Cyrenus Gibbs, held a Commission over 7 years.
Albert Buckingham, under 18 years of age.
Peter H. Van Buren, arm broken.
Jerry Mead, blindness.
Rollin A Hamilton, under 18 years of age.
Wm. McArthur, ankle slips out of joint, and varicose veins.
John R. Clark, served 7 years and discharged.
Nathaniel Roe, 50 years of age.
Eber Tyrell, blindness.
Frank Warner, comsumption.
Wells Packard, ruptured.
Horace Hartwell, under 18 years of age.
Hiram Cronk, neuralgia across the back.
John Stinson, ruptured.
Darius Wood, piles and partially deaf.
Harmon Shaver, deaf in one ear, nearly blind in one eye.
D.B. Johnson, ankle dislocated.
John English, deafness.
Daniel Voorhis, phthisic
Christopher M. Thorp, sore back for 20 years.
Calvin Wilcox, stiffness in one leg and broken arm.
Jacob VanBuren, one leg broken and an inch shorter.
Joseph F. Harper, surgeons certificate
Stephen D. Odell, tubercles in lungs and hip disease.
John Sawyer Jr., ancle joint cut, leg broken and cough.
Wm. S. Dart, deaf, lame back.
Harrison Hubbard, cough and lame back.
Calvin Hamilton, knee slips out of joint.
John Scutt, lame hip, cannot hear as quick as others, fainting spells
Jeremiah Flansburgh, catarrh in head, pain in side.
John Manchester, deafness and injuries in back.
Wm. Gillander, lame back.
Oscar Hamilton, lame arms caused by injuries of elbow joints.
Wm. T. Humphrey, six years service in enlisted company and resigned.
Calvin English, deafness.
Joseph Johnson, right foot cut, rheumatisms.
Orrin Pierce, rheumatism.
Cornelius Denny, bursted in the body.
Wm. Mitchell, bleeding of the lungs and rheumatism.
Joseph B. More, cannot see as far as other folks, shoulder dislocated.
Newman Owens, lameness.
Wm. Titus, scroffula and eresypelas.
Isaac Pierce, a bunch on the arm below the elbow.
John B. Houck, knee slips out of joint.
S.C. McWilliams, broken leg and lame wrist.
George B. Pierce, disease of the heart.
Munson Becker, deaf in one ear, cord of instep cut.
Wm. VanBuren, arm broken and rheumatism, blind piles
Henry Utter, piles and pain in the side.
Alexander Turk, disease of the stomach and piles.
John H. Allen, catarrh, arm broken, ancle slips out of joint.
John W. Copley, injuries in the side.
James Houck, sun stoke and rheumatism.
W.B. Nichols, rheumatism in hip and deaf in one ear.
John O. Campbell, liver complaint, lost two toes of the foot.
John W. Jaques, injuries in the back and hips.
The above is a list in the office and the nature of the claims.
Yours &c,