The letter is to Jennie (Jane) Hall Covel, but I am unsure exactly how Emma Hall is related to Jennie. (cousins)
Jennies mother Patience Covel, was born in Colchester, and her grandfather, Zenas Covel shown in 1880 census. The Alfred (Hall) is Jennies brother.
Regards, Donna Ryan, March 15, 2001
May 28, 1866
Emma Hall, Delaware
Dear Jennie,
Your kind letter I received all right and Grandma had her photographs taken, but they could not finish them until the first of the week so I did
not mean to write until they was done I think they are very good indeed. They was $1.25 for three. I should have sent them all but Grandma wished me
to keep one and mother got one for herself. Saturday night Alfred and wife and three children and Mary came to our house we was very glad to see them. They leave tomorrow, Mary is to live with them. I hope truly you will come here this summer and make us a visit. Do you see Anna often I donĀ¹t know where to direct her letters to only to your place tell her if you please the next time she writes to let me know where to direct to. Give my love to her and Melvin. Grandma wishes to be remembered kindly to you and we all wish you to kiss Nettie for us. I must close we are hurried in the shop at a great rate not time to write long letter until after the hurry in the shop. With much love to Will and you I close.
Emma Hall