
Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site

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Names from Book 10 of the Marriage Records Index

Oct. 20, 1920 to July 25, 1921
on file at the Delaware County Clerk's Office

Transcribed from original records by Linda Ogborn and Deb Goodrich

Note: The data contained here is to be used in conjunction with the Marriage Index files online since April of 1998. Use the 'find' feature of your browser to find names on any particular page.
PAGE  GROOM                         FATHER                 MOTHER                  BRIDE                        FATHER                   MOTHER 
2     William Lewis Hotaling        Ezra                   Sarah Curtis            Maud McGray                  Cherette Mills           Nellie Davis            
5     Andrew Frederick Lutz         Julius T. Lutz         Mary Etta White         Anna Smith Keator            Charles G. Keator        Rose Mayham             
7     Victor D. Armondi             Charles                Julia Rivenburg         Ethel E. Wilbur              Charles Wilbur           Eva Butler              
9     Hiram H. Mitchell             John E.                Emma Sykes              Josephine L. Pierce          Willis H. Pierce         Mary Snyder             
11    Phillip D Tait                James M.               Alice Cook              Vida F. Hotchkiss            William Hotchkiss        Katharine Bryden        
13    Harold Vermilyea Davis        Joel                   Susan Davis             Dorohty Jeanette Gray        Charles Gray             Mary Stott              
15    Andrew Miller                 Robert                 Sarah Francisco         Minnie Stewart               Erastus Miner            Orvilla Williams        
17    Leon Lason Ellett             Lemuel                 Marietta Hunter         Senia Sarah Miller           Andrew Miller            Mary Margaret Justin    
19    Earl M. Washburn              George H.              Huldah M. Williams      Winifred Hubbell             Hiram P. Hubbell         Fannie M. Gaylor        
21    Horace Emory Brown            James W.               Lizzie Williams         Sarah Augusta Rose           Hugh King Rose           Mary Jane Silliman      
23    Fred D. Turner                Hope                   Ida McDonald            Helena S. votee              George Votee             Florence Skidmore       
25    Louis O'Brien                 Charles                Nettie E. Thomson       Dorothy M. Verguson          Charles Verguson         Sylvia M. Wolcott       
27    William Henry Haviland        Henry William          Mary Smith              Edna Hinman Pearsall         Wm. Henry Hinman         Mary Jane Lenderson     
29    Melvin C. Stone               James H.               Emma Noxon              Helen B. Calhoun             William J. Calhoun       Abigail Taylor          
31    Donald Andrew Holloway        William                Margaret Harrison       Alice Matilda McKinney       Robert McKinney          Alice Black             
33    Paul Barrett                  George                 Clara Redmond           Charity Campbell             Hugh Campbell            Minnie Gregory          
35    Nelson F. Sherwood            Jessie L.              Katie Bell Johnston     Katherine VanLeuran          Wm. VanLeuran            Katherine Kratz         
37    Luther Francisco              Mirl                   Fannie Henry            Dorothy Clum                 B. H.                    Grace Osterout          
39    Chas. Irving Reed             William                Sloma Decker            Mary Catherine Couch         Orlando Couch            Eunice Sacrider         
41    Wilbur Scott Oles             George F.              Alice Scott             Margaret Mildred Gladstone   John O. Gladstone        Mary H. Franklin        
43    George Ebenezer Flowers       Ebenezer S.            Harriett Brownell       Angie Belle Hinckley         Grant S. Hinckley        Ida Carroll             
45    Andrew Ferris Davis           Ferris E.              Isabelle Catherine Rose Frances Florence Brown       Willis L. Brown          Sarah Jane Arnold       
47    John Bruce Lee                Charles R.             Sally Ann Bouton        Gertrude Pauline Goodman     Benjamin A. Goodman      Anna Liddle             
49    George Morris Butler          Francis G.             Julia L. Morris         Pauline Monteith Harper      James E. Harper          Margaret Monteith       
51    Andrew James Dowie            James                  Eva Liddle              Mildred Alice Clark          Vinton F. Clark          Alice Mattice           
53    Clarence Gilbert Riggs        John                   Melissa Whittaker       Luella May Bell              John Bell                Lena Miller             
55    Stanley John Finch            Riley                  Florence Webb           Florence Mary Finch          Henry Finch              Esther Farnce           
57    Robert L. Lindsay             Robert                 Grace McBeth            Hazel H. Jester              Emmet Jester             Elizabeth Hunt          
59    Ward L. Chase                 Carlton B.             Katherine M. Kniskern   Helena E. Mann               William Mann             Cora Brown              
61    Everett Barnes                George                 Sarah Hartwell          Lillian Darling              Verne E. Darling         Anna Johnson            
63    Ray Mahlon Bruce              Elwood                 Bertha Mahan            Elizabeth Woolerton          Uriah Woolerton          Emily McCollumn         
65    Elwood Marks                  Homer                  Charlotte Elwood        Carrie Moore                 William Benjamin         Harriet Gransbury       
67    Jasper Arthur Smith           Jepther                Susie Wilcox            Mary Salton                  James Salton             Frances VanKeuren       
69    Alfred Lockwood Wade          Charles B.             Emma Jane Seymour       Zora Emily Conrow            Zephaniah Ives           Serepta Truax           
71    Ernest Eugene Moore           Norton                 Sophronia Christian     Rosetta Mary Norton          James Alanson Norton     Cora Beach              
73    Fred Ganoung                  Alfred                 Jeanette Todd           Jennie Mytrle Durfee         Edgar Durfee             Anna VanAkin            
75    Floyd Burton Ellett           Lemuel                 Eta Hunter              Vera Irene Thompson          Andrew Thompson          Mary Beadle             
77    Frank Fiumara                 Sandy                  Carmela Roco            Rachel Latronica             Thomas Latronica         Rose Palazzlo           
79    Albert Hull Shultis           Albert H.              Alida A. Nestell        Dorothy E. Jenkins           Emery Jenkins            Eliza Lynn              
81    Leslie R. Dean                William                Mary Coleman            Marie Greene                 William Shapranck        Josephine Guidnck (?)   
83    Arthur Eickenberg             Orville                Julia Eliz. Bodine      Bertha Jenkins               David Jenkins            Julia Hanmer            
85    Hiley Kittle                  Willard E. Kittle      Emily E. Carroll        Edith Allison                Marcus D. Allison        Della Burton            
87    John Banks                    William H.             Arvilla Seeley          Anna J. Harrington           Simeon Harrington        Fannie Angerine         
89    Domenico Vetrone              Aquizer                Addolarata D'Ebbaruardo Terposicare Marie Lombardi   Guiseppe Lombardi        Angela Maria Salvati    
91    Eugene F. McGranaghan         Hugh                   Margaret O'Mera         Lela Grace Hewitt            David Hewitt             Clarinda Hewitt         
93    Robert S. Rich                James                  Lizzie Rice             Madge Scott                  Elias James Scott        Hattie Boles            
95    Frnk Odell Smith              Fred                   Florence Scott          Gladys Cornelia Pomeroy      Robert Pomeroy           Emma Kalber             
97    Howard John McIntosh          Ira                    Lillian Nesbitt         Effie Mabel Healey           Thomas Healey            Ellen Simpson           
99    Stanley Orman Woodard         Charles O.             Elizabeth Sprague       Edna May Denny               Wesley Denny             Minnie Whitney          
101   Paul J. Matthews              John S.                Olive E. Gifford        Irene L. Bouton              Edgar Bouton             Hattie E. Yanson        
103   Glenn Westphal Howard         Frank                  Anna Shaw               Mary Eliz. Miller            James H. Miller          Bertha Peck             
105   Emil Frederick Teichman       Frederick              Korticha Kahle          Pearl Mae Fredenberg         George Fredenberg        Mary Schwille           
107   Oliver G. Peck                Irving                 Emma Blish              Lulu E. Worth                Leslie Worth             Hattie Barnhart         
109   Warren Frederick Decker       William                Nina Razee              Anna Bemmiss Kimball         Solomon Kimball          Marry Bemmiss           
111   Dewitt Robinson               William                Ella Lambert            Jennie Sprague               James Sprague            Ella Holmes             
113   Fred William Ruff             Albert H.              Lizzie W. Sturdevant    Mabel Worden                 Roland A. Worden         Hattie Beckwith         
115   Arthur VanDusen               Frank                  Ellen VanDusen          Elsie Owen                   Alfred Owen              Mary Barnhart           
117   Daniel Alexander Bryden       Thomas J.              Emma M. McGregor        Gladys Marie Shaver          Fred Shaver              Sarah Marcelia Flynn    
119   Harry J. Hubbell              Will                   Eva A. Taylor           Bertha Harrington            Walter Harrington        Lena Slauson            
121   Charles E. Higley             Charles E              Carrie Emmes            Ismay Clow                   John Clow                Ada Finch               
123   Harold A. Goff                Solon A.               Margaret O'Brien        Gladys W. Knowles            William Knowles          Lula Whitney            
125   Clarence W. Norwood           Byron R.               Margaret A. Hughes      Hazel J. McCulley            Levi McCulley            Martha Judd             
127   Marshall DeMelt               Henry                  Irene Ferris            Louise Stewart               Henry Finch              Mary J. Carroll         
129   Aaron D. Gill                 Christopher J.         Minnie Cotton           Edith M. Cole                Marshall Cole            Addie Walley            
131   Clyde H. Phelps               Horace J.              Alice E. Gallupp        Edna H. Lant                 William Launt            Nora Tohn               
133   Eugene V. Griswold            John                   Catherine Swan          Luella L. LeSuer             Laverne Saunders         Alice Alesworth         
135   Harry Archibald Franks        Henry Franks           Nancy Coulter           Lulu Eliz. Gavett            Charles Gavett           Viola Vermilyea         
137   Peter McAdams                 Anthony                Elizabeth Young         Mildred Broughton            John Day Broughton       Edith Baxter            
139   Horton Mahon                  Linas                  Josephine Brannon       Helen St. Mart               Alphonse St. Mart        Fannie Gill             
141   Frank Spader                  Charles F.             Julia K. Harjes         Marie J. Hoolihan            William D. Hollihan      Josephine M. Foster     
143   Edward D. Arnold              Hiram A. Arnold        Margaret A. Fisher      Elsie L. Knewasser           Henry Knewasser          Marie Bayer             
145   Willis Lndon Early            Willis                 Edna Lakin              Verna Leah Warfield          Fred Warfield            Jennie Gardner          
147   Richard Beriman               Not Known              Not Known               Ana Ray                      Edward Ray               Louis Moshier           
149   William Mott                  Charles Mott           Emma Deake              Mary Merwin                  Eldad Geer               Charlotte Greenman      
151   Ernest Tarbox                 George                 Gula Roberts            Mmae Geer                    Rufs Geer                Della Quick             
153   Paul E. O'Neill               Hugh .                 Mary Flaherty           Genevieve L. Johnson         Nelson Johnson           Mary Dirig              
155   Fred Charles Conklin          Fred                   Phoeba Penney           Ruth Ida Carroll             Ernest Carroll           Hattie Jones            
157   Russell Willis Baker          Frear                  Elizabeth Hubbell       Florence Esther Blything     Robert S. Blything       Carrie A. Sines         
159   Elmer J. Valentine            Jasper W.              Lillian C. Hunt         Sophia Ellen Beardslee       Elmer Beardslee          Minnie Hush             
161   Albert Henry Wheeler          Albert Otis            Annie Whittemore        Gertrude Corabel McClenathan John Samuel McClenathan  Minnie Woodrow          
163   William henry More            Samuel                 Emma Jane Race          Loamie Haynes                Demeritus Monington      Harriet Slack           
165   Guy VanBuren                  Charles                Clara Reed              Gussy Cain                   Irvin Cain               Polly Chandler          
167   Leiden Roggins                John                   Emma Chandler           Ruth Mae Stanton             Robert Stanton           Minnie Seeley           
169   Clarence Stephens             James                  Alice Pulsipher         Fannie Stebbins              Abraham Houck            Lydia Houck             
171   Edward Rooney                 John                   Elizabeth Arthur        Ettie Smith                  Charles J. Smith         Jane Dean               
173   George VanLoan                Abram                  Sarah Wilson            Lillian Margaret Wormuth     Richard Wormuth          Dora Wormuth            
175   LaFayette Henderson           Jams                   Orpha Taylor            Dora H. Beardslee            William Alger            Louisa Cornish          
177   Smith Johnson                 Simeon                 Augusta Webster         Pearl Steele                 Charles Steele           Alice Kester            
178   Robert Bruce North            Horace E.              Harriet E. Lewis        Marjorie Hazel Clark         Millard J. Clark         Eliza Hamilton          
181   Paul Leon Alger               Levi M.                Mary Comstock           Jennie M.Babcock             Bert James Babcock       Lizzie McUmber          
183   Ferman Sprague                George                 Arvilda Palmatier       Leah M. Sutton               George Sutton            Addie Terry             
185   Vincent Charles Seward        Albert                 Adeline Walley          Geraldine Agnes McDonough    Patrick McDonough        Mary Ann Barry          
187   George Abram DuMond           Anthony                Harriet Bradley         Lena Gramento                Frank Gramento           Lucy Thomas             
189   Fred D. Long                  Christopher Long       Amanda Kelley           Gertrude E Dibble            Elbert M. Dibble         Mary Stoddart           
191   Ralph Woods                   Isaac Woods            Martha Shapley          Mabel E. Cox                 Martin Cox               Emma Blend              
193   Herbert A. Bowers             John W.                Minerva Reynolds        Mary Boyd                    Gilbert Teed             Julia McDonald          
195   Byron H. Greene               Herman                 Ella Smith              Lulu O. Barrett              Stephens Barnes          Abbie West              
197   Nichola H. Mazzarella         John B.                Concetta Esposito       Cora M. Marnell              Louis Marnell            Kate Parrishe           
199   John Mazzarella               John b.                Conceta Esposito        Lena Palmer*                 John F. Seelig           Minnie Bolander         
201   Leon R. Wilson                George L.              Belle Harris            Hazel B. Shafer              Arthur Shafer            Jennie Shaddock         
203   Everett A. Lee                Horton A.              Julia A. O'Brien        Helene M. Soden              Lewis G. Soden           Emma C. Soden           
205   Henry Francis Monroe          James                  Margaret S. Coulter     Ruth Ormiston                Thomas Ormiston          Margaret E. Boggs       
207   McKinley S. Brundege          Sherman                Alice I. Scofield       Hilda Maria Knoll            John C. Knoll            Johanna F. Kappas       
209   Harold A. Schneider           William P.             Myrta Rowe              Hazel C. Baker               Louis Baker              Susan Roser             
211   Ralph Eignor                  John                   Elizabeth Reeves        Blanche Rowe                 Charles Rowe             Esther Sanford          
213   James E. Richard              James                  Marie Ostrom            Emma Bouton                  Harvey D. Avery          Elizabeth Bouton        
215   George F. Shaver              George H.              Elizabeth J. Reynolds   Bertha E. Stevens            Henry M. Stevens         Anna Eadie              
217   Raymond C. Utter              Curtis C.              Lucy A. Pierce          Lillie Telford               Foster Telford           Ella Frisbee            
219   Lionel Lane                   Daniel                 Clara Shultes           Helen Boggs                  Edward Boggs             Mary Glendening         
221   Clarence Douglas Dunshee      Clarence               Effie Teed              Cora Christine Thomas        Benjamin Thomas          Hattie Baldwin          
223   Andrew Close                  James                  Mary Liddle             Margaret A. Muir             William H. David         Patience Jersey         
225   Marvin H. Bull                George                 Alice Hnter             Gerrude E. Shaw              R. W.                    Ella M. Gladstone       
227   Austin Samuel Grimmer         Henry                  Cora Lion Wright        Alice Bethesda Franciso      Virgil Francisco         Josephine Burton        
229   John P. Houston               John                   Hattie Gregory          Linda C. Bogart              Herman Bogart            Melissa Knox            
231   Edward Ryder Brown            William Charles        Elizabeth Ryder         Myrtle Elizabeth Gladstone   Marshall G. Gladstone    Elizabeth Forrest       
233   Everett Fred Westcott         Lucius                 Libbie May Vanderbeck   Gertrude Carolyn Stevens     Fred Jay Stevens         Lillian May Lawrence    
234   Earl Lee Larnard              Warren                 Ida Young               Charlotte Ellen Muir         James S. Muri            Catharine Barnes        
237   Franklin David Hammond*       Arthur                 Georgia Washburn        Gertrude Allen               Edward Allen             Orpha Christian         
239   William P. Stillson           Porter H.              Mary Burdick            Sarah Hoyt                   W. C. Hoyt               Harriet Gransbury       
241   William Lewis                 George                 Josephine Begeal        Lena M. Crawford             Lewis Downs              Sarah Hulce             
243   Guy B. Hafey                  Peter                  Addie Wilcox            Florence A. Knight           Marvin Knight            Alice Ward              
245   Willie C. Gould               William                Cynthia Brisack         Flora W. DeMilt              William L. Wood          Sarah c. Brower         
247   George W. Fuller              Jared                  Jessie Roosa            Ida Me Couse                 Frank Couse              Anna Quick              
249   Eldon H. Close                Henry                  Viola Wickham           Nettie VanKeuren             Philip VanKeuren         Catherine Alexander     
251   Fred Yearry                   Chauncey               Mary Ostrander          Nellie Bullis                Charles                  Mary Chandler           
253   Milton VanValkenburgh         Daniel                 Wratta Hoyt             Lizzie Yerry                 George Chase             Bertha Moe              
255   Bernise E. Hodges             James W.               Allie M. Finch          Alene Boice                  George A. Boice          Electa Shurter          
257   Fred A. Smith                 Merrill A. Smith       Mary Sutton             Jessie C. Hackett            Fred Hackett             Elizabeth Hall          
258   Allen George Utter            William                Chloe Grosfront         Margaret Bullis              James Bullis             Mande Walker            
261   Frank Hamilton                Charles                Flora Trask             Mable Belle Lathan           John R. Lathan           Cora Jackson            
263   Roland Louis Steffen          Martin                 Ann aDemel              Florence Evelyn Robinson     George Robinson          Jennie Judd             
265   Nelson James Jones            George M.              Laura Riggs             Mamie Jane Brown             Will Brown               Flora Oles              
267   Aylie A. Hafele               Charles G.             Lillian J. Jardine      Mazelle A. Thomson           William S. Thomson       Jennie A. Archibald     
269   George W. Lockwood            Charles E.             Nettie Miller           Cecil Viola Fisher           Elmer Fisher             Josephine Dufton        
271   Frank Winfield Schlafer       Daniel                 Elsie Beers             Gladys Beulah Rogers         Adelbert Rogers          Ethel Edwards           
273   Ray Ellison Schloss           Horace B.              Clauda Vandermark       Cyrstal M.Goodrich           Edwin F. Goodrich        Nellie R. Goodrich      
275   Harvey W. Gransbury           Charles W.             Gertrude Sherman        Margaret Elizabeth Reynolds  William H. Schultze      Marry S. Hubluck        
277   SterlingEdgar Butler          Edward L.              Elizabeth A. Wilbur     Ann Marie Pedersen           Herman Pedersen          Anna Johansen           
279   Paul E. Franks                Aaron Frank            Estella Phoenix         Martha E. Peaslee            J. E. Peaslee            Evelyn Hart             
281   Chancy Webster                Edson                  Libbie Knoodle          Inez Wheat                   George Wheat             Evelyn Baker            
283   William Gladstone Schirver    Andrew                 Alice Vanaken           Pheba Elnora Backus          Thomas Backus            Agnes Adair             
285   Alex Milman                   Felix                  Esther Rapafort         Ida Root                     Samuel Root              Sarah Lieberman         
287   Leon A. Beardsley             Otis                   Flora Pierce            Lena Kittle                  Willard E. Kittle        Emily E. Carroll        
289   Ray Faulkner                  Fred                   Jennie VanAmburgh       Norah Ida Ingles             Robert B. Ingles         Ida Miller              
291   George Sliter                 Everett                Magdaline Ruff          Pauline Mead                 Winfield S. Mead         Mary Butler             
293   Bert E. Tompkins              John H.                Sarah L. J. Steele      Georgia E. Dix               George Dix               Elizabeth Evans         
295   William Orrin McDivitt        William J.             Elizabeth Kipp          Elizabeth Swank              Henry Swank              Mary Schnuth            
297   Thomas D. Kinston             John                   Hannah Murphy           Britomarte Hill              William Hill             Pheba Francisco         
299   Harry Archibald Ward          James                  Eliza Archibald         Ina Helen Pomeroy            Walter Pomeroy           Barbara Teed            
301   Seth E. Chichester            Adelbert               Libbie Engle            Elizabeth E. Young           George Young             Lydi Morse              
303   Merritt S. Howard             Barney                 Manda Conklin           Helen Schrader               Wallace Schrader         Emma Armstrong          
305   Herbert Cook                  Charles                Cynthia Culver          Inez M. Boice                W. C. Boice              Fannie Turner           
307   James H. Lawson               John M.                Lithe Teed              Hazel C. Stoorer             John K. Stoorer          Agnes Clark             
309   Robert Franklin Mackey        Claude                 Alice Hamm              Bertha Ophelia Bell          John Bell                Eva Miller              
311   Louis Ralph Lurenz            Louis                  Josephine Palmerie      Minnie Perry                 Frank Perry              Mary Barisano           
313   William Joseph O'Dell         George                 Fannie Flower           Ida Mattice                  Frank P. Mattice         Ruth Butler             
315   Joseph E. Speh                Otto                   Nora Page               Helen Bowker                 Samuel Bowker            Carrie Benedict         
317   John Gordon Titsworth         Albert                 Anna Cameron            Anna Louise Baker            Adelbert W. Baker        Blanche Edsall          
319   Deroy C. Miller               Davdi                  Ezilla Hood             Myrtle E. Mills              James Williams           Jennie Hogan            
321   Homer Richard Mason           Al L.                  Ellen Conner            Aurora Marie Jordan          J. W. Jordan             Julia Branning          
323   Jay E. VanDenburgh            Adelbert               Lottie Walling          Orvetta Elizabeth Elderkin   Herbert Elderkin         Irena Pomeroy           
325   Arthur G. Furman              Byron                  Jennie Atkins           Katie Countryman             Elmer Countryman         Effie Misner            
327   Albert Leo Morse              J. Parker              Bertha Crosby           Beulah Ruth                  Charles W. Ruth          Adaline Salisbury       
329   Kenneth M. Stoutenberg        John L.                Abbie Taylor            Iva J. Cummings              William Cummings         Lilia Mae Wolsthlagel   
331   Robert Blair Aitken           William M.             Jessie Thompson         Mabel Violet Gray            Willis M. Gray           Jennie Isabelle Mable   
333   Charles Agusutus Hyatt        Floyd                  Catharine Schumaker     Freda Dorothy Johnson        Lemuel Johnson           Martha Drace            
335   Ward Martin                   Alonso                 Kate Noxon              Marie Sternberg              Lambert Sternberg        Lola Hollenbeck         
337   John N. Jones                 John                   Margaret More           Mildred E. Brower            John A. Brower           Eliza Prendell          
339   Henry D. Harris               Calvin                 Bettie Brogdon          Zollie L. Henderson          James Henderson          Nannie Henderson        
341   Adrian Wideman                W M                    Mattie Swingel          Marie Wilbur                 Jackson Wilbur           Sarah Winger            
343   Russell H. Partridge          Howard                 Ethel Bagley            Lenore LeSuer                Herbert LeSuer           Luella Saunders         
345   Fayette L. Smith              Samuel                 Rosamond Smith          Sara E. Forest               Robert Forest            Laura Baxter            
347   Elmer G. Oliver               George H.              Louise Odell            Catherine M. Finch           Edward Finch             Sarah Ingraham          
349   Raymond Pecknorth Shinn       Edward                 Kate Peckworth          Emily Ogden Guild            Edwin L.                 Julia Ogden             
351   William Gray                  Andrew                 Margaret Houck          Margaret Knowles             Charles Knowles          Sarah VanValkenburg     
3523  Michael J. Ciufo              Pasquale               Mary Camerota           Mary Jennie Thomas           John Thomas              Josephine Williams      
355   Matthew Gilmour               Arthur W.              Isabella Scott          Viola E. Gregory             Peter Gregory            Phebe Neff              
357   William Frederick Dods        Henry                  Pansy Hart              Dea Ada Wilson               Ransom Wilson            Damaris Alverson        
359   George S.  Closs              Robert                 Carrie Gardiner         Maria Edn Wood               William Wood             Lois Westaway           
361   Winfield C DeMott             Fred                   Isabell Darling         Lona B. Doetsch              Herman Doetsch           Mary Weiss              
363   Ralph Robinson                George W.              Lillian Carpenter       Gertrude May Gorsch          Wilson Gorsch            Grace M. Waterman       
365   Archie C. Ferdom              Frank                  Susie Tyler             Flosey Fitch                 Chester Fitch            Esther Wolcott          
367   Leon Rexford Reed             William W.             Salome Decker           Mildred Marie Finkle         Guy Finkle               Carrie Parks            
369   Merwin Levi Burgin            Charles                Ellen Sinclair Murray   Iva Curtis Stewart           Roy L. Stewart           Alice Ivory             
371   Forest Benjamin Richtmyer     Revillon               Vanelia Miller          Freeda White                 James L. White           Carrie E. Tompkins      
373   George Henry Purchell         George C.              Melissa Hull            Madeline Lanee               John Lanee               Mary Greene             
375   Floyd E. Merrihew             Virgil R.              Luella Hesley           Mary E. Kiff                 Arthur D. Kiss           Jennie Ryer             
377   Charles Snyder*               Abram Lynn             Mary Jordan             Leonar M. Bartram            Ezra H. Bartram          Isabelle Walker         
379   Harold Lewis Hansen           Gabriel                Theodorea Tobiason      Mary Louise Utter            Sidney Utter             Louise Fink             
381   Leon A. Lowe                  Osahel                 Irene Olin              Nellie M. Clearwater         Fred Clearwater          Mary Pomeroy            
383   Theron F. VanDeusen           Frank J.               Mary Knapp              Edna May Pendell             Marvin Pendell           Jenmere Kenyon          
385   LeRoy Wood                    Marhsall J.            Alice Wood              Isabelle O'Donohue           John O'Donohue           Emma Porter             
387   Byron D. Dean                 Uriel                  Louise Bullock          Hazel Frances Brown          George Brown             Kate Appley             
389   William McGraw                William                Rosa Marshall           Della Brown                  John Brown               Mary Decker             
391   Harry Simonson Dyer           Jewett S.              Mina Simonson           Myra Viola Neild             William N. Neild         Catharine Cairns        
393   Clarence E. Hendrickson       Joseph                 Nellie Marshall         Anna A. McUmber              Ned McUmber              Clara S. Elfrey         
395   William Parshall              James C.               Francis G. Foster       Carolyn Wadin                Michael Wadin            Mary Mullenix           
397   Theodore R. Wickham           Edward                 Ellen Perrin            Lena E. Dunshee              Archie Dunshee           Etta Peck               
399   William Francis Lacey         Thomas Lacey           Sophia Schrader         Geraldine Lucile Fitzgerald  James Fitzgerald         Nora O'Brian            
401   Wallace Darwin Blake          William H.             Josephine Adams         Inez Matilda Lewis           Robert Lewis             Julia Proskine          
403   Clarence E. Hoolihan          Richard                Lucretia Branning       Alina May Geer               Andrew J. Geer           Ella Jenson             
405   William L. Mead               William                Julia Welch             Elsie Perry                  Edgar Perry              Amanda Sanderson        
407   Arthur B.  Carlson            Andrew                 Helga Hedberg           Ruth E. Lakin                Fred W. Lakin            Jessie F. Leonard       
409   William H. Finigan            Philip Finigan         Ella Lloyd              Macy M. Rivenburg            Louie Rivenburg          Stella Hunt             
411   Sidney Knapp                  Frank                  Sarah Armstrong         Pearl Odell                  Lafayette Odell          Lavina Vrandenburg      
413   Charles Emmett Shew           John T.                Harriet Frezee          Marion Agnes Clarke          William M. Clarke        Jennie McKillip         
415   Leo A Hard                    Charley Hard           Mae Smith               Myrtle M. Winsor             William Deyo             Mable Knapp             
417   Earl H. Tiffany               Burdel                 Kate Olmstead           Rebecca Shaver               William Shaver           Eunice Shaver           
419   Cornelius Buckley             Cornelius              Margart Butler          Lillian Constable            Amasiah Constable        Rosina Bush             
421   Page Walter Sperry            Walter                 Lillian Mattice         Irma Belle Cuyle             Frank W. Cuyle           Karrie Haynes           
423   John Wayne Peters             John                   Elizabeth Butler        Nellie Jaquish               Thomas C. Jaquish        Anna Purchell           
425   Andrew Somerville Dillon      Charles Frederic       Emma Shaw               Anna Gertrude Miller         George M. Miller         Emma Tuttle             
427   Jay E. Eadie                  Thomas                 Hannah Bryden           Hattie Sanford*              Maranca Sanford          Eleanor Tait            
429   Archie Leonard Miller         Samuel Leonard Miller  Rebecca Mahaffey        Mabel Keller                 Theodore Keller          Emma J. Thompson        
431   Omer W. Shaver                Emmett J.              Nettie Conklin          Florence Sheldon             Ernest Sheldon           Anna Metzdorf           
433   Bertram Ormande Bentley       Arthur George          Maud eAlice Hanshaw     Louise MacCumber             Otis MacCumber           Jennie I. Muller        
435   Guy Lucus Dean                Royal                  Sarapta Graham          Fannie Elizabeth Roe         Warren Roe               Hattie Hestuge437       
437   Leslie Raymond McLean         John W.                Cora Husted             Edna Maude Daneby            Peter F. Daneby          Caroline Lamb           
439   Frank Ellis Titus             George E.              Lena Peabody            Isabelle Colwell             Charles W. Colwell       Elizabeth O'Dell        
441   Benjamin Levi Sprague         Levi Benjamin          Alida Brazze            Ethel Carolyn Mattice        Chauncey Mattice         Julia Bates             
443   Ervin Melvern Hubbard         James H.               Lydia Kennedy           Rosa May Hutson              William G. Stoutenburg   Clarissa Banks          
445   Marvin Shaw                   Augusuts               Lyda Merritt            Violet A. Signor             George G. Signor         Ida Rowe                
447   Homer C. Bull                 George                 Alice Hunter            Hazel M. Conklin             I. W. Conklin            Mary Chalmers           
449   William Ernie                 Emil                   Lina Cook               Sarah Barry                  Charles Barry            Martha Pellam           
451   Ralph R. Shields              John T.                Jessie Richard          Margaret M. Roberts          FrankRoberts             Nettie Braisland        
453   Leslie Mericle                James                  Augustia Brown          Eunice Seeley*               Russel Seeley            Bertha Banks            
455   Clarence Anderson             Frank                  Mable Elmore            Catherine M Cumber           Ralph Alberts            Julia Hendrickson       
457   Robert Jones Wheeler          Albert                 Adrianna Slauson        Isabel Adams                 William B. Adams         Ola Smith               
459   Floyd A. Garlow               Alvin                  Minnie Kelsey           Gladys Gabriel               John Gabriel             May Hulbert             
461   Everet F. Jenks               Abijah                 Angie Jenks             Mary Hathaway                Robert Hathaway          Irene Hathaway          
463   LeRoy David Neish             Walter                 Ella McLaren            Blanche Lucretia Browne      Sears F. Browne          Margaret Banks          
465   Theis Roberts                 Edward                 Louise Roberts          Constance Satterlee Groves   George C. Groves         Pauline Nestel          
467   John Stanton Comfort          Howard                 Nora Stanton            Carrie Louise Closs          Robert F. Closs          Carrie A. Gardner       
469   Willis John Pells             John M.                Elizabeth H. Smith      Frances Marion Hamilton      Chauncey J. Hamilton     Harriet Davenport       
471   Charles R. Mattice            Charls S.              Hattie Ellerson         Mary Alice Mackey            Bert V. Mackey           Ida English             
473   John L. Ripperger             Louis                  Mary Smith              Emma Schaefer Bush           John Forester            Anna Raunre             
475   Frederick Russell Beecher     Charles                Catherine McCleaner     Alma Minnie Hoolihan         Clarence Hoolihan        Minnie Milk             
477   Herman J. Doff                Milo G.                Mary E. Mee             Olive C. Shakespeare         Thomas E. Shakespeare    Clara K. Eckart         
478   George T. Albee               Thomas                 Emma Tickner            Lauretta Shakespeare         Thomas E. Shakespeare    Clara K. Eckart         
481   Porter Walley                 Jacob                  Bolinda Bratt           Delia Austin                 Martin Warner            Sally Landers           
483   Dowe L. Simon                 William L.             Jessie V. Hughes        Carrie Isabell Gould         Willie C. Gould          Delia M. Cagwin         
485   Horace V. Schloss             Horace B.              Claudia Vandermark      Ellen E. Smith               Wallace B. Smith         Hattie Redmond          
487   Edwin L. Male                 Frank                  Sarah Snitcher          Blach M. Baker               Lannard Baker            Martha Simonds          
489   Benjamin W. VanValkenburg     James A.               Adelade Raymond         Viola A. Holmes              Frank M. Holmes          Mabel B. Moser          
491   Clarence H. VanSteenburg      Addison S.             Malissa Dumond          Mary O. Baker                Morgan Makley            Hannah Smith            
493   Isaac D. Howland              Charles P.             Mary E. Truax           Hattie E. Brookman           John Luther Henry        Sarah P. Kyle           
495   Elwin H. DeShaw               Wilbur J.              Cora Tracy              Myrtha M. Ruling             George L. Ruling         Mary Merwin             
497   Robert L. Henderson           James G.               Margaret Adair          Margaret B. Hebbard          J. M. Hebbard            Elizabeth TenEyck       
499   John Albert Mason             John B.                Florence Johnson        Nina Starbeck                Volney Starbeck          Mary Wright             

Additional Notes:

237  Franklin David Hammond - Divorced Nov. 29, 1920, Erie Co., PA
377  Charles Snyder - Divorced Nov. 4, 1920 at Oneonta, New York

199  Lena Palmer - Divorced 1914 Honesdale, Pa.
427  Hattie Sanford - Notation about former husband: Do not know.Been gone 16 years. No knowledge of whereabouts
453  Eunice Seeley - Notation on first husb. "Don't know, been gone 7 years

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Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger