
Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site

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This is the form that was developed to abstract the information from the Trustees' Reports. The other District's and other Towns have similar reports (this is the first year that detailed reports like this were made - previously the report was mostly financial). Costs to obtain other reports are 50 cents pet page with a minimum charge of a dollar. --Shirley Houck, Records Clerk . . . P. O. Box 426 . . . Delhi, NY 13753

Acc. No.                                          Report Dated  Jan. 1, 1856
Towns of Roxbury & Gilboa                         School Year Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, 1855
School District No. 10 (J)                        Trustees:   Wm M Peck, Ephraim Mulford
SCHOOL YEAR:  School was kept in this district during the
year ending Dec.31st
for 7 months & 12 days by 2 male teachers, employed for 3 months & 12 days,
& 1 female teachers, employed for 4 months & _days, in possession of cert-
ficates of qualification, granted by the Town Superintendent of Roxbury
SCHOOL-HOUSE & SITE: The school house is built of lumber is in   tolerable repair,
& was built in 1817. The school-house is situate in the Town of Roxbury.
Yards, fences & outbuildings are  "none"
SCHOOL FINANCES: The amount of public money, apportioned to the district by the
Town Superintendent during the year is $ 65.90 of which $ 65.90 were applied, on
order of the district Trustees, to compensation of Teachers. Of the said amount,
$ 51.33 was for and on account of the part of the said district in the Town of
 Roxbury  & $ 3.97 as  for and on account of the part of the said district
in the Town of Gilboa. The amount raised by rate bill for Teachers,
wages is $ 34.13 . The amount of $_  was apportioned to the district for
library money. Of the said amount, $_ was for and on account of the part of
the said district situate in the Town of  --- & $_   was for and on
account of the part of the said district situate in the Town of ---
Books purchased by the district this year were   ---

Amount pay teachers over public moneys was $24.13.Whole amount levied by taxes in
district in this year for other objects is 8.00, expened for purchasing fuel, building
fires, etc.

VISITATION: The school was visited by the Town Superintendent - times this year.
SCHOOL BOOKS: The following school books are used in the district:
Towns spelling book Towns & Saunders Readers Thompsons & Perkins Arithmetic Brown &
 Smiths grammar Morses Geography Smiths Astronomy Days Algebra Olmsteds philosophy
SCHOOL LIBRARY: The number of volumes in the district is 120 . The titles are--
SCHOOL ATTENDANCE: The number of children, who attended school since the last
annual report, was as follows:
    8  for less than 2 months,
   12  2 months, but less than 4 months,
   10  4 months, but less than 6 months,
   11  6 months, but less than 8 months,
  ____ 8 months, but less than 10 months.
   41  Total

On last Dec.31st,38 children, between the ages of 4 & 21 years of age, 
resided in the district as set forth below: The number belonging to Roxbury is 25.

NAMES OF PARENTS & C       No. of Children 

John Davis                  5   
John Donaldson              4
Peter F Simonson            2
John P. Simonson            6
Jospeh Cook                 4   
Ephraim Mulford             2
John Mulford                1
David F Peck                4 
John Clark                  6
Wm. M. Peck                 4

Total                      38

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a service of the Delaware County Historical Association located at 46549 State Highway 10, Delhi, NY 13753

Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger