
Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site

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Names from Book 1 of the Marriage Records Index

Jan. 13, 1908 to Apr. 1, 1908 - pgs 1-171
on file at the Delaware County Clerk's Office.

Transcribed from original records by Linda Ogborn and Deb Goodrich

Note: The data contained here is to be used in conjunction with the Marriage Index files online since April of 1998. Use the 'find' feature of your browser to find names on any particular page.
PAGE GROOM                         FATHER          MOTHER                   BRIDE                         FATHER                   MOTHER 

1    Garfield Jones                Frank Gifford   Chloe Jones              Cora E.  Smith                Morris Smith             Marie Rowe               
2    Francis Perry Bodritha        Alphena         Bertha Harvey            Hazel Chase Rhinehart         Alvin S. Rhinehart       Helen A. Chase           
3    Raymond S. Snediker           Clarence        Alice Smith              Amy Covey                     Henry Covey              Norah Grippin            
4    Thomas Galley                 James           Mary J. Mullinix         Ethel D. Crabb                Andrus Crabb             Mary Sloat               
5    Irving Wesley Houck           Seth            Ida May Finch            Pearl Edna Wood               Frederick Wood           Margaret Northrup        
6    Louis P. Williams             John            Kate Williams            Rose May Gramento             Frank Gramento           Lucy Thomas              
7    Howard Beers                  Ira             Lillian Miller           Ethel Sanderson               Gibson Sanderson         Georgiana Laidlaw        
8    George Stringer               Albert          Ida Preston              Anna Elizabeth Deamer         Henry Deamer             Mary Lillian Barber      
9    Harry Wellington Palmer       James H.        Anna Simmons             Mary Augusta Shaw             Augusta A. Shaw          Mary Knox                
10   A. C. Barnhart                Oran            Mary A. Cook             Martha Hinkley                Wheeler Hinkley          Ruth Cannon              
11   George Fuller                 George          Mary Bucannon            Debry Pond                    Wesner Pond              Ella Hunter              
12   John Everton                  Nathil          Unknown Wilson           Maud S. Hood                  John W. Hood             Henrietta Radeker        
13   David H. More                 Joseph          Jane E. Halsey           Florence A. Cummings          Clark T. Cummings        Julia E. Hale            
14   John M. Rifenburgh            William D.      Gussie Chandler          Nellie Dudley                 George Dudley            Sarah Soules             
15   Orley Slauson                 Seely           R. Ballard               Effie Morse                   Joseph Parker Morse      Bertha K. Crosby         
16   Hubert E. Mintler             Ernest E.       Dinah Becker             Zella M. Lane                 Harvey Lane              Jennie Morris            
17   Edward Kelly                  William         Margart O'Kelly          Mabel E. Bartram              Ezra H. Bartram          Isabel Walker            
18   Lois W. Shuman                Louis           Elizabeth Dern           Iva M. Scutt                  Oscar Scutt              Alice Merwin             
19   Harry M. Green                Myron           Etta Mundson             Sarah J. Chamberlin           Clarence Chamberlin      Ettie Munson             
20   Harry Beames                  Erastus D.      Ella F. Oles             Eva May Wardwell              William Wardwell         Phoeba M. Quackenbush    
21   Loren Riley                   Michel          Hellen Hagodorn          Hazel Boice                   Henry Boice              Ida Londian              
22   Archie Cousins                F. J.           Phebe A.Patterson        Carrie E. Young               George F. Young          Lydia J. More            
23   Robert Payne Corbin           Jason G.        Emma Marvin              Jessie Augusta Shutts         Charles M. Shutts        Jeanette MacKenzie       
24   Ambrose S. Morse              Ambrose P.      Carrie A. Swany          Ida Mae Williams              David Williams           Martha Jane Thorpe       
25   Arthur E. Dumond              James J.        Ada Baker                Catherine A. Spoor            Charles White            Julia A. Simmons         
26   Mark H. Stryke                Marinilhan      Pearl Berser             Irma M. Willman               Koly Willman             Caroline Kumbluch        
27   Daniel O'Connell              Daniel          Mary J. Burk             Emily Grote                   Hanly Grote              Matilda VanBahsere       
28   Augustine J. Elwood           Francis M.      Rachel M. Sprague        Rena J. Bolton                Charles Bolton           Lina Reeve               
29   Frederick C. Hyde             G. H.           Etta Calvert             Lulu F. Milnes                B. J. Milnes             Ellen F. Birch           
30   Fred Leroy Burnside           Delos           Sarah Every              Olive Elsie Begeal            William Begeal           Mary Huyck               
31   William Maurice Brooks        Lysander        Sophina Furgson          Mable Clara Elliott           Burto Elliott            Birdie Hall              
32   Frederick Hubbard Hall        George H.       Hattie E. Strickland     Jetta Rowena Bailey           Frank Bailey             Carey B. Packer          
33   H. L. McDonald                William         Mary Dibble              Nina S. Purdy                 P. L.                    Jessie Merritt           
34   Clarence Cowen                Andrew T.       Jennie Boyd              Marianne Suttle               Richard Suttle           Frances Hitt             
35   John Csuri                    Nuhaly          Turan Halko              Mary Cifrauyics               John Cifrauyics          Terari Afra              
36   Frank Leslie Drake            Thomas M.       Julia McMullen           Lena Maud Cutting             Milo A. Cutting          Frances Jane Darlin      
37   John W. Blum                  George          Mary Bloom               Florence M. Bovee             Samuel Bovee             Nina Kelly               
38   James Dennis                  Edgar           Mary Brunson             Mary A. Richards              John Richards            Alice Wood               
39   George W. Hauber              Frederick       Marie Sickle             Ethel Travis                  Frank Travis             Martha Beagle            
40   William Hyser                 Arthur          Desiar Bush              Sarah R. Misner               Wesley Misner            Katie Berry              
42   Everett J. DeSilva            Demetrius       Jennie Butler            Katherine Haynes              William Haynes           Elsie Stanton            
43   Chester A. Mayes              Harrison C.     Sophia Craft             Bessie R. Craft               Alva Craft               Carrie Ruff              
44   Ira Hinkley                   Freemon         Ruth E. Cannon           Olive Signor                  Elliott Signor           Julia Baxter             
45   Sullivan Liperoti             Frank           Corncetto Tallerino      Mary Rose Pesco               Ralph                    Terasina Breglio         
46   Charles J. Thomson            Louce           Anna Smith               Sara M. Little                John Little              Margaret Morrison        
47   Dlaton Judah Boone            Aaron           Phoebe A. Thomas         Isabel Frances Goodrich       Jerome Isaac Goodrich    Frances Pease            
48   Lee A. Holmes                 Charles         Jennie Wolf              Mabel M. Fox                  William H. Fox           Mary Salsbury            
49   Robert E. Oliver              Richard         Elizabeth Halsted        Josephine Ward                Amos Ward                Alice Ingraham           
50   William John Cowan            John            Stella Wood              Susie Elizabeth Littlebrant   George Littlebrant       Emily M. Gill            
51   John P. Ganoung               Smith           Charlotte Haines         Ella F. Pogue                 Richard Pogue            Sarah Bush               
52   Adam Buzak                    Tony            Anna Lawendoroska        Helen Koszor                  Joseph Koszor            Mary Wenchowska          
53   George M. Grant               George H.       Mary A. Fisk             Mary Taylor                   Isiah Jones              Rebecca Arnold           
54   Charles Brooks Coats          Champlain       Jenett Hennon            Emma Euphemia Frederick       David Crumb              Jerusha Callor           
55   Cecil Jospeh Wade             Charles M.      Jennie Paige             Serena Olive Cole             F. H. Cole               Hattie Fuller            
56   Frederick A. Nichols          George S.       Harriet E. Kilpatrick    Ida M. Hewitt                 George W. Hewitt         Susan Hadsell            
57   Earl E. Flemming              Frederick E.    Ida L. Johnson           Ella E. Hill                  Estace E. Hill           Martha Oles              
58   John B. Warner                Charles         Harriet A. McNutt        Grace V. Johnson              Edward G. Johnson        Elecia Edwards           
59   Edward F. Goodrich            George M.       Anna R. Wiesner          Grace C. Dean                 Uriah Dean               Laura L. Ballard         
60   William S. Booth              John            Augusta Wakeman          Mary P. Fox                   Orrin W. Fox             Minerva Sturdevant       
61   Raymond Elmer Houck           Henry           Sarah F. Weaver          Melissa Augusta Schloss       Horace B. Scholoss       Claude Vandermark        
62   Herbert Wilber                George E.       Mary Reeves              Belle Russell                 Wilson Russell           Mary Anderson            
63   Claud B. Simmons              Louis G.        Carrie Ives              Mary E. Payne                 Charles H. Payne         Rosa Dicks               
64   William H. Barber             Nathan          Mary Moore               Anna Gardner                  John                     Lucy Valler              
65   Amelia Trephone               Joseph          Lucy Lorenzo             Jennie Lovito                 John Lovito              Rosia Thomas             
66   Verna Davis                   Peter           Amanda Butler            Grace Jones                   Stephen Jones            Helen Purdy              
67   Irving J. Coan                James B.        Sarah E. Burdick         Jennie Slavin                 Robert Slavin            Dorcus Isabel            
68   Harry Walton                  Washington      Ledia A. Preston         Cora Geer                     Charles                  Martha A. Fletcher       
69   Juan Broughton                Rufus M.        Irena Read               Ceclia Warren                 Matthew Garrison         Sabrina Tyler            
70   Howard Lee                    Bun             Ophelia Smith            Jennie B. Ballard             Edward L. Ballard        Cora M. Kelly            
71   Leon D. Tryon                 George          Mary Hathaway            Catherine R. Monohan          Patrick Monohan          Jane Walsh               
72   J. Irving Butler              Westley         Levina Smith             M. Jennie McArthur            John J. McArthur         Agnes Bell               
73   Walter G. Elliott             James E.        Mary E. Close            Elizabeth M. Covert           William D. Covert        Eliza J. Reed            
74   Clair Slade                   William         Estell Hilliker          Glennie Van Steenburg         Col. VanSteenburg        Rosa Banks               
75   Raymond K. Yanson             Abraham         Jane Effner              Ethel V. Ames                 Henry Ames               Lina Stoutenburgh        
76   Herman D. Moss                John            Mary Bronson             Mildred E. Tripp              George L. Tripp          Salina E. Tompkins       
77   Adam Young                    Peter           Elizabeth Gorr           Emma S. Hamm                  John Moss                Mary Thomas              
78   Wesson H. Axtell              Moses R.        Lucy Underwood           Floy Lena Jackson             William Jackson          Abigail Dean             
79   Earle H. Luce                 John            Mary Hayes               Bessie Race                   Seymour Race             Sarah Bloodgood          
80   Elmer Atwell                  Clark           Lavinia Davenport        Nellie J. Parker              Abram Parker             Mary E. Rose             
81   Bruce D. Miller               Charles E.      Frances Hammond          Rosa Lasher                   George H. Lasher         Anna Crawford            
82   John William Whiteman         John            Sarah Ann Hamilton       Lillian Augusta Boyd          Frank M. Boyd            Maggie Craig             
83   Daniel Peter Cole             Daniel          Louisa Stein             Marie Catherine Burghardt     Andrew Burghardt         Elizabeth Hammel         
84   Wilbur J. Cranston            Gavin           Mary Cranston            Amelia M. Evans               William                  Alice Evans              
85   Dewitt Ackley                 Granville J.    Nancy Coe                Eunice Edwards                Alexander Edwards        Ada McMcKown             
86   Reuben Lewis                  William         Emma Taylor              Loise Edith Baker             Edward Morgan            Jennie Kilmer            
87   Paul Farrington               Exenas          Mary R. Fitch            Josephine M. Anderson         David Anderson           Louisa Hughes            
88   John James Thomas             John            Agnes Blakeley           Rosella Barbara Frisbee       William H. Frisbee       Minnie E. Hoag           
89   Frank H. Rowner               Isaac           Mary Weatherill          Agnes G. Hammon               Charles W. Hammon        Nellie May Whitney       
90   Joseph J. Dimock              Joseph J.       Amy T. Knight            Irene A. Sturcke              John H. Stucke           Catherine E. Lutz        
91   Nelson H. Knapp               N. H.           Emiline Comfort          Edna B. Fuller                Milo S. Fuller           Susan Radeker            
92   John Remington                H. B.           Sara Reynolds            Hattie J. Peet                Abraham N. Erwin         Sara Jane Hornbeck       
93   Orlando Davis                 R. Z.           Maria Dice               Mabel E. Fingado              Theodore Fingado         Velma Chace              
94   Claude Beesmer                Charles A.      Anna Quinn               Emma Moore                    David Moore              Lucy Wilcox              
95   William Fritz                 John            Ida Knowlton             Grace A. Page                 Charles Page             Carrie Johnson           
96   John A. Werner                Frank L.        Nina Neering             Maude E. Hinkley              Warren Hughes            Ella King                
97   Calvin A Travis               Edwin S.        Malvina Lawrence         Margaret M. Wilson            Wm                       Mailine Wattles          
98   Wm P. Neenan                  John            Mary Dolan               Victoria C. Dunn              Richard                  Mary Tracy               
99   Emmett I. Ostrander           John            Etta Bailey              Lillian I. Jones              Benj                     Jennie Hyser             
100  Thomas J. Quinn               John            Katherine Cronin         Chloa M. Kilmer               Chas A                   Emma Eggleston           
101  George S. Clark               Scott H         Mary E Robinson          Anna Leal Smith               David Lyle Smith         Margaret Clark           
102  Thomas Williams               Lyman A.        Juliette Bailey          Sarah Albee                   Granville Albee          Ida Hamilton             
103  Hiram Abram Jenkins           Charles         Catherine Mullenix       Ida Myrtle Beardsley          Madison                  Eleanor Wilcox           
104  Howard D. Salton              George W.       Adelaide ------          Hazel Holley                  John Stuart Holley       Emma Benedict            
105  Richard Tweedie               Robert          Annabelle Kemp           Esther Ransom                 Patrick Tyrell           Margaret Brennan         
106  Nelson D. Hammdon             David           Hannah Roe               Francs E. Green               E. L.                    Lucy Hubbell             
107  Austin Lewis Nichols          Martin K.       Lida C. Latham           Natelene Hall                 Andrew J. Hall`          Lodusky Day              
108  Jay E.Waterman                George          Elizabeth Ingersoll      Bessie V. Secor               John Secor               Mary Whittemore          
109  Howard L. Fuller              Unknown         Ella Fuller              Francis Anderson              William Anderson         Ella Cronk               
110  Jasper C. Pratt               Henry           Isabell Curry            Anna E. Bisbee                Sherman Bisbee           Adelia Mackey            
111  Edward Landon                 Marvin          Annie Hiliker            Fannie Whitney                Henry Whitney            Margaret Burhans         
112  David Henry Earle             Luther          Almeda Low               Mary E. Faulkner              James C. Faulkner        Ellen McCann             
113  Edward Peck                   Abraham         Libbie Hinckley          Ethel M.Avery                 Aaron DeWitt Avery       Lucy Akerly              
114  Robert Nevin Whitley          James           Mary A. Nevin            Margaret May Ballard          Alonzo J. Ballard        Martha J. Avery          
115  Marion E. Cronk               William E.      Hattie Dumond            Be3ssie K. Streeter           Florus S. Streeter       Elizabeth Kelly          
116  Robert H. Close               Elmer           Christina Lewis          Mable M. Reynolds             R. J. Reynolds           Ida Davis                
117  Fred J. Oliver                Silas D.        Frances Moore            Margaret M. Anderson          Andrew Anderwson         Margaret Liddle          
118  LeRoy Miller                  John V.         Margaret Lambert         Mary Josephine Gibbs          Andrew T. Gibbs          Artimas Busy             
119  Jay W. Shultes                Harvey          Hattie Northrup          Mary C. Eggleston             Charles M. Eggleston     Lillie Cedor             
120  Arthur Backus                 Thomas          Agness Backus            Katherin eShort               Watson                   Aggie Langandyke         
121  Louis J. Merwin               Joel A.         Prudence Davis           Etta M. Merwin                Herman Merwin            Sarah Davis              
122  J. Gordon Holcraft            George N.       Mary J. Cliff            Nellie M. Cowan               John A. Cowan            Martha L. Hanford        
123  Eldorse Clapper               James H.        Mary Truax               Helen Peet                    James Peet               Luciana Vanloan          
124  Howard A. Zuck                William         Catharine Riswell        Etta Anderson                 William Anderson         Ella Cronk               
125  John A. Opel                  Charles         Delia VanWhy             Sadie Platt                   Laverne Platt            Ella Delinda             
126  Willis Akley                  Granville J.    Nancy Cole               Mary Ida Jester               Homer Jester             Rose Niles               
127  Russell G. Thompson           Ezekiel         Amelia White             Annis Hasbrock Adee           James Hasbrock           Cynthia Carroll          
128  Ezra Oliver                   William         Laura Carver             Winifred Moore                John Moore               Emma Oliver              
129  Dealton Larve Lloyd           Jesse           Lucinda Wright           Sarah Jane Thomson            Donald McNitt            Sarah Cady               
130  Revilo Jay Brisack            Addison         Salina Sutton            Maria Williams                John Williams            Maria Hughes             
131  John Evrett Holmes            Herbert F.      Alice S. Betts           Belle Anna Keith              Freeland Keith           Ida Jackson              
132  Harvey L. Rowland             Woodhull        Laura E. Sneden          Carolyn M. Vail               John D. Vail             Lucy Adams               
133  John Webster                  Isaac           Jane E. Grant            Mary Grant                    A.                       Lucy A. Carver           
134  Floyd A. Miller               Andrew          Mary G. Lartran          Edith Easson                  Andrew Easson            Agnes Henderson          
135  James H. Turnbull             John            Margaret Howell          Margaret M. Bryden            Robert Bryden            Mary Redmond             
136  Robert Webster                Elmer           Rachel VanValkenburgh    Margarette Pallam             Abner Pallam             Mary Mussow              
137  Charles Hogan                 Ira             Jennie Cornell           Minnie Chase                  George Chase             Bertha Moe               
138  William Bittner Shaul         John Bittner ShaAgnes Groupner           May Isabella Grant            John K. Grant            Susan L. Wood            
139  Harry E. Ruland               Orrison         Ada Smith                Elizabeth J. Dugan            George Dugan             Nancy McCauley           
140  William A. Dietrischsen       Herman          Agnes Lacy               Myrtle Cochran                Harvey Cochran           Lennie Ballay            
141  Francis R. Paden              Owen            Catharine Crane          Sarah A. McCourt              Hugh McCourt             Anna Kelly               
142  George E. Ebert               Henry           Mary Rose                Ruby B. Norton                Lewis Northon            Parmelia Miller          
143  George R. Francisco           William         Mary Hawkins             Susie Inman                   Nathan                   Josephine Whitmarsh      
144  Charles W. Hathaway           Charles O.      Mary Wohlschlagel        Martha L. Davis               Charles Davis            Effa Ellsworth           
145  Levi Knapp                    William         May M. Lew               Mary H. Faul                  David Faul               Catherin eKnoble         
146  William Lake                  William         Honro Eggleston          Sarah Gaston                  Hiram Gaston             Henretta Potter          
147  Robert M .Rutherford          John T.         Susan Luckey             Marion E. McCall              John H. McCall           Hattie Holley            
148  Parker Shaw                   Watson T.       Ida Scoville             Mary Smith                    Benjamin Smith           Alice Bishop             
149  Henry S. Busch                Frederick       Martha Ryce              Hattie Whitaker               Charles                  Emma Ramsey              
150  John Carey                    Martin          Ella Fennescey           Lena Dicks                    Nicholas Dicks           Joanna Vanakin           
151  Bartley H. Dibble             Simon           Anna E. Davis            Ethel M. Parris               A. S.                    Mary E. Parris           
152  Ray W. Hastings               Robert B.       Mary Lawrence            Mary A. MacKenzie             Charles T. MacKenzie     Evaline Shout            
153  George Yanson                 Abram           Jane Effner              Cornelia Mary Thorpe          Samuel Thorpe            Mary Jump                
154  Charles Reynolds              Eli             Rose Tuttle              Edith E. Haynes               Homer D. Haynes          Sarah E. McArthur        
155  Frank W. Edwards              William         Mary Edwards             Agnes B. Liddle               William A. Liddle        Mary J. Bussy            
156  Edmund Klug                   Luther          Cornelia Keon            Mary G. Waters                Haswell Grant            Julia Merrick            
157  Adam E. Rutherford            George L.       Christina Elliott        Eliza A. Rutherford           James Rutherford         Mary McPherson           
158  John McNeilly                 Thomas          Agnes Craig              Annie M. Moxham               Alfred Moxham            Jane Jenkins             
159  Lewis S. Vassler              Delos           Mary Snue                Harriet F. Hubbell            Dr. H. B. Hubbell        Fannie M. Gaylor         
160  John L. Cornell               Cornelius A.    Katharine Arnold         Georgiana VanHouten           William VanHouten        Unknown                  
161  Harold E. Nichoals            Rolla A.        Mary M. Nichols          Bessie A. Dayton              Edward B. Dayton         Lida A. Ham              
162  J. L. Houck                   Wesley          Carrie Houck             Laura L. Lincoln              Fred Lincoln             Unknown Farnum           
163  Tracey L. Graham              Lyman           Jennie Kemp              Elizabeth G. Mable            George S. Mable          Margaret Nicoll          
164  Robert B. Anderson            William         Mary J. Blake            Bessie M. Fraser              Peter Fraser             Elizabeth Hoggs          
165  William R. McDonald           Charles R.      Mary Flint               Elizabeth Middlemist          William Middlemist       Agnes C. Mein            
166  Fred Gregory                  John            Fannie Dibble            Mary Belle Andrews            William S. Andrews       Agnes Rowe               
167  Leone E. Seeley               Ira E.          Elizabeth Henderson      Grace E. Price                Matthew Price            France A. Beach          
168  George A. Jones               Adelbert L.     Sarah Colony             Mabel L. Johnston             William H. Johnston      Carrie Whitney           
169  Abel B. Miller                Henry           Lizzie Hoyt              Mildred L. Frayer             Frank Frayer             Lena Borst               
170  Leon E. Bowman                Eugene          Addie E. Axtell          Clara J. Stevens              Charles A. Stevens       Luella Randall           
171  Harvey C. Burgin              Edard C.        Elizabeth Doig           Elizabeth Isabell Forrest     William T. Forrest       Agnes Jackson            

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Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger