
Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site

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Note from Terri Cox: I typed this document as it was printed in the Stamford Mirror, although I believe there are mistakes in the newspaper. For example, the paper has "Timoity," which possibly should be "Timothy" or "Sumuel" could really be "Samuel." Also, if you add the numbers from the Val. and Per. columns, the correct total is usually in the Aggt. column. In a few cases, the numbers don't add up. Remember, I typed exactly what the newspaper had, so if something doesn't make sense and you'd like me to check it against the origina. --Terri Cox. Also remember that these figures are from 1836 (not 1896 when the newspaper was published.

An inventory of the real and personal property in the town of Harpersfield, in the County of Delaware for the year 1836:

NAMES                              TAX    ACRES  VAL    PER    AGGT
Adam, Dingee                       1 75   50     400    --     400    
Buck, Anna                         88     39     20     --     200    
Buck, Noah                         2 63   115    600    --     600    
Basset, Eliphas                    3 30   84     750    --     750    
Butler, Daniel                     5 26   160    1200   --     1200   
Bapet, Joshua                      44     23     100    --     100    
Burget, Barnham                    3 50   105    800    --     800    
Burget, Barnham                    22     0.5    50     --     50     
Barnum, Amos                       44     2.5    100    --     100    
Beardsley, Gideon                  4 38   100    1000   --     1000   
Brown, Abagail                     33     0.5    75     --     75     
Bell, Samuel                       3 94   100    900    --     900    
Becker, Frederick                  88     52.5   200    --     200    
Bell, Isabel                       3 50   114    800    --     800    
Booth, John                        2 42   75     550    --     550    
Bennet, Phinehas L.                3 94   150    900    --     900    
Barnum, Joseph                     3 50   100    800    --     800    
Burlinson, Thomas                  4 38   50     1000   --     1000   
Bristol, James                     1 31   28     300    --     300    
Brown, Jerusha                     44     2      100    --     100    
Brown, James                       3 50   123    800    --     800    
Brown, Zenus                       1 75   78     400    --     400    
Baird, Daniel                      4 82   143    800    300    1100   
Baird, David                       2 63   120    600    --     600    
Baird, Abijah                      2 63   80     500    100    600    
Beardsley, Gaylord                 5 26   162    1200   --     1200   
Buckingham, Wm                     4 82   132    1000   100    1100   
Brown, James                       35     3      80     --     80     
Bell, Joseph W.                    3 50   120    800    --     800    
Bell, Joseph W.                    1 31   50     300    --     300    
Brett, John F.                     4 60   9      400    650    1050   
Brett, Jas. & Wm.                  22            50     --     50     
Bristol, Nathan                    1 31   12.5   300    --     300    
Babcock, John W.                   8 76   237    2000   --     2000   
Babcock, Joseph                    2 19                 500    500    
Bragg, Johnson B.                  3 50   50     800    --     800    
Becker, C. (mills)                 2 63   4      600    --     600    
Birge, Ephraim L.                  22     1      50     --     50     
Birdsall, Oliver                   3 50   130    800    --     800    
Campbell, James                    3 50   46     450    350    800    
Copley, Joseph                     66     50     150    --     150    
Campbell, Samuel                   3 06   100    700    --     700    
Copley, Heman                      5 26   203    1200   --     1200   
Cook, Elijah                       22     23     50     --     50     
Copley, Ransom                     9 64   425    2200   --     2200   
Canfield, Elijah                   66     10     150    --     150    
Churchill, Elijah                  6 14   174    1400   --     1400   
Clark, John                        4 82   186    1100   --            
Clark, Harriet                     1 75   80     400    --     400    
Cowle,y William                    1 54   59     350    --     350    
Cowley, Ledger                     5 69   170    1200   100    1300   
Champlin, Wm. B.                   5 69   198    1300   --     900    
Champlin, Jeffrey C.               3 94   120    900    --     900    
Campbill, William                  3 00   50     550    84     634    
Copley & Johnson Leather factory   4 38   75     1000   --     1000   
Doan, Anna                         1 31   75     300    --     300    
Dayton, Jerusha                    5 69   190    1200   100    1300   
Dayton, Edmund                     3 06   100    700    --     700    
Davenport, Erastus                 4 38   134    1000   --     1000   
Davis, George F.                   2 19   10.5   500    --     500    
Dayton, Michael                    5 69   208    1200   100    1300   
Dayton, Abel, Jr.                  3 50   50     800    --     800    
Dayton, Anson                      2 19   95     500    --     500    
Dayton, Abel                       3 94   75     800    100    900    
Dayton, Bryan C.                   2 63   100    600    --     600    
Dart, Smith                        1 75   75     400    --     400    
Drake, Joshua                      1 54   49     300    50     350    
Davis, Gersham                     2 19   70     500    --     500    
Dennis, Thomas W.                  2 63   47     600    --     600    
Davis, Lyman                       4 82   52     1100   --     1100   
Davis, Lyman                       4 82   75     1100   --     1100   
Drake, Hiram                       44     25     100    --     100    
Dayton, Sally Ann                  66     50     150    --     150    
Douglas, Mary                      3 30   122    750    --     750    
Disbrow, Beardsly                  2 19   1      200    300    500    
Dart, Anson                        5 26   200    1200   --     1200   
Dayton, Mary                       3 50   118    800    --     800    
Evans, Jeremiah                    2 63   223    600    --     600    
Ells, James                        10 95  240    2500   --     2500   
Edwards, Daniel                    6 14   150    1400   --     1400   
Ells, James, Jr.                   2 19                 500    500    
Ellsworth, Horace                  2 63   100    600    --     600    
Ellsworth, Joseph                  2 63   105    600    --     600    
English, Robert                    5 69   169    1300   --     1300   
Edwards, Daniel                    1 75   70     500    --     400    
Foote, Jacob                       88     100    200    --     200    
Foote, Jacob                       3 50   180    800    --     800    
Foote, Jacob                       3 50   150    800    --     800    
Foote, William                     44     0.5    100    --     100    
Flamsburgh, John, Jr.              9 64   498    2200   --     2200   
Fenn, Elbridge B.                  1 31   120    300    --     300    
Foote, Charles A.                  7 88   200    1800   --     1800   
Foote, David                       2 63   100    600    --     600    
Fuller, Reuben                     3 06   97     700    --     700    
Graves, Orange                     10 07  292    1800   500    2300   
Gordon, Robert                     2 86   110    650    --     650    
Grant, Sweeton                     1 98   54.5   450    --     450    
Grenell, Samuel                    2 53   93     500    75     575    
Goodenough, John                   2 19   105    500    --     500    
Grant, John L.                     22     2      50     --     50     
Graves, Hiram                      2 63   70     600    --     600    
Graves, Lyman                      2 19   13     500    --     500    
Gibbs, John W.                     1 31   6      300    --     300    
Gibbs, Cyrenus                     4 82   120    1100   --     1100   
Gibbs, Cyrenus                     44     37     100    --     100    
Gibbs, Richard B.                  2 42   90     550    --     550    
Gibbs, Benjamin F.                 3 30   107    750    --     750    
Gibbs, Benjamin, mill              1 75   2.5    400    --     400    
Gaylord, Joel                      1 31   50     300    --     300    
Gaylord, John B.                   7 88   201    1800   --     1800   
Givens, Sheldon A.                 2 19   0.25   500    --     500    
Givens & Ells, store               44            100    --     100    
Hamilton, Robert                   3 50   159    800    --     800    
Hanford, John                      1 31   75     300    --     300    
Hanford, Orrin                     2 63   125    600    --     600    
Hunt, Casby                        1 75   60     400    --     400    
Hamilton, Urial                    2 63   88     500    100    600    
Hubbard, Enos                      2 63   17     600    --     600    
Hotchkiss, Roswell, Jr.            3 50   70     800    --     800    
Hotchkiss, Lydia                   3 94   117    900    --     900    
Hotchkiss, Roswell                 5 69   65     800    500    1300   
Hendry, Thomas                     4 82   164    1100   --     1100   
Hubbard, A., mill                  1 31   4      300    --     300    
Hoagland, David C.                 2 63   90     600    --     600    
Hotchkiss, Miles                   22     0.125  50     --     50     
Hurlburt, Luman                    22     0.25   50     --     50     
Hubbard, Davis                     4 82   150    1100   100    700    
Hubbard, Eleasor                   3 06   55     600    100    700    
Hubbard, Michael                   3 06   65     600    100    700    
Henry R. Hamilton                  88     2.5    200    --     200    
Hamilton, Homer W.                 2 19   45     500    --     500    
Hamilton, Talmon                   7 01   153    1300   300    1600   
Harper, John                       2 63   88     600    --     600    
Hendry, William                    3 72   133    850    --     850    
Hakes, Lyman                       2 63   93     600    --     600    
Harper, Henry                      3 50   75     800    --     800    
Harper, Samuel                     1 75   100    400    --     400    
Henderson, Robert                  3 06   172    700    --     700    
Houck. John                        88     65     800    --     800    
Harper, William                    2 63   75     600    --     600    
Ireland, Thomas                    3 50   220    800    --     800    
Johnson, Timothy H.                88     16     200    --     200    
Knapp, Hiram                       88     70     200    --     200    
Lamb, John                         5 26   100    700    500    1200   
Lockwood, Stephen                  66     0.75   150    --     150    
Lindsley, Daniel                   2 42   125    550    --     550    
Mann, Sylvanus                     1 98   100    450    --     450    
Mann, Sylvanus                     2 86   100    650    --     650    
Miller, John J.                    44     30     100    --     100    
McMurdy, David                     2 19   100    500    --     500    
Mitchell, Peter                    1 10   65     250    --     250    
Moon, Harmon                       2 19   94     500    --     500    
McMorris, Mary                     2 19   100    500    --     500    
McIlwain, John                     4 38   145    1000   --     1000   
McIlwain, Sumuel                   1 75   100    400    --     400    
McKee, John 2d                     2 63   143    600    --     600    
Mack, Sasannah                     1 75   75     460    --     460    
Mack, Orlando                      2 19   60     500    --     500    
Merriam, Asahel                    3 94   121    900    --     900    
Maynard, Cooley                    10 07  245    1800   500    2300   
McMinn, James                      88     0.25   200    --     200    
Merriam, Peter                     2 42   88     550    --     550    
Mallison, Roswell                  22     1      50     --     50     
McIntyre, Dongald                  6 57   208    1500   --     1500   
Maynard, Alanson                   1 75   75     400    --     400    
Norton, Robert                     22     0.5    50     --     50     
Newell, Russel                     5 26   17     500    700    1200   
Newell, Lydia                      5 26   93     1200   --     1200   
Nichols, James                     44     20     100    --     100    
Nichols, Clement                   6 14   247    1400   --     1400   
Nichols, Daniel                    3 94   162    900    --     900    
Owens, Susannah                    3 50   150    800    --     800    
Olmsted, Thomas                    88     65     200    --     200    
Osborn, Eleaser                    3 94   107    850    50     900    
Owens, Samuel                      88                   200    200    
Osborne, Frederich                 2 19   77     500    --     500    
Odell, Benjamin                    3 50   170    800    --     800    
Odell, Abijah                      7 01   253    1400   200    1600   
Odell, Daniel                      1 98   100    450    --     450    
Penfield, David                    3 72   104    850    --     850    
Penfield, Ebenesor                 3 94   50     900    --     900    
Penfield, Orrin S.                 88                   200    200    
Packard, Ransom                    2 63   58     600    --     600    
Payne, Andrew T.                   1 75   57     400    --     400    
Patchin, David S.                  10 52  270    2200   200    2400   
Peters, Daniel                     5 26   186    1200   --     1200   
Packard, Charles                   1 75   100    400    --     400    
Pierce, Isaac                      4 38   109    1000   --     1000   
Pierce, Isaac                      1 75   100    400    --     400    
Pierce, Ebenezer                   2 42   100    550    --     550    
Pierce, Mial C.                    3 73   215    850    --     850    
Pattison, David                    3 06   139    700    --     700    
Pierce, Benjamin                   7 01   228    1600   --     1600   
Pierce, Peres B.                   2 19   50     500    --     500    
Pierce Nathan                      6 57   150    1000   500    1500   
Rickee, Thomas                     4 60   116    1050   --     1050   
Rice, Henry                        3 94   160    850    50     900    
Robertson, John                    22     14     50     --     50     
Smith, Ezra                        5 26   150    1200   --     1200   
Stratton, Phinehas                 44     0.25   100    --     100    
Sanford, Maransa                   3 06   81     700    --     700    
Scott, James                       3 94   122    800    100    900    
Scott, William                     44     0.75   100    --     100    
Smith, Teviah                      88     26     200    --     200    
Smith, James                       1 54   50     350    --     350    
Stevens, Stoddard                  7 88   170    1500   300    1800   
Strong, Noah R.                    1 54   50     350    --     350    
Smith, Nehemiah                    1 98   75     450    --     450    
Stevens, Stoddard                  66     58     150    --     150    
Smith Ezekiel                      3 72   35     350    500    850    
Strain, James                      11 62  303    2100   550    2650   
Spencer, John                      1 54   126    350    --     350    
Seeley, Benjamin                   77     5.5    175    --     175    
Seeley, Levi                       3 50   60     800    --     800    
Seeley, Levi                       1 31   110    300    --     300    
Sawyer, Henry                      88     64     200    --     200    
Sawyer, Joshua                     2 63   70     600    --     600    
Simpson, Hugh                      6 14   156    800    600    1400   
Stanley, William                   88     74     200    --     200    
Stanley, John O.                   2 19   116    500    --     500    
Stuart, John                       1 31   54     300    --     300    
Squires, David                     1 98   60     400    50     450    
Stanley, Nathan                    1 98   80     450    --     450    
Sheldon, Betsey                    9 64   315    2100   100    2200   
Sanford, Beardsley                 2 19   75     500    --     500    
Sacket, Oramel                     88     5      200    --     200    
Throp, Daniel                      2 19   80     500    --     500    
Throp, Nelson L.                   88     27     200    --     200    
Telfer, Thomas                     2 19   100    500    --     500    
Terrey, David                      6 57   137    1300   200    1500   
Taylor, Baruch                     1 31   1      300    --     300    
Taylor, Andrew                     7 01   50     1000   600    1600   
Titus, Jacob                       5 26   200    1200   --     1200   
Treadwell, Eleazer                 3 72   110    850    --     850    
Treadwell, Orrin                   3 72   160    850    --     850    
Treadwell, James                   2 19   80     500    --     500    
Tremain, Myron                     22     0.25   50     --     50     
Utter, John                        2 19   124    500    --     500    
Vandoser, Martin                   3 30   75     750    --     750    
Vandoser, Abraham                  3 72   68     750    100    850    
Voorheis, John                     2 19   118    500    --     500    
Williams, Abram                    1 31   70     300    --     300    
Wilcox, Alonzo B.                  5 26   125    1200   --     1200   
Wilcox, Aron                       3 94   100    900    --     900    
Wilcox, Aron                       44     0.5    100    --     100    
Wilsey, William                    3 94   125    900    --     900    
Wickham, John                      3 06   143    700    --     700    
Wickham, David S.                  4 38   160    1000   --     1000   
Watkins, Hezkiah                   6 14   199    1400   --     1400   
Warner, Asa                        3 50   105    700    100    800    
Warner, Asa, Sr.                   44                   100    100    
Wam, Isaac                         3 30   107    750    --     750    
Wilcox, Thomas S.                  1 54   80     350    --     350    
Wool, James R.                     2 19   104    500    --     500    
Wool, Joseph                       1 31   84     300    --     300    
Wool, John                         1 75   79     400    --     400    
Wilson, John                       5 26   120    1000   200    1200   
Wilcox, Samuel                     5 69   154    1300   --     1300   
Wilcox, Harriet                    1 98   106    450    --     450    
Watrous, James S.                  44     0.125  100    --     100    
Youngs, Hugh                       4 38   143    1000   --     1000   

The following are non-resident, lands lying in the Town of Harpersfield:

In a pattent granted to John HARPER and others Charles D. COOPER as the heirs of John TAYLOR
No 93, Acres 100, Value 200, Pers'l. 200, Aggt. 88

In a pattent granted to Sir Wm. JOHNSON and others Peter SMITH of Peterboro.
No. 4, Acres 205, Value 550, Pers'l. 550, Aggt. 242

In same pattent middle pent of lot No. 2, and bounded as follows: on W by lands of Jas. STRAIN; N by lands of Hull DAVIS; E by lands of John SPENCER; and S by lands..…
No. 61, Acres 120, Value 120, Pers'l. 120, Aggt. 53

of John NICHOLS, in same pattent No. 3
No. 97, Acres 150, Value 150, Pers'l. 150, Aggt. 66

In a pattent granted to Sir Wm. JOHNSON and others the heirs of Timoity MURPHY, and supposed to be lot No. 72 and bounded as follows: N by Otsego line; W by lands of John ROBISON; S by S line pattent; E by lands of John BECKER and John FLANSBURGH, Jr.
No. 220, Acres 600, Value 600, Pers'l. 600, Aggt. 263

We do severally certify that we have set down on the above assessment roll all the real estate situation in the Town of Harpersfield according to our best information, and that we have estimated the value of the said estate at the sum which a majority of the assessors have decided to be the true value thereof and at which they would apprise the same on payment of a just debt due from a solvent debtor, and also that the said assessment roll contains a true statement of the aggregate amount of the taxable personal estate of each and every person named in the said roll over and above the amount of debts from such persons respectively and excluding. Such tax as are otherwise taxable and that the exception of those cases which the value of such personal estate has been sworn to by the owner or possessor. We have estimated the same according to our best information and belief.
James BRISTOL, John WOOL, John FLANSBURGH, Assessors.

To Chas. MERRIAM, Collector of the Town of Harpersfield,
You are hereby required and directed to collect from the several persons named in this assessment roll the several sums mentioned in the first columns of every page except the non-residents which is left column thereof opposite their respective names. And you are hereby authorized in case any shall neglect or refuse to pay such sum or sums to levy the same by distress and sale of his or her goods and chattles together with the costs and charges of such distress and sale. And you are hereby directed to pay out of the moneys so collected to the Commissioners of Common Schools of said town, the sum of one hundred dollars and eighty-seven cents; to the Commissioners of Highways of said town the sum of eighteen dollars and fifty cents; to the Supervisor of said town the sum of ninety-five dollars and fifty-seven cents; and the residue being five hundred and ninety-one dollars and seventy-two cents, to the Treasurer of the County of Delaware on or before the first day of February next, retaining in your hands out of the same for your services five cents on every dollar you shall collect or levy. And for so doing this shall be your sufficient warrant.

Give under our hands and seals this 21st day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six.

Schools 100.87 Stoddard STEVENS, John M. BETTS
Highways 18.50 Luther BUTTS, Charles KNAPP
Supervisor 95.57 Darius SMITH, Thomas I. HUBBELL
Treasurer 591.72 Daniel ROWLAND, John EDGERTON
806.66 William JACKSON, Geo. H. SANDS

Source: Stamford Mirror Newspaper, Vol. 46, No. 12 - Tuesday, July 7, 1896, and Stamford Mirror Newspaper, Vol. 46, No. 13 - Tuesday, July 14, 1896

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a service of the Delaware County Historical Association located at 46549 State Highway 10, Delhi, NY 13753

Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger