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This quilt was obtained by my Great Aunt, Miss Martha J. Hotaling of Oneonta, New York, prior to 1975. The following is a transcription of two handwritten pages, penned in 1975, by Martha J. Hotaling. The layout in some instances may indicate relationships among people. For this reason, I'd like to present it in the most meaningful manner. I have made a computer graphic showing a small section of the quilt so people can see what it's like, and understand layout variations. --Ann Roberts Allison, Iowa, July 30, 1998 Notice: 31 July 1999: The quilt was donated to the Delaware County Historical Association in Delhi. They have promised that it will be made available for viewing with advance notice.
"Quilt - North Franklin Aid Society - Made in 1912
John M. Hotaling Father
Mrs. John Hotaling Mother (nee Alberta Munson)
Glenn Hotaling Sister,(Roberts)}
Charles Hotaling Brother } children of John & Alberta
Florence Hotaling Sister } Hotaling
John M. Hotaling Jr. Brother }
Martha J. Hotaling }
Ainer Munson Grandfather }Their Alberta Munson
Mrs. Ainer Munson Grandmother }children Bernice Munson
Edith Munson
Walter Munson
John Munson
Gilmore Russell Uncle by Marriage
Mrs. Gilmore Russell Aunt, (nee Edith Munson)
Kenneth Russell Cousin
William L. Miller Uncle by Marriage
Bernice M. Miller Aunt, Mrs. William Miller (nee Bernice Munson)
Maria S. Miller Cousin } Children of William and
Fred W. Miller Cousin } Bernice Miller
Edith M. Miller Cousin }
Samuel J. Miller (Twin brother of William L. Miller)
John H. Munson Uncle
Mrs. John H. Munson Aunt by marriage
Thelma Munson Cousin -(now Alexander)
Walter Munson Uncle
Mrs. Walter Munson Aunt by marriage
Seibert Munson (Stotz) Cousin
Susie Marilla Berray 2nd Cousin - cousin of John Hotaling Sr.
Rev. L.A. Roberts
Mrs. Ellen Roberts, Vice Pres.
Herbert Roberts Married Glenn Hotaling
Jessie Carpenter Lifelong friend of Glenn H. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Munson He was a cousin of Alberta
Munson Hotaling
B. W. Anderson
Mrs. B. W. Anderson (Mittie) Father & Mother of my friend
Nina Anderson
I was 5 years old when this quilt was made. My cousins and I think it
was made to raise money for the organ for the Aldrich Baptist Church
which was being built at that time. I have mentioned the people who
were related to me, and their relationship.
The lady who repaired it for me, lives between North Franklin and
Treadwell. Her name is Minnie Tuller Doring and she owns the quilting
frames that this quilt was made on."
Martha J. Hotaling
May 10, 1975
Transcription of Signatures:
(Names appearing on the same line are on the same quilt patch. Rows go
from top to bottom and left to right. In some cases, relationships may
be inferred by the proximity of signatures to each other. Some names
appear more than once. Signatures of small children were done by the
parents. Every attempt has been made to correctly read the signatures,
however, some were very difficult to decipher and are indicated with
question marks.)
Homer Fisher Mrs. Mary Fisher
Susie Carrington Parks
Warren Parks
E. C. Miller
W. H. Coffin } on a
Mrs. W. H. Coffin } square
Myrtle Peck
Everett Bisbee Ralph Bisbee
Mrs. Anna Bisbee Ruez Bisbee
Frank Slawson Mrs. Florence Slawson
Orley Sanford
Lizzie Sanford
Mrs. Winfield Stilson
Souesia(?) Tuller
Ephriam & Minnie Tuller}on a square
Andrew Jacobs
Vinna Jacobs
Vera Jacobs
Minnie Dean
Alec Coe Mrs. Wm. H. McCall
Ruez Georgia Mrs. Ruez Georgia
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Wolcott
Mrs. S. A. Roberts
Elmer Doane } on a
Mrs. Ida Doane } square
H. S. Somerville
Mrs. H. S. Somerville Mildred Somerville
Mrs. Nowland Edna Brezee
D.J. Brezee Mrs. Grace Brezee
G. M. Slawson Mrs. G. M. Slawson
Forrest Slawson Mrs. Lena Slawson
Edward Slawson
Edith M. Russell
Gladys Doane} on a square
D.H. Newton
Alice M. Newton Helen E. Newton
Emma Coleman Edith Coleman
William Henry Carr Ella Carr Florence M. Carr
Mabel M. Sanford
Mrs. E. L. Miller
Mr. E. L. Miller
Celestia Betts
Mr. E. C. Miller } on a
Mrs. E. C. Miller} square
Mr. T. (?) Balentine
W.D. Heimer
Mrs. W. D. Heimer
B. W. Sanford
Mrs. R. Woodbeck Florence Willsdon
Mrs. Alice Loree Mrs. H. J. Elderkin
George Loree
Eliza Conners
Mrs. A. J. Rose} on a
A. J. Rose } square
Mrs. W. A. Pomeroy
Louise Adams
John Smith F.W. Pomeroy
Mrs. John Smith Jessie Mayhow(?)
Angeline Bouton
Squire S. Bouton
George W. Green(?)
Jennie Green(?)
Amy Johnson(?)} on a square
LaVern Blanchard
William M. Munson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Munson
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Millard Herbert Millard
Mrs. Hiram Brown
Mrs. Walter H. Munson
Walter H. Munson
Margaret Sexton
Mrs. S. G. Hoffman} on a square
Martha J. Hotaling
John M. Hotaling Jr.
Thelma E. Munson
Seibert S. Munson
Frank Miller
Wilbur Slawson
Margaret Slawson
S. E. Slawson
Rutson Miller } on a
Ophelia Miller} square
George Wasson(?)
Adelaide Wasson(?)
Edna Whittaker
Ina Whittaker
John Dean
Mrs. R. Houyck(?)
Mr. R. Howyck(?)
Lena M. Robbins
H. DuMond } on a
Cora DuMond} square
Nick Kuppins
Lena Kuppins
Eva Scofield
Mary Signor
Jessie E. Mc -----------?
Hazel M. Todderkiss(?)
Naomie ( ?amrie) Mc Morris
Nora Judd
Maurice H. Judd} on a square
Howard R. Judd
Alice Stanton
Robert Reid Sarah J. Epps
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Judd Ada Blanchard
Valentine Ott H. J. Tooley Delia C. Tooley Irving C. Sholes Clara A.
L. A. Tayer Nellie L. Sanford L. G.(?) Sanford
E. S. Newton Orin L. Ott
Mrs. E. S. Newton
Stephentown Center} on
June 12-15 1912 } a square
E. A. Casey
Katie Casey Freda Tamm(?)
Otilla Dean Jacob Dean Martha Brown
Andrew Lapp Carrie Lapp Caroline Greenman
Mrs. Elizabeth Slawson
Mrs. C. J. Gates
Mrs. W. A. Lakin(may be Larkin)
Mrs. A.K.(or H.) Denny
Elizabeth Slawson(?)} on a
Ichabod Wilber } square
Rev. A. U.(?) Denny
Mr. W. A. Lakin
Mr. C. J. Gates
Mrs. Jane E. Wilson
Caroline P. Benedict Minnie (?)Emerson
Mrs. A. B. Nash
Mr. J. K. Lorre
Mrs. Geo. T.(?) Adams
Clifton Park } on a
Baptist Church} square
Rev. Geo F. Adams
Mrs. J. K. Losse(?)
Mr. A. B. Nash
Mrs. Sydney Spicer(?) Charlotte A. , Ida, Cora A. Kirby
Laura Bond Julia Armstrong
Adelia Swart Mrs. J. B. Judd
Clarence Judd
Mrs. Mary Sherman
North Franklin Baptist } on a
Aid Society 1912 } square
R. J. Mudge
F. W. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Judd
Dr. O. S. Rich Mrs. A. L.(?) Norton
Mrs. Mary Roney
Minley(?)(Shirley?) Roney
Julia Pomeroy
Grover Pomeroy
Mattie Georgia} on a
Delos Georgia } square
Moses Clark
John Miller
E. Knapp
Joe Wescott(?)
Mrs. A. P. Mills A. P. Mills Mrs. M. L. Mills
Mrs. Clark Mc Ferson(?)(McLerum?)
Mrs. C. C. Colburn
Mrs. William Morris
Mrs. M. F. Lawren(?) } on a
Mrs. A. G.(?) Russell} square
Mrs. C. F. Baylis
Mrs. J. L. Miller C. F. Baylis
R. W. Miller Mrs. R. W. Miller
Dr. G. W. Peck Mrs. G. W. Peck
Mrs. L. A. Norton Mrs. Mary Anderson Grace Lindsay
Rev. L.A. Roberts Mrs. Julia Pomeroy
Mrs. Margaret Slawson, Sec.
Mrs. Ellen Roberts, Vice Pres.
North Franklin } on a
Aid Society 1912} square
Mrs. Ella Pomeroy, Pres.
Mrs. Lizzie Sanford, Trea.
Mrs. Bernice Miller Mrs. John Hotaling
Helen Mills Miller Mrs. Ainer Munson Marcia Judd
Mrs. G.(?) A. Miller E. Pearl Howe
Carrie Reynolds
Frances(?) M. Miller
R. W. Murdock
I.(?) E. Emmons} on a
J. L. Brownell } square
A. H. Brownell
Mrs. W. B. Mc Morris
A. K.(?) Wing Mrs. A. K.(?) Wing
C. H. Bowdish (Rowdish?) Mrs. L. S. Ermmons(?)
Mrs. V. F. Epps(?)
Mrs. J. A. Roney
John A. Roney
Geo. Phillips(?)
Belle Hopkins} on a
Elias Hopkins} square
R. P. Elderkin
Walter Pomeroy
Barbara Pomeroy
Victor Epps
William L. Miller
Bernice M. Miller
Maria S. Miller
Fred W. Miller
Edith M. Miller} on a square
Samuel J. Miller
Kenneth G. Russell
Tolia Seifka(?)
Everett S. Bisbee Anna Bisbee
Maurice C. Woodbeck
Mrs. W. G. Woodbeck
W. G. Woodbeck
Mrs. Charles Jenks
Oneonta Plains} on a
M. E. Church } square
Mr. Charles Jenks
Albert Barnes
Julia P. Barnes
J. B. Adams Elsie Adams
E. C. Fisher C. P. Van Hoesen Anna Carney Mrs. Anna Judd
Millie Fagan May Van Hoesen Alice Keeler
Janet Georgia E. S. Keeler
L. A. Roberts, Pastor
Aldrich Free } on a
Baptist Church} square
Ella W. Roberts
Ira Georgia
Tracey Wimre(?) Herbert L. Roberts Dora Hansen
Alice Alger Glenn Hotaling Grace B. Darling
Mr. R. W. Barnes Mrs. R. W. Barnes Waldo Barnes
Julia Anderson
Bertha Anderson
Mrs. Mary Anderson
W. Hodge } on a square
Mrs. Carrie Bates
Mr. G. Anderson
T. B. Anderson
Luena(?) Barnes Mr. John White Mrs. John White
Mrs. John H. Munson
John H. Munson
Mrs. Lee Blanchard
Lee Blanchard
Ainer Munson } on a square
Mrs. Ainer Munson
Gilmore Russell
Mrs. Gilmore Russell
Kenneth Russell
Harriet E. Stone William M. Miller Susie Maria Miller
Izetta Scott Arnie (Annie?) E. Scott
Nevah M. Fran-----?
Adam H. Brownell(?)
Alisa M. Stover(?) } these three
Alice Emmons } on a
Bruce(? )F. Murdock } square
Richard W. Murdock
S. W. Murdock Carolyn Murdock
Wm. M. Mills
Mrs. William Mills
S. C.(?) Miller Helen L. Miller
Mrs. John M. Hotaling
Susie Marilla Berray
John M. Hotaling
Jesse E. Carpenter
Herbert Roberts } on a square
Mrs. H. M. Knapp
Charles A. Hotaling
Edith Munson Russell
Florence M. Hotaling
Myrtle Parmelee Mrs. A. L. Walling
Beatrice McCammon
N. Schermehorn
H. S. Schermehorn
Belle Vanzandt
Edith Walling } on a
B. Ackley } square
John Gesell
Hartford Walling
Margaret Crispell
Mrs. C. Taylor C. Taylor
Lottie Schermerhorn
Pearl B. Schermerhorn Grace M. Schermerhorn
Mrs. B. W. Anderson
B. W. Anderson
Clarence Haddon
Mabel Reynolds
Carl Bodine } on a square
Rose Hewitt
Mrs. Sarah Green
Mrs. L. F.(?) Bishop
Eunice Barnes Everett Barnes
Mr. Hiram Schemerhorn
Cecil Wricht
Mrs. Ida Barnes
Mrs. Earl Francisco
Sadie Weasel } on a square
Clarance Francisco
Mrs. Edward Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. George Lindsay
Mr. and Mrs. Warnie Anderson
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a service of the Delaware County Historical Association located at 46549 State Highway 10, Delhi, NY 13753
Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger |