
Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site

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Memories and Stories Triggered by Viewing Photos in the 21st Century Gallery

25 October 2007
I just wanted to thank you for posting your beautiful photographs of Delaware County, NY and more specifically the ones of Roses Brook Road in South Kortright. The memories they brought back were so vivid that I had to let out a contented sigh! When my sister and I were little (I was just entering 4th grade at Midland School in Paramus, NJ so I was just turning 8 years and my sister 6-1/2) my parents and their dear friend Ms. Ginny bought a huge, old and dilapidated farmhouse on Roses Brook Road in South Kortright, NY. The farmhouse was originally built in the 1800’s by a family by the name of Brock. The farm was on 7 acres that included a magnificent four level barn with two silos. As a point of reference, the farm is directly across the street from the Biblio Barn, a bookstore on Roses Brook Road. The bookstore was originally the farm’s carriage house, but my parents opted not to buy this when they bought the farm due to money constraints. The farmhouse was our point of destination every weekend until I turned 17. My parents and Ms. Ginny quickly became friends with our closest neighbors (some ¾ of a mile away, others farther!) and they have still retained their friendship even after they sold it! Anyway, the farm and the land around it were beautiful and extremely important in the molding of my personality and appreciation for all things rustic. As the farmhouse was renovated room by room, their attention focused on the purchase of antiques from the local estate sales and auctions. They would restore pieces and bring them down to the north NJ market for resale and used the money to fund further restoration of the house. Every Sunday I would hike the logging trails up the mountain in the backyard and meet my parents at the town dump at the apex. It would take me hours, but I loved the views, the stillness and the serenity. The barn was a four level monster of a structure that they eventually rented to a local farmer who lived down the street. It was nice to have cows back in the barn after God knows how many years! Anyway, they sold the farm, my father passed away and life moved on. I often think of that era of my life with fondness and warmth. (the barn is now gone, but the sight was once awe-inspiring!) Thank you for bringing a tear to my eye. --Brian C. Amore

29 September 2006
The (barn beams photo - Hamden) looks to be the barn that has been falling apart for years on what is the property formerly owned by Leonard and Katherine Fairbairn. --Harriett Schultz

32 August 2006
I have enjoyed this web site now for several years and tonight I came across your picture of my grandparent's home. James Chandler Cable and Sarah Agnes (Kelly) Cable. Their homestead is now owned by my uncle Robert Cable, who for years had auctions there. (Cable's Auction Barn ) Remember several family gatherings, especially at Thanksgiving or Christmas, when I was just a wee bit of a girl. Good memories. Thank you! --Patricia (Cable) Wright

23 July 2006
I enjoyed seeing the pictures you posted that you took along Rose's Brook Road. I grew up on Roxbury Mtn. Road as did my father; his father purchased our farm about 1905. I sent my dad (Jonathan Aldrich, b. 1925) the URL for the Rosemary Farm Pictures. His reply (via my stepmother), "Hi Vernon! Your dad looked at the pictures, and it reminded him about the hired man of Mr. Rose's letting go of the horses when they were haying, who decided to take off on their own. Mr. Rose ran to get in front of them, and somehow got cut by the cutting bar. He was seriously injured in his leg, so Jon, Alnita; Hermon, Grandpa, and part of the neighbors on the brook went down to help with his haying that year and the next." My grandfather, Adelbert Aldrich, worked on the Rosemary farm when he was young, about the time of the pictures, I think. SEE NOTES that my mother wrote down after talking with my grandfather about his life. - Vernon C. Aldrich

23 June 2006
What a thrill to see the photo of the barn at Rosemary Farm. Hugh King Rose , my great, great grandfather was the original owner, and then when he retired, my uncle Ralph Rose bought the farm and farmed it for many years. It was known for it's herd of brown swiss. Back in the '50's I used to spend summers in Middleburgh with my grandparents, uncle Ralph's brother, and we used to take sunday drives to Rosemary to spend the day. They were always such fun days to a child of my age and being "city bred"--exploring the barns, playing in the hay mow,and playing in the brook behind the house. Old photos of Rosemary Farm - Thanks for the memories! --Judy

18 August 2004
- re: Rosemary Farm
My family owned the Rosemary Farm for the past 40 years. We spent some wonderful years in South Kortright. We rebuilt the house, and the barn. We constructed a heffer barn, and installed two silos. The kids flourished with summer vacations, winter sports, deer hunting, sleigh riding, snowmobiling, and all the good stuff that kids love to do when they are growing up. It was some of the best years that our families could have possibly dreampt of. About 15 yrs ago I tried to reawaken the dairy farm and bought 5 cows. In a few months the new Rosemary Farm was born. We milked 60 cows, had 140 cows, and tried to build a profitable business, but alas it was not to be. I tried for 10 years and finally gave up, sold the cows, the equipment, etc. etc. and tried to keep the place in good shape. However it was not intelligent for me to continue to own the farm except for sentimental reasons so last year I sold it to a nice family with the hopes that they will get the wonders that we experienced. I really loved your pictures. They brought back many memories and even though we have many many pictures, yours had me taking out the slides and photos to remember old times that were so dear. Thank you. --Bernard Frank

and the following from Scott Frank
When I was eight years old, my parents bought an old, broken down farm house in South Kortright, New York. It was a Winter weekend and Summer retreat for our family, with the four of us kids, our friends and relatives... and their friends and relatives, coming and going like the running of Roses Brook through the grazing field in the valley below. Rosemary farm is the backdrop for many of my most precious childhood memories, from visiting the local dairy farmer, Harold Stevens (still there in the place next door) at 5 am, to bailing out of the toboggans we raced down the mountain across the street before it hit the flat slate wall at the bottom of the hill. In the summer of my 8th year, I was the caretaker of five Holstein calves. Each kid was supposed to take care of his or her own, but my love for these little darlings, left me mostly with the job of feeding, cleaning and walking them around, as they grew to their Summer's end size. Last year, my dad sold the farm along with the acreage he had purchased for grazing. Having once undertaken the enormous job of reinvigorating Rosemary farm and bringing it back to its fully productive and vibrant state, the task proved too costly and difficult for an absentee landlord to maintain. I was sad to see the old place parceled off to others, but my childhood memories of that wonderful and magical time will always be with me. I thank you for your contribution to my day. --Warm Regards, Scott JT Frank

10 May 2004 - re: Walton Photo Gallery and the Delaware County Photo Album
Thanks for sharing your pictures. I was born and raised in Walton. In my late teens and early 20's I spent hours and hours and hours cruising the countryside - I could never get enough of this georgous land. I miss it so very much, but your "picture book" allows me to take a trip to the Catskills any time I please! Thanks again, --Carol McLean

15 April 2004
- re: Maynard Photos
When I saw this it took my breath away, I have seen this house in a picture of my father in laws. I have been searching for family history on the Maynards. Any suggestions would be helpful. My father in law is Don Maynard his dad was Frances Adelbert & Sarah Reeves Maynard was his mother. His paternal grandfather was J. Wesley Maynard and his maternal grand father was the Hon. Alfred G. Reeves. --Marge Maynard, New port Richey, Fl

14 April 2004
re: Barn Photo
Just surfing around on my lunch break and came across this site. Clicked on the picture of the falling shadows on a red barn on rt 23 in davenport. This happens to be a few doors down from what used to be my great grandparents farm. I spent allot of time there before my greatgrandfather passed in '87 and have allot of cherished memories of the old farm. I still own the the property across from the house and barns on Rt 23. Was wondering if you came across any info about my great grandparents John and Louise Nissen (John W. Nissen Dairy in the 40's and 50's). Jason Beach

16 March 2004
re: Old House Photo
The picture of the OLD house on 23 near Schoharie County dad (Richard SR) was born in that house. Richard Loucks

17 March 2003
re: West Settlement Rd. Graveyard Photo
My name is Edward M. Tackach and I'm descended from Jacob Craft and his son Capt. William Craft. My grgrgr grandfather on my mom's side. I notice the picture of the graveyard on West Settlement Rd. I have been there many times over the past 45 years. I was born in August of 1947. My great grandfather always said that that was the old and first Bouton family Cemetery. Edward M. Tackach

20 February 2002
re: O.S. Baptist Church Cemetery Photo
I was pleased with the pictures of the area. My family roots are close to Roxbury. I visited the area about two years ago. It was a thrill to actually see were my family is buried . And see Stratton Falls. My Family Name is Stratton and Osborne. Many of the area names are named the same in the Steuben county! And many of the settlers from Roxbury moved to the Pulteney area in Steuben Co. My GGG grandfather settled in the Pulteney and Prattsburg area. He was Sephen Stratton. Thanks Keith

27 January 2002
I have enjoyed looking at your pictures. I worked for Delaware County Electric Coop. in the early 90's. I can remember working in many of the different locations in your pictures. I live in the Finger lakes now so your pictures were like a visit home. Sincerely, Chuck Cappiello

4 November 2001
re: House at Corner in Bloomville Photo
Joyce, the photo of the house on the corner of River street in Bloomville brings back many memories. When my sister Vera married Bill Clark, they moved into that house. Bill died in 1932, and my widowed mother with the rest of her seven children, moved into the house with Vera and her three children. I was pleased to see the house was in such good repair. . . . Earl Palmer

6 October 2001
Slawson Road and Ouleout Cemetery Photos
I would like to take this opportunity to tell you how much I enjoy your gallery of photographs. The Views of the Old Barn on Slawson Road and the Munson Monument at Ouleout Valley Cemetery took me back a few years. From 1947 through 1950, I worked summers in the Ouleout Valley Cemetery and occasionally from 1951 through 1954 when I came home on leave from The U.S. Navy. We were quite busy in the summer of 1950. There were four of us that worked there then, each of us twenty years apart. I was 19, Everett Goldsmith was 39, FRANK SLAWSON was 59, and Billy Hicks was 79. Alas, I am the only one left, but I have fond memories of those years, and your photographs reinforce those memorable days of my youth. I look forward to viewing more of your photographs. Perhaps one bright sunny day, right after a snowfall, you might be inspired to enlarge your portfolio with some winter scenes. Regards, John Whitney

16 August 2001
West Settlement Road Farm Photo
Thanks for the photo (Farm on West Settlement Road). I lived here as a child in the early 50's. My grandparents Robert Smith Mead and Hazel Mae Hinkley Mead bought the farm in 1949. They farmed there until 1964 when they sold to Moscovitch. They sold due to a drought, they had no water to water the cows with. My uncle Gorden Robert Mead bought it back in 1965 and my grandfather went back into business with him.Then owned this farm and the one above it which was always refered to as the Tyler place. The Tyler place consisted of 195 acres, and the lower farm had 177 acres. They sold both places to Kemtex in the mid '70's. There is a small cemetary on the left side of the road before the farm. It is a BOUTON cemetary. The house was built in 1863. It was in the Bouton family until it was purchased by Leslie (Chubb) & Elsie Furman. They purchased it in about 1930 from the Boutons. My grandparents still live in Roxbury, they are in their '80's however my grandfather helps look after the cemetary's at the Methodist church and the upper (MORE) cemetary.

There is another picture titled a view on West Settlement Road. If you look closely on the left side of the picture you can see a house, which is where my other grandparents lived. This was a Bouton (Charlie) farm also. My grandparents, Lynn Shirley Cammer & Bertha Cynthia Slauson Cammer purchased it in the '30's. My grandmother sold it in 1958, after my grandfather died in 1956. It is on this farm that Jay Gould was born. My grandmother still lives in Roxbury. Thanks for all your GREAT work. I really enjoy the website. Debbie Mead Gagliolo, Clarkesville, Ga

29 June 2001
re: Pine Brook Baptist Church Photo
I just saw the picture of Pines Brook Baptist Church on the historical website [Town of Walton] . . . . . it has changed some over the years. I went there years ago when Pastor Dan McCarthy was pastor. I lived with my aunt and uncle (Lousia and Charles Lewis aka Weezie and Louie). They have since passed away, but the memories of that area still live on. Thanks for sharing the picture. Cora M. Covey

20 June 2001
re: Old Tractor Photo
I saw your shot of the old tractor [Town of Tompkins] and it reminded me of these two old family photos. Michelle Gagner

16 May 2001
re: Rt 23 Farm Photo
A bit of history on the photo titled Farm on Rte 23 just before Stamford. My grandparents, John and Bessie Crumb Gray purchased the property, 150 acres, in 1919 from Mrs. William J. Ames. It was referred to as a toll gate property because across the road from house was a small house. (I knew to be called the tenant's house). In a book from Delaware County Historical Society I was able to determine that the house had served as a toll house for the turnpike. The barn was built by John Gray. My grandparents sold the property in mid-late 1940s to Fred Murphy and became a part of Prospect Enterprises Inc. Looking at the photo to the right of the house there were three, four "cabins," which as far as I know were rented to the "city people" during the summer months. A porch ran the length of the side of the house affording a view of the valley. My older sister can remember sitting in a rocking chair on that porch. What I remember about that house is a set of French doors leading into the dining room! During WWII, a truck overturned on that hill spilling its load of sugar. Sugar was rationed during the war ... What a surprise and pleasure to see that picture! Many thanks, Evelyn O'Connell

23 April 2001
re: Cattle Exchange Barn Photo
My father, George Veen, was the owner and builder of the cattle exchange barn that you have in the photo gallery (Town of Delhi) . It was built in 1948, and the G.L.F., Kingston St. Delhi, supplied the laminated high gothic rafters for it. Here are 3 pictures of the Barn under construction. In a scrapbook I have found 2 ads. After the barn was finished they held barndances in it, before haying season. They were well attended, I was only around 7-8, but remember having a good time. I have been going through the site, and found my uncles and aunts names in the rural school # 1 pamphlet that was submitted from 1913. These children grew up on that farm. I have found the Del. Co. Genealogy and Historic site very interesting. Keep up the good work. Betty Veen Truscott

23 January 2001
Farm on Salley's Alley
Farm on Salley's Alley, Roxbury - This Photo is of my Sister & Brother-in-laws farm. Lori & Ernie Ballard, and his Sister Eva Sanford. This farm has always been in the Ballard Family. Ernie & Eva are the ggggreat Grandchildren of Peleg Ballard the 1st settler of the Vega Valley. His Home site is up the hill 1/2 mile. The farm in the photo was started by Peleg's son in the early 1800's. Just thought I let you know! Keep up your great work on this site! George J. Hendricks Jr.

21 November 2000
re: Farm on Rt10 Photo
Farm on Rt 10 just North of South Kortright - The white barn in the back with the silos was the farm of Ralph Gould. My father Bruce Nesbitt and Ralph always shared machinery to cut the corn in the fall. My father lived on the next farm toward South Kortright. In the front of the picture is a red barn which is where my father spent his childhood as this was his father's farm. It looks like you would be standing on this farm to take this picture. Dick Nesbitt

26 October 2000
re: Barn Photo
A great big THANK YOU for your Photo Gallery. I'll bet you could make a living as a professional photographer--But don't give up your day job just yet. Of course Bovina is near the top of the list alphabetically, as well as other ways; but the very first photograph brought back a flood of memories for me. The barn pictured was built by my great-grandfather, J.R. Hoy. [He was one of the principle players in My Civil War related story "The Tree" appearing else where on this website.] After the war he launched a successful career as a barn builder. I say "successful," because I can show you at least three other barns that still stand as plumb and true today as they did the day they were built, over one hundred years ago. I can remember a story related to me by Ed Russell (long deceased) about this particular barn. He was employed in its construction and was working on the cupola one afternoon and was struck by lightning. It blew his shoes off but he recovered. The point of his story was, from that day on, the saw he held in his hand at the time never needed to be reset or sharpened. Powerful stuff. If you had stopped at the old cemetery a quarter mile back down the road, you could have seen my great-great grandparents graves. William and Jennette Ormiston. And if you had turned up the dirt road by the cemetery for a quarter mile, you could have seen the house where my mother was born (now abandoned). So, Thanks for The Memories. --Allan Davidson

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a service of the Delaware County Historical Association located at 46549 State Highway 10, Delhi, NY 13753

Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger