The following obituaries and abstracts of obituaries from Delaware County newspapers were collected over a number of years from original sources. There are several from other newspapers having to do with Delaware County people. I have also added a few death notices. All obits having ** at the end are families I am most interested in (my related families) and invite anyone having further information or wanting further information on any of those noted below, please contact Kitty R. Oman or write to me: Kitty R. Oman, 8701 NE Pierce Dr., Vancouver, WA 98662.
Delaware Gazette - Apr 20, 1819 - At the residence of son in Bloomville, Daniel MARVIN 74 (18 inst)
Delaware Gazette - Oct 26, 1819 - Bovina, 18 inst, Adam KEDZIE, 31
Delaware Gazette - Feb 22, 1821 - Bovina, John FULLER, 4th inst, son of Elihu, age 20**
Delaware Gazette - Aug 28, 1822 - Bovina, Jan 24, Mrs Isabella Ann CROSIER, consort of Walter & 2nd daughter of Joseph THOMSON, age 20 yearc 9 mos, Merchant, NY**
Delaware Gazette - Sept 3, 1823 - Nathaniel STEELE (Delhi) Wed last, 75, native of Hartford, CT
Delaware Gazette - May 1, 1822 - Roxbury, Thurs 25 ult, Samuel BARLOW, age 32 years
Delaware Gazette - Jan 14, 1824 - Roxbury, Capt Abraham GOLD, 88? 68?, Mr. Gold only survivor of 4 hardy young men who emigrated from town of Fairfield, CT in 1790 to town of Roxbury.
Delaware Gazette - June 30, 1824 - Andes, Tues 22 inst, Mrs. Anne BARLOW, consort of James, 72 years
Delaware Gazette - Dec 14, 1825 - Hancock, 20 ult, Archibald ARMSTRONG, 68
Delaware Gazette - Feb 1, 1826 - Harrison, 27 ult, Mrs. Anne BAILEY, 115 yrs
Delaware Gazette - Aug 27, 1827 - 5th inst resident of Michigan Territory, William KEDZIE, 48 yrs (also same paper)
Delaware Gazette - Aug 27, 1827 - Bovina 14th inst Mrs. Jannet THOMSON 43, wife of David, daughter of Robert HUME
Delaware Gazette - 14 Nov 1827 - Died - In Andes, on the 27th ult., Mrs. Sally VAUGHN, wife of Mr. John Vaughn, in the 28th year of her age. The death of Mrs. Vaughn is one of the many instances of mortality which should be considered not only as a private but a public loss. In her engaging qualities of a wife, a companion, a mother, and a neighbour, were blessed with the utmost harmony. But the most distinguishing trait in her character was her firm and unvaried attachment of her Divine Master. She bore her long and painful illness with calmness and submission, which, the Christian only knows. She ever manifested the most cheerful willingness to depart and be with Christ; and the most perfect composure resided her spirit into the hands of her Redeemer.**
Delaware Gazette - Mar 3, 1830 - Delhi, Sat Last, John LEAL, 28
Delaware Gazette - Jan 12, 1831 - Hamden, Mrs. Plain BARLOW, widow of Jonathan, 86
Delaware Gazette - Apr 13, 1831 - Kortright, Mrs. Sarah GOODRICH, wife of Jared, 81?
Delaware Gazette - Apr 27, 1831 - Ceres, McLean Co., PA, 6th inst James WRIGHT formerly Colchester & father of Henry of Delhi, age 64
Delaware Gazette - May 18, 1831 - Bovina, (no date), Ruth Ann LUDINGTON, widow of Samuel, 86**
Delaware Gazette - Jan 18, 1832 - Stamford, 23 inst, Mrs. Ann THOMSON, wife of late John age 104, native of Scotland & with husband emmigrated to this country 1775.
Delaware Gazette - Jan 18, 1832 - Delhi Sunday last Thomas THOMSON, 80
Delaware Gazette - Apr 3, 1832 - Bovina, 26 ult William SEACORD, 65**
Delaware Gazette - Apr 10, 1832 - Bovina, 4 inst, Mrs. Julia TUTTLE, wife of David, 41 yrs**
Delaware Gazette - May 22, 1833 - Bovina, 14 inst James CARMAN, 81**
Delaware Gazette - July 3, 1833 - Bovina, Fri 21 ult, Thomas LANDON, Jr. 69**
Delaware Gazette - Aug 7, 1833 - Meredith, Hannah TAYLOR, wife of Walter 41 29 ult
Delaware Gazette - Aug 14, 1833 - Andes 4 inst, Jehu BURR, 82, Rev Sol.
Delaware Gazette - Mar 9, 1834 - In this town (Delhi) 18 ult, Wm. BLAIR, 69, Native of Perthshire Scotland, immigrated to this country 30 years ago, resident of this town
Delaware Gazette - Aug 27, 1834 - Bovina 18 inst Phebe Ann CARMAN, youngest dau of Gabriel, age 2 yrs**
Delaware Gazette - Sept 3, 1834 - Bovina, Tues 28 ult, Mary Adelia LEE only dau of Alphonso 4 yrs 8 mo
Delaware Gazette - Sept 24, 1834 - Bovina, 15 inst Mrs. Deborah CARMAN consort of late James, 75**
Delaware Gazette - Sept 24, 1834 - Bovina, 18 inst Solomon G. TUTTLE, 2 yrs**
Delaware Gazette - Oct 8, 1834- Bovina, 14 inst, Freelove TUTTLE 4 yrs**
Delaware Gazette - June 24, 1835 - Bovina, 11 inst. Miles, L. 5 yrs, 19 ult, Joshua S, 9 yrs, 13 inst Close L. TUTTLE, all sons of Solomon Tuttle**
Delaware Gazette - Sept 9, 1835 - Delhi 28 ult Miles Henry son of Hiram BARLOW, 2 yrs 11 mo
Delaware Gazette - Sept 15, 1834 - At his res in New Haven Ct, Amos G. HULL, MD of the city of NY, 60 years
Delaware Gazette - Sept 23, 1834 - Bovina, Thurs 15, inst, Miss Meritta STRATTON, daughter of Jessie of Roxbury ae 23
Delaware Gazette - Aug 30, 1837 - Bloomville 21 inst James A. BARLOW, son of Benjamin age 24
Delaware Gazette - Aug 30, 1837 - Newark NJ, sun, 20 ins Anna, infant dau of A. G. & Peninah HOBBIE, 11 months**
Delaware Gazette - July 13, 1837 - Franklin, 5 inst Mrs. Mary L. wife of Rev Daniel WATERBURY late of this village, age 43
Delaware Gazette - 9 May 1838 - Died at Kortright on the 28th ult., Jacob DAVIS aged 23 years.
Delaware Gazette - 1 Aug 1838 - Franklin, Mrs. Mary LEWIS wife of Rev. Daniel WATERBURY daughter of late John and Thankful GRANT, 42 yrs
Delaware Gazette - Aug 15, 1838 - Roxbury, 28 ult, Mrs Sarah SILLIMAN, 82
Delaware Gazette - Oct 10, 1838 - Boston, Mass, Sept 8, David BARLOW, 24 fomerly of Hamden
Delaware Gazette - Jan 2, 1839 - Warsaw, Genessee Co, Daniel WATERBURY fomerly of Delhi, 22 ult
Delaware Gazette - Jan 2, 1839 - Andes, 13? ult, 74 yrs Mary STEVENS WATERBURY, wife of Deacon Daniel Waterbury
Delaware Gazette - Feb 13, 1839 - Northampton, MA Fri 1st, Widow Martha WRIGHT, relict late Aaron, 94 yrs. She was mother of Mrs. S. GOODMAN of this village & Mrs. Amos DOUGLAS of Franklin. She was dau of Daniel ALEXANDER one of the 1st settlers of Passacumseh & descendant of George Alexander, one of the first settlers of this town in 1664. Her grandmother was "Searle"
Delaware Gazette - June 28? 1839 Andes - William BROMLEE, (Bramley) age 92, Rev Soldier**
Delaware Gazette - June 28? 1839, Meredith, - 18 inst Mrs Zada Ann MURDOCK consort of Daniel, age 25
Delaware Gazette - July 24, 1839 - Roxbury, 13 inst Seth HULL, 50, left widow & 3 sons
Delaware Gazette - July 31, 1839 - Bovina, 18 inst, Moses STEWART, Rev. Soldier, age 83
Delaware Gazette - Oct 16, 1839 - Chicago, IL 27 ult Mrs. Penina wife of Albert G. HOBBIE ag 34?**
Delaware Gazette - Jan22(7?) 1840 - Andes, 20 inst Mrs. Eunice PEACE consort of Robert G. L., age 63
Delaware Gazette - Jan 30, 1840 - Bovina, 13 ult Miss Grace ARCHIBALD, dau John & Barbara H.
Delaware Gazette - Jan 30, 1840 - Kortright, 27 ult, John ORR native of Ireland & father of Wm. Orr of Bovina, age 76
Delaware Gazette - Sept 30, 1840 - 11th ult Bovina, Alex BRUSH, 81 native Smithtown, L.I.
Delaware Gazette - Dec 2, 1840 - Chicago, IL 14 ult Josephine dau A. G. HOBBIE 7 yrs 6 (5?) mos**
Delaware Gazette - Jan 6, 1841 - Bovina, Dec 14, James THORBURN, 26, son Adam & Janet, a native of Scotland
Delaware Gazette - Mar 31, 1841 - Died Mar 18, Stamford, Sarah A. BARLOW, 24, 3rd dau of J. W. Barlow & sister of William B. Barlow.
Bloomville Mirror 1851 - May 25 - Died at Meredith 21 inst son of Isaac REYNOLDS.
Delaware Gazette - Mar. 10, 1852 - Died - In Roxbury, on the evening of the 4th inst., Jonas MORE, Esq., aged 72 years.
Mr. More was one of the first settlers of that town and has contributed not a little in encouraging and assisting the early settlers both with his council and more substantial means. The estimation in which he was held by his townsmen was such that he was several times elected to the highest office in their gift. He also once represented this county in the Legislature of this State, and always discharged his official duties to the satisfaction of his constituents.
Delaware Gazette - Mar. 29, 1854 - Died - In Olive, Ulster Co., NY on the 27th of Feb. last, after a lingering illness of several months Miss Nancy M., daughter of Peleg and Hannah HILTON, aged 27 years.
Her remains were brought to Andes, Delaware Co., the place of her former residence, for interment. The unusually large concourse of citizens that attended her funeral attested to the high esteem in which she was held by a community favored with her acquaintance.**
Delaware Gazette - May 14, 1856 - Died - In this town (Delhi) on the 9th inst., Mrs. Julia A., wife of Jehiel VAUGHN and daughter of Mr. James SLOAT, aged 26.**
Walton Chronicle - 17 Mar 1857 - Died in Hobart, suddenly, on 1 Feb, Mrs. Edmund BARLOW. Foul play on the part of the husband & sister is suspected & the body was disinterred so the stomach could be removed for analysis. (note: The husband did marry the sister shortly after this but the case must have been dropped)
Delaware Gazette - 22 Sept 1858 - Died in Andes on the 15th inst. Mrs. Rhoda DAVIS, relict of Samuel Davis. She was among the first settlers of Bovina. Her exemplary life endeared her to all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance.**
Bloomville Mirror - Tues., Jan 1, 1861 - Died in Hobart Dec. 27 of consumption, Mr. Henry G. FOOTE age about 21 years.
Bloomville Mirror - Jan. 22, 1861 - Died in Delhi 14th inst. Lucy, youngest daughter of John S. HOBBIE aged about 9 years. Jan. 18th Emma, daughter of same died aged about 12 years of putred sore throat.**
Bloomville Mirror - Tues. Feb 5, 1861 - Died in New Kingston, Jan. 25 of Croup, Samuel R., only child of Jeremiah and Nancy M. AKERLY age 11 mos 17 days.**
Bloomville Mirror - Tues. Feb 12, 1861 - Died in Kortright Feb. 6, Mr. Harvey DAVIS aged 81 years. He had been town supervisor.
Andes Recorder - 21 Aug 1861 - Died in this town on the 13th inst. of diptheria, Smith, son of Mr. John S. HOBBIE aged about 10 years. This is the third death within a few weeks in the same familly of the same disease.
Bloomville Mirror - Tues. Mar. 6, 1861 - Died at New Kingston Feb. 25 of putred sore throat Mrs. Martha, wife of John G. DUMOND and only daughter of Charles R. And Lucy E. MUNSON aged 32 years.**
Bloomville Mirror - Tues., Mar. 12, 1861 - Died in Deposit on 22 ult. of liver complaint Mrs. Oliver BARLOW aged 65 years 10 mos.
Bloomville Mirror - Tues., Mar 12, 1861 - Died in Ripton, WI on 27 Feb of Diphtheria, Miss Isabella SQUIRES formerly of Stamford aged 25 years 10 months and 0 days of congestion.
Bloomville Mirror - Tues., Apr 30, 1861 - Died at Middletown of diphtheria on the 18 Mar. Orrin F. SANFORD son of William B. and Sarah A. Sanford aged about 4 years.
Bloomville Mirror - Tues., June 4, 1861 - Died of Scarlet Fever in Andes, Jennie BALLANTINE dau of Duncan and Nancy Ballantine age 2/11/19
Bloomville Mirror - Tues., June 18, 1861 - Died in Andes, May 27, Mrs. Elizabeth wife of John JACKSON age 72 and 1 mo. Mrs. Jackson was a native of Scotland and a member of the 1st Pres. Church in Andes. She was the mother of 16 children all but one of whom are living.
Delaware Gazette - 2 Apr 1862 - Died in this town of consumption, on the 26th ult. Capt. Peter McNEE age 50 years.
He was a native of this town and has always been a respected and esteemed citizen. A large circle of relatives and friends are left to mourn his loss.**
Bloomville Mirror - Nov 11, 1862 - Died Nov 4 near Bloomville Amy MURDOCK aged 64 years.
Delaware Gazette - Nov 26, 1862 - Died - In Andes Village on the 4th inst., of jaundice, Mrs. Elizabeth HILTON, wife of Nathan M. Hilton and daughter of Benjamin CONNOR, age 21 years and 5 months.
Mrs. Hilton's sickness was brief but severe. During her short journey through the dark valley, she was most of the time insensible. The last words she was heard to utter were addressed to the throne of grace for mercy and pardon. Mrs. Hilton possessed a warm, kind and generous heart, and was always alive to the wants and necessities of others. Though not called long to battle in the active scenes of life, she had nevertheless been long enough to endear to her as friends the entire community in which she has lived but her warmest friends were those who knew her best. As a wife, mother, daughter and sister, she possessed all those attributes of love, affection, and worth which made her an ornament in the domestic circle. She leaves behind her husband, her little Charley, aged two years, her parents, sister and brothers, to mourn her early and untimely death.**
Bloomville Mirror - 9 Dec 1862 - Died Nov 23 in Croton, David HAWLEY age 85 years.
Bloomville Mirror - Tues., Dec 16, 1862 - Died in Andes Nov 27 at residence of L. D. Jackson, Jershom D. JACKSON aged 77 years.
Delaware Gazette - 21 Apr 1863 - Died Mar 27th at Fairfield Seminary Hospital of typhoid fever, son of Richard DAVIS of Andes, aged 21 years.
Delaware Gazette - July 1, 1863 - Died at Andes June 21st Mr. Benjamin F. HILTON, aged 19 years, member of Capt. Fitch's NY 8th Battery.**
Delaware Gazette - Jan. 20, 1864 - Died - In Andes, on the 28th of December last, of inflamation of the lungs, Mr. Peleg HILTON aged 64 years 2 months and 10 days.
Mr. Hilton came with his father from Connecticut 62 years ago. He was identified with early history and settlement of that town. He moved to Andes 19 years ago, where, until a few years ago he kept a public house and was favorably known to the traveling community as an accommodating landlord.
His who life was one of untiring industry and perserverance. His illness was short but severe. He bore his affliction with great fortitude and died in the triumph of Christian faith.**
Delaware Gazette - 2 Mar 1864 - Died in this town February 22 of consumption, Miss Margaret McNEE, aged about 22 years, daughter of the late Capt. McNEE.**
Delaware Gazette - 3 Aug 1864 - Died in New York on 25th of July, Agnes Elizabeth McNEE in the 23rd year of her age, daughter of William McNee of Hamden. Her remains were brought to this town (Delhi) for interment.
Delaware Gazette - May 14, 1856 - Died - In this town (Delhi) on the 19th inst., Jehiel VAUGHN, aged 42 years.**
Bloomville Mirror - Feb 25, 1868 - Died Feb 17, Andes of consumption, Hannah A. wife of James D. REYNOLDS.**
Andes Recorder - Thurs., May 21, 1868 - Died in Bovina, Mon., 18 inst., Mr. James J. BLAIR, in 35th year
Andes Recorder - Thurs., May 21, 1868 - In Delhi village, Tues, 19 inst. Mr. Samuel GORDON, Jr. age 29 years.
Andes Recorder - Aug 27, 1868 : Died - On Thursday the 20th inst., Victoria, daughter of Mr. Benjamin CONNER of this village, aged 24 years and 10 months.**
Walton Chronicle - 24 Feb 1869 - Died Sidney Center 18 Feb Samuel DAVIS age 72
Walton Chronicle - 24 Mar 1869 - Died in Margaretville March 17 of apoplexy, David AKERLY age 61 years. He was a pioneer of the village and up to a year before his death proprietor of the Akerly House.**
Bloomville Mirror 1869 - Dec 7 - Died at Fergusonville on the 23 ult. Mrs. Agnes wife of Thomas FULLER of Bovina and daughter of Mr. Walter PATTERSON late of Delhi.**
Walton Chronicle - 24 Mar 1869 - Died in Margaretville 17 Mar of apoplexy David ACKERLY aged 61 yrs. He was a pioneer of the village and, up to a year before his death, proprietor of the Ackerly House.**
Walton Chronicle - 10 May 1871 - (obit 17 May issue page 2) Died in Oneonta 3 May, Mrs. Miriam H. REYNOLDS, wife of G. W. Reynolds, age 52 years 8 mos, buried Franklin, She was the daughter of Joseph & Lydia HOTCHKISS of Harpersville.
Walton Chronicle - 5 July 1871 - Died in North Walton 29 June Mrs. Samuel FITCH, age 66.
Walton Chronicle - 14 Mar 1872 - Died Walton 7 Mar, John DAVIS age 92 years.
Walton Chronicle - 20 June 1872 - Died in Ill. (reported by the Polo, Ill Press) No date given - John WATERBURY, Sr. age 81 years 2 mos. He migrated from Andes to Ill in 1835.
Walton Chronicle - 13 Mar 1873 - Died in Walton 11 Mar Mrs. Julia, wife of John M. LYON ae 37 yrs.
Walton Chronicle - 13 Mar 1873 - Died in Delhi 9 Mar William McNEE ae 65 yrs.**
Walton Chronicle - 8 May 1873 - Found dead "near Jacksonburgh Bridge" 3 May, Henry V. Davis, son of Smith M. DAVIS of Dingle Hill (Andes) aged nearly 22 years, burial Andes.**
Delaware Gazette - 17 Dec 1873 - Died - In Bovina on the 13th inst., in the triumph of a holy faith, Jane, relict of Henry LUDINGTON, aged 86 years and 9 months.
The cold dim shadow sadly falls
Upon our home and hearth but brings
From heaven's high and starry walls
Her loving watch on angel wings.**
Delaware Gazette - 8 Apr 1874 - Died in Erin, Chenango Co. 30th ult. Mr. John S. DAVIS age 80, formerly of Andes.
Walton Chronicle - 1 Oct 1874 - Died Andes, 21 Sept, Benjamin CONNOR age about 63 years.**
Delaware Gazette - Oct 1874 - Died in Andes, Sept 20th, Mr. Benjamin CONNOR, age 63 years. He was born at the Fall Mills farm in Delhi and at the time of his death he was a Justice of the Peace of the town of Andes. He was one of the best of husbands, kindest of fathers and the poor man's friend - a good citizen and an honest man.**
Walton Chronicle - 21 Jan 1875 - Died Bloomville 12 Jan John DAVIS, Jr. aged 27.
Walton Chronicle - 25 Feb 1875 - Died Delhi 14 Feb Mrs. Phoebe DAVIS, mother of Charles McTAGUE ae 80 yrs.
Walton Chronicle - 6 May 1875 - Died Delhi 24 Apr. John McNee age 67.
Walton Chronicle - 14 Oct 1875 - Died Franklin 2 Oct Thomas H., son of William RIVENBURG, age 7 mos.
Walton Chronicle - 8 Apr 1875 - Died Bovina 29 Mar. Maria S. REYNOLDS, age 63
Walton Chronicle - 15 Mar 1877 - Died at Walton 9 Mar, Maria DAVIS, aged 69. Her son, A. J. Davis, of Brooklyn, was in Walton for the funeral.**
Stamford Mirror - July 13, 1880 - It becomes our painful duty to record one of those sad accidents which seldom occur in any locality but which casts a sadness over all. On Friday last, Wilbur J., the youngest child of S. A. and Hannah TAYLOR was found drowned in the flume of his father's copperage at Clark's Factory. The little one, the youngest, the pet, had left the house without his mother's knowledge (his father being away on business) and when missed his little sister in looking for him found his hat upon the water. Search immediately discovered the body. When removed from the water, life was extinct.**
Delaware Gazette - Aug 17, 1881 - Died - In this town June 26th, Sarah C., daughter of Mrs. Jehiel Vaugh (VAUGHN) in the 14th year of her age.**
Walton Reporter - Jan 4, 1883 - Andrew LITTLEJOHN, one of our old residents, died last Friday morning aged seventy-six years. His death was caused by falling off a ladder in the barn. He was a noble man.
Walton Reporter - Jan 4, 1883 - We learn from the Scranton Journal that Mr. John RAYMOND'S funeral was held in that city, on Dec. 21st. His remains were taken to Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn, N. Y., for burial. The Journal says:
He was born in Walton, Delaware County, N. Y. in 1795, and although he left there over sixty years ago, it was one of his chief delights to meet with any one who was from his native town, and to describe the scenes of his early childhood and the beauties of his native place. His father wa drafted in the army in 1814, and "Uncle John," then a young enthusiastic man of nineteen, went as substiture and served in his father's stead. In 1818, he moved to ¦ethany, then the county seat of Wayne County, Pa., and was married a year afterward to Elizabeth SPANGENBURG, who although she has been an invalid for several years, still survives him. He remained at Bethany untill 1835, when he moved to Salem, and resided there for twenty years, going from thence to Archald, and coming to Scranton, in 1856, where he has resided ever since. He leaves one child, a daughter, the wife of G.. B. HACKLEY, of New York. As his familiar title of "Uncle" by which he was known, indicates, all our citizens felt that he was a personal friend and relative. He was known to almost everyone here, and respected and honored by all who knew him.
Stamford Mirror - Apr 17, 1883 - Died in Andes Mar. 19, Betsy, wife of Noah DAVIS, Sr., age 84 years.**
Walton Reporter - Dec 27, 1883 - (Cannonsville news) - Mrs. James KELSEY, of Kelsey Flats, died last Friday night and was buried in the cemetery here, yesterday. The funeral was attended by the Rev. P. R. Gott, at her late residence. Mrs. Kelsey's maiden name was WEBB. She spent her life in the valley of the Delaware - her father's farm being on the opposite side of the river from that of her husband's. Mrs. K. has been in poor health for more than a year. She will be greatly missed by her husband and children, as she rarely went from home, where she devoted her life to making home and its inmates comfortable. I think she is the last but one of a large family of the first settlers. (signed Ruth - probably the Cannonsville correspondent)
Delaware Gazette - Oct 3, 1883 - Died in this village September 27, Thomas GLENNON, age 43 years. England Post #147 GAR has been again called for the second time since its organization to mourn the loss of a comrade after a long period of suffering, which was nobily and uncomplainingly endured. Thomas Glennon passed away to join the ranks of the Grand Army above.
The Post expresses its sincere sorrow for the loss, and its heartfelt sympathy with the family of the deceased soldier, for the desolation thus brought upon them, commending them to the loving kindness of Him who doeth all things well and tempers the wind to the shorn lamb. J. H. WRIGHT, G. W. HITCHCOCK, J. D. FERGUSON, Committee (note that he also went by the name of Thomas Glennon GORDON and not to be confused with the Thomas Gordon residing in Delhi at the same time. See also the obit of his son, Dr. Dexter G. Gordon)**
Delaware Gazette - 2 Jan 1884 - Died in this village (Delhi) on Sunday, Dec 30, Permelia D., wife of John G. AITKEN, aged 58 years.**
Stamford Mirror - Sept 2, 1884 - Died in Walton Aug 29, Abigail, wife of Miles BRAMLEY, age 54 years.**
Stamford Mirror - 9 Sept 1884 - Died near Delhi Sept 2d Thomas H. VAUGHN age 25.**
Stamford Mirror - 9 Sept 1884 - Died near Delhi at the house of Thomas H. VAUGHN Aug 21, Charles ATKIN formerly of Bovina age 88 years.**
Walton Reporter - Feb 26, 1885 - Died in Addison, Jan. 8th, 1885 Mrs. R. S. WOODBURN, of paralysis, in the 54th year of her age. Her sidden demise was a shock and seldom has the scipture injunctions, "Be ye also ready, there is but a step between me and death," been more forcibly brought to mind. Mrs. W. was born in Hamden, Delaware county, where she resided until 1850. She had many friends in the town of her birth, but her strongest attachments were in Walton, where she united with the Congregational church, and gathered around her many friends whose fidelity was unbounded. The church of her choice, and her love for those who were her companions in Sabbath-school and prayer meeting was abiding. Mrs. W. had been a sufferer for years; but for eighteen months, from paralysis, helpless a portion of the time, and during all these months, when conscious, never free from aggravating pain. She bore her sickness with fortitude; was even cheerful, knowing full well, that a return of disease might bear her to the spirit land any moment; yet her cheerfulness remained. She had been unusually bright during Saturday, and the first intimation of a second paralytic stroke, about eight o'clock, was in her not being able to reply. The voice that never failed to respond to wants of the needy or sympathize with the sorrowing, was silenced forever The eyes that gazed upon husband and son so tender and lovingly, closed to all earthly objects, to gaze upon her Savior, and unfading glories, through the eternal ages. With said heart and dimmed eyes, we say to them, look up.
"For in the bright eternal city
Death can never, never come."
Addison Advertiser
Mrs. Woodburn, formerly Jane WAKEMAN, was a member of Wm. ANDREWS family at the time of her marriage, having moved from Hamden to Walton with him.
Walton Reporter - Feb 26, 1885 - (Masonville news) Earl, infant son of Ambrose E. and Effie M. JACKSON, died Wednesday morning Feb 18th; aged 5 months. The funeral was on Thursday afternoon at the house. (poem follows)
Walton Reporter - Feb 26, 1885 - James SMITH, one of the oldest men of Delhi, died at his home in this village, Tuesday morning, Feb 24th. He has been ailing for several months, and Sunday last, had a stroke of paralysis. He was about 86 years old.
Walton Reporter - Feb 26, 1885 - Downsville - The funeral services of Mrs. James DAVIDSON, of Campbell Mountain, were held at the Presbyterian church, Feb 24th.
Stamford Mirror - Mar 3, 1885 - Died at Los Angeles, Calif., Feb 26, Marcus P., son of the late Thomas BRYANT, age about 20 years.**
Stamford Mirror - Mar 3, 1885 - Died in Andes Feb. 28 Charles, son of Asa BRYANT, age about 20 years. (Charles was cousin of Marcus P. above)**
Walton Reporter - June 12, 1886 - List of Deaths:
In Walton, Feb 21st, Miss Cynthia A. FREER
In Walton, Feb 17th, Julia A., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James WRIGHT, aged 1 year and 10 months
In Hamden, Feb 12th, Mr. Frederick KARN?, aged 79 years. The burial was on the Jesse Wakeman farm in Walton where his wife was previously buried
In Newport, R.I., Feb 18th, Mrs. C. O. McCAGG. Mrs. McCagg was a sister of the late Hon. William B. OGDEN and formerly a resident of Walton.
In Colchester, Feb 21st, Anna, wife of James DAVIDSON, aged 67 years.
In Downsville, Feb 17th Mrs. James W. KNAPP in the 72 year of her age
Walton Reporter - June 12, 1886 - (North Hamden news) - Willie, youngest son of Alex MC GREGOR, died on Saturday last, after a lingering illness. The funeral took place from the U. P. church on Monday and was largely attended.
Walton Reporter - June 12, 1886 - Mrs. Clarence HUSTED was buried in Pine cemetery on Thursday. She was born and almost all her life was spent in Walton. She had many excellent qualities, as neighbor, friend, wife and mother. Her last and fatal sickness was induced by worry and trouble for a wayward son. Oh, the love of mother! When all others fail the mother's heart is true.
Walton Reporter - June 26, 1886? - Sudden Death at Andes - Andes was thrown into a state of excitement last Thursday evening by the announcement of the death of David BURROUGHS. He had been working all day but had complained of a pain in his shoulder. After tea he walked down street, and when he came back his wife put some mustard on his shoulder. He then complained of his throat and Mrs. Burroughs went out for assitance and on returning found him on the floor. He lived but a few minutes. He was 70 years of age.
Stamford Mirror - Tues, Nov 19, 1889 - Suicide at Margaretville, Mrs. S. A. TAYLOR of Margaretville committed suicide on Tuesday morning Nov. 12 by hanging herself to one of the posts of her bed. The deceased had been suffering from aberation of the mind on Monday as she sat in her chair sewing. She suddenly jumped up and began to wring her hands. Her daughter asked her what was the matter but received no reply. Tuesday morning Mrs. Taylor's daughter, after preparing breakfast, went to call her mother and found her dead. The deceased leaves a husband, three daughters, and one son, aged about 50 years.**
Stamford Mirror - July 2, 1890 - At West Kortright June 23 of Diabetes, Harper E. ROWLAND, son of Samuel Rowland, aged about 31 years. He was town clerk of Kortright.**
Stamford Mirror - July 2, 1890 - Died in Andes June 21, Silas D. HILTON. He was born in 1809. His early ancestor came from Connecticut. For more than 60 years he was a resident of Andes Village.**
Walton Reporter - Feb 18, 1892 - H. N. DAVIS a well known citizen of Andes, and his wife, both died of pneumonia and were buried in one grave this week. Other members of the family are sick.**
Andes Recorder - May 27, 1892 - Died - Faulkner - In Scott, PA May 12 James L. FAULKNER, a native of Hancock and a student in boyhood of the Delaware Literary Institute age 45 years.**
Andes Recorder - 16 Sept 1892 - 'This Week In Andes' - News has been received here of the death at his home in St. Joseph Mo. on Wednesday Evening of last week of John B. OLIVER, son of Col. James Oliver of this place. Deceased has been sick for about two weeks with typhoid malaria. He leaves a young widow.**
Andes Recorder - 17 June 1892 - Hannah REYNOLDS relict of James Reynolds died at the home of son James Reynolds, Wolf Hollow, June 12 of consumption age about 78 years. Maiden name was Bramley, 1/2 sister of John BRAMLEY - only surviving child: James.**
Walton Chronicle - Feb 2, 1893 - Died in Delhi Jan 26, Mrs. Elizabeth DAVIS, aged 87 years.**
Walton Chronicle - Feb 2, 1893 - List of Deaths:
REYNOLDS - In Delhi, Jan 26, Mrs. Elizabeth Reynolds aged 87 years
KINGSLEY - In Franklin, Jan 23, Mrs. Mary Ann Kingsley, widow of the late Bradford Kingsley, aged 79 years.
HALSEY - At Hobart, Jan 24, Mrs. Barbara Halsey, aged 84 years
GRIFFIN - At Hobart, Jan 29, Mrs. Baldwin Griffin, aged 69 years
MITCHEL - In Iowa, Jan 14, Pierce Mitchel, formerly of Meredith.
Andes Recorder - Dec. 21, 1894 - Andes - A Mr. DAVIS whose father of a quarryman and worked at the Marvin Hollow quarry, Walton, took his life in the following horrible way. He took a stick of dynamite, and going a little way, lay down upon the dynamite and touched it off. The result was that his body was instantly torn into many frangments, which were thrown everywhere about the field, when he so diliberately decided in that way to end his life.
Andes Recorder - 16 Oct 1894 - Colonel James OLIVER, one of Andes' oldest citizens, died aat his home on upper Main Street Sabbath morning, after a short illness. The funeral was held in the M. E. Church on Monday, and the remains laid to rest in the lower cemetery.**
(related articles in the same paper:)
Mrs. James Oliver is very low.**
Mrs. Nettie VAN VELSON, of Garnet, Kansas is in town, called here by the serious illness of her mother and the death of her father, Colonel James Oliver.**
John Oliver and family, Mr. & Mrs. D. A. Oliver, Mr. & Mrs. David Oliver of Bovina, were here Monday in attendance at Col. James Oliver's funeral.**
Smealie MC NEE and wife, of Walton, visited here this week.**
A Card of Thanks - The family of Colonel James Oliver desire to express their thanks to the friends and neighbors for their kindness and assistance in their sorrow and bereavment and also to those who prepared and sent flowers.**
Delaware Gazette - Oct. 23, 1895, Wed. - Dr. Dexter G. GORDON
The people of this village have seldom had their sympathies so awakened as in the case of the young man whose remains were laid to rest in Woodland Cemetery Monday.
Dr. Gordon was a dentist who but for a few months ago was a rising young man in his profession. He had graduated with unusual honors, and had already established a successful practice. He had been married about two years, and a bright future seemed to be in prospect. A few weeks ago, however, there began to develop signs of insiduous disease. He consulted specialists in New York, but they gave little encouragement. Only one course was advised, and that was to try some more favorable climate. Accordingly the young couple made ready for their journey, and just three weeks ago bid their friends goodbye and started for Denver.
The people of the entire village extended their sympathies and were eager to receive tidings. They were at first favorable. He stood the journey with remarkable fortitude. They reached Denver and commenced to make a home. For the first day or two the atmosphere of the high altitude seemed to give something of hope, but it was of short duration. The phycicians soon gave his wife the advice that if she wished to have her husband return with her alive they must make ready to return immediately. The news was sent home and in a few hours they were on their journey back. Her father Colonel R. P. CORMACK also started from Delhi on the same day and met them at Chicago Thursday morning. There were no delays in the trains and every kindness was extended on the whole route. When they arrived in Delhi at 3:40 Friday afternoon, the doctor had become so weak that he had to be carried to the house on a stretcher. He seemed grateful to have been spared to reach home, but it was not for long. At 6:30 he died.
His funeral was on Monday from St. John's Church, of which he was a communicant, and was attended by a large number of friends, the Rector, Rev. Mr. Livermore officiating.
Dr. Gordon was born in Delhi, and was about 25 years of age. He took a high stand in his professional studies and graduated with unusual honors before he was old enough to practice for himself. As soon as he was 21 he opened an office and was very successful. He leaves wife, the daughter of Col. and Mrs. R. P. Cormack, his mother, Mrs. Daniel FRANKLIN, of this village, and a sister, Mrs. FURMAN of Oneonta.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Furman and son of Oneonta, and Mrs. A. B. BRUCE of Andes, were in Delhi Monday, being called to attend the funeral of Dr. D. G. Gordon.**
Andes Recorder - 2 Nov 1894 - Mrs. James OLIVER died at her home in this village, on Saturday morning, of typhoid fever. The funeral was held in the M.E. Church Monday at 3 O'clock p.m., just one week later than that of her husband.**
(same paper:) A Card of Thanks - The family of the late Mr. & Mrs. James Oliver desire to express their sincere thanks to those friends and neighbors who so kindly aided and comforted them in their great bereavement.**
Andes Recorder - 2 Apr 1897 - Mrs. S. D. HILTON, whose serious illness we announced last week, died at there home on Delaware avenue last Thursday night, aged seventy nine years. The funeral was held at the house at eleven o'clock on Saturday. Her pastor, Rev. James Bruce, D.D., officiating. The interment was made in the lower cemetery. This is the first death in the corportation this year.**
(Same paper:) A Card Of Thanks - To the many friends who so kindly assisted me and so tenderly cared for our mother during her illness and death; to her friends and pastor who has long ministered to her in spiritual things and who with words of comfort and hope cheered and upheld her as she drew near the dark valley; to her physician for his sympathetic and watchful care and faithful attendance during all her former and last illness, I tender my most grateful thanks and may our Lord, in whom she trusted with unwavering confidence, be your exceeding great trust - Anna M. HILTON (note: Mrs. Silas D. Hilton was 2nd wife and was Nancy McNEE)**
Delaware Gazette - 27 Nov 1898 - "A Normal Student Dead" - Abigail FAULKNER, daughter of G. L. Faulkner of Griffins Corner, died in Oneonta Monday morning. She was 18 years old - had entered normal school at its opening. Parents, brother & sister present at her death.**
Delaware Gazette - Sept 20, 1899...
Just as we go to press we learn that ex-sheriff Daniel FRANKLIN is dead. He underwent a second operation today (Tues.) at abot 12 m* and soon after expired. Funeral will be at the Methodist church on Thurs. at 10:30 a.m.
Delaware Gazette - Sept 27, 1899 - Daniel FRANKLIN - Ex-sheriff Franklin, whose death occurred just as we were going to press last week, was 57 years old. His death was caused by a cystic tumor of the bowels. Last March an operation was performed but the conditions were so serious that a complete removal was not considered safe. On Tuesday last Drs. Gates, Goodrich, Ormiston and Schumann performed a second operation but Mr. Franklin was not able to endure the shock and died before recovering from the anesthtic administered.
Mr. Franklin was born in this town on the Little Delaware but lived many years in the town of Andes. In 1885 he was elected sheriff and came to Delhi where he has since resided except for about 5 years during which he lived in Oneonta. Mr. Franklin was a man who made many friends and they have felt great interest for him during his serious affliction.
He leaves a wife, three sons, Andrew, Charles and Daniel, and two daughters, Mrs. John O. GLADSTONE and Mrs. John DOUGLAS all of whom are residents of this village.
His funeral was held Thursday from the M E Church, the Rev. A. E. Cord officiating. His remains were taken to Andes for burial under the aupices of the Masonic fraternity.**
Andes Recorder - 27 Oct 1899 - Mrs. Robert CROSIER died at her home in Tannersville, Greene county, on last Sabbath, aged 63 years. She was taken ill on Saturday with vomiting and died as above stated. Her maiden name was Mary A. HILTON and with her husband she moved to Tannersville about fifteen years ago. The funeral was held here Wednesday in the Methodist church, Rev. S. P. Gallaway officiating. Interment in the lower cemetery.**
Walton Chronicle - 9 Dec 1899 - Mrs. Charles A. BALLARD died at the home of her father, Ransom W. SANFORD, near Dunraven, on Tuesday at 12:15 o'clock of consumption, after an illness of about one year. Deceased was respected by all who knew her and had many friends among acquaintances. She was thirty-four years old on the 19th of last October and leaves a husband.**
Walton Reporter - 9 Dec 1899 - Mrs. G. A. GREGORY died Thursday morning at Sidney. She has been suffering for a long time with cancer. A few months ago she submitted to a surgical operation, and a few weeks later made a trip to Michigan, hoping a change would be benificial.
Walton Reporter - 9 Dec 1899 -Died From Spinal Meningitis - Bessie, the three year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph HENDRICKSON, died at their home in Keeryville, november 26. Her death was due to spinal meningitis. The remains were taken to Livingston Manor Monday for interment.
Andes Recorder - Jan 11, 1901 - Lauren G. HILTON, grandson of Charles CARMAN of this village, died at the home of his grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. W. S. Hilton, at Margaretville on Jan. 5, with consumption. He was born at Wamego, Kansas, Oct. 31, 1882. In February, 1900 he contracted a severe cold from which he never recovered. In April he went to Texas for his health where he remained until August, when he returned to his home in Chicago, and was in the hospital there until October 19, when accompanied by his mother, he went to Southern Pines, N.C. The funeral was held on Tuesday at Margaretville and the remains brought here and interred in the lower cemetery.**
Delaware Gazette - Wed., Feb. 26, 1902 - (as reported by the Andes Recorder:) - Ashael BRYANT died very suddenly at his residence in Andes, Wednesday night, February 19, 1902 at 10:30. While for a few days past Mr. Bryant had not been feeling as well as usual nothing was thought of it, and Wednesday night he went to bed apparently in about his usual health. About 9:30 Mrs. Bryant heard him groaning and on speaking to him he told her he had difficulty in breathing. Dr. Gladstone was sent for and on his arrival administed medicine which relieved him and he was apparently better, when without a struggle he fell to one side and expired almost instantly, having been ill only about an hour.
Mr. Bryant was born on the old Bryant farm on the eastern side of Palmer Hill, Oct. 26, 1826, and always resided on the farm until nine or ten years ago when he rented the farm and moved to Delhi, where he resided a year and then moved to Kingston, living there about four years, some 4 years ago he came to Andes village where he had since resided.
In April 1859 he married Miss B. A. REYNOLDS and to them four children were born, three of whom are now living. Mrs. Dr. R. R. THOMPSON and Dr. James D. Bryant who reside at Kingston and Daniel who is in the west.
Mr. Bryant was an excellent citizen and a good husband, father, friend and neighbor, and many acquaintances morn his sudden death.**
Walton Reporter - 1 Mar 1902 - (From our Andes Correspondent) - Asahel BRYANT died very suddenly on Wednesday night, February 19th of heart failure. He had been in his usual health till Wednesday, when he felt a little indisposed, but no concern was felt until the evening, when after retiring he complained of difficulty in breathing. Dr. GLADSTONE was summoned and administered some medicine, and Mr. Bryant was feeling better when he suddenly dropped his head on one side, gasped and breathed his last, after only about an hour's illness.
Mr. Bryant was a native of Andes, being born on the old Bryant farm over Palmer Hill, where he spent the greater portion of his life. He resided for a short time in Delhi, then for several years in Kingston, but returned to Andes a few years ago and has since resided in the village on Main street.**
Andes Recorder - Feb 17, 1905 - William S. HILTON, a former resident of this village, died at his home in Margaretville Monday night, February 13, with pneumonia, aged about 77 years. He was born in Bovina and for a number of years drove stage on the Arkville, Andes and Delhi route. He married Elizabeth Decker about 1851, and she with one son survives him. About 14 years ago they sold their residence in this village and removed to Margaretville. The funeral was held Thursday afternoon, at the house. Today (Friday) at 12 O'clock the interment in the Andes Cemetery.**
Walton Reporter - 23 Dec 1905 - Deid in Walton Dec. 3, Mrs. Darius HADLEY aged 67 years.**
Delaware Gazette - 11 Apr 1906 - Andes has suffered unusually from an epidemic of measles. "There have been", say the Recorder, "82 cases in the village, and in the immediate vicinity about 20 more, making about 100 cases with probably a number more to follow. The deaths have resulted: Ivan LEYDEN, Miss Rae OLIVER, aged 23, and Mrs. Thomas LIDDLE age 68. (note: Rae Oliver was dau of Silas D. Oliver)**
Delaware Gazette - Wed. 18 Apr 1906 - A Sudden Death - Wednesday moring Smith DAVIS was found dead in his barn below Shavertown. He went to the barn at about 5 O'clock to milk and to do the chores. His wife thought he was gone longer than usual and sent one of the children out after him. He was found lying dead from heart trouble. He was 49 years old and leaves a wife and several children. Four of the children were sick with the measles.**
Andes Recorder - Jan 18, 1907 - Charles HILTON died about 5 o'clock Tuesday morning January 15 with Bright's disease, aged about 47 years. He was better known to our people by the nicknames "Duck" and "Cap". The funeral was held Thursday with Rev. H. D. Chase officiating and the interment was made in the lower cemetery.**
Andes Recorder - Feb 1, 1907 - Mrs. HILTON Dead - Mrs. William S. Hilton died at her home in Andes village about the noon hour Friday, January 25, aged 78 years. She had been in poor health for some time and Wednesday morning was taken with the grip which resulted in death. The funeral was held in the Methodist church at 2 o'clock Sabath afternoon. Rev. H. D. Chase officiating. Interment in the lower cemetery.
Her maiden name was Elizabeth DECKER and she was born in Roxbury, in January 1829 and most of her life was spent in Andes. She was married about 56 years ago and Mr. Hilton died February 1905. About 15 years ago they moved to Margaretville and she returned to Andes last August. Before her marriage she taught schools here, and for fifty years was a teacher in the Methodist Sabbath. She leaves one son, William D., of Chicago.**
Andes Recorder - 26 July 1907 - Abram A. DAVIS died Shaver Hollow, Andes, July 19 age 79 years 3 mos. Born Bovina, near all his life in Andes. Wife died several years ago. Interment at Shavertown.**
Andes Recorder - Thurs., Jan. 24, 1908 - Sarah Bryant HUMISTON died widow of Hobart S. Humiston, Christmas afternoon at the home of her son, Howard, at Kerhonkson. Cancer of the stomach. She was born in Andes, Feb. 8, 1839, 3rd of a family of 8 children of Thomas BRYANT and Phebe KELLSEY his wife. Married June 1867 - lived Delhi, Napanoch, ch. born there: Harvey J. of NY, Howard Bryant of Kerhonkson, Seymour of Middletown & Mable Kellsey, wife of Alderman Alex J. STORMONT of New York. Mr. HUMISTON died Oct 13, 1901, sister of Mrs. Humiston: Mrs. Mary POLLEY, Stamford, Nelson Bryant who died in Minneapolis, Minn., Mrs. Alonzo WINNE of Kingston, Marcus Bryant deceased, California & Mrs. William WHITNEY of Stamford. Interment at Fautinekill Cemetery.**
Andes Recorder - Thurs., Apr 10, 1908 - Washburn SHAVER died Apr 2 at Colden, NY. Born Andes on Tremperskill 6 Apr 1826. Wife Jane FULLER died many years ago. Four ch: Mrs. H. D. MAYHAM, Colden, NY, Mrs. David WOODIN & Mrs. E. T. HOOSE, Union Hill, Mrs. George Lawrence, in the west. Buried Andes Cemetery.
Andes Recorder - May 29, 1908 - James H. DAVIS an old respected resident of this place, died on Monday, afternoon after a long illness. Funeral at UP Church Friday, Interment in Shavertown Cemetery - 78 years old.**
Andes Recorder - July 10, 1908 - Harvey M. SEAMAN oldest businessman in Hamden, died at his home in Delancey on June 29, age 79.**
Andes Recorder - July 17, 1908 - Mrs. Ely REYNOLDS died Tues., July 14, with kidney trouble, at her home in Wolf Hollow, aged 59 years 10 months & 6 days. Her maiden name was Rose Ann TUTTLE ans was daughter of Henry G. Tuttle and Emaline CORNELL - born Bovina but 50 years in this town - besides husband is survived by : daughters: Mrs. George SHAVER & Mrs. George GIBSON, & Robert, Charles and John Reynolds. Funeral Thurs. Interment Andes Cemetery.
Andes Recorder - Aug 21, 1908 - John S. HOBBIE died in Fulton, NY, Friday at the home of his son, Charles W. Hobbie, aged 70 years.
Mr Hobbie was born in Bovina in December 1838, and nearly all his life was spent in that place. He was one of the towns best citizens and always took a decided interest in its welfare. He was a member of the United Presbyterian Church and was a regular attendant and a generous contributor to its support.
Mr. Hobbie leaves three children: Charles W. of Fulton, Mrs. William ARCHIBALD of Bovina, and one invalid dau who lives with her sister Mrs. Archibald. He also leaves a sister Mrs. Byron FRISBEE of Bovina.
Interment was made at Bovina. Rev. John LEE of Philadelphia preaching the funeral sermon.**
Andes Recorder - Sept 25, 1908 - Alex REYNOLDS died Thurs., Sept 17 at Meridale, from Typhoid fever aged about 67 yrs. Born Bovina - leaves widow who was Miss Elizabeth BOYD of Bovina. (Bovina News)**
Andes Recorder - Dec 4, 1908 - Robert REYNOLDS died with acute indigestion at Walton, Nov 24 at the age of 61.
Andes Recorder - Dec 11, 1908 - Edwin F. DAVIS died Dec 9 at home of brother George F. Davis of Cook's Falls. Age 50 b. Kortight, lived many yrs Andes, married Mary WEAVER (still living) - Funeral Andes ME Church.
Andes Recorder - Dec 18, 1908 - Ashael WORDEN died at the home of his son in Smyeria, Neb. Oct 30 age 89/2/5. Born Gladstone Hollow - 1869 removed to Iowa - 2 yrs later wife Sarah NORTHRUP died. Went to Neb and lived there since. Last of 13 children. survived by 10 ch.
Andes Recorder - Dec 25, 1908 - Jennett ARMSTRONG nee Jennett HASTINGS died Roxbury Dec 11 age 86, at home of daughter Mrs. Thomas SMITH. Born Bovina. Married Andrew Armstrong (died 1872) survived by two daughters: Mrs. Thomas Smith of Roxbury & Mrs. Andrew BROWN of Iowa. Son James Armstrong of Hamden. Brothers Thomas & James Hastings. Interment Andes Lower Cemetery.**
Andes Recorder - Jan 1, 1909 - Mrs. William WHITNEY died Dec 28 at home of sister, Mrs. George POLLEY, Roses Brook, age 58. Funeral Stamford. Maiden name Jennie Euphemia Bryant, born Andes, Palmer Hill, dau of Thomas Bryant. Survived by one daughter Mrs. Hugh GOVERN, NYC.**
Andes Recorder - Jan 1, 1909 - James H. DAVIS died May 25 1908, age 79**
Andes Recorder - Jan 1, 1909 - Rose Ann REYNOLDS died July 14 1908 age 60**
Andes Recorder - Jan 8, 1909 - Ebenezer WASHBURN died Jan 4, at home in Rondout age 76/5/11. Inter. Montrepose Cemetery - Married Imogene FELTON dau of late Eli Felton of Andes
Andes Recorder - Mar 12, 1909 - Mrs. Elizabeth ADEE SMITH widow of late George Smith died in Harpersfield. March 8, aged 67, She was born in Bovina**
Andes Recorder - June 11, 1909 - Mrs. Elsie FAULKNER died June 3 at Hobart, ae 76**
Walton Reporter - 9 Oct 1909 - William S. LYON died at his home in Newburgh, N. Y. Sunday, October 3, aged 81 years. He was buried in Walton Tuesday.
Mr. Lyon was of a family of nine children, all of whom are now dead. His parents were Burr Lyon and Melinda CHURCHILL. They lived at Stamford but removed to Walton with their children. The family consisted of Stephen, John, William S., Walter B., Giles W., Ann Eliza who married William ELIJAH, Mary M., George A. and Elijah. Mr. Lyon was a soldier in the Civil war enlisting in Co. B. 144th regiment and a member of Ben Marvin Post, G. A. R. He resided for many years in Walton where he followed the occupation of contractor. He is survived by his widow, who was Miss Elizabeth DAVIS and four daughters, Mrs. Wm. MILLER of Cornwall, Mrs. J. E. WARD, Montgomery, NY, Mrs. Eugene WALTON, Detroit; Mrs. Herbert HAND, Newburgh. He has been totally blind for eight years but had been in good health up to two weeks ago when he suffered a stroke of apoplexy.**
Andes Recorder - Jan __, 1911 - Charles CARMAN, one of the oldest residents of Andes village passed away at his home on Main street, Tuesday afternoon, January 3. For sometime a growth on the head had caused him much suffering and he had been unable to lay down with it all winter. Complications hastened the end.
Mr. Carman was born in Bovina, 78 years ago the 23d day of last September and boyhood was spent there. After teaching school for a few years he went to Downsville to reside and June 6, 1860, married Miss Helen JOHNSON of that place. During the war he acted as recruiting officer.
About 44 years ago he moved to Andes and for two or three years was in the merchantile business with his brother, their place of business being where T. M. Spiers' house now stands. He then took up photography retiring two or three years ago. He served as Justice of the Peace for about 35 years.
His wife and three children survive him, viz; Ward Carman, a photographer in Margaretville, Mrs. H. J. KINCH, of Walton, and Mrs. W. D. HILTON, in Chicago.
The funeral will be held from his late residence at 2 p.m. to-day (Friday) with Rev. E. A. Bookout, officiating**
Andes Recorder - Nov 17, 1911 - Mrs. Jehiel VAUGHN, aged 48, died with apoplexy Nov 10, at Tacoma, Wash. Family resided at South Kortright until 3 years ago.**
Andes Recorder - Dec 8, 1911 - obit page 1: "William R. ACKERLY of Union Grove was suddenly stricken with apoplexy Sabbath afternoon and died Monday morning without gaining consciousness. He was 72 years old and was born in New York. He served in the Union Army during the Civil War.**
Walton Reporter - 9 Dec 1911 - Died:
BAKER - At Grand Gorge, Nov 23, Alvin Baker, aged 60 years
TERRY - At Bennettsville, Dec 3, Mrs. Ernest Terry, aged 32
FARRAR - In Newburgh, Nov 26, Mrs. John A. Farrar, formerly of Hobart, aged 68 years
KEATOR - Near Delhi, Dec 1, George Keator, aged 50 years
GAFFETY - At South Kortright, Nov 30, James Gaffety of Trout Creek, aged 39 years
SPENCER - At Davenport, Nov 30, Luther H. Spencer of Kingston, aged 67 years
WILBER - At Fergusonville, Nov 29, Elijah Wilber, aged 81
STRONG - In Walton, December 3, Mrs. Harriet M. Strong, aged 94 years
STOUTENBERG - At Hillsdale, N.Y., November 28, Mrs. Emeline B. Stoutenberg, formerly of Fergusonville, aged 71 years
ACKERLY - At Union Grove, Dec 3, W. R. Ackerly, aged 71 years
ROWLAND, In Oneonta, Dec 5, Mrs. William Rowland, formerly of North Kortright, aged 83 years
BUTLER - At Arena, Dec 2, Mrs. William Butler, aged 73 years
ONDERDONK - At Deposit, December 5, Mrs. Calvin Onderdonk
MILLER - At Mundale, December 3, James Miller, aged 73 years
GOODRICH - At Dryden, December 5, Mrs. George Goodrich, aged 62 years
Walton Reporter - 9 Dec 1911 - W. R. ACKERLY (from Union Grove correspondent) W. R. Ackerly, who has been in failing health for about two years, died at his home in Union Grove Sunday from a paralytic stroke. Deceased was a member of the 144th Regiment and served with that regiment through the civil war. Had he lived until February he would have been 72 years old. He is survived by a widow and one son, Andrew, who lives at Beaverkill. Funeral held in the M. E. church Wednesday, Rev. Brown of Arena officiating. Interment in Union Grove cemetery.**
Walton Reporter - 9 Dec 1911 - Thomas TAYLOR died Thursday, November 30, at the home of his son, David Taylor, at Canada Hollow, Andes, at the advanced age of 83 years. He is survived by three sons, David of Andes, John of Elk Creek, Delhi,, and William in the west; and by a daughter, Mrs. Colin McNAUGHT of Bovina. The funeral seervices were held Sunday at one o'clock.
Walton Reporter - 9 Dec 1911 - Mrs. Calvin ONDERDONK - Lucy OGDEN, wife of Calvin Onerdonk of Deposit, died at her home Tuesday, after a long illness. Mrs. Onderdonk was well known in Walton.
Delaware Gazette - 18 Sept 1913 - J. G. AITKEN, who had been an invalid for the past eight years, died at his home on upper Main St., of Chronic bowel trouble, early Wednesday morning. If he had survived until the 29th of next month he would have reached his 80th birthday. The funeral was appointed for Friday, at 2 o'clock at the house. The service was conducted by Rev. A. M. Forrester, with the G. A. R. ritualistic service at the grave, deceased being a member of that local G. A. R. Post. He enlisted in Co. E. 144th Regiment, from Bovina, his native town, August 24, 1864, and was mustered out at expiration of war, June 25, 1865. He is survived by a widow, whom he married in 1885, (her maiden name being Mary E. GRANSBURY); one daughter, Mrs Bryce BRUCE, of Walton, (by a former wife); and four sisters--Mrs. Jenette SHAW, of Oneonta, Mrs. M. A. BEKEN, of Kortright, Mrs. Ellen DAVIS, of Meredith and Mrs. J. D. WARREN, of Delhi.**
Andes Recorder - 1? Jan 1914 - Stricken in Prime of Manhood - Benj. CONNOR Succumbed to Heart Disease December 23, 1913 - Benj Connor died in Andes village early Sabbath morning, December 28, from valvular disease of the heart, at the age of 39 years, 7 months and 11 days. He had been unable to work for about two months and the family only moved to Andes from New York on December 24. Mr. Connor was a son of John Connor and was born in Andes and lived here until 16 years ago, when he went to New York City and for 5 years was a motorman on the street railways. Eleven years ago he went onto the police force and continued on the force until a few weeks ago. On the force his record was an enviable one and all of his service was in the same precinct. On June 28, 1899, he married Miss Kate SPAIGHT, who survives him with one son. He also leaves a father and one brother and five sisters. The funeral was held Tuesday in the U. P. church, and the interment made in Rural Cemetery.**
Andes Recorder - 9 Jan 1914 - Mrs. Jane CROSIER FOWLER aged 83, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Isabelle DUNN in Binghamton Jan. 1. Mrs. Fowler, native of Scotland survived by eight children, Alex of Va., Will and Robert of Calif., Martin of Elmira, Edward of Binghamton, Mrs. Elizabeth McNAIR of Stamford, Mrs. Aggie J. SWEET & Mrs. Isabellea Dunn of Binghamton. Body taken to Deposit for burial.
Andes Recorder - Jan 23, 1914 - Mrs. Ebenezer BUNDY, age 81, fell Thursday morning at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. G. AITKEN, in Delhi where she has been cared for in her old age, striking her face in such a manner as to cause her death from loss of blood which resulted from wound on face
Andes Recorder - Jan 23, 1914 - Thomas HOY died at his home in Bovina Center at 5 Tuesday morning Jan. 20 from bronchtis (as spelled). Born Bovina 82 years ago on Jan 12. Married Miss Julia Ann TUTTLE - had 9 children - 5 are dead.. Surviving: Alex in west, Robert, William & Arthur in Bovina.
Andes Recorder - Feb 6, 1914 - Dixon E. COULTER died Jan 30 in 66th year. Son of James Coulter and Nancy THOMSON. One of 13 children. Wife: Margaret ELLIOTT & 2nd) Ann GLADSTONE.
Delaware Gazette - Feb. 11, 1914 - James DAVIS age 84, Civil War Vet., died Sat. night at the home of Mrs. Ira BONNEY, of pleuro-pneumonia, after an illness of one week. burial with military honors and was in charge of the Delhi vets, etc.
Andes Recorder - Apr 24, 1914 - David Mathew COULTER died at Cabin Hill on Monday evening Apr. 20. Born in Bovina June 8, 1845. About 44 years ago married Anna McNAIR. Children: William & Archie of Andes, Jane at home. Brothers: J. W. Coulter, E. L. Coulter of Bovina & John Coulter in the west.
Andes Recorder - May 8, 1914 - Robert MAYHAM, Trenton, N.J., died at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Robert GLADSTONE in Andes Sabbath afternoon from tuberculosis age 29 years 4 months 4 days. He was the son of Henry H. Mayham and was born in Arcadia, Iowa. He spent most of his life in Trenton. Survived by wife, daughter, parents and one sister. Helen, a daughter age 13 died last Friday night of a cold caught on the trip to Andes. Interment in Andes Rural Cemetery.**
Andes Recorder - 1? Aug 1914 - Mrs. Charles CARMAN died at the home of her daughter, Mr. H. J. KINCH, in Walton, at 3 o'clock Tuesday morning, August 25, as the result of a shock sustained at 8 o'clock the previous evening.
Mrs. Carman had been in her ususal health and that evening her two dauters went out to make a call leaving her alone. The parties on whom they wished to call were not in and they returned home entering the house just as their mother suffered the stroke of paralysis. She never regained consciousness.
She was a daughter of late Edward JOHNSON, of Downsville, and was born in the town of Colchester 72 years ago and resided there until after her marriage. Coming to Andes in the 60's she lived here until after the death of her husband three years ago, and had since lived with her dauter.
A son, Ward Carman, of Margaretville, and two dauters, Mrs. W. D. HILTON and Mrs. H. J. Kinch, survive her.
The body was brought to Andes and the funeral held Thursday with interment in the Andes cemetery.**
Walton Recorder - Dec 4, 1915 - List of Deaths:
REYNOLDS - At Roxbury, Nov 22, Mrs. Julia E. Reynolds, aged 61 years**
PLOUTZ - At Vega, Nov 24, Mrs. Carl Ploutz, aged 58 years
WILSON - At Fleischmanns, Nov 23 Kenneth Wilson, abed 15 years
ROBINSON - In Walton, Nov. 28, Woodbury W. Robinson, aged 54 years.
ANDREWS - Youngs, Nov 29, Mrs. Andrew J. Andrews, aged 73 years
LAWRENCE - at Kelly Corners, Nov 27, Mrs. Ira Lawrence aged 46
SCHMIDT - Delhi, Nov 26, Mrs. A. Schmidt, aged 46
WILSEY - Wells Bridge, Nov 29, Mrs. Charles Wilsey
GATES - at Meridale, Mrs. Isabella Gates.
Andes Recorder - Jan 14, 1916 - Dr. BRYANT Dead - A telegram was received here Thursday morning announcing the death of Dr. James D. BRYANT of Kingston. He was born on Palmer Hill and was a son of Ashael Bryant. He was about 50 years old. The funeral was held in Kingston on Saturday.**
Andes Recorder - 11 Feb 1916 - Charles MOORE died at his residence in Andes on Thursday night Feb 3, of general paralysis, after a prolonged illness of five months. The funeral was held Saturday. He was born in Delhi 67 years ago and leaves a wife, formerly Mrs. F. H. KOHLBUS of Andes and four sisters, Mrs. Thos. SPIERS and Mrs. Silas D. OLIVER of Andes and Mrs. THOMPSON and Mrs. HUTCHISON of Binghamton and one brother, W. B. Moore of Hamden.**
Andes Recorder - Feb 25, 1916 - Mrs. Robert GLADSTONE died at her home in Andes village early Friday morning, February 18, after long suffering from cancer. A few years ago she underwent an operation for cancer which prolonged her life.
Born in Scotland January 31, 1835, she came to America when about five years oldd and had since resided in Andes. Her maiden name was Helen TELFORD. On Dec 7, 1854 she was united in marriage with Robert Gladstone who died 10 years ago last August. Thirteen children were born to the couple, nine of whom are living. Those surviving are Mrs. H. H. MAYHAM and John Gladstone, Trenton N.J., Bruce Gladstone, Nyack, NY, James Gladstone, Billings, Montana, David Gladstone, Franklin, Mrs. James ARMSTRONG, Mrs. W. T. HYZER, Elliott Gladstone, Barton Gladstone, Andes.
She was a faithful member of the United Presbyterian church and a member when Dr. Bruce became pastor in 1864. Four who were members at that time still survive.
The funeral was held Monday, the five sons present and one grandson acting a bearers. Interment was in the Rural cemetery.**
(same paper) - We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to our many friends etc. during the illness and death of our mother, Mrs. Helen J. Gladstone.**
Walton Reporter - 18 Aug 1917 - Thomas E. HASTINGS, an aged resident of Bovina Center, died Wednesday, August 8, aged 88 years. He had been in failing health for some time.
Mr. Hastings is survived by five children: four sons, James B. Hastings of Saranac Lake; William E. of Oneonta, and Milton T. of Bovina Center; and by one daughter, Miss Jane Hastings of Fleischmanns. There also survive one brother, James E. Hastings, of Bovina Center, and a sister, Mrs. Elizabeth MILLER of Colliers. The funeral service was held Saturday afternoon at one o'clock with burial in the Bovina Center cemetery.
Mr. Hastings for many years was one of the leading business men of Bovina Center. For some years he conducted the store now owned by A. T. DOIG and later engaged in the feed business. He retired from active life a few years ago.**
Walton Reporter - 18 Aug 1917 - (From Cannonsville correspondent) - Mrs. Helen DARLING, aged 80 years, widow of Moses Darling, died Sunday home of her daughter, Mrs. Hubert LAWSON, North street, Cannonsville. The funeral was largely attended on Thursday afternoon at the house. Rev. Eli Quick, D.D., conducted the services. Interment was in the village cemetery. Mrs. Darling has been a member of the M. E. church for many years. She was a woman of kindly nature, a good neighbor and friend, particularly in case of illness. She is sirvived by three sons, Willis of Trout Creek, Jay of Providence, R.I., three daughters, Mrs. Fred DEMOTT of Peakville, Mrs. R. M. PALMERTON, Mrs. LAWSON of Cannonsville, one brother, George FOSTER of Milford, Ct., a number of grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Walton Reporter - 18 Aug 1917 - James KELLY, one of Roxbury's best known citizens, died suddenly Sunday, August 4, of valvular hear trouble, at his home near the Cold Springs creamery. He expired while sitting in a chair. He was sixty-one years old and is survived by his wife and two children, Sabre and Bruce. The funeral services were held at his late home on Wednesday morning. Elder Goerge Ruston of Kelly Corners officiating. The interment was in Bedell.
Mr. Kelly lived most of his life in Bedell. For a few years he lived in Vega. Last May he purchased the farm owned by Theron HEWITT about four miles below Roxbury. He was a hard working man, well known and much esteemed. He was an obliging neighbor and in sickness was always ready to help in whatever way possible. He will be greatly missed.
Andes Recorder - Oct 4, 1917 - Mrs. Andrew ANDERSON passed away at her home in Andes Village early on the morning of October 1, at the age of nearly 75 years. She had been confined for some months and the nature of her trouble was not fully understood.
Her maiden name was Margaret LIDDLE and she was born on Coulter Brook, Bovina, November 18, 1842 being a daughter of Alex Liddle and Bina McDONALD. She was married to Andrew Anderson Apr 4, 1866 and for many years lived on Dingle Hill turning over their farm to their son a few years ago and coming to the village.
Besides the husband she leaves three sons and four daughters, viz: James Anderson, Colfax, Washington; Alex Anderson & Mrs. Thomas D. MIDDLEMAST in Delhi, Mrs. E. E. HASTINGS at Saranac Lake, Marvin Anderson & Mrs. Thomas TUTTLE in Andes, Mrs. Fred OLIVER, Binghamton, Five brothers: Thomas, Henry Liddle, Colfax, Washington, William Liddle, Andes, David and James L. of Bovina.
Funeral held Thursday and interred in the lower cemetery.**
Walton Reporter - Sat. Dec 15, 1917 - John Y. YAPLE aged 72 years - Sister Mrs. Mary DICKMAN at New Kingston and Mrs. Robert CAIRNS of Walton, brother: Sylvester.
Walton Reporter - Dec. 22? 1917 - Mrs. Robert G. THOMPSON died at her home - Bovina Center on Wed. evening Dec 19 of cancer. Maiden name was Nell MORE born in Andes about 33 years ago. Mother Mrs. Georgia MORE, Sister, Mrs. Joseph GOVERN in New York & bro. Harry near Delhi.**
Walton Reporter, 21 Feb 1920 - DIED - At Marvin Hollow, Walton, Feb 13, Charles H. DAVIS aged 53 years.
Walton Reporter - 21 Feb 1920 - List of Deaths:
MORSE - At Hancock, Feb 13, Walter Morse, aged 17 years
TAIT - At New Kingston, Feb 13, Mrs. Elton Tait, aged 34 years
PARDEE - At Basin Clove, Hamden, Feb 17, George Pardee
ZIMMERMAN - In Johnson City, Feb 14, Mrs. Charles Zimmerman, formerly of Walton
LYON, In Yonkers, NY, Feb 12, Mrs. William Lyon, formerly of Walton**
OLMSTEAD - In Margaretville, Feb 10, Miss Mary Olmstead, aged 87 years
WHITE - In Unadilla, Feb 5, Edgar White, aged 80 years
WOOD - In Oneonta, Feb 15, Earl F. Wood, formerly of Halcott Center, aged 15 years.
FAGAN - Near Oneonta, Feb 15, Mrs. Ann Fagan, aged 92 years
BOOKHOUT - In Binghamton, Feb 13, John I. Bookhout of Roxbury, aged 61 years
CONKLIN - Near Delhi, Feb 12, Miss Edna Conklin, aged 21 years
DAVIS - At Marvin Hollow, Walton, Feb 13, Charles H. Davis, aged 53 years**
BRYCE - In Walton, Feb 16, Miss Mary Bryce, aged 80 years
BARNES - In Walton, Feb 14, George N. Barnes, age 62 years
DuMOND - In Walton, Feb 13, Stanley, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. DuMond, aged 7 months.
Walton Reporter - 20 Nov 1920 - List of Deaths:
GARDNER - In Cannonsville, Nov 11, Mrs. Julia S. Gardner, aged 83 years
BURDICK - In Corbett, Nov 11, Thelma Burdick, two month old daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Charles Burdick.
McADAMS - In Walton, Nov 5, Mrs. Elizabeth McAdams, aged 56 years
BUTLER - In Hamden, Nov 12, Mrs. Mary Butler
THOMPSON - At Walton, Nov 12, Jas. N. Thompson, aged 75 years
COLTON - In Walton, Nov 18, George A. Colton, aged 81
BOOTH - In Walton, Nov18, Steven D. Booth aged 85 years
MILLS - In Beerston, Nov 18, John Mills aged 53 yrs**
Walton Reporter - 20 Nov 1920 - John MILLS died at his home in Beerston, Monday, Nov. 15. Some time ago he had an operation for appendicitis from which he never recovered.
Mr. Mills recently bought the store at Beerston and had just moved there from Downsville when his illness came on him. He was a kind father, loving husband and well liked by his friends.
Besides his wife he is survived by five children, Mrs. E. W. BAXTER, Mrs. Wade Baxter and James Mills of Walton, Raymond of Binghamton and Ernest at home in Beerston.
The funeral services were held Thursday afternoon from his late home in Beerston, Rev. B. L. Bixby officiating. The I. O. R. M. lodge of Downsville, of which he was a member, had charge of the services at the grave.**
Walton Reporter - 20 Nov 1920 - Card of Thanks - I wish to thank the friends and neighbors who were so kind to me during my sad bereavement, especially Rev. Piper for his comforting words, thos who sent the beautiful flowers, and Kent brothers for singing;; also those who furnished cars. Mrs. Jennie THOMPSON (see above in list of deaths - Jas. N. Thompson)
Walton Reporter - 20 Nov 1920 - (from Masonville correspondent) - Alfred HENDERSON, who has been quite ill for several days past, died on Sunday, Nov. 14, aged nearly 92 years. The funeral was held at his late home on Wednesday at 1 p.m., Rev. Francis Jones officiating. Burial was made in the Masonville cemetery. Mrs. Henderson died about eight years ago.
Mr. Henderson leaves two sons and two daughters, John and Arthur of Masonville, Mrs. Ira SEELEY of Bainbridge, and Miss Alma of Masonville. Mr. Henderson was born in Walton but has lived in Masonville about 40 years and has been a consistent member of the Baptist church for about thirty years.
Walton Reporter, 21 Feb 1920 - (From our Arena correspondent) - Mrs. Maria REYNOLDS died at the home of her son, L. A. Reynolds, on Sunday morning, of hardening of the arteries. She was ninety years of age. In spite of her advanced years she was active and took great interest in the affairs of home, church and community. Although failing health, her death came unexpectedly, as she was sitting up the day before refusing the urgent plea of her son to call a physician.
She had spent her entire married life near Arena and was known and respected by all. She had been a member of the Methodist church nearly sixty years and until compelled by infirmities of old age to stay at home, was a faithful attendant of all services. The funeral was held at the Methodist church on Wednesday at 11 o'clock, conducted by the Rev. H. W. Lammond, pastor of Arena M.E. church. Interment was made in the church cemetery.
She is survived by one son, L. A. Reynolds, with whom she resided and by four grandchildren, Elizabeth, Charles, and Edwin Reynolds, of Arena and Mrs. Kenneth MINER of Winaham.**
Walton Reporter - 29 July 1922 - Card of Thanks - We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for help and kindness shown us at the time of the death of our dear husband and father; also thank the choir. Willing workers and others who sent flowers and those who furnished cars. Mrs. J. K. HOBBIE, Frank Hobbie, John Hobbie, Mr. and Mrs. Rema Hobbie, Mr. and Mrs. Fred CROUSE, Mr. and Mrs. Will Hobbie, Mr. and Mrs. Grant COREY, Mr. and Mrs. Claude ERKSON.**
Walton Reporter - 5? Aug 1922 - Mrs. Charles A. PECK died at her home at Granton, Monday night, July 31st, after a short illness, with acute indigestion. Mrs. Peck has been in poor health for the past year.
She is survived by her husband and four children, Sylvester E., Robert S.. and Hildred X. Peck, and Mrs. Anna Peck MOORE. Her age 2as 65 years.
The funeral was held Thursday afternoon, Aug. 3rd, at 1:30 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Matteson, pastor of the Presbyterian church at Cannonsville. Burial was made in the Walton cemetery.
Walton Reporter - Mar --, 1924, Died Charles W. DUMOND at Deposit, Mar 14, 1924.**
Walton Reporter - 29 Aug 1925 - (Sidney Center correspondent) - The death of Mrs. Margaret Ann HALL occurred on Friday of last week, August 21st, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. G. A. BIRDSALL, in Sidney Center.
Mrs. Hall was born in Unadilla 89 years ago, the 16th of last July. She was the daughter of Joseph and Margaret DART FISHER. Nearly all of her life was spent in Otsego and Delaware counties. She has lived in Sidney Center about two years. Mrs. Hall was twice married. her first husband was David DARLING of Unadilla and the second Leander Hall of East Delhi. He died twenty-six years ago.
Mrs. Hall was a woman of unusual ability, a devoted Chrisitian, noted for her hospitality and home keeping. She was for many years a member of the Christian church at East Delhi.
She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Birdsall, with whom she made her home, and Mrs. Estella BARLOW of Hobart; also four stepchildren, William Hall of Coventry, Leander Hall of Stirges, South Dakota, and Mrs. Amelia SLOAT of Oneonta; and one sister, Mrs. Helen CUYLE of Chicago. The funeral service was held from her late home on Monday afternoon, Rev. J. A. Taylor officiating. Burial was made in the family plot in the cemetery at Sand Hill.
The Post-Standard, Syracuse, NY - Sunday morning, 31 Aug 1924, p.8 - Dr. Oliver Services To Be Held At Home In Redfield Place - Funeral services for Dr. Harry I. OLIVER, 48, who died early yesterday morning, will take place at the home, 118 Redfield Place, at 2:30 O'clock tomorrow afternoon. Burial will be at Oakhurst Cemetery.
Dr. Oliver was for many years one of the leading dental surgeons in Central New York. He had been ill several months. An autopsy at the county morgue showed death was due to tumor of the lungs. Besides his widow, Mrs. Bessie P. Oliver, he is survived by a daughter Miss Betty Oliver; a sister, Mrs. W. D. MOORE of Binghamton and a brother Silas D. Oliver of Andes.
Dr. Oliver was born at Andes and received his professional training at the College of Dental Surgery, University of Pennsylvania. For some time he was associated with Dr. S. C. Dayan of this city, and later became a member of the staff of Syracuse Memorial Hospital.
Dr. Oliver was a member of the Chamber of Commerce, of the Bellevue Country club, and was affiliated with several Masonic Clubs.
The dinner planned by Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Stillwell in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Giles Heath Silwell last evening, was postponed on account of the death of Dr. H. I. Oliver, brother-in-law of Mrs. DeWitt Stillwell.**
Walton Reporter - 29 Aug 1925 - The death of John RIVENBURG occurred Saturday morning, Aug. 22, at his home in Chambers hollow. He was 56 years old. He had been in poor health for about two years but had been ill in bed only ten days.
The funeral was held at his home Monday at two p.m. Rev. David Craig officiating. Interment in the Riverview cemetery at Hamden.
Mr. Rivenburg was born in New Kingston but had spent most of his life in Hamden, where he had made many friends. Their respect and sympathy were shown by the many beautiful floral offerings.
He is survived by his wife, two sons, Bert and Leon, of Hamden, and two daughters, Mrs. Reuben THOMPSON of Albany and Mrs. Floyd HOLLEY of Otego.**
Walton Reporter - 29 Aug 1925 - (From Union Grove correspondent) - Mrs. B. J. MORE died at her home near Union Grove, on Monday, Aug. 17, after an illness of several weeks, from a complication of diseases, aged 69 years.
Mrs. More had spent the most of her life in this vicinity and was a kind neighbor, one who was always ready to help in time of need.
The funeral was held from the M. E. church Thursday at 11 a.m., Rev. A. Braisland officiating, assisted by Rev. F. J. Zinck. Mrs. More leaves three sons and one daughter by a former marriage, William DUMOND of Schenectady, Grover of Arkville, Velie of Union Grove and Mrs. H. SLADE (rest of article missing)
Walton Reporter - 5 Sept 1925 - Frank A. FOWLER
The death of Frank A. FOWLER occurred Sunday afternoon, August 30, at his home at Wells Bridge. He was 70 years of age.
Mr. Fowler is survived by his wife and two children; one son, Fred A. Fowler, and a daughter, Mrs. Adelia TABER, of Unadilla. The funeral service was held Thursday afternoon with burial at Otego.
Walton Reporter, Walton, NY, 5 Sept 1925 - Donald J. MILLS, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. James Mills, living near Corbett died Sunday, August 30, after a short illness. He would have been 4 years of age on September 27th. Besides the parents four brothers survive, Reginald, Richard, Herbert and James. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of the parents, Rev. Deats of Downsville officiating. Burial was made at Downsville.**
Delaware Gazette (or Express?) Mar 5, 1926 - Joel O. DAVIS died in the Village of Andes Feb 27. He was born at Dingle Hill 72 years ago - lived there until he moved to the village three years ago. Survived by wife, Susan (Davis), two sons, on daughter: Will and Mary Davis in Andes and Harold Davis in South Kortright. Buried at Andes Cemetery.**
Walton Reporter - following 26 Apr 1926 - Miss Anna HILTON, an aged lady, who has boarded at Mrs. E. D. Kilpatrick's on Griswold street, passed away Sunday afternoon. Twelve years ago she fell on the walk fracturing her hip and since then has been an invalid. She was a woman of rare intelligence, reading the daily newspapers and books, so keeping apace with the times. She made friends in Walton and they helped her in many ways to pass the away the weary hours.
She was the last of her generation. One brother, Manetho Hilton, who owned the Andes Collegiate institute, gave that building to the village of Andes, thus making the village a fine school building, which is know as the Hilton Memorial high school. She was the daughter of Silas Hilton of Andes, where the greater part of her life was spent. She is survived by a number of nieces and nephews, most of whom live at a great distance.
The funeral was held Wednesday morning at Mrs. Kilpatrick's, her pastor, Rev. Frank C. Davidson, officiating. Burial was made in the family plot in Andes.
Mrs. Bayard SEAMAN, a niece, of Johnson City, was here to attend the funeral.**
Walton Reporter - 25 June 1927 - Nora V., wife of Daniel MILLS of Marvin hollow, Walton, died Wednesday, June 22, aged 48 yrears. Mrs. Mills, who was born in Liberty, has lived in the town of Walton about 13 years. She is survived by her husband, a daughter, Gladys, at home, a brother, Preston LEROY, of Liberty, and a sister, Mrs. Catherine GRAHAM, of Otisville. The funeral will be held Saturday at two o'clock at her late home. Rev. C. E. Rignall, pastor of the Methodist church, of which she was a member, officiating. Burial will be made in the Walton cemetery.**
Walton Reporter - __ October 1930 - Herschel D. GARRISON died at his home in Walton Sunday after an illness of several weeks with septic poisoning. About the middle of August Mr. Garrison, who was employed at the Meadowbrook dairy plant in Walton, cut his hand on a bottle. Septic poisoning developed which cause his death. He was confined to his bed about a week.
Mr. Garrison was born in the town of Meredith, Sept 1, 1851, but in early life moved to Walton where his home has since been. For a number of years he with his brother, conducted the farm on the river road below Walton, now owned by Andrew Scobie. Nineteen years ago he moved to Walton village and became connected with the Meadowbrook Dairy Company, where he has been employed since. For some years Mr. Garrison was manager of the Meadowbrook Company. In his work of delivering milk he became acquainted with practically every resident of Walton and was loved and respected because of his good nature and accommodating disposition and his love for children.
Mr. Garrison is survived by his wife, two daughters, Mrs. Harland HOLLEY and Mrs. Orville WHITAKER of Walton, two brothers, George and Charles of Walton, and four sisters, Mrs. Ella TRAVIS of Deposit, Mrs. Charles O. HANSON of Altadena, Cal., Mrs. John TUTTLE of Beerston and Mrs. Harry LAUNT of Starke, Fla.
A short prayer service was held at his late home Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, after which the funeral was held at the Methodist church of which he was a member at 2:30 o'clock. Rev. Grant Robinson, pastor of the church, officiated and burial was made in the Walton cemetery.**
Walton Reporter - __ October 1930 - (From Sidney correspondent) - News of the death of Mrs. George LYON of Glens Falls was received with much regret by residents of Sidney. Mrs. Lyons was born in Sidney andwas known as Mabel ROBINSON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Miles H. Robinson, deceased. Her funeral was held aat Saratoga and on Monday her remains were brought to Sidney and placed in the family plot in Prospect Hill cemetery. Rev. J. W. Davis officiated at the committment service. She is survived by her husband, a son and daughter, a brother, Howard Robinson, of Roscoe. Herbert A. Robinson of Sidney is a cousin.
Andes Recorder - Feb 26, 1932 - When Wife Dies Husband Suicides - Fred Johnson, Aged 65, of Walton Shoots Self at Delhi - Fred JOHNSON, of Walton shot himself through the heart with a .32 calibre revolverr early Sunday morning at the rooming house of Mrs. M. E. Arbuckle at Delhi. A note scribled on the back of a tattered envelope read: 'Frances is gone. There is nothing left for me.'
The "Frances" referred to in the note was his wife, who died Saturday following an overdose of medicine taken the Sunday afternoon previous, at the home of her uncle, Eugene Snyder at Walton with whom she and her husband had been living for the past several months. Mrs. Johnson did not regain consciousness after taking the potion.
He came to Delhi on Friday and took a room with Mrs. Arbuckle telling her that he had come to Delhi to collect some money that he had loaned last summer. Saturday afternoon he was informed that his wife was dead. He immediately went to his room and was not seen again.
In the spring of 1931, Johnson inherited a sum of money, said to have been about $2,300, from his sister in Swede, his native land. The wedding followed. It is believed that during the past year all of this money had been spent.
Since their marriage, they divided their time between Delhi and Walton. Mrs. Johnson was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel CUNNINGHAM, both deceased. She was born in Hamden.
It is stated that Johnson at one time worked a farm on shares in Bovina.
A double funeral was held Monday at Walton. (note: I would like to get the obit or story of Frances above, probably in the Walton papers about the same date as above)**
Walton Reporter - 6 May 1932 - Stillman BOURN, 85 years old, of Fergusonville, passed away Sunday morning, May 1, after a long illness. Mr. Bourn was a native of Franklin and had spent some time as a resident of Fergusonville. Surviving relatives are his wife, two daughters, Mrs. Nettie HOAWE of Treadwell and Mrs. Amy SPERRY of Fergusonville, with who he made his home; a son, Robert Bourn, residing in Schoharie county; a brother, Seymour Bourn, of Treadwell. There are several grandchildren and great grandchildren. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon, Rev. H. A. Armitage officiating.
Andes Recorder - 20 May 1932 - James A. ANDERSON died at Colfax, Washington May 6. He was the oldest son of Andrew and Margaret (LIDDLE) Anderson and was born in Andes 65 years ago. Thirty one years ago he went to Colfax, and had never been back. He was a breeder of thorobred stock. Surviving him is his wife who was Anna DODDS, of Delhi; also two brothers and two sisters, viz: Alex Anderson, Delhi; Marvin Anderson and Mrs. Thomas TUTTLE in Andes, and Mrs. Fred OLIVER in Binghamton.**
Walton Reporter - 6 May 1932 - (from Arkville correspondent) - Caroline SANFORD Keator, wife of John Keator, passed away at her home in Arkville early Tuesday morning, Apr 26, after an illness of several months.
Caroline Sanford was a daughter of the late Elder and Mrs. Ransom Sanford and was born on the Sanford homestead at Dunraven on Dec. 1, 1857, and had spent her entire life in this vicinity. She was married to John Keator and they celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at the Sanford homestead nearly five years ago. The garments which she wore on that happy occasion composed her funeral outfit.
Mrs. Keator was a woman of sterling qualities, ready with a helping hand for her neighbors and friends in need and will be deeply mourned in this community. Besides her husband she is survived by three sisters, Mrs. Avery RYER of Dunraven, Mrs. Lena MAXWELL of Johnson City and Mrs. Ed HULL of Kelly Corners, and by one brother, Grover Sanford of Pearl River.
The funeral was held at the Sanford homestead and interment was in the Sanford cemetery.**
Walton Reporter - 6 May 1932 - James O'DONOHUE, who passed away in the Delhi hospital on Apr. 21 was born in Downsville, the son of Peter O'Donahue and Lucy Catherine FINCH. When he was one year of age his mother died and he was taken to the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Finch, where he was tenderly cared for until he became 15 years of age when he went with his father to Delhi to learn the trade of harnessmaker. He soon went in business for himself and also was an extensive buyer of hides and wool.
The funeral was held at the late home on Sunday and was largely attended, Rev. Bosley officiating. Besides his widow he is survived by an aunt, Mrs. Rebecca J. DEIGHTON, of Pepacton and several cousins, some of whom reside in Delhi.
Walton Reporter - 6 May 1932 - List of Deaths:
MATTHEWS - At Binghamton, May 3, Robert Matthews of Cannonsville, aged two years
BOURN - At Fergusonville, May 1, Stillman Bourn, aged 85 years
SPERRY - In Albany, May 2, Walter George Sperry, formerly of Davenport, aged 63 years
TALCOTT - In Sidney, May 2, Mrs. Henry Talcott, aged 85 years
KEATOR - At Arkville, April 26, Mrs. John Keator, aged 74 years
REDMOND - At Arkville, April 23, John W. Redmond, aged 80 years
VAN VECHTEN - In Olyphant, Pa., Dr. George J. Van Vechten, formerly of East Meredith aged 67 years
HENDERSON - In Walton, May 3, Mrs. Sherman Henderson, aged 84 years
Walton Reporter - 4 Nov 1932 - Native of Andes - David GLADSTONE passed away at Franklin on October 26 - David Robert Gladstone died at his home in Franklin on Wednesday evening, October 26, at the age of 58 years. He suffered a shock two years ago and had since then been in poor health. The funeral was held Sunday with the burial in Ouleout cemetery.
Deceased was a son of Robert and Helen (TELFORD) Gladstone and was born in Andes on August 21, 1874, and his early life was spent in the town. He was by trade a blacksmith and 30 years ago went to Franklin. He was first married to the former Emma KITTLE of Margaretville, who died in 1916, and by this marriage one son, Ernest, of Worcester, Mass., survives. He later married Mrs. Jessie BRASEE. In addition to his wife and son he is survived by two brothers, James Gladstone of Denver, Colorado, and Barton Gladstone of Binghamton, and three sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth MAYHAM of Trenton, N.J., and Mrs. Agnes ARMSTRONG and Mrs. Mina HYZER of Andes.**
Andes Recorder - Dec 16, 1932 - Native of Andes Dies - Mrs. William D. HILTON died at her home in Walton on December 14, after a long illness. Her maiden name was Lou Carman, being the eldest daughter of the late Charles CARMAN and Helen JOHNSON, and she was born in Andes 72 years ago. For a number of hears after her marriage they lived in Chicago, but her life had been mainly spent in Andes and Walton. Surviving her is a sister, Mrs. Harvey KINCH of Walton, and a brother, Ward Carman of Margaretville.
The burial will be made at Andes Friday afternoon.**
Andes Recorder, 3 Feb 1933- New Kingston Man Dies - David ADEE died at his home in the New Kingston valley January 27, at the age of 82 years. He was born in Weaver Hollow in 1850, and was twice married, his first wife being a DUMOND and his second, Sarah WARD, who survives him with a son and a daughter. Funeral services were held Monday.**
Andes Recorder, Sept 8, 1933 - A. B. BRUCE Dies - Passed Away at Home in Walton at alloted Age Sept 4 - A. Bryson Bruce passed away at his home in Walton on Monday morning, September 4th. For several years he had been in poor health. The funeral was held on Wednesday and the interment was made in the Andes cemetery.
He was born at Mercerberg, Pennsylvania 70 years ago and was a son of the late Rev. James Bruce. In early life he learned the plumbing trade and followed this for a number of years. Bryce, as he was familiarly known, was a member of the Andes band and was prominent in the Masonic fraternity. He was always interested in Andes and never failed to come back to early scenes on every Memorial day.
Surviving him are his wife who was Eva AITKEN of Delhi, and one son, William P. Bruce of Walton, and also three brothers and two sisters, Judge M. Linn Bruce, David L. Cruce, James Bruce and Mrs. Ella STEVENSON of Andes, and Mrs. Albert ARMSTRONG of Shavertown.**
Walton Recorder - 8 Sept 1933 - A. B. BRUCE - A. Bryson Bruce died Monday morning, Sept 4, at his home on Mead street, Walton. Death was caused by heart trouble from which he had been a sufferer for some time.
The funeral service was held Wednesday afternoon at one o'clock at the home. Rev. F. C. Davidson, pastor of the United Presbyterian church officiating. The body was taken to Andes where a prayer service was held at the Bruce homestead, now occupied by a brother, James Bruce, with Rev. G. A. Forbes officiating. Burial was made in the Andes cemetery. The Walton band, of which Mr. Bruce was a former member, acted as an escort and played a selection at the grave.
Mr. Bruce is survived by his wife, who was Miss Eva AITKENS before their marriage on Sept. 1, 1885, and by one son, William P. Bruce, of Walton. He leaves also three brothers and two sisters, Hon. M. Linn Bruce, David L. Bruce, James Bruce and Mrs. Ella STEVENSON, all of Andes and Mrs. Albert ARMSTRONG of Shavertown.
Andrew Bryson Bruce was the son of the late Rev. James Bruce, for many years pastor of the United Presbyterian church at Andes, and his wife, Mary LINN Bruce. He was born in Mercersburg, Pa., Dec 7, 1862. In his youth he learned the trade of plumber and tinner which he followed until his retirement from active work except for a few years when he and Mrs. Bruce had charge of the Elks club in Norwich. He had formerly lived in that city while in the employ of the O. & W. railroad.
Bryce Bruce was a man genial and affable by nature, who was a friend of everyone, with always a smile and word of greeting. He had always retained his membership in his father's church at Andes. He was a member of the Delhi Masonic lodge and the Norwich Elks. In his earlier years he was very active in the state association of volunteer fire departments. His collection of firemen's badges duplicates in large part that of the late "Cal" SANFORD donated to the Walton fire department and destroyed in the village hall fire twenty years ago.**
Walton Recorder - 8 Sept 1933 - (Fremont Center correspondent) Mrs. Eunace BURY passed away at her home at Fremont Center from old age and general debillity on Sunday night. She spent most of her life in this section and was a good neighbor and a kind mother.
Surviving are five daughters, Mrs. Joseph SNYDER, Mrs. John KINCH, Mrs. Marie GERHARDT, Mrs. Fred REINHEIMER and Miss Fanny Bury, also one son, Frank S. Bury, and nine grandchildren. Her husband, a Civil war veteran, and two sons and one daughter passed on before. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon and interment was in the Fremont Center cemetery.
Andes Recorder - 5 Jan 1934 - Mrs. Mary E. GRAY died at her home in Fall Clove of vascular heart disease on Sunday December 31, at the age of 62 years and 10 days. She is survived by ten children, viz: Mrs. Harold DAVIS of Andes, Shirley Gray, Helen Gray, Stanley Gray, Paul Gray in Fall Clove. Burial at Hamden on Wednesday.
Andes Recorder - 5 Jan 1934 - Native of Andes Dies - Mrs. Thomas FORD, aged 77 years, died December 30, at the home of her son, Arthur J. Ford at Endicott. Her maiden name was Artemecia DAVIS, a daughter of Abram Davis and she was born in Shaver Hollow. The burial will be made next spring at Shaver Town.
Andes Recorder - May 11, 1934 - note of her (Mrs. Thomas FORD) burial beside her husband and mention of son, Arthur Ford of Endicott
Jan 4, 1934 - Andes Recorder - Mrs. Mary E. GRAY died at her home in Fall Clove of vascular heart disease on Sunday Dec. 31, at the age of 62 years and 10 days. She is survived by 10 children: viz: Mrs. Harold DAVIS of Andes, Shirley Gray, Helen Gray, Stanley Gray, Paul Gray in Fall Clove, burial at Hamden on Wed.**
Jan 4, 1934 - Andes Recorder - James H. FRISBEE died Dec 28 age 87 in Bloomville. Great grandson of Judge Gideon Frisbee - wife: Nancy MCMULLEN of Delhi, died a few years ago.
Jan 4, 1934 - Andes Recorder
Deaths in Andes 1933:
Jun 3 Mary Ella TURNBULL 74
Aug 9 Victor David KNAPP 1
Oct 30 Anna CLAPPERTON 73
Aug 3 Carrie LIDDLE 40
Aug 15 Barry Shaw MILLER 78**
...Effie Dean NORTON 68
Jan 26, 1934 - Andes Recorder - Shavertown - James WILCOX, 73, died Wed night Jan 17, failing health 5 years, funeral held Shavertown Pres. Church 1:00, Sat. - body in vault at Andes. Survived by wife & 2 daus., Mrs. Frank DIBBLE at Pleasant valley & Mrs. William PALMER at Delhi. - Entire life at Shaver Hollow
Jan 26, 1934 - Andes Recorder - Samuel RUSSELL born Upper Bovina, 60 years ago, died from cerebral hemorrhage Jan 22 at his Sacramento home, son of late A. T. Russell - went to California 35 years ago, surviving are wife Nettie SMITH of Oneonta, sister, Miss Jeanette Russell of Oneonta, brother, J. J. K. Russell of Whitney Point.
Delaware Express - Feb 16, 1934 - Native of Bovina, Archibald B. PHYFE, 85, born Bovina Center (Brushland), died in Florida at the home of his daughter. Son of John & Matilda (LAUGHRAN) Phyfe, b: 28 May 1848, 85 yrs ago. In 1875 married Mary ORMISTON. She only lived a few years survived by two daughters, Mrs. R. TRACY of Jacksonville, FL and Mrs. Edgar STEWART of Long Neck, Long Island. Five grandchildren. Funeral in Bovina Center Friday.
Mar 2, 1934 - Andes Recorder - William M. WHITSON born Andes - died San Antonio, TX Feb 6 of heart trouble - youngest of 5 children of John & Mary (BLACK) Whitson, natives of Scotland.
Early life took position with Burlington Railroad - 30 years. Later conducted hardware business at Wymore, Neb. 10 years. The last 10 years operated ranch at San Antonio. Survivors - wife Florence, sister Mrs. Elizabeth ROBERTSON of Mt Vernon, NY - burial San Antonio.
Mar 2, 1934 - John C. WARREN died at home at Delhi on Feb 28, age 83. Born Kortright - had farm Cabin Hill - 15 years ago moved to Delhi - survived by second wife who was Susan TUTTLE of Andes and son Perry WARREN of Meredith & daughter in Ohio. Burial in Delhi
Mar 9, 1934 - Andes Recorder - Died at age 0f 94 years, Passing of William Thompson recalls Scotch Mountain Tragedy
William THOMPSON, who celebrated his 94th birthday March 1st, died Mar 2 at his home on Scotch Mountain near Cabin Hill where he lived alone for the greater part of the time since the death of his wife 17 years ago. Friends who called on his birthday found him ill and he did not rally. Rev. Marvin J. Thompson, his only son of Jamaica, NY.
Born on the farm where he died - place settled by his parents, John Thompson & Martha ROBINSON, natives of England. It was an old stage coach stop.
Mar 9, 1934 - Andes Recorder - William T. FORREST, 75, died Delhi, March 6, burial Bovina Center. Born southern Bovina 20 Feb 1859, son of Robert Forrest & Elizabeth BIGGAR, most life on homestead farm. Nov 18, 1886 married Agnes JACKSON, survived by wife, dau - Mrs. Harvey BURGIN, Bovina, 3 grand daughters, another daughter who married Harvey ROBERTSON died several years ago.
Mar 23, 1934 - Andes Recorder - Miss Margaret KING died Pougkeepsie age 50, died Mar 17, dau of John & Isabelle (COWAN) King. Born Wolf Hollow, Andes - buried Andes - sisters: Mrs. Robert DOIG, Delhi, Mrs. Georgia GLENDENNING of Walton, Mrs. Chas. MC LEAN of Andes, brother John King of Troy, James Willis King of Newburgh.
Mar 30, 1934 - Andes Recorder - Mrs. Agnes GILL died at her Deposit home Feb 12, age 85, widow of Hanford Gill, Civil War Veteran of Andes who died 35 years ago.
Mar 30, 1934 - Andes Recorder - DIE WITHIN 24 HOURS - Sanford S. CONKLIN, age 88 years 6 days, died late on Mar 21 & Mary Elizabeth Conklin, wife, age 78 years 7 days died less than 24 hours later on Mar 22. Both birthdays March 15 - double funeral - burial Arena.
Apr 13, 1934 - Andes Recorder - A native of Beech Hill, David H. FINKLE, 76, died Apr 10, at Walton of accute bronchitis, son of Joseph & Elizabeth (DAVIS) Finkle and born on Beech Hill, Andes Mar 29, 1858. In 1888 he married Mary HILSON of Bovina who survives with son, Grant Finkle of Glenburie (Glenburnie?) and five grandchildren.
Binghamton Press - 26 & 27 Apr 1934 - OLIVER - The funeral of Mrs. Sarah Frances Oliver will be held at the home, 245 Chenango St., Saturday morning at 9:30 o'clock. The Rev. Earl Sneich will officiate. Burial will be in the Andes Cemetery. Arrangements by F. R. Rice.**
Apr 27, 1934 Andes Recorder - Mrs. Margaret D. RICKELTON age 71 died Easter Sunday at her home, Red Oak, Iowa. Maiden name Margaret IMRIE born Cabin Hill, Andes. In 1886 she married Robert Rickelton - he died in 1907 - she leaves a son & 2 daughters.
Apr 27, 1934 Andes Recorder - Mrs. Frances OLIVER died April 25 at the home of her son Arthur Oliver at Sauguerties, N.Y., having been in poor health for some time. Her age was 83 years. She was daughter of Green Moore and most of her life passed in Andes. She married Silas D. Oliver and he died several years ago. Besides the son named she is survived by a son and a daughter, Fred Oliver and Mrs. Barton GLADSTONE, both of Binghamton. Burial will be in Andes on Saturday.**
May 4, 1934 - Andes Recorder - The Recorder was in error last week in stating that Mrs. Frances OLIVER died at the home of her son, Arthur, in Sauguerties. About three weeks before she had gone to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Barton GLADSTONE, in Binghamton, and died there. The funeral was held from the Gladstone home at 245 Chenango Street on Saturday with her grandsons, Leroy, Robert, Oliver, & Gerald Gladstone as the pall bearers. Burial was in Andes.**
May 11, 1934 - Andes Recorder - Willard H. FRISBEE, 75, died May 4 - lived most of his life in East Delhi - his wife died several years ago - he leaves 2 sons.
May 11, 1934 - Andes Recorder - Andes native, Mrs Isabelle Fowler DUNN, widow of Walter Dunn (Andes merchant) died at home in Binghamton, on Wed. May 9. BORN ON DINGLE HILL, LATER THE DICKMAN FARM, 83 YEARS AGO. SURVIVED BY DAUGHTER, MRS. IRVING BURNETT, Binghamton, son, John Dunn, Owego, sister: Mrs. E. P. McNAIR, Binghamton, 2 brothers: Robert FOWLER in Calif and Martin Fowler - Virginia.
May 11, 1934 - Andes Recorder - William C. RUSSELL died at the home of son Alfred Russell in Bovina Fri. morning May 4. Born Biggar Hollow in southern Bovina 78 years ago. He married Elizabeth FORREST, dau of Robert Forrest. Besides son above, leaves daughter Mrs. Wilford BARNHART, Bovina. He was buried at Bovina Center (cemetery).
May 25, 1934 - Andes Recorder - Mrs. Elizabeth MAYHAM, widow of Henry Mayham, died at her home in Trenton, N.J. May 17, burial Andes Rural Cemetery. She was daughter of the late Robert GLADSTONE and was born in Gladstone Hollow, Andes Jan 15, 1863. A daughter survives her. A son died years ago.**
June 1, 1934 - Andes Recorder - Douglas McCUNE, age about 60 (died) Meridale on Saturday, May 26. Burial in Bovina. Youngest son of William and Kate (OLIVER) McCune.
June 15, 1934 - Andes Recorder - George SAMUELS, 45 years old, died June 12. Killed by bull. Son of Norwood & Flora (HYZER) Samuels. Born Arena Sept 20, 1888 - 1st wife Lillian DOWIE & dau Edna (will graduate Hilton Memorial High School June 27) - 2nd wife Tressa (DREW). A son survives.
June 22, 1934 - Andes Recorder - Mrs. Margaret McCUNE, widow of Barton McCune died at the home of S. Karl McCune, Shavertown, on Tuesday June 19, age 84. Her maiden name was LAMONT. Survivors: daughter Mrs. J. L. WOOD of Roscoe and son John McCune of Livingston Manor and Karl McCune of Shavertown, three sisters: 2 Miss Lamonts and Mrs. Elizabeth CLOSE
July __, 1934 - Andes Recorder - Mrs. Willard FRISBEE died June 28. Willard died six weeks ago. Her maiden name was HOAG. She left two sons: Clarence, at home andWyatt Frisbee in East Delhi.
July 6, 1934 - Andes Recorder - Abram HUGHES, Delhi, died July 4 age 66. Wife, Margaret BOYD and daughter survive. Many years in charge of Woodland Cemetery.
Sept 4, 1934 - Binghamton Press - Barton Thomas GLADSTONE, 56 years old, died at his home, 245 Chenango street, Monday night at 11 o'clock. He is survived by his wife Emma OLIVER Gladstone; three daughters, Miss Frances Gladstone, Mrs. Henry FROST and Mrs. Kenneth BAKER of Binghamton and Henry of Syracuse: two sisters, Mrs. Mina HYZER and Mrs. Agnes ARMSTRONG of Andes; a brother, James Gladstone of Denver and two grandchildren.**
Oct 4, 1934 - Andes Recorder - Died Suddenly at Union Grove -
Ward BRYANT, aged 82, died suddenly at his home at Union Grove on Oct 1. He had been in his usual health, but at supper table complained after drinking milk, of feeling chilly. After supper he lighted his pipe and laid down on a couch. A short time later, Mrs. Bryant, who was just outside, heard his pipe strike the floor. Going to the room she spoke but received no reply and he died a few minutes later.**
Oct 13, 1934 - Andes Recorder - Mrs. Emily (FRASER) SHAW, age 77, widow of Guy Shaw of Delhi died at home of niece, Mrs. Donald CLARK (former Frances SEATH of Andes) at Poultney, Vermont Oct 8. Buried at Woodland (cemetery - Delhi).
Oct 26, 1934 - Andes Recorder - Estate of Ward BRYANT, late of Andes, wife & 4 daughters - Letters issued to Mary E. Bryant - $500 Real Estate & $1500 personal**
Oct 26, 1934 - Andes Recorder - Robert NEISH, 91, died Oct 22 at Shavertown at dau - Mrs. Archie GLADSTONE. Married 1) Elizabeth SEAMAN. She died 21 Feb 1893. Had 3 ch. marred 2) Nettie TODD of Margaretville. She died 2 years ago. He was born 1843 in Shavertown. Dau: Mrs. E. B. HOUCK of Ohio & son: Harvey who died several years ago.
Dec 7, 1934 - Andes Recorder - Mrs. David WOODIN died Baldwin, L.I. on Nov 30 age 70. Niece Mrs. Ellsworth WINNER - buried Andes Cemetery. Was Emma SHAVER, dau of Washington B. Shaver. Daughter: Mrs. Ralph WALLEY; son: Irving WOODIN; sister: Mrs. George LAWRENCE, a twin, in Calif., Mrs. HOOSE of Keyport, NJ and one granddaughter.
Dec 28, 1934 - Andes Recorder - John BEARDSLEY born Beech Hill in 1865 died Sidney Center Dec 6
Dec 28, 1934 - Emma Elizabeth BRYANT, dau of Thomas, b. Palmer Hill - died Dec 22 in Kingston - wife of Alonzo E. WINNIE who died 8 - 10 years ago. George POLLEY who is nephew, with Mrs. Polley and son attended funeral.**
Jan 18 1935 - Andes Recorder - Miss Caroline DAVIS age 90, died in flames in bed "recently" in Medford, Otsego Co. - a niece - Mrs. James KERR
Delaware Express, Feb 8, 1935 - Mrs. John P. MABON (Elizabeth MURDOCK) died Jan 4 in Oneonta. She was born in Kortright May 5, 1873, married Aug 17, 1898. Surviving are husband and son James. Mr. Mabon is the son of late James C. Mabon of Southern Bovina.
Walton Reporter - 4 June 1937 - (From Stamford correspondent) Mrs. Emma J. SHUTTS LAWRENCE died at her home, East Main street, Stamford, Saturday evening, May 29, aged 81 years. She was born at Gilboa, Schoharie county, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peeter Shutts. Before moving to Stamford a few years ago she had lived with her husband on a farm on the Grand Gorge road, near South Gilboa. She is survived by her husband, Ambrose Lawrence, Stamford, and two daughters, Mrs. Charles STONE and Mrs. Arthur A. POTTER, who reside on the Grand Gorge highway. The funeral was held from her late residence Tuesday afternoon. Burial in Stamford cemetery.
Walton Reporter - 4 June 1937 - Charles CUNNINGHAM passed away at his home in Chambers hollow Saturday, May 29th. Death wa caused by heart trouble.
Mr. Cunningham was born in Hamden 62 years ago, and had resided here all his life. He is survived by a sister, Mrs. Daniel F. PIERCE of Hamden, one brother, Norman, also of Hamden, a niece, Mrs. Donald CAMPBELL of Preston, and a nephew, Raymond Cunningham of Oxford.
Services were held at Newkirk's funeral home in Delancey Tuesday, June 1, at 2 p.m.**
Deposit... Aug 11, 1938 - Ella Haynes FAULKNER - "Home was the keyboard of her life, as a girl and later as a wife and mother," said the Rev. George A. Buggs, D.D. in speaking of the life of Mrs. Ella Haynes Faulkner who passed away at her residence in Cannonsville July 31, at the age of 76. The Rev. M. W. Palmeroy assisted by Dr. Briggs officiated at the funeral held in the residence of George Faulkner on Aug. 3. Interment was at Oakwood Cemetery, Stilesville.
Born on Sept 2, 1862 Mrs. Faulkner spent her life in the vicinity of Stilesville and Cannonsville and she is now sleeping in the little cemetery on the hillside near her girlhood home in sight of the hills that she loved. In early womanhood, she married Nathan Faulkner and in 1890 both were received into the Deposit Baptist Church. Their children followed their footsteps and all of them are living nearby, and were in close touch with her constantly.
Mrs. Faulkner is survived by her husband Nathan Faulkner, by three sons, Archie, Herman and Irving, by two daughters, Mrs. George Faulkner and Mrs. Cyrus BEEBE. By C. D. HAYNES, a brother and 7 grandchildren & 6 great grandchildren.**
Delaware Express 6 June 1939 - Andes - Mrs. Susan H. DAVIS, 79, died here Dec. 30, widow of Joel Davis.....born in Andes, daughter of Smith and Mary (VERMILYA) Davis....two sons & one daughter....William, Harold, and Mary all of Andes.**
Delaware Republican Express - __Sept 1943 - Hannah H. MILLS of Delancey was buried in Walton Sept 9, 1943 - born 1872, daughter of Mr. & Mars. Lewis HAWLEY - children: Mrs. Clara FINCH, Mrs. Wade BAXTER, of Walton, sons: Ernest & James, brother: Arthur Hawley, sisters: Mrs. Margaret MASON of Union Grove and Mrs. Lowell SIGNOR of Arena. Husband: John J. Mills.
Jan 15, 1944 - Delaware Republican Express - Delhi - Edward SANFORD of Chenango Co., died age 97. Civil War Veteran. born Delhi Jan 29, 1846, Mrs. Sanford died age 97. Survived by sons: Ralph of Binghamton and Edward Jr. of Caldwell, NJ.
Walton Reporter - May 17, 1946 - [From Downsville correspondent] -Daniel R. MILLS of Kingston, formerly of Walton and Downsville, died in Kingston tuberculosis hospital of tuberculosis and pneumonia Monday, May 13. He was 65 years old.
Mr. Mills was born in Delaware county April 20, 1881, the son of James and Nancy LIDDLE Mills. A stone cutter by trade, he was married Feb. 18, 1936 to Carrie BARTH of Kingston, where he had lived for the past 13 years. He had been ill for one year. Mr. Mills was a member of the Walton Methodist church.
Surviving besides his wife is a daughter, Mrs. William HAWLEY of Fraeser; two brothers, Bert of Downsville and Milton of Oneonta; four granddaughters and several nieces and nephews.
Services were held Thursday at 1 in the afternoon from the Lyon Bros. chapel and burial was made in Walton cemetery. Rev. Henry Lincoln officiated.**
Walton Reporter - 8 Nov 1946 - Mrs. Nellie V. FAULKNER died at the Margaretville hospital Monday, Nov 4. Mrs. Faulkner was born at Granton, May 26, 1884. She had resided in Walton for the past 25 years. She is survived by one sister, Mrs. Charles AXTELL.
The funeral was held at Lyon Brothers funeral chapel Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. Henry G. Lincoln officiating. Burial was made in the Walton cemetery.**
Walton Reporter - 8 Nov 1946 - (From Sidney correspondent) - The body of Arthur CARRUTH, 83, of Middletown, was brought to Sidney Friday for burial in Prospect Hill cemetery. A former resident of Sidney, he had resided with his daughter, Mrs. C. H. HAMMON, Middletown, since the death of his wife a year ago.
Mr. Carruth was a brother-in-law of the late William CASWELL. He died in the Middletown hospital Wednesday morning, Oct. 30.
Walton Reporter - 8 Nov 1946 - Harry W. CHRISTIAN - Harry, 6 months old and only child of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Christian, Granton, died at his home Thursday, Oct 31, after a week's illness. The funeral was held Saturday at 11 o'clock in Lyon Brothers funeral chapel, Walton, Rev. Frank Latham officiating. Burial was made in the Walton cemetery.
Walton Reporter - 8 Nov 1946 - (From Sidney correspondent) - Funeral services for Lewis O. RAMSDELL, who died at the home of his sister, Mrs. Nellie PECK, 10 East Main street, Sidney, Wednesday night, Oct 30, were held at the Carr and Landers funeral chapel at 2 Saturday afternoon and burial was in Masonville cemetery.
He was born April 6, 1882, in Masonville, the son of James Wells and Emily LYON Ramsdell, and married Jennie CORNELL, who died in February, 1939. He was an undertaker in Masonville for many years until his retirement and had made his home with his sister, Mrs. Peck for the past six years. Besides his sister he is survived by a son, Kenneth Ramsdell, of Sidney; a grandson, Jeffery, and several nieces and nephews.
Walton Reporter - 9 Feb 1949 - List of deaths:
MEEGHAN - At Oneonta, Sept 3, Mrs. July B.Meeghan of Stamford, aged 77 years.
LOUDEN - At Stamford, Sept 3, Bonnie Beatrice Louden, aged one year.
HANDY - At Delhi, Sept 1, Sheldon R. Handy, aged 62 years.
BAXTER - At Delancey, Sept. 3, John T. Baxter, aged 63 years.
RAY - At Delhi, Sept 5, Mrs. Edith Ray, aged 77 years
HAMILTON - In Middletown, Sept. 3, Mrs. John Hamilton of Middletown, aged 69 years
BECKER - In Delhi, Sept 4, Benjamin J. Becker of Wilson hollow, Downsville aged 69 years.
LYNCH - At Deposit, R.D. 2, Sept 2, Paul A. Lynch of Deposit aged 63 years.
BEAGLE - In New York city, Sept 5, Mrs. Gertrude Beagle of New York city, formerly of Livingston Manor, aged 49 years.
HAWLEY - At Danbury, Conn., Sept 4, William H. Hawley of Hamden, aged 46 years**
KELLY - At Sidney, Sept 3, Mrs. Nellie Kelly, aged 69 years
KELLY - At Margaretville hospital, Sept 6, Michael Kelly of Margaretville age 76 years
BORMAN - Walton, Sept 7, Mrs. Kathryn A. Borman of Walton.
Walton Reporter - 30 May 1952 - (From Deposit correspondent) - Mrs. Laura FAULKNER passed away at her home on Center street, Deposit, early Sunday morning after a long illness. She was 65 years of age.
She was born in the town of Deposit, the daughter of Alfred KELSEY and Clara POND. She had been a lifelong resident of Deposit and vicinity.
The funeral was held in the Deposit Baptist church on Tuesday with Rev. Lester Huxtable officiating. Burial was in Walton.
She was a member of the Cannonsville Methodist church and the Deposit tent, Daughters of the Union Veterans.
Besides her husband, she is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Martha CARPENTER of Oneida and Mrs. Edna NILES of Michigan; one brother, Edmund Kelsey of Deposit.**
Walton Reporter - 11 July 1956 - Paul MEYER, 56, of the Town of Franklin, died Thursday of last week at Delaware Valley hospital where he was hospitalized for three weeks. Mr. Meyer, a painter and decorator, was the owner of a large huckleberry patch at Arabia, to which many people flocked in the summer for pickings.
Mr. Meyer was born in Hamburg, Germany, May 19, 1896. Names of his parents are unknown. He was married to Maria KEETNER at Valley Stream, L.I., June 12, 1932. He had lived at his late residence in the town of Franklin for the past six years.
Survivors include his wife and a son, Verner P. Meyer, Franklin.
Funeral services were held Monday at 2 from Lyon Brothers chapel, Walton with burial in Walton cemetery. Dr. J. M. Findley Brown was the officiating pastor.
Deposit Courier - Sept 20, 1956 - Mrs. Rachel M. FAULKNER, 64, 38 Pine St., Deposit, died Sept 13, 1956 in Binghamton City Hospital, after a short illness. She is survived by her husband, George S. Faulkner, Deposit, two sons, Clifford S. and George H. Faulkner, both of Deposit. One sister, Mrs. Gladys BEEBE, Mt. Upton, two brothers, Irving and Herman (Faulkner), both of Deposit and six grandchildren.
Born in the town of Sanford on May 21, 1892, she was the daughter of Nathan and Ellen HAYNES Faulkner. She was married to George S. Faulkner at the old Faulkner homestead in Stilesville on Oct 5, 1910 by Rev. Bates of Deposit Baptist Church. She was a lifelong resident of the Deposit area and for the past few years operated a restaurant in Deposit. She was a member of the Deposit American Legion Aux. No. 757 and the Deposit Baptist Church.
Private funeral services were conducted at her home, Sunday, Sept 16, at 2:00 pm. Rev. John C. Cook officiated with burial in Oakwood Cemetery, Stilesville. Arrangements by Thomas C. Jones Jr. Funeral Home, 78 2nd st., Deposit. Pall bearers were Lucian Kays, Maynard Dodge, Albert Hartz, John Pinney, Arvy Fisher, Charles Zandt, Alvin Hodley and Clyde Stephens.**
Delaware Republican - Express - May 18, 1950 - died Monday.
Obit of William Forest MCNEE at Delancey buried Woodland Cemetery, Delhi. Born 19 Feb 1875, son of Gifford McNee, married 25 Sept 1909 to Catherine AITKEN of Cabin Hill. Prior to his marriage lived entire life in Bovina. Survived by his wife, dau. Mrs. Grace HELTMAN in the Medical Department, Air Force. 2 sons: Robert A. McNee on homestead farm, William McNee of Hanover, Pa. Sister: Nellie GRIFFEN of Margaretville.
Delaware Republican - Express - Aug 10, 1950 - Tom LEYDEN - lived Margaretville, died Margaretville hospital last Tues age 95. Funeral Pres. Church at Shavertown. Interred Andes Cemetery. Masonic Service at home of dau Mrs. William SMITH of Shavertown.
Tom Leyden came to America from Scotland at age 17. Returned to Scotland to enlist in the British Navy and served 7 years. He came back after...Last of his generation. Survived by one daughter; Mrs. William Smith of Shavertown, Mrs. Leyden died one half century ago. He never remarried.
Walton Reporter - 30 May 1952 - (From Sidney correspondent) - Mrs. Elizabeth Belle ARCHER, 67, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Robert LITTLE, in Laurens Saturday night following a long illness.
Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Tuesday, in the Laurens Methodist church, Rev. A. E. Van Antwerpin, Pastor, officiating. Burial rites were held at 3:45 p.m. , the Bloomville cemetery.
Mrs. Archer was born June 12, 1884, at West Meredith, daughter of William and Margaret SHAKELTON. She married Harry D. Archer of Meredith in 1906 and lived in Delhi until 1919, moving to Andes where they purchased the feed and coal business of William DOUGLAS. Mr. Archer died in 1930. Mrs. Archer moved to Sidney in 1941 and because of illness moved to Laurens in 1951 to live with her younger daughter, Mrs. Little. She is also survived by another daughter, Mrs. J. R. FREI, of Norwich and a son, Harry D. Archer of Fairfax, Va., and six grandchilden. She was a member of the Congregational church at Sidney.
Walton Reporter - 30 May 1952 - Card of Thanks - We sincerely thank Rev. Lincoln, Dr. Eells, Dr. Wilbur, the nurses at Smith hospital, the friends and neighbors and all who helped in the sickness and death of our father and grandfather. The family of George WARNER.
Walton Reporter - 30 May 1952 - Mrs. Warren H. COOMES - Mrs. Isabella V. Coomes of Davenport Center died Monday at Fox hospital, Oneonta. She was 66 years old.
She was born May 12, 1886 at Elmira, daughter of George and Laura RUNYON HARTMAN and was married Apr 30, 1907 to Warren H. Coomes of Morris Park, L.I. She had resided at Davenport Center for seven years.
Surviving besides her husband is a sister, Mrs. Maude Coomes of Floral Park, and a brother, George D. Hartman of Richmond Hill, L.I.
Burial was in Maple Grove cemetery, Kew Gardens, L.I.
8 Jan 1953 - Delaware Republican Express (Thurs.) - Mrs. Oril J. GLADSTONE, 86 of Andes, died Sat. at Margaretville Hospital where she had been a patient for 19 months. Survivors: daughter Agnes G. POLLEY of Andes, Burial at Andes. Born July 2, 1865 in Andes, the daughter of William J. and Mary E. (BAGLEY) RONEY., married William B. Gladstone 62 years ago. He died Aug 1927. Also survived by sons Arthur and Walter B.
5 Mar 1953 - Delaware Republican Express (Thurs.) - Walter B. GLADSTONE, age 45, former Andes supervisor, died Friday in Margaretville Hospital. He was born July 2, 1903, child of Wm. B. and Oril J. (RONEY) Gladstone. Married Edna K. BRESEE of N. Franklin, 2 daus.: Gloria and Carol Gladstone, one son Walter, Jr., sister, Mrs. Agnes G. POLLEY, brother Arthur H. Gladstone, nephew Wayland A. Gladstone, all of Andes. Another nephew Herbert G. THOMPSON of Greene.
19 Mar 1953 - Delaware Republican Express (Thurs.) - Cornelius J. AKERLY, 79, died Tues at Margaretville Hospital, bur. Margaretville - born Mar 31, 1873, Margaretville, son of Asa and Nancy C. (DUMOND) AKERLY. In June 1900 he m. Marilla GAVETTE in Margaretville who survives. He was member of ME Church and Masons. Surviving is one sister, Mrs. Kate WHELDEN of Windsor.**
2 Apr 1953 - Delaware Republican Express (Thurs.) - John D. MONROE died age 74 - bur. Andes, b. Sept 1, 1878 in Andes son of Malcolm and Hannah (DAVIS) Monroe - married 29 July 1910, Caroline RAISIG of Lawrence, L.I. Survivors son Malcolm of Valhalla, daus. Mrs. Russell B. HANFORD of Spokane, Wa & Miss Jeanette D. MONROE of White Plains.
14 May 1953 - Delaware Republican Express (Thurs.) - Mrs. Ida McCUNE lifetime resident of Bovina died Tues., May 12th at 10 p.m. in Binghamton City hospital - burial at Bovina.
June 18, 1953 - Delaware Republican Express (Thurs.) - Mrs. Emma ACKERLEY, died at 81, June 4, bur. Andes. Mrs. Ackerley born on farm near Bloomville, Sept 12, 1871, dau of Joshua Knapp HOBBIE and Jennie GILCHRIST. Jennie was 3 months old when her family came from Scotland. Mr. Hobbie's ancestors have been in America for over 200 years. She married Elmer E. ACKERLEY of Crown Mt. in 1901. He died in 1931. Survivors: daus: Mrs. Ralph GRIFFIN, Mrs. Jean LENDQUIST of Jamaica Heights, L.I. Mrs. Clyde McCOY, 2 brothers, George of Hamden & John of Delhi, one sister Jennie LIDDLE of Downsville.**
Walton Reporter - 1st week Mar, 1954 - Rites Held for Walton Physician - Dr. William J. CRANSTON, 88, ear, eye, nose and throat specialist, of Walton, died Sunday [Feb 27] at Delaware Valley Hospital in Walton.
Funeral services were held on Wednesday in Walton Methodist Church, with the Rev. Henry G. Lincoln, pastor, officiating. The body was placed in the Walton Cemtery vault for burial later this year.
Dr. Cranston was born January 21, 1866, in Rock Royal, son of John and Irene DAVIS Cranston. On May 29, 1907, he married Miss Anna FITCH of Walton.
He was a retird surgeon and had lived in Walton for 14 years. He practiced in Kingston for 26 years. He was a member of Walton Methodist Church.
Surviving are a son, Dr. William J. Cranston, jr., of Kingston; a daughter, Mrs. Harriet WOODRUFF, Chevy Chase, Md.; as sister, Mrs. Isabell COLLIER, Cannonsville, and six grandchildren.**
Walton Reporter - 1st week Mar, 1954 - Retired Minister Dies at 80 - The Rev. Norman P. CHAMPLIN, 80, a retired minister who had held high postitions in the Methodist Church, died Saturday in Fox Hospital, Oneonta, where he had been a patient for 12 days.
Funeral rites were held Tuesday afternoon in the First Methodist Church in Oneonta. Officiating clergyman were Dr. J. Edgar Washball of Morristown, N.J., the Rev. Roswell W. Lyon of the First Methodist Church and the Rev. Mark S. M. Ray of United Presbyterian Church, Oneonta. A committal service was held yesterday in Phillipsburg, N.J. with the Rev. V. E. Mabry on Phillipsburg officiating.
Mr. Champlin was born June 27, 1873, at Blenheim Hill, Schoharie County, son of Perry and Elizabeth HUBBELL Champlin, and was married Aug 23, 1898, to Cora VAN DEUSEN in Stamford.
He graduated in 1900 from Allegheny College and tood a masters degree from that college in 1906. In the same year he took a degree from Drew Theological Seminary.
(the rest of my copy of this obit. is missing)
Walton Reporter - 23 May 1958 - Unadilla - Frederick A. TRUMBULL, formally of Unadilla, died Saturday, May 10, at Cooperstown, following an illness of two weeks. He had been Otego county under-sheriff for 14 years.
He was born Mar. 12, 1887, in Rupert, Vt., the son of Charles and Mary (ANGEVINE) Trumbull. He married the former Miss Martha D. SHERMAN on December 8, 1909, in Amarillo, Tex. Mr. Trumbull was a member of Freedom Lodge 324 F.&A.M., Unadilla Chapter 178, R.A.M., and a past patron of Freedom Chapter , O.E.S. of Unadilla.
He was a member of the Unadilla Baptist church.
He is survived by his wife; a son, Myron S. Trumbull, both of Cooperstown; a sister, Mrs. Nelson INGALLS of Unadilla.
Funeral services were conducted at 2 Tuesday, at the Ingalls Funeral home in Cooperstown, by the Rev. Richard P. Weld, pastor of the Cooperstown Presbyterian church. The Masonic Lodge conducted a Memorial service at 8 Monday, at the Ingalls Funeral home. Burial was in Salem.
Walton Reporter - 23 May 1958 - Mrs. Rose ARMSTRONG of Fremont Center died at Liberty-Loomis hospital in Liberty May 10, 1958. She was 68.
Mrs. Armstrong was born in Latvia Aug 10, 1890. In recent years she and her son operated a tavern at Fremont Center. She was in the hotel and restaurant business all her life.
Surviving besides her son, Arnold of Fremont Center, is a daughter, Mrs. Gerald SHAW of Sacramento, Calif.
Graveside services were held at the cemetery of the Congregation of Ahavath Sholom at Youngsville.
Walton Reporter - 23 May 1958 - Stilesville - Mrs. Frances BIER of Stilesville died Monday morning, May 19, 1958, at her home there after a long illness. She was 68.
Mrs. Bier was born in New York city Feb 8, 1890, the daughter of Pauline and Emil ABELES. She was married to Simon Bier.
Services were Thursday from the Walter A. Dains Funeral home, 78 Second street, Deposit, and burial was in Stilesville cemetery. Rev. John Cook officiated.
Walton Reporter - 23 May 1958 - List of Deaths:
AMES - In Binghamton, May 19, Mrs. Katherine (Lou) Ames of Binghamton, aged 72 years
HILLIKER - Delray Beach, Fla., May 3, David A. Hilliker of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., aged 38 years
CURRY - In Sidney, May 13, Mrs. Donald Curry, of Lewbeach, aged 61 years
HALSEY - At Liberty-Loomis hospital, May 17, Miss Evelyn Halsey of Livingston Manor, aged 78 years
ARMSTRONG - At Liberty-Loomis hospital, May 10, Mrs. Rose Armstrong of Fremont Center, aged 68 years
WRIGHT - In Walton, May 19, Ely L. Wright of Walton, aged 72 years
BENNETT - In Rockland, May 10, Erford S. Bennett of Rockland, aged 80 years
MEINER - In Tampa, Fla., May 1, Felix G. Meiner of Tampa, formerly of Downsville, aged 82 years
JAYCOX - In Deposit, may 18, James E. Jaycox, of Deposit, aged 60 years
WILLIAMS - In Lavalette, N.J., May 15, Floyd T. Williams of Lavalette, aged 70 years
LAYTON - At Knapp's Nursing home, Honesdale, Pa., May 18, James E. Layton of Walton, aged 84 years
MAYER - Near McClure, May 16, Kenneth N. Mayer of Beebe Hill, Deposit, aged 18 years
BIER - At Stilesville, May 19, Mr. Simon BIER of Stilesville, age 68 years
WALTERS - At Sidney hospital May 21, Herbert C. Walters of Sidney aged 83 years
HOUCK - At Fox Hospital, Oneonta, May 21, Lawrence Houck of Franklin, aged 83 years
Binghamton Press - 26 Oct 1961 - The funeral of Mrs. Emma OLIVER GLADSTONE will be held Saturday at 10 a.m. at the Thomas J. Shea Funeral Home, 137 Robinson St. The Rev. Carl Polheinn, pastor of the Immanuel Presbyterian Church will officiate. Burial will be in Andes Cemetery, Andes, N.Y. Friends may call at the funeral home his evening from 7 to 9 and Friday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.**
Walton Reporter - July 1?, 1965 - Heart Attack Fatal To Mrs. BRUCE - Walton Resident Was Committeewoman - Mrs. Julia ADAMS Bruce of 33 Townsend street, Walton, succumbed to a heart attack in her home about 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon, June 27, 1965. She had been in failing health for several months and had recently been discharged from a hospital.
"Mrs. Republican" - Mrs. Bruce devoted most of her adult life to the cause of Republicanism, had served as a Republican committeewoman continuously in the town of Walton for about 25 years. She was appointed a state committeewoman four years ago and held that office at the time of her death. She had been Sixth District director of the New York State Federation of Republican Women's clubs until a few weeks ago.
Mrs. Bruce was given a standing ovation by members of the federation at a luncheon and meeting in Delhi Tech dining room in May, when George Ingalls, State Assembly minority leader, joined those attending in paying tribute to her continued efforts and zeal in behalf of the Republican party.
An untiring civic worker, Mrs. Bruce had been a chairman of many fund campaigns including those for cancer, heart and polio. She was president of the Delaware County Cancer committee.
"Petitions Ready" - Although Mrs. Bruce had been hospitalized for three weeks in the spring, she later attended the $100-a-plate Republican dinner in New York city and was also present at the annual Delaware County Republican committee meeting in Delhi. She was preparing to start out this week with her petitions for signatures to place her name on the ballot in the fall primaries for the office of Walton Town Clerk, a position she had lost in the election two years ago.
She had served as assistant to the late Alexander A. NEISH as a deputy town clerk, having been appointed in 1957. After his death, she was elected to that office the following fall and served as town clerk until two years ago.
Mrs. Bruce was born in Cannonsville, the daughter of William B. and Ola SMITH ADAMS. She was married on Nov. 8, 1919, to William P. Bruce in Walton. She had made her home at the Townsend street address for the past 44 years.
"Active in D.A.R." - She was a member of Christ Episcopal church, Walton, and former member of the Cannonsville Baptist church. She was a member and past regent of the Mary Weed Marvin Chapter, Daughters of American Revolution, member of the Order of Eastern Star, V.F.W. auxiliary, member of the Walton Republican club and past president of the Delaware County Republican Women's club.
Funeral services will be Wednesday at 3 in the First Baptist church, Walton, Rev. Douglas P. Walrath, pastor of the church officiating. Burial will be in Walton cemetery. Friends who wish may contribute to a memorial fund in her name at the First Baptist church.
Surviving are her husband and one son, William, at home; one daughter, Mrs. Donald (Louise) CAREY of Richmondville; five sisters, Mrs. Edwin L. CADY of Montgomery, Ala., Mrs. Robert J. WHEELER of Whitesboro, Mrs. Ward McLAUGHLIN, Unadilla, Mrs. Kenneth WRIGHT of Afton and Mrs. Leland B. BOYD of Deposit;; two brothers, Rev. William B. Ådams of Bethesda, Md., and Ralph S. Adams of Grahamsville.**
Walton Reporter, Nov ?, 1967 - Leon RIVENBURG, 72, of Cooperstown Junction, died Tuesday, Nov. 21, 1967, at Fox hospital, Oneonta, after a long illness.
Funeral services were Friday at 2 at the R. J. McCall funeral home, Delhi, Rev. Billy C. Sparkman, pastor of Delhi Methodist church officiating. Burial will be in Hamden cemetery.
Mr. Rivenburg was born at Hamden, Apr. 7, 1895, son of John and Julia (SIMMONS) Rivenburg. He was unmarried, a retired farmer and veteran of World War I. HE was a member of World War Barracks 914.
Surviving is one sister, Mrs. Ada M. HOLLEY, Cooperstown Junction.**
Walton Reporter - __ Mar 1974 - Driver, 88, Dies After Deposit Crash - Services were Monday from Palumbo funeral Home, Deposit for Hermon C. FAULKNER, 88, a retired farmer of that area who died as a result of injuries sustained in a two-car accident in the village of Deposit Friday morning.
Deposit village police, who investigated, said that Mr. Faulkner was westbound on Second street and turned left into the path of an auto driven by Rev. Lester Cochran of Deposit.
Both men were taken to Read Memorial hospital by the Deposit ambulance, but the age of Mr. Faulkner was against him and he died soon after arrival. The clergyman was released the following day, after being held overnight for observation.
"Lifetime in Area" - The victim, a lifelong resident of the area was born on Shaver Hill, Deposit, May 9, 1885, the son of Mason H. and Ella HAYNES Faulkner. He was married to Hazel McCLURE, who is his only survivor.
Rev. Maurice Beguin of Deposit officiated at services for Mr. Faulkner, who will be buried in Walton cemetery. (note: he was the son of Nathan Hilton Faulkner not Mason H. as given in obit.)**