Bush, McGibbon and Parsons Obituaries
Transcribed by Dean Hunter
Bush, Abram
The Dairyman, April 25, 1902
Abram Bush was the third eldest son in a family of eight children born to Casper Bush and Abigail Leet. He was born in Hamden, NY Nov. 23, 1823. In youth he acquired the education afforded by the common schools of those days, and also the trade of journeyman tailor, and began business for himself in Croton when 21 years of age. He was married Oct. 4, 1848 to Henrietta Rich Hine of Meredith. In the year 1859 he moved to Franklin, having bought the business of Jamey McCall.
Seymour Bronson, his brother J. C. Bush, Wm H. Noble and Elijah Roe, were at various times associated with him. By the death of Mrs. Bush, Feb. 21, 1897, the home in this village was broken up and Mr. Bush has since resided most of the time with his only child, Mrs. N. L. Lyon of Ellenville, by whom he is survived, also by brothers James Clark Bush of Franklin, Charles Bush of Hamden and Etta C. Bush, an invalid residing with Charles.
This in brief covers the record of nearly four score years, the life of this busy energetic mien; during which he was an obedient and grateful child -- a skilled workman - an affectionate husband and parent -- a business man of honor and integrity -- a kind neighbor -- a staunch friend. But the supreme and all important event of his life that which made Abram Bush what he was, was his conversion to Christ which took place in his own house at Croton election night 1849, during one of the most remarkable revivals of religion ever known in this town. This event was so clear and bright to his spiritual nature that he never doubted it, and every election night he was wont to celebrate it by prayer and praise, with invited Christian friends. He at once became a Bible student, endorsing the doctrine of Christian Holiness, and lived in the enjoyment of this great blessing. He united with the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he was a model layman. For years he occupied the offices of local preacher, class leader, steward, trustee, Sunday school superintendent and chorister, and altho' he removed his membership at one time to Ellenville he was retained as a trustee of the Franklin church until the day his death as a mark of esteem and appreciation. The subject of personal religion he delighted to dwell upon in conversation with anyone, whether saint or sinner, friend or stranger, and with such tact and real love that one seldom took offense. In the social means of grace his testimonies, prayers and exhortations were inspiring and highly profitable. The calls to duty along the paths of benevolence and charity were responded to at any personal sacrifice.
After Mr. Bush returned to Ellenville last summer he declined in health and strength quite rapidly, gradually losing interest in general affairs, not caring to read the Christian Advocate or the Dai Hyman as before, but until the very last he read his Bible with delight and comfort. For many weeks he was a great but patient sufferer, appreciating the tender care received from his daughter and other members of the household. The translation came quite suddenly, Thursday morning, April 17, 1902 at 9:30 o'clock. Brief funeral services were conducted by Rev. R H. Travis at the Ellenville home Friday at 4 p.m. and in the Franklin Methodist church Sunday p.m. at 2:30 o'clock, conducted by Rev. F. D. Abrams, pastor, assisted by Rev. John Marsland, pastor of the Congregational church. Words taken from 1 Samuel, 20:18-"and thou shall be missed because thy seat will be empty" formed the basis of an appropriate address by Rev. Mr. Abrams relative to the life and character of the deceased. The attendance of a large concourse of friends gave evidence of the respect to his memory. Interment was made upon the family plot in Ouleout Valley Cemetery.
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Bush, E. Ogden
Delhi News by Rob Hartung, June 23, 1988:
Bush Hall, the college's central administration building, will be rededicated as Clarence and E. Ogden Bush Hall. Originally opened in 1973, Bush Hall also houses a variety of academic and student services. For example, the college's newly-renovated academic computing laboratory, equipped with mainframe, super-micro, and microcomputer systems, is located here. The College Library, featuring over 50,000 volumes, and the Student Development Center, providing counseling, career planning and job placement services, are also located in Bush Hall.
E. Ogden Bush, who represented this area in the State Senate and Assembly for over two decades, was a strong advocate for Delhi College and the State University of New York, according to President Kruger.
"In fact, when an effort was made during the Depression to close the college, Dr. Bush was at the forefront in opposing the move." he said.
Dr. Bush's formal association with the campus began in 1944 when he joined the College Council. He remained on the council for over 24 years, serving as its chairman from 1948 to 1968. His stewardship on the council was a dynamic one" President Kruger said. "Dr. Bush helped move this campus from a small institute to a thriving two-year college."
Dr. Bush was equally bullish on the need for a great State University system in New York, and was one of the first to support its establishment. "He even led a bond drive in Delaware County to help raise funds needed for the capital development of the State University, President Kruger said. His educational roots were closely aligned with the State University as well, having earned his dentistry degree from the University of Buffalo.
Dr. Bush's support for the State University and Delhi Tech prompted the student body to dedicate the 50th anniversary issue of the college yearbook to him. The presentation was made at a special campus ceremony attended by the State University Chancellor Samuel Gould and Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller.
"He was also a highly respected member of the state legislature," President Kruger added. "Members of both parties praised Dr. Bush for his enthusiastic support for this rural area." Bush Hall was originally named in honor of Dr. Bush's father, Clarence Bush. "This rededication will help recognize this family's many contributions to Delhi Tech," President Kruger said.
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Bush, Isabella Parsons
Newark Evening News
Mrs. Junius Bush, East Orange, 82
Mrs. Isabella Parsons Bush of 61 Glenwood Ave., East Orange, widow of Junius C. Bush, died yesterday in Orange Memorial Hospital of a long illness. Born 82 years ago in Franklin, NY she lived in Scranton, Pa., before moving to East Orange in 1910.
Mrs. Bush, a niece of Willard Parsons a founder of the New York Herald Fresh Air Fund, served as one of its first camp counsellors. She was a member of the Woman's Club of Orange for 45 years and was past president of the Women's Assn. of Munn Avenue Presbyterian Church East Orange. Her late husband was an elder of that church.
She leaves two daughters Mrs. William R. Bayley of West Orange and Mrs. Warren L. Hunter of Millburn; four grandchildren and two great-grand-f children.
The Dairyman
Mrs. Isabella P. Bush
FRANKLIN - Mrs. Isabella (Parsons) Bush, of East Orange N. J., and a summer resident here for many years, died March 8 at East Orange.
A prayer service will be held at 1 p.m. Tuesday at the Howard Funeral Chapel, Franklin, the Rev. Clarence T. Hodgkins, pastor of Franklin Congregational Baptist Church, officiating. The body will be placed in a vault for burial later this year in Ouleout Valley Cemetery, Franklin.
She was the daughter of Edward S. and Elizabeth (McGibbon) Parsons, and the niece of the Rev. Willard Parsons, founder of the New York Herald Tribune Fresh Air Fund. She was married to Junius C. Bush, who was a native of Franklin.
Mrs. Bush spent her younger years in Cannonsville and was graduated from Penn Yan High School where her father was a teacher. They moved to Franklin, where her father became a mathematics instructor at the old Delaware Literary Institute.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Katherine Bailey and Mrs. Janet Hunter, both of New Jersey. Friends may call at the funeral chapel Tuesday until service time.
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Bush, Junius C.
The Dairyman
A large number of relatives and friends were in the Ouleout Valley Cemetery last Friday afternoon to attend the services of the committal of body of Junius C. Bush, who died April 24 at East Orange, N. J.
The service was read by the Rev. Robert Howland. The pallbearers were Walter Payne, Ervin Rhodes, Will ______, Edward Edgerton. The beautiful cut flowers covering the casket spoke silently a final tribute to his memory paid by his friends and fellow workers. Those present from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Parson and Mrs. Larry Snyder, Binghamton; Dr. Ogden Bush, Mrs. Clarence Bush, Mrs. Marcia Stilson, Mrs. Stewart Hymers, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eckert, DeLancy; Miss Nellie Hitchcock, Miss Jessica Hitchcock and Mrs. Samuel Potter, Oneonta.
Mr. Bush was the son of James Clark Bush and Augusta Combs Bush. His parents came to Franklin from Hamden and his father started a merchantile(sic) business in the block that is still known as the "Bush Block". June, as he was known by everyone here, was a genial person, liked by everyone and his early life as he lived it afforded him many peasant memories in later years. He was associated in business with his father as a beginning in his very successful business career. In 1898 he married Isabella Parsons, of this place, and left Franklin in 1900. For the last thirty five years their home has been in East Orange, N. J. For over twenty-five years he bas been associated with the Fuller Brush Company, in the Industrial Division, having received from that company several worth-while rewards, merited for salesmanship and for long term of service. Throughout his life he was active in Christian service, being an elder in the Munn Avenue Presbyterian Church East Orange, at the time of his death, His interest in Franklin and the people here never waned. The Bush house on Center Street is one of the attractive houses in our village and in the summer has been the scene of much hospitality. During the forty-four years since the family left Franklin they have never missed a summer in occupying it. We are very glad to know that it will be occupied by some of the family this coming summer.
Mr. Bush is survived by his wife, two daughters, Mrs. William Bayley, West Orange, N. J., Mrs. Warren Hunter, Millburn, N. J., and four grandchildren. His age was 78 years.
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McGibbon, Isabella Belfrage
Died at Cannonsville, August 23, 1883, Isabella Belfrage, Wife of William McGibbon, at the age of 70 years. Deceased was a native of North Britain. and removed to New York with her parents in 1826. Though living for 57 years in this country yet she never forgot her beloved Scotland; even on her dying bed her mind reverted to the pleasant scenes and surroundings of the home of her early girlhood. She longed again to breathe the odors of the fragrant fir and the healthier blooms of her native land. She was a woman possessed of rare qualities both of mind and heart; she never failed to see something beautiful in all of God's works and something good in all his creatures; she was ever denying herself to make others happy and always ready to sympathize with the afflicted and to help the needy and unfortunate. She lived and bided with an unfaltering trust in God's promise to
his people. The Perthshire highlands that looked down on her early home stood not more firmly than was her faith in the Savior, and that he would lead her at last through the valley of the shadow in safety. Her whole busy life was one of good deeds and pleasant memories. To her children and friends, those who knew her best, the sweet influence of her life will not soon pass away, but will grow stronger and sweeter as the shadows lengthen and the day draws to a close.
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McGibbon, William
In the town of Tompkins, Delaware County, March 2nd 1851 William McGibbon, aged 85 years. The deceased was a native of Scotland, came to this country in 1804, and settled in the town of Delhi, where he resided until 1841. His friends in that town and neighborhood were many, who from long acquaintance, both respected and revered his upright and conscientious life which always gave the testimony of a Christian faith and action. Having removed to the town of Tompkins in 1841, he there resided until his decease, where his virtues procured for him the respect and esteem of all with whom he was acquainted. In the words of inspiration, he hath gone to the grave in a full age, like a shock of corn cometh in his season.
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Parsons, Henry
The Dairyman, Franklin, N. Y., Jan. 19, 1906
No death in this village has ever caused more universal sorrow and regret or a greater sense of loss than that of Henry A. Parsons. which occurred about 4 o'clock last Monday morning. He bad been ill in bed for some weeks with heart trouble, but his illness was not considered critical at the present time, in fact be was apparently improving, and was sitting up a little each day, and receiving calls from his friends whose society he so much enjoyed. This was his condition on Sunday, his brother, Rev. Willard Parsons, who had been with him for several weeks, having returned to New York to meet a business engagement. At about 10 o'clock in the evening his brother, Edwin Parsons. who occupied an adjoining room, was aroused by Henry, who was suffering intense pain in the left arm, which bad been a peculiarity of his disability from the beginning. His physician was summoned, and administered an anesthetic which relieved the pain but the heart failed to do its office work, and, dissolution soon followed, quietly and peacefully.
Henry Augustus Parsons was born in this village, in July, 1839, in the house that was known as the Waterbury house, on lower Main Street. In 1868 he was married to Miss Minor, of New London, Conn., where be was teaching music and painting. About twenty years ago his wife died, and then his affections were drawn toward his old home, and from frequent visits he came at last to make this his abiding place, when not absent on business engagements, and with his younger brother bought a house on Center street formerly the Abram Bush home, and this, being artistically furnished and beautified, became a paradise to him and to many friends whom it was his delight to entertain. He enjoyed society, and his freehearted hospitality and cordial greetings were proverbial. He loved Franklin, and nothing gave him more pleasure than to see the village prosperous and kept up to the a standard of an ideal place.
Mr. Parsons' connection with the Fresh Air work, of which his brother is the head, gave him a wide acquaintance throughout the state, and be was eminently successful in doing preliminary work in this good cause. We shall miss him, as a neighbor, as a friend, for his large hearted liberality and his many Christian graces. There will be no one soon to take his place.
The funeral was attended on Thursday, at 11 o'clock, Rev. Mr. Eisenhart officiating, with a very brief service, which was known to be Mr. Parsons, desire. Burial in Ouleout Valley cemetery.
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NY Tribune, Saturday September 28, 1907
First Manager of the Tribune Fresh Air Fund.
A telegram from Franklin, Delaware County, N.Y., announces that the Rev. Willard Parsons, for many years the manager of the Tribune Fresh Air Fund, dropped dead in that place yesterday.
Mr. Parsons was born in Franklin on September 8, 1842, and was graduated from the Union Theological Seminary, in this city, in the class of '71. Entering upon the work of the ministry, Mr. Parsons was for three years a city missionary in Brooklyn, and in 1874 accepted a call to the pastorate of the Congregational Church at Sherman, Penn. It was there, that, in 1877, he began in an humble but earnest way the great work that was later to demand his entire time and energy and that has brought health and happiness to hundreds of thousands of children from the city's tenement houses.
One day as he was driving through the country he became inspired with the idea that it was selfish for him to enjoy so fully the flowers, the green grass, the fresh air and the manifold beauties of nature when there were countless girls and boys in New York and Brooklyn who had never had a chance even to see the country. He at once determined to do what he could to give at least a few little ones a taste of the country life that he so much enjoyed.
Returning to his church, he proposed that, if some of his parishioners would open their houses to poor city children, he would undertake to raise the money for their transportation and to conduct them from and back to their homes. At first he met only opposition to his plan. The good people shrank from the idea of taking into their families a lot of "untamed hoodlums from the slums." By dint of argument and persuasion, however, he at last converted a few families to his views; at any rate, he succeeded in getting them to make the experiment. His first essay was made with a party of nine children. Their condition on arriving, their general tractability during their visit, and the marked improvement they showed on leaving awakened their sympathy and calmed the fears of the people of the little village. They began to realize that the benefit had not all been on one side. The children had proved to be a wholesome object lesson in benevolence.
Some of those who had entertained the first visitors announced their readiness to welcome others. Some of their neighbors, encouraged by their example, were willing to make a trial, with the result that by the end of the summer sixty poor city children had enjoyed a two weeks holiday.
Believing that what he had accomplished in Sherman could be repeated in other places if he had the opportunity of bringing the subject to the attention of their inhabitants, and the work thus indefinitely extended, Mr. Parsons sought aid in promoting his plan. It was not difficult to find. The seed had fallen on good ground. Many philanthropic people in New York had seen and appreciated his efforts and "The Evening Post," of this city, was induced to lend its aid in raising the necessary money. This it did successfully for four years, Mr. Parsons resigning his pastorate to give his entire attention to the administration of the Fresh Air Fund.
In the spring of 1882, when the friends of the fund were discussing plans for continuing the enterprise they received an offer from The Tribune to take it up and to carry it on. This offer was accepted and since that time under the name of the Tribune Fresh Air Fund, it has developed beyond the fondest hopes of its founder at the beginning.
The life of Mr. Parsons from 1877 until 1907, when failing health compelled him to retire, had been bound in the closest manner with the history of the fund. Only one year, when a serious internal operation required a long vacation for recuperation, which he spent in Algeria, did he intermit his labors. During the summer of 1906, his last, season of activity, he was confined almost continuously to his bed, from which he heroically conducted his exhausting and multifarious duties through willing agents.
During his thirty years administration of the fund 237,709 children were sent to homes in the country for a fortnight, and 429,071 mothers and children received an all-day excursion up the Hudson River at a total expenditure, in round numbers of $725,000.
At the time of his death Mr. Parsons had been a widower for several years and left no children. He was one of a family of four brothers, two of whom died to recent years. One of these, Henry, had been a constant associate and support of his in the fresh air work, and his death proved a severe shock to Mr. Parsons. The remaining brother lives in Franklin.
Mr. Parsons was a constant attendant of the Madison Square Presbyterian Church, and was a member of the Lotos, Congregational, Quill and Twilight clubs of this city.