
Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site

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This is a transcript of a letter witten by Caroline Love to Emma Love and transcribed by three people, Christine Gustafson Powles, Pamela Gustafson Fredric and De Ann M. Bayless, because Caroline's handwriting and spelling were difficult to read. All three of us are related to Caroline and Emma Love and to all of the people mentioned in this letter. We didn't change this letter but we made minor corrections and that is al. We left the spelling as it was. - De Ann M. Bayless, January 4, 2000

The letter was postmarked:
Granton (Delaware County)
August 1, 1898

Page One

Letter was addressed to:
Emma Love
Pomona Los Angel
In care of Gilbert Yeoman

It begins:
Granton Sat. 30 July 1898

Dear Nice (Niece):

I would have writen before only you wanted Burr adress (address). I do not kew (know) what it is. So I waited for her, Mary, to come. She has forgoten the number. I have sent her yours with request to her to send it to Sarah so she can send it to you soon.

I am very sorry fer you havin such bad eyes. I can sinpathise with you and you a stranger in a strange place. My health is much better than it was I have done my work alone the last three weeks very comfertable it is very hot and dry. Last Monday it rained the first in over six weeks. before it had been so very wet that the ground just bakes hard. The crops are very poor all but grass that is good. I sold mine on the ground so I have had no heighing to do. most of the people are done or nearly so potatoes is a failure so will every thing else if we do not have rain soon. I have had the most chickens this spring. I have ever had 46 but Deloss did not have any so I let him have one hen and 20 ch what two hatch I have 25 half grown. his girls are both at home Jennet has a very bad cough.

Horachio get long as usual is trying to let it to someone are he is well. Gilbert called at the door a week ago Sunday. be now week as usuall you wanted to know whare we lived when my Father died.

Page Two

It was over the river whare Catie Bundy now lives, He died August 3, 1847. We never lived on the Asa Grant place but Richard did. I will right the names as they came. Margaret Mary John Jane Catherine, Hanna Richard Ann Eliza Caroline the only one living most seventy six in Sep 8.

It is thundering prospect of rain Father came to America in 1817 Started in May, Richard was born 14 of March only a lad about two month old. Ann Eliz and I was born in the town of Delhi came here in 31 it seems that Gilbert shares very little intres in his people East I imagin you are some what disapointed had heard you will visite the people and please do not get home sick, if you go to Burr and Georg Love be shurae to give me ther adres and where Daniel is

I have no where to wrt you we have had a nice shower wright as often as you can. my Love to G and family and yourself May God bless you Caroline Love
good by

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a service of the Delaware County Historical Association located at 46549 State Highway 10, Delhi, NY 13753

Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger