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Records of School District No. 16
Franklin, Delaware County, New York

Annual Meetings, Mar. 1818 - Oct. 1834

Transcribed by Shirley Brownson from the originals, February 6, 1998

Records of School District No, 16 in Franklin at a meting of the Freeholders and inhabitants of the Neighbourhood (now school District No, 16) Thomas Wolcott was chosen Moderator and John Keeney Clerk, resolved that we petition to the Commishoners of Common schools to be ... of as a District, resolved that we procede to build a school house and Amos Boyd Isaac Ludington and David Ogden Jr be chosen Trustees to carry it into effect, Franklin March 15th 1818 John Keeney, Clerk


at a meeting of the Freeholders and inhabitants called by the commishoners of the town of Franklin on the 18th of May for the purpose of choosing officers and organizing school District No, 16 David Ogden Jr chosen Moderator John Keeney District Clerk Amos Boyd Isaac Ludington & David Ogden Jr Trustees and Harmon Gates Collector Resolved that the Trustees higher a teacher for three months to keep a summer school the meting adjourned John Keeney District Clerk


The above mentioned school kept by Miss Clarisa Fitch for Three Months a 1 Dollar per week


At a special meting of the inhabitants of school District No, 16 By order of the Trustees of sd District Thomas Wolcott chosen Moderator took in to consideration cost of building the school house resolved to pay the ... for the materials for building the house by a tax to be levied on the Freeholders of sd District the whole cost for materials $48,78 the labor done by the propriators no account to be made of it meting adjourned Dec 1st 1818

John Keeney District clerk


School began in December 1818 by Derian Phelps and kept 4 months at $1,50 per Week and thirty seven schollars taught in sd school and 27 returned Between the ages of five and fifteen and drew $11,00 free money and paid the same to the above mentioned teacher

John Keeney


at a meting of the Freeholders of school District No, 16 on the 15 of May 1819 David Ogden chosen Moderator John Keeney clerk Thomas Wolcott Amos Boyd and David Ogden Trustees it is agreed to hire a teacher for the summer season John Keeney Clerk

___________________________________________________________________The above school kept by Miss Sally Rich(?) for 3 months at $1,00 pr Week


at a special meeting of the inhabittants of school District No, 16 called by the trustees of sd District Thomas Wolcott chosen Moderator resolved to pay John Keeney ten dollars to repair the school house so as to make it comfortable for a winter school resolved that we hire our old teacher Derian Phelps to keep the winter school to commence the 15th of Nov,

John Keeney District cl


December 1st 1819 The above school kept acording to agreement for 4 months and 37 schollars returned between 5 & 15 years and drew $16,25 free money and paid the same to the above teacher mentiond JK

the above mentioned school Began the 15th Nov, 1819 and ended 15th March 1820


At a meting of the inhabtants of school District No 16 on the 20th of May 1820 Being the anual meting Nicholas Hoogaboon chosen Moderator John Keney Clerk Thomas Wolcott Amos Boyd & Elisha Boyd, Trustees resolved that the trustees employ a teacher for the summer insuing J Keeny Clerk

School began 15th of May 1820 by Eunice Boyd and kept for 3 months


Winter schooll Began Dec 15 1820 by Edward Gay


Returns made on the first day of January 1821 is 31 schollars Between 5 and 15 years and 44 taught in school Mr Gays school kept for three months at $...,00 month & Drew 16,25 Cents free money


At a meting of the Inhabitants and freeholders of school District No 16 in Franklin on the 5th day of Oct, 1822 Being the annual meting made choice of David Ogden Jr Mionor Treadwell Edwin Stillson, trustees, John Keeney Clerk Gayus(?) Clough Collector voted that the school Bill be kept in the Clerks hands six days of the close of the school before handed to the Collector voted and passed the one half cord of wood be provided previous to the commencement of the winter school voted and pass that one third of the public money be kept and expended in paying the wags for summer school voted that our annual meeting for the futer Be held on the first Mondays in Oct Minor Treadwell John Keeny Clk

Money Drawn in march 1823 is $19,50 and paid to Inspected bankers(?)


At a meting of the freeholders of school District No 16 for an annual Meting Oct first Monday

Made choice of Harmon Treadwell Moderator Isaac Ludington Silas Stuert Abnor Ogden Trustees

Edwin Still, Collector John Keeny Clerk

Voted and passed the winter school Begin by the 15th of Nov, voted that one third of free Money be kept toward paying sumer school Voted that the school Bill Be kept in the hands trustees hands 6 days after notifying those liable to pay said bill

Harmon Treadwell John Keeney Clerk

Bill for Wood Silas Stuert Abnor Odgen J Keeny C Carver I Ludington L Tuttle Jr E Boyd F Ford G Clough Z Jackson S King M Treadwell N Treadwell D Ogden E Stillson T Wolcott

A Boyd


At a meting of the freeholders of this school District held the 18th of oct 1824 - Made choice of Harmon Treadwell Abel Bostwick Saml Wilton Trustees Edwin Stillson Col, John Keeney Clerk

Money received for 1824 was $15,10

Money Received on the first of April 1825 $18,71 at a meting of the freeholders of District No 16 held on the 11th Day of Oct 1825 for an anual meting Jedediah Ward moderator John Keeny Clerk made choice of Thomas Wolcott Zera Jackson & Asa prime Trustees Amos Boyd Collector Publick money Rec. for 1826 was $21 dollars two thirds paid to S Cook for winter School and one third paid to C Kent(?) for summer School


At an anual School meting held at the School house in district No 16 Voted that jedediah ward be moderator and that Harmon Treadwell be Clerk Voted that Moses Benns(?) Jedediah Ward and Charles Carver be trustees Voted that Aaron Baldwin be Collector Voted that a school be kept in this district four months the ensuing winter Voted that the teacher teaches the school twenty six days for each month, Voted that there be a half a cord of wood get to ... schollar and that the wood be delivered at the school house between the middle of Nov and the first Dec and that the wood be corded at the house Voted that the trustees purchaese a pair of irons and add the expence to the school bill Voted that in case any one fails of getting their wood by the time specified that the trustees can get the wood and be allowed one dollar for each cord Voted that this meeting be adjourned to the 10th of Oct


The Amount of money Received for one thousand eight hundred and twenty Seven was twenty four dollars and eight cents eight dollars and three cents was paid to Sally Willis and Sixteen dollars and five cents was paid to Seymour Cook


At a Special School Meeting held at the school house in the Town of Franklin in dcs No 16 April 28th 1827 Voted Minor Treadwell be Moderator Voted that John Keney - David Ogden and Edwin Stilson be the Committee of arrangements for the new School be empowered to dispose of the old School house and apply the ... to the new School house Voted that all that have paid any amount of money to help build the new school house shall not be delivered(?) the privilege of the house inless their subscription be refunded this Vote is not to be disanuled until voted out by every member of the district Voted that those that have not given any amount of money for the building of the new


School house and live out of the district Shall pay one dollar for evry three months Schooling on each Schollar Voted that the new School house be district property for the benefit of schools and Publick Worship Minor Treadwell Modr Hermon Treadwell Clerk

At annual School meeting warned in district No 16 the 10 Oct Voted that John Keney be moderator and Hermon Treadwell Clerk Voted that this Meeting be adjourned to A Primes(?)

Voted that John Keney Amasa Clark Aaran Baldwin be trustees for the ensuing year and that Charles Carver be Collector Voted that the School be kept four months in this dcs the ensuing winter


Voted that there be one fourth of a cord of two feet wood delivered at the school hous split for a stove for each schollar and in case of neglect two shillings shall be aded to the school bill for each Schollar and ... to the names of those that fail in geting their wood

Voted that this meeting be adjourned to the first monday in October next

John Keeny (Mod) Hermon Treadwell Clerk

At a special school meeting held the fifth day of dec eighteen hundred and 27 Voted that Thomas Wolcott be moderator


Amount of money Rec for eighteen hundred and twenty eight is twenty three dollars and thirty cents fifteen dollars and fifty nine cents paid to L Stilson and the remainder reserved for the Summer School


At An Anual School Meeting duely warned in district No 16 the sixth day of Oct Voted that John Keney be Moderator and that Hermon Treadwell be Clerk Voted that Amos Boyd Isaac Ludington and David Ogden be trustees forr the ensuing year and that Aaron Baldwin be Collector Voted that a School be kept three months and a half the ensuing winter Voted that there be one fourth of a cord of two feet wood delivered at the school house and piled(?) by the first day of Dec , in case of any one fails of geting their wood twenty five cent shall be added to their school bill Voted that this meeting be adjournned until the first monday of Oct next

The Number Schollars returned in one thousand Eight hundred and twenty nine was Seventy four


At a school Meeting duly warned in school District No 16 it Being the Annual Meeting for 1829 October 5th Voted that Minor Treadwell be Moderator Hezekiah Treadwell be Clerk for the Evenning Voted that Hermon Treadwell be Clerk for the ensuing year Thomas Wolcott Renald Law Moses Burns Trustees Aaron Baldwin Collector

Voted there be one fourth of Cord of Wood to a schollar by the first of December next

Voted that Amos Boyd be appointed to see that wood be Delivered by the time above mentioned & in case of failure of any Person or Persons of the sd A. Boyd shall get it & receive his pay from the school Bill at One Dollar per Cord


Voted Amos Boyd be a Committee to look into accounts of Wood & Back House & to Solicit subscription of the People in the District to defray such expence as he shall find nessary ---

Voted that there be three Months & half school the ensuing winter

Voted that this Meeting be adjourned until the first of October next

At an anual School Meeting legally warned in School district No 16 1830 Oct 4th

Voted that Elisha Brownson be moderator and that Herman Treadwell be Clerk


Voted That Minor Treadwell John Keney Elijah Tupper be Trustees for the ensuing year and that Abel Benedict be Collector

Voted that Amos Boyd be appointed See to the geting the wood and if the wood is not ... and ... in the wood house by the first of Dec the said A Boy is to procure the wood and be allowed one dollar per Cord

Voted that the trustees furnish one chair and other nesisary appendages and repairs and add the same to the Scholl bill

Voted that if any wood is left at the School house longer than two feet for a longer time than twenty four ... such person shall pay a fine of twenty five cents


Voted that this meeting be adjourned intill the first monday of Oct next

Elisha Brownson

Herman Treadwell

At an Anual School meeting Oct 3 AD 1831 in district No 16 Voted that Aaron Baldwin be moderator and that Hermon Treadwell be Clerk and that ... Jackson Chandler ... and John Adams be trustees for the ensuing year

Voted that Abel Benedict be collector Voted that Abel Benedict be wood inspector and that one fourth of a cord of wood is brougnt by each Schollar and that said wood is corded in the wood house and inspected by the inspector and credited(?) to the person who brings the same


and that if any one fails of procuring their share of wood Amos Boyd Shall procure the same at one dollar a cord and the amount aded to the School bill of the delinquent the above wood is to be got by the first of Dec next Voted a school commence by the Middle of Nov and continue four months Voted that this meeting be adjourned to the first Monday in Oct next

Aaron Baldwin

Hermon Treadwell

At an anual School meeting held Oct 1st(?)1832 Voted that John Keney be moderator and that Hermon Treadwell be Clerk and that Samuel Weller(?) Edmond ... ... Todd Trustees for the ensuing year Voted that Abel Benedict be Collector for the ensuing year

Voted that Abel Benedict be wood inspector and that his duties be the same as the last year


Voted that the wood be brung(?) and piled in the wood house by the first of Dec next

Voted that Amos Boyd procure the wood after the first week in decmber if any one fails in procuring their share and add the same to the school bill at one dollar a cord

Voted that a school comense by the first of dec and continue three months and half

Voted that this school meeting be adjourned to the first monday in Oct next

John Keeny

Trustees report the receipt of $21 and three cents two thirds applied to the winter shool and one third to the summer scholl for 1833


An Anual School meeting held the seventh day of Oct 1833 pursuant to adjournment

Voted that ... Webster be moderator and that Hermon Treadwell be clerk and that Reuben(?) ... Orsenus Brownson and Amos Boy be trustees and that Abel Benedict be Collector

Voted that Abel Benedict be wood inspector and that his powers be the same as in 1831

Voted that Amod Boyd be appointed to procure the wood for delinquents and that his duties be the same as in 1831 and 1832

Voted that a school comense on the first of Dec and continue three months and a half

Voted that the Clerk purchase a blank Book for the purpose of keeping the records of the School District


Voted that this School be adjourned to the first monday in October next


At an anual meeting held in school District No 16 in Franklin pursuant to adjournment on the evening of 6 of Oct 1834

Voted that Jasen Webster be moderator Orrin R Treadwell was appointed Clerk Pro tem

The following officers were elected for the onsuing year

Hermon Treadwell Clerk

Daniel Remington

Silas Cook Trustees

James Ellis

Elmor Watos(?)Collector

Orsenias Bronson wood inspector

Recd 75 cts for repairs on the school house Left in the hands of the Clerk to be applied by him as he thinks proper

Voted that one fourth of a cord of wood be furnished per scholar not exceding two feet in length and properly prepared for the stove and corded in the wood house by the first day of December Next

Voted that Amos Boyd perform the same duties relative to the wood that he has done for three previous years

Resolved that the trustees employ a male teacher Voted that this meeting be adjourned to the first monday in Oct next 6 oclock in the evening at this House

Orrin R Treadwell Clerk Pro Tem

Identified people in the school notes and school list:

Brownson, Elisha:

	b. 12/23/1787, New Milford, CT;  d. 7/8/1842, probably Delaware Co., NY
	m. 12/28/1812 Mary Hill or Hull
	parents: Ziba and Sarah (Porter) Brownson
	children: Julia Anne Brownson Remington, Sophia Brownson Fitzgerald,
	          MaryEtta Brownson, Samantha Brownson Blanchard, Linus Brownson,
	          Marcus Brownson, Julius Brownson

Brownson, Ithiel:

	b. 3/22/1801, Meredith, NY; d. 6/25/1872, Delaware Co., NY
	m. 3/11/1824, Fanny Munn; 4/30/1835, Mindwell Dewey; 9/1863, Huldah Jackson
	parents: Ichabod and Sarah (Treadwell) Brownson
	children: Sally Brownson Murphy, Hermon Brownson, Seymour Brownson 

Brownson, Seymour:

	b. 5/25/1830, Croton, Delaware Co., NY; d. 3/19/1907, Oneonta, NY
	m. 1/7/1852, Irene Bell; 1863  or 1864, Harriet Rose
	parents: Ithiel and Fanny (Munn) Brownson
	children:  Alice Brownson Huston, Adella Brownson Walsh

... refers to a word or a part of a word that could not be deciphered

....... refers to multiple words that could not be deciphered

word(?) refers to a word that is a reasonable guess, but I may not have been positive of a letter or two

--Shirley Brownson, East Syracuse, NY

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