
Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site

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Mrs. Elizabeth Dent
(From Grand Gorge Cor.) 1917
On Friday morning, Sept.14, as the sun was rising over the eastern hills, the Death Angel entered our midst and claimed for his own one of our oldest and most respected citizens, Mrs. Elizabeth Dent bearing her on the win(d)s of the morning to that celestial city from which none ever return. Elizabeth Jenkins was born in Roxbury, Dec. 18, 1841, and in March, 1862, she became the wife of Thomas Dent of this place, who brought her as a bride to his pretty farm home on Ferris Hill, about one mile from this village, where she had ever since resided. Five children were born to them, all of whom are living; John, of this place, Joseph of Prattsville, Grant of Stamford. Mrs. C.H.(Anne) Morse of Roxbury and Charles, who has always resided on the farm with his mother, the father having died Jan. 25, 1881. There are also 20 grand-children, who with the sons and daughters are left to mourn the loss of one of the most tender, loving, self-sacrificing mothers we have ever known. For the past five years she had been afflicted with a serious spinal trouble which confined her to her home the greater portion of the time. About a year ago she fell and broke her arm which had since given her a great deal of trouble and on Sept. 3 she suffered a stroke of paralysis from which she never rallied, but passed peacefully away on Friday morning, Sept 14, as above stated. Many years ago Mrs Dent gave her heart to Christ and united with the Methodist Episcopal Church of which she had ever been a loyal, consistent member. She was also a member of the Ladies' Social Union of said church and although her health had not permitted her to meet with the ladies for a long time, yet she was a faithful member as she sent her dues from time to time and always kept in touch with the work, giving cheerfully and freely to promote any good work in which the society might be engaged. Mrs. Dent possessed a happy, cheerful disposition and although sorely afflicted for the past few years yet she never murmured, but met all her friends with a smiling face. The writer with many others will never forget the pleasant calls we have enjoyed a the Dent home. Truly a good Christian woman, a kind neighbor, a trusty friend and devoted mother has left us, and while we with the bereaved family and friends deeply mourn her loss, yet, we mourn not as those who are without hope for we know our loss is her eternal gain. She died as she lived, fully trusting in her Savior. The funeral, which was largely attended, was held at the home on Monday a 1 o'clock, her pastor, Rev. J.E. Parker, assisted by the Rev. E.N. Hubbard of Margaretville, a former pastor, officiating. The choir very sweetly sang two of her favorite hymns and Rev Mr. Parker feelingly sang that beautiful solo entitled "Shadows" which was most appropriate. The floral offerings were many and beautiful, showing the high esteem in which she was held by her friends. Interment in Fair View Cemetery (Grand Gorge).

Transcribed from the original newspaper obituary of my great-grandmother, Elizabeth Jenkins Dent (daughter of Lurancy Lockwood and Cornelius Jenkins). It does not indicate which Delaware County newspaper it appeared in. --Sheila Dent

John Dent from Grand Gorge Cor.
John Dent died very suddenly at his home near Gilboa, January 20, 1932, on the 68th anniversary of his birth. He was a member of one of the oldest families in this section, his grandfather and father having settled on the Dent Homestead on Ferris Hill in 1805. He is survived by four daughters, one son and several grandchildren; also a sister, Mrs. Chauncey Morse of Roxbury, and three brothers, Joseph of Prattsville. Grant M. of Stamford and Charles J., who resides on the old homestead. The children are Mrs. Benj. Osborn of Prattsville, Mrs. Harry Partridge of Grand Gorge, Mrs. Harriet Carlehena of Paterson, NJ, Thomas H Dent of Schenectady and Mrs. Ralph Dales of Stamford. His funeral was held in the Grand Gorge M.E. Church, Saturday at one p.m.,Rev. E.G. Glenn officiating. Burial in the family plot in Fair View Cemetery. E.W. Brown, funeral director, in charge. Transcribed from the original obituary of my great-uncle John Dent. The Delaware County newspaper source is unknown.--Sheila Dent

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a service of the Delaware County Historical Association located at 46549 State Highway 10, Delhi, NY 13753

Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger