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Excerpt from the 100 Years In the History of Delhi, NY
which was originally abstracted from the Delaware Gazette published at Delhi, NY
transcribed and submitted by Linda Ogborn
Apr. 16, 1860 - Merchants advertising in the first issue included Lee & Co, who had paints oils, varnishes, glass, window shades, and picture frames; E. F. Hutson, who had a New Flour Market with a large stock of fresh ground flour, also pine lumber for sale; E. C. Riggs advertised a first rate 5 octave melodeon (a musical instrument of sorts). The Boot and Shoe Emporium of James McCormack sold French and American calf boots, thick boots and broghans, gaiters and oxford ties. At the store of O.S. and W. F. Hatfield they sold harnesses, saddles, bridles, halters, trunks, carpet bags, and whips.
June 9, 1860 - Messrs. Marshall Shaw and Daniel Crawford, of Hamden, made know their copartnership in the mercantile business. Elder John Little was to preach at the school house near the turnpike gate on the Little Delaware Sunday.
June 30, 1860 - Coroner Laing, of Andes, had been called at an inquest and autopsy performed on the body of one James Herrington, of Clovesville, who died of causes definitely suspicious. The chemical analysis showed the presence of arsenic. His wife was later arrested and charged with murder. In a March 1861 issue, Mrs. Herrington was found not guilty by a jury.
Anniversary exercises had been held at Delaware Academy on July 3. Graduates delivering their essays were George Ainslie, G. B. Clum, William Dig, D. Blakely, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Stott, Mr. McGibbon, Mr. Yeoman, D. T. Arbuckle, G. C. Smith, Jas. B. Clapperton, R. C. Tuttle, C. A. King. The young ladies in the class were Augusta White, Anna L. Priest and Gertrude Seaman.
A. Hunt of Delhi sold James Pyle's dietetic saleratus; most effectual and wholesome saleratus ever introduced; also Costar's rat, roach, etc. exterminator.
A Fish Lake Water Cure, operated by W. S. McCune, M.D. and Mrs. O. F. McCune, M.D., Delhi was opened for patients. They listed their remedial agents as Air, Light, Temperature, Electricity, Exercise, Sleep, Cheerful Mental Impressions. Patients wishing to try the cure were asked to bring for packing purposes 6 large towels, 2 woolen blankets and one comfortable, all of which should be marked. In subsequent weeks several people published testimonials as to the effectiveness of the cure.
Aug. 25, 1860 - From the farm of John R. Hoy of Bovina came stalks of field oats measuring five feet ten inches and a pea vine twelve feet in length.
Selah Frisbee, of Delhi, among the 47 young men graduating form Amherst College.
At a Republican state convention Judge Hathaway presented the name of Norwood Bowne for inspector of State Prison.
The Board of Excise met last Wednesday, the paper reads. They granted two more tavern licenses - one to William H. Simmons of this village (Delhi). "In God's name, were there not grog shops enough in this place before?" demands the editor.
Sep. 29, 1860 - The candidates for county office were announced: Treasurer, Chas. A. Foote, descendant of Judge Ebenezer Foote; superintendent of the poor, Edward Van Dyke; Jusitce of Sessions, Alexander Storie, of Bovina; Coroner, A. E. Sullard, Franklin; Member of Assembly, Seymour E. Smith, Masonville, and Daniel Waterbury, Middletown; School Commissioenrs, Artemas D. Knapp, Delhi, and Nelson B. Flint, Roxbury. In a later issued all the above were elected, except Nelson B. Flint.
1860- The new firm of Lovell and Mitchell are just receiving and offering to customers at their Splendid New Store in Delhi, a new and rare selection of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Cloakings, glass ware, etc. Dress silks from $3 to $16 per yard; Dress prints from 6c to 11c per yard; Delaines at $1 per yard.
Jan. 1861 - The Scotch populace celebrated the 102nd birthday anniversary of Robert Burns with a big part at the home of Clark Andrews, Hamden, on January. 25.
May 1861 - A jail break occurred in May when Benjamin Gransbury, jailed for robbery, escaped by blowing the lock off his cell door with gunpowder. The sheriff offered $50 for his capture.
William A. Cummings is building a new building to be used as a cooper shop and
was to be erected at the bridge on Bridge Street.
Tavern licenses were granted to A. C. Edgerton, A. Hunter, W. H. Simmons, Mitchell and Carman and J. P. Flowers of Delhi.
June 4, 1861 - The first company of volunteers from Delaware County left Delhi for headquarters of Sickles' Brigade. Of the Delhi men the following were numbered in that first contingent: N. A. Packard, James Fogarty, John M. Gordon, Robert T. Johnson, Captain, J. P. Sandford, 1st lieutenant, Frederick Meuger, M. D. Lewis, G. L. Sloat, M. L. Kniskern, F. B. Cormack, James P. Fisher, T.Warren, Petr V. Foulks, John Schink, William S. Kormack, Charles Wardell, Charles Ballou, George W. Davidson, J. W. Whitney. Twelve others of the company were from Hamden, and several from Walton.
Later the same month, Henry Dowie, Andes, sent a firkin of prime butter to the Delaware County boys at their camp on Staten Island.
Letters from the young men in service began to arrive. C. A. VanVradenburg, who marched with the regulars from Delhi, and who was now at Camp March, "within a musket shot of the Capitol". Young VanVradenburg had been an employee at the Republican plant before his enlistment.
In Andes, the parents of Samuel D. Ladd, received notice that he was killed at the battle of Bull Run.
Dr. Ferris Jacobs was off to the war, having offered his services as surgeon. Late in September, Capt. Jacobs sent word that "our rations are abundant, and good, consisting of pork, bacon, salt and fresh, rice, hominy, potatoes, flour or bread, sugar, molasses, vinegar, coffee, tea, soap, candles, but cooking in a manner to please 90 men is not easy. Mails come usually every day - if friends could realize with what eagerness we watch their coming!"
T. L. England was raising a company, Butler Fitch, of Delhi, was also recruiting an artillery company and a company of cavalry was being recruited by Capt. William Hymers of Meredith.
Oct. 1861 - Editors of the Republican did not believe in glossing over facts, as excerpts of the following item will prove, "Died of Delirium Tremen ... Such is the last record of Henry M. Robinson (Hank Robinson) whose rum destroyed soul and body yielded to the grim monster, Death, on Saturday night last at Simmon's Hotel in this village...When at school no boy gave better promise of becoming a shining light in the world".
Joseph Redfield, Franklin, met with a serious accident while chopping in the woods on his farm on East Handsome Brook. "A slip of the foot brought the blow of his axe upon his right leg just above the ankle, cutting the large bone entirely off...The small bone, large artery, and heel cord being saved, Joe went to work to patch up and gt home, a half mile off. Cording the leg just above the knee with a suspender, tearing his coat into bandages, and using such splints as he could get with his ax and jack knife, he lashed up thoroughly and safely as he could. The next job was to get some forked sticks for crutches. Then he started, having a long road and several fences to climb over...... He reached home, weary, faint but sound in pluck. His wound was dressed by Dr. A. E. Sullard, and at last accounts is doing well."
There was a mention of two families with five sons in service and they were Henry Smith of Colchester and Augustus Stebbins of Masonville.
Dec. 21, 1861- Robert Dodds, living on Scotch Mountain, is reported ill with small pox or varioloid. There are said to be other cases in Kingston. Died at Camp Wool, Oct. 18, of measles, Robert R. Maxwell, Delhi, a member of Capt. Johnson's Brigade.
Feb. 22, 1862 - In this issue it shows a large map of Fort Donelson, Tenn., with an account of the battle in which the northern army suffered a disastrous defeat. Three lieutenant-colonels, and at least one quarter of all the other officers were wounded or killed. Captain Frederick W. Shaw, of Meredith, was killed at Fort Donelson.
Spring 1862- Rev. Champion has been appointed a first lieutenant in the Delaware Battery. S. Augustus Gould was given a similar rank in the 51st regiment.
The firemen made plans to frame the first Fireman's Certificate to be issued in the village. The document was dated August 1, 1821, when Ebenezer Steele was the first captain of the company. Members of the volunteer firemen listed on the certificate were Herman S. Gould, Noadiah Johnson, Charles Hathaway, Nathaniel Hathaway, Orias Decker, Selah Hobbie, John Lappon, Caleb Thurber, Homer Phelps, David Newcomb, Abner Thurber, Elijah Roberts.
May 1862 - The Delaware Battery saw hard fighting at Williamsburg. News of casualties were received at home all through the summer. John S. Waldie, 19, died at the home of his uncle, William Shaw, May 20, of wounds received in that engagement. In Andes, May 9, George Seath, 24, died after health was broken by hardships and privations of army life. Captain R. T. Johnson was wounded at Williamsburg, F. B. McCormack, killed, Sgt. Packard was wounded and sent home to recuperate. George L. Benedict, 21, of Sidney Center, a member of Captain Jacobs' company, who had been discharged because of ill health, hanged himself in his father's barn.
A new frame for the residence of A. C. Edgerton gives promise of a large and elegant residence and is located on the high plateau above Second Street.
Aug. 1862 - More war casualties were deaths of Sgt. I. L. Hulslander, Delhi; J. T. Partridge, Hamden; John Gordon, Delhi.
Sep. 1862 - G. W. Reynolds, of Franklin, enlisted and states "I join the army as a volunteer ... my positions that of a private, and I shall hold supreme command of a musket."
William Wynne, 22, Bloombille died on Sept. 13. He was a member of the Delaware Regiment.
Oct. 1862 - On Oct. 11, John Johnson, 21, died of wounds received at Manassas. John was a Delhi boy whose letters frequently appeared in the Republican.
Nov. 1, 1862 - From Camp Bliss, J. M. Way writes "I am now on the sacred soil of Virginia ...Any description I could give would convey no idea of the utter desolation of the country.....The trampling of feet has killed the grass of thousands of acres.....Earthworks are thrown up in the yards of houses......Graves ornament the lawns of private dwellings and the greens of seminaries. In passing Fairfax Seminary which is used for a hospital for 3000 wounded soldiers, I observed the green before it was completely dug up for graves, and the stench which arose from it was the most intolerable I ever smelled...... Your friend, J. M. Way.
Nov. 1862 - At the Battle of Bull Run, Col. John D. MacGregor, son of Malcolm MacGregor, formerly of Delhi, was killed in the engagement.
Military news includes the announcement that C. M.Frisbee, M.D., a Delhi boy recently graduated from Albany Medical College, had been commissioned as assistant surgeon in the 76th New York Regiment. Lt. James Fogarty was severely wounded.
Jan. 1863 - In January, 1863 came the news of the death of Amos B. Walter, in a Washington hospital. The soldier had been an employee of the Delhi Gazette.
Spring 1863 - During the spring more deaths of local boys on the battlefield became known. Oscar Betts, 24, at Camp Randall, Wisconsin, Jan. 26; Artemus D. Flower, Jr., on Feb. 1, near Falmouth, Va.; William Gladstone, Andes, son of Thomas, at camp, on Mar. 21; at Fairfax Seminary, Va., Mar. 25, Kirk Wright, 22, Meredith; David F. Telford, 20, of Meredith, on April 2; Thaddeus Sterling, 21, Hale Eddy, at Fairfax Seminary, both with the New York Volunteers.
May 1863 - James McCormack, Jr., sutler of the 3rd regiment Excelsior Brigade was home for a few days. He reported all the boys of the company from here, that got back form Chancellorsville, are well.
Asa Hammond, Delhi, was killed in the battle on the Rappahannock.
Lieutenant Champion, late of the Delaware Battery, was appointed chaplain of the 179 Pennsylvania regiment.
July , 1863 - Augustus J. Fletcher, 28, of Davenport, died of wounds received at Vicksburg on May 22.
Capt. A. N. Baldwin, of Franklin, was killed at Gettysburg.
Oct. 1863 - Nathan Franklin, Delhi, died suddenly Thursday night in the bar room of Jehial Dibble's tavern at the "Hook" in the Town of Bovina. No one was aware that he was sick.
Oct. 31, 1863 - These men form Co. D, 144 Bat., have died in the service of their country, James M. Way, Oct. 8; William Neff, Sept. 18; Willis Ingraham, Oct. 1; seven others have earlier gone to their reward A. A. Boyd, Nelson Tremper, W. J. VanTAssel, Kirk Wright, J. E. Chamberlin, Watson Wheat, John Cobine.
Jan. 1864 - From the Bloomville Mirror: "There are 1382 persons in Delhi, including men, women and children. 15 are rich and 67 are well off. There are 211 poor people, 46 men and women cannot read or write, 53 children over 7 do not go to school. There are 21 widows of whom 5 are very poor. 17 families are very poor, they suffer for fuel, food and clothing; several of them do not know where their next meal will come from. 3 of these are soldiers' families. There are 5 houses of prostitution; one is said to be kep5 by a soldier's wife who was driven to this by starvation. There are 4 gin mills in full blast and they have turned out 27 drunkards five of whom STILL LIVE. Children may be seen at all times of day clothed in rags and suffering for food. The rich glide along with al the dignity of state and are clothed in purple and fine linen and they fare sumptuously every day. They never see the poor. They never give unless it is popular. Start a project for money and assure them it is popular, that their names will appear in print, and contributions will be made in their August names; and you will see the Miss McBrides, the Flora Flinseys and O'Shoddys, little and big, walk, run, ride, beg, borrow and buy, and everybody must come down with their dust; the rich will then have a general jubilee and all the waitingmaids and servants of the royal household will shout, amen. The rich never think of the home poor; the popular thing for them is for something or somebody abroad, that nobody every heard of except through some titled name or royal house. Whenever you hear of a magnificent contribution being made in Delhi, remember that there are plenty of starving human beings in that beautiful town, with no one to aid them, no charity for them, no consolation for them. The poor are poor still, the starving continue to starve, and no one will care for them but God himself." The editor of the Delhi paper answered "We should like to know the motive that prompted that article. Was it the wanton love of mischief that delights in a false and scandalous story, or was it the desire to throw cold water upon some public charity, which the writer did not dare openly oppose?"
Feb. 20, 1864 - Robert Crosby, a driver on the Kingston route, was frozen so badly on Wednesday last that fears are entertained that he will die. On the Catskill route the driver and passengers were forced to stop and warm themselves at a private house.
John Kenderson is to run the "Red Lion" hotel and David Cotrell has hired the hotel of Thomas Middlemast, and will carry it on the ensuing year. Maxwell and LaBaar are to succeed Mr. Sackrider in the hotel kept by the latter.
June 1864 - On June 25 rumors are confirmed that Lt. Col. England had been killed. He was shot in the head and died instantly as he was ministering to a wounded Confederate soldier at the battle of Petersburg. Wounded in the same engagement were Sgt. Charles Fiebig seriously in the mouth; Sgt. D. P. Dixon, badly in side; John Thompson in arm; William Stott in leg. The regiment lost 58 killed and wounded out of less than 200 men.
July 1864 - Revs. J. H. Robinson, Delhi and J. B. Lee, Bovina, left Tuesday morning to labor among our sick and wounded soldiers.
J. Newton McLaury, in hospital of dysentry. He was one of the most faithful soldier correspondents the Republican had, writing often of life at the front. His last assignment had been at the hospital where he died, where he worked among the sick and wounded. The doctor in charge wrote that he did not realize "the lad was ill until too late". Thomas I. Raymond, another boy who wrote frequently to the Republican, died at Greencastle, Ind. of remittent fever. He was a brother of Mrs. Vernon Frisbee, Delhi.
Mar. 1865 - There is an old lady in this town, a Mrs. Carpenter, living at D. C. White's who is more than a hundred years old. She remembers the burning of Kingston in the Revolution which she witnessed. There are now living four generations of her descendants.
An accident occurred at Phoenicia not long since, by which a little girl, daughter of David Whispell, was killed. She jumped from a teamster's sleigh while it was in motion and was accidentally caught under the runner and instantly killed. She was eight years old.
Mar. 18, 1865 -William S. Gordon, Delhi, member of the 3rd N.Y. cavalry who was taken prisoner several months ago by the Rebels, and was recently exchanged, died aboard the transport on the way home.
Apr. 15, 1865 - The news of the death of Jehiel Moscrip in one of the last battles. "He had served nearly four years, and was one of the best and bravest soldiers Delhi sent to the war."
Nov. 1865 - "Broke Jail - Two persons confined to the county jail on charges of horse stealing made their escape on Nov. 15....One was recaptured, but the second, known as W. P. Oakley, has not been heard of. $25 reward is offered for his apprehension...P.S. Oakley has since been returned to the county jail."
Feb. 1866 - Fire in Delhi. Three Dwellings Destroyed - "Between the hours of 12 and 1 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 6, the grocer store and dwelling of A. Belcher and Co. on the lower corner of the public square in this village was discovered to be on fire. The flames spread rapidly, and the building was pretty well on fire before fire companies were on the ground. Owing to the extreme cold weather and the unprotected condition of the hydrants, it was considerable time before even the adequate supply of water could be made available." "The shoe shop of Jacob Churchill, a temporary concern...(an old daguerreian car) between Belcher's and the Republican office was pulled down, and by dint of strenuous exertions the office of this paper was saved, although it was on fire once or twice.....The fire spread to the small buildings occupied by Mrs. Julia Patterson, and from here to the dwelling of James McCormack Jr., a large portion of which was pulled down to save the Methodist Church."
Feb. 1866 - Two golden wedding anniversaries were noted in the village, that of Mr. and Mrs. James G. Redfield on February 8 with a reception at their home; and the parents of Mrs. C. P. Foote and Mrs. James Elwood who had a reception for them at the home of the latter on Feb. 14.
Mar. 1866 - "Death of Oldest Inhabitant - On March 13, Mrs. Jane Carpenter departed this life at the age of 103 years and 20 days. She was one of the few remaining links that connect the present generation with pre revolutionary times....She was 13 years old at the time of the Declaration of Independence; six years old when Napoleon Bonaparte was born....She could remember when the provinces were poor and weak, stretching along the Atlantic coast....."
Nov. 17, 1866 - A dark bay horse was stolen from the stable of Peter Kiff, in this town (Delhi), last Monday night. A reward of $50 is offered for the recovery of the animal.
Jan. 1867 - Another wild cat was shot in this town (Delhi) on January 15 by William Moscrip, this being the third killed in this vicinity recently.
Feb. 16, 1867 - The dwelling of Rev. D. Grant, East Delhi, was totally destroyed by fire.
Capt. Peter Morton now owns the grist mill and barley mill formerly owned by the late Adam Scott, of Bovina. This is the only barley mill we know of in the county.
Samuel Downing, said to be the last surviving soldier of the Revolution, died at his home near Northville, Saratoga Co., on Feb. 19 in the 106 year of his age. He entered the army just after the surrender of Burgoyne when he was sixteen years old.
Mar. 2, 1867 - Col. Ferris Jacobs, Jr., of Delhi, was nominated by President Johnson as Brevet Brigadier General for his meritorious services during the late war.
Mar. 5, 1867 - Gen. Ferris Jacobs, Jr., Col. Robert Parker, and Alexander Shaw, esq. were appointed a committee to go to Albany to represent the interests of the people of this locality. Hon. William Gleason acted as chairman of the meeting.
May 18, 1867 - James Cormack, Sr., John Hutson and Hon. J. H. Graham, started on Tuesday last for Europe. They expect to be gone about three months.
Sep. 1867 - "It is with unfeigned regret that we announce to our readers the death of Robert Parker, esq. who died at his residence in this village Tuesday morning, September 3, at the age of 49. This sad event was not unexpected, as for some months his health had been failing... A good lawyer, a prominent speaker, a valuable and influential citizen, he added to these characteristics an amiable and generous disposition, and fine social qualities and accomplishments which commanded the respect and esteem of his fellow citizens. Even his failings....which injured himself far more deeply than others...were such as usually accompany a large, genial, kindly nature, without a tinge of sordid aims.....He was buried on Thursday with Masonic honors, about 150 Fraternity, being in attendance."
Sep. 1867 - The hop house of Jehial Gregory, near Bloombille, was destroyed by fire last Monday night...the total loss about $2,000.
Dec. 14, 1867 - "A donation visit in which all classes and members of all churches are invited to participate will be attended on the afternoon and evening of December 25, at the house of James Mein, Delhi, who has been confined to his house and bed for the last two or three years by sickness, and is in great need. Provisions, clothing, wood, and money will be thankfully received. Now is a fine time for `practical charity'. Come one, come all!" In later issue it states that the donation benefit of James Mein netted him about $50, for which he desires to express his thanks.
Dec. 28, 1867 - "Minor Stilson has a singing school every Monday night at White's Hall."
Foot racing among the nimble of foot was a popular pastime these years. W. G. Wood, Delhi, writes a letter to the editor in part as follows: "I saw an article headed, `A foot race at the Hook in your paper, and in that article it was sated that Horace Hogaboom of the Hook beat E. R. Mason, Delhi, in a 50 yard dash for a purse of $20." Mr. Wood challenges Mr. Hogaboom and any other foot raced to a match. The next week brought the reply from Hogaboom. "`I see in our last week's paper', he writes, `a challenge for myself or any other man in Bovina to run with either Messrs. Clark, Mason or Wood, of Delhi, for $100 a side. I will close that challenge by accepting it, the race to come off before the first of May, 1868.'"
Apr. 4, 1868 -Parreck H. Beardsley last week sold two Devon cows and a yearling heifer for $350 to Daniel Frazier.
Apr. 18, 1868 - The report of a wreck on the Erie Railroad near Port Jervis in which twenty people were killed and fifty seriously injured on April 14, lists Alvin Sturdevant among the injured passengers. Mr. Sturdevant was in one of the derailed sleeping coaches. His feet were burned, the right one badly; he had an eye injury, and a severe cut on his head.
Apr. 1868 - Mrs. William Murray, mother of Judge Murray, died at the home of her son, Robert, in Hamden, Wednesday, April 23, aged 79. She was a native of Scotland.
"Four thousand FREEDMEN have petitioned Congress to send them to Liberia. The American Colonization Society will send a ship carrying 650 on May 1.
May16, 1868 - "On Monday last, four boys were sailing in a boat near Hamden village, when it went over the dam and upset....Willie Launt, 15, son of James Launt, was drowned. His body was not recovered until Tuesday morning. His afflicted parents have the sympathy of the entire community in their sudden and sad bereavement."
Sept. 5 1868 - George W. Clark has just completed arrangements for lighting his house with pneumatic gas, and on Thursday evening a number of citizens had the pleasure of testing the merits of this new improvement in illumination...The gas is generated in a tank in the earth outside the building....and the light, through magnificently brilliant, is not of too glaring or intense a character. Mr. Clark not only lights his building, but has added a street lamp which illuminates the several streets which converge near his residence for a great distance."
May 8, 1868 -Just at the close of the railroad meeting in Hamden, Samuel Carr had his left hand blown off by the accidental discharge of a cannon. His eyes were badly injured also.
May 15, 1868 - "Ice cream at Reilley's. The hot weather of the past week has developed a market for this popular refreshment, and it may be found on all sultry occasions in great perfection and frigidity at Reiley's Saloon, basement of C. Howard & Son. Call, and take your `girl' along."
Aug. 28, 1868 - Nathaniel Hathaway is putting a Gothic front upon the Main part of his house to correspond with the wing on the new portion.
Oct. 9, 1868 - "The FLOOD of MONDAY was the most disastrous that has occurred within our memory. Both bridges were swept away, as well as the one at Bloomville.....The Little Delaware bridges at Flower's and Forrest's are among the missing structures. Lumber, dams, fences, cattle and crops of corn and pumpkins have been carried off...Messrs. Penfield lost several piles of valuable pine lumber...water was 3 or 4 feet deep in their office and basements, as well as the mill and miller's house. Mr. Cummings' cooperage was filled with water to the first windows...The brick kiln of White & Co. was inundated and the kiln toppled over in all directions....Many persons did not reach their families on the other side of the river for 2 or 3 days...Mail and railroad communications has been almost entirely suspended."
Jan. 8, 1870 - Death of Dr. S. A. Fitch - "It has been known to our citizens for a long time tht the mental and physical powers of this gentleman were fatally impaired and that his stay with us was limited. But when on New Year's Day, it was announced that his spirit had taken its flight, although mensurably prepared for the announcement, the feeling of grief, and regard for his memory was not less deep and vital. Perhaps no man of his age leaves a brighter record, or was more endeared or trusted by the community. Possessed of a brilliant and cultivated mind and kind heart, having attained an extensive and successful practice.. In which he was distinguished for his ministrations...he was not less active, useful, and exemplary in the church, Sabbath School, temperance cause and the home circle... Thus early he `rest from his labors and his works follow him'. Let us not forget his noble, self-sacrificing Christian life, or fail to profit by his example."
Mar. 19, 1870 - "Property and business changes - H. England has sold the building on the opposite side of the street from his store, now occupied by J. P. Meiggs as a shoe store, to William Stoddart for $1700. John Williamson has purchased the building now occupied by James Cormack at the lower corner of the square for $1400. John McMurray still retains the corner lot. We learn that the Central Hotel has been sold to a party in Otsego County, and that T. N. Derby is to keep a saloon in the basement of the pharmacy. D. H. Peaster has hired the saloon basement of C. Howard & Son, and we learn that the hardware store recently occupied by Bartlett & Co. is to be fitted up as a saloon by Robert Reilly. E. B. Smith is to occupy the former residence of Judge Murray, across the river, just vacated by Maj. B. Fitch. Charles Stevens moves into the Elwood tenement house on Franklin street, and G. A. Sturges vacates in favor of Mr. Stevens, and will remove to a new building which he has been erecting upon Equator street. John Blake has sold his West Meredith farm and removed to the Robert Maxwell place on Peake's Brook."
Apr. 16, 1870 - This week we hear again from Alvin Sturdevant, this time from Lawrence, Mich., where he had been elected Justice of the Peace by the Republicans of that community.
May 7, 1870 - "Rev. C. B. Smyth is on trial before Presbytery in New York for conduct unbecoming a clergyman (drinking gin and milk in a saloon on Sabbath after church.)"
Dec. 1870 - The remains of Timothy Murphy and his wife have been removed from the old burying ground in Fulton to the Middleburgh Cemetery where it is expected a suitable monument will be erected a suitable monument will be erected in honor of this celebrated warrior of Revoluntionary war fame.
Apr. 22, 1871 - The following were chosen wardens and vestrymen of St. John's Church at the annual election on Easter Tuesday, 11. Wardens: C. Marvine, N. Hathaway; vestrymen: Jesse Redfield, O.S. Hatfield, G. Moore, J. Palmer, A. C.Edgerton, W. H. Griswold, O. W. Smith.
Mar. 23, 1872 - Messrs. J. R. Honeywell and W. R. Bill have purchased the goods and rented the store of Henry England....The new firm are both young and popular men. Mr. Honeywell has been for some years clerk at his present location. Mr. Bill was in the grocery business as one of the firm of Graham & Bill.
Mar. 30, 1872 - A Post Office has been established at Dean's Corners, called Arkville.
May 18, 1872 - Samuel Fanning, of Davenport, in jail for burglary took French leave on Wednesday last, by enlarging and crawling through the diamond hole. (Samuel was recaptured the next week and consigned to his old quarters in the jail).
Sept. 28, 1872 - John Gleason, son of William Gleason, is now a student at Yale College. Robert and Agusutus Carrington, sons of Ira Carrington, are students at Wesleyan University. George Yeomans, son of William Youmans, Jr., is a student at Amherst, Mass. David Murray, son of Judge Murray, is a student at Princeton, New Jersey.
Dec. 28, 1872 - William H. Douglas, of this village, has just received from Bruce & Pitcher $65, being his weekly allowance from the Traveler's Accidental Insurance Co., Hartford, Conn. on a policy of $1,000... $5 per week for 13 weeks...during which he was laid up by injuries received by the running away of his horse.
Jan. 25, 1873 - The Hamden Drowning Tragedy - Dr. O. B. Mayward, Mrs. Maynard, and Mrs. Cyrus Carrington had left a donation at Hamden, were seen to have approached the river crossing at Lansingville. A team and sleigh which followed them were obliged to turn back on account of the rise of water on the flats, occasioned by its being diverted from the channel by the accumulation of ice in the river above. Parties in search along the river found the horse and sleigh about a mile below the crossing the next day. He was released by Mr. Bush, who resided near. Search for the bodies of Dr. Maynard and Mrs. Carrington were discovered....The body of Mrs. Maynrad has not yet been found....Mrs. Carrington was 35; Dr. Maynard, 30; his wife 20 years of age."
April 19, 1873 - The body of Mrs. Maynard was found on Sunday, April 13, by Robert Murray.....The point where she was found was nearly four miles below the scene of the catastrophe...."
May 24, 1873 - Dr. Colvin Howard died at his home in Delhi, Mon., May 19, aged 81 years. He came to Delaware County at the age of 19 to teach.....He soon thereafter commenced the study of medicine with Dr. Gregory of Hobart......His public career has been most useful, honorable, and exemplary.....He was connected with all movements of temperance reform, including a band of Delhi his special Cold Water Army.
June 7, 1873 - The hotel at Hamden owned by the Renwick brothers was entirely consumed by fire Wednesday, June 4.
July 5, 1873 - The family of F. A. Paddock of New York, have taken up their summer residence with Mrs. Paddock's father, Hon. S. Gordon.
July 19, 1873 - Miss Jennie Rose, daughter of Edmund Rose of this town, has been engaged to teach in the Walton Union Free School the coming year at a salary of $400.
Feb. 14, 1874 - Charles Marvine, the well-known president of the Delaware National Bank, is lying in critical condition from goitre. His situation excites the anxious solicitude of his warm friends. Mr. Marvine died on Feb. 26.
Apr. 4, 1874 - "A Beautiful Mememto- Mrs. Abram Thomas of this village has presented the Second Presbyterian Church a silver communion set of eleven pieces, the baptismal bowl and goblets being gold lined. It is a memorial gift for her honored father, James G. Redfield, and for her brother, Alfred Redfield, both of whom were shining lights in the church aforesaid..."
May 23, 1874 - Mr. Alvin Sturdevant of Benton Harbor, Mich. and family will soon start East, he to assume the editorial management of the Binghamton Daily Republican.
May 30, 1874 - From the Binghamton Republican of May 27 comes news of the death of Alvin Sturdevant. It reads in part, "Mr. Sturdevant died in Benton Harbor, Mich, probably May 26. The remains were forward May 27 to Madison, New York, for burial...He was born in Madison County between 35 and 40 years ago, and received a liberal education at Oxford and Hamilton. His first journalistic venture was with the Delaware Republican. How different is his coming to his old home from the manner he anticipated. The bitter tears of his friends fall, where their smile would gladly greet him...."
July 25, 1874 - Miss Maggie Lockhart, of Bovina, has accepted an appointment as missionary to Egypt, under the care of the Board of Foreign Missions of the United Presbyterian Church.....She expects to leave for her field of labor about Sept. 1.
Nov. 21, 1874 - Henry Hogaboom, of Bovina, has bought and is picking some 600 bushels of apples in the vicinity of Delhi. He intends taking them to Europe for sale.
Jan. 30, 1875 - The following young men, residents of this town, left New York for California on Tuesday, Jan. 5: Robert Young, Alex Currie, David Anderson, William Mein, Delmar Hall.
Mar. 20, 1875 - L. W. Center and R. H. McCall have made arrangements to operate the soda and sarsaparilla works formerly run by G. A. Edgerton and intend to keep the public supplied during the ensuing season.
Sept. 18, 1875 - James Hughes at East Delhi has just finished burning a new kiln of brick.
Nov. 20, 1875 - Asher Murray, youngest son of Judge Murray, is home from college suffering from typhoid pneumonia.
Jan. 29, 1876 - "Death of Hon. Charles Hathaway - Perhaps no name was more familiar to the people of Delaware County than that of Charles Hathaway, whose death we are this day called upon to chronicle. He died on Friday last, January 21, aged 79 years. Judge Hathaway was born in Hudson and came with his parents to this county about the year 1808, first living in Walton. He has been a resident of Delhi for nearly half a century. He was for a time a law partner of the Hon. Charles A. Foote, deceased....He coped most successfully with such legal minds as Selah Hobbie, Erastus Root, Samuel Sherwood, Modiah Johnson, Amasa Parker and Samuel Gordon of our own bar, as well as many of the most brilliant lawyers of the state........He retired from the practice of his profession many years ago, that he might devote his whole time to the agency of the most important trcts of land in the 1828 he was married in New York to Miss Maria Augusta Bowne, a niece of Mrs. Judge Foote, and sister of the editor of the Express........"
Mar. 4, 1876 - Joseph Dreyfus has put his sign on the Delhi Cooperage.
Apr. 8, 1876 - "Broke Jail - Coonrod Mable and Walter Stott escaped from jail about 1 o'clock Monday morning, and have not yet been retaken. Marble was in on a peace warrant, and would have been discharged on Monday. Stott had just served a term in state's prison, and returned here on another charge for which he had been indicted. It was supposed he would plead guilty at the court now in session. Marble's escape seems to have been from pure cussedness." (Mr. Stott was the first post master at DeLancey. His troubles began when a discrepancy occurred in the finances of that office.)
Apr. 15, 1876 - Mary Hathaway and Mrs. Jane Wright are contesting the will of their brother, the late Judge Hathaway. Later issues indicate they decided not to contest the will and it was admitted to probate.
July 8, 1876 - By a premature explosion at Andes, July 4th, of the twelve pounders, a son of Jacob Samuels, aged 18, had his face terribly burned, and will probably lose his eyes entirely. Daniel Hyzer was also badly injured by having his right arm severely burned.
Aug. 12, 1876 - Dr. Thomas Davie, Delhi, who has been an army surgeon on the frontier for the last ten years, is in town. Dr. Davie was with General Custer in all his raids during the past two years.
Sept. 2, 1876 - The irrepressible Coonrod Marble has agin broken jail, this time at Cooperstown. P. S. Marble has again been arrested, this time in Sidney, and is now back in Cooperstown.
Dec. 16, 1876 - The chronic jail breaker, Coonrod Marble, has been sentenced to Auburn prison for ten years.
Jan. 6, 1877- Death of Dr. Almerion Fitch died Wednesday morning of typhoid pneumonia at the age of 76..... His funeral services will take place at the Episcopal Church at 11 a.m. today, Jan. 6. He will be buried with Masonic honors.
Mar. 31, 1877 - "V. R. Barnhart, of the Delaware Market, gave some meat to a poor family in this village. In a short time the meat was returned with the request that it be exchanged for oysters. Such families ought not to be helped."
May 3, 1877 - "Miss Mary Leal wishes to inform the ladies of Delhi and vicinity that she has rooms over Hatfield's Harness Shops. Dressmaker, cutting and fittings a specialty."
May 10, 1877 -" Mrs. Walter Oliver, of Federal Hill, recently had an operation performed upon one of her eyes by Dr. Buckley, and it is probably that the eye will have to be entirely removed.
David McLean, of Terry Clove, son-in-law of Mrs. Oliver, has also suffered at least two operations to remove some kind of tumor from the inside of his mouth. This very unpleasant sensation was performed by Dr. Browne, assisted by Dr. Gates." "John Hutson had quite a large tumor or excresence removed from his back by Dr. Buckley, assisted by Dr. Gates." "Louis Garlick, of this village, had quite a large tumor removed from his eyelid a day or two ago by Drs. Gates and Calhoun."
July 5, 1877 - J. K. Penfield has received a cablegram saying that the exhibit of butter by John S. Murray, Delhi, received the highest prize for American butter at the recent Royal Agriculture Exhibit of London.
July 19, 1877 - "Persons willing to entertain the children sent from New York by the Evening Post Fresh Air Fund are requested to report to Mrs. E. F. Hutson, J. R. Honeywell, Russell Frost, Elbridge Hitt, or C. M. Hill."
Sept. 13, 1877 - "On Wednesday a five year old son of Thomas O'Neil fell from the back door of Crosby's new residence and fractured both bones of one wrist. Somebody will get killed fooling around there yet."
Dec. 27, 1877- "Dr. Thomas Davie, formerly surgeon in the regular army, has located in Delhi, and opened an office on Main Street."
Jan. 3, 1880 - "The dilapidated County Hotel, known as the `Clark House', has received a new landlord, and will hereafter be known as the `Crawford House'. But in spite of its excellent landlords and cheap fare, it is likely to remain an unpopular and dilapidated concern, patronized mainly by tramps, criminals and lunatics."
July 23, 1880- "The People vs. Marcus Bennett - Before Justice J. T. Shaw, July 27. A complaint made against the defendant for working on the Sabbath day, he being over 14 years of age. The defendant on the 25th day of July last, had a load of hay on his wagon which he took out of the barn and spread so that it would dry, and when sufficiently dry, put it back in his barn. To this defendant pleaded guilty, and was fined $1 and costs by the court."
While plowing about two miles below Downsville village one day last week, Phelps Knapp turned up some old Indian dishes or utensils of some kind, made of stone.
Aug. 14, 1880 - James T. Black, of Bovina, passes a successful examination before the school commissioners, and goes to Cornell University from this county.
Jan. 1, 1881 - S.O. Holmes, of Downsville, was last week suffering from so dangerous a swelling of the throat as to nearly stop his breathing. A silver tube was inserted through an opening made in the windpipe, and Mr. Holmes was enabled to breathe thereby, and his health was improving at last accounts. Dr. J.J. Buckley was called to participate in the operation.
Jan. 8, 1881 - Among the recent deaths reported was that of S. O. Holmes, of Downsville, whose illness was reported last week. Sickness in the shape of scarlet fever is reigning at Meredith Square. In the family of Rev. J. C. Hammond no less than six members of the family are ill, one or two cases being considered hopeless.
Feb. 5, 1881 - Fred Hoyt, a former printer upon the Mirror, now upon the Chicago Times, made us a call on Friday. He had just returned to Walton from Chicago to attend the funeral of his wife, Mary, who died in Walton at the age of 27.
Apr. 2, 1881 - Court is in session at Delhi with a case of unusual interest on the docket. "Mrs. Polly Haskins' indictment is for murder in the first degree, the charge being the killing of her husband, Joseph Haskins, by the administration of arsenic, at Sidney Center in July, 1880." "The jury returned a verdict of `not guilty' which was received with applause. The defendant was congratulated by her counsel and friends and "straightway retired from the courtroom". In commenting on the decision, Mr. McIntosh said, "The evidence of declarations by deceased of his having committed suicide to avoid criminal prosecution rendered the prospect of conviction a hopeless one. The evidence of Haskins' forgeries was complete, and the motive much more clear than any which could be given for poisoning."
Nov. 9, 1881 - Byran Burgin brought 102 bushels of potatoes to Delhi, and sold them for $102.
Dec. 28, 1881 - Rev. Selah Frisbee, D.D., president of Wells Female College, takes his vacation in Delhi with his father Milton Frisbee.
Feb. 1, 1882 - England Post, No. 142, G.A.R., has been incorporated. The following appointments have been made: Adjutant, Geo. W. Hitchcolk; Sergeant major, J. B. Shove; Quartermaster sergeant, Hiram E. Stoutenburg.
Apr. 22, 1882 - Daniel Lee, formerly of this place, whose health has been poor in consequence of confinement in rebel prisons and other army hardships, has received a pension, with about $1,200 back pay.
May 1882 - The death A. C. Edgerton, aged 56, occurred at his home on May 13. He had been ill a week or two past and was apparently recovering when he was stricken with pneumonia which caused his death in 24 hours....He was possessed of abundant means....and was in many respects a liberal and public-spirited citizen. He was a director of the Midland, losing heavily in that and other unfortunate enterprises. He was a member of the board of trustees of Delaware Academy, and of the Fire Department.
Aug. 19, 1882 - John W. Smith, Walton, formerly of Delhi, died August 16 of diphtheria. His son died a week previous of the same disease, and a cousin of Mr. Smith has also died from the same cause.
Sept. 30, 1882 -Hon. Amasa Parker, Jr., of Albany, while out driving with his wife, sister-in-law and another lady, was run away with by the team. His sister-in-law was killed. Mr. Parker was dangerously and perhaps, fatally injured. Mrs. Parker escaped with slight injuries.
Oct. 21, 1882 - Charles Hathaway, of New York City, was married at Platteville, Wis., on October 5, to Miss Cora Roundtree, youngest daughter of Major John H. Roundtree, of Platteville....Mr. and Mrs. Hathaway arrived here on Wednesday, and a reception to them was given by Mrs. N. Hathaway on Thursday.
Dec. 2, 1882 - Jacob Schlafer gives notice that his barber shop and bath rooms will be closed Saturday night at 11:30 o'clock and remain closed until Monday morning.
Dec. 23, 1882 - Frank, son of Maurice Farrington, lost a finger one day this week, by a jam, secured while coasting.
Dec. 30, 1882 - James A. Mable, whose injury at is saw mill, causing concussion of the brain, we noticed last week, still continues in a semi-unconscious situation.
Jan. 6, 1883 - Henry Granlich is making preparations to kill his hog.
Jan. 13, 1883 - John J. Youmans, of Binghamton, died in that city Jan. 23, aged 84. He was the architect and builder of a number of the best buildings in Delhi.
Jan. 27, 1883 - Eugene Limbeck, of Morris, Ill., was married to Miss Elizabeth Kniskern at the home of the bride's mother in Delhi, Jan. 24....At the wedding there was a large attendance of our best people.....One remarkable circumstance was that the prime delicacies were all the handiwork of the bride, and were fine specimens of what she was likely to know about housekeeping.
Feb. 17, 1883 - We regret to state that Ira Carrington, well and favorably known here, is prostrated with a severe attack of his old complaint, diabetes, and there is no prospect of his recovery.
Mar. 3, 1883 - A number of cases of scarlet fever have made their appearance on Peake's Brook, the family of George Harder being especially afflicted. A young daughter of his died last Friday, and Andrew Reynolds, his son-in-law, on Sunday night. Measles and scarlatina are prevalent all over the county.
Mar. 31, 1883 - Weston Burdick is getting ready to put up a residence on his cooperage lot on Main street, just below the Steele Brook bridge.
May 5, 1883 - Joel S. Brush was killed in New York on Friday last, being run over by a wagon while crossing the street. He was about 70 years of age. He was a former resident of Bovina, a grandson of Alex Brush, first settler on the present site of Brushland. His remains were brought to Rose's Brook for interment with those of his ancestors.
June 2, 1883 - David Cottrell who has been lying very low with erysipelas for the week past, was considered a little better.
Mrs. Rockafeller, has an ice cream and victualing saloon on Meredith street.
Sept. 8, 1883 - Until Apr. 1, 1884, bread of all kinds will be sold at 8 cents per loaf at the bakery of A. L. Mumford.
Dr. O. M. Landon, dentist, having returned from a vacation, desires to say to the public that he is prepared to attend to all calls for his professional services.
Oct. 6, 1883 - The remains of Lt. Commander W. K. Wheeler were brought to Delhi for interment on the morning of September 29 in charge of Lieutenant Nye, of the U.S. Navy....It will be remembered that Lt. Commander Wheeler died at sea aboard the U.S.S. Alaska on March 14, 1876, aged 33 years. He was buried on the 19th in the cemetery of the American Mission near the French town of Libreville on the west coast of Africa. In the last letter he wrote his mother he said, "I should like so much to see all of you again, and dear old Delhi, the only place I ever loved, and I do love Delhi beyond belief. If I could have come home to die, and have been laid to rest in the little cemetery there, it would have been a great satisfaction to me....." And now, at last, after many days all that remains of the brave and gallant officer has been borne to our beautiful cemetery for its final rest....."
Oct. 13, 1883 - L. B. Gleason has returned home from Yale College sick with typhoid fever.
Oct. 20, 1883 - "We regret to learn of the further affliction of Judge Gleason's family. His son, Lafayette, who was brought home from college sick with fever, does not improve. His second son, Wallace, is now confined to the house with fever, while his wife to whom he was married but a few weeks ago, is also sick at her father's house, and at present her condition is extremely critical."
Dec. 15, 1883 - John Hunt, the oldest man in Delhi, died on Sunday, Dec. 9, at the residence of Stephen Wardell, across the river. He was born in Hawley, Mass., July 4, 1790, and was in the 94th year of his age....He lost his wife about five years ago, when he came to the village to reside.
Jan. 26, 1884- "Death of an Old Anit-Renter - John VanSteenburgh, a widely known resident of the town of Colchester, died suddenly a few days ago. His death recalls the event of the anti-rent war that raged fiercely in this county about `45-`46, as he was one of those sentenced to be hanged for the shooting of Deputy Sheriff Steele, while enforcing the law for the collection of land rents in the town of Andes.
Apr. 5, 1884 - William E. White, at North Walton, zig zag, tapped 1200 trees and made 1500 pounds of maple sugar in March.
Sep. 27, 1884 - Greene Moore, perhaps the oldest and longest resident of Delhi, gives interesting reminiscences of this village and county. He came here in 1825. He witnessed the execution of the only two murderers ever hanged in this county, was sheriff and present when under-sheriff Steele was killed by the Anti-Renters in Andes.
Sept. 3, 1885 - Crosby, the jail breaker, was sentenced on Monday to remain 20 days longer in jail for falling out the window. His original offense was stoning a disreputable house in Davenport. He is about 21 years old.
Oct. 10, 1885 - John T. McDonald, Elk Creek, is making preparations and will be ready in a few days to manufacture apple jelly, having purchased an evaporator for the purpose.
Jan. 8, 1886 - John C. Oliver, Lake Delaware, has made from March 1 to Dec. 28, 1885, from a dairy of 20 cows, 4928 pounds of butter.
Jan. 23, 1886 - "Delhi's Latest Craze - A most peculiar craze is now raging in Delhi with unparallel vigor, and embracing in its toils all classes of society and all ages. It will hardly be credited when it is stated that this craze is gum chewing. Of course no Delhian would chew ordinary gum, but an improved kind called "Ko-Ko-Tula", a brown substance strongly resembling `India rubber' gum... One merchant aggregates his sale as a gross per day. As each paper of gum contains 6 chews, the daily average furnished per day by this one merchant only is 864 chews. On this basis the daily average is at least 5,000 chews, or an average of 5 chews a day for each inhabitant."
May 29, 1886 - Mrs. Emma Shaw, her sister, Mrs. Vandercook, accompanied by Gracie Shaw, are visiting New York.
June 19, 1886 - The barn of O. J. Butts, Bloomville, is about completed. It is said to be the largest one in the county -338 feet around it.
Aug. 21, 1886 - Mrs. Jonas Preston and daughter, Marie, are visiting relatives in Cannonsville.
Jan. 1, 1887 - James Russell of Hamden is home from Cornell University and Al Shaw is home from Andover, Mass.
Jan. 15, 1887- Captain J. K. Hood has gone to Rome to attend a meeting of the council of administrators, G.A.R. of which he is a member.
Feb. 19, 1887 - Miss Mamie Goodrich entertained a company of her young friends at her father's residence on High Street.
Misses Jessie and Josie Bostwick, near Delancey, entertained a number of their Academy friends in their home last week
Merchant's Protective Union elected James K. Penfield, Pres.; Charles E. Hitt, Vice Pres.; W. I. Mason, Sec.; Charles F. Hunt, Trea.
Mar. 26, 1887 - Dr. G. C. Smith, Delhi, has been appointed physician to the poor house by Superintendent Hutson.
W. R. Mable has rented the skating rink for use of storing dressed lumber, in connection with his lumber yard.
Judge Murray, because of continued ill health, has asked to be relieved of his duties as Justice of the Supreme Court from this judicial district.
W. R. Mable placed and ad in the paper stating "Until further notice, I will deliver coal to any part of the village for 25 cents a ton; also gardens plowed for fifty cents, either with one or two horses as desired."
Apr. 16, 1887 - Another ad placed in the paper states "There appears to be a cut in prices in coal hauling and garden plowing in Delhi. We suggest an improvement on the present plan of plowing with three horse, the employing of David Wight, who with four horses say he can do a first class job, cheap for cash, on short notice. P.S. Orders left at the watering trough."
Apr. 30, 1887 - M. T. Menzie's Novelty Store advertises an immense stock of Florida oranges at fifty cents a peck.
May 7, 1887 - Miss Mai White, who has been attending the Boston Conservatory of Music, returned home on Saturday.
Ex-sheriff Greene Moore fell down the cellar stairs on Friday and sustained injuries. Should he live until July 14, he will be 90 years old.
Norwood Bowne, editor of the Express, celebrated his 74th birthday May 3rd.
May 21, 1887 - Peter Murphy, age 84, died recently in Schoharie. He was the youngest son of the Timothy Murphy, the renowned Indian fighter and defender of that county during the Revolutionary war. He was credited with having slain three score Indians with his own hands.
June 4, 1887 - It is said that Daniel Frazier is digging for silver on the Hermiston farm on Scotch Mountain.
Sept. 24, 1887 - Jerome Ingalls died from lockjaw last Saturday.
Bovina School Teachers - James A. Gow will teach at Maynard's this fall; T. Gordon at Bovina; John Campbell at Coulter Brook; T. Ormiston at W. Miller's; William Hoy at Armstrong's; and William Johnson at Lake Delaware. Nov. 26, 1887 - The Cigar Manufactory of Hutson & Whitney, Delhi, is a thriving institution...It has made and disposed of 62,000 cigars in the course of six months.
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