
Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site

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Here is the letter written by my gggrandfather Samuel W. Garrison and Sarah Turner Garrison to Simon Boyce of Philipstown, Putnam Co. - John Garrison, August 27, 1998

Colchester, November 18, 1832

Dear Cousin, I take this opportunity to inform you that we are in as good a state of health asusual and i sincerely hope that you and our reltives are all in as good a state of health. We heard from Uncle Scrivers people and Solomon Shaver who married Hannah Scriver and they were all wellwhen we heard from them,that was about three weeks ago. Solomon Shaver and his wife was atour house the next day after we returned from house and they were very anxious for you to come out and see them as soon as you mpossibly could and then they would revisit you. Also Uncle Scrivers folks wish to see you and we also would be happy to recieve a visit from you. You must consider that you have more convienent means to come than we have to go and see you.

We we must relate to you some sollum news,that is if you have not heard it before. Such as must sooner or later be the lot of all the human family. That is Uncle Isaac Brainards comfort is no more in this world. Her spirit is fled to that God that gave it to deal with us as seemeth him good. She departed this lif the 10th day of Feb.last after suffering for many years.

I am busily employed in the blacksmithing business with a neighbor of mine by the name of Isaac Miller.We shoe from five to seven yoke of oxen per week and do a grest deal of other work. It is a profitable business in this country and we drive it at no small rate.

Sally has become a member of the Presbyterian church and we are content with our position as could be expected. It is tolerably healthy in this country and have had no case of cholera in this section of the country. We have had an additional to our family since we saw you. Give our respects to all enquiring friends. If tou see Jotham or Caleb Hawks tell them that their brother Eben Hawks and his fathers family are well.
Your sincere friend and well wisher.
Samuel W. Garrison
Simon Boice
Sally Garrison

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a service of the Delaware County Historical Association located at 46549 State Highway 10, Delhi, NY 13753

Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger