from the 1897 Diary of Lt. Robert Steele, in the possession of Robert Brainerd
copied by Patti Gottschall Schuknecht, 29 June 1996 at the W. W.Steele Picnic at John & Judy Steele's cottage at Pleasant View Park. Submitted for website in 1999
Lt. Robert Steele's Trip from WI to Delaware Co. NY in 1897
Excerpts: [spelling as found]
31 July 1897
Fryes & Amos Chases barns struck by lightening . . .
22 Aug 1897
Fixing to go East. Started at 5:10 PM. Ticket to Buffalow & return 15:00
Remain in Chicago until 2:45 AM
22 Aug -- Left Chicago at 2:45; at south Bend Ind. at dalight. The day was beautiful. We arrived at Buffalow at 8 PM. found a lodging place at $1.00 for night.
24 Aug
. . . Saw Capt Schlick of the 23rd WI
... GAR
25 Aug
I left for the East at 10:45 over NYC rd. Arrived at Utica at 5 PM, 10 min. to late for the train to Delhi. Stopped at a hotel until morning. The country from Buffalow to Utica is generally level. The soil is sand and gravaly loam in some places but on the whole a good farming country, especially in the Genessee and Mohalk Valley. Many of the orchards show signs of decay.
26 Aug 1897
We left Utica at 8 AM for Delhy. ... arrived at Delhy at 2 PM took the stage to Bloomville, then took the cars to Hobart. Went out to Aunt Maggies and staid all night.
27 Aug
Went to Hobart in the morning. Called on Mrs. Welch (nee Riddle) Went to Grand Gorge in the afternoon. Called on cousin Maria Conway. Staid all night. . . . Took train in the morning to Roxbury. After stopping a short time we went by team to the Fuller farm and then crosin the mountains on foot to Plattikill.
29 Aug 1897
Went to Mrs. Henderson's. had preaching at the house. Ezra Henderson was Immersed. Ate dinner at Mrs. Starley's. Went to the old school house where I attended school in my childhood days from 1840 to 48.
30 Aug.
We started in the morning with horse and buggy for Bovina. Called at james Thompson's and took dinner with him. After dinner I went to my old home and spent the afternoon looking over the old farm and enjoyed the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Starley the occupants of the old home.. Staid with cousin James Cowan. Robert Cowan came called in the evening.
31 Aug 1897
We crossed the mountain in the morning. A heavy growth of young timber had grown up mostly hard maple. The old home looked very natural; but the fields looked smaller, the vallies mucy narrower and the rocks much larger than they did when i was a boy. We took dinner with Mr. Richard Johnson of Bovina. I left Uncle Sam at Mr. Johnson's and drove over the mountain to Mr. [Wentese?? sp?]