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Roxbury Academy, 1858-59 Source: Catalogue of the Teachers and Students of the Roxbury Academy for the Academic Year 1858-59. Printed for the Academy, by Wm. L. S. Harrison, job printer , 82 Duane St. New York City. 1859. Transcription and Submission: September 2006 by Larry Zuidema, Ithaca, NY 14850 Email: Selected information from the Catalogue Location "This institution is pleasantly situated on the banks of the Delaware River, surrounded by beautiful hills, that present a pleasing and picturesque scenery. The pure atmosphere of these mountains and the wholesome and unadulterated water, render the location peculiarly healthy and desirable." Morals "The Academy is located in a highly respectable community composed chiefly of farmers, where the immoral evils which afflict manufacturing and commercial villages, and the allurements of the grosser vices, are almost entirely unknown. There are few places where youth may be sent with greater security from vice." Government "Our government is mild and parental; we would rather lead students in the paths of duty and rectitude, by convincing them that it is for their good, than to force them to follow it for ours. Students that cannot, by mild means, be made to obey our rules and regulations, will be sent home, that their influence may not contaminate the innocent." Expenses "The price for board, including washing, is $2 per week. Each student is charged $1 per term for wood. Students furnish their brooms, towels, toilet soap, lights, and matches. The whole expense for board, washing, tuition in common English and Incidentals, per term of fourteen weeks, is $33, payable in advance." Calendar The year is divided into three terms of fourteen weeks each. The Calendar for 1859 is: First term commences March 30th, 1859 Second term commences August 17th, 1859 Third term commences November 30th, 1859 Faculty J. W. McLaury, Principal, Teacher of Physical Sciences and Elocution Rev. W. E. Turner, A.A., Teacher of Ancient Languages and Moral Science N. B. Flint, Teacher of Mathematics M. McLaury, Assistant Teacher in Mathematics Prof. V. L. Remington, Teacher of Vocal and Instrumental Music Miss Mary McLaury, Preceptress, Teacher of Oil Painting and Ornamentals Miss E. M. Eaton, Teacher of Piano and Melodeon Mrs. C. F. Parrish, Matron Students in the Gentlemen's Department (as listed and numbering 113): A - Arvey D. Avery, Griffin's Corners; S.S. Auchmoedy, Rosendale; and Bernard Alberty, Prattsville. B - John H. Banker, Griffin's Corners; Hiram Bouton, Prattsville; W. G. Buddington, Rosendale; P. P. Brink, Hurley; J. E. Burhans, Roxbury; E. C. Burhans, Roxbury; R. Polk Burhans, Jersey City; Charles Burroughs, Roxbury; C. Byington, Roxbury; Wm. Brinkman, Roxbury; and Judson Blizzard, Fremont. C - A. Cowles, Stamford; W. R. Cowles, Roxbury; F. H. Cleaveland, Eminence; Alonzo R. Cole, Napanoch; and Charles Connelly, The Corner. D - C. Ward Dorman, Roxbury; Reuben H. Dart, Roxbury; T. L. Doremus, Roxbury; A. Preston Du Bois, Napenoch; James S. Du Bois, High Falls; Lewis A. Du Bois, High Falls; J. P. Dudrey, Shokan; Martin Devall, The Corner; George M. Dart, Roxbury; and J. M. Dart, Roxbury. F - Thomas Faulkener, West Lexington; and W.M. Follet, Roxbury. G - Bogardus Genoung, Roxbury; A. Gould, Roxbury; King Gleason, Moresville; Reed Gleason, Moresville; Aaron Garrison, Griffin's Corners; James Garrison, Griffin's Corners; and Porter T. Gibbs, Kortright Center. H - G. W. Houghtailing, Meredith; Addison Hicks, Stratton's Falls; C. H. L. Hicks, Stratton's Falls; Austin Hickok, Leeds; and Levi Hall, Claryville. J - A. Johnson, Roxbury; Frederick Johnson, Roxbury; and James Johnson, Roxbury. K - Calvin E. Kilpatrick, Roxbury; H. H. Keator, Kingston; Henry M. Keator, Roxbury; A. H. Kennedy, Roxbury; Wm. Kennedy, Roxbury; and John B. Krom, High Falls. L - E. G. Lawrence, Griffin's Corners; and John H. Lawry, Rondout. M - O. W. More, Roxbury; D. F. More, Moresville; Charles Mitchell, Napanoch; Seward W. Miles, Fremont; Ezra Pratt Miles, Fremont; John S. Mayhan, Gilboa; Watson Mackey, Broome Center; M. McLaury, Davenport; E. T. McLaury, Kortright; W. M. McCracken, North Kortright; Johm H. McKee, Kortright; J. Harvey McKee, Kortright; and John W. Meeker, Roxbury. O - George W. Older, Roxbury. P - R. V. Powell, Roxbury; H. W. Powell, Roxbury; E. H. Powell, Roxbury; John E. Powell, Roxbury; Edgar Persons, Roxbury; G. L. Persons, Prattsville; Marshall Perry, Olive Bridge; O. C. Post, Durham; C. M. Preston, Roxbury; and G. C. Preston, Roxbury. R - Alonzo Reed, Roxbury; C. M. Reed, Roxbury; R. B. Robinson, Roxbury; Wm. T. Ryer, Roxbury; J. O. Ryer, Roxbury; and B. W. Ryer, Roxbury. S - Wm. C. Smith, Roxbury; Chauncey Smith, Roxbury; Edward M. Seacord, Roxbury; W. B. Seacord, Roxbury; Irving C. Smith, Margaretville; H. E. Smith, Margaretville; Eugene Smith, Shandaken; Herbert G. Sands, Poughkeepsie; L. B. Searle, The Corner; M. Sixsmith, Kortright; and Charles Sturgess, Hobart. T - Richard E. Traver, Kingston; and Edward B. Turner, Roxbury. V - M. D. Van Wagoner, Warwasing; O. B. Van Valkenburgh, Lexington; J. M. Van Valkenburgh, Lexington; Edward Van Dyke, Moresville; L. Bennett Van Dusen, Harpersfield; Arthur Vroman, Roxbury; and Worth Vroman, Roxbury. W - Thompson Walker, Roxbury; John P. Wilson, Roxbury; John Weaver, Rondout; J. H. Winslow, Roxbury; E. D. Whitney, Cambridge; Frederick Wood, Rosendale; H. M. Wilder, Shokan; Derrick Wynkoop, Hurley; and Samuel C. Whipple, Stratton's Falls. Students in the Ladies' Department (as listed and numbering 60): B - Jessie E. Burhans, Roxbury; Maria D. Burhans, Roxbury; Matie Burhans, Roxbury; Mary A. Bell, North Kortright; and Mary A. Boughten, Griffin's Corners. C - Mary A. Corban, Roxbury; and M. Frances Cowles, Stamford. D - Sarah Maria Dart, Roxbury; Alvina A. Denend, Davenport Center; Nancyette Dayton, Kortright Center; Mary Jane Dudley, Roxbury; and Sarah M. Dart, Stratton's Falls. F - Jennie V. Ferguson, Griffin's Corners; Mary A. Ferguson, Bainbridge; Emma J. Frisbee, Roxbury; Libbie Frisbee, Roxbury; and Annie E. Frisbie, Roxbury. G - Mary Griffin, Hobart. H - Sarah J. Haner, Margaretville; Belle Hewitt, Halcottsville; and Adelphine Herrick, Roxbury. K - Maggie Kennedy, Roxbury; Elizabeth Kennedy, Roxbury; Anna M. Kendall, Roxbury; and Helen Kaltenpan, Roxbury. L - Mary E. Lawrence, Griffin's Corners; Angeline Lawrence, Griffin's Corners; Mary A. Lathan, Oleont. M - Addie Morrison, Griffin's Corners; Ann McIntosh, Roxbury; Electa Mulnix, Straton's Falls; Olive Meeker, Roxbury; Agnes McNee, Andes; and Josephine McGregor, Hobart. N - Clarrissa S. Noble, Roxbury. O - Nancy J. Older, Roxbury; and Sarah A. Older, Roxbury. P - Sarah A. Parrish, Jackson; Cynthia M. Powell, Roxbury; Elizabeth M. Powell, Roxbury; Mary W. Preston, Roxbury; H. Augusta Peck, Moresville; and A. L. Peck, Lexington. R - M. Jennie Reminton, Croton. S - Malvila Streets, Margaretsville; Mary E. Sixsmith, Kortright; Libbie Stratton, Stratton's Falls; Ada Stratton, Stratton's Falls; and Catharine Steinard, Roxbury. T - A. L. Tupper, Roxbury; Emily V. Tupper, Roxbury; L. N. Turner, Roxbury; Elizabeth Turner, Roxbury; and Mary L. Tucker, Roxbury. V - Grace A. Vroman, North Blenheim; and Agnes Van Valkenburgh, Lexington.
W - Emma Winslow, Roxbury; Calista Wilson, Roxbury; Maggie Walker, Margaretsville; and Eliza J. Williamson, North Kortright.
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