
Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site

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Note: When submitting this poem dated Downsville, October 22, 1896, Jacalyn said the verses contain the names of many Downsville merchants and tradesmen including her great grandfather LeRoy Decker who was a shoemaker and gravedigger.

Before you read the poem, here is a little background history from Toilers of Land and Sea: The Pagent of America by Ralph Henry Gabriel, originally published in 1926 by Yale University Press of New Haven, Connecticut.

"In 1896 the storm broke in one of the tensest and most momentous presidential campaigns in American history. The Democratic party swung to the freesilver issue and united with the Populists. William Jennings Bryan became the standard bearer of the great crusade. He went from state to state in a mighty effort to rouse the people. "you shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns," he declared at the Democratic National Convention, "you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold." The Republicans under the great organizer, Mark Hanna, rallied to McKinley. With argument, ridicule, vituperation, and money they fought back the farmers."
"The western farmers, in advocating free silver, had pinned their faith to an unsound proposition. Eastern farmers did not follow the lead of their western brethren. Mr. Bryan lost the election. The Populist movement collapsed as the rising sun of prosperity brought peace and security to the homestead. There was to be no farmers' movement again until the cessation of the World War brought the West once more face to face with depression."

The Calamities That Will Befall Old Downsville if Bryan Defeats McKinley.

Decker won't dig any more graves if the silverites beat
He won't light any lamps, or dust any seat;
And Daniel he will get nothing to eat,
If the gold bug Party suffer defeat,
Uriah won't anymore long stories tell,
And you can't buy a sled or a cart from Crisspell,
For Stephen-the veteran just told me so,
And Stephen the veteran, he ought to know.

Christ Wist will close shop if the silverites beat,
His anvil won't ring and his forge give no heat,
And he will be forced cold iron to beat,
If the gold bug party suffer defeat;
While Tommy and Edd, our two jolly hosts
For want of square meals will look like two ghosts.
An x deputy sheriff he told me so,
And an x deputy sheriff he ought to know.

Edd Smith will break down if the silverites beat,
And Harl won't sell potatoes, either Irish or sweet.
Angie won't make our wives bonnets so neat,
If the gold bug party suffer defeat;
Aunt Maria won't have any gold or rag money,
And she can't sell a pound of her white clover honey
For a gold bug maiden she told me so,
And a gold bug old maid she ought to know.

Holmes big store will close if the silverites beat,
And poor Williams ruin will be quite complete.
And our dominies will get nothing to eat
If the gold bug party suffer defeat.
The bells in our steeples they will all be dumb,
And Tom Walker won't sell a ding, dong drop of rum,
For an x gold bug postmaster . he told me so
And an x gold bug postmaster, he ought to know.

Johnson, he will stop trade if the silverites beat,
And you can't get a. candy, or peanut to eat;
And Golden won't sell you a pound of fresh meat,
If the gold bug party suffer defeat.
Charley Hoag won't use soldering iron or shears
And you can't buy a pint of oil of Fred Beers.
For a gold bug Grand Army man, he told me so
And a gold bug Grand Army man, he ought to know.

Will Wright will be wrong if the silverites beat,
And Ed Wilson's Jewels will all be a cheat,
And Decker won't mend a boot for you feet.
If the gold bug party suffer defeat,
Our lawyers can't dress their wives in silk and satin so gay;
Thats our white headed postmaster and Henry J,
For a gold bug editor he ought to know
And a gold bug editor he has told me so.

Our Carpenters will be out of work if the silverites win
They won't build any more roofs cut of slate, shingle or tin
And our masons all will be deprived of their gin,
If the gold bug party is forced to cave in,
Charley Bogart won't sell you a cockeye or terret
And you can't buy an adz or plane of George Merritt,
For a gold bug doctor, he says it is so,
And a gold bug doctor he ought to know.

The grasshoppers will eat up your hay if the silverites beat,
The bugs eat you taters and the worms eat your wheat,
And we poor human critters will get nothing to eat.
If the gold suffer defeat
From the Crown of your head to the tip of your toe,
You won't have a shred of clothing, you know,
For Major McKinley, he tells us it is so,
Now Major McKinley, he surely must know.

Holmes will shut down his mill, if the silverites beat;
Fremont, he won't grind your corn or buckwheat,
And the grass will grow in the track on Main Street,
If the gold bug party suffer defeat,
For Bryon will enact the free silver law
And you can't even buy a coffin from Shaw,
For a gold bug blacksmith says it is so
And a gold bug blacksmith can't help but to know.

Hulberts bank will collapse if the silverites beat,
And the script that he issues will be obsolete
And Harley and Kipp will be ruined complete,
If Mark Hanna's party is swamped in defeat;
Joe Schaufler, the blacksmith, will stop burning coal,
And all of the rest will be left in a hole
For all of the gold bugs. they tell us it is so,
And all of the gold bugs; they ought to know.

Downsville, Oct 22, 1896.

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a service of the Delaware County Historical Association located at 46549 State Highway 10, Delhi, NY 13753

Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger