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Regarding the following 3 obituaries: Jonathan H. Ballard was my husband's grandfather, Christopher was Jonathan H. Ballard's son and Irma Mae Griffin was the Roxbury Historian. --Linda Ballard

Source: Newspaper of Oct. 29, 1987, photocopied from a clipping in the Roxbury Public Library History Room

Irma Griffin Dies at 84
Wrote for News More Than 50 Years

Irma Mae Griffin, an area newspaper correspondent for more than half-a-century and historian for the Town of Roxbury, died early Monday morning, October 26 at her Roxbury home. She was 84.

Services will be Thursday, October 29 at 1 p. m. at the United Methodist Church in Roxbury with Rev. Robert Fuessie, pastor, officiating. Burial will be in the Roxbury Cemetery.

Calling hours will be after 1 p.m. on October 28 at the Miller Funeral Home, Main Street, Roxbury. The family will be in attendance from 7-9 p.m.

Miss Griffin was born on May 22, 1903 in Denver, the daughter of James and Matilda (Morse) Griffin.

She spent her entire life in Roxbury and was the valedictorian of the Roxbury High School Class of 1921. She was also a graduate of the Oneonta Normal School and later taught for two years in Bovina and one year in Westchester County before beginning employment as a clerk for the Gold Seal Insurance Company in Roxbury. She worked there until the office closed in 1929.

It was shortly after that time that Miss Griffin was asked to help compile the history of the Town of Roxbury and also began writing for several area newspapers. In addition to her long career as correspondent of the Catskill Mountain News, Miss Griffin also wrote for the Stamford Mirror Recorder, The Reproter in Walton and the Daily Star in Oneonta. In 1939 she was honored as the top "country correspondent" for her contribution to the Daily Star. (formerly the Oneonta Star).

Miss Griffin was also the author of several editions of the "History of Roxbury." Socially, she had a longtime involvement with organizations such as the Grange, Order of the Eastern Star, the Roxbury Library Association and Roxbury Central School Alumni Association. She was also a real estate salesperson for more than 30 years.

Richard Sanford, publisher of the Catskill Mountain News and the Stamford Mirror Recorder, has this to say about the passing of one of his company's most loyal employees:

The passing of Irma Mae Griffin represents the end of an era for weekly newspaper correspondents in Delaware County. Her loss will be mourned, not only by her family and friends, but also by the thousands of people who, each week, picked up copies of the papers for which she wrote to read about what was going on in the Roxbury area. Irma Mae Griffin was a tireless gatherer of information, motivated by a great interest in people about who she cared deeply. She was one of those writers who loved fill columns with the 'good' about her friends and neighbors.

"I firmly believe that her efforts over the years have been to develop the strong sense caring community that obviously exists in the Roxbury area. The work she has done for the Mirror Recorder in Stamord as well as for three generations of my family at the Catskill Mountain News in Margaretville have been deeply appreciated and along with her weekly column will be missed," Mr. Sanford added.

Miss Griffin was honored in August at a special "Irma Mae Griffin Day" sponsored by the town in recognition of her countlless contributions to the community.

She is survived by a sister, Mary Eignor of Fleischmanns, and a brother, Morse Griffin of Roxbury.

The Family has requested memorial contributions be given to the Roxbury Library Association or the Memorial Fund to the Methodist Church in Roxbury.

Submitted by Linda Ballard

SOURCE: The Fleischmanns Press - Fleischmsnns, NY - Friday, April 2, 1926

Christopher Ballard Succumbs to Operation

A death, which caused an unusual degree of sadness in the community, was that of Christopher Ballard, aged 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Ballard, of Clovesville, at the Benedictine Hospital, Kingston, last Sunday, following an operation for appendicitis. The immediate cause of death was loss of blood from internal hemorrhage, although transfusion was employed to save his life.

Christopher attended Fleischmanns High School until two years ago when ill health compelled him to give up his studies. His popularity with his schoolmates and teachers was attested in the closing of the school during the funeral and the many floral tributes on display at the church.

He is survived by his parents, and two younger brothers, Marion and Orville. The funeral services were held Thursday at the Old School Baptist Church in Clovesville, conducted by Elder George Rusten, Rev. F. P. Venable and Rev. Marion Combs, with burial in Clovesville cemetery.

Submitted by Linda Ballard

SOURCE: Catskill Mountain News, Margaretville, NY, Friday, May 31, 1935

Jonathan H. Ballard, son of Orville F. and Sarah F. Ballard, of Fleischmanns passed away at his residence at Clovesville Sunday, May 26. He was born on February 16, 1884 at Fleischmanns.

In 1902 he married Dora M. Beadle. Of this union there were three children, Christopher J., now deceased, Marion D., and Orville F.

For several years he operated one of the farms belonging to his family in Redkill. Later he engaged in the taxi business at Fleischmanns. While he has engaged in farming at Clovesville for the past ten years, last fall his failing health did not permit him to carry on his vocation, and he retired from active business pursuits.

Last week he caught a cold that developed into pneumonia, which was the immediate cause of his death.

Funeral services were held Wednesday at the residence. Internment was made in the family plot in the Clovesville cemetery.

While always attentive to business, Mr. Ballard was an enthusiastic sportsman and took great interest in athletics. In his youth he played for several years on the Fleischmanns baseball team, and until the team became an all professional one.

He is survived by his widow, the sons mentioned, one sister, Mrs. Albert Thompson and a grandchild.

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Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger