
Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site

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Deaths occurring during the year ending June 1, 1870
#=Family number in column 2, Schedule I
Native= County, State or Country of Birth
C= civil condition(M is married; S is single; W is widowed)
F=Father of Foreign Birth; M=Mother of Foreign Birth
Trade(HK=Housekeeper; F=Farmer)
All persons listed are white unless otherwise stated

Note: Some of the writing from the census records was difficult to read and some of the spelling was not accurate. I did the best I could, but there are probably mistakes in my interpretations. Hoepfully, the mistakes are few. --Clarence Putman, December 2005

Town of Andes
Name                  #   Age  Sex Date  C Native   F M Trade  Cause Death
Ester Dickson         10  36   F   June  M New York 1 1 HK      Puerperal Fever
William J McLean      11  2    M   Jan     New York 1           Croup
Anna M Rooth          17  61   F   April M New York     HK      Consumption
Minna Laing           41  5/12 F   Feb     New York             Infelmation of Lung
Jennet Oliver         75  73   F   Jan   W Scotland 1 1 Retiard Erasyhlus?
Hellen Samuls         100 29   F   Feb   M New York     HK      Consumption
Charles Roterman      102 1/12 M   March   New York             Croup
Elizabeth Telford     64  64   F   Dec   M Scotland 1 1 HK      Infelmation of Lungs
Peter George          162 63   M   Feb   M Scotland 1 1 F       Epedemick Bronchetus
Lucruitia Brase       185 62   F   May   M New York     HK      Inflamation of Lungs
Abraham Barnhart      186 19   M   Dec     New York   Farm Labor Disease unknown
John Huntley          193 4/12 M   June    New York             Croup
James Jenkins         212 6    M   May     New York             Congession of Brain
James Hitt            238 1/12 M   Aug     New York             Unknown
Mariah Hamner         240 68   F   April   New York     HK      Typhoid Fever
Alice A Dickson       304 38   F   Dec   M New York     HK      Consumption
Infant Dickson        304 1/12 F   Oct     New York             Cholera Infantum
Michael Murphy        307 26   M   Feb   M Irland   1 1 Shoemaker Consumption
James Anderson        316 74   M   March W Scotland 1 1 F       Typhoid Fever
John Glendening       332 92   M   Jan   M Scotland 1 1 Retiard Pneumona
Margaret Glendening   332 80   F   May   W Scotland 1 1 Retiard Dropsy with old age
Ester Berthalameau    353 3/12 F   Nov     New York 1           Diarrhea
John Roney            360 79   M   April W Irland   1 1 F       Consumption
Ann Conlin            370 2/12 F   July    New York 1 1         Croup
William Crosier       401 67   M   April M Scotland 1 1 F    Erasyplus with Pneumona
John Dongal           410 59   M   Sept    Scotland 1 1 Farm Labor Rheumatism 
                                                            Following Bellious Fever
William Laidlaw       423 41   M   April M New York 1   F       Double Pneumona
James Cowan           432 72   M   Oct     Scotland 1 1 Farm Labor Palsey
James G Cowan         432 18   M   March   New York 1 1 Farm Labor Typhoid Pneumona
John Emery            435 85   M   Feb   M Scotland 1 1 F       Bronchetis
Margaret Emery        435 72   F   Feb   W Scotland 1 1 HK      Bronchetis Epedemic
Catharine Fitch       436 1    F   Aug     New York 1 1         Croup
Alford J Liddle       459 2    M   Jan     New York            Inflimation of Bowels
Mary Reside           491 45   F   April M New York     HK      Consumption
Elanson Hulbert       506 75   M   March W New York     Retiard Dropsy     	             
Catherine Hitt        568 14   F   May     New York     At home Measles
Jacob Ackerly         526 76   M   Jan   M New York     F       Inflamation Lungs
Carrie Norris         545 14   F   March   New York 1 1 At home Inflamation Lungs
John Wilson               50   M   June    New York     Pauper  Consumption 

Town of Bovina
Name                  #   Age  Sex Date  C Native   F M Trade  Cause Death
Samuel A Stott        1   24   M   Jan   S New York 1   F      Herdeny? Complaint
Andrew Nicoll         11  73   M   March M Scotland     F      Scientica?
Isabella Nicoll       11  33   F   May   M New York 1 1 HK     Flying Diabates
Margaret Weight       23  52   F   April S New York 1 1 HK     Abcess in Head
Jane Burns            27  77   F   March W Ireland      HK     Congestion Lungs
Nancy Doig            34  16   F   Sept  S New York     HK     Typhoid Fever
James Rutherford      64  94   M   March W Scotland     F      Influenza, Lung 
Pheba Reynolds        85  52   F   Jan   M New York     HK     Hart Disease
William Miller        133 78   M   Jan   M Scotland     F      Cancer in Face 
Elisbet Miller        181 52?  F   Feb   M New York 1 1 HK     Tumer Cancer    
John Winter           201 48   M   July  M          1 1 F      Fits 

Town of Colchester
Name                  #   Age  Sex Date  C Native   F M Trade  Cause Death
Electa Fuller         41  33   F   July    New York     Domestic Consumption
Rachel Allen          93  25   F   June  M New York     HK     Broken Breast
William J Brown       105 5    M   Aug     New York     At home Sun Stroke
Sarah Elwood          124 44   F   March M New York     HK     Inflamation of Lungs
Enos More             127 37   M   May   M New York     F      Typhoid Pneumonia
Phebe Holmes          130 32   F   Dec   M New York     HK     Consumption
Hiram More            132 62   M   May   M New York     F      Typhoid Pneumonia
Abagil More           132 59   F   May   M New York     HK     Typhoid Pneumonia
Sarah Downs           175 66   F   Jan     New York     HK     Inflamation of Lungs
James Schriver        232 7/12 M   March   New York    At home Iyriciplas
Infant Williams       242 1/12 M   April   New York    At home Fits
Michael Fitzpatrick   266 69   M   Oct   M Ireland      Farmer Inflamation of Lungs
Loisa Platner         274 16   F   Nov     New York    At home Consumption
Lafadt Safford        336 17   M   April   Penn. Works on Farm Inflamation of Lungs
Mary Shaver           345 67   F   Sept  M New York     HK     Ulcers in Stomach
Adam Forest           352 55   M   Aug   M Scotland     Farmer Bilious Colic
Enos Chutrum          415 75   M   Feb   M New York   Carpenter Dropsy on heart
Nelson H Grote        463 30   M   June  M New York     Farmer Consumption
Joseph Keen           480 23   M   May     New York   Lumberman Typhoid Fever

Town of Davenport 
Name                  #   Age  Sex Date  C Native   F M Trade  Cause Death
Wm Houghtaling        55  36   M   March M New York     Farmer Congestion of Brain
Rebecca Crawford      68  73   F   March W New York            Liver Complaint
Hesatin? Simnas       158 5/12 M   Feb   S New York            Unknown
Cornelius Brown       166 76   M   June  W New York  Ret. Farmer Consumption
Lydia A Parker        271 58   F   Nov   M New York     HK     Cancer in Stomach
Ira Smith             319 48   M   Sept  M New York     Farmer Abscess on Liver
Wm Peters             320 47   M   July  M Scotland 1 1 Farmer Convulsions
Elsie Harrington      365 65   F   Aug   M New York     At Home Ovarian Tumor
Lydia M Sessions      373 52   F   March M New York     HK     Heart Disease
George W Lyon         377 29   M   Oct   S New York     Lawyer Typhoid Fever
Mary Houghtaling      384 78   F   March W New York     At Home Paralysis 
Hannah Olmstead       443 84   F   Feb.  W Conn.        At Home Apoplexy
Agnes Fuller          450 24   F   Nov   M New York 1 1 At Home Diabetes
Jane F Veeny?         458 64   F   July  M New York 1 1 HK      Consumption
Richard Everett       477 62   M   May   M New York Cloth Dresser Liver Complaint
Jacob P Becker        477 85   M   March W New York  Ret. Farmer Congesting Lungs

Town of Delhi
Name                  #   Age  Sex Date  C Native   F M Trade  Cause Death
Robert L Williams     10  58   M   July  M Scotland 1 1 Painter
Elizabeth Gregory     20  52   F   July  M New York     HK     
Anna Paine            36  43   F   May   W Conn.     Retired Lady
Samuel A Fitch        82  30   M   Jan.  M New York     Physican
Florence Fitch        82  1    F   Oct     New York     Child  Cholera
Helen Bailey          126 52   F   Feb   W Scotland 1 1 HK     
William Douglas       142 74   M   Feb   W Scotland 1 1 Ret. Farmer
Elizabeth Belcher     146 16   F   Sept    New York     Child
Maggie C Preston      153 1    F   April   New York     Child  Diabetes 
James Kniskern        161 33   M   Jan     New York     Cooper Brights Disease
Catharine Brady       165 1/12 F   May     New York   1 Infant
Fanny Odell           244 75   F   April   New York     Weaver Typhoid Fever
Albert Flint          263 67   M   March M New York     Farmer
Samuel Seeley         265 73   M   May   M New York     Farmer Typhoid Fever
Isabella Blake            74   F   May   W Scotland 1 1 Farmer's
Julia Maxwell         271 28   F   Sept  M New York     Farmer's From taking 
                                                        Wife     Chlorform#
William S Hamilton    290 2    M   Oct     New York     Child
Jane Alexander        293 53   F   April M Scotland 1 1 HK     Heart Disease
Rachael Reynolds      331 83   F   Sept  W New York     Retired Dropsy
Peter Yendes          346 25   M   May     New York     Farmer Spotted Fever
Margaret Shaw         368 48   F   May   M New York 1 1 HK 
Elizabeth Hinkley     382 31   F   Feb     New York     HK     Typhoid Fever
Maria Sloat           402 52   F   June  M New York     HK     Dropsy
Mary J Stoutenburg    403 4    F   Aug     New York     Child at home Bloody Flux
Fanny Webster         412 40   F   Feb.  M New York     HK     Jaundice
Thomas Brown          427# 30   M   May     New York     Pauper Dropsy
Dennis Rice           427 79   M   Sept  M New York     Pauper General Debibility
                                                               Old Age
Adoph Stoman          427 40   M   Sept  M Germany  1 1 Pauper Paralysis
Peter Kenedy          427 36   M   Oct     Ireland  1 1 Pauper Insane, Raving   
Jane McKee            427 71   F   May   M Ireland  1 1 Pauper Insanity, Intense
Caleb Chadwick        427 42   M   Feb   M New York     Pauper Insanity, Intense
Michael Durfee?       427 46   M   March   Ireland  1 1 Pauper Consumption
John Clark            427 75   M   March M New York     Pauper Consumption
James Middlemint      484 3    M   May     New York     At home Spotted Fever
Artemus Flower        486 74   M   Dec   M New York     Farmer Dopsy
Elizabeth Scott       505 40   F   Feb  M Scotland 1 1 Farmer's Inflamation of Brain
Clarinda Boomhower    536 62   F   April M New York     Farmer's Heart Disease
William Dean          552 83   M   April W Conn.        Farmer Paralysis
Joseph Stalker        571 80   M   March W Mass.        Shoemaker Consumption
Rhoda Covert          160 66   F   April W New York   Farmer's Widow Cancer
Morton Cramer         163 18   M   April   New York     Orphan Boy Consumption
William Atkin         183 5    M   May     New York   1 Farmer's Son Congestion of 
Jane Shearer          200 56   F   May     Ireland  1 1 Laboress Dropsy         

Town of Franklin
Name                  #   Age  Sex Date  C Native   F M Trade  Cause Death 
Beach Jennings        59  74   M   Aug   M Conn.    Retired Lawyer Rheumatism
Mary Barnes           93  84   F   April M                     Acute Bronchitis
Harry Barnes          142 64   M   Nov   M New York     Farmer Disease of Kidneys
Marinda Griswold      169 79   F   March W Conn.               Inflamation of Lungs
Ray Smith             181 69   M   Dec   M Conn.    Retired Farmer Consumption
Mary Edwards          213 82   F   June  W Vermont             Pleusisy 
David Dewey           239 62   M   April W New York Retired Farmer Kidney Disease 
Hepzibah Taylor       240 72   F   Aug   M Conn.        HK     Cancer Stomach 
Garret Munson         261 78   M   May   M Conn.        Shoemaker Paraylsis
Julia Bartlett        267 79   F   Dec   S Conn.        HK     Billious Fever
Harvey Parsons        270 69   M   Sept  M Conn.        Farmer Bilious Colic
Luella C Payne        307 10/12 F  June  S New York            Scarlet Fever
Sally Taylor          400 76   F   Sept  W Conn.        HK     Consumption
Willie Rogers         470 3    M   Sept  S New York     At home Heart Disease
Elisha Kellogg        494 90   M   Oct.  W New York     At home Lung Congestion
Charlie W Kellogg     494 9/12 M   May   S New York     At home Spinal disease
Betsey Warfield       495 47   F   April M New York     HK     Measles
Rhoda Wolcott         498 55   F   Nov   M New York     HK     Heart Disease
Priscilea Cutler      505 75   F   March W New York     HK     Consumption
Artemesia Chapman     510 29   F   Oct   M New York     HK     Typhoid Fever
Maggie A Dazell       516 7    F   April S New York    At home Inflamation of Lungs
Samuel Welton         522 75   M   March M Conn.        Farmer Heart Disease
William Remington     524 56   M   Oct   M New York    Carpenter Typhoid Fever
Hiram Hawley          537 68   M   June  M Conn.        Laborer Cancer in Bowels
Caroline Tiffany      539 33   F   March M New York     HK     Consumption
Lucinda Bassett       557 44   F   Jan   S Penn         HK     Apoplexy
Azubah Taft           512 73   F   July  S Mass.        At home Consumption
John Scott            568 2    M   Jan   S New York     At home Scalded
Katie Payne           577 11   F   Aug   S New York     At home Scarlet Fever
Caroline Evans        593 56   F   April M New York     HK     Liver Congestion
Ella Jester           601 15   F   Dec   S New York 1 1 At home Spinal disease
Hepzibah Saunders     605 68   F   May   M New York     At home Cancer
John Miller           621 76   M   Nov   M New York Ret. Farmer Cancer
Eddie S Jackson       646 1    M   April S New York             Measles
Reuben Ingraham       664 84   M   March M Conn.    Cabinet maker Appoplexy                  
Joseph Frail          665 80   M   Aug   M Mass         Farmer Rheumatism
Solomon Townsend      681 87   M   April W New York            Apoplexy
Jordan Beardsley      682 80   M   March W Conn.    Ret. Farmer Consumption
John Robinson         235 57   M   March W England  1 1 Laborer Billious Colic 

Town of Hamden
Name                  #   Age  Sex Date  C Native   F M Trade  Cause Death
Garret Munson         45  79   M   May   M Conn.       Laborer Died in
Unknown Ingram        --  84   M   March W Unknown      None   Apoplexy
Mary S Terry          171 22   F   April M New York     HK     Child Birth
Catharine Crawford    --  78   F   March W Scotland 1 1 HK     Pneumonia 
Sarah A Williams      320 46   F   March M New York     HK     Congestion of Lungs
Althea Closen         --  45   F   July  M New York     HK     
Janet Taylor          --  74   F   Aug   W Scotland     HK     Old Age
John Coulter          45  1    M   May     New York            Inflamation of Lungs
Susan Hawley          14  63   F   May   M Conn.        HK     Inflamation of Lungs

Town of Hancock
Name                  #   Age  Sex Date  C Native   F M Trade  Cause Death
Polly Reed            15  87   F   Feb.  W Conn.        HK     Inflamation of Lungs
Anna Stannard         18 2/12  F   Feb.    New York               Ditto
George Hawley         19  1    M   Apr.    New York            Inflamation of Lungs
Charlott Baxter       25  67   F   May   W New York            Dropsy of Hart
Lutan Taylor          67  1    M   March   New York            Scarlet Fever
Bernie Young          78  4    M   May     New York            Scarlet Fever
Sarah A Wilcox       108  17   F   Feb.    New York            Consumption 
Mary Dox             122  79   F   Feb.  W New York     HK     Dropsy
Delnore Geer?        176 1/12  F   June    New York            Inflamation in Bowels
Hiplalott Dardenville 191 52   M   Nov.  M France   1 1 Farmer Inflamation on
John Barnes?         210  63   M   Sept. M Ireland  1 1 Farmer ----
Glademe Doig?        239  9    F   June    New York 1 1        Scarlet Fever
Lucy Doig?           239  4    F   June    New York 1 1        Scarlet Fever
Lawrence Doig?       239  1    F   June    New York 1 1        Scarlet
Victoria Mire        225  77   F  Jan. W Wartenburg 1 1        Consumption 
Milo Adams?          284  16   M   Sept.   New York     Laborer Accident
Ann Cole?             299  30   F   Feb.    New York     HK     Congestion of Brane
Henry Green          309  18   M   June    New York     Laborer Accident
Alan Labar           367  84?  M   July    New York     Laborer Accident
Charles Whipple      405  31   M   Aug.  M Penn.        Farmer Accident
Sylvenis Frasier     405  40   M   May     New York     Lawyer Hurt
Henry Oscamp?        433 1/12  M   Sept.   New York            Fits
Betsey Hall          464  54   F   Oct.  M New York     HK     Cancer
John Slater          502  75   M   July  W Ireland  1 1 Laborer Accident
William Carr?        532 9/12  M   Sept.   New York 1 1        Congestion of Brain
Elma? Kelsey         605  35   F   Sept. M New York     HK     Consumption
Town of Harpersfield
Name                  #   Age  Sex Date  C Native   F M Trade  Cause Death
Alexander McPherson   8   3    M   Sept.   New York 1          Cholera Infantum
Hannah Pogue          179 61   F   March W New York 1 1 HK     Consumption
Gity Meeker           39  65   F   May   W New York            Consumption
Frank Champion        45  1    M   March   New York            Cholera Infantum
Noah Buck             209 84   M   Dec   W Conn.               Consumption
Dilandy Hakes         169 69   F   March M New York            Typhoid Fever
William English       216 68   M   March W New York     Farmer Heart Disease
Susan Gibbs           236 50   F   March M New York            Consumption
William Hager         230 16   M   Nov.    New York            Typhoid Fever
Nathan Pierce         38  72   M   Jan.  M New York            Typhoid Fever
Henrietta Davenport   295 33   F   March   New York            Consumption
Gracie Shurtleff      137 1    F   June    New York            Cholera Infantum
Alexander A Gilchrist 234 39   M   April W New York 1   Druggest Consumption
Eve Martin            307 89   F   Feb.  W New York            Erysipelas
Elisabeth Stoutenburg 315 77   F   Aug.  M New York            Paralysis
Peter F Stoutenburg   315 82   M   Sept. W New York            Heart Disease
R. Veness Hager       317 70   M   May   M New York            Typhoid Fever       

Town of Kortright
Name                  #   Age  Sex Date  C Native   F M Trade  Cause Death
Elisha Simmons        16  16   M   July    New York     Farmer's Heart
                                                       Apprentice  Dropsy
Stephen B Adee        55  68   M   Feb.  M New York     Farmer Palzy
Henry Mckee           69  33   M   April M New York    Farmer Inflamatory Rheumatism
Margaret McLaurey     90  26   F   Dec.  M New York     Farmer's Wife
Caroline McLaurey     117 29   F   June  M New York     Farmer's Wife
John Bolles           126 66   M   Dec.  M Ireland  1 1        Paraylsis
Alarssa? Hanford      157 86   F   March W             Farmer's Old Age
Charles E Robbins     165 6/12 M   Feb.    New York            Dropsy
John McDonald         185 76   M   Feb.  M New York 1 1 Farmer General Debility
                                                              & Old Age
William Smith         198 30   M   Aug.  M England  1 1 Carpenter Tumors of Lungs
Rozetta D Smith       198 2    F   July    England  1 1 Child  Convulsions
Sarah J Donley        202 18   F   Feb.    New York 1 1 Farmer's Afflection of Spine
Mary E Henderson      212 2    F   Sept.   New York     Child
George                212 4/12 M   Sept.   New York     Child
Adelbert Jennings     218 7    M   Feb.    New York     Child  Congestion of Lungs
Infant of Geo Husted  226 1/12 M   April   New York     Child  Convulsions
Infant of George      235 1/12 F   April   New York     Child  Convulsions
John Dales           248 70   M   Feb.   W New York 1   Farmer Paraylsis
Ira Goodrich         278 73   M   Jan.   W New york     Farmer Kidney Afflication
Jane Tate            279 87   F   Sept.    New York 1 1 HK     Consumption
Lavina Booth         282 46   F   May    M New York     HK     Dropsy
William Blakely      315 50   M   March    New York 1   Merchant Consumption

Town of Masonville
Name                  #   Age  Sex Date  C Native   F M Trade  Cause Death 
Leman S Herrick       11  13   M   June    New York  Attending Bleeding at the nose
Mary A Jones          13  39   F   Aug.  M New York     HK     Died in Child Bed
Mary A Jones          13 7/52  F   Sept.   New York            Disease unknown
William Ruteuber Jr.  54  65   M   Jan.  M New York     Farmer Consumption
Lewis R Beach         65  13   M   Oct.    New York  Attending Sch. Lung Fever
Malinda Shaw          74  73   F   Jan.  M Conn.        At home Lung Fever
Richard Lyon          116 63   M   July  M New York     Farmer Brights Kidney
John W Hill           118 40   M   Aug.  M New York     Farmer Consumption
Mary J Stockley       137 3    F   Nov.    New York            Scalded to Death 
Anna Parker           182 91   F   Dec.  W New York     At home Cancer in foot
Olin Bolt             189 56   F   Aug.  M New York     HK     Asthma Heart Disease
Philinda C. Scott     11  19   F   Feb.  M New York     HK     Child Bed
Delia Baker           11  35   F   Jan.  M New York     HK     Dropsey of Heart
Belinda Wells         27  68   F   May   W New York     At home Disease Unknown
Danl. G Priest        40  27   M   Oct.    New York     Wagonmaker Typhoid Fever
Moses Dauney          47  74   M   Apr.  M New York     Farmer Lung Palsy
Mary Wilbur           352 4/12 F   June    New York            Disease Unknown
Clarisa Post          363 29   F   Jan.  M New York     At Home Consumption
Chas. Wright Jr.      401 4/12 M   May     New York            Inflamation of Lungs
Esther A Fuller       402 41   F   May   M New York     HK     Consumption
Haspy? Shear          412 4    M   Aug.    New York            

Town of Meredith
Name                  #   Age  Sex Date  C Native   F M Trade  Cause Death
Margaret Hess         11  47   F   March W New York     Farmer's Widow 
Jenny S Oliver        12  14   F   Jan.    New York 1   At home Diabetes
Anna Brewer           44  74   F   March W New York    Retired General Debility from
                                                       Lady    Old Age
Laura Shaver          48  73   F   Dec.  M Mass.        Farmer's Heart Disease
Abagail Smith         83  62   F   Oct.  M New York     Farmer's Cancer
Margaret Russell      135 29   F   May   M New York     Farmer's               
Robert Henderson      253 87   M   May   W Ireland      Farmer General Debility from
                                                               Old Age
George Ingraham       265 13   M   Feb.    New York     Child  Inflamation of Lungs
Arthur McLaury        251 6    M   March   New York     Child  Purssura
Rhoda Covert          160 66   F   April W New York     Farmer's Cancer
Morton Cramer         163 18   M   April   New York     Orphan Boy Consumption 

Wm Atkin              183 5    M   May     New York     Child  Congestion of 
                                                      At Home   Brain
Jane Shaw?            200 56   F   May     Ireland      Laboress Dropsy

Town of Middletown
Name                  #   Age  Sex Date  C Native   F M Trade  Cause Death
David Akerly          16  60   M   March W New York   Hotel Keeper Apoplexy
James Dumond          35  86   M   April W New York    Farmer Inflamation of Stomach
Cornelius Dumond      38  62   M   Oct.  M New York     Retiard Inflamation Lungs
Alexander Ruckhie     39  85   M   Feb.  M Scotland 1 1 Retiard not known
Margaret H Winter     51  34   F   Sept. M New York 1   HK     Puseral Convulsions
John Hewitt           60  85   M   April M Conn.        Farmer Paralysis
Margaret Hewitt       61  20   F   June  M New York 1   HK     Heart Disease
Rachel K Reynolds     71  25   F   March M New York     HK     Meazsles
John L Dickson        81  38   M   Aug.  M Scotland 1 1 Carpenter Inflamation of 
John Vanheuschater    87  43   M   Feb.  M New York     Farmer Suicide by Hanging
Susan Gregory         125 64   F   May   W New York    Retiard Organic Heart Disease
Sarah Silver          132 20   F   May     New York     At home Consumption
Stephen Halsted       162 55   M   Feb.  M New York    Wagon Maker Cancer of Stomach
Infant McKellip?      202 1/12 F   Sept.   New York            Still Born
Elizabeth Jenkins     222 28   F   March M New York     HK     Puespual Fever
Hellen Sanford        234 33   F   May   M New York     HK     Dropsy
Margaret A Decker     255 1    F   May     New York    At home Inflamation Lungs
Infant(Shaver?)       273 1/12 F   April   New York            Fits  
John Grant            352 41   M   Oct.  M New York     Lawyer Typhoid Fever
Susan Dubois          364 15   F   April   New York            Consumption
Amelia Beadle         375 38   F   March M New York     HK     Unknown
George Vermilyea      374 8    M   April   New York            Measles
Thomas Kelly          380 64   M   Nov.    New York     Farmer Typhoid Fever
David Mulnix          395 16   M   Aug.    New York Farm Labor Inflamation of Bowels
Jane Mulnix           395 36   F   Oct.    New York     HK     Puerperal Fever
Infant Mulnix         395 1/12 M   Oct.    New York            Unknown
Lucy Lasher           401 4    F   May     New York            Scarlet Fever
Hannah Blish          450 30   F   May   M New York     HK     Consumption
Todd Darling          471 65   M   Dec.  W New York     Farmer
Deborah Jenkins       535 70   F   Jan.  W New York     Retiard Unknown
Fanny Dolittle        506 18   F   Dec.    New York            Consumption
William Myers         613 58   M   Sept. W New York     Farm Labor Unknown
Hannah Short          542 74   F   March W New York     Retired Consumption
William Hosier        586 2/12 M   March   New York            Fitts
Edward Price          594 35   M   June    England      Farm Labor Typhoid Fever
John Morison          595 58   M   Aug.  M New York     Farm Labor Uucers in Stomach

Town of Roxbury  
Name                  #   Age  Sex Date  C Native   F M Trade  Cause Death
Andrew Thompson       2   69   M   April M Scotland     Farmer Hart Disease 
Theodore Thorp        9   17   M   March   New York     Farm Labor Erysiplis in head
Abigal Geen?          26  74   F   April M Vermont      None   Cancer in side
Jesse Ingram          89  59   M   Feb.  W New York     Farmer Absnon Stomache
George Leonard        134 23   M   May     New York     Farmer Consumption
Laurie? Colby         173 23   F   Feb.    New York     At home Consumption
H? Donaldson          175 66   M   Sept.   New York     Farmer ? Disease
Keeler? Harrington    178 43   M   April M New York     Farmer Fitts 
Caroline Moore        193 35   F   Jan.  M New York     HK     Measles
Richard VanDyke       194 89   M   April W New York     Farmer Palsy
William Ryer          210 68   M   Sept. M New York     Farmer Consumption
E? Ganang?            235 14   F   Aug.    New York     At home Typhoid Fever
Jonas? Ballard        261 83   M   May   M New York     Farmer Olage
Cornelia Preston      352 62   F   Sept. W New York     HK     Congestion of Brain
Caroline Genang?      398 45   F   Feb.  M New York     HK     Measles
Isack Genang?         412 49   M   May   M New York     Farmer Jandice 

Town of Sidney
Name                  #   Age  Sex Date  C Native   F M Trade  Cause Death
Hannah Baker          7   103  F   Sept. W New York     Knitting Dropsy
Daniel Dewey          39  79   M   Sept. W New York     Farming Consumption
Harritt Bartlett      73  62   F   Oct.  W New York     HK     Cholera Morbus
Ferislon? Whitcomb    126 86   M   May   M Vermont      Physician Consumption
Catherine J Bradford  133 50   F   May   M New York     HK     Fever
Lyonisius Fregusttia? 191 6    M   Oct.  S England  1 1        Inflamation of Bowels
James Johnston        209 45   M   May   S Ireland  1 1 Labor R.R. Consumption
Johnny Thompson       236 51   M   Feb.  M England  1 1 Labor Farm Unknown
Hannah Thompson       236 42   F   March W New York 1 1 HK     Heart Disease
Nancy Vanderwort      274 35   F   May   M New York     HK     Puesperal Fever
Watson E Bassel       278 24   M   Sept. S New York   Carpenter Ulceration of Bowel 
Stephen Eaton         289 47   M   March M New York            Dropsy
Delia Brooks          295 15   F   Sept. S New York     At home Typhoid Fever
Mary Bowen            299 1/12 F   Feb.  S New York     At home Unknown
Nancy Young           332 53   F   May   S Conn.               Cancer
Michael Smith         363 67   M   March M New York     Shoemaker Athsma
Lucius Emmons         388 48   M   Aug.  M New York     Farmer Consumption
Harry Furman          414 67   M   July  M New York     Farmer Heart Disease
Mary E Pomeroy        474 25   F   June  S New York     At home Epilipsy 
Washington L Andrews  418 17   F   March S New York     At home Consumption
Chas W Bidwell        487 1    M   June  S New York     At home Drowned
Albert J Palmatier    501 13   M   Jan.  S New York     At home Inflamation of Brain
Phebe Haight          502 48   F   May   M New York     HK      Struck by Lightning
Levi Cleaveland       506 70   M   April W New York     Farmer  Diabetes
Catherine Swart       508 79   F   July  W New York     HK      Eryupelus
Ann R Bitts           25  73   F(this entry was crossed out) 

Town of Stamford
Name                  #   Age  Sex Date  C Native   F M Trade  Cause Death
Willie Maass         22   8    M   Aug.    New York            Inflamation of Bowels 
Lissie Fisher        45   11   F   Nov.    New York            Diptheria
Susan Houghtaling    59   55   F   Feb.  M New York            Apoplexy
Sarah Taylor         60   50   F   Feb.    New York     HK     Apoplexy
James Hoy            67   70   M   June  W New York 1 1        Congestion of Lungs
Joseph McWilliams    69   57   M   Oct.  M New York 1 1 Farmer Tetanus
Anna Cowan           180  5    F   Sept.   New York            Fever Continued
John R McIllwain     137  11   M   Sept.   New York            Spinal Irritation
Jean Grant           120  104  F   April W Scotland 1 1        Old Age
Sarah McLean         158  54   F   Oct.  M New York     HK     Consumption
Matthew McLaughlin   181  54   M   April   New York            Chronic Rhemeutism
Alexander Brockway   207  2    M   Nov.    New York            Diptheria
Betsy Barlow         221  75   F   March M New York            Heart Disease
Alvira Dales         225  41   F   Dec.  M New York     HK     Typhoid Fever
William Foote        247  79   M   Dec.  M Conn.        Farmer Gangrene
Sophia Grant         254  24   F   July  M New York 1 1 HK     Brain Fever
John Odell           285  74   M   March W New York            Typhoid Fever
Prudence Lamb        293  72   F   March   New York            Congestion of Lungs
John B Thomas        301  75   M   April M New York            Congestion of Stomach
Frances Bunnell      303  78   F   March W Conn.               Apoplexy
Priscilla Lamport    324  72   F   Jan.  W England  1 1        Arcities
Peter Grant          327  77   M   March   New York            Pneumonia
Town of Tompkins
Name                  #   Age  Sex Date  C Native   F M Trade  Cause Death
Geo. A Runyon         13  1    M   Oct.    New York            Cholera Infantum
Simon Woodmauser      30  68   M   Sept. M Rhode Island Farmer Dropsy
Phebe L Ogden         61  45   F   Nov.    New York     At home Consumption
Anna Marks            52  54   F   Nov.  M New York 1 1 HK     Consumption
Mary J Huyck          125 8    F   March(Jan.) New York At home Drowned
Fred J Huyck          125 6    M   March(Jan.) New York At home Drowned
Ruth Mills            136 78   F   April W New York     At home Consumption
Elizabeth Backus      161 82   F   March W New York 1 1 At home Dropsy of Heart 
Walter Carl           178 58   M   May   M New York     Farmer  Paralysis
Margaret Shellman     186 66   F   Aug.  M Ireland  1 1 At home Heart Disease
Burnside Infant       211 2/12 M   Jan.    New York             Convulsions
Eliza Darling         251 12   F   July    New York     At home Heart Disease
                                                               & Consumption
Peter Ridenburgh      296 85   M   Feb.  W New York     Farmer  Old Age, Unknown
Sarah Lore?           331 88   F   Sep.  W Ireland  1 1 At home Old Age, Eupilpelis
Sally M Howard        362 47   F   Dec.  M New York 1   HK      Dropsy
Edwin Flowers         364 5    M   Sep.    New York             Kicked by Horse
George Flowers        364 3    M   Sep.    New York             Kicked by Horse
Eliza J Kinsey        382 44   F   Dec.  M Conn.                Congestion of lungs    
Wilber Hinckey        406 27   M   Feb.  M New York     Farm Hand Drowned
Mary A Thompson       423 53   F   June  M Ireland  1 1 HK      Congestion of lungs
Sally Carpenter       433 57   F   March M New York     HK      Typhoid Pneunonia
Elias Christian       455 84   M   Feb.  M New York     Farmer  Heart Disease
Aucelia? Dickinson    532 49   F   Nov.  M New York     HK      Consumption
Chas E Thomas         549      M   Feb.    New York             Jandice
Eliza Taylor          597 19   F   Sep.    Penn.        At home Consumption
Phebe Freeman             78   F   March M Conn.        At home Congestion of Lungs
Betsey Smith          636 83   F   Nov.  W Conn.        At home Old Age
Hannah Briggs         657 36   F   Aug.  M New York     HK      Consumption
Rachel? Daner?   75 No. 2 46   F   Dec.  M Penn.        HK      Heart Disease    

Town of Walton 
Name                  #   Age  Sex Date  C Native   F M Trade  Cause Death
Rowland Robinson      17  95   M   May   W New York    Farmer No symptoms of disease
No name child         17  1/12 M   Oct.    New York            Infant
Mary McCall           29  81   F   July  W New York     None   Consumption of Bowels
Eliza Benedict        19  22   F   July  M New York     HK     Child Birth
John Hess             86  52   M   Oct.  M New York     Farmer Fall from tree
Jerusha Weldon        109 78   F   Nov.  W Conn.        None   Cancer of Stomach
Betsey A Thomson      162 48   F   March M New York     HK     Water on the Brain
Jane VanValkenburgh   163 36   F   Oct.  M New York     HK     Consumption
Thomas Gilbert Persons 168 6   M   March   New York    Infant Inflamatory Rheumatism
Adison Johnson        170 66   M   April M New York     Farmer Inflamation of Lungs
Janny E Wright        178 6/12 F   April   New York     Infant Spinal Afflication
Mary A Weed           219 17?  F   Oct.    New York     Teaching Consumption
Benjamin B Eells      290 82   M   Feb.  M Conn.        Carpenter Old Age
Catharine Seymour         87   F   Feb.  W New York     HK     Old Age
Edward Ogden          384 36   M   March M New York     Farmer Consumption
Curtis Marrin?        229 2    M   Oct.    New York     Whooping Cough & Inflamation
                                                              Of Lungs
Peter Launt           310 73   M   April W New York     Farmer Paralysis
Eliza Ann Elijah      398 34   F   Oct.  W New York     Without Consumption
Rosa M Olds           130 4/12 F   Sept.   New York            Unknown
Elizabeth Sawyer      409 29   F   June    New York     Tailoriss Typhoid Fever
William Shepard(Shipen) 444 78 M   July  W Conn.        Farmer Dropsey
Bridget Watson            36   F   June    Ireland  x x        Chronic Dysentary 
Maria Laraway             51   F   June  W New York     Keeping House Apoplexy 
Wheeler Cable         590 32   M   Aug   M New York     Farmer Inflamation on Brain
Harrison Denny        647 6/12 M   Aug     New York            Disease of Bowels
Clarence Benedict      19 2/12 M   Sept.   New York            Colera Infantum
Christina Raymond      -- 59   F   Nov.  M New York     HK    Inflamatory Rheumatism
William Telford       258 63   M   March M New York     Farmer Disease of Heart
David Beers           583 86   M   March W New York     Farmer Consumption
Amelia Brewster       601 10/12 F  Feb.    New York            Dropsy on Brain
Charles Fancher       497 51   M   Jan.  M New York     Farmer Addison Disease
Achsa? Teed           --- 16   F   Feb.    New York            Typhoid Fever
Jane Hood            --- 85   F   Nov.  W New York     Without Old Age
Michael Hartman      633 57   M   Aug.  M Germany  X X Farmer cancer on liver

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