
Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site

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COOKBOOK Circa 1935 - Presbyterian Church - Hamden, NY

If anyone wants a recipe that was contributed by a relative, please email me. - Maggie, August 10, 2000

Pages 1 - 7

Katharine Colgan
Mrs. Katherine Fyffe
Betty Craig
Edith MacNaught
Mrs. J.E. Colgan
Margaret Hust
Mrs. Jacob Trylone
Grace Scofield
Mrs. Helen Stowe
Florence Sprague
Mrs. Lewis Schnact
Mrs. Jacob Trylone
Mrs. Chas. Currie
Margaret Miller
Mrs. Katherine Eckert
Mrs. J.A. Ballantyne
Mrs. H.L. Eckert
Mrs. Marie Terry
Wilma Mac Haught

Pages 8 - 14

Marie Bryden
Hildred Terry
Mrs. Hannah Strich
Virginia Reed
Margaret J. Salton
Peggy Clark
M.S. Leal
Shirley S. Shaw
Elizabeth A. Hume
Lillian C. Eckert
Billie Hutchings
Dorethea MacDonald
Jennie Young
Maude E. Bolt
Mrs. Luella H. Fuller
Lillian Dann
Mrs. Roger Murray
Mrs. James Nichol
Mrs. Burton Aikens
Katherine Gavett
Mrs. Katherine Mallory

Pages 15 - 18

Mable Clark
Mrs. Lindsley Moore
Alice Brant
Edna Moore
Mrs. Sylvia Bryden
Mrs. Edwin G. Aitken
Margaret Salton
Mary Lou Clark
Helen Stowe
Mrs. S.J. Moore
Mrs. Charles Bagley

Pages 19 - 27

Mrs. Katherine Mallory
Mrs. Agnes Hall
Mrs. Douglas Terry
Mrs. Chas. Currie
Iris M. Secord
Lucy J. Lee
Mrs. Arvilla Reed
Mrs. Hannah Strich
Mrs. Thomas Short
Mrs. Lillian Andrews
Laura Salton
Mrs. James Nichol
Mrs. H.H. Hoag
Mary Ogden
Mrs. Cora Purcell
Mrs. E.J. Holley
Edith MacNaught
Pearl Coulter
Margaret Aitkens
Jane Moore
Mrs. Elizabeth Hume
Lena G. Browne
Mrs. H.H. Hoag
M. Shaw
Mrs. Julia Ballantyne
Mrs. Charles Delameter

Pages 28 - 37

Mrs. Charles Marriot
Miss. Cora Henderson
Jane Moore
Katherine Gavett
Mrs. Roger Murray
Eleanore B. Stokes
Eleanor Snyder
Margaret Killpatrick
Katie Aikens
Edna Moore
Edith Brant
Marjorie M. Kinch
Mrs. Sylvia Bryden
Margaret Shaw
Regina Aiken
Edith MacNaught
Mrs. Mae Terry
Lousise Craig
Frances Townsend
Mrs. Charles Delameter
Florence Sprague
Helen Rose Turner
Mrs. Julia Ballantyne
Margaret Bagley
Olive Dann
Pauline Benedict
Bernice Nichol
Mrs. Julia Ballantyne
Mrs. L.D. Terry

Pages 38 - 47

Mrs. Katie Aikens
Margaret Crook
Mary Ogden
Mrs. Sylvia Bryden
Alice Brant
Mrs. Jennie Calhoun
Mrs. S.J. Moore
Mrs. Anna Kinch
Mrs. Emma Ballantine
Edna Carroll
Wilma Nichol
Margaret Aitkens
Peggy Shope
Mrs. Katharine Mallory
Grace Scofield
Mrs. Emma Marriott
Margaret Shaw
Edith H. Crook
Iris M. Secord
Mrs. H.S. Parker
Janet Crawford
Priscilla Aitken
Mary Lou Clark
Hazel Purcell
Helen Stowe
Mrs. Lewis Launt Sr.
Margaret S. Leal
Frances Townsend
Helen C. McIntosh
Adelia Leonard

Pages 48 - 52

Mrs. Agnes Hall
Helen Stowe
Peggy Shope
Lena G. Browne
Mrs. Ivan Bryden
Mrs. Mary Crawford, Sr.
Louise Mogridge
Helen Stowe
Florence Sprague
Edna Becker
Mrs. Burton Aikens
Annie H. Hillis
Margaret Handy

Jellies and Preserves
Pages 53 - 54

Mrs. Lillian Barnes
Mrs. Atwood Crook
Mrs. H.H. Hoag
Mary F. Betsinger
Mrs. R.P. McIntosh

Pickles and Relishes
Pages 55 - 57

Mattie Clark
Florence Fyffe
Mrs. Edith Brant
Mrs. H.H. Hoag
Margaret B. Craig
Mrs. Herbert Smith
Edna Carroll

Page 58

Marion Aikens
Priscilla Aitken


Crawford Brothers Incorporated
Walton, NY

J.W. Van Cott and Son, Inc.
Lumber and Building
Material of all Kinds
"Everything to Build Anything"
Walton Unadilla Sidney
Phone 432 41 41

J.E. Wood and Son
Sheet Metal Work - Plumbing and Heating
Repairs for All Makes of Stoves
Boilers and Furnaces
Steam and Hot Water Heating a Specialty
Phone 150 Walton, N.Y.

Lyons Brothers Funeral Home
Ambulance Service
Walton, N.Y.

The First National Bank of Hamden, N.Y.
Member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

"A pleasure to serve you"
Clothing Company
Walton, N.Y.

Du Bois
"Keepsake" Diamond Rings
Walton, N.Y.

A.J. Holmes Inc.
Holmes Funeral Home
Miles Mean Nothing
Ambulance Service
Phone 387 Day or Night Walton, N.Y.

A Splendid Time Tested Recipe
For Satisfactory Financial Progress
Is a Growing Interest Account at
First National Bank and Trust Company in Walton
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Camp Milling Company, Inc.
Flour - Feed and Coal
Hay and Straw
Fuel Oils
Walton, N.Y.

Delhi Candy Shop
Our Own Make Ice Cream
Delhi, N.Y.

Royal Scarlet Store
Mrs. C. Sands - Proprietor
Phone 32F14 Hamden, N.Y.

Purcell's Garage
F.J. & H.C. Purcell, Owners
Public Service Repairing
Welding - Battery Service - Electrical Supplies

The Delaware National Bank
Established for 100 Years
Member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Delhi, NY

J.B. Hume
Choice Meats and Vegetables
Phone 25F21 Hamden, N.Y.

Baxter & Wood Clothing Company
"The Men's Shop"
Walton, N.Y.

Vera's Beauty and Barber Shop
Phone 2004 Walton, N.Y.

Williams Motor Company
Dodge - Plymouth
Motor Cars and Trucks
2 Liberty Street Walton, N.Y.

Neal Floral Company
Growers of Fine Cut Flowers
Phone 111 Walton, N.Y.

Walton Auto Sales
Hot-Clean-Safe and Economical
Installed Anywhere for Cooking - Water Heating
Refrigeration and Lighting
Gas Installation $11.75
119 Del. Phone 230

When You Think of Drugs and Drug Sundries
Think Lanes
H.E. Lane
Phone 153 Walton, N.Y.

B & C Electric Shop
Phone 62 Walton, N.Y.

Friend's Greenhouse
Dress Up Your Table With Friends Flowers
Phone 73 Delhi, N.Y.

Frank A. Griffin
Newspapers - Magazines - Ice Cream
Come in and Visit our Delicatessen Dept.

A.W. Dubben
Plumbing - Hardware - Steam & Hot Water Heating
Stoves - Ranges - Roofing - Glass & Paints
Repairing Promptly Attended To
Phone 33 Delhi, N.Y.

Hulbert & Colgan
Hamden, N.Y.

Boston Store
Walton, N.Y.

Woodburn Brothers
Monuments and Markers
Walton, N.Y.

More Brothers, Inc.
Horses Fine Dairy Cattle
Phone 368 Walton, N.Y.

Kent Brothers Stores
Three Stores
Delhi - Walton - Sidney
A Pleasure to Serve You

Mealus Furniture
New & Used Furniture Bought and Sold
Exclusive Distributor for the Famous Spring-Air Mattress
The Walton House
Walton, N.Y.

Walton Garage Inc.
America's Safest Gas

Delhi Paint and Paper
106 Main St.
Phone 249 Delhi, N.Y.

Smiths Jewelry Store
Delhi's Gift Shop
Hamilton - Elgin Watches
Diamond Merchants
Wallace & Gerham Silver

H.J. Martin
The Big Store
Phone 247 Delhi, N.Y.

W.B. Baitken
Arrowhead Store
General Merchandise
Phone 28F22 Hamden, N.Y.

F.L. Huyck Memorial Works
Monuments - Markers
Sand Blast Lettering and Carving
"Mark Every Grave"
Phone 251-W Walton, N.Y.

C.W. Weed and Company
Walton, N.Y.

C.E. Kiff Incorporated
Dealers in Feed - Grain - Cement - Coal - Fuel Oil
Manufacturers of Dairy and Poultry Rations
Delhi, N.Y.

Smart Cleaners
Quality Cleaning and Pressing
Dry Cleaning - Pressing - Dyeing and Repairing
Winnie Baxter
Phone 28 Delhi, N.Y.

Howard Coulter
Chevrolet Oldsmobile
Telephone 276 Delhi, N.Y.

George C. Wilson Electric Store
Kelvinator Refrigerators and Milk Coolers
Electric Wiring - Appliances - Home Installation
104 Main St. Delhi, N.Y.

Cetta Brothers
Leading Store in Delaware County
For Over a Quarter of a Century
The House of Smart Footwear
X-Ray Shoe Fitting
Walton, N.Y.

H.E. Mason and Sons
4 Court Street Delhi, N.Y.
Happy Cooking - Essotane Gas Ranges for All Homes
Phone 208

Roscoe W. Secord
Hardware Plumbing & Heating
Hamden, N.Y. Delhi, N.Y.

C.W. Murray
Wallpaper & Paint
With All Good Wishes to the Present Aid of Hamden
Walton, N.Y.

Nellis Studio
Walton, N.Y.

Vogue Specialty Shop
Ladies - Children's Wear
Walton, N.Y.

T.M. Rosenfeld and Son
Walton, N.Y.

Walter Leubnor

Delhi Lumber Company

Elmtree Restaurant
Delhi, N.Y.

Allison Funeral Home
Phone 92 Delhi, N.Y.

P.B. Merrill
Drugs - Stationery - Books
Delhi, N.Y.

Welcome Page of the Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site . . . | . . . Table of Contents Page . . . | . . . Contact Site Manager

a service of the Delaware County Historical Association located at 46549 State Highway 10, Delhi, NY 13753

Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger