
Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site

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(Source: The Bloomville Mirror, Nov. 6, 1866 page 2 column 1.)
Transcribed by Linda Robinson, October 11, 2002

COMMISSIONERS: O.R. Bouton, Roxbury; H.M. Cable, Walton

INSTRUCTORS: Mrs. M.H. Smith, Oswego, Geography; Prof. F.S. Jewell, State Normal School Albany, Language; Hon. A.W. Young, Ripley, Civil Government; Comm'r H.M. Cable, Walton, Mental Arithmatic and Spelling; Comm'r O.R. Bouton, Roxbury, Practical Arithmatic.

LECTURERS: Rev. A.H. Boyle, Origin of Poetry; Rev. J.H. Rhinehart, Roxbury, Success; Rev. A. Rogers, Hensonville, Truth; Hon. A.W. Young, Ripley, Civil Government and Political Economy; Rev. F. S. Jewell, Albany, Teaching Spelling.

Julia Andrews, Hobart; Addie Andrews, Franklin

Marie Ballard, Roxbury; Mina J. Boggs, Stamford; Jennie C. Boyd, Hobart; Mary E. Boyd, Hobart; Libbie Bohlman, Andes; Sophelia Bouton, Roxbury; Mary A. Bush, Hobart.

Mary Cathels, Brushland; Ellen Clark, West Kortright; Mary E. Cowan, Hobart; Lizzie Coulter, Brushland.

Addie C. Dart, No. Harpersfield; Sate M. Dart, Roxbury; Carrie Davis, Roxbury; Mina Dean, Meredith.

Lydia Gerowe, Bloomville; Rebecca Gibbs, Kortright; Mary Green, Clark's Factory; Rachel Gunn,
Griffin's Corners.

Marietta Haddow, Lumberville; Frances Harkness, Davenport; Mary Henderson, New Kingston; S.A.
Higbee, Hobart; M.A. Hulburt, Lumberville; Mary Hummiston, Roxbury.

Helen Kaltenbach, Roxbury; Maggie Kennedy, Stamford; Delia A. Keeler, Kortright; Julia F. Keeler, Kortright; A.A. King, So. Kortright; Lizzie Kinmonth, Kortright; Almina Kilpatrick, Roxbury.

Rose Lasher, Roxbury; Emily Lawrence, Griffin's Corners; Esther Lull, Brushland; Emma Lull, Brushland.

Jennie McFarland, Bovina; Jennie McDonald, So. Kortright; Kate McDonald, West Kortright; Libbie McMinn, Oneonta Otsego Co; Effa McFadden, Delhi; Ella Mable, Delhi; Mary Meeker, Roxbury; Agnes Montgomery, Hobart; Lucinda Morrison, Griffin's Corners; Belle Munn, Delhi.

Julana O'Conner, Clark's Factory.

Malvina Parsons, Stamford; Sarah M. Phyfe, Brushland; Mary Preston, Roxbury.

M.A. Rice, Meredith; Lydia Rowe, No. Harpersfield; Mary E. Ryer, Hobart;

Belle Scott, Hobart; Maggie L. Scott, Hobart; Alida Silliman, Delhi; Sarah A. Silliman, Delhi; Bettie Silliman, Roxbury; Libbie Simmons, Roxbury; Jennie Sinclair, Delhi; Elizabeth Smith, No. Harpersfield; Joanna R. Spiers, Meredith; Jennie C. Spiers, Meredith; Addie Stratton, Roxbury; Emma Stratton, Roxbury.

Evaline Turner, Kortright.

Frank Vermilya, Griffin's Corners.

Lucy A. Waterbury, Margaretville; Carrie Wicks, Moresville; Malvina Whipple, Roxbury; Ella White, Fergusonville.


Townsend F. Bellows, Griffin's Corners; S.K. Bellows, Griffin's Corners; John Bookhout, Roxbury; M. Bolles, Kortright.

John F. Cator, Roxbury; A.C. Crosby, Roxbury; Obed Crosby, Halcottsville.

A.W. DeSilva, Lumberville; W.R. DuMond, New Kingston.

O.M. Follet, Roxbury.

W.M. Griffin, Roxbury.

E.C. Harkness, Davenport; J.W. Henderson, New Kingston; Chas. Hicks, Stratton's Falls; Sam'l T. Hull, Stratton's Falls

E.J. Kelly, Margaretville; H.T. Kinmonth, Kortright.

E.G. Lawrence, Griffin's Corners.

C.L. McCrackin, Kortright; M. Morrison, Griffin's Corners.

Even R. Northrup, Margaretville.

Edward O'Connor, Clark's Factory; David Oglevie, Delhi.

S.W. Parker, Lexington Greene Co.

J.P. Scott, Bovina Valley; J.E. Seacord, Bovina Valley; Floris Streeter, Griffin's Corners.

J.P. Wilson, Roxbury.

P.G. Yaples, New Kingston.

HELD AT WALTON, DELAWARE CO., N.Y. OCT. 29th to NOV. 9th, 1866

(Source: The Bloomville Mirror, Nov. 11, 1866 page 2 columns 1&2)

COMMISSIONERS: O.R. Bouton, Roxbury; H.M. Cable, Walton

INSTRUCTORS: Mrs. M.H. Smith, Oswego, Geography; Prof. S.W. Clark, Rochester, Language; Prof. J. Madison Watson, New York, Elocution; Rev. Geo. Kerr, Cooperstown, Geography; Hon. A.W. Young, Ripley, Civil Government; Prof. C. Townsend, Rochester, Civil Government; Comm'r O.R. Bouton, Roxbury, Practical Arithmatic; Comm'r H.M. Cable, Walton, Mental Arithmatic and Spelling.

LECTURERS: Hon. A.W. Young, Principles of Government; Rev. Geo. Keer, Geography and School Management; Prof. J. Madison Watson, Elocution; Prof. J.L. Sawyer, Cherry Valley, Columbus; Prof. C. Townsend, A careful Exposition of the Characteristics of Mankind.


Matilda Anderson, Hamden; Maggie Arbuckle, Walton.

Roselia Beers, Chaseville Otsego Co.; Arvilla Blair, Croton; Mary Blakely, Andes; Ocelia Blanchard, Croton; Mary Bryce, Hamden; Belle Bryce, Hamden; R.M. Brownell, Croton; Ettie Bush, Franklin; Nancy Burns, Walton; Augusta Burroughs, Deposit; Mary Burns, Delhi.

Robie Cable, New Road; Francis R. Cable, New Road; Rebecca Carman, Delhi; Eliza A. Cannon, Cannonsville; Bettie Christie, Hamden; Mary Chrisman, Walton; Lizzie Cole, Downsville; Kate Covel, Walton; Sue A. Cole, Sidney Plains; Bettie Clauson, Downsville; Libbie Clum, Margaretville.

Calista Dann, Downsville; Elizabeth Davidson, Hamden; Isabelle Davie, Delhi; Eugenia Dimmick, Margaretville, Maggie S. Doig, Walton; Addie M. Drake, Walton.

Julia Edwards, Franklin; Mary A. Elwood, Downsville; Ellen Eells, Walton; Eugenia E. Evans, Walton; Emogene Evans, East Davenport.

Jennie Fish, Hancock; Martha E. Fraser, Hamden; Sarah Francisco, Downsville; Esther Ferguson, Bloomville.

Lizzie George, Andes; Ann George, Andes; Frank E. Goodrich, Cannonsville; Susan Grant, Cannonsville; Lucinda Grant, Cannonsville; Jennie Grant, Walton; Sarah E. Goodrich, Cannonsville.

Lizzie J. Hanford, Walton; Carrie Hitt, Walton; Helen Hitchcock, Sidney Center; Cornelia Hitt, Downsville; Mary Hobbs, Meredith; Augusta Hoyt, Walton; Marie Hoyt, New Road; Kate Hutson, Delhi; Frances Hitt, Pepacton.

Ellen Jack, Delhi; Eliza Judd, Franklin.

Eleanor Knapp, Walton; M. Knapp, Davenport Center.

Ellen Launt, Walton; Libbie A. Lindsley, Downsville.

Laurie Mallory, Hamden; Jennie McFarland, Brushland; N.M. McLaury, Walton; E.J. McQueen, Lumberville; Satie M. Morrison, Hamden; Sarah E. More, Andes; B.J. Murray, Hamden; Ruenna Miller, Davenport Center.

Hattie Olmstead, Hamden; Hannah Osborne, Walton.

Adaline, E. Palmer, Masonville; Libbie E. Palmer, West Brook; Esther Patchen, Walton; Celinda Peake, Hamden; Bettie Peake, Hamden.

Libbie Radeker, Colchester; Laurie L. Radeker, Colchester; Mary Raymond, Franklin; Emma M. Randall, Masonville; Jennie E. Rait, Andes; Janet Robertson, Delhi; Julia A. Roff, Pepacton.

Maria A. Sewell, Downsville; Lucina Shellman, Delhi; Augusta S. St. John, Walton; Anna St. John, Walton; Fannie Smith, Downsville; C.C. Sprague, New Kingston; E.E. Sprague, New Kingston; Jennie Stewart, Delhi; Martha Spencer, Masonville; Alida Sillman, Delhi.

Annie E. Thomas, Hancock; Ruth E. Thomas, Hancock; Adelia Titus, Croton; Rosetta Tompkins, Deposit; Emily Treadwell, Croton; Delia Twiss?, Pepacton; Augusta Twaddle, Unadilla.

Ella G. Vail, East Branch.

Mary Walker, Hancock; Ettie A. Webster, Cannonsville; Maggie Wilson, Downsville; Mary C. White, Downsville; Gertrude Wright, Walton.


Charles L. Alverson, Cannonsville.

Wm. Browne, Kortright Center; Elbert J. Brownell, Croton.

D.S. Chamberlain, Franklin; A.C. Crosby, Roxbury; H.D. Cable, Walton; Henry Campbell, Downsville; J. Carpenter, Pepacton.

G.L. Faulkner, Margaretville.

Williard Georgia, Croton; Willis Gray, Hamden; Simeon Goodman, Cabin Hill; Tunis Goodenough, Jefferson Schoharie Co.

W.M. Honeywell, Walton; C.T. Hicks, Stratton's Falls.

E.L. Jenks, Walton.

Marion Kingsley, Franklin.

Van Buren Martin, Pedacton (Pepacton?); Chas. McPhial (McPhail?), Hamden; Mm. S. Moore, Hamden; George McCabe, Andes; Arthur Montgomery, Downsville; William Montgomery, Downsville; Daniel Munn, North Hamden.

Phillip Neish, Shavertown; Alexander Neish, Shavertown.

G.D. Ostsom (Ostrom?), Walton; Edward P. Rowell, Franklin; Joseph W. Robinson, Delhi; W. Renwick, Hamden.

Gilbert Smith, Sidney Plains; William D. Smith, Croton; Timothy Saunderson, Meredith; C. Strong, Meredith; Ransom Shaver, Pepacton; A.J. Saver, Meredith.

W.L. White, Andes; Harvey J. Warner, Gilboa; Joseph Wright, West Kortright.

(Source: The Bloomville Mirror, Oct. 3, 1871 page 2 columns 3 and 4.)

The following is a list of teachers who attended the Institute, held at Hobart last week. We understand about 100 of them received Certificates:

Julia Andrews, Hancock.

Ollie Blish, Stamford; Fannie Blish, Stamford; E.A. Barberie, Hobart; Libbie H. Blair, Brushland; Rebecca Behleman, Andes; Rose L. Barlow, Hobart; Mary Boyd, Hobart; J. Boyd, Hobart.

Sate J. Champlin, Hobart; Mary Champlin, Hobart; Jennie J. Cowan, Hobart; Lizzie J. Campbell, Andes.

Lizzie Downie, Brushland; Mari E. Davis, Andes; Almiretta Davis, Andes; Parthena L. Davis, Andes; Frances E. Dayton, No. Harpersfield; Mary E. Dayton, No. Harpersfield; Mary Davis? Roxbury; Estelle Dean, Mereidth; Elmina Dean, Meredith.

Annie Frisbie, Roxbury.

Jennie Grant, Stamford; Huldie Grant, Delhi; Helen M. Goodrich, Stamford.

Charlotte Hager, Hobart; Alice M. Humphrey, No. Kortright; Martha Hanford, Hobart.

Julia F. Keeler, Kortright Center; Belle King, So. Kortright; Helen Keltenbach, Roxbury.

Susie Lyon, Hobart; Maggie Lockhart, Andes; Mary J. Leal, East Meredith; Emily Lawrence, Griffin's Corners.

Belle Martin, Stamford; Alice E. More, Andes; Ella M. McLaury, Hobart; Josephine McLaury, Hobart; Frances McLaury, Hobart; Jennie McDonald, Stamford; Eliza S. McIntyre, Davenport; Mary L. McKee, West Kortright; Mary A. McKee, West Kortright.

Sarah F. Orr, So. Kortright; Delia Olmstead, Fergusonville.

Mary M. Palmateer, New Kingston; Manda Palmateer, New Kingston; Sarah M. Phyffe, Brushland; Addie A. Palmer, Bloomville.

Maria A. Rice, Kortright; Adelaide Rotermund, Andes; Mary E. Ryer, Hobart.

Emily Scudder, Hobart; Maggie Sinclair, Delhi; Marian Southerland, Meredith.

Euphenie Todd, Griffin's Corners; Nettie Thompson, Brushland.

Hattie Winslow, Hobart; Libbie J. Wiltsee, Harpersfield; Mary Wiltsee, Harpersfield; Lucy A. Ward, Hardenburgh; Georgia M. Walter, Hobart; Mate Walter, Hobart; M.A. Williamson, Bloomville; Laura Wilcox, Stamford.


Geo. Bouton, Griffin;'s Corners; E.W. Bolles, Kortright Center; Sniffin K. Bellows, Griffin's Corners; Chas. Blish, Hobart; Orson J. Butts, Bloomville; R.C. Baker, Margaretville; Eugene Brewster, Moresville; Louis A. Buck, Harpersfield.

Arnold S. Carroll, Roxbury; B.S. Cator, Roxbury; Jas. H. Campbell, Bloomvile; H.D. Copley, Davenport.

Marshall Dales, Hobart; John Davenport, Davenport; Norman Dayton, No. Harpersfield; Henry V. Davis, Andes; C.W. Dayton, No. Harpersfield; H.H. Donnelly, So. Kortright; J.H. Douglass, No. Kortright; Edmund Dales, Hobart; J.M. Donnelly, So. Kortright.

Hector Follett, Roxbury.

Walter H. Gibbs, Kortright; Edward B. Griffin, Roxbury; Oscar P. Griffin, Roxbury; A.H. Grant, Hobart; B.D. George, Margaretville; Chas. Griffin, Roxbury; Wm. M. Gavitt, Lumberville; C.D. Greene, Meredith; W.A. Gemmel, Kortright.

J.H. Hammond, Stamford; C. Hendry, No. Kortright; L. Hager, Hobart; H.G. Hogaboom, Bovina Valley; P.M. Hull, New Kingston; E.B. Harkness, Davenport; Geo. Hayner, Moresville.

Wm. Kelly, Griffin's Corners; Francis Kilpatrick, Roxbury; James N. King, Cabin Hill.

Geo. H. Lyon, Hobart; Geo. A. Landon, Delhi.

A.E. More, Moresville; E.F. Merriam, Harpersfield; Wm. Murphy, Andes; Ira E. Miner, Andes; Geo. W. McCabe, Andes; Herbert H. McLaury, Meredith; Wm. M. McMurray, Kortright; S. Carson Mitchell, Bloomville, A.T. McMullin, Delhi; Jos. S. McMurdy, Delhi; Andrew Mathews, Davenport.

Henry Orr, So. Kortright.

Howard Pease, Delhi.

Nicholas Redmond, Roxbury; S.J. Rowland, West Kortright.

Wm. F. Strangeway, Bovina Valley; T.C. Strangeway, Bovina Valley; E. Shutleff, Harpersfield; Emory Smith, Bloomville; Amasa J. Shaver, Meredith.

W.R. Taylor, Jefferson; John Thomson, Delhi; George A. Thomas, So. Kortright; Alonzo Tuttle, Bovina.

Stephen Wiltsee, Harpersfield; Chas. D. Wiltsee, Harpersfield; VanZant Wykcoff, Moresville; H.F. Wilcox, Hobart.

Philip G. Yaple, New Kingston.

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a service of the Delaware County Historical Association located at 46549 State Highway 10, Delhi, NY 13753

Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger