
Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site

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Early Marriage Records

Submitted by Linda Ogborn, November 1, 1998
from her collection of genealogical materials.

GROOM                    RESIDENCE                BRIDE                    RESIDENCE                  DATE            PLACE          BY
Allen, Phillip           Colchester, Del. Co.     Sprague, Harriet                                    Oct. 13, 1878   Union Grove    Wm. A. Hughson   
Hafley, Henry R.         Colchester, Del. Co.     Whitney, Mary Alice      Andes, Del. Co.            Dec. 3, 1878    Union Grove    Wm. A. Hughson   
Woolsey, Richard         Andes, Del. Co.          Finkle, Sarah                                       June 8, 1879    Union Grove    Wm. A. Hughson   
Kinch, Geoge             Colchester, Del. Co.     VanStienberg, Gertrude   Andes, Del. Co.            July 2, 1879    Union Grove    Wm. A. Hughson   
Jenkins, N.K.            Andes, Del. Co.          Whitney, Maggie                                     June 1, 1880    Union Grove    Wm. A. Hughson   
Thurman, Philo           Turnwood, Ulster Co.     Nield, Bessie            Andes, Del. Co.            June 1880       Union Grove    Wm. A. Hughson   
Robinson, Lorin M.       Roxbury, Del. Co.        Mead, Mary D.            Roxbury, Del.Co.           July 17, 1878   Roxbury        Geo. W. Ferris   
McUmber, Robert A.       Andes, Del. Co.          Crozier, Libie           Andes, Del. Co.            Aug. 14,1878    Roxbury        Geo. W. Ferris   
Brewster, Byron          Roxbury, Del. Co.        Bouton, Mary J.          Roxbury, Del. Co.          Sep. 17,1878    Roxbury        Geo. W. Ferris   
Smith, Arthur D.         Margaretville, Del.Co.   Cator, Mary E.           Roxbury, Del.Co.           Oct. 14, 1878   Roxbury        Geo. W. Ferris   
Franks, Abram            Margareville, Del.Co.    Dickson, Addie M.        Timberville, Del. Co.      Apr.27,1879     Roxbury        Geo. W. Ferris   
Follett, Charles E.      Roxbury, Del. Co.        Manderville, Henryetta   Roxbury, Del. Co.          May 29,1879     Roxbury        Geo. W. Ferris   
VanValkenburgh, John F.  Roxbury, Del. Co.        Halstead, Phebe A.       Margaretville, Del.Co.     July 19, 1879   Roxbury        Geo. W. Ferris   
Ackerly, John W.         Grand Gorge, Del.Co.     Meek, Carrie W.          Prattsville, Greene Co.    Oct. 12, 1879   Roxbury        Geo. W. Ferris   
Parris, Henry            Meredith, Del. Co.       Schultz, Mary A.         Roxbury, Del. Co.          Feb. 18, 1880   Roxbury        Geo. W. Ferris   
Dean, Wallace V.         Kellys Corners,Del.Co    Davis, Harriet R.        Roxbury, Del.Co.           Mar. 4, 1880    Roxbury        Geo. W. Ferris   
Leming, Isaac G.         Roxbury, Del. Co.        Reed, Almira             Roxbury, Del.Co.           Mar. 17, 1880   Roxbury        Geo. W. Ferris   
Davis, Charles A.        Shocan, Ulster Co.       Robinson, Mary S.        Roxbury, Del. Co.          July 13, 1879   Roxbury        Geo. W. Ferris   
McDonald, Clark H.                                Shaw, Amelia                                        Jan. 17, 1874   Andes                           
Silvernail, George                                Brinkman, Mary E.                                   Mar. 4, 1874    Franklin       Wm. A. Dunning   
Jack, James                                       Jamison, Maranna L.                                 Jan. 15, 1874   Andes          A. Ashton        
O'Neal, Robert           Ozark, Missouri          Littlejohn, Sarah        Hamden, Del. Co.           Mar. 25, 1874   Downsville     J.L.G.Ketchum    
Darlin, George W.        Tompkins, Del.Co.        Palmer, Rosalia A.       Tompkins, Del.Co.          Oct. 17, 1874                  Wm. A.Dunning    
Tremper, Charles R.      Andes, Del.Co.           Spathen, Mary C.         Hardenburg, NY             Mar. 17, 1874   Downsville     J.L.G.Ketchum    
Hillsinger, Peter        Esopus, NY               Simonson, Betsy A.       Conesville, NY             Nov. 30, 1874   Roxbury        O.P. Dales       
Arbuckle, Patrick        Walton, Del. Co.         Kilpatrick, Eliza        Walton, Del. Co.           Mar. 4, 1874    Walton         S.W. Meek        
Mitchell, William W.     Napanoch, NY             Preston, Mary W.         Roxbury, Del. Co.          Dec. 29, 1874   Roxbury        O.P. Dales       
Doig, Patrick M.         Hamden, Del. Co.         Arbuckle, Nancy          Walton, Del. Co.           Mar. 4, 1874    Walton         Boyd McCullough  
Burnham, Hector C.       Big Indian, Ulster Co.   Morgan, Susie A.         Griffins Corners, Del Co   Dec. 17, 1873   Clovesville    Geo. W. Ferris   
Depew, John              Marbletown,Ulster Co     Murray, Mary L.          Middletown, Del. Co.       Dec. 28, 1873   Clovesville    Geo. W. Ferris   
Humphrey, Albert R.      Lexington, Greene Co.    Osterhout, Sarah M.      Griffins Corners, Del Co   Mar. 8, 1874    Clovesville    Geo. W. Ferris   
Russell, Grant           Hobart, Del. Co.         McGarry, Emma            Roxbury, Del. Co.          Aug. 2, 1874    Roxbury                         
Law, James               Hamden, Del. Co.         Tompkins, Adeline        Walton, Del. Co.           Aug. 20, 1874   Walton         S.W. Meek        
Lowden, Albert G.        Walton, Del. Co.         Bowker, Adelia A.        Hancock, Del. Co.          Aug. 22, 1874   Walton         S.W. Meek        
Winchell, Columbus       Olive, NY                Moseman, Celestia        Roxbury, Del. Co.          Oct. 18, 1874   Roxbury        S.W. Meek        
Proper, James Willard    Gilboa, NY               Mackey, Rosetta          Gilboa, NY                 Dec. 23, 1874   Roxbury        O.P. Dales       
Herring, William H.      Walton, Del. Co.         Rowley, Nellie A.        Sidney, Del. Co.           Apr. 2, 1874                   W.A. Dunning     
McCabe, Bradley B.       Union Grove, Del.Co.     Hitt, Libbie E.                                     Oct. 23, 1872   Union Grove                     
Waterman, George W.      Harvard, Del. Co.        Ingersoll, Libbie        Harvard, Del. Co.          Dec. 30, 1874                  Eli Quick        
Baxter, W.J.             Harvard, Del. Co.        Fuller, M.E.             Colchester, Del.Co.        Feb. 3, 1874    Colchester     Eli Quick        
Morhouse, Gould W.       Hartwick, Otsego Co.     Jester, Sarah A.         Franklin, Del. Co.         Feb. 10, 1875   Franklin       W.A. Dunning     
Lawrence, Horace D.      Gilboa, NY               Griffin, Minnie          Gilboa, NY                 Nov. 4, 1875    Roxbury        O.P. Dales       
McNee, Charles           Roxbury, Del. Co.        Cartwright, Isabel       Roxbury, Del. Co.          Nov. 4, 1875    Roxbury        O.P. Dales       
Stors, Leroy             Tompkins, Del. Co.       Moore, Rachel S.         Tompkins, Del. Co.         Jan. 1, 1876    Sands Creek    John W. Gorse    
Redmond, Reuben U.       Tompkins, Del. Co.       Sands, Deborah C.        Tompkins                   Jan. 12, 1876   Cannonsville   John W. Gorse    
Miles, William           Tompkins, Del. Co.       Carpenter, Mercy A.      Tompkins                   Jan. 12, 1876   Cannonsville   John W. Gorse    
Montgomery, Hiram, Jr.   Roxbury, Del. Co.        Scudder, Ella            Roxbury, Del. Co.          Feb. 2, 1876    Roxbury        O.P.Dales        
Payne, J. Edgar          Franklin, Del. Co.       Bissell, Alice M.        Franklin, Del. Co.         July 4, 1876    Franklin       W.A. Dunning     
Stone, Frank H.          Scranton, Penn.          Mills, Hattie E.         Franklin, Del. Co.         May 24, 1876    Franklin       W.A.Dunning      
Johnson, Edward          Franklin, Del. Co.       Edwards, Lucia E.        Franklin, Del. Co.         Feb. 9, 1876    Franklin       W.A. Dunning     
Silvernail, J.P.         Brooklyn, NY             Dales, Ella M.           Harpersfield, Del. Co.     July 4, 1876    Roxbury        O.P. Dales       
Adams, Frank W.          Prattsville, Greene Co.  Case, Sarah              Harpersfield, Del.Co.      Sept. 17, 1876  Harpersfield   O.P. Dales       
Worden, Ira J.           Bovina, Del. Co.         Archibald, Mary A.       Bovina, Del. Co.           Sept. 1876      Roxbury        O.P.Dales        
DeCore, Isaac A.         Harrison Co., Iowa       Porter, L. Elizbeth      Unadilla, NY               Sept. 4, 1876   Franklin       W.A.Dunning      
Hewitt, John B.          Bovina, Del. Co.         Adee, Cornelia H.        Bovina, Del. Co.           Nov. 8, 1876    Bovina         O.P. Dales       
Buell, Henry                                      Bartlett, Sarepta                                                   Franklin       W.A.Dunning      

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a service of the Delaware County Historical Association located at 46549 State Highway 10, Delhi, NY 13753

Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger