
Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site

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Hardcopy submitted by Shirley Houck, electronic text by Joyce Riedinger October 16, 2000

(W)=Whole District (J)=Joint District
Common School Districts
Jan. l - Dec. 31, 1855

Dist. Dist.      School      Year   Material    1855      District           School-house Location
No.   Town(s)    Located     Built  Built     Condition   Trustees

 l(W) Kortright  Kortright   18--   -----       -----     Adam Jaques        In, or near, the village of
                                                          Wm M Forman        Bloomville

 1(J) Kortright  Davenport   18--   -----       -----     Ira B Hanford      In the Town of Davenport, at
      & Davenport                                         John Gaddis        intersection of County Route
                                                                             #12 & Dehning Road

 1(J) Kortright  Delhi       18--   -----       -----     Jesse Betts        In the Town of Delhi, on
      & Delhi                                             Robert Elliott     present State Route #10, near the
                                                                             Webster Brook Road
 l(J) Kortright  Meredith    18--   -----       -----     Charles Dibble     In the Town of Meredith, on
      Meredith                                            James Gibson       Elk Creek Rock near the Mer-
      & Delhi                                                                edith/Kortright Town line

 2(W) Kortright  Kortright   18--   -----       -----     Stephen M. Brown   On Kiff Brook Road, near the
                                                          Joseph Beilby      intersection with the present
                                                                             John Rice Road
 2(J) Kortright  Harpersfield 18--  -----       -----     Samuel Mahaffy     In the Town of Harpersfield,
      & Harpersfield                                      Thomas Telfer Jr   at the intersection of Gun
                                                                             House Hill Road & Odell Lake Road
 3(W) Kortright  Kortright   18--   wood &      very      Solm M Sackrider   At the intersection of Betty
                                    shingles    good      David W Thomas     Brook Road & Swantak Road
 3(J) Kortright  Harpersfield 18--  -----       -----     B F Gibbs          In the Town of Harpersfield; at
      & Harpersfield                                      R E Davis          the intersection of Trusdell
                                                                             Road & the present State Route #23
 4(W) Kortright  Kortright   18--   -----       -----     M Sanford          On present State Route #10,
                                                          J McMurdy          east of McMurdy Brook Road

 5(W) Kortright  Kortright   18--   wood        bad       Ebenezer A Gallup  On Betty Brook Road, near the
                                                          Jno H McLaury      Hobart Bill Road

 5(J) Kortright  Stamford    18--   -----       -----     John D Gibson      In the Town of Stamford, in the
      & Stamford                                          Burr Keeler        village of South Kortright
 6(W) Kortright  Kortright   18--   -----       -----     Wm P Riddle        At the intersection of McMurdy
                                                          Moses Kilpatrick   Hill Road & Hobart Hill Road
 7(W) Kortright  Kortright   18--   -----       -----     John McKee         On present County Route # 12
                                                                             near McKee-Hill Road (see further info)
 8(W) Kortright  Kortright   18--   wood        -----     David Ceas         On present County Route # 13,
                                                          Hiram Burdick      near the intersection with Brae-
                                                          Jackson Stouten-   head Road
 9(W) Kortright  Kortright   1855   wood        good      William G Roberts  On Roberts Road
                                                          James H Bromley

 9(J) Kortright  Davenport   18--   -----       -----     Wiliam H Harper    In the Town of Davenport,
      & Davenport                                         John E McMorris    on present State Route #23,
                                                                             near Parker Hill Road
10(W) Kortright  Kortright   18--   wood        -----     Thomas Archer      On Stewart Road, near the
                                                          Alvy Briggs        Kortright/Meredith Town Line

ll(W) Kortright  Kortright   1850   frame       good      Thomas J Harkness  On present McCormack Road
                                                          Matthew Sixsmith
ll(J) Kortright  Harpersfield 1834  wood        good      Z W Dayton         In the Town of Harpersfield,
      & Harpersfield                                      Wm 0 Hendry        at the intersection of pres-
                                                          James Scott        ent County Route # 29 & Har
                                                                             per Road
11(J) Kortright  Kortright   1834   wood        good      Samuel Osborn      On Scotch Hill Road
      & Meredith                                          James Williamson
12(W) Kortright  Kortright   18--   -----       -----     John McClintock    At the intersection of Kelso
                                                          James Boyle        Road & the Catskill turnpike
13(W) Kortright  Kortright   1839   wood        -----     Burr Keeler 2      At Doonans Corners, the inter-
                                                          Hugh Kinmouth      section of present County
                                                                             Routes 12 & 33
14(W) Kortright  Kortright         probably     doubtful  E T Gibbs          At the intersection of present
                                    wood                  J W Barlow Jr      County Route #33 Braehead Road

15(J) Kortright  Kortright   1848   timber      good      James Adair        On present "96" Road
      & Davenport                                         Thomas S Clark

15(J) Kortright  Meredith    18--   -----       -----     C W M Dibble       In the Town of Meredith, at
      & Meredith                                          J W Roberts        village of East Meredith
                                                          James Mitchell

16(W) Kortright  Kortright   18--   -----       -----     Dean F McIlwain    At the intersection of Under-
                                                          William Rowland    pass Road & North Road

16(J) Kortright  Kortright   1848   wood        good      Samuel Stewart     On Stewart Road, near the Kort-
      & Davenport                                         Wm D McFarland     right/Davenport Town Line

17(W) Kortright  Kortright   1825   wood        poor      Orrin Coan         On Crowe Road, near the inter-
                                                          S S Wetmore        section with present County
                                                                             Route # 33

18(W) Kortright  Kortright   1804   wood        poor      Luther Butts       Near the intersection of Scott
                                                          Robert McArthur    Hill Road & McArthur Fill Road
19    No Report was found for this District No.

20(W) Kortright  Kortright   1852   wood        good      Benjamin Gerowe    On present State Route # 10,
                                                          John McMinn        near Kiff Brook Road

No Report was found for this District No. filed with the Kortright reports. However, such a Report was filed with the Davenport Reports & the information therefrom is included here to make the record more complete.

NOTE: The school-houses are sited, to the best of our ability, by reference to the Gould Map, the Beers Atlas & present County Highway maps.

NOTE - January 26, 2007: from George Hansen, 65 Plant Road, Clifton Park, NY 12065, 518-371-7225,

The location description would more accurately read: "On present County Route #12 near Frisbee Road". (Mckee Hill Road is about half a mile west. Frisbee Road is about 200 feet east.)

The former schoolhouse was purchased from the South Kortright Central school District and converted into a single family dwelling by my parents in 1946 and we lived there until 1965. It is still being used as a home by the current owner. It's interesting to note that this building has had only three owners since roughly 1840 when it was constructed. It was added on to several times during the period my parents owned it, and the current owner has added a large dormer . I still have a copy of the original deed from the school district to my parents.

I also have several snapshots of the Kelso farm in the Town of Kortright that were taken sometime in the early 1940's.

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a service of the Delaware County Historical Association located at 46549 State Highway 10, Delhi, NY 13753

Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger