Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site
transcribed by Tamara Sanford, January 13, 2005
Of note, I've noticed more names than individuals in photographs. In earlier years classes were grouped into class photographs unless I've noted otherwise. The list may show 14 names where as you will have a photograph of only 12 graduates possibly because a student had to return home to help on the farm or moved, etc. --ts
W. Francis Minnerly
Anna Ruteshouser
Roy Van Aken
Grace S. Preston
Eleanor K. Cole
Grant D. More
Eva S. Parsons
Elsie W. Hanbury
Anna O'Hara
Marguerite Humphrey
Martha G. Robinson
George Muller
Ruth Creamer
Harold Draffen
Nellie Jaquish
Edith C. Morse
Frances Richtmyer
Mary Bellows
Richard Keator
Janet Harris
Roy MacKenzie
Martha Robinson
Louis C. Spencer
Florence A. Rose
Frank Murray
Augusta M. Rowe
Anna M. Bellows
Fannie Vermilya
Pauline M. Blythe
Cecil M. Shultes
George P. Chase
Herbert Cronk
Marion Dixon
Preston Edsall
Gladys M. Eignor
Irene Gorsch
Florence Joslyn
Nelson B. Kelly
Harold Southard
Mary Morse
Grace Powell
Mildred V. Preston
Ralph H. Reynolds
Lena Corbin
Marion Groves
Burrett Bouton
Lillian Berry
Waldo Parsons
Freda Hinkley
Leland Shultis
William Griffin
Gladys Joslyn
Dorothy Davidson
Grace Cantwell
Luella Bellows
Orville Brownell *the only male*
Ima Griffin
Iva Hinman
Pauline Aikman
Grace Morse
Marian Meade
Mabel Hammond
Elizabeth Hubbell
Willard Van Woert
John Davidson
Frederick Teichmann
Madison Speenburgh
Theodore Howard
Ruth Grill
More Simonson
Elwin Shoemaker
Roger Clapp
Mildred Harrington
Pearl Cronk
Joseph Siman
Thomas Catwell
Stanley Mead
Mildred Barger
Florence Hinman
Esther Van Roesen
Robert Gausman
(as individually photographed & identified)
Bruce Caswell
Helen Ennist
Claude Herdman
Robert Lewis
Cornelia Rollins
(as individually photographed & identified)
Mildred Faulkner
Virginia Page
Mildred Lewis
Elizabeth Barber
Ida Fredenburgh
John Jordan
Lewis Van Loan
Marjorie Bouton
Vincent Pohlman
Donald More
Claude Herdman
George Jones
Lynn Bookhout
Harold McCann
(as individually photographed & identified)
Dorothy E. Aikman
Rudolph Blythe
Franklyn E. Buswell
Henry S. Clapp
Birdella L. Cronk
Pauline M. Lutz
Helen O'Kelly
Edith J. Pitkethly
Charles E. Schwille
(as individually photographed & identified)
Frances A. Ives
John Harold Kelly
Edward Albert Lutz
Howard Cartwright
Eva Z. Johnson
Earle Bookhout
Leighton Enderlin
Evelyn E. Shuman
Herbert More
James Gerald Mackey
Elsie Louise Fuller
Ver Lynn Sprague
Margaret C. Kilpatrick
Wilfred E. Jump
Maurice Groves
Mary M. Simon
(as individually photographed & identified)
Grace Mead
Winifred Cantwell
Elizabeth Dugan
Dorothy Cantwell
Arline Craft
Dorothy G. Lutz
Charles K. Ives
Irving Mondore
Claude Lutz
Louise Lutz
Florence Muller
Olive Van Loan
Hazel Gerowe
Madeline McWilliams
Edna La Rue
Kathleen Kelly
Anna Brady
Carolina Vicevich
Desmond Riley
James Minnerly
John W. Schmidt
Julian Wright
Marian Raeder
Ella Keator
Gladys Whitney
Angie Burroughs
Beulah Mon Dore
Marian Lutz
Leona Dugan
Zada Lutz
Ralph Cantwell
Russell Cantwell
Robert Kilpatrick
Clara Sparling
George Brandow
Sayers Lutz
James Reiker
Fred Carter
(as individually photographed & identified)
Doris Lawrence
Marshall Slauson
Inez Ballard
Herbert Lutz
Ivan Tyler
Genevieve Dugan
Helen Ploutz
George Dugan
Sidney Parhm
Edna M. Lutz
Paul Fredenburgh
Margaret Proskine
Harrison C. Morse
Douglas White
(as individually photographed & identified)
Howard Brady
Olga Biruk
Virgil Meade
Gerald Keyser
Marjorie Meade
Helena Keyser
Lindon Morse
Henry Munsell
Virginia Haight
Harold Van Valkenburgh
a service of the Delaware County Historical Association located at 46549 State Highway 10, Delhi, NY 13753
Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger