
Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site

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Names from Book 4 of the Marriage Records Index

Apr. 25, 1912 to Oct. 18, 1913
on file at the Delaware County Clerk's Office.

Transcribed from original records by Linda Ogborn and Deb Goodrich

Note: The data contained here is to be used in conjunction with the Marriage Index files online since April of 1998. Use the 'find' feature of your browser to find names on any particular page.
Pg.   GROOM                       FATHER          MOTHER                 BRIDE                       FATHER                  MOTHER 
1     McKenna, Thomas J.          John            Hooker                 Catherine Stewart           Duncan Stewart          McFarlane                        
2     Henry Little, Jr.           Henry           Ann   (?)              May Katherine Nicoll        William Nicoll          Elizabeth Garrick                
3     Edmund A. VanKeuren         James           Mary Hitt              Mable E. Woodard            Nelson Woodard          Ellen Snyder                     
4     Frank L. Norton             Alfred          Georgia Parks          Cora Bell Sliter            Augustus Sliter         Frances Palmatier                
5     Archie D. Hinkley           John B.         Emily Keator           Elsie F. Sanford            Amos R. Sanford         Carrie Chamberlain               
6     Leslie J. McNaughton        John B.         Shaver                 Caroline Palmer             Charles Palmer          Gladstone                        
7     William Warren Honeywell    James R.        Mary Walsworth         Maude Margaret Carpenter    William S. Carpenter    Phoebe M. Mason                  
8     Orrie Smith                 Ira             Louisa A. Burgin       Mary Olive Stewart          Alexander Stewart       Lillian Margaret White           
9     William Addin Cole          Jessie E.       Marathana Burdick      Nettie Anna Schoonmaker     John D.                 Anna Rosa                        
10    Stanley W. Pratt            Alonzo          Rose Sigsbee           Nellie M. Beach             Watson H. Beach         Estella M. Hotaling              
11    Melvin C. Martin            John            Adelia More            Luella M. Hall              James Burlison          Caroline Weaver                  
12    Jacob P. Eckert             Harry           Ida M. Burgin          Bell Scrum                  George Scrum            Mary Case                        
13    Bertram J. Sheffield        William H.      Serena VanHorn         Helen E. Grant              Orlando B. Foote        Ella Stevens                     
14    Elmer S. Palmer             George          Catherine Simonson     Katharyn Middaugh           John Middaugh           Jennie Haynes                    
15    Albert Durey                Jasin           Sara Skinner           Malisie Riggs               Herron Whitaser         Malisie Mallory                  
16    Harrison Ross Empet         Mortaran        Jennie Wilber          Melissa Northrup            Lagrange Northrup       Lucinda Chapman                  
17    Claud Lee Empet             Mortaran        Jennie Wilber          Blanche Luella Teed         William Gilbert Tuch    Julia A. MacDonald               
18    Rufus Dewitt Bolster        Rufus L.        Eleanor Wilsey         Mary Ester Grant            Orrin Nims              Ester Ann Westcott               
19    Martin Peter Goy            Michael         Ida May Barringer      Mary Susey Dimicco (?)      Joseph                  Rose S(?)                        
20    Edward Enderlin             George          Salina Rutenhouser     Gertrude Kerslaker          Thomas Kerslaker        Jane White                       
21    Stephen W. Moseman          Peter           Delores Truesdell      Christian Dwyer             Lawrence Dwyer          Christina Whispel                
22    Ezra J. Morse               Joseph          Alba C. Ellis          Abigail Mead                Eli Hummewell           Jane Unknown)                    
23    Frank Stewart               John B.         Eliza Brown            Stella M Mead               Nathaniel Mead          Abbie Hummel                     
24    John Lane                   Thomas          Sarah Johnson          Harriet Amanda Sandds       Madison Sands           Phebe Seymour                    
25    J. Ward Stewart             J. J.           Kittie Stewart         Hazel Irene Niles           Edward E. Niles         Martha Thurston                  
26    Cook VanValkenburg          George          Ellen Johnson          Mary E. Honeywell           George Honeywell        Elizabe McClelland               
27    Arnold J. Condon            Richard         Alice Odell            Grace E. Hoyt               Julius C. Hoyt          Maggie Bookhout                  
28    Archibald D. McLachlan      Duncan          Eliza M (?)            Clara B. Grant              George E. Wakeman       Matilda Fox                      
29    William Frable              David           Mary Cramer            Bertha Knowles              Charles Knowles         Sarah VanValkenburg              
30    Grover C. Merritt           James D.        Mary C. Baxter         Florence Idella Dimmick     James R.                Frances A. Twiss                 
31    Alfred George Linchedge     Edwin J.        Edith Hill             Minnie L. Entrott           John William Entrott    Elizabeth Schoonmaker            
32    Stanley Daniel McLaren      James H.        Mary Wilbur            Elizabeth Doig Haslett      Robert Haslett          Nancy Doig                       
33    Charles H. More             George M.       Fanny Barlow           Fanny Cornell               Avery Cornell           Mary Greene                      
34    William Dayton Nichols      John O.         Mary Dayton            Lila Brown Markle           Byron Markle            Helen Manderstock                
35    William Long                Christopher     Mandy Kelley           Hannah L. Case              Caleb Case              Ruttealas Patchen                
36    Peter Frances Brady         Charles H.      Anna Montagone         Florence Pearl Lee          William M. Lee          Minnie Harnes                    
37    William H. Hammond          William H.      Sarah Walling          Ana Leta Murdock            Arthur Murdock          Calista Irons                    
38    Sanford Odell               Nathanel Odell SEunice Odell           Emma Hartwell               Fred Hartwell           Anna Hanlstood                   
39    William H. Wheeler          James           Luise Dardowville      Mildred Skinner             Emmett Skinner          Angeline Avery                   
40    Frank Meyer                 John            Mary Shaw              Emma York                   Charles York            Hannah Conway                    
41    Sebastino Pallaschni        Dominick        Concetta Dessasgale    Louise Trambetteo           Petro Trambetteo        L (?) Manto                      
42    Thomas Gray                 Samuel          Sarah Pike             Mary Sherman Young          Miner Sherman           Eliza Banker                     
43    Eugene Smith                George          Elizabeth Adee         Emma Chandler               Edward Chandler         Lucy Roe                         
44    Edwin F. Becker             Harley          Anna Biglow            Viven Hunt Neidig           James Hunt              Nettie McCable                   
45    R. Bruce Seath              R. B.           Mary Fraser            Iva Finkle                  Andrew Finkle           Angelica VanDusen                
46    John H. Slade               William         Estelle Havical        Letitia A. Morington        Demetrius Monington     Hattie Slavek                    
47    Vernie W. Cable             John            Ella Roosa             Hazel M. Elderkin           J. Herbert Pomeroy      Irena Pomeroy                    
48    Henry Fairbairn             Nelson          Emma Delameter         Lila Allison                Mark Allison            Delia Burton                     
49    Myron Sickler               Archie          Ida Alger              Vestina B. VanDeusen        Frank                   Mary Knapp                       
50    Edward N. Conrow            Robert W.       Not Known              Mammioe B. Lutz             John M. Lutz            Rose Sheflin                     
51    Ray W. Roberts              Isaac W.        Norah J. Winne         Blanche Shout               Manton H. Shout         Mary E. Green                    
52    John Murray                 John D.         Jessie Miner           Ethel M. Clapp              Chas. S. Whileker       Ella Blish                       
53    Ellis H. Menhennett         Pierson         Catherine McCully      Mary  S. Crawford           Robert Crawford         Mary Smith                       
54    Clarence Clearwater         Jacob           R (?)                  Mary Rickard                Joseph Rickard          Elizabeth Geer                   
55    Grant Edwards               Enoch           Anna Bell Mantz        Blanche Fingado             Theodore                Velma Chase                      
56    David VanDyke               Myron           Augusta Higgins        Anita Elizabeth Bagg        Horace Bagg             Elizabeth Clara Blaser           
57    William Henry Lockwood      Joseph H.       Harriett Hill          Lotta Bell Southern         Joseph H. Youngs        Lamilla Ward                     
58    Harry Wells Baldwin         William H.      Mollie Wells           Affie Miller                Frederick Hammdon       Rosanna Hornbeck                 
59    Fred E. Chamberlain         Alonzo D.       Ida F. Feriss          Nella Eliza Spencer         George R. Spencer       Charlotte E. Teed                
60    Thomas Edwards              Michael         Ida B. Dumond          Kathryn E. Hunt             William H. Hunt         Z. Knapp                         
61    F (?) S. Furman             Nathan B.       Sarah E. Streeter      Mary Loomis                 Unknown                 Elizabeth Loomis                 
62    Henry L. Finger             Howard          Catherine Dedrick      Lillian Pearl Cure          Francis Cure            Catherine Law                    
63    Charles M. Allabin          Charles S.      Mary E. Moore          Fanny M. Jackson            James K. P. Jackson     J. Alice Grant                   
64    Burton L. Archibald         James R.        Jennie Winter          Theresa M. Ruff             Edward Ruff             Grace Robson                     
65    Ward E. Roberts             Isaac W.        Nora J. Winnie         Mary H. Stakl (?)           Elmer E. Stakl (?)      Minnie Morse                     
66    Arthur Sibronisky           Frank           Unknown                Julia Diskapishi            Arhtur Diskapishi       Unknown                          
67    Sameul C. Robinson          Samuel C.       Lucy Wickham           Jennie McArthur             John McArthur           Elizabeth McAlpin                
68    Alden D. Pickens            Alrenzo         Ada Brooks             Myrtle Jenkins              George Jenkins          Emma Bouton                      
69    Duncan Ballentine           Ephream         Eva Chrispell          Charlote Stinnagel          Jacob Stinnagel         Emma West                        
70    Leo Joseph Govern           Mathew          Margaret Martin        Katherine Moore             Charles Moore           Georgianna Gibbs                 
71    Washington Whitcomb         Ruel            Mary Burr              Lillie Hull                 William A. Hull         Fannie D. Hitt                   
72    Charles H. Fanning          Charles S.      Julia Peet             Blanche L. Burdick          E. J. Burdick           Eva Beech                        
73    Walter F. Moxley            Ira             Lucinda K. Hurst       Jennie E. Egnor             Severn Egnor            Margaret Oakley                  
74    Marcus E. Richter           Moritz          Therese Kosant         Harriet C. Stanley          Herbert Stanley         Orline Zeh                       
75    John Arthur Huston          William Mervin  Elizabeth Rickay       Alice May Humphrey          Robert E. Humphrey      Jennie E. Sturges                
76    Bart A. Hawk                George W.       Maria Luscomb          Fannie Brant                Porter Brant            Sadie White                      
77    Harry L. Shaw               Charles W.      Augusta Mattice        Mayme M. Pierce             Benjamin H. Pierce      Anna Bolles                      
78    John Walter Ringholm        John A.         Emily Terrell          Jennie Bell Mabon           William Mabon           Grace McPhail                    
79    Stratford F. VanValkenburg  Frank           Hattie Finch           Edith G. Gifford            Stephen L. Gifford      Alta Allen                       
80    Ernest L. Bristol           Horace          Carrie Bell            Anna H. Sellas              William Sellas          Tryphena Wheeler                 
81    George R. Haley             Hiram W.        Catherine Black        Bertha M. Wilson            Chester Wilson          Mary Signor                      
82    George W. Windsor           Albert          Nancy Reynolds         Ethel McPhail               John McPahil            Lizzie King                      
83    Addison Cronk, Jr.          Addison J.      Eliza R. VanDyke       Clarrisa Ellen Morse        Ezra Joseph Morse       Olive Ellen Beadle               
84    Frank Morrison Nutt         Isaac           Julia St. John         Jennie Maude Chelms         Peter Chelms            Minerva Young                    
85    Charles Ervin Olmsted       Levi            Ella Scofield          Edith Emily Noxon           Emory Noxon             Lucy Taylor                      
86    Gary H. McClaughry          Howard          Alice Baxter           Blanch Kellam               Daniel Lord             Julia Lockwood                   
87    George N. Lanman            August H.       Anna M. Hanckatte      Frances A. Wheeler          George W. Wheeler       Mary W.Fisher                    
88    Royal V. Campbell           Hugh J.         Minnie Gregory         Mary Anna Gilmore           William Gilmore         Rebecca Cochran                  
89    Tracy Keesler               George          Nellie Bennett         Genevieve Schrader          John Schrader           Effie Snedaker                   
90    John W. Hanley              John L.         Harriet Kettles        Anna L. Drew                John Drew               Augusta Cook                     
91    Austin Gorton               Emmitt          Isabella Hurlbert      Pearl Douglas               Frank Douglas           Emily Johnson                    
92    Blank                                                                                                                                                   
93    John D. Hawk                Henry Hawk      Sarah Frances Wicmer   Nancey Wormuth              James Wormuth           Fannie Hulse                     
94    John J. Really              Louis           Luise Schafer          Blanche Odell               William Odell           Abbie Chamberlain                
95    DeForest Babcock            Addison R.      Helen Gibson           Selena Stori                Jmes W. Storie          Margaret A. Babcock              
96    Claude Stanley Terry        Jacob V.        J. May Palmer          Katie May Clark             W. Frank Clark          Eva Birdsall                     
97    Lewis P. Cronk              Addison         Eliza VanDyke          Blanche E. Salisbury        William H. Salisbury    Rose Sternberg                   
98    Lamont F. Jones             R. F.           Addie F. Buck          Bernice M. Lake             Dr. E. B. Lake          Mattie Taylor                    
99    George Anderson             William         Ella Cronk             Mary Dibble                 Marges Gerowe           Adaline Jacobs                   
100   Henry G. Edwards            Michael         Ida B. Dumond          Maud S. Jones               Daniel Jones            Mary E. Bailey                   
101   James S. Scott              William         Ella Roweland          Madge L. McLaury            Markle McLaury          Harriet Clark                    
102   Ward G. Hamm                George W.       Mary Pindar            Elizabeth H. Peck           J. Irving Peck          Esther Reed                      
103   Leslie R. Andrews           William S.      Agnes L. Rowe          Orpha Seward Stein          Charles A. Stein        Julia A. Hunt                    
104   Albert C. Rise              Charles         Emma Tuttle            Lena E. Dibble              John Dibble             Mary Smith                       
105   George L. Hornbeck          Cornelius       Mary Elizabeth Becker  Agnes C. Beers              George H. Kinsey        Jane Beers                       
106   Walter S. Hoyt              Sherman E.      Mary A. Jamieson       Edith R. Pierson            George J. Pierson       Rose Berray                      
107   Howard Cornelius Kinch      Elmer E.        Anna Sherman           Violet Stidd                Lewis Stidd             Ida France                       
108   Harry G. Edgerton           George          Mary Wightman          Emma J. Pomeroy             Dwight S. Pomeroy       Maggie Johnsn                    
109   Clive J. Stewart            James E.        Margaret Ward          Julia C. Smith              J. Edward Smith         Anna Mahan                       
110   Frank E. Deyo               Alvin           Sarah Frances          Grace E. Miner              Gilbert Miner           Dora Lawson                      
111   James E. Smith              James E.        Anna Mahan             Clara J. Beers              Chester Beers           Ida Taggart                      
112   William A. Davis            Henry S.        Ema E. Morse           Cynthia J. Fitch            Lewis C. Fitch          Lilly D. Barnhart                
113   George Menaker              Solomon         Fanny Tucks            Sadie Goward                Geroge Goward           Mary Ostro                       
114   S. R. Handy                 Arden           Willa E. Hancock       Margaret E. LaMont          Archibald LaMont        Jane Platner                     
115   Ray Dell Morse              Adelbert        Mary Titus             Mary Elizabeth Carrington   Losee Carrington        Kittie Gaylord                   
116   Charles Becker Milligan     Robert J.       Caroline Becker        Lepha E. Turk               Lewis Loyd              Harriet Ellerson                 
117   Ross Griswold               Eugene          Lilliam Weldon         Esther DeMelt               Marshall DeMelt         Sarah Bidwell                    
118   Edward Oneil                Bernard         Katherine Madgner      Cecile Brown                Michael Brown           Cecile Dosan                     
119   Thomas Brown North          C. W.           Lozu A. Brown          Nellie Amelia Root          Charles S. Root         Cora E. Eggleston                
120   Clarence William Hazen      William         Louisa Adelaide Clark  Lillian Boyer               Jacob Boyer             Frances Puobinson (?)            
121   Charles M. Hunt             William M.      Ruth M. Seeley         Anna M. Coulter             Robert M. Northrop      Anna Van Steinburgh              
122   William Washburn            Harris          Eva Miller             Frances Mary VanSteenburgh  Richard VanSteenburgh   Maggie McArthur                  
123   Clark Weidman               Ralph           Frances Keyser         Lina N. Golden              Warren W. Golden        Lettie M. Sutton                 
124   Henry E. Hetherington       Samuel          Sarah Haddon           M. Olive Douglass           L. H. Douglass          Anna Smith                       
125   Ward Frayer                 Phillip         Elmira Baird           Pearl Edith Clark           Stephen Clark           Martha Bullis                    
126   John Knapp, Jr.             John Knapp      Delia Davis            Leona Inman                 Clarence Inman          Mary Schwalbasch                 
127   Fred Kellam                 ------          Harriet Mitchell       Belle Neer                  David Neer              Mary Wormuth                     
128   Walter M. Kelly             James           Alice Masters          Lorna D. Rolland            Henry C. Rolland        Elizabeth Decker                 
129   Michael Oblinsky            Valentine       Jospehine Sivtov       Eva Halleck                 Ludvig Halleck          Katie Hallock                    
130   Clarence Mawhinney          James           Jennie Underwood       Grace Dyer                  Jewett Dyer             Mina Simonson                    
131   Jesse V. Dibble             Jesse           Helen V. Vate          Luella M. Boggs             E. O. Boggs             Mary Glendenning                 
132   Hugh A. Gamwell             H. R.           Jennie A. Allison      Lottie L. Hastings          Charles Hastings        Lottie McNaughton                
133   Arthur F. Beesmer           Charles         Augusta Lockwood       Ida E. Hanford              Samuel Hanford          Jamina Williams                  
134   William Nichols             Chester         Ella Nichols           Edith Bowker                William Bowker          Freda Patchen                    
135   Howard B. Potter            Alton O.        Ida Bristol            Edna F. Moscript            Peter Moscript          Anna Frasier                     
136   Hugh Benedict               James W.        Harriet Durland        Virginia Seward Harrison    Gordon Harrison         Louise Pickett                   
137   Alexander Joseph Schlafer   Antony          Josephine Herburgh     Mary Francis Walton         George M. Walton        Georgeann Costine                
138   Jesse B. Stoutenberg        John            Abbie Taylor           Etta M. Clark               C. F. Clark             Carrie Gardner                   
139   Frank Sherman Armstrong     Sherman         Julia Hoyt             Irene McLachlan             Archibald McLachlan     Mary Scott                       
140   William H. Neish            William         Agnes Lewis            Katherine E. Doig           Walter Doig             Agnes Derrie                     
141   Ransler G. Banks            Casper G.       Mary J. Bellknay       Lenora M. Germond           Arthur B. Germond       Adella C. Decker                 
142   Bruce G. Craft              Richard P.      Sarah Ganoung          Florence M. Peet            George W. Peet          Elizabeth Lawrence               
143   William Douglas Burus       William         Emily Jane McFarland   Bessie Isabelle Hughes      James Hughes            Margaet Sinclair                 
144   Charles E. Rowe             Lorenzo Rowe    Eliza Bryan            Linda B. Hotchkiss          Orlando Hotchkiss       Clara Miller                     
145   Charles C. Mac Gillevray    George          Olive Sheffield        Dora B. Edwards             Mitchel Stadel          Sarah Merrill                    
146   Fred H. Fletcher            H. D.           Hattie M. Herrick      Ella Gardepe                Frank Gardepe           Catherine Luster                 
147   Albert Eckert               Eli             Whilla Jennings        Rachel Wormuth              Elias Wormuth           Phebi Hulse                      
148   Harry Houck                 Grant           Abbie Cable            Bessie Van Arx              Rudolph Van Arx         Rodella Foster                   
149   Lewis Cornelius Beers       Salem B.        Cora Blinn             Lena B. Hartwell            Fred G. Hartwell        Minnie B. Hoagland               
150   Orie Robinson               Ellery          Eunice Hinkley         Eulalia Steele              James Steele            Frances P. Walker                
151   Joseph I. Holmes            Robert          Nancy Grinley          Martha L. Williams          George W. Fuller        Martha M. Barnhart               
152   Irving J. Figger            Lewis M.        Helen M. Parris        Jessie M. Bryden            Henry B. Parris         Mary Amanda Schultz              
153   Thomas Mason                Richard         Catherine Finney       Emma C. (Ziegler) Culver    Eliash Ziegler          Susanna Conner                   
154   Frank C. Armstrong          John            Isabella Coulter       Mary E. Neidig              John Neish              Amelia Barnhart                  
155   Cyrus St. John              William L.      Sarah Benedict         Florence B. Benz            John Benz               Caroline Louise Bieber           
156   Cecil Edward Feltman        Thomas          Annie Ackerly          Mary Cordelia Budine        George Budine           Hattie Scovill                   
157   Wallie Osterhout            Wallie          Hattie Myers           Lola E. Happy               Isaiah Gritman Happy    Lizzie Hanover                   
158   Obed J. Cure                Frasier Cure    Etta Law               Alice Luella Lasher         John W. Lasher          Mary Johnson                     
159   Seager B. George            Hiram N.        Phebe Seager           Blanche M. VanValkenburgh   Henry VanValkenburgh    Elizabeth Platt                  
160   Raymond L. Keator           George          Mary Keator            Richardaenia Hill           Edward M. Hill          Delilah Corbin                   
161   Eugene A. Rock              Louis           Mary Lombard           Harriett Wollheater         Lawrence Woolheater     Ella Hendrix                     
162   George Murray               James G.        Lydia Kelly            Edith M. Dodds              George R. Dodds         Lillian Tait                     
163   Ray E. Manzer               Bernard A.      Louise Rockwell        Gertrude B. Naragan         Earl Naragan            Emma Hunt                        
164   Elmer B. Cole               William C.      Marcia Bartlett        Marion L. Bissell           Irvin gBisell           Emma Herkimer                    
165   Delos E. Decker             Charles         Addie Georgia          Leilah B. Burdick           Frank Burdick           Drusilla Bruce                   
166   Loran Elwood Mason          Homer           Catherine Eck          Jennie Grant McDonald       James Grant McDonald    Anna Ledbury                     
167   Edgar Ralph Harris          Ralph           Ella Thomas            Elsie M. Dean               Gould Dean              Julia Baxter                     
168   Frank C. Smith              Stephen         Viola Eggleston        Grace E. Kelsey             Leroy W. Kelsey         Mary A. Bowdish                  
169   Walter S. Vosburgh          Stuart          Harriet Tryan          Julia A. Northrup           James Frsibee           Effie Tryan                      
170   James S. Fitzgerald         James H.        Viola Lamb             Grace E. Hess               Alton Hess              Effie Martin                     
171   William Y. Hulbert          George          Frances Kinch          Jennie M. Neff              Walter Kieff            Violettie Napp                   
172   George Ellis                John            Mollie Keeler          Harriet B. Bailey           Frank D. Bailey         Carrie Parker                    
173   Charles Brezee Edwards      Jerome          Viola Brezee           Edith Elizabeth Tuttle      Frank Tuttle            Corry McKane                     
174   Herschel E. Stout           Theodore S.     Catherine Tilton       Bessie M. Van Etten         Leonard Van Etten       Celia Legge                      
175   Emory Lewis Burdick         Elisha          Abagie Albee           Elizabth R. Wright          Cyrus Reed              Almira Owen                      
176   William James Jamieson      James           Ellen Silvernail       Minna Margaret Soule        Henry Soule             Rose Lee Bentley                 
177   William J. Saddler          William         Lizzy Haas             Martha Roloson              Andrew J. Roloson       Catharine Bosler                 
178   Gilbert E. Fay              Eugene C. Fay   Sarah E. Dutcher       Anna Oakey                  Henry Oakey             Hannah Humphrey                  
179   Frank Van Leuvan            William         Kathryn Groutz         Mae Baxter                  Azura Baxter            Nora Suedaker                    
180   William H. Hoyt             Abram           Margaret Orr           Mary E. Hitt                Thomas Hitt             Mary A. Warren                   
181   George Hoyt                 Abram           Margaret Orr           Shirlie E. Signor           George Y. Signor        Ida Rowe                         
182   Claude Fish                 Ira Fish        Eliza Smith            Linda Elwood Jones          William H. Elwood       Louisa Sewell                    
183   Frank M. Osborn             Wilmot          Lettie McClurg         Maysie Mae Hotchkiss        Robert Hotchkiss        Effie Williams                   
184   Edwin B. Peters             Eber B.         Rusha Buck             Eva L. Johnston             John G. Johnston        Ida Whitbeck                     
185   George L. Montgomery        Harvey D.       Margaret Smith         Hattie D. Bilyou            William A. Bilyou       Mary Marcus                      
186   P. K. Hilliard Boggs        E. A.           Nancy R. Murray        Elizabeth Jane Rutherford   Watson Rutherford       Nancy Jane Thompson              
187   F. Myron Bloodgood          Frank           Mary Ackerley          E. Elizabeth Gill           William I. Gill         Mary J. Whitson                  
188   Russell A. Salton           Robert          Margaret Salton        Ella Robertson              Alfred Robertson        Margaret King                    
189   Roy R. Conklin              Bert            Alice Cummings         Bertha Gray                 James Gray              Daisy Fuller                     
190   Rice Joslyn                 Jobe            Elizabeth Murran       Mary N. Brunson             William L. Preston      Rebeca Hammond                   
191   Glen McLaury                Alex            Mary Shafer            Lucina Rogers               Nelson Rogers           Eliza Hicks                      
192   John A. Sharpe              D. C.           Mary Andress           Eleanor A. Lutz             Jacob Lutz              Ada Trusdall                     
193   William E. Wells            William E.      Charlotte E. West      Anna Hubbell                W. W. Hubbell           Ida Alice Davis                  
194   William M. Blake            William         Angeline Woodbeck      Eva L. Bell                 William Miller          Lydia L. Brooks                  
195   Edmund Scott Rose           H. K.           Mary J. Silliman       Kathryn Shufelt             George H. Shufelt       Kathryn Waters                   
196   John Floyd Ballard          George E.       Katie Morse            Nellie Bly Shultis          David Shultis           Clara G. Morse                   
197   James Henry Kelso           James           Elizabeth Ballentine   Jessie Belle Stuart         John B. Sturat          Phebe A. Taylor                  
198   Charles M. Evans            Charles M.      Emma L. Ferguson       Nellie Mae Pine             Thomas A. Pine          Abigail Delemeter                
199   Maurice L. Neale            George A.       Lydia a. Gould         Gracia A. Jackson           Ambrose E. Jackson      Effie M. Armstrong               
200   Edward Jayne Johnson        Joseph          Cornelia Jayne         Josephine Alice Potter      Wilbur D. Potter        Alice Palmer                     
201   Angeline A. Stock           Augustus        Johanna Beck           Jennie VanValkenburgh       Frank VanValkenburgh    Catharine Haynes                 
202   Ralph W. Mungle             William         Alicestine Smith       Gratia L. Brown             Rev. Elmer Brown        Emma Brown                       
203   Sherman E. Etts             Seward W.       Millie McIntosh        Clara L. McCumber           George W. McCumber      Ida A. Kittle                    
204   Harrold D. Hyzer            Fred            Kate Elliott           Blanche Wickham             Eugene Wickham          Mary Moore                       
205   Selon R. Myers              Manley          Minnie Demonie         Carrie J. Gordon            William Gordon          Maggie Adee                      
206   John Dwight Ellis           John S.         Esther Willson         L. May Durfee               Henry Durfee            Mary F. Bailie                   
207   Ralph E. Jones              William         Annie Brandowne        Blanche J. Kelly            Edward Kelley           Emma Donnelson                   
208   Ford Badgley Hager          John C.         Julia Voorhies         Jennie Elizabeth Gunn       Thomas Gunn             Jane McDonnell                   
209   Algred N. Acker             Wilber          Laura Rice             Mary A. Demming             Seldon Demming          Emma Parker                      
210   Harold Hill Bailie          W. M.           Hannah Kelly           Iva F. Durfee               Henry Durfee            Mary F. Bailie                   
211   Earl Jay Brundage           Pierce          Leora Emily Smith      Didth Marion Pendlebury     Frank E. Pendlebury     Corney Satchell                  
212   Thomas Charles Crea         Thomas          Doras Stein            Lavancia Mary Birdsall      Charles Birdsall        Sarah Van                        
213   William Wietzel Bates       Franklin        Laura Mackeutire       Beatrice Johnson            George J. Johnson       Emma Frances Wood                
214   Henry Wilson Cooley         George          Flora Henrette Barnes  Grace Sylvia Sprague        Thomas Sprague          Rachel Messinger                 
215   Frederick W. Reynolds       Charles         Rose Fullington        Myrtle E. Crawford          Chauncey Crawford       Minnie Rowe                      
216   Ernest Thomas Sprague       Thomas          Rachel Messinger       Lulu May Bentley            Allen C. Bentley        Ida Bentley                      
217   Edwin Clayton Mills         Clinton D.      Nellie Squires         Florence A. Couse           Frank Couse             Hannah Palmerton                 
218   George Smith                George          Irene Smith            Hazel Hinkley               Frak Hinkley            Phebe J. Barubarl                
219   Martin Carey                James           Ellen Whalen           Margaret Fennessey          Patrick Fennessey       Mary Hawks                       
220   Charles Emory Hotchkiss     Robert J.       Florence E. Williams   Ada B. Fuller               Seth J. Fuller          Mary Hitt                        
221   Grover Stone                Eugene          Jenie Perrington       Nellie Edwards              Elmer Edwards           Emily Snyder                     
222   Frank Bergh                 Jeriah          Elizabeth Lawyer       Eleanor L. Picard           Patrick Flanagan        Mary Hall                        
223   William S. Ryan             John M.         Catherine Scott        Lena May McMorris           Samuel A. McMorris      Minnie Snyder                    
224   Allen E. Clark              George A.       Effie L. Grange        Jessie M. Green             Green                   Sterling                         
225   Dennison J. Murdock         James D.        Willamereie Hartig     Laura E. DeSilva            Harvey J. DeSilva       Evylene Shaver                   
226   Charles E. Gordon           Reuben          Hepsie Loomis          Alice Kniffin               Henry Whitney           Margaret Burhans                 
227   Andrew C. Fenton            Orrin           Mary A. McLean         Frances Mabel Derringer     Phillip Derringer       Margaret Haleoub                 
228   Augustus L. Woolheater      Lawrence        Elmira Hendrix         Kathryn Moran               Thomas Moran            Mary J. McCann                   
229   Melvin L.Smith              Charles B.      Josephine Edison       Ella J. Lynk                Julius Lynk             Maria Smith                      
230   Raymond S. Knapp            Ellis Knapp     Carrie Wattles         Millie A Fagin              Edwin Fagan             Lucy Dening                      
231   Horace W. Wayman            Elmer A.        Elsie M. Coleman       Selina L. Williams          George E. Williams      Sarah Smith                      
232   Raymond Wilcox              John R.         Jenett Maudsley        Blanche Chamberlin          D. M. Chamberlin        Catherine Sawyer                 
233   James Elliott Colgan        James           Eleanor Elliot         Katharine Woodward Shaw     Arthur Shaw             Jennie Bostwick                  
234   John Gregory                George W.       Catharine Jones        Jane Tompkins               John James              Jane Smith                       
235   Joseph T. Gibson            James           Sarah Whigham          Marie Sipple                George Leicht           Regina Craft                     
236   John E. Terry               Wesley W.       Mariette Bush          Jane Florence Wetton        Francis Wetton          Rosa Gray                        
237   William S. Foster           William         Jennie Barber          India Jones                 John Jones              Ida Conkling                     
238   Phillip E. Vanderbeck       Elmer           Elizabeth Brown        Alice M.Roberts             John Roberts            Cassie McAndrew                  
239   John Fleming                John            Elma Cuyle             Mildred May Thompson        Burt F. Thompson        Etna Lewis                       
240   John Frances Doyle          John            Katherine Duffy        Alice M. Hubbell            Charles A. Hubbel       Electa Budeley                   
241   Charles L. Thomas           Benjamin K.     Mary Leanard           Mary H. Ludlow              John D. Ludlow          Eugenie Stubbs                   
242   Harry Earl Cole             James U.        Nettie Pearce          Mildred Rood                George Rood             Lizzie Mills                     
243   Walter D. Shaver            J. W.           Ida Dibble             Maud A. Howland             Henry Howland           Anna Drummond                    
244   George Daniels              Norwood         Flora A. Hyzer         Lillian Devine (?)          James Devine (?)        Eva A. Liddle                    
245   Walter J. Lumn              Charles         Isabell Reynolds       Jessie Muir                 Charles Muir            Margaret Davis                   
246   John Neineth                Nineth F. Avoin Bin Annos              Elizabeth Avee              Escuri Malioilg (?)     Izalkoi Fsuzsoinua (?)           
247   Anthony Torina              Joseph          Mary C. Montanora      Pasqualina Puerile          Constantino Puerile     Maria Grazia Vllelauo (?)        
248   Eugene Fitzgerald           Peter           Sarah McMullen         Ella J. Corey               George W. Corey         Lucy Hand                        
249   Herbert Twitchell           Edward          Mary Harrington        Martha Pindar               Silas Pindar            Ellen Thompson                   
250   Albert Benjamin Hollenbeck  J. B.           Ida Bush               Ela Mae Dewey               Alonzo Pratt            Rosa Sigsff (?)                  
251   Theodore T. Becker          Anthony         Mary C. Forey          Helene J. Mullenix          James B. Gregory        Helen Finch                      
252   Floyd M. Hayner             Henry           Dell Crippen           Hattie O. Carmody           James F. Carmody        Julia E. Benjamin                
253   James Arthur Riley          Emmet           Lydia Neager           Sara Fisher                 George A.  Fisher       Annie Williamson                 
254   James Harrison Gray         Robert L.       Henrietta Dibble       Jennie Elizabeth Boyd       Edward Boyd             Eliza Boyd                       
255   William Maxwell Johnson     William Henry   Julia Maxwell          Agnes Helen MacGregor       John MacGregor          Agnes Watson                     
256   John Jacob Fisher           John H.         Barbara Wannemaker     Gioladys Thomas McDowell    John H. Thomas          Laura A. Hughes                  
257   Revilo Rowe Signor          George Y.       Ida Rowe               Grace Mary Cameron          James Cameron           Mary Young                       
258   Heth Griffin Coons          Justice G.      Ida B. Dibble          Emma Elizabeth Husted       G. E. Husted            Emma Huber                       
259   Arthur Moxham               Alford          Jane Genkins           Ida Tausett                 John Tausett            Augusta Every                    
260   Archibald M. Calhoun        Daniel          Cornelia McNair        Florence E. Laing           James N. Laing          Helen Redmond                    
261   Howard Porteus Thomson      A. G.           Emma King              Eva Clarinda Smith          Andrew M. Smith         Erista P.Covert                  
262   Earl C. Decker              Charles         Adia Georgia           Eva J. Miller               Marvin Miller           Cora Jackson                     
263   Archie Scrum                Lewis           Martha Clapper         Alice Clapper               Orseamus Clapper        Sarah Jeffers                    
264   James G. Ward               David           Jessie Gordon          Luella VanTAssel            E. Martin VanTassel     Malina Rose                      
265   Olin E. Benedict            Laviela         Ida Shaw               Myrtle F. Johnston          Frank Johnston          Annis Forsyth                    
266   Allen Lyman Granger         Perry           Pheobe Davis           Zora Axtell                 Harry S. Axtell         Electa J. Wright                 
267   William A. Dwyer            William         Mary A. Regan          Merle Olmstead              Henry C. Olmstead       Addie Haws                       
268   Walter Dag Wakeman          Frank D.        Sarah Travis           Clara Irena Law             Edwin Lindsley          Alice Cady                       
269   Norris B. Whitcomb          Winfield P.     Ada A. Bull            Ethel D. Miller             Levi Miller             Laura Tarbox                     
270   Howard Henry Hulbert        John S.         Elizabeth Florence PhelVenice Louise Strohman      Fred Strohman           Mary Haulenbeck                  
271   Daniel VanRenssler Porter   Daniel Esick    Della Wheeler          Rose Marjorie Hewitt        Abiel Charles Hewitt    Rachel Smith                     
272   Wade P. Baxter              Dalas           Sarah Purdy            Gertrude M. Mills           John J. Mills           Anna Hawley                      
273   Emerson Butler              Lincoln         Samantha Casmer        Helen Joscelyn              Spener Joscelyn         Mary E. Rowe                     
274   Howard E. Gray              Elbert E.       Lydia Gregory          Marion F. Sprague           Ezra W. Sprague         Ada A. Clayton                   
275   Charles A. Rosa             Andrew J.       Mary Laug              Della M. Vermilya           William Vermilya        Myrtle Ford                      
276   Cecil E. Polley             C. S.           Abbie Starley          Edna J. Hill                Edward M. Hill          Delilah Corbin                   
277   Irving All                  Lambert All     Agnis Merwin           Alice Tiffany               Burdell Tiffany         Katie Olmstead                   
278   George B. Tweedie           William         May D. Munn            Elizabeth F. Scott          David M. Scott          Catharine Henderson              
279   John Reynolds               Ely             Rosana Tuttle          Mabel C. Seeley             Job Seeley              Christina Parisa                 
280   William D. Oliver           John            Stella Dumond          Bess A. Northrup            John W. Northrup        Maggie Brower                    
281   Marshall W. Thomson         Andrew D.       Jennie M. McNaught     Helen M. Blair              John W. Blair           Elizabth J. Miller               
282   Rae A. Ellis                Joe             Adaline Bristol        Minnie B. Reynolds          Charles Reynolds        Hatie Cook                       
283   Arthur E. Haynes            Mark            Fannie Andrews         Dora May Cook               James Cook              Eliza Hawver                     
284   James R. Thomson            Harry           Jane Nickols           Lucia A. Dutcher            Jacob More              Maria Barnum                     
285   Porter L. Christy           A. J.           Etta M. McCaudlar      Idabelle Clark              George H. Clark         Carrie VanSteenburgh             
286   Ralph Plew                  Andrew          Minnie Tobey           Geneva Spoor                Linwood Spoor           Sabra Gardner                    
287   Forest E. Darlin            Willis          Mary Betts             Nina M. Jump                Grant Jump              Ella M. Bailey                   
288   Truman A. Gardner           Andrew          Ella Mathewson         Susie D. Hulbert            George G. Hulbert       Frances Kinch                    
289   Rexford Wright              John            Sarah Baxter           Avice M. Finch              Fred Finch              Vernie Lyon                      
290   William L. Walsworth        George          Laura Maker            Edith Johnson               Harvey Johnson          Jane All                         
291   Leno E. Latave              George          Ida Edwards            Mary Quick                  Jeremiah Quick          Ida Morris                       
292   William H. Riker            J. T.           Laura Cregs            Leona Fingado               Theodore Fingado        Velma Chase                      
293   Fred H. Fischer             Fred            Kathryn Miller         Augusta Gill                Henry Bissell           Margaret Kohlers                 
294   George Rhineback            Chris           Maria Gregory          Carrie Soules               George Soules           Kathryn Walker                   
295   Winnie Lee                  Lucius          Ida Englet             Viola Turner                John Turner             Minnie Van Loan                  
296   Robertson T. Barrett        Joseph          Emma H. Robertson      Mabel L. Backus             Waldo D. Backus         Addie M. Georgia                 
297   Ira J. Lathan               Jeremiah        Sarah Hallock          Irva E. Wilbur              George Wilbur           Mary Reeves                      
298   Gussie Brown                Ora             Jane Fuller            Vivina Haynes               W. G. Haynes            Maria Wickham                    
299   Charles H. Hastings         James E.        Ellen Cunningham       Iva Bell Jackson            Thomas R. Jackson       Carrie Barker                    
300   Bruce C. Rowe               Charles D.      Esther T. Sanford      Libbie A. Butler            June Butler             Nettie Woodin                    
301   Melvin T. Harroway          Hiram Chapman   Elizabeth Sands        Grace M. Gregory            John P.                 Sarah J. Champlin                
302   Kenneth Shaul               John D.         Cora Brower            Elsie Hummell               Lucius Hummell          Louise Daley                     
303   Howard K. Walley            Sylvester K.    Julia Alton            M. Grace Gilvere            John Gilvere            Susie E. White                   
304   William B. Scott, Jr.       William B.      Margaret Jack          Millie J. Coons             William Coons           Ida Henness                      
305   Nelson D. Thompson          Reuben N.       Ella R. Davis          Isabelle M. Henderson       Bartley Henderson       Lucy M. Squire                   
306   Howard Wesley Benedict      Amazi J.        Sarah Ackerly          Edna Mary Georgia           Andrew F. Georgia       Mary P. Smith                    
307   Harry H. McLaughlin         John            Ella Holmes            Elizabeth V. Gray           Frank Gray              Lena McDonald                    
308   George W. Berryam           Henry           Rovina Bush            Emma E. Price               George Armstrong        Addie Bennett                    
309   Franklin D. Hammond         Arthur          Georgia Washburn       Edna M. Northrup            Clement Northrup        Jane Soper                       
310   George F. Elliott           John            Sarah Whitehead        Lulu Bessie Shepard         Aaron Shepard           Kate Kniskern311                 
311   William Henry Slawson       John            Emma Holland           Edna May Seamon             John Seamon             Ella Martin                      
312   George William Hilsinger    William         Gertie Bugbee          Mary Elizabeth Gramis       George                  Addie Japhet                     
313   Austin Chambers             Daniel          Mattie Greene          Bertha Bell Rider           George W. Brown         Francis Rose                     
314   James L. Georgie            Wilson L.       Elirre Givens          Lucia R. Burdick            Thomas                  Lottie R. Epps                   
315   Carson Wright               Orrin           Antonette Green        Edith Luella Wheaton        Charles Wheaton         Urania Gillettte                 
316   Alfred Evan Boicourt        Beaverly        Ktharine VanBuren      Emma Jeanette Worden        E. A. Worden            Jeanette A. Lidder               
317   Sylvester Neer              Sylvester       Ella Hinkley           Anna Wormuth                Richard Wormuth         Dora Wormuth                     
318   Clement Campbell            Colin           Sarah Johnson          Hettie B. Gilmore           William Gilmore         Rebecca Cochran                  
319   Charles Ziegler             Andrew          Ellen J. Parks         Mabel Lilley                Stephen Lilley          Lottie Williams                  
320   Orley Wormsley              Warner          Louie Sprgue           Jennie Decker               Alonzo Decker           Ida Henderson                    
321   Edward G. DuMond            Howard          Anna Turner            Lillian Belle Walker        George Walker           Minnie Van Akin                  
322   Louis S. Wakeman            Albert D.       Effie A. Mein          Viola Donahue               Nicholas Donahue        Nora Stanton                     
323   George Ward                 Andrew          Clara Conklin          Rena Chrisey                William Chrisey         Ella Hornbeck                    
324   Joseph Burton Robinson      Eben            Hannah E. Dobell       Shirley G. McDonald         John B. McDonald        Mary E. Braut                    
325   Joseph Davidson             Joseph          Jane Brown             Mary Firman                 Rufus Fuller            Caroline Hoag                    
326   Haswell Brundege            Pierce          Leora Smith            Harriet Lyon                William Lyon            Harriet Reynolds                 
327   Harry C. Maxwell            John A.         Rosana Wilson          Shirley D.Patchen           William Patchen         Zelpha Brown                     
328   Hugh D. Clark               Isaac           Jessie Cant            Sarah May Calhoun           Daniel Calhoun          Cornelia McNair                  
329   Charles Alexander Lay       Charles         Ann Thomas             Maud Alliene Miller         George H. Miller        Ida E. Kinch                     
330   Hans Jacobsen               Jacob Jensen    Inger Hansen           Margaret Eichler            Andrew Eichler          Alma Tobiasen                    
331   William Howard VanLeuwan    Martin          Harriet Howard         Margaret Hannah Hinkley     George C. Grant         Mary H. Ackery                   
332   Floyd R. Crawford           Alex            Amelia Bowers          Lena M. Davis               Lewis Davis             Sarah Huber                      
333   Gerowe A. Pease             Herman          Nettie Robinson        Margaret M. Barnes          Charles Barnes          Elizabeth Copeland               
334   John Edward Harvey          John M.         Edna Hoyne             Nora Maud Baker             James Baker             Mary Deane                       
335   Archie Martin Fleming       Charles         Florence Orlendorf     Blanche Ethel Dorman        Haynes Dorman           Ella Spenser                     
336   Harvey J. Rose              A. Norton       Laura Martin           Cora Eva Billings           Joten Billings          Laura Burdick                    
337   Sydney S. Fish              Octave B.       Ellen Houck            Hester A. Brauat            Harmon Laymon           Laura Molineux                   
338   Lavern W. Graig             Joseph          Jennie Zeh             Ada M. Brockway             Arthur P. Brockway      Josephine Neer                   
339   Fred Stronigan              Robert          Mary Chadwick          Margaret Simmons            George Simmons          Cora Barnes                      
340   Alexander L. McArthur       John J.         Agnes Bell             Mary E.Hebbard              J. M. Hebbard           Lizzie TenEyck                   
341   Richard Tooley              John            Johanna (Unknown)      Melissa Brown               Clark Brown             Emma Jane Warren                 
342   George W. Wright            Eugene          Jane Bailey            Gertrude Wormsley           Warren Wormsley         Louie Sprague                    
343   William Stanton             Silas           Jane Brown             Adelia Davis                Edwin Davis             Mary Elizabeth VanValkenburgh    
344   Walter R. Ballantyne        John A.         Mary J. Doig           Florence M. Fitch           Ira Fitch               Mary Cole                        
345   Edward Tormey               Michael         Ann Somers             Sarah Dann                  Frank Thormghan (?)     Pheobe Harris                    
346   Allen Harris Brooks         Charles I.      Lydia M. Tillinghast   Hilda Bortell Wright        Albert O. Wright        Lettie Bortell                   
347   Charles A. Jackson          Ambrose E.      Effie M. Armstrong     Emily Winifred Eichenberg   Wilford Eidenberg       Charlotte Emily Reynolds         
348   James M. Mable              George S.       Margaret Nicoll        Kathryn May Campbell        John Campbell           Kathryn Hutson                   
349   James Gordon Seath          Robert B.       Mary W. Feuser         Florence Julia Norris       Franklin Norris         Electa Tidd                      
350   Carl J. Rowe                Edward C.       Lotty Johnson          Elsie Irena Jenkins         Luis Jenkins            Sadie Wood                       
351   John A. Mihalko             Michael         Myra Elik              Eva M. Butler               J. Elbridge Butler      Katherine Rutenhouser            
352   Orson Aldrich               Lorenzo         Libbie Fullington      Maybelle M. Hardick         Amos Hardick            Sarah A. Cole                    
353   Frank Scott                 Robert          Elisabeth Miller       Agatha James                George James            Bertha Braut                     
354   Thomas K. Roberts           William         Elizabeth Roberts      Ruth L. Hotchkiss           Robert Hotchkiss        Florence E. Williams             
355   Harry B. Drake              Burton H.       Delia Crower           Ruth M. Winegard            George E. Winegard      Rhoda A. Potter                  
356   Joseph W. Vitch             Daniel          Lena Amorosa           Edna Iola English           Harry English           Elizabeth Decker                 
357   Arthur S. Close             Ezra            Jerusha Knickerbocker  Alice M. Wilson             H. A. Wilson            Belle M. Whte                    
358   Edgar Burnside              Fred            Margaret  Bundy        Marian Hess                 Joseph Hess             Jeannette Groat                  
359   John O. Rice                William N.      Analiza McCracken      Agness E. Glendenning       Alfred Glendenning      Margaret Miller                  
360   Charles Lee Dykeman         Lason           Emma J. Hicks          Leila Sackett Preston       Charles Preston         Elida Sackett                    
361   Ralph Marble                Sylvester       Minnie Govern          Edna Pearl Slawson          John Slawson            Emma Holland                     
362   William Charles Banner      William         Jane Bartlett          Mrs. George A. Wilkins      Tice Couse              Margie Hotaling                  
363   Roderick Walter Pudney      Walter E.       Ester E. Williams      Elizabeth Ada Brown         Frank Brown             Candace Sothand                  
364   Elmer E. Niles              Willie T.       Etta Dumond            Ana VanValkenburg           Frank VanValkenburg     Hattie Finch                     
365   Charles Hinkley             William         Ida Conklin            Lydia Wayman                William Wayman          Carry Brown                      
366   Henry Specht                William         Barbara Wilder         Clara Young                 John Young              Ella Greatsinger                 
367   Louis W. Houshultz          William         Carry Wagner           Elizabeth Dietrichsen       Herman Dietrichsen      Agnes Lacy                       
368   Clarence Wilson Wamop       Wilbert W.      Hannah Culp            Florence Helen Lasher       Emmet M. Lasher         Allison H. VanDermark            
369   Hillis A. Judd              Augustus        Nancy Osterhoudt       Lena J. Miller              Charles Edward Miller   Frances Hammond                  
370   Gordon G. Egnor             Lavern          Margaret A. Oakley     Katheryn E. Every           Leon N. Every           Margaret M. Hull                 
371   Andrew J. Scott             William         Margaret Jack          Clara B. Grime              James W. Shrader        Nellie Grant                     
372   Ariste E. DeSilva           William J.      Mary Bloodgood         Augusta H. More             Herman L. More          Emma Elwood                      
373   Norman Wilson               Ransom          Damraus (?) Alverson   Christina Wayman            Elias Wayman            Sarah Weidman                    
374   Archibald Walling Billing   Fred B.         Nettie Bell Walling    Rosetta Van dyke            Abery VanDyke           Elizabeth Cronk                  
375   Clarence L. Betsinger       Erwin           Francis Blanchard      Lena M. Shafer              Matthew Shaffer         Mary Cameron                     
376   Clarence D. Burdick         Milton          Jane Bleneve           Mamie M. Clark              George Clark            Mary Grover                      
377   Ray W. Robertson            William N.      Abigail Goued (?)      Edna M. Kentfield           Hial E. Kentfield       Martha Barber                    
378   William J. Firth            W. J.           Margaret A. Lynch      Mary E. O'Hara              Michael O'Hara          Catherine E. Bremer              
379   Charles J. Roof             Abram J.        Lucinda A. Bidwell     Laura J. Roof               Arthur Roof             Elsie Merril                     
380   Claude Clum                 Henry           Ida Scutt              Jessie Mulberry             Eugene Mulberry         Judith Conklin                   
381   Ambrose Fay Eckert          Asa             Veanus Every           Maud Anna VanAken           Lewis Van Aken          Katharine Ruff                   
382   John Porter More            Addison P.      Alice E. Clayton       Ella Baker                  Levi Baker              Isabella Shield                  
383   Walter Saleus Dix           Clark           Hattie Caulkings       Zada May Clum               Henry Clum              Ida Scutt                        
384   John B. Burroughs           Curtis          Eliza Grant            Blanche Tyler               John K. Tyler           Angie Lynch385                   
385   Henry W. Curtis             David           Carrie Lane            Lillian M. Whispell         Joseph Whispell         Agnes Lown                       
386   John T. Shaffer             Michael         Mary Welch             Alice Mayo                  George Mayo             Florence Decker                  
387   Michael W. Madden           Daniel J.       Catherine Fiamcane     `Ella McCarthy Ryan         John McCarthy           Mary Fitzgerald                  
388   Marcus L. Huyck             Jasin           Hannah Sloat           Daisy E. Crumb              Charles Crumb           Nettie Hess                      
389   Claud Henry Snyder          Rause           Dora Fuller            Lillian Livingston          Calvin Livingston       Mary Hillsinger                  
390   Herman J. Ferguson          George          Carrie Schmerhorn      Iva Lou Graves              Tola Graves             Sarah VanDusen                   
391   Henry Jurgensen             Charles         Rose Canavan           Florence Angeline Scofield  Charles Scofield        DeEtta Keith                     
392   Ward Alvin Giles            Daniel          Ladomia Hollenbeck     Elva Miner                  Chauncey Miner          Mar E. Newman                    
393   Appleton John Leonard       John M.         Harriet Stever         Pearl Evelin Stever         Charles Stever          Cora Patchien                    
394   Charles Stewart Latimer     Olliver C.      Roana Humphrey         Alice Isabella Dapp         Eugene A. Dapp          Eliza M. Wakefield               
395   Earl Alonzo Knapp           Alonzo C.       Mary A.Hawver          Esther Azubala Gennell      Charles Genniell        Maggie Elliott                   
396   Smith Johnston Lasher       John W.         Mary Johnston          Cora Elizabeth Hill         Erastus E. Hill         Martha Oles                      
397   Ernest F. Haynes            B. T.           Luella Campbell        Hazel Peck                  James Peck              Janette Foster                   
398   Coe F. Young                Coe F.          Ada Swezey             Clara Elizabeth Minckler    James H. Minckler       Mary Jane Wood                   
399   John Skczea                 Guy             Mary Skzcea            Mary Tyska                  John Tyska              Anastazyia (?)                   
400   Charles A. Griffin          William         Anna Cole              Ada M.Coddington            James Coddington        Rose VanLoan                     
401   John H. Grant               Archibald       Amanda Bruk            Hattie Williams             Hiram Redman            Mary Flowers                     
402   William Detrick             Jacob           Margaret Cronk         Nettie Randall              R. N. Rose              Laura Martin                     
403   Elmer Colony                Willard         Carry Baker            Grace Cole                  Lafe Stock              Eliza Birch                      
404   Wesley Oliver               George E.       Louisa O'Dell          Nellie Matterson            Alonzo Matterson        Cora C. Cook                     
405   Harold S. Hinkley           Grant           Ida Carroll            Ethel Sanford               Amos R. Sanford         Carrie Chamberlain               
406   Basil B. VanKleeck          John            Hattie Yager           Edith m. George             Merritt A. George       Tillie Warren                    
407   Robert Hutson               Thomas          Jennie George          Agnes L. Wright             Thomas Wright           Agnes Dowie                      
408   Irving More                 Edwin           Jennie Stevens         Hazel O. Combs              William Combs           Hattie Dumond                    
409   William B. Hobbie           Joshua          Tillie Pangborn        Eliza N. Mills              William Mills           Rebecca Oralls                   
410   William A. Proper           Morris A.       Lydia Howard           Josephine Rogers            Joseph Rogers           Maude Ostrander                  
411   Ralph Francisco             James A.        Elizabeth Gee          Sarah Drew                  John Drew               Augusta Cook                     
412   Jasper J. Gregory           Nathan L.       Janette Barnhart       Cassie Fuller               Justn Merrill           Louisa A. Hunt                   
413   Orrin W. Bennett            Orrin E.        Maria L. Loveland      Lavinia P. Treadwell        Charles Treadwell       Margaret Merrick                 
414   Millard L. Briggs           W. H.           Mina Hanford           Mahala Winne                Harvey Winne            Cora Hinkley                     
415   George B. Howard            W. G.           Lucy Thurder           Mary Barry Hull             William R. Hull         Elizabeth Parshall               
416   Crawford Frazier            Jonas           Nellie Crawford        Gladys C.Kelsey             Caleb Kelsey            Ida Murdie                       
417   Maurice B. Ellis            J. M.           Adaline L. Bristol     Ava A. Finch                W. A. Finch             Sussie Brown                     
418   Joseph Harvey Sprague       Edwin C.        Ida May Wagner         Ethel Pearl Clease          William G. Clease       Elizabeth Madden                 
419   Leo F. Stern                Emanuel M.      Flavia Francisco       Susie M. Seward             Howard Seward           Emma Butler                      
420   Samuel H. Dewitt            Samuel          Joanna Odell           Bertha Arnold               Alexander Arnold        Josephine Ford                   
421   Albert G. Mason             Ulyses G.       Emily Brisley          Myrtle C. Scott             Elmer E. Scott          Nora M. Littlebrant              
422   Charles F. Ferry            Harvey          Mattie J. Foster       Lena P. Fredenburg          John Fredenburg         Helen O. LeSure                  
423   Arthur Cook                 Eugene Cook     Zilla Sherman          Nellie R. Houghtaling       John Houghtaling        Clara McMullen                   
424   John G. Newire              Frank           Alice Walker           Ema J. Decker               Elmer Decker            Jennie Austin                    
425   LaVern L. Merrill           Asa             Calista Beebe          Ida M. Chruch               Hiram Reynolds          Olive Young                      
426   Earl Whitney Ward           William J.      Martha L. Olds         Lucy Ann Rice               John Henry Rice         Jennie Calhoun                   
427   Harold Edgar Keeler         Edgar           Roe Patterson          Frances Gertrude Caswell    William Caswell         Annie Dickinson                  
428   Harry Lewis                 William J.      Avery Neil             Leora Elizabeth Choate      Fred W. Choat           Ina Kinney                       
429   George D. Taylor            Hector          Marie Danforth         Helen Rae Grant             John P. Grant           Carrie E. Powell                 
430   Ralph W. McCumber           William N.      Mary A. Laughran       Ruth G. Muir                Charles Muir            Margaret A. Davis                
431   Edwin B. Winner             Solomon         Ida O. Woodard         Mary Pierson                Andrew Pierson          Lucy Collins                     
432   F. A. Elwood                Nathan E.       Mary C. Fuller         Carrie Bell Fitch           Lewis C. Fitch          Lillie D. Barnhart               
433   Everette Ray Colburn        George E.       Mary C. Boyce          M. Catherine Bouck          Jacob T. Bouck          Minnie Milligan                  
434   Fred Shields                William J.      Celistia Newman        Mildred L. Rowland          Lemuel Rowland          Lucy Young                       
435   John Gregory                Thomas          Susie Hill             Nettie Steele               James Steele            Frances Watkins                  
436   Harry M. Tremper            Jacob B.        Margaret Hamilton      Annes B.Edwards             Michael L. Edwards      Ida B. Dumond                    
437   Thomas M. Myers             Andrew S.       Emma L. Hallock        Bertha M.Briscoll           Thomas C. Briscoll      Jerusha Cole                     
438   Albert D.Townsend           William         Sarah Matthews         Maude E.Rowe                Charles D. Rowe         Esther T. Sanforrd               
439   George B. Smith             Samuel          Mildred Hart           Edith K. Avery              William Jay Avery       Bertha Sanford                   
440   Rufus L. Gavett             George          Catharine Ellison      Ida B. Edwards              Harry Dumond            Elizabeth Finckle                
441   Ernest Sonnenberg           August          Bertha Doberstine      Katie M. Shultis            Sanford Shultis         Hattie M. Alton                  
442   Ferd (?) C. Schneider       Fred C.         Mary Bleham            Edith F. Bishop             Asa Bishop              Effa Krogaan                     
443   Arthur Fred Owens           Fred            Elfreda Bowen          Della Cole                  Stephen Cole            Emeline Palmer                   
444   Charles Norman Mallory      Norman S.       Mettie Terry           Helen Wilson Bartow         Charles A. Bartow       Mary E. Wilson                   
445   Frank W. Sherwood           Wallace W.      Ursula McLean          Mamie Bingham Greer         Robert Greer            Sarah Bingham                    
446   Wallace N. Canfield         John B.         Lydia M. Denny         Nina Veda Elderkin          Smith Elderkin          Anna Hendrick                    
447   Martin Knewasser            Henry           Mary Eyre              Inez Broughton              Riley Broughton         Electa Chandler                  
448   Frank Dunn                  Sumner          Mary Fritz             Paulina Borden              Decker T. Borden        Florence Wilcox                  
449   Albert Philip Neish         Alexander       Mary Hitchcock         Estella May Tompkins        Charles Tompkins        Laura Benedict                   
450   James A. Boggs              Thomas R.       Jane Archibald         Elizabeth B. Felton         Oscar A. Felton         Margaret E. Strangeway           
451   Adelbert S. Davis           Agustus         Margrete Wilson        Georgia Estella Chamberlin  D. M. Cahmberlin        Catherine Sawyer                 
452   Albert F. Kellogg           Albert F.       Mary J. Anderson       M. Elizabeth Tracy          John Tracy              Lidy Walsworth                   
453   Lorenzo E. Robinson         Alfred          Alice Spafford         Marjory A. Wakeman          Fred Wakeman            Harriet Rosa                     
454   Clifford Howland            Henry           Anna Dumond            Edna M.Reynolds             Charles Reynolds        Hattie Cook                      
455   Maurice J. Pape             B. T.           Sarah McAdams          Unda May Basto              Willett J. Basto        Mary C. Cole                     
456   John F. Scott               John W.         Mary E. Giln           Anna Rooney                 James Rooney            Rose Adair                       
457   Ray Phineas Beebe           Warren          Ada Dibble             Frances Adeen Couse         F. A. Couse             Captolie Palmerton               
458   Devine F. Hulbert           Geroge          Frances Kinch          Louise Dorissin             John Dorrisin           Anna Prokopority                 
459   Earl B. Warner              John H.         Laura A. Myers         Bertha V. Lyon              Charles L. Lyon         Mary Rhinehart                   
460   Alonzo Morrell              Alonzo          Mary Ann Morrell       Emmagene Roe                George Scrom            Peggy Ann Scrum                  
461   Charles Remeo Lyon          James S.        Jennie L. Gorton       Cora Church Hathaway        James Church            Elizabeth Marchand               
462   George Arthur Emerson       William         Elsie Hoose            Susan Elizabeth Niles       Edson Niles             Cora Travis                      
463   Robert Wallace Taylor       Charles C.      Lillian M. Tucker      Mildred Harriet Eccleston   Fred Eccleston          Marbella Harriott                
464   Frank Congdon               Richard         Martha Jeffries        Sila May Faulkrod           Samuel Faulkrod         Hannah Fish                      
465   John H. Hilson              Alexander       Isabella A. Archibald  Helena N. Strangeway        Thomas C. Strangeway    Margaret Josie Doig              
466   Albert E. Vernold           Melvin          Sarah Hitt             Nellie L. Laraway           Albert Laraway          Dora Jones                       
467   Charles M. Snedaker         Henry P.        Esther Hathaway        Myrtle L. Brewer            William Scoville        Melinda Robinson                 
468   Harry I. Brewer             Clark           Myrtle Scoville        Maude D. Baxter             A. L. Baxter            Laura Snedeker                   
469   Arthur Green                Jefferson       Nancy White            Elsie Stietz                Carl Stietz             Mary Robeline                    
470   William D. Bishop           David           Emma J. Graham         Louisa Dury                 John Johnson            Angeline Davis                   
471   Charles R. Clark            George H.       Jenie L. Clark         Erma Mary Bush              Charles Bush            Mar Hoagland                     
472   John Dietrichsen            Herman          Agnes Lacey            Carrie Mary French          William R. French       Marcia Loomis                    
473   Clifford L. Norton          Louis           Permilla Miller        Emma M. Lang                Leonard Lang            Anna Margaret Beyer              
474   William J. Cotter           Edmund J.       Kathryn Conners        Kathryn McGranaghan         William McGranaghan     Kathryn Fahey                    
475   Orazzio Barbarto            Frank           Don't Know             Joanna Denetto              Lonet Denetto           Don't Know                       
476   Irvin L. Oestrich           Charles         Nellie Thomas          Lillian Dietrichsen         Herman                  Agns Tacey (?)                   
477   Orrin Lincoln Porter        Henry           Grace Griffin          Florence Shuman             Albert Shuman           Mary Eggleston                   
478   Burton Thomas Fuller        Ephraim Fuller  Ida Maria Schellman    Grace Belle Swartout        George E. Swartout      Harriett DeEtta Lake             
479   Lloyd Merton Payne          Wat             Kathleen Collins       Nellie B. Kilpatrick        James H. Kilpatrick     Jennie Smith                     
480   Harry George Stewart        Chauncey        Amelia Plankenhorn     Julia L. Southard           Richard Southard        Effa Brown                       
481   Perry Thomas                John T.         Henrietta Bouchons     Lillian C. Moore            Alfred V. Moore         Lucy A. E. Stimpson              
482   Ebenezer Niles              Benjamin        Mary Gardiner          Mary Jane Morehouse         Isaac Davis             Lydia Purdy                      
483   Douglas Williams Nutt       Isaac D.        Julia St. John         Martha Bird Tobey           Lewis C. Tobey          Harriet E. Guild                 
484   John D. Seacord             James E.        Elizabeth C. Ferguson  Maude E. Bradey             Harvey A. Show (?)      Ellen Durlsey                    
485   Lester George Wilson        George          Margaret Benington     Myrtle Elizabeth Peck       J. W. Peck              Elizabeth Bundy                  
486   Warner Dunshee              Emmons          Nila Cooper            Beatrice Viola Anderson     F. B. Anderson          Florence O. Smith                
487   Ralph Guy Cornell           Joseph          Augusta Ingalls        Leah Maude Manzer           John Manzer             Julia Alberti                    
488   George Henry Crandall       George A.       Elizabeth Dobinson     Eva Mae Thorp               Eph Thorp               Mary Hine                        
489   Robert S. Bryden            Robert          Mary Redmond           Ella M. Betsinger           Erwin Betsinger         Frances Blanchard                
490   Rollan Marcy                Albert          Emma Baker             Georgia M. Sands            George L. Sands         Rose Sampson                     
491   Thomas McCormack            James           Josephine Lee          Lida Wood                   David Wood              Amy Lakin                        
492   George Terry                John            Clara Hogencup         Sarah E. Ostrander          David Bailey            Lois Lovelace                    
493   Jacob H. Mutchler           Lewis           Barbara Bloom          Sarah Wakeman               Thomas Travis           Cordelia Whitaker                
494   Eugene Perry                Christopher     Jennie Stewart         May Tompkins                Ernest Tompkins         Addie Maginnis                   
495   Walter Fisher               Elmer           Mary White             Agnes Fuller                Jerome Misner           Lovisa Steinrod                  
496   Stanley Earl McFarlane      William         Mary Strickland        Hazel Scott                 Walter Scott            Flora Livingston                 
497   Charles D. Preston          Jacob           Susannah Elison        Minnie Byington             Adam Phillipps          Hulah J. Houck                   
498   John Brader                 John            Emeline Deritch        Ada Lord                    Stephen Lappman         Martha Randall                   
499   Lester Maxim                Lemuel          Mary N. Lane           Adelaide M. Schumacher      John Schumacher         Bertha Meyers                    
500   Harley Earl Howe            Isiah           Mary Homan             Eva Belle Rich              Thomas Rich             Marion Lyon                      
501   Henry H. Coon               Henry L.        Myra Winchell          Mildred A. Brown            Winfield Brown          Adele Mayham                     
502   Nelson L. Miller            George W.       Lizzie Thayer          Lepha M. Carpenter          Clarence Carpenter      May Sheldon503                   
503   Ephraim R. Worden           Ira J.          Mary Lawren            Beulah Wight                James R. Wight          Maggie C. Campbell               
504   Harry P. Brown              W. H.           Margaret Payne         Mabel B. Hanlon             Ed Hanlon               Carrie Chase                     
505   George Banks                George M.       Mary Anory             Laura Annis Banks           Asel Banks              Helen M. Sleley                  
506   Lewis M. Smith              Stephen         Viola Eggleston        Lulu R. Stringer            George Stringer         Lillian Preston                  
507   Clifford G. McMullin        Daniel R.       Estella Jardine        Ethel B. Worden             David C.Worden          Henrietta Boyd                   
508   Wilbur H. Dailey            Harrison        Augusta McIntyre       Olive Winona VanSteenburg   Charles VanSteenburg    Ida French                       
509   Fred G. Stedman             Alfred          Olive M. Randel        Georgia Pheonix             Arron Pheonix           Kate Constable                   
510   Ernest Backus               Thomas          Agnes Adair            Hazel Springsteen           M. G. Springsteen       Jennie Branning                  
511   Clarence Lyle Brown         William H.      Rachel Hood            Eva A. Husted               Nathan Smith            Jennie Fink                      
512   Francis H. Williams         William T.      Margaret Williams      Vida L. Wilbur              James H. Wilbur         C. Augusta Beers                 
513   Wilford Arthur Rickard      Joseph          Elizabth Geer          Sarah Hattie Brown          George Brown            Elfreda Mills                    
514   John H. McClelland          William H.      Ana Frances Hanford    Lena Mable Gould            T. B. Gould             Nancy McMurdy                    
515   William Chaning Marble      Thorton         Ester Smith            Margaret L. Decker          Waite Decker            Etta Barrows                     
516   Ray Alva Sprague            Oliver D.       Lulu L. Cooper         Andella May Simons          J. B. Simons            Alice E. Cady                    
517   Charles William Shofkom     John            Mary Decker            Ruth Delight Houghtaling    John Houghtaling        Carry McMullen                   
518   James Edward Mulwane        John E.         Libbie Johnson         Bessie Frayer               Peter H. Frayer         Lillian Cain                     
519   Cecil Ernest Hallock        Morris          Minnie Chamberlain     Olind Leila Dedrick         Clarence Dedrick        Carry Benedict                   
520   William Sceiford            Michael         Catherin eEssick       Mae E. Currie               Elijah Currie           Alretta Liver                    
521   Miles M. Terbush            Harrison        Tillie Francisco       Blanche Rose                James Rose              Delia Keesler                    
522   Herman Walker               George          Minnie VanAkin         Mae Francisco               James Francisco         Arvilla Francisco                
523   Philip Hessinger            George          Sarah Finn             Stella N. Gregory           Thomas Gregory          Susie Hamilton                   
524   Earl A. Cavan               Willis H.       Lucinda Stewart        Sarah E. Miller             James H. Miller         Lottie Briscoe                   
525   George B. Many              E. Bennett      Mary Brook             Ethel Haynes                Alonzo Haynes           Mary Huson                       
526   Clarence C. Gould           Taclott B.      Nancy McMurdy          Edith Sturges               John Sturges            Josephine Delamater              
527   Karol Golon                 John            Sophia (Unknown)       Agnes Bolsochow             Gray Bolochow           Celia Blinsky                    
528   John H. Constable           Amasiah         Rosina Bush            Elizabeth M. Zeh            Lewis Zeh               Mary Colwell                     
529   George H. Berger            Ira             Ann Smith              Mary E. Hosier              William H. Hosier       Lettie Van                       
530   Herbert M. Johnson          Wilber          Zelia White            Gertrude C. Fiero           Lewis D. Fiero          Elida Mayes                      
531   Saul Markle                 Clarence        Julia Bartow           Orpha Moseman               Birdsall Moseman        Mary Beadle                      
532   Jesse D. Kimball            D. H.           Martha J. Roda         Florence A. Mesick          William Mesick          Ella Layman                      
533   John R. Elmendorf           Marshall        Elizabeth Phillips     Irene D. Wilkins            William Wilkins         Priscilla Stevens                
534   Robert N. Mabon             James C., Sr.   Helel J. Jack          Esther Viola Bramley        Henry G. Bramley        Elizabeth N. Seacord             
535   Everette Rutherford         Walter          Nancy Thompson         Harriet VanAken             George R. VanAken       Margrete Dumond                  
536   Glenn Axtell                Andrew          Jennie Moore           Eugenia Cable               Laverne Cable           Erma Sprague                     
537   Arthur J. Pierce            Deloyd          Anna Shaffer           Mildred O. Thomas           John Thomas             Emily Lakin                      
538   Charles Henry Ineson        George          Anna Abby              Edna Mae Currie             James Currie            Etta Kingsbury                   
539   Floyd A. Lovejoy            A. E.           S. Florence Hornell    Florence D. Arneke          George B.Arneke         Julia Sampson                    
540   Charles T. O'Neill          Hugh J.         Mary Flaherty          Margaret A. Guild           Ernest L. Guild         Mary Tyrrell  

Additional Information:

116 Charles Becker Milligan - Divorced 1898 at Cooperstown, NY
267 William A. Dwyer - Divorced August 15, 1912 at Syracuse, NY
389 Claud Henry Snyder - Divorced April 8, 1913 at Binghamton, NY
413 Orrin W. Bennett - Divorced at Delhi, NY
415 George B. Howard - Divorced June 30, 1906, San Jose, California
484 John D. Seacord - Divorced Pittsfield, Mass. July 9, 1906
511 Clarence Lyle Brown - Divorced December 8, 1912 Ridgeway, Elk Co., PA
515 William Chaning Marble - Divorced November 1905, Cooperstown, NY

012 Bell Scrum - Divorced in Hunter, NY
057 Lotta Bell Southern - Divorced April 15, 1912, Norwich, NY
133 Ida E. Hanford - Divorced Honesdale, November 1911
177 Martha Roloson - Divorced March 1901, Port Jervis, NY
240 Alice M. Hubbell - 1st husband deceased - marriage annuled by Judge Randolph
     on the 21st day of August 1912 in Ithaca, NY
321 Lillian Belle Walker - Divorced May 17, 1912 at Delhi, NY
337 Hester A. Brauat - Divorced November 11, 1912, Delhi, NY
403 Grace Cole - Divorced April 1912, Scranton, Lackawana by Judge O'Neill
477 Florence Shuman - Divorced May 14, 1913 Honesdale
511 Eva A. Husted - Divorced June 20th, 1913, Binghamton, Broome, NY
515 Margaret L. Decker - Divorced February 3, 1913, Honesdale, PA
538 Edna Mae Currie - Divorced in Binghamton, NY

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