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JOSEPH EVELAND - 1844-1937
Editor - Delaware County Dairyman - 1879-1926
Joseph Eveland is dead.
The end came peacefully early Sunday, May 2, to the oldest and best known citizen of this village and its last Civil War veteran.
Mr. Eveland was about the streets on Monday, April 19. The next day not feeling well he consulted his physician, Dr.. L. C. Warren, and returned home and did not leave it again. There was no disease. The end came because the rugged constitution which had served him for 92 years was worn out.
Mr. Eveland was the son of Andrew and-Margaret Enderlin Eveland and was born in Roxbury, December 12, 1844. In his early childhood the family moved to Treadwell, then Croton, and he attended school there and at Delhi. In 1862 he entered the Franklin Visitor office to learn the printer's trade, and worked there until the paper was sold to the Delaware Republican at Delhi.
After being rejected several times on account of his youth Mr. Eveland enlisted August 26, 1864, in Company D, 144th Regt., New York Volunteers and served in the quartermaster's department until the close of the war. He was one of the organizers of Frank T. Hine Post, G. A. R., and served in its various offices. As the last commander of the organization it became his sad duty to surrender its charter when its numbers were so depleted that meetings could be held no longer.
Following his war service Mr. Eveland was employed at his trade in the shop of Sturtevant & McIntosh, at Delhi, publishers of the Delaware Republican, purchasing the Sturtevant interest in 1867.. He sold his interest to his partner in 1869. He moved to Amherst, Va., where for ten years he published the Amherst Enterprise, in the early years in partnership with Hon. Thomas Whitehead and later as sole owner.
He returned to Franklin in 1879 and purchased of Nathan L. Lyon the Franklin Register, established by Albert Hitchcock eleven years before. The paper was enlarged and renamed the Delaware County Dairyman in 1883 and under his leadership it became the foremost agricultural publication of this section, especially in the years preceding the rural free delivery. His interest in local agriculture was shown in his participation as one of the founders and as an official in the county's first dairying organization, the Delaware County Dairymen's association. He published the Dairyman for a period of 47 years, until he retired in 1926. The last ten years his son. the, late George T. Eveland, was associated with him. His retirement did not terminate his interest in the Dairyman, for its present management had reason to value his counsel and advice and its readers to welcome the weekly contributions of his pen published under the caption "Observations".
A staunch Republican, Mr. Eveland's inclination led him to service through his publication rather than in public office. He was postmaster of Franklin during the Garfield-Arthur administration but except for several terms on the village board of trustees, he declined the offices that his friends would have given him.
Mr. Eveland married Miss Josephine Liljegren at Delhi, June 20, 1869, and for 57 years until her death in 1926 their home was an example of domestic happiness and generous hospitality. To them were born six children, three of whom survive, Mrs. Henry P. Newell of Narberth, Pa., Miss Ida Louise Eveland, a member of the faculty of the Oneonta Normal school, residing at home, and Dr. Ralph G. Eveland of Palmyra. Also surviving are a daughter-in-law, Mrs George T. Eveland of this place, and five grandchildren, Henry P. Newell, Jr., and Miss Adelaide Newell of Narberth; George, John and Ralph Gilliam Eveland of Palmyra.
After his home and family his church came next and the Methodist Episcopal church of this place of which he was a member and official of many years knew the generosity of his constant support of time, personal service and financial resources. Only in a slightly less degree was his interest shown in the other churches of the community and one thing his friends will remember will be his presence in the Congregational-Baptist church April 18, the last service of worship he attended, there being no service in his own church on that Sunday.
Much might be said of Mr. Eveland's character and his influence on the community. His love and affection for his family and home, his loyalty to the community and its citizens, his high idealism and his strong convictions, his courtly manners, his humble yet militant Christianity, the breadth of his culture acquired without the aid of a formal education, his sterling integrity and his industry. All these were notable. But conspicuous above them were his interest in his fellowmen and his optimism.
He was always cheerful and lived his life happily. Up to within a week of its close he retained all of his interest. While the death of his son in 1925 followed by that of Mrs. Eveland fifteen months later were severe blows he hid his feelings beneath his hopefulness and enthusiasm His acquaintance and his circle of friends was very large and the keen enjoyment of his annual visits to Florida where he had spent his winters for the past few years was due in no small degree to the opportunity of meeting old friends and acquiring new ones..
His familiar figure, frequently pausing for a roadside chat with some one, will be missed from our streets and in our homes and places of business. We of this community join with many others in the satisfaction of having known him and in our sincere sympathy for his family.
The funeral service, conducted by his pastor, Rev. Samuel E. Sargeant, assisted by a former pastor, Rev. Grant E. Robinson of Walton, was held at his home Tuesday afternoon and was largely attended. A profusion of flowers from organizations and friends seemed a fitting tribute to the man who enjoyed them so much. Honorary pallbearers were Dr. Arthur M. Curtis of Oneonta and Alvin B. Crawford of this place. The active bearers were M. J. Multer of Cooperstown, J. C. Bush of East Orange, N. J., and J. R. Reid, Hardin H. Wheat, C. H. Berray and S. B. D. Belden of this place. The burial was made in the family plot in Ouleout Valley cemetery. - From the Dairyman of May 7, 1937.
Joseph Eveland probably had the largest speaking acquaintance and the greatest circle of friends of any man in this area.
His years and his life work, of course, partly accounted for it, but not altogether. This small town editor knew far more people by name than many a man whose years are lived in a more public role.
He had a gift for friend-making. An editor of more than usual ability, he was no mere "news hound." He was simply interested in folks. He loved the companionship of his fellowmen. He had the rare faculty of being able to strike up a conversation with a stranger, man or woman, to do it naturally and after a short chat, leave him with the impression of having met a genial courteous gentleman whom one hoped to meet again.
Many of his friendships began in that way. And they usually are the most lasting. They live beyond the lapse of time, difference of temperament and environment and distance for back of all these is the strong memory of that first impression.
Few men can make that approach easily. He could and did and how it enriched his life. Those contacts stimulated his thinking, broadened his viewpoint, gave him a magnanimity surprising in a man of such definite opinions and strong convictions. They kept his interest in life and living keen and vital to the end of his long life.
And how much of mutual understanding, of tolerance and of goodwill might be developed if more exercised this faculty, as one has said who knew Mr. Eveland well.
This faculty was natural to him. At the same time it may be to some degree acquired and developed. The roots of it lie in goodwill and friendly interest in one's fellowmen. It would be well for us to try it. Probably we would be happily surprised by the result. - Dairyman Editorial.
"A life spent in service and influence for good in Franklin and Delaware county came to an end Sunday with the passing of Joseph Eveland, for many years editor and owner of the Delaware County Dairyman of Franklin.
"Mr. Eveland belonged to the school of journalists who believe that the newspaper is not merely a vehicle in which to convey the happenings in the community, to chronicle the births and the deaths, the joys and the sorrows of the people, but, also, should strive to be an influence for the right and for what the editor deems the community good. A devout church member himself, his newspaper was merely a reflection of his code of personal living.
"Mr. Eveland was owner of the Dairyman from 1879 to 1926. In his nearly fifty years of active management of the newspaper his subscribers learned to know and respect his views even though they might disagree with them. A man of this type could not help but leave his impress on his community and his passing brings sincere regret not only to they people of his own community, but, also, to those who. knew him only through his newspaper.
"Editor Eveland could always by counted on as a leader in any moral cause.. He was a faithful member of the Methodist church of Franklin and while at home, fair weather or foul, could be found each Sunday morning in his pew. Pastors of the church testify to his helpfulness as friend and counselor."-E. S. White, Walton Reporter. Welcome Page of the Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site . . . | . . . Table of Contents Page . . . | . . . Contact Site Manager
a service of the Delaware County Historical Association located at 46549 State Highway 10, Delhi, NY 13753
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