Thomas Elliot Letters - 1818-1834
Transcribed from the original letter by Sally Elliott March 30, 2002 at 24 Essex Lane, Willingboro, NJ
Proofed by Roy Scrimshaw and Sally Elliott, April 7, 2002, at 24 Essex Lane, Willingboro, NJ
These letters were written to my ggg grandfather Thomas Elliot in New Kingston, NY between 1818 and 1834. They were sent from Thomas' mother Isabel Grieve, cousin Archibald Elliot & brother Archibald Elliot in Roxburghshire, Scotland and from Thomas' brothers William & John in Bathurst, Canada (now near Perth, Ontario).
Thomas' Parents were Walter Elliot, who lived all his life in Scotland & Isabel Grieve, who visited her children in Canada and New Kingston and
quite possibly died in New Kingston, NY. I'm still looking for a record of her death and burial.
Walter & Isabel's children were all born in Scotland, I assume in Roxburghshire, possibly Parish Roberton. There were: Thomas 6/18/1776-10/13/1838 came to New Kingston, NY in 1817. His descendants still occupy his farm there (in 2002).Christian b. 4/11/1778 (a girl) William b.6/22/1780 m. Margaret Scott in Scotland.They emigrated to Bathurst Canada sometime in 1817 or before (many of the letters are from him) Margaret b 8/17/1783 according to these letters she died of complications from childbirth around the early part of 1826 in Scotland. John b. 10/23/1788 emigrates to the Bathurst area of Canada in 1824 and I believe moves to Delaware County, NY between 1827 & 1834 Archibald b.8/8/1791 he may have stayed in Scotland
Thomas Elliot married Magdaline Thomson in Scotland - They are both buried in the old Bovina, NY Cemetery. Magdaline's stone is lying on the ground & is legible now & Thomas' stone is beside her propped against an arborvitae tree & is not legible. Their children were:
Walter 10/21/1798 - 1/13/1858 moved to Niagra-On-the-Lake Ontario in 1829
Elizabeth b. 2/23/1800 m. Jimie Hastings of Bovina
James 7/24/1802-1828
William 4/29/1809-10/30/1888 lives all his life at the homestead in New Kingston, NY. m. Eleanor Wight of Lake Delaware.
Robert b. 1812 dies aboard ship on the voyage to America
Isabell b.1/30/1815 marries John Rae in Scotland, widowed with 2 girls.
They move to the US and one girl marries George Gilbert of Margaretville, NY.
This is the best information I have at this time & I hope it is all correct.
The letters contain very little punctuation. For example there are no periods and no capital letters at the beginning of sentences. I have added punctuation to the best of my ability and made corrections to spelling to make the letters more readable. I have tried to leave incorrect spelling when it was obvious what the word was. I hope I have not changed the meaning or intent of the authors.
There is one letter in Thomas' possion that was written to James Miller in Delhi from William Geddos in Canada. I have included it because it has valuable information about the life and feelings of these people.
I hope many of you will find mention of your ancestors. Please read and enjoy! - Sally M. Elliot
L101 To Thomas Elliott from Isobel Grieve in Scotland March 3, 1818
On Outside:
Thomas Elliot
To the care of Robt Scott
State of New York
Hawick 3rd March 1818
Mr. Thos Elliots
Dear Son
Your letter to James (Veitch?) Dated on 17 November last, only came to me on the 26th February. Am glad to hear that you were then all well, as your letter has found us. I saw Arch'd lately as also your sisters who were all well. You need not look for me this season unless my son John could get over which is not likely but will rest contented tile you send for us - as yet there has no account come from your brother William - your wife's Father & brother are both well living at Hawick. I have embraced the opportunity of writing these few lines by Adam (Thorburn ?) of this place who is to set off in ten days time.
I am your loving Mother,
Isabel Grieve
Transcribed from original letter Roy Scrimshaw, Jacque Elliott Helmer and Sally Elliott March 3, 2002. Also contributions from Betty Day Elliott who wrote it out by hand previously.
L102 to Thomas from cousin Arch in Scotland May 24, 1818
On outside of letter:
To Thomas Elliot
To the care of Robert Scott
Carpenter Delhi Delaware
State of New York
Crescent Hawick May 24 1818
Dear Cousen
This comes to let you know that we are all in good health at present. Thank God for it. Hoping this will find you all in the same. Your sister Kitty goes to (Phillip?). Your Mother has hired Mary to the Lair. Hope to (Tat Greive?) and all the rest remains where they are. Your Aunt at Gallashiels is at her rest. She died on the 22 of March and was intered in Teaviot head Chapel. She was very bad when she died but sensible to the last moment. I was there a few days before she died. She was sore troubled with a flux. She was spent to skin and bone. There is nothing particular in this place. Trade is some better. Cotton Weavers has plenty of work and can make wages to live on. The stocking trade is very dull yet but is thought to be some better in the course of the season. Joiners is some better. There is more employment- wages is only about two shillings a day. Masons is much the same as Joiners. More employment but wages small. Taylors has been well of this last year. Plenty of employment and wages the same as formerly.
Servants wages is small only about 3 L and 3L (10sh?) and few 2Ls for milking ewes. Mens wages about 5 L and 5L-10sh. And few 6L for men that can work at anything. Markets is very high. Oat meal about 3-6 (shillings?) per stone, pease meal 2sh- 10(sh?), Barley meal 3 sh and some 2sh-10, Butter 1-4 per pound, flour 3sh-10 per stone, mutton 8? per lb, Beef 6 (?), Early tatoes 6 per full common ones 7 shs a (caoss?) load. The weather has been very bad. The crop is very back. Oats is a little above the ground yet grass very back. The weather is beginning to turn better and by appearance the crops will be good yet. The weather is extraordinary warm now. The wages that I have spoke about was the March fair and Hawick. May Fair wages is much the same but very dull Hireing. Your Mother was here and she says that John and her thinks of coming next year if they can but make it. She says that John says that he could come this season but he has been (our?) long of preparing for it as I think the sooner in the season the better. We have never heard nothing of your Brother William yet your Mother is very impatient about him.
I go to ga (text missing due to paper missing) in a shop for three years and I intend (text missing) the Merchant line deal in groceries and work at my own trade till I can do with out it if ever that be. I have had no employment till about a quarter of a year ago. It has cost me about 75L and I now (Rue?) of not going to America as I am afraid of spending all or three years and then I will not be able to come to you as one is oblige to give Credit and Money was never worse to get in. Be so good as write your Mother and me letters if you have got any (spearings?) of William. Write me the truth as far as your judgment can go concerning America as there is so many different storys about it.
I add (text missing) remains
Your well wishes Archibald Elliot
Direct to me either Joiner or Merchant
L103 - to Thomas from Brother Arch in Scotland March 12, 1819
On Outside of letter
Mr. Thomas Elliot
To the care of John Hastie, Delhi
Delaware, State of New York, North America
Binks March 12, 1819
Dear Brother,
I take this opportunity of writing you a few lines to let you know that we recd your letter dated October in January hearing you were all well at which we were happy. John Lewis has since recd one which mentioned Betty's marriage and also that you have heard of William. We never have got any letters from his own hand. I wrote to you last year but it seems you have never got the letter. I think there has nothing very particular taken place amongst us since you left us. We are at this time so far as I know in health. All your relations except your Aunt (Euphan?) Grieve who is seemingly dying. Your Aunt Isobel Elliot is dead as also Arch Scott (morehouse?). My mother is in good health and spirits and circumstances much as you left her only she has changed the color of her mane from white to brown. She thinks by what you write that she will quit thoughts of coming to see you for another year anyway. John seems to incline coming but his circumstances is not answerable at present neither is mine. The times here is not much better. Cattle are at least one third higher than when you left us. Meal at this 2L2 sh per (boll?), Oats and (1L 10sh?) Barley. Wages are still very low. You wish to have sent you a few potatoes, oats and turnip. Cabbage seeds which you will receive from James Hobkirk from Hawick and if there is anything more you wish to have sent, you let me know and I will do what is possible to serve you.
With respect to your acquaintances in this place I shall give you some little information. Thomas Rae was taken about last Martinmas and lodged in Jedburgh jail for stealing sheep of (Faup?). It is not known yet what his fate will be till the judges come round. It is thought by some that it will be death which must be a great grief to all his connections. The way that he was found out was by selling skins a Hawick. I likewise inform you that William Grieve is to go off from (Hendersonsknow?) and that Thomas Hume is to succeed him but John Turnbull (Branscholm?) is said to be opposing him and it is uncertain how it will go with him. I do not hear anything more at this time worth remarking. William Anderson (Feenside?) also recd his letter from you. I wish you to let me know some things in the letter I sent you last year, such as what sorts of horses and cows and other animals are mostly among you. If you have any tame and wild fowls such as are here and any fish. How are far you from any market town and above all, if you have any Gosphel preached near to you. If you think fit you may answer me in these respects the first opportunity. I hope you will write how you are all coming on as I have a pleasure in hearing from you more than I can express. You will write if you get the things which are sent and if there is any more accounts of William. I shall write to you the first opportunity and you can let me know anything that you think is worth mentioning in your next letter.
The most of the remainder is to Mady. Mady, your Father and Mother are both well and I hope these lines will find you and all that you are Mother to, the same not forgetting your husband. I have thought a great deal about you since you went away as you were always a good friend to me. Whither I may see you again in this world, God only knows. One thing I wish, his blessing to be with you in all your undertakings, spiritual and temporal. My Mother's compliments to you all but you in particular.
Your affectionate and loving brother, Arch Elliott
You may let us know how you are satisfied with your new friend and from what place he is?
Transcribed by Betty Day Elliott 2000?
Edited by Sally M. Elliott and Jaqcue Elliott Helmer, 24 Essex Lane,
Willingboro, NJ March 2, 2002
Proofed by Jahnel Mikolajczak
L104 To Thomas Elliot ? from his brother Archibld ? in Scotland? April 11 or 12, 1820
(Fenglandshield?) April 11, 1820
Dear Brother,
I received your letter dated October 29th in February. I was happy to hear you were all well as health sweetens every other enjoyment of life. So far as I know your friends in this country are all at present and I have not heard of any alterations among us at the following (term?). Was glad to hear you had an abundant crop _____ _____ to crown your labors which surely is one of the blessings of heaven. I was sorry that you did not receive the oats by the bearer, but I shall endeavor to send you some the first opportunity. I had not the chance at this time as the bearer of this _____. 1Father comes this way frequently from Hawick in way of egg dealer and I just sent these few lines to inform you that I think more of us thinking of coming over this season. John and me has both a desire to come as soon as our circumstances will permit. My Mother also speaks about it but I do not know whether she intends or not. We have never got account from William but what you sent. We are very anxious to hear from him. There was some of your friends thought you should have been more full in your last letter than you were. Therefore I hope you will be particular both respecting your situation concerning the seas passage the next time.
I hope will be as soon as possible. My respects
and you all.
Your loving Bro t
Transcribed by Sally Elliott- March 14, 2002 and ?
Note from Sally: I have not found the original letter yet. This was taken from a document that I assume was transcribed from the original letter by either my mother, Betty Day Elliott or Grandmother, Marion Long Elliott. It was typed on onion skin typing paper and it was found in the chest. I hope to find the original somewhere.
L105 to Thomas from his brother William Elliot - Bathhurst March 22, 1822
Morristown NY
22 (March?) 1822
Thomas Elliot
Care of John Hastie
County of Delaware
State of New Yorke
Dear Brother
I am ashamed of being so long in writing to you. I can give no reason for it but hopes that you will forgive my negligence. We are all in good health at present. Thanks be to God for it and we will be verry glad of hearing of you all enjoying the same. We have had a good many troubles and trials since we left Scotland. Our son Thomas died the first winter that we came to the Countrey on the 15th of February after a gradual wasting with a dissentary, and on the 30th of December 1819 my wife was relivved of two daughters. One of them died when she was five weeks old. We called her Mary, and her sister Christian, she died when she was a year and nine months old. We have now another daughter a year and a quarter old. We call her Jennet. We were sorry to hear of the death of 2your son Robert. I have no doubt but you would feel it heavy to Commit the Body to the Deep but we have reason to rejoice that we are told in Scripture that the sea shall give up its dead. We have been wonderfully provided for since we came to this countrey. We have never wanted our bread when considering our circumstances and the situation of the countrey. I have often had cause to wonder. It is only three years since we went on to our land. We have got a hundred Acres of verry good land and well watered which is verry valuable in some seasons in this countrey. We did not raise enough on our land to support us the first Year, but we had plenty and some to spare the next and last year we had a verry good crop of mostly everything we sowed or planted. Our potatoes and corn was hurt a little with an early frost but we could not complain much for we planted about twelve Bushels of potatoes and we had about two hundred fifty bushels again and we had about thirty bushels of corn from nine quarts planting. We had above a hundred bushels of wheat and rye and barley. We had a verry good crop of turnips which is a great help for our cattle as we have not much hay as yet. I would be verry glad to see some of our friends here but I could not advise any of them to come out for this is a wicked countrey and the account you gave of yours, it is not much better. You desired me to give a particular account of this countrey which would take more time than I can obtain at this time. I would be verry glad to see you here as it is not out of reach. I have been acquainted with some men that came from the Delaware and settled here in Canada. They say that they can go from here to the Delaware in four or five days in the winter with a sleigh. If you could think of coming here you could purchase a lot of good land verry cheap. There is a great number of old soldiers that is just longing to meet with a merchant. I know of some Could be bought verry cheap. It is not a bad situation here. We have a considerable village about seven miles from us. There is a market in the week established and two fairs in the year for Cattle. There is another new village about fifteen miles from us which they call Lanark. There (are? text missing) new townships settled back from us mostly all (___text missing -th?) people from Glasgow. They were brought by government and they (drew?) ten pound each from government which has made a considerable demand for 3victual. Wheat has sold at four shillings a bushel, corn at three and barley at four and rye at two and sixpence, potatoes at two shillings a bushels and beef at (4d?) pork at six pence. We fed a yoke of oxen and sold them. Butching is a good business here. I have done a little in that way which I made most at of anything I have tried. We are well situated now for (milns?). There is two grist (milns?). One, two and the other three miles from us. One of them belongs to John Scott from (Weanslandmiln?). He is married to a daughter of Peter Humes. There is three of her uncles here, Scotts the masons. I had a letter from my brother John this fall. He mentions that he has still a notion of coming to this country which I would be glad to see but I would not advise. We have one Presbyterian church in our (village?) one English church and one Roman Catholick church but the most part of the old settlement is methodists. Time and paper begins to run short. We are all impatient to hear from you all. We have only got two cows and a heifer and a yoke of oxen yet and some pigs but we had no mony when we came to this countrey but we have had a kind providence. Peggy has her kindest respects to Magdalane (text missing) all the children every one of the children would wish (text missing) note to you all but we have room for no more but the kindest respects.
I remain your affectionate brother William Elliot
I hope you will write to us as soon as this comes to hand. If I am in health I will write you more particular next time.
Direct to me
Cove of the (Road?)
William (Bellonines?)
Of the (gospel) Perth
District of Johnstown
Province of (Arthess?)
Transcribed by Jahnel and Ginny Mikolajczak and Sally Elliott on March 10, 2002
Information about Lanark County in Ontario, Canada can be reached at the following web site address.
L106 to M James Miller from William Geddos September 20, 18(text missing)
M James Miller
County of Delaware
State NewYork
September 20, 18(text missing)
Dear friend,
I am happy to inform you that we are all in good health at present. Thanks be to god for it. Hoping this will find you and family the same. I received a letter from you sum time ago and I am sorry that we are so far separate from one another and as none of us is yet settled but John Armstrong having got 100 acres of land from government. We feel anxious to know the particulars of the place where you dwell before we settle for by accounts we think that place of the country is better than this. I will endeavor to make a statement to you of the particulars of this place. Hoping you will as quick as possible make a statement to me again. The land hear is generally poor and yields but scanty crops. I took a farm last year to work for the half. I was found (sead?) for the first year. Team and implements of(f?) his bendrey but the crop was so bad that it did not half pay me for my labor. The ground hear is of a sandy soil general1y and the inhabitance scarce able to support themselves with what they raise. Few of them able to employ laborers and money very scarce. Labor wages 2..6d masons 5d, carpenters 7..6d. A man and a team 10d. Flour is at 7 dollars per barrel, wheat 7..6d, peas 5, (reg?)4..6d, (bear?) 5, tatoes 2..6d bushel, beef and mutton 5d per pound, pork 32 dollars per barrel, butter and cheese at 10d per pound, sugar 1per pound, tea 5..6dper lb, tobacco and snuff at 1..10d per pound. Bushland may be bought for 4 dollars, cleared land for (text missing..und?)per acre. Horses may be bought from ten to twenty (text missing), cows from five to seven pound, sheep from three to four dollars. The inhabitance around us are generally a reserved and deceitful set of people. The hiring for my sisters-in-law is scarce hear and they love not the inhabitance. Women's wages are four dollars per month. Our privileges of the preached gospel is very small in our way in believing. There is non of the session nor the church of Scotland (neither?) us than twenty miles. The inhabitance around us are mostly Methodists, some of the church of England and Romans. 4Many of them are not book learned and full of superstition and profanity. We all remain together in two houses about fifty rood apart but John Armstrong and family who is about thirty miles from us and William Elliot is about fifteen miles from us, keeping school at a place called trooptown. We heard from him about a fourt night ago and they are all well and is doing well. He lost one of his children about the beginning of the spring. We all remain yet in the land of the living but George Armstrong who died on the 27 of January. I heard that my brother John Geddos is settled in the Delaware and if you have heard of him you will let him know where I am and tell him to write to me. I add no more at present but remains your well wisher William Geddos
In writing to me direct
William Geddos
(Prescot?) Upper Canada
To the care of Mr Mackclackey
Transcribed by Sally Elliott, March 17, 2002
Proofed by Roy Scrimshaw and Sally Elliott March 18, 2002
L107 to Thomas from his brother Archibald Elliot in Scotland January 26, 1824
On Outside of envelope:
Mr. Thomas Elliot
County of Delaware
State of New York
North America
Care of Mr. Thos Landon
P. M. Bovina
Letter reads as follows:
(Finglanshield?) 26 Jany 1824
Dear Brother
I take the pleasure of writing you an answer to your letter dated the 1st of November which I gladly received the 13th of December. I am happy to hear that it hath pleased God to crown your worldly labors with success in a foreign land. I hope you will exercise gratitude to the Almighty for his temporal blessings which you and your family are made partakers of. You say you were all healthy when you wrote but that you are now got to be a little tender which I feel for as health sweetens every enjoyment.
With respect to myself and family we have been abundantly blest with health for the most part but we have had difficulties to contend with in getting a comfortable living, as wages is greatly down and my rent is as high as when you went away. 5Draining is one fourth down in price, 6stone dykes much about the same, and other things likewise, and employment scarce. I have got two added to my family since I wrote Margaret and Isabel, I cannot say that I have much thought about coming to America as yet, as I see I cannot make it. But I have had a thought this some time of trying the 7cowfeeding in Edinburgh. I went over to Lidesdale and showed John your letter. He is now resolved on going to Canada to William. He had a letter from William a twelvmonth ago, and was expecting another when I saw him. He intends to set off in April if William's letter comes forward and his Mother says she has a mind to cross the Atlantic along with him and his family. She has a great desire to see you all and Mady in particular, but I do not think that she will go. You will perhaps have heard that your daughter 8Mary Elliot came to America last year along with her husband. She was married at (Hannotsykfoot?) in her Aunt (Kates?) house, (Gavin being now a sheepherd there) December 1822 to a Walter Scott from 9rule water. He was ploughman at 10Craik when she was there.
He is a very respectable young man for anything that I ever heard. I suppose they sailed in the same ship with Adam (Easton?). But they were bound for a place they call (Land Selkirks?) country. There was one (Telferson?) to a sheepherd in (Shaws?) along with them who had been there before. That is all that I know about them. Mary was all night with us as she went away and in tolerable good spirits. You wish to know of anything that has taken place among your old acquaintances in (Teviot head?). I do not think I there is much worth mentioning. There is one thing they have now got the Meeting House with good repair with a (Mr.) Gavin Turnbull for minister. He is Laird of (Brieryhale?) a Midling preacher. James (Veitch?) is now left Binks. The Laird has it all in his own hand. James has a shop in Langholm and deals in Meal and groceries. His son Thomas drives him his Meal from Hawick Market. His son James has turned ill out. He works on roads and such as that. William Armstrong now rents a small farm of Sir John Maxwell (SpringKeld?). William Greive is also a merchant in Langholm. Thomas Hume is now in his place at Hendersons (know?). John Greive is still in the Nest. John (Nixon?) is now a (Carrier?) but has the same house. John Lewis is at the (C orLyn?). Christopher Greive is at Slate hills and one of his sons herds with him. I think his oldest son is married. I don't recall Deaths that has been amongst your friends. Arch Scott your Aunt Nelly and Thomas their son are all dead. You wish to know if I have had any trouble with the (commonbrae?) Dyke. I have not had any. Here is a few sentences from James Rae to a George Laidlaw which I was desired to write. George Laidlow and his wife's friends are all well. His father died last year and Margaret's sister has two children dead, Margaret and Francis. We sent a bundle to them directed to William Legget, New York to the value of 5L twelve months ago and have got no word that they have received it. If his Uncle Robert is coming home they must write immediately as we have got no letters this two years. This is all from James Rae.
I was also desired to Mention to you if you knew anything about 11John Oliver that went away with you. Must let him know if you have an opportunity that his child that he left is dead and that his sister Margaret in Craikhope is very anxious to hear from him. I do not know much more that I can write to you at this time. I would wish Walter to write to me for I have the same affection for him and everyone of your family which I have often experienced from you all before you went away. Write to me as often as you conveniently can for as you said in your last. I pay the postage of any of your letters with pleasure.
I do now address myself for a little to Mady. The intelligence I have to communicate to you I am sorry to say is of a Melancholy nature but I think is my duty to you as a friend to inform you that your father is no more. He lost his life last August by the ferocity of a bull. He was herding Mr Scotts cows and I am informed he was in the habit of giving the bull bits of bread out of his hand but that day he attacked him below the new houses upon (yon scar head?) and gored his body in such a manner about the (short rib?) that almost instant death was the consequence. Your mother I suppose stood it tolerable well. She is still at the same house at the burn and Mr Scott has been very attentive to her in getting her competence and she has about 9L yearly to live upon. He seems anxious to hear from you. I left your letter with my mother to show to him his wife's difference and his seems to be irreconcilable. We have had a very good winter as yet but victual is very high. Oat meal is 3 sh per stone and barley 2 -6, Potatoes failed last season on almost all high situations which is a means of keeping victual high. It hath pleased God to give us another daughter since I wrote part of this letter. I can not say what her name is since she is not yet baptized. You must let me know when either you or Walter write me how he has succeeded for depend on it. I have all your welfare both in spiritual and temporal way much at heart. When you write give the same direction for if I leave this place I will write you directly.
I remain as formally ______affectionate and loving brother Arch Elliot
Transcribed from original letter by Ginny Mikolajczak and Sally Elliott March 9, 2002 at 24 Essex Lane, Willingboro, NJ
Proofed by Ginny Mikolajczak, Jahnel Mikolajczak and Sally Elliott March 10, 2002
L108 To Thomas from his brother William, Bathurst, Canada, February 13, 1824
Transcribers note: There are several holes in the letter. Looks like it was partially burned but I think it still has valuable information.
Mr Thomas Elliot
County of Delaware
State of New York
Care of Mr. Thomas Landon
Bathhurst, February the 13, 1824
Dear Brother,
I take this opportunity of letting you know that we are all well at present. Thanks be to God for it. Hoping that this will find you all the same. I confess that I have been very neglectful in being so long in writing to you. I put it off a long time waiting to get particular notice about the 12Armstrongs and when I got that, I put off from time to time until I am quite ashamed but I hope you will excuse me. We have always been in some expectation that you would come out and see us this winter. I intend as soon as I have got horses, if I live and have my health, both my wife and me to come and see you all if you continue there but I think you had better sell your 13lease and come over here and buy a lot. There are a good many and (text missing) would sell their land very reasonable. I (text missing) I have no doubt but you would (text missing) verry well but I think the land must (text missing) with you than it is here. I was (surprised?) (text missing) much you had cleared in the time (text missing) a man will be in chopping an acre. It is (text missing) verry good work here if a man chop an acre in eight (text missing) We think we have done tolerable well and (text missing) not got thirty acres cleared yet but we leave no trees standing. I have not a standing tree but one, in our clearing. Our land yields good crops here. We have sometimes 35 bushels to the acre of fall wheat on new land and when the season answers we have uncommon good crops of potatoes. The last year potatoes was not a plentiful crop. The year before, we planted about 15 bushels and we had about five hundred again. We had not near the half this last year from the same planting. We had a tolerable good crop of wheat and other grain (crops?).
We are advancing our stock always a little. We have three cows to calve this spring. We have one two year old heifer and a yoke of steers the same age and two heifers a year old and a yoke of verry good oxen and eight sheep. Our sheep is verry good. They are as good sheep, 14I think, as ever I had in Scotland. We have four pigs and that is all our stock. You must give my compliments to 15James Miller and tell him I would be verry glad to see him and spend a whole night with him in talking. I hope if we are all spared in life and health to embrace the opportunity. Tell him not to neglect to remember me in his prayers and I would be verry glad if he would send me a letter as soon as he can find it convenient. You can give him a direction (text missing) is all verry well verry lately. John (text missing) and James Scott and old Adam Robinson (text missing) the night a little while ago. James (text missing) ten miles from us close by Adam (text missing) four miles from Perth. John Armstrong (text missing) down near the river St Lawrence. We are about (text missing) back from the river St Lawrence and about (text missing) miles from the Grand River which I believe is (text missing) than the St Lawrence. The new settlements is now on the Grand River. There was four or five new townships surveyed there last year which they are settling now. There was a Highland Chief came out last summer and has got a whole township to himself. He is McNab of McNab. He is going to settle his with Highlanders. We are about 30 or 35 miles from the foot of the Lake Ontario. The nearest way we could go there is a new road cut out from Perth to Kingston which I suppose will be about 47 miles. We lie, I suppose, about North from Kingston. I understand we are about five days journey from you in Sleighing time. I do not think it would be much (?) as the times is at present It would take but verry little money to bear your expenses. I hope you and Mady will come and see us next winter. I expect by the accounts I had from John in his last letter that him and his family and my mother will be out next summer. We had a letter from William Rae and 16Christian. I think she written it herself. It was entirely in her own name. Gavins name was never mentioned. She mentioned that she sent it with Adam Easton. We heard that Mary Elliot was married to one Walter Scott and come out to this country but we have never heard anything of them. John speaks as he had sent the last letter that I got from him with them. He says if they did not know where to find us that they would get the direction of his letter so as they could write to us both. William Rae and Kitty speaks as they had some notion of coming to America. I have never heard anything particular from Archibald, whether he has any notion of coming or not. I would be verry glad to see them all but it is hard to advise. I would like this countrey verry well if we had any comfortable society but that is the thing we are almost destitute of at this time. But mans greatest enemies are those of his own house. An evil heart of (unbelief?) is one of our greatest enemies. Christian conversation is a good thing for as iron sharpenth iron so a man sharpeneth the (countenance? text missing) of his friend. We have all great need of stirring up (text missing) to turn cold and (kerniss?) to religion or in the (text missing) these neglected and wickedness abound in (text missing) upon almost all dear brothers. I hope (text missing) keeping yourself in the fear of g(text missing) for his direction and protection (text missing) Let not the world take too deep root (text missing) afraid it is one of our greatest enemies in (text missing) We are apt to be too much engaged with our (text missing) I count it a verry pleasant, though late (text missing) employment clearing land but we have need to (text missing) our affections that they cleave not too close to the (text missing) that perish. Let us always remember our Savior's words and try(?) by that where a man's treasure is, there will his heart be also. Oh that we were wise and that we would consider our better end. I hope you will not be so long in writing as I have been. I hope you will excuse my bad writing and mistakes. Give us as full an account of everything as you can. Peggy has her compliments to Mady and all your family and additions to it. The children wishes to have their kindest respects made to their Uncle and Aunt and all their cousins and their concerns and is verry insistent for me to wish you to come and see us.
Accept of this from the hand of your unworthy but affectionate brother William Elliot
Transcribed from the original letter by Sally Elliott, March 17, 2002 at 24 Essex Lane, Willingboro, NJ
Proofed by Roy Scrimshaw and Sally Elliott, March 18, 2002
L109 to Thomas from his brother William - Bathurst, Canada - January 22, 1825
On outside
To Thomas Elliot
County of Delaware
State of New Yor
Care of Thomas Landon
Morriston 18/2
Bathurst January, the 22, 1825
Dear Brother,
I take this opportunity of writing you a few lines to let you know that we are all well at present. Thanks be to God for it. Hoping this will find you all the same. My Mother and John and his family is all come out this last summer. But you would hear of it as they brought a letter for you. The letters that you and James Miller sent had been very long on the way. It was about the beginning of December before I got them. We are in great hopes that you will be over to see us all this winter. My Mother is very anxious that you should come and take her along with you to the states. She is as fond of traveling as ever. I don't know but if she had been able but she would have been at your place on foot long ago and she will be verry ill disapointed if you don't come for her this winter , for she is anxious to see you all. John has bought 50 acres of land close by us. He has got verry good land and not too dear if things _______ with him. His wife is but very loovly. She has had another daughter since they came. She is about a quarter old. We have had verry good crops this last season but money is verry scarce here at this time and verry little demand for any thing we have to dispose of. You mention in your letter that I should write you all particulars if any of our friends came out but you must excuse me at this time as I just had the opportunity of sending it over the river with a certain hand and wrote it in a hurry. We hope you will be out if you be in any measure of health to see us all. Peggy and the childern has their kind respects to you all and wishes you would bring Mrs Elliot along with you.
I add no more at present but remains your affectionate brother William Elliot
Transcribed from original letter by Roy Scrimshaw and Sally Elliott March 3, 2002
24 Essex Lane, Willingboro, NJ
L110 to Thomas Elliot from his brother John Elliot in Bathurst Canada, January 28, 1826
Mr. Thomas Elliot
County of Delaware
State of New York
Morristown, NY
Bathurst, January 28,1826
Dear Brother,
I have taken the opportunity of writing a you a few lines in purpose to let you know that we are all well at present. Thanks be to God for it and I hope this will find you all the same. William received your letter on the 13th of January. You have directed it wrong. Bathurst is not in the district of Limarick. It went all the way out there and I heard by it that my Mother is very anxious to hear how that I am borne on. I have the satisfaction of informing you that I am a good deal easy in my mind be when you was here. I have sold the land and that has set me out of debt all but (six?) or seven dollars that I owe William. I got twenty pounds for it. They thought that I was foolish for selling off it but sure no object in my eye to getting out of debt. There was one John (Harah?) bought the fifty acres that was alongside of us that belonged to the French man. It is the same man that was asking after mine 19when you was here. But I stayed on it til next winter. I get the crop off it next season for the fencing of it in. Government is giving out no more land here. Now they are selling it all. Now they will give 200 acres for 9 pounds and one hundred acres for 6 pounds.
I have taken no other part yet. 20I think that I would like very well to come to you if you think that one would have any chance of getting land any way neigh to you. I think that if I have my health in the course of a few years by WORKING out at a turnpike road that is expected to go on in the spring. It is to come from the Grand River to Kingston. It comes by Perth but it is not certain whether it goes up the first (boros?) of Bathurst or the 3 (boro?) but it is suppose to come through Bathurst. There is word of a canal going on too, if they both go on, it will be all cash for work so I intend to go out to work if I be in health as soon as I have my crop in. I am desired not to miss an opportunity of WORKING for cash when it is to be had. I am desired to buy no more lands to run myself in debt. I think Margaret and the children would like all very to come over to your part. 21Walter told me when you and him was here that if I sold my land and had any thoughts of coming to you that he would come with his horses and help me to over. Now if you would let 22James come with your horses I would bear all your expenses. I suppose the winter time is the only time for traveling if one can stand the cold. I think if I can get a small farm for a few years, I will take one so as I could raise as much crop as to serve my family so as I could get wrought out. We have had very light crops this year. The drought was very great. We have had no rain amost this fall. There is a good deal of the mills stopped for want of water. I heard that 23my mother was wishing to know how Nelly was coming on. She has come on very well. She was (weaned ?) when she was eight months and she began to walk when she was nine months and now she is speaking and William's Jenny is much about the same. She offers at speaking but I can't know one word among twenty. William's family is all well but I suppose he is desiring writing himself in a short time. Isabel has her time 24made on the last of this month. I never have had any letters from the old country yet. I hope you will write me again as soon as this comes to hand. We have had very little snow this winter til now. It is about twelve or fifteen inches. I expect that we shall have a visit of some of you next winter. There is nothing to hinder James and his Mother to come over and see us. Margaret and the children has their best respects to you all not forgetting 25Walter's family and Bettys. So I think there is nothing more at present but I remain your loving and affectionate brother
Direct to me John Elliot
4 Conssion, (N11?)Upper Canada
Transcribed from the original letter by Roy Scrimshaw and Sally Elliott from original letter March 19, 2002 - 24 Essex Lane, Willingboro, NJ
Proofed by Mary McKillop ( a friend from Scottish dancing and a native of Scotland) and Sally Elliott March 24, 2002 at Willingboro, NJ
L111 to Thomas Elliot from brother William Elliot - Bathurst, Canada - August 11,1826
Address on outside of letter
Thomas Elliot (John Elliot?)
County of Delaware
State of New Yorke
Looks like letter passed through Morristown, NY on 6 Sept
Dear Brother, I take this opportunity of writing you a few lines in purpose to let you know that we are all well at present. Thanks be to God for it. Hoping this will find you all the same. We are just (Blessed?) with our harvest and the weather is extraordinary warm at present and we have a very heavy crop this year of every thing. It has been a very growing season. We have had no continuance of dry weather this long time until this twelve days past. It has been very warm. We have had a gentle shower this morning with some thunder therefore I have providentially got leasure to write to you. We received a letter the other day from Scotland from Peggy's brother Walter dated the third of April. There is nothing particular but only letting us know that her people is all well but I am sorry to add he informs us that our sister Peggy died last year about the latter end of harvest which will now be near a twelve month ago. He says he has never seen William Rae and he can not give us any account of her trouble only he heard that she died suddenly. Although the time and place is far distant yet we may shed a tear for the loss of a kind and affectionate friend and wellwishes. Alas I am full of grief and weakness but I hope you will bear with me and join in shedding a grateful tear to the remembrance of a once dear but now departed friend. It is better to go to the house of mourning than to the house of mirth therefore let us not mourn as them that have no hope. May it be a mean of quickening our desires towards heaven and having our peace made with God through the peace speaking blood of Christ who died for our sins and rose again for our justification and complete redemption. The apostle saith in first Thessalonians 4 Chapter and 14 verse, "For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him". May the Lord strengthen and confirm our faith in Christ Jesus and may we be found waiting and longing for his second coming when they who live shall changed be and they who sleep shall wake. The graves shall yield their ancient charge and earth's foundation shake the saints of God. from death set free with joy shall mount on high the heavenly hosts with praises loud shall meet them in the sky together to their father's house with joyful hearts they go and dwell forever with the Lord beyond the reach of woe. A few short years of evil past. We reach the happy shore where death divided friends as last shall meet to part no more. Wherefore let us comfort one another with these words. I add no more at present.
John's people is all well. 26He got safe home from your place and has been WORKING about Perth mostly since. Walter (Ker?) mentions in his letter to (seems like there should be a name here, but there isn't) that Christain and her family was all well but he had heard no word from Archibald for a long time. Peggy and the children has their kindest respects to Magdalane and the Children and particularly they wish them to be paid to Grandmother. Jennet always remembers her yet and we cannot please her better than talk of going to the states to see Grammy. She can speak a great deal plainer now than when she went away. I have always a wish to come and see you all as soon as I am able if I live. I hope you will write to us as soon as this comes to hand and mention if you have heard any accounts from home and give us the particulars excuse blunders, my hand is very unsteady with heat and hard labor.
I remain your affectionate Brother, William Elliot
Transcribed from original By Roy Scrimshaw and Sally Elliott March 3, 2002 at 24 Essex Lane, Willingboro, NJ
L112 to Thomas from his brother John, Bathurst, Canada, October 7, 1826
Mr Thomas Elliott
County of Delaware
State of New York
Bathurst Oct 7, 1826
Dear Brother,
I have taken the opportunity of writing you a few lines in purpose to let you know how we are all. I have been sick in the fevering (8 ago?) five weeks but I am got a good deal better so as I can do a little about home if it don't return on me again. There is no person in Perth has missed it and a good many (mills or miles?) round Perth has just been as bad with it. George and Margret has the kingcough but they have a very easy way of it yet if they don't turn no worse. Margaret has been very well in her health this summer. As well as she has been for a number of years back but she is not as well at present. She has been troubled with a pain in the stomach. I got very well home. I was stopped with rain a little next morning after I left your house and then on Monday it was such a rain as never saw fall in my life till about three or four aclock. I was at a tavern about two miles on this side of Trenton. There was some parts on the road that I had to strip off my stockings and shoes to get across. They had it as rainy at home as where I was and I found it had been the same all the way. As I came along, the roads got a little muddy before I reached Morrestown but nothing till I came across the river about three miles out of Brockville. Then they got always worse till I got home. I never traveled on such roads in my life. I think if you had been out this summer you would have got a complete scare with the roads. I reached home on the Friday evening after I left your house. I was not in the least fatigued with my journey but a little strained on the (wrist?) of one of my foot by tying my shoe too tight but it did not hurt me anything after I got a day's rest. I am desiring to set out if God spare us all with life and health about the beginning of February. I think I will get best down as long as the sleighing is good. I am told by some that has traveled the road betwixt Morrestown and (Swtico?) that one may have good chances of getting along with empty sleighs that is returning from bringing up goods to Morrestown and Ogensburg. And I mean to get across the river and if I can have any chance to get along I mean to push forward. I had a letter from the old country from John (Jakson?). I got it about the latter end of August. It was wrote in the 30th of June. He mentioned nothing that was any way particular but our sister Margaret's death that she had a child and never recovered and Jeanie Scotts of Newcastletown and Walter Jerdin of Arkelton was thought to be for dyeing in a consumption. There was nothing more particular in the letter but (stoke?) and (ouel?) was thought to be very low. I have been longer in writing be what I was desiring to be for I got on a (mouring or moving?) a short while after I got home. Then I catched the (eago?) then I thought I would not write you till I got a little better. William's family is all well. You will write again soon as this comes to hand. Margaret and the children has their compliments to you all and you may tell Mady and Betty that the presents that they sent was very much thought on. I think there is nothing more at present. But I remain your loving and affectionate brother John Elliot
Direct to me at JE Bathurst 4 (cons?) (N11?) district of Bathurst
County of Lenark
Transcribed from the origional letter by Roy Scrimshaw and Sally Elliott, March 23, 2002 at 24 Essex Lane, Willingboro, NJ
Proofed by Mary McKillop ( a friend from Scottish dancing and a native of Scotland) and Sally Elliott March 24, 2002 at Willingboro, NJ
L113 to Thomas from brother William, Bathurst, Upper Canada, October 15, 1827
Mr. Thomas Elliot
County of Delaware
State of New York
Bathurst. October the 15, 1827
Dear Brother,
I take this opportunity of writing you a few lines to let you know that we are all well at present. Thanks be to God who is the bestower of every blessing we enjoy. I had a long turn of the fever and ague this summer but I am well recovered again now. I was about a quarter of a year of work. There has none of the rest of the family has taken it. It has not been so general this year as it was last. We have had no word from Scotland this summer and I have put off writing along time for different reasons for one I was waiting till some of us went down to Brockville. We have cleaned a good piece of land this year. We expect to make a tun of potash. We have it just about half done and we had verry good success as yet. Our crops have been middling good this summer but not good in general. A great deal of wheat was hurt with the rust. There was part of mine the best ever we had. Potatoes, I think is good in general here this year. The weather has been verry changeable this summer. We have had a great deal of rain by turns. I hope if you have had any word from Scotland you will give us all the particulars. I have almost nothing particular at this time. We are anxious to hear from you all and how my mother is. You must give us another letter as soon as you can. I will give (Lib?) all the news I can about this place. John Hannahs family is all well at present. Their young child died about a fortnight after you went away. The child died unseen. We don't hear of any more money come up from below. James Blair and his wife and son is well and Storry and family is well at present. There has a good many got married since you went away. William Scott and Hanna (Kunder?), Archibald Scott and Betty Armstrong, Thomas Johnston and Jean Robson, Thomas (Bobby?) and Jean Holliday, that is the whole of the marriages that I remember. Our Libby was Jean Robson's best maid. Adam and her was just at the wedding. They were at William Scott's wedding held at old (Rounders?) and they had another when he bought his home. It was reported that she had a hundred pounds of portion but the weavers think she will get nothing atall. Jennet Rogerson has no child yet and I think it is doubtful when and Richard Rogerson (kettles?) is all broke and I think he won't stand it much longer. Stirling and the wife is well the last accounts we heard. Old Jenney had long turn of the fever and ague this summer. John Robson had been unhealthy this summer. He has a great notion of going to the states on a trial which of the places he would like best. James Scott has been tolerable well this summer. Him and his family. I sent two letters home this summer. One to the Dean and another to Arcibald but I have got none out. I hope you will write us as soon as you can when this comes to hand. I can not tell when I shall be able to come and see you all but I intend, if I live and am able to pay you a visit as soon as I can. The canal is going on which we expect will be a benefit for this place. There is a branch of it to come to Perth but there is nothing in this world but trouble and toil. Crops and disappointment all follow each other in close succession, therefore we ought to pray that we may be enabled to join with the apostle and remember that here we have no continuing city and that it may be our chief concern to look for one to come and that we may lay up treasure in heaven where neither (moth?) nor rust doth corrupt nor thieves break through and steal. This I hope will serve you both. Peggy and the children has their kindest respects to you all and old grandmother in particular.
I add no more but remain your affectionate brother William Elliot
Transcribed from the original letter and proofed by Roy Scrimshaw and Sally Elliott, March 30, 2002 at 24 Essex Lane, Willingboro, NJ
L114 To Thomas from his brother William, Elmsley, Canada, January 27, 1834
Thomas Elliot
County of Delaware
State of New Yorke
North America
Elmsley, January, the 27, 1834
Dear Brother,
I take the opportunity of writing you a few lines in purpose to let you know that we are all well at present. Thanks be to God . Hoping this will find you all the same. I confess I have been very long in writing to you but I know of no other reason but negligence and putting it off from time to time. I hope you will forgive me and not do as I have done but write to us as soon as you can when this comes to hand. I can not say whether we have hopes of hearing of my mother being still alive yet or not. Still as long as we know nothing else we have no right to determine but ought to endeavor submission to the will of God who rules over all and doth according to his will in the armies of heaven and amongst the inhabitants of the earth let us endeavor to cast all our care upon him and endeavor in the exercise of faith to join with the Psalmist and say I will cry unto God most high unto God that performeth all things for me. Psalm 57 and 2nd. There is a great stir at present among the people here with Temperance Societies as they call them. It is lamentable to hear the extremes they go to with them. Even Ministers of the gospel seem to be carried away with the delusion. Let us hear when you write what way they carry on with them in your place. We are in prospect of having a minister placed amongst us here at present. A young man that came out as a missionary from Scotland last summer. He is a very good preacher but they are all like to be spoiled with the Temperance cause as the Yankees calls it. I have had just one letter from home this long time. It was from Christian. 27There was nothing in it worth mentioning but some deaths. She mentions our Uncle William Greive and John 28Elliott and James Veitch.
Our family is all with us yet except Adam and Isabell. I don't know whether you have heard of Isabell's marriage or not. Her husband's name is Adam Foster. He is a very decent industrious man. There is one Mr. Cowan near your place a half Uncle of his. They have two children a daughter and a son alive and two sons dead. She had twins the first time a son and a daughter. The son died. Her next was a son and he died in infancy likewise Adam's wife has two, a daughter and a son. They are all doing tolerable well. We had just middling crops this past year. There was a great deal of the fall wheat rusted a little and Indian corn was almost a complete failure. Potatoes was just middling. We had a good piece of fall wheat which turns out not very bad. We will have a good deal above two hundred bushels. Wheat is only selling for four shillings a bushel at present. We have a very good situation here. We are only two miles and half from Smithsfalls, a village on the Rideau Canal, which is now in operation where we can find market for almost anything we have to dispose of and excellent mills. We have a good many Scotts people round us here. They are mostly Liddesdale people. Riddls and Storys and Armstrongs. I think there is none that you have any acquaintance of except William Goodfellow, a son of old (Vilots?). I don't mind her surname. Old William of Merrylar was his Uncle. James Scott and his family is well for any thing we know. He has a sister's son come out that has been stopping with him this good while. His name is Clark. I have had nothing but one letter from Archibald. He mentions nothing of coming out to this country. He says that he has never got clear of his difficulties he got into with the 29cow dealing yet. I hope his intention is honest. We have some hopes that you will pay us a visit next summer you and M(text missing) you must write us as soon as possible at any rate and give us all the particulars you can for we are thinking very long to hear from you all. You will give our best respects to all our friends, to 30James Hasty and Betty. I am sorry to hear that 31Walter had left your place. You must mention if you hear from him or if you know where he is. You must give my respects to James Miller and all old acquaintances. I would be very glad to hear of all your welfare and that all either prosperity or adversity may by the blessing of God work together for our good. May it be our chief and only concern to have our interest secured in the redeemer and laying up our treasure in heaven that where our treasure is, there will our hearts be also. Peggy and all the children have their kindest respect to you all. They wish to be remembered to grandmother if she is still alive and likewise to all their cousins and their concerns. I add no more a present but remains you affectionate brother William Elliott
You must give our respect to John and his family and let them know that we are all well but I intend to write to him as soon as I can. Mention when you write to us how they are and how he is coming on.
Direct to me William Elliot
Township of Elmsley, District of Johnstown
Provence of Upper Canada near Smithsfalls Rideau Canal