND. Trevor CLOSE, I had a picture of one of his relatives that I sent on to him, all this through your web-site. Can't tell you how much it means to me. Sincerely, Charles Cooper
P.S. I'd also like to say thanks to Sue Greenhagen up at SUNY, for her help on Civil War Records.
03 Jan 1998
Re: Delaware, Schoharie, and Tryon NYGenWeb Sites:
Your New York county web sites are models for all the others to emulate. The history postings are outstanding.
Best wishes, Gordon Pattison
02 Dec 1997
To Joyce and all of the great folks at the Delaware County site, many thanks! I have made a connection that led to my discovery of my ggrandmother Sarah Ann Beken Gibson's line back to England at the time of HenryVIII. What a surprise! I never expected results like this. Have also located several
cousins I never knew. Keep up the good work. You are greatly appreciated! Catherine Gibson Havemeier
25 Oct 1997
. . . Your Delaware County listing has helped to provide me with more than my two trips back to New York, seeking info on my heritage. So thanks for doing such an excellent job . . . Alan Malz
22 Oct 1997
Joyce - Thank you and all those who have made this site available. I have heard it said that "Home is where the heart is", and it's so true. I was born and raised in Margaretville, leaving home, and my Catskill Mountains in 1969 when I joined the U.S. Navy. I now call North Carolina home and it is a beautiful area, from the Atlantic to the Blue Ridge Parkway, but, my heart always brings back fond memories
of those mountains, the outdoor activities, Spring flowers, Summer's charms of black berries and sweet corn, Fall's harvest, including cider and even Winter as harsh as it can be, brought with it animal tracks in the snow and a quiet solitude with walks on country lanes. Again, many thanks for keeping the memories alive. Jim Kelly
20 Oct 1997
I just want to commend you all for the wonderful job you have done on your Delaware County pages. If all of the counties had as much info as you do genealogy research would be much easier. I started by scrolling
through some cemetary records looking for my Nicoll familiy and came across my Nathan Elwood line. I had forgotten that line had been in Delaware since I always associate them with their earlier location in CT.
Now I know where they are buried! I also found, in another file of course :), my Andrew Nicoll's declaration of intent to take out citizenship - something I had always "intended" to check into. I have found many other things too - I think it will take me a week to digest all that I copied off. Thank you for all your time and efforts. Cindy Nix Fassett
10 Oct 1997
I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for preparing and maintaining such a wonderful website! We have been struggling with these families for a number of years. After searching high and low, I finally got a hit today when I ran across the names of my husband's fifth great grandparents on one of your cemetery lists. It looks like we weren't wrong after all! Here's hoping I can get back a few more generations on the WILBUR and CAGWIN families! --- Linda Wilbur in MI
2 Oct 1997
We are deeply indebted to all who make this site so valuable. Our sincere thanks and best wishes. Edna L.
2 Oct 1997
You're doing a great job! I wish all the county web sites were as good as yours. It must be very time consuming, but thanks to your dedication, I've found several missing branches to my tree. Leslie
19 Sept 1997
I've been doing research on the Horton family for some time now, and I hit a small goldmine today on your Biographical Review page. The biography was about Bolivar Radeker, a last name that has come up quite
a bit in my family tree. I decided to look through it to see if it was the same Radeker family. It turns out that Sarah Horton married Jacob Radeker and had 14 children. There has been very little information
available about Sarah Horton, since family research tends to focus more on the male members of the family. The information provided through the biography page has helped me expand my family tree. I can't thank you enough!!! Sue Dewey, Pflugerville, Texas
12 Sept 1997
The webpage is wonderful. You folks are doing a terrific job! The new baptismal list helped a lot. My family moved to Delhi from Meridale in 1900, and I thought I was well acquainted with the area, having spent summer vacations there, but you have opened up a whole new world for me. Sincerely, Catherine Gibson Havemeier
10 Sept 1997
Please give my heartfelt thanks to John Hope for his assistance in preparing the file, of the Baptismal Records of the Gilchrist Memorial Presbyterian Church of the Town of Kortright, that enabled these records to go online. I found a number of my GIBSON relatives there. I probably never would have found these baptisms as I didn't know they were Presbyterian. --Todd Case
8 Sept 1997
Thanks for the site you are making available. I am new to the net, but from one listing, I am in contact with a relative. Appreciate the time all of you are putting in on this project. Eunice, (Idaho)
8 July 1997
I would like to express my appreciation to the Delaware County contributors for leading me to the Delaware County Clerk and Surrogate's Court in Delhi. I was able, with the gracious help of Nancy A. Smith (Chief Clerk) and her staff, to obtain access to the Letters of Administration of
Major Ebenezer Robinson and Issachar Robinson. Nancy could not have been more gracious in allowing us to access the records during major renovation of the vault area. It was beyond the call of duty in my book. This access was the culmination of a year's effort to link James Robinson of Middletown to
Major Ebenezer Robinson and Issachar Robinson. I now have to update my "Pioneers" contribution to the Web Page with this additional information. It made my 4th of July weekend visit to Delaware County a truely memorable experience. Thanks to all. Wade Robinson, Great Falls, Virginia
25 Jun 1997
Joyce--KUDOS for maintaining such an excellent website!!! As yet, I have not had any success regarding my HEATH family. However, I just wanted you to know how very much your e-mail updates are appreciated. Many of us have so many different counties throughout the United States to search that we do not always return to a particular county as quickly as we should. Ergo, your updates are most greatly appreciated. THANK YOU!!! Sincerely, Glenna Tippett Mullen
29 May 1997
Hello, I just wanted to comment on how *wonderful* this webpage is! I'm a novice genealogist, and just starting to trace back my paternal grandparents. This is a bit difficult since my grandmother passed away 10 years ago, and her father passed away when she was just a baby (flu epidemic in 1920, or so thats the story that has passed down to me) There was so little known about this man that his first name was under much discussion, until we were able to locate my grandmother's birth certificate. Once I found the Delaware County webpage, I found lots more information! Not only is my great grandparents marriage listed on the online marriage archive, but so is the marriage of my great grandmother, and step great gradfather. I was also able to find my great grandfather's name among the WWI militia enrollment, along with several other KELLEYs, possibly brothers. At least this all gives me, the true novice, a jumping point. Thanks so much for this truly is a treasure! Carla Barnes-Rickaby (decendant of William C. Kelley of Walton, NY)
Date: 25 May 1997
I was delighted to find you listed on a NYGenWeb page with the list of the 144th Regiment. I have been searching for the birth place of my great, great grandfather for many years. The family knows almost nothing about him. The old family story always said he was born in upstate NY, but I could never prove or disprove this story. I was extremely happy to find him listed among the members of the 144th Regiment. This may explain how he met my GG grandmother who was from Delaware . . . . . Lynn & Dave
14 May 1997
Thanks Joyce, and all the volunteers, once again I want to thank you for your superb service. It goes beyond anything that I ever expected to find on the Internet. Don Risen
14 May 1997
Thanks to all. I am learning every time I visit Delaware site, by far best in the GenWeb!! Thanks - Susie Stepp
12 May 1997
".....While I'm here, I'm on surfing missions just to find surnames that I'm looking for. I've looked in the counties that I know we are from, and started surfing the NY "picks of the month" - only I NEVER LEFT YOUR PAGE! "WOW!" is the comment I put in my record file! I've been here for HOURS and I've covered page after page of my research book. This is SO appreciated!!! Especially, now that I live in MN. Any NY information on the WWW is an asset, but your page has kept me going for HOURS!........Thank you, and all your volunteers for an outstanding resource!!!" Shannon Anderson
30 Apr 1997
Your excellent cemetery postings helped me find the listing for the Arkville cemetery where Thomas CROSBY and his wife Rebecca are buried. They are my ggg grandparents and now I'm looking for Charles CROSBY, their grandson who lived in Roxbury, Delaware County. --Don Risen in Modesto CA
26 Apr 1997
I want to say thank you for all the useful information in the Delaware County USGen Web site. I found a lot of useful information to help me in my search. But best of all was when I found a "cousin" through the family postings page. I responded to a posting and as it turned out we are related. We have been e-mailing frequently, trading info, etc. I can't tell you how exciting it is to connect with other people that you did not even know existed, and then be able to "talk" like you have known each other all along, chat about the same family names, and share an interest in solving the mysteries of the families history. Thanks again. Carol Parrella
04 Apr 1997
I spent the day in Delhi yesterday and was treated with the utmost courtesy. Nancy Smith was most helpful as were the two ladies from the clerks office. I would hope that the services in my hometown are as rewarding. I will be back as there are lots of Leals and their kin still buried in your records. If there is anyone there doing more research and has information to share, I would love to hear from him/her. --Leal MacDonald Brinegar
28 Mar 1997
Thank you so much for posting the Cemetary listings of Delaware Co., NY! I found the name of my 3X GGrandfather! Earl Love
20 Mar 1997
Through your wonderful GenWeb site I have made contact with a descendant of my ggg grandfather. As you know I have a query out on your web page looking for information on the Wickhams. Another person posted a query about the Wickhams and then contacted me to see if we might be related. We are! I can't
believe that I have made contact with a relative after a split in the family that occurred in the mid 1800's. Thanks for your efforts. Trevor D. Close
14 Mar 1997
Success!! From my postings to both the Delaware Co and Schoharie Co pages for the RICKARD family, I have received a reply from a woman who is a descendent of my husband's great-grandfather's brother. D. Rickard
17 Feb 1997
Thank you for the map showing the evolution of Delaware County. I have learned from the map the reason for my McDougal ancestors appearing in Franklin, Meredith and Davenport. Thomas P. Turiel
12 Feb 1997
I was delighted to see some Delaware County cemeteries on the site. I found some of my McKinnons in the Masonville cemetery. I had some of the dates but they were from someone else and until now I didn't have the source. Thanks for a great site. Elaine Robinson
09 Feb 1997
Thursday, I went to the County Clerk's Office in Delhi, and they were really great! They helped me find which records to search - I found my family in the 1925 State Census, and my husband's family in the 1915 and 1925 censuses. I also found a marriage certificate, and several land deeds for my family. I received help from Shirley Houck, herself, and she was just as nice as everybody said she was! Overall, it was a pleasure to do research there. Deanna Rickard
04 Feb 1997
I have been searching in vain for information on my Boomhower ancestors. Just found your page and there, listed under cemetaries, was the burial date and place of two of my ancestors, Jacob and Mary Gregory
Boomhower of Delhi. Now I'll just try and get their death records and perhaps jump back another generation! Thank you so much to everyone who contributes to this great page. Steve Birkhauser
16 Jan 1997
I had been searching for information on my ELWOOD family, and was getting nowhere, until I found your web site. I found their burial site, with all their names listed, dates of death, etc. I hit the jackpot!! Thanks so much for all your hard work. It made mine so much easier. Anne Townsend
9 Jan 1997
About a week after posting a query on the bulletin board, I heard from a fellow who might be a descendant of my 3rd GGF, Henry W. Myers. Henry and his wife had 23 children, and so far I only have the names on nine of them, but I may have just found another based on the reply from the board. It works! Gary Myers
8 Jan 1997
In regards to my Phelps family inquiry, a photograph by a professional photographer in Oakland CA has come to light. This is a full body portrait - flowing gown and all - taken in the 1860s of Augusta Phelps-Raun. Previous references to this individual have used the name Charlotte. She was one of eleven children of a farmer and inn-keeper in Delhi - probably born between 1815 and 1825. Carl Anderson
2 Dec 1996
Joyce, ... The query I sent you on William McClure in Broome County was forwarded to Louise in Washington State by you because our queries were so similar. Well that's because we are not only searching the same person, but we are blood relations. We come from the same pioneer stock dating back to the late 1600's from what I can tell and may even find Pilgrim stock in there. We are now combining our efforts and should complete our search much faster - thanks to you!! And I acquired a new relative. We talked for over an hour on the phone. Thanks again. Dennis McClure
1 Dec 1996
Thanks to Delaware County's great Web Site I have contacted a fellow researcher and cousin on the McClure family of Deposit and McClure Settlement in Broome County. The McClure family lived on the
Delaware and Broome County line. As the county lines changed so did their residency even though the family hadn't moved. I have been corresponding and sharing materials with Dennis McClure. We are both
eager to hear from fellow researchers WORKING on the McClures in the Deposit area. Thanks to your WEB page we have been able to contact each other and share information. Thank you so much!
Louise Belsby, Cheney, Washington.
6 Oct 1996
Joyce- I am so excited I can barely type this!! I have been looking and looking for my gr-gr-gr-grandfather for years and finally!! His name is Joseph Erskine and I knew that he was either in Steuben Co or Delaware Co and you have him listed as an early settler in Andes, Delaware Co! I know it is the right
one because family tradition has it that he lived near a Peter Burger, their children married and eventually parts of the family moved, together to Michigan Yes! Yes! Yes! Do you know how I might find out more info? Your page info I believe is taken from a Historical and Stats. Gazetter 1860 by J. H. French. Is there any way I can borrow this book by library loan, or is there anyone that might be willing to copy pertinent pages for me?
I originally went to this page in hopes of finding something "through the back door". The Steuben Co. Historical Society believes that Joseph's son or possibly brother, John Erskine was murdered in either Steuben or Delaware County in 1836. Do you have any infor regarding this? You have made my
day- no, made my year! Thank you! Thank you! Beth Wills