
Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site

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The Village of Delhi:
Excerpts from the book by Pauline Hovenmeyer
called "100 Years in the History of Delhi, New York 1860-1960".

Submitted by Linda Ogborn

Continued in Section 2 - Letters G - M
NAME                        SPOUSE/PARENTS                     DEATH DATE     MARRIAGE DATE  REMARKS

Adee, George                Forman, Fannie                                    Oct. 4, 1864   In Bloomville, NY      
Adee, George                                                                                 Feb. 1884 had law firm 
Ainslee, Jeannette          Irving, Henry                                     Apr. 1861                             
Ainslie, George                                                                              Graduate Del .Academy, Delhi, 1860                   
Aitken, John                Gransbury, Mary                                   Dec. 10, 1885                         
Allaben, James R.                                                                            Atty at Law, Delhi, NY 1860                          
Allaben, O.M.                                                                                Oct. 1863 on Dem. Ticket for Senator                 
Allaben, James R.                                                                            Atty at Law, Delhi, NY 1860                          
Allaben, O.M.                                                                                1862, Published First Issue of Utilitarian           
Anable, Ansel                                                                                Meredith (1864) Lost a cow when 
       she stuck her tongue thru partition and horse bit if off                                                   
Anderson, David                                                                              Jan. 5, 1874 left for California                     
Andrews, Clark                                                                               1863 chairman of Hotel Keepers                       
Andrews, Children           Rodney Andrews                     1862                          Died of Diptheria, of Meredith                       
Andrews, Mrs. Rodney                                           1862                          Died of Diptheria, of Meredith                       
Andrus, Charles L.          Bowne, Alice                                      Dec. 29, 1885  He from Stamford, She dau. Of Norwood                
Anthony, Susan B.                                                                            July 1874, lectured in Oneonta, NY                   
Arbuckle, D.T.                                                                               Graduate Del. Academy, Delhi, 1860                   
Arbuckle, Daniel                                               Mar. 25, 1868                 Age 73                 
Arbuckle, Nettie            Moscript, Marcus                                  Feb. 4, 1880                          
Arbuckle, Judge                                                                              Jan. 1884, place new furnace in Court House          
Arbuckle, D.T.                                                                               Sept. 1883, Dem. Ticket for Co. Judge                
Armstrong, Frank C.         Burns, Nettie                                     July 2, 1863   At Bovina              
Avery, George D.                                                              1860           Revoluntionary War Soldier died at Oxford, Chen. Co., NY.  Age 97.
Baldwin, A.N.                                                  1863                          Killed at Gettysburg, Capt.                          
Ballantine, Duncan                                                                           Cashier, Delhi Bank, 1863                            
Ballou, Charles                                                                              June 4, 1860, Left for Sickles' Brigade              
Barlow, Alfred              Son of D. Barlow                   June 15, 1870                 Of consumption, age 30 
Barlow, D.                                                                                   As of 1870 had lost seven sons to consumption.       
Barlow, Daniel, Jr.         Son of D. Barlow                   June 12, 1870                 Of consumption, age 25 
Barner, J.H.                                                                                 Mar. 1884 moved to Stamford from Delhi               
Barnhart, V. R.                                                                              Owned Delaware Market, donated meat to a poor family.  
       The meat was returned with a request for oysters. 1877                              
Bartlett, B.J.                                                                               1873, Overseer of Poor (Rep)                         
Baumes, James R.                                                                             Sept. 1883, Dem. Ticket for Assembly                 
Beard, L.G.                 Wilcox, M.S.                                                                            
Beardsley, P.H.                                                               Dec. 30, 1860  May 5,1866, merchant in Bricks                       
Beardsley, Mary Ann         Wife of Pareck H.                  Mar. 25, 1868                 Dau.  Of John D. Smith, age 38                       
Beardsley, Parrec H.                                                                         Apr. 1868 sold 2 cows worth $350.                    
Bell, Mary                  Maxwell, Robert                                   Feb. 2, 1876   Both of Delhi          
Benedict, George L.                                            1862                          Discharged because of ill health, hanged himself in father's 
       barn at Sidney Center. 
Benham, Bessie              Sheldon, William C.                               Nov. 19, 1884  In Brooklyn            
Bennett, Marcus                                                                              July 1877, charged with working on the sabbath. Took hay 
       from barn to dry & returned it. Plead guilty and fined $1.                        
Bennett, Alice c.           Bronk, H.E.                                       Mar. 16, 1880                         
Berray, E.P.                                                                                 Engraver of Walton, NY 
Betts, Oscar                                                   Jan. 26, 1862                 Killed at Camp Randall,, Wisconsin                   
Black, James T.                                                                              Aug. 1877, passed exam before school commissioners & will 
       attend Cornell Univ.                                                             
Blair, Mary M.              Smith, Joseph J.                                  Dec. 20, 1863  By Rev. Robinson, both of Delhi                      
Blake, James                                                                                 Feb. 6, 1875 Rec'd. License from Excise Bd.          
Blakeley, D., Jr.                                                                            Alumni of Del. Academy 1862 reunion                  
Blakely, D.                                                                                  Graduate Del. Academy, Delhi, 1860.
Blanchard, John                                                                              Shareholder, Delhi Bank, 1860                        
Blanchard, John                                                June 29, 1872                 Age 70, former Merchant
Boggs, Elizabeth            Wife of William                    Dec. 26, 1883                 At Bovina              
Boomhower, Park             Stoutenburg, Josephine                            Oct. 21, 1863                         
Booth, John Wilkes                                                                           Apr. 29, 1865 killed while being arrested for Lincoln's murder.
Boowne, Priscilla           Wife of Norwood Bowne              Feb. 14, 1865                 Age 49                 
Bostwick, Milton                                                                             Shareholder, Delhi Bank, 1860                        
Bostwick, Jennie                                                                             Apr. 1865 rode float in celebration parade           
Bostwick, Milton                                                                             Shareholder, Delhi Bank, 1860                        
Bowker, Silas                                                  Nov. 1863                     At Folly Island, S.C., age 26                        
Bowne, Norwood                                                                               Inspector of State Prison                            
Bowne, Norwood                                                                               1862, Sec. Of Delhi Anti-Slavery Soc. Of Del. Co.    
Bowne, Norwood                                                                               Inspector of State Prison                            
Bowne, Norwood                                                                               1862, Sec. Of Delhi Anti-Slavery Soc. Of Del. Co.    
Bowne, Norwood                                                                               1862 Pres. Village of Delhi                          
Bowne, N.                                                                                    1873, Asst. Sec. Of the Senant                       
Bowne, Charles N.           Woolerton, Mary Elizabeth                         May 2, 1866                           
Bowne, Alice                Andrus, Charles                                   Dec.. 29, 1885 He from Stamford, She dau. Of Norwood                
Boyd, A.A.                                                     1863                          Of Franklin, died in battle                          
Boyd, James                                                                                  Apr. 1877, built house on Clinton St.                
Bradley, Charlotte          Cannon, James G.                                  1881           In New York City, Dau. Of Dr. Wm. C.                 
Bronk, H.E.                 Bennett, Alice C.                                 Mar. 16, 1880                         
Brown, F.A.M.                                                                                Mar. 1881, Retired as Pastor of 2nd Pres. Ch.        
Browne, Emma                Landon, M.O.                                      Aug. 6, 1885   Dau. Of Rev. Geo. Browne                             
Brush, Joel S.              Grandson of Alex Brush             May 1883                      Killed in New York City, run over by wagon           
Bryden, Alexander           Mabon, Jessie                                     Feb. 3, 1875                          
Buckley, Elizabeth          Wife of Dr. Horatio N.             June 26, 1864                                        
Buckley, John               Hathaway, Annie                                   Oct. 8, 1877                          
Buckley, J. J.                                                                               1882, left for Fargo, Dakota                         
Buckley, Jennie             Dau. Of H.N. Buckley               Apr. 29, 1870                 Age 3 yrs.             
Buckley, Elizabeth          Wife of Frank                      Feb. 7, 1885                  Died at home on High St., age 43                     
Burdick, Weston                                                                              Mar. 1883, owned cooperage on Steele Brook           
Burgin, Bryan                                                                                Nov. 1881, Sold 102 bushels of potatoes for $102.    
Burns, Nettie               Armstrong, Frank C.                               July 2, 1863   At Bovina              
Burns, Horatio A.           Woodruff, Theresa                                 Mar. 29, 1860  Married in Ottumawa, Illinois, formerly of Delhi     
Burns, Moses E.             Scott, Mary                                       July 1, 1863   At Brushland (Bovina)  
CalhounSheriff in 1865        
Campbell, William           Vail, Minerva                                     Jan. 2, 1884   He from Scotch Mt., she from Hamden                  
Cannon, George B.                                                                            Postmaster, Delhi, 1860
Cannon, James G.            Bradley, Charlotte                                1881           In New York City, Dau. Of Dr. Wm.C.                  
Cannon, George B.                                                                            Postmaster, Delhi, 1860
Cannon, Catharine           Widow of Andrew                                   Age 75 yrs.                           
Cannon, James G.                                                                             Aug. 1885, appot. Cashier in a 5th Ave. 
       Bank in NYC and elected as a director.                                                             
Carpenter, Mrs.                                                                              1865 Oldest resident of Delhi                        
Carpenter, Jane                                                Mar. 13, 1866                 Aged 103 yrs. 20days.She was 13 yrs old when 
       the Dec. of Independence was signed.                                                          
Carr, Samuel                                                                                 May 8, 1868, hand blown off by cnnon                 
Carrington, Augustus        Son of Ira                                                       Sep. 1872, Student at Wesleyan Univ.                 
Carrington, Robert          Son of Ira                                                       Sep. 1872, Student at Wesleyan Univ.                 
Carrington, Mrs.            Wife of Cyrus                      Jan. 1873                     Drowned near Hamden    
Carrington, Ira                                                                              1883 has severe attack of diabetes                   
Carrington, Ira                                                Feb. 23, 1883                 Age 58. He was a blacksmith & carrige-maker          
Carter, G.C.                                                                                 Nov. 1877, Preacher at the African Methodist Episcopal 
       Zion Chapel on Meredith St.,Delhi                                                   
Cartwright, Silas S.                                                                         Sept. 1883, Rep. Ticket for Assembly                 
Case, Anzolett E.           Case, D.B.                         Jan. 1862                     Dau. Of Gideon Frisbee, Died in Oswego, Illinois     
Cathels, James, Jr.                                                                          1862, Chairman Bovina Anti-Slavery Soc. Of Del. Co.  
Cease, J.                                                                                    1864, At Agr. Fair, 2nd best variety of apples       
Center, L.W.                                                                                 Mar.  1875, Operator of Soda & Sarsaparilla works    
Chamberlin, J.E.                                               1863                          Of Franklin, died in battle                          
Champion, J.H.                                                                               Champlin at Carver Barracks, Wash. And appt. 1st Lt. 
       In Del.Battery 1862                                                                   
Churchill, Jacob                                                                             1866 Merchant in Shoes 
Clapperton, Jas. B.                                                                          Graduate Del. Academy, Delhi, 1860                   
Clark, George W.                                                                             1862 Water Commissioner, Delhi                       
Clark, George W.                                                                             1865 appointed to Bd. Of Health                      
Clark, John                                                                                  Sep. 17, 1867, Elected Asst. Comm. Of the 
       Grand Army of the Republic 
Clark, George W.                                                                             Sep. 1868, completed arrangements to light 
       his house with pneumatic gas.                                                                   
Clum, G.B.                                                                                   Graduate Del. Academy, Delhi, 1860                   
Cobine, John                                                   1863                          Of Franklin, died in battle                          
Collins, Francis                                               May 1862                      Body servant of Major Levenworth Corporal Trim 
       died at Co. Home.                                                                       
Coon, Lizzie                                                                                 Apr. 1865 rode float in celebration parade           
Cormack, James, Jr.                                                                          1862, Sutler of 3rd Reg. Excelsior Brigade           
Cormack, F.B.                                                                                June 4, 1860, Left for Sickles' Brigade              
Cormack, James, Jr.                                                                          Merchant, Delhi, NY 1860                             
Cormack, F.B.                                                                                June 4, 1860, Left for Sickles' Brigade              
Cormack, James, Jr.                                                                          1862, Sutler of 3rd Reg. Excelsior Brigade           
Cormack, James                                                                               1864 made a "splendid" pair of riding boots for 
       Lt. Gen. Grant.                                                                            
Cormak, P.P.                                                                                 Elected Village, Delhi Officer 1860                  
Cotrell, W..H.                                                                               1865 Sold his residence to Wm. Jackson               
Cotrell, David                                                                               1864, Prop. Of Hotel   
Cottrell, William                                              May 16, 1874                  Age 49 of inflamation of the veins                   
Cottrell, David                                                                              Feb. 13,,,1875, Rec'd Lic. From Excise Bd.           
Cottrell, E.A.              Knapp, Artemas D.                                 July 11, 1872  By Rev. A.B. Burroughs in M.E. Church                
Cottrell, David                                                                              June 1883, sick with erysipelas                      
Cowan, Harriett             Cowan, Capt.Abram                  1860                          Died of Putrid Sore Throat, Age 20, at her Father's residence.
Cowan, Margaret                                                1860                          Of Putrid Sore Throat, Age 24                        
Craft, Charle                                                                                1866 Committed to jail for stealing money            
Crawford, Daniel                                                                             Co. Part with Marshall Shaw in Mercantile Business in 1860, Hamden
Crawford, Daniel                                                                             Co. Part with Marshall Shaw in Mercantile Business in 1860, Hamden 
Crinian, J.A.                                                                                1865 Prisoner at Andersonville                       
Crosby, Robert                                                                               Feb. 1864, Frozen while driving stage coach          
Crossman, Jacob             Sloat, Luthera                                    Apr. 11, 1883  Both of Delhi          
Cumming, W.A.                                                                                1868, installed dam for his cooperage                
Cummings, William A.                                                                         Erected new bldg. On Bridge St.                      
Cummings, W.A.                                                                               1865 sold residence to J.P. Meigs                    
Cummings, William A.                                                                         Erected new bldg. On Bridge St.                      
Currie, Alex                                                                                 Jan. 5, 1874 left for California                     
Dart, John C.               McNee, Aggie                                      Dec. 20, 1863  He was from Roxbury    
Dart, Reuben H.             McIntosh, Olive                                   Jan. 23, 1864  In Delhi, he was from Roxbury                        
Davidson, George W.                                                                          June 4, 1860, Left for Sickles' Brigade              
Davidson, Susan             Steele, Matthew (Father)           June 23, 1867                 Wife of John Davidson, age 39                        
Davidson, James             Hutson, Bell                                      Apr. 11, 1867  Married at Pres. Parsonage by Rev. Robinson          
Davidson, George W.                                                                          June 4, 1860, Left for Sickles' Brigade              
Davie, James                                                                                 Delhi (May 11,1864) admitted to practice as Atty.    
Davie, Dr. Thomas                                                                            Army Surgeon in 1876   
Dayton, Norman P.                                                                            Apr. 1868, had best maple syrup.                     
Dean, Son                   Hiram                                                            Oct. 14, 1865 put out his eye with a chisel          
Decker, Orias                                                                                Vol. Fireman, August 1821                            
Demander, Olive             Griswold, John D.                                 Oct. 1860      She from Deposit, He from Delhi                      
Dennison, W.                                                                                 1864 Postmaster General
Dibble, Jehial                                                                               Owned tavern "Hook" in Bovina, 1863                  
Dixon, D.P.                                                    June 25, 1864                 Wounded in side at Battle of Petersburg              
Dodds, Robert                                                                                Of Scotch Mtn., ill with small pox                   
Doig, William                                                                                Graduate Del. Academy, Delhi, 1860                   
Doubleday, W.T.                                                                              Ret. Minister Delhi Pres. Ch. 1862                   
Douglas, William H.                                                                          Dec. 1872, Rec'd. $65 from Traveler's Insurance for injuries 
       rec'd. By runaway horse.                                                      
Douglas, Robert                                                                              1865, Trustee Elk Creek Salt & Petroleum             
Douglas, J. Harper                                                                           Sept. 1883, Dem. Ticket for Supt. Of Poor            
Dowie, Henry                                                                                 Of Andes, sent firkin of butter to camp at Staten Island, June 1860. 
Dowie, Henry                                                                                 Of Andes, sent firkin of butter to camp at Staten Island, June 1860. 
Dowie, Henry                                                   Aug. 7, 1884                  Of Andes at age 77     
Downing, Samuel                                                Feb 19, 1867                  At Saratoga Co, Last soldier Rev. War                
Drees & Meeker                                                                               1864, Owned carriage factory                         
Dreyfus, Joseph                                                                              Owned cooperage in 1876
Dysalt, Robert                                                 Oct. 14, 1863                 At Folly Island of Typhoid Fever, age 26             
Easton, J.L.                                                                                 Feb.13,,1875, Rec'd.Lic. From Excise Bd.             
Edgerton, A.C.                                                                               Granted Tavern Lic. 1860                             
Edgerton, A.C.                                                                               Chief Volunteer Fireman 1860                         
Edgerton, G. H.                                                                              Delhi Village Clerk, 1821                            
Edgerton, A.C.                                                                               Granted Tavern Lic. 1860                             
Edgerton, A. Cook                                                                            Shareholder, Delhi Bank, 1860                        
Edgerton, G. H.                                                                              Delhi Village Clerk, 1821                            
Edgerton, A.C.                                                                               Chief Volunteer Fireman 1860                         
Edgerton, A.C.                                                                               Oct 1863 on Dem. Ticket for Treasurer                
Edgerton, John                                                                               Oct. 1863 on Dem. Ticket for Supt. Of Poor           
Edgerton, Mary              Dau. Of John                       Feb. 8, 1865                  In New Jersey of Small Pox contracted in NY          
Edgerton, A.C.                                                 Mar. 13, 1882                 Age 56 of pneumonia    
Edgerton, A.C.                                                                               Apr. 22, 1870, Vestryman St. Johns's Church          
Edgerton, A.C.                                                                               1865, Trustee Elk Creek Salt & Petroleum             
Edgerton, Helen             Soule, Wellington C.               June 1, 1882                  From Antwerp,Belgim. At home of Bride's mother, Elizabeth in Delhi 
Elliott, James              Franklin, Emma                                    Nov. 13, 1865                         
Elliott, Thomas                                                Nov. 6, 1864                  At Univ. Hosp, Baltimore of wounds received in Battle of Cedar Creek.
Elwood & Douglass                                                                            Merchants, Delhi, NY 1860                            
Elwood, Mrs. James                                                                           Dau. Of James Redfield 
Elwood & Douglass                                                                            Merchants, Delhi, NY 1860                            
England, Henry                                                                               1872 Merchant in Delhi 
England, Lt. Col.                                              June 25, 1864                 Shot in head at Battle of Petersburg, Large funeral held in Delhi 
Evans, Susannah                                                                              1864, Advocate of Temperance                         
Eveland, Joseph             Liligren, Josephine                               June 19, 1868  Married at Peekskill, NY                             
Fancher, Samuel H.                                                                           Sept. 1883, Rep. Ticket for Dist. Atty.              
Fanning, Samuel                                                                              May 1872, in jail for burglary, escaped and was caught a week later. 
Farrington, Anzolette       Dau. Of Morris Farrington          Mar. 12, 1872                 Age 43 yrs.            
Farrington, Ruth            Nee Frisbee                        Mar. 30, 1876                 Age 78, Wife of Morris L. Farrington                 
Farrington, Frank           Son of Maurice                                                   Dec. 1882, lost finger while sleigh riding           
Farrington, M.L.                                                                             1864, At Agr. Fair, winner best pkg. Butter          
Ferguson, John                                                                               Doctor in 1860, Delhi  
Ferguson, John                                                                               Oct. 1863 on Dem. Ticket for coroner                 
Ferguson, J.D.                                                                               May 1876, carpenter    
Ferguson, David             Father of J.D. Ferguson            May 26, 1884                  Of Lake Delaware       
Fiebig, Charles                                                June 25, 1864                 Wounded in mouth at Battle of Petersburg             
Finney, Mary                Formerly Mrs. Osman Steele         1884                          At Pescadero, California                             
Fisher, James P.                                                                             June 4, 1860, Left for Sickles' Brigade              
Fisher, George                                                 July 8, 1863                  Esq. Of Delhi, Age 69  
Fisher, J. Edwin            Maxwell, Mary A.                                  Jan. 8, 1862   Both of Delhi          
Fisher, Austin E.                                              Oct. 27, 1863                 Age 19                 
Fisher, James P.                                                                             June 4, 1860, Left for Sickles' Brigade              
Fisher, J. Edwin            Maxwell, Mary A.                                  Jan. 8, 1862   Both of Delhi          
Fisher, James P.                                               Apr. 26, 1864                 Age 29, Member NY Vol. 
Fisher, Horace              Hunt, Ada                                         Dec. 26, 1876                         
Fisher, Mathias                                                Mar. 13, 1874                 Age 87. Came to Delhi from Columbia Co. in 1790.     
Fitch, Silas                                                                                 Of Saugerties in 1862 in charge of Delaware Academy  
Fitch, Butler                                                                                1864 Capt. Del. Battery
Fitch, Silas                                                                                 Of Saugerties in 1862 in charge of Delaware Academy  
Fitch, Samual A.            Gould,Mary                                        Aug. 19, 1867  At 2nd Pres. Church by Rev. F.A.M.Brown              
Fitch, Paulina              FKA Farrington                     Sept. 17, 1874                Age 80, wife of Dr. C.R. Fitch                       
Fitch, Almerion                                                Jan. 6, 1877                  Of Typhoid Pneumonia age 76                          
Fitch, S. A.                                                   Jan. 8, 1870                  Well known Doctor      
Fletcher, William                                                                            1865 Forman Hook & Ladder Co. 3                      
Fletcher, Augustus J.                                          May 22, 1863                  Died of wounds at Vicksburg. From Davenport          
Fletcher, Maggie            Gleason, W.B.                                     Dec. 11, 1883                         
Flint, Romain               Fraser, Mary                                      Jan. 1, 1861                          
Flint, Nelson B.                                                                             Candidate for School Comm'r., 1860                   
Flint, N.O.                                                    1863                          Purchased house & Lot  
Flint, Romain               Fraser, Mary                                      Jan. 1, 1861                          
Flower, Charles             Son of Artemus                     Sept. 2, 1864                 At the 18th  Corps Hosp.                             
Flower, Artemus D., Jr.                                        Feb. 1, 1862                  Near Falmouth, Va.     
Flowers, J.P.                                                                                Granted Tavern Lic. 1860                             
Flowers, J.P.                                                                                Jan. 1884 had 6 blooded churn dogs for sale          
Fogarty, James                                                                               June 4, 1860, Left for Sickles' Brigade              
Fogarty, James                                                                               Wounded in Battle in Dec. 1862                       
Foote, Charles A.                                                                            Oct. 1860 Rep. Ticket for Trea.                      
Foote, Frederick W.                                                                          Cashier, Delhi Bank, 1863                            
Foote, Kate                                                                                  Apr. 1865 rode float in celebration parade           
Foote, William s.                                                                            May 1868, appt. deputy sheriff                       
Foote, Mrs.  C.P.                                                                            Dau. Of James Redfield 
Forman, Fannie              Adee, George                                      Oct. 4, 1864   Dau. Of Stephen Forman of Bloomville                 
Forrest, William                                                                             1882, Trustee of 1st Pres. Church                    
Foulks, Peter V.                                                                             June 4, 1860, Left for Sickle's Brigade              
Franklin, Emma              Elliott, James                                    Nov. 13, 1865                         
Franklin, Nathan                                               Oct. 1863                     at Jehial Dibble's tavern in Bovina                  
Fraser, William                                                May 22, 1862                  Of Hamden, 1st Princ. Of Del. Literary Institute of Franklin, NY
Fraser, Mary                Flint, Romain                                     Jan. 1, 1861                          
Fraser, Mary                Flint, Romain                                     Jan. 1, 1861                          
Fraser, William                                                May 22, 1862                  Of Hamden, 1st Princ. Of Del. Literary Institute of Franklin, NY
Frisbee, C..M.                                                                               Grad. Albany Med College 1862 and Commissioned 
       Asst.Surgeon 76th Reg.                                                                      
Frisbee, M.                                                                                  Elected School Collector 1860                        
Frisbee, C..M.                                                                               Grad. Albany Med College 1862 and Commissioned 
       Asst.Surgeon 76th Reg.                                                                      
Frisbee, Selah                                                                               Graduate of Amherst College 1860                     
Frisbee, Daniel             Kiff, Estella                                     Feb. 10, 1864  Both of Delhi          
Frisbee, Erastus                                               Oct. 11, 1860                 Deacon, Age 58         
Frisbee, M.                                                                                  Elected School Collector 1860                        
Frisbee, Mary Kate          McKinley, William Brown                           Feb.22, 1881   Married in Chicago, Ill, Daul of James               
Frisbee, Selah (Rev.)       Son of Milton                                                    Dec. 1881, Pres. Of Wells Female College             
Frisbee, Albert             Son of Gideon Frisbee              Oct. 12, 1872                 Age 21                 
Frisbee, Ettie              Paine, John D.                                    Mar. 19, 1884  Of East Delhi          
Frost, C.A.                                                                                  Trea. Volunteer Fireman 1860                         
Garfield, James A.                                             Sep. 19, 1881                 Pres. Of US, died at Elberon, Long Branch at 10:30 p.m..  
       Abt. 50 yrs. Old                                                                 
Garlick, Louis                                                                               1877, large tumor removed from eyelid                
Gemmel, Robert              Knapp, Esther A.                                  Jan. 9, 1862   Both of Delhi          
Gemmell, Robert             Odell, Anna                                       Mar. 31, 1872  By Rev. A.B. Burroughs in M.E. Church                
Gerowe, B.F.                                                                                 1873, Town Justice (Rep.)                            
Gerowe, B.F.                                                   Jan. 1864                     Clerk of Bd. Of Supv.  
Gerry, E.T.                                                                                  Mar. 1884 resigned as vestryman St. John's Ch.       
Gilbert, B.F.                                                                                1865 Trea. Hook & Ladder Co. 3                       
Gilchrist, Jennie           Hobbie, J.K.                                      Mar. 13, 1866                         
Gladstone, Margaret         Liddle, Thomas                                    Jan. 9, 1862   Both of Andes          
Gladstone, Wiliam           Thomas Gladstone                   Mar. 21, 1862                 Of Andes at Fairfax Seminary, Va.                    
Gladstone, Margaret         Liddle, Thomas                                    Jan. 9, 1862   Both of Andes          
Gladstone, Wiliam           Thomas Gladstone                   Mar. 21, 1862                 Of Andes at Fairfax Seminary, Va.                    
Gleason, John               Son of William                                                   Sep. 1872, Student at Yale College                   
Gleason, William                                                                             Mar. 1872, formed partnership w/ W.Murray            
Gleason, John B.                                                                             July 1876, graduated from Yale                       
Gleason, William                                                                             1865 appointed to Bd. Of Health                      
Gleason, Lafayette B.       Son of Judge Gleason                                             Oct. 1883, returned from college                     
Gleason, W.B.               Fletcher, Maggie                                  Dec. 11, 1883  with typhoid fever     
Gleason, Wallace            Son of Judge Gleason                                             Oct. 1883, sick with typhoid fever                   
Gleason, L.B.                                                                                Apr. 1883, elected class orator at Yale College      
Goodrich, J. I.                                                                              1865 Sec. Hook & Ladder Co. 3                        
Goodrich, J. I.             Pease, Fannie                                     Nov. 1, 1865                          
Gordon, John                                                   1862                          War Casualties from Hamden                           
Gordon, John M.                                                                              June 4, 1860, Left for Sickles' Brigade              
Gordon, Samuel                                                 May 19, 1867                  Age 29                 
Gordon, Nellie              Smith, Daniel                                     Apr. 11, 1867  Married at Pres. Parsonage by Rev. Robinson          
Gordon, Thomas              Oliver, Mary                                      Feb. 18, 1870  By Rev. J.H. Robinson in Delhi                       
Gordon, William S.                                             Mar. 1865                     Prisoner of War, Released and died aboard the 
       transport on the way home.                                                                   
Gordon, Samuel                                                 Feb. 16, 1876                 Age 80 yrs in Philadelphia                           
Gould, Mary                 Fitch, Samuel                                     Aug. 19, 1867  At 2nd Pres. Church by Rev. F.A. M. Brown            
Gould, S. Augustus                                                                           Appt. 1st Lt. In 51st Reg. 1862                      
Gould, S.A.                                                                                  Elected Village Clerk. 1860                          
Gould, Mrs. H.D.                                                                             Dau. Of Samuel Sherwood
Gould, S. Augustus                                                                           Appt. 1st Lt. In 51st Reg. 1862                      
Gould, S.A.                                                                                  Elected Village Clerk. 1860                          
Gould, Herman S.                                                                             Vol. Fireman, August 1821                            
Gould, Anne Eliza           Dau. Of Samuel Sherwood            Jan. 3, 1873                  In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, age 73                        
Gould, Herman S.                                                                             Vol. Fireman, August 1821  
Continued in Section 2 - Letters G - M

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