
Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site

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This 1885 letter was written by Dr. Mary Mills Michael, a native of Franklin and a former resident of Walton, and it does not have an envelope. It was sent to Alice and Cora Dann, of Walton. Alice and Cora are the daughters of Mary Ann Grant Dann: they were about 12 and 10 years old when the letter was written. They were active in the Women's Christian Temperance Union, even as girls. They were members of the Methodist Church. Mary Ann's sister, Kate Grant, is the "Katy" mentioned toward the end. --Carolee Innskeep
(posted to website May 16, 2011)

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Hastings, Adams Co., Neb.
March 30th '85

Dear Little Friends, Alice + Cora,

I have just read anew your letters of nearly a year ago, and shutting my eyes, I seem to see two bright, anxious willing girls, almost stepping in to young womanhood. I know they are bright scholars their writing + composition tell the story, and added to that I know, they know some things not learned at school, can tell how many cows there are to milk and chickens to feed, can sew carpet rags, piece quilts + make fancy work as "Willing Workers" they are anxious and Willing to work for the Master. I could ask nothing better than, that you should be strong enough in body to carry out all the good work there is waiting for you, the making of pleasant homes, and educating missionaries for those who know not Christ. The cause

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of Temperance needs you too, for if liqors (sic) can be banished there will be many hearts made happy that are now full of sorrow and many more might be made fit for a better home beyond. Tell me please of how much you "Workers" have made in the year + what use you made of the Money. We have two hundred children in the band of hope here. The roads are dusty, sun shining warmly as a May Day need be. I have talked a little of coming East this summer, but have just heard my brother + wife are talking of coming here if so I will wait another year at least. When you see Mrs. Warner, please put a kiss one on each cheek for me, + tell me what she says about it, + if Aunt Katy + MaMa + Mrs. Stacy + Mrs. Robertson like such medicine give them a dose. I remember a sick little girl in your house some time ago. Shall I fancy always remember you. and hope some day to meet you, on Nebraskas (sic) broad prairies, or among Old Delawars (sic) Hills, if not again here on earth, may it be in "The many mansions prepared for us." Do not wait so long as I have, write me a long letter soon.

Love to all who inquire for M. M. Michael, M.D.

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a service of the Delaware County Historical Association located at 46549 State Highway 10, Delhi, NY 13753

Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger