Letter from John A. Hodge and his wife Eveline (Goodrich), in Davenport, Del. Co. to Willis E. and E.A. Bunn in Clayton, Jefferson Co. Ann Roberts Allison, Des Moines, Iowa, September 8, 1998
Davenport May 10, 1841
Dear Children,
We take the present opportunity to inform you of our situation, health,
etc. We moved on the 16th of April. The family likes our situation
better than they expected. The neighbours appear friendly. By what we
can learn it is a peacable neighbourhood. Walter was unwell when Willis
left he got better soon and is now smart. I do not know what we would
have done if he had not been with us, for the night we got here I was
taken with the inflamatory Rheumatism and we had a number of loads more
to move. I have got able to work, but am not rid of the rheumatism
yet. Mother has not entirely over the Measles, but she is about.
Rebecca remains feeble yet. Eveline has not entirely got over them.
Henry and Lucretia are very smart. We were sick so long that we all
now gave up moving this spring. If we had not moved part of our goods
we should probably have given it up for this spring. It was quite a
lark for us to leave the place so soon after depositing two of our
number in the silent tomb.
Mcleards have lost their youngest child since we moved. It had the
measles. We have not heard from Louisville within the last two weeks.
We must say to the honour of the people of Louisville that they were
very kind to us during our sickness and afflictions. All classes seemed
to symmpathise with us, and offered us every assistance that we needed.
The spring is very backward here. They have not sowed any yet. We only
commenced Friday last to plough. Hay is very scarce here. Grain is not
very high. Oats are 28 cents per bushel. Rye ?/b. Wheat about 9/b.
The farmers here generally keep dairy. We have but three cows at
present. I do not know but Julia will get one or two.
Julia enjoys tolerable good health at present. She has had a hard
cough but she is not much troubled with it at present. I do not know
what we would have done if it had not been for her in our sickness, and
since we moved she has been a great help to her mother in cleaning
house etc. If you write to us direct your letter to Meredith, Delaware
Co. We all send our love & respects to you. Please write often-
We are very much in want of some money. I wish you could send it soon
for we are among strangers, and the credit system of course will not go
quite so well.
Yours Respectfully
John A. Hodge
The second letter is also from John and Eveline Hodge at Butternuts,
and to Willis E. and E. A. Bunn at Cape Vincent, Jefferson Co. NY
Butternuts April 21st 1844
Dear Children,
We would embrace the present opportunity to inform you of our
residence, health, etc. We are all well. We now reside at the Hargrave
Factory in Butternuts. We moved the 1st of April. We live in the house
that we moved out of. Rebecca and Eveline are in the factory. We lost
our farm and all we paid. We have not heard from Walter. We rec'd a
letter from Willis & Folger requesting me to inform them where Walter
was. I know nothing about him, and I should have answered their letter
then, but I thought after we had got through with our work I would go to
Nineveh and see Walter and advise him to go out and arrange his business
but I could not get time to go, and I wrote to Mr. Pollard and requested
him to inform us where Walter was but have never received an answer.
After that we learnt from Emilys letter that he had gone west. If I
could hear where he was I would write to him. I am supprised at Walter
doing as he did, and I was disappointed in not receiving any money from
him. He promised so positively that I might depend on it when he knew
my property was under Execution.
You have probably heard that Julia has a son. He is a fine boy. He is
over three months old. His name is Anor-John. (Ainer Munson) Father
named him after a brother of his.
Write to us as soon as you can and inform us how you get along, and if
you know anything about Walter write and inform us about him. Mrs.
Bryan requested us to send her respects to you when we write. They are
well. Emily is a fine girl. I do not know whether we have written
since Rovilla Holmes was married or not. She married a Houghtalling.
She had had a pair of twins. They are dead. Old mister Holmes is
dead. Our friends are well. The times seem to be about as usual in
this place. Malifra Church is getting better, she can talk loud and can
bear the light. Emily is allmost as bad off as Malifra was but not the
same complaint. What her complaint is I do not know. Mr. Churches
family are well.
Write soon and inform us of your health and how you got along with
Walter's debt, etc.
Two small children have died in this place since we came here. One was
Wm. Avery, and the other Richard Garratt.
We all send our respects to you. Crete says you must come out and
bring Bert(?).
John A. Hodge
Eveline Hodge