Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site
The original of the following document is in the collection of the Department of History of the Presbyterian Church U. S. A., 425 Lombard Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. However, it is the property of Susquehanna Valley Presbytery, and from them I obtained written permission to transcribe the document for publication on the Delaware County Genealogical Website. No part of it is to be published elsewhere without written permission. I know it will be a source of information to many; I was pleased to find my great, great paternal grandparents listed. Recently I was inspired to get the transcription completed, because this wonderful old Church, now known as the West Kortright Centre, has just been placed on the State and National Register of Historic Places. --Bernice Graham Telian, Town of Meredith Historian, January 22, 2003
"The Afsociate Reformed Church of West Kortright & Meredith was organized October 18, 1850 by Mefsrs. Graham and Johnson and the< following persons ordained as Elders:
Ebenezer Rowland
John McKee
George Blakely
David Mitchell
Alex T. Leal
The following persons received - by Certificate:
Hugh Mitchell
Mrs. Jane Mitchell
Margaret Mitchell
Matilda Mitchell
David Mitchell
Hugh Mitchell, Jr.
James Mitchell
Mrs. Nancy Mitchell
Thomas Mitchell
Mrs. Susan Mitchell
William Mitchell
Mrs. Margaret Mitchell
David Mitchell
Mrs. Betsey Mitchell
John Mitchell
Mrs. Margaret Mitchell
Mrs. Mary Larmen
Mary Ann Larmen
Thomas Craig
Mrs. Craig
Martha Craig
John Craig
Mrs. Jane A. Craig
Thomas Anderson
Mrs. Jane Anderson
James Boyle
Mrs. Sally Boyle
Mrs. Isabella McNaughton
John McClintock
Mrs. Ann McClintock
Robert Humphrey
Mrs. Maria Humphrey
Margaret Humphrey
Mary Ann Humphrey
Joseph Kilpatrick
Mrs. Agnefs Kilpatrick
Mrs. Nancy Blakely
Mrs. Margaret A. Blakely
Mrs. Susan Blakely
Jane Parker
George Blakely
Mrs. Martha Blakely
Mrs. Nancy Rose
Mrs. Sarah Ann Mitchell
James Gibson
Mrs. Sarah Gibson
James Dezell
Mrs. Margaret Dezell
Andrew McLaury
Joseph 0. McLaury
Robert McLaury
Mrs. Margaret McLaury
Mrs. Sarah McLaury
Mary McLaury
Mrs. Moordock
Mary Moordock
Mrs. Jane McIlwain
Samuel Redmond
Mrs. Redmond
E.M. Redmond
Samuel Smith
Mrs. Esther Smith
Nancy Smith
John Smith
Mrs. Jane Smith
John Leal
Mrs. Martha Leal
Nancy E. Leal
Lydia A. Leal
Mary F. Leal
Alexander T. Leal
Mrs. Margaret Leal
Samuel Stewart
Mrs. Sarah Stewart
Robert McMurray
Mrs. Betsey McMurray
Andrew Gibson
Mrs. Martha Gibson
John Gibson
Mrs. Sarah Ann Gibson
John McKee
Mrs. Mary Ann McKee
Ebenezer Rowland
Mrs. Margaret Rowland
Mary Rowland
Mrs. Lydia Arohy
William Brock
Mrs. Abigail Brock
Samuel Clegg
Mrs. Ann Clegg
May 25, 1851:
John Mitchell These - by Examination
Mrs. Susan Mitchell
Samuel Smith
William Brock
William McLaury by Rev. James Sinclair
June 1, 1852:
Marjory McLaury by Rev. John Graham
Eliza Mitchell - by Certificate
Mrs. Martha Rofs - by Certificate
October 9, 1852:
Samuel Redmond - by Certificate
William Grant - by Examination by Rev. J. McNulty
November 25, 1852:
Mrs Hannah B. McNulty - by Certificate
May 22, 1853:
Mrs. Amelia Harper - by Examination
June 6, 1853:
Mrs. Ann Eliza Merritt - by Examination
Mrs. Betsey Blakely - by Examination
Mary Butts - by Examination
Mifs Mary A. McIlwain - by Examination
Edmond Rose - by Examination
Ezekiel Harknefs - by Examination
Mrs. Martha Redmond - by Certificate
William Mahaffee - by Certificate
October 3, 1853:
Sarah Jane Moordock - by Examination
James L. Moordock - by Examination
James D. Smith - by Examination
June 1854: Isabella Gibson - by Examination
David Steanson - by Certificate
Ann Eliza Sinclair - by Certificate
Wm. M. Rowland
Mrs. Caroline Rowland
October 2, 1854:
Robert Galandez - by Examination
Catharine McDonald - by Examination
Sarah Rowland - by Examination
October 6, 1854:
Barbara G. Steanson - by Certificate
January 30, 1855:
Mrs. Gibson (I believe – Hard to read) - by Certificate
June 11, 1855:
Ms. Lydia Humphry - by Examination
Mr. James Williamson & his Wife - by Certificate
Mifs Mary Williamson - by Certificate
Alexander Hadden and His Wife - by Certificate
Mrs. Mary Story - by Certificate
October 9, 1855:
Mrs. Eliza McDonald - by Examination
June 1856:
Mifs Sarah Agnefs Blakely - by Examination
Mifs Jane McLaury - by Examination
Mr. Hazelhiph & his Wife - by Certificate
October 4, 1856:
Mifs Margaret Ann McKee - by Examination
June 5, 1857:
Mifs Jane A. & Sarah M. Blakely - by Examination
Mifs Mariah Mitchell - by Examination
Mr. Robert Craig - by Examination
Mrs. E. Rippey - by Certificate
Mrs. Mary B. Craig - by Certificate
Mr. John Clark &
Margaret, his Wife both - by Certificate
October 1, 1857:
Mr. David Fisher - by Examination
June 3, 1858:
All - by Examination
Mr. John Mitchell
Mr. Thomas Archer
Peter V. Folks
David Blakely
Wm. F. McClintock
Mifs Jane Murdock
- by Certificate:
Mr. Alex. Burns & his wife - by Certificate
Mrs. Mary A. Brownell - by Certificate
Margaret Rudie - by Certificate
October 1858:
Mifs Lidia C. McDonald - by Examination
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hamilton - by Certificate
June 1859:
Mr. Robert and Eliza Henderson
Mrs. Nancy Smith
Mrs. Mary Newcomb
Mifs Mary B. Henderson &
Mifs Elen Henderson
Mifs Harriet McKee
Mifs Susan Gibson
October 1859:
Mrs. McNiely
Bartley Henderson
John Wright
Samuel Craig All - by Examination
June 1860:
Wm. J. Sheldon & Elisa His Wife - by Examination
Wm. F. Tate & Marion His Wife - by Examination
Mrs. Alexander Humphrey - by Certificate
Wm. McNeily
October 1860:
Moses & Nancy Stranagan - by Examination
James & Sarah Conner - by Examination
May 26, 1861:
Mrs. Sally Blakely - by Examination
Nancy Blakely - by Examination
Mrs. Caroline McDonald - by Examination
Wm. Roda - by Examination
John McLaury - by Examination
Robert Spencer - by Examination
September 28, 1861:
Mifs Elizabeth H. Kilpatrick
Mifs I. A. Gibson
Mrs. Barlow & Mr. Samuel Barlow
All - by Certificate
July 1, 1862:
Mrs. Ann Wright
Wm. M. Wright
Wm. Henderson and Sarah His Wife
Mr. Robert (illegible, possibly Rouse)
Mifs Jane M. Blakely
All - by Examination
October 11, 1862:
Mr. Hiram G. Reynolds - by Examination
Mifs Catharine Brown - by Examination
June 1863:
Mifs Mary and Esther McKee
Mifs Delia McDonald
Mrs. Roxy M. Hooker
All - by Examination
Thomas S. Moordock
Mifs E. Ainslie
Wm. Stewart & mary His Wife
All - by Certificate
October 1863:
Mifs Jane Williamson - by Examination
Wm. McCracken - by Examination
Wm. Shearer & Wife - by Certificate
Mrs. R. Spencer - by Certificate
Mrs. Wm. McCracken - by Certificate
June 1864:
James H. McKee
Mifs Mary E. Gibson
James Lawson
James H. Fisher
All - by Examination
Mrs. Lawson
Mrs. James H. McKee
Both - by Certificate
September 28, 1864:
Mrs. Nancy Reynolds - by Certificate
Mifs Sarah J. Reynolds - by Examination
May 25, 1865:
Mr. John Thompson & Eleanor His Wife - by Examination
Mrs. Jennet Brownell - by Examination
Mr. James Graham & His Wife - by Certificate
Martha Graham - by Certificate
Mrs. Covert (Martha’s sister Jane Gray Graham) - by Certificate
Mr. Isaac Brownell - by Certificate
September 23, 1865:
Joseph Wright - by Examination
John Leal - by Examination
Margaret A. Thompson - by Examination
Mrs. Hamilton & Daughter Sarah - by Certificate
May 25, 1866:
Adel J. Rowland
Mary I. Leal
Jane E. McLaury
All - by Examination
Mrs. Susan Benedict - by Certificate
Sarah McLaury - by Certificate
Mr. John Gillespie & His Wife - by Certificate
Mr. John McCully & Martha His Wife - by Examination
September 30, 1866:
Mrs. Chloe Smith - by Certificate
Mrs. Wm. Brown - by Examination
November 5, 1866:
Mifs Sarah & Helen Turner - by Examination
January 1851: James & Margaret A. Blakely
James Blakely
Jane A. Blakely
Sarah M. Blakely
Banyer Blakely
Charles Blakely by Rev. James Williamson
April 1851: Thomas & Susan Mitchell
June 1852:
Hugh Alexander
James Henry
April 1851: William Mitchell & Margaret
March 20, 1853:
June 8, 1857:
May 1851: Samuel Clegg & Ann
June 1855:
Margaret G.
March 1857
Samuel Brown
June 1859:
June 1864:
Sarah Ida
September 1866:
April 1851: Alex & Margaret Leal
Mary Isabel by Rev. James Sinclair
March 1853:
June 1855:
June 1857:
1860: Joseph McMurdy
February 8, 1852: William Brock & Abigail
William Rose by Rev. J. I. Gibson
March 7, 1852: Robert & Margaret McLaury
Christiana by Rev. William Laing
October 10, 1853:
Thomas Clark
March 14, 1852: John & Jane A. Craig
Robert Carson by Rev. James Sinclair
Martha Jane by Rev. John Rippey
July 17, 1855: Matilda A. Craig
Thomas Craig
William H. Craig
James H. Craig
Eliza Craig
June 5, 1852: William M. Rowland
Caroline Augusta (It is possible this Caroline Augusta belongs to John & Margaret Clark listed June 1858.)
June 5, 1852: Samuel & Sarah Stewart
Sarah Isabel
June 9, 1854:
June 1856:
Esther Ann by Rev. John Rippey
June 1858:
Mary Elizabeth by Rev. John Rippey
October 1860:
John Bell
June 5, 1852: James & Nancy Mitchell
Mary Isabel
October 11, 1852: James & Sarah Gibson
John Whigham by Rev. J. McNulty
June 9, 1854:
Martha France
June 1857:
James K.
March 20, 1853: James Williamson & Eliza
1853: Edmund Rose
William Blakely
Hugh King
Sarah Elizabeth
Jane Ann
Mary Augusta
Cora P.
May 10, 1853: Mrs. Amelia Harper Adult Baptism
February 1856:
June 10, 1853:
Ezekiel Harknefs Adult Baptism
June 9, 1854: Andrew & Martha Gibson
June 8, 1857:
Martha Oliver
June 1854: Mrs. Daniel Fisher
Thomas Shiland
James Hugh
Eliza Ann
October 1857:
Daniel by Rev. John Rippey
October 8, 1854: David & Barbara Steanson
Robert James
February 1861:
John Rippey
Mary Elizabeth
September 24, 1854: John & Jane Smith
June 1857:
Lydia Ann by Rev. John Rippey
September 24, 1854: Joseph & Agnefs Kilpatrick
August 1857:
William Robinson
April 1856: David & Mary Mitchell
Sophia Jane
April 1858:
Hugh Howard
November 5, 1856:
Baptised Mifs Sarah Turner and Mifs Helen Turner
June 8, 1857: Thomas & Jane Anderson
Martha J.
October 1, 1857: James G. & Susan Blakely
James T.
Susan R.
April 1858: James & Jane Moordock
Sarah Agnes
May 1858:
Peter V. Folks Adult Baptism
May 10, 1858:
Lidia C. McDonald Adult Baptism
May 1858: Samuel & Martha Redmond
Martha J.
June 1858: Banyer G. & Elizabeth Blakely
William Pearse
Ranson Mitchell
June 1858: John & Margaret Clark
Elizabeth H.BY Rev. J. Rippey
September 1860:
(see William Rowland listed June 1852)
June 1858: Wm. H. & Mary A. Brownell
Robert Willis by Rev. J. Rippey
June 1859: Robert & Mary Craig
a service of the Delaware County Historical Association located at 46549 State Highway 10, Delhi, NY 13753
Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger