Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site
Other information on the town of Roxbury may be found through the website's
For names of villages, hamlets, lakes, etc. in this town, go to
- Main Street, Roxbury
- Roxbury in the Catskills
- View through the Gorge, Roxbury
- Irish Mountain
- Buildings along track in Roxbury - old photo, late 1800's
- M E Church, Roxbury
- Roxbury High School
- Roxbury High School Class
- 1916 Class - Roxbury High School
- Roxbury Concert Band
- Pindar's Dealership in Grand Gorge
- Roxbury Hotel
- Roxbury Inn
- Public Library, Roxbury
- Cold Spring Creamery
- Old School Baptist Church
- Old School Baptist Church - 1960s
- Home of John More
- Vega Creamery
- School at Vega
- Martin Cantwell Farm
- Bridge above Stratton Falls
- Delaware River showing Brookdale Creamery
- Birth Place of Jay Gould
- Gould Church
- Roxbury Hotel, Roxbury, NY
- John Burroughs on Veranda at Woodchuck Lodge
- John Burroughs and Henry Ford at Woodchuck Lodge
- John Burroughs at Boyhood Rock
- Roxbury Valley View from John Burroughs' Farm
- Where Johnny Burroughs Learned his Letters
- Memorial Tablet of John Burroughs on Boyhood Rock
- Woodchuck Lodge, Living-room
- John Burrough's Home in the 1970's
- L. Joslyn's Cottage, Grand Gorge
- Threshing Buckwheat, Roxbury-in-the-Catskills
- Dale's Lake, Roxbury
- from the Ronnie Ballard Collection
- Grand Gorge, Birdseye View
- Grand Gorge, Birdseye View
- Grand Gorge, Main Street
- Snow Storm - Main Street, Grand Gorge
- Main Street - Grand Gorge
- Village Bridge - Grand Gorge
- Looking toward Stamford - Main Street, Grand Gorge
- Grand Gorge, Bank
- Grand Gorge, ME & Reformed Churches
- Grand Gorge, Murphy's Hotel
- Grand Gorge, Old Stone House
- Grand Gorge, Post Office and Bank
- Grand Gorge, Schaffer House
- Grand Gorge, U & D Station
- Grand Gorge, Village Bridge
- Simonson Pond, Wyckoff Farm in distance, Grand Gorge
- United Methodist Church - at Grand Gorge, the one that burned
- Methodist Church Cemetery - Grand Gorge
- Decker-Slawson Creamery - Grand Gorge
- Old Mill and Pond - on the Bearkill, Grand Gorge
- Grand Gorge, Old Mill & Pond
- Grand Gorge, Old Mill Dam
- Grand Gorge, The Old Mill and Pond
- Covered Bridge - Grand Gorge
- Schaffer House - Grand Gorge
- Res. Samuel Harley - Grand Gorge
- S. S. Cronk's Cottage, Grand Gorge
21st Century Photos by Joyce Riedinger:
a service of the Delaware County Historical Association located at 46549 State Highway 10, Delhi, NY 13753
Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger