Elliot Family Letters
submitted by Jeannie Coston, August 29, 2000
This is a collection of close to 50 letters written by Francis Elliot, (my gggrandfather) living in Delhi, NY to Robert Elliot, (my ggrandfather) his son in California, 1871-1899 and also letters written by Jane Elliott and John Elliot. These are all in chronological order. Some background, maybe to better understand the letters.
Francis Elliot (gggrandfather) and Jane Douglas (gggrandmother) came to Delhi, New York in 1863 from Scotland (Roxburgh/Selkirk) with 7 of their 8 children. The last child born in NY. He had a farm in the Glenburnie area of Delhi.
Childrens names & birth dates are:
James Elliot: 25 Apr. 1844; Walter Elliot: 24 Dec. 1846; Robert Elliot: 31 Jan. 1849 (ggrandfather); George Elliot: 11 Oct. 1850; John Elliot: 28 June 1853; Elisabeth (Lizzie) Elliot: 15 Dec 1855; Francis (Frank) Elliot: 14 Sept. 1858; Jane (Jennie) Elliot: 26 Sept. 1865. In 1871 Robert left NY and went to California, also at various times, John, James, Walter and George were in California. Robert, Walter and George settled and stayed in California.
I have transcribed as written, including spelling errors, etc. - Jeannie Coston
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son Robert Elliot in California
Delhi 17 Jany 1871
Robert we received yours on the 14 and was glad to hear that you had arrived in California all right but I suppose you do not think much of the country as I expected. However, you will perhaps like it better by and by. You did not tell us that Mr. Robison went to Albany with you in the cars.
We had Mr. Davis just the day after you went away ordering in the butter so I went over to Andes that night and then Hogg and Gordon and me went back on Saturday. We was all to start at 8 Oclock however, they went away about half past 7 I suppose to be in before me, for fear the money ran out, but Hogg lost a show of one of his horses which stopped him and Charley had Hammon helping him away but when he went there his butter looked so bad that Davis would hardly take it at all. Maxwell and me got settled first and there was six tubs that he would not take (Gordon I mean) at all so he sent it down to New York and what he would get for it I do not know, but the old man was in good spirits if it had not been that he took all ours at the same price and paid all the money down.
Now you did not say in your letter whether to send your money right away or not therefore I will not send it till I hear from you again and say if I have to send it through the Bank or otherwise. I wish you had been at home yet as I expected John did not sop long at home. He went away about O'ddels trunk and all and has never looked home since, nearly 6 weeks ago and George works good enough but he just goes about from day to day hardly ever speaks to any of us. I asked him the other day if he was going to be at home all summer or not. I told him I was willing to pay him a good wage as you Mother likes hired folk so bad, but he gave me no answer. I then told him to think about it two or 3 days and then let me know so whether I will get any answer or not is a mistery. If it was not for you Mother I would be better with a hired man, but I will see. I will have to try him again some day and I do not like to do it.
We have had a month now of snug winter, not very good sleighing, but it is all way again and we have had a week of very fine weather, fresh, but very little rain, today is like a day in April.. I hope you will get work soon as you will weary lying idle. Robt. Hogg has written to Jim, if he wants a man to get you, but you know best I can not advise. If James be no better there than here you are better from him.
I must close as I am about blind, when I was feeding the sheep last night the buck knocked me against the beim and cut my head above the eye and it is about swelled up, but it is not deep cut, so it will soon mend. Wishing you all a good new year hoping you are enjoying yourselves. This leaves us all in good health expecting it will you all enjoying the same valuable blessing. Give my respects to Bill and tell him to keep a stiff upper lip.
Ever yours
Fr. Elliot
Write soon again and }
Give us all the news . }
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son Robert Elliot in California
Delhi 27 Febry 1871
Robert I received yours on Saturday the 25 and we are glad to see that you are enjoying good health and as this leaves us all in possession of the same blessing which we aught all to be very thankful for to the giver of all good. I see that work is still very scarce in California and of course wages will not be very high so if you find work scarce and wages low you know where to come to where there is plenty of work. I do wish you would come home again all summer as we need somebody in haying and oat harvest anyway, but we will be very busy in the spring to before. We got the cellar built (rest of sentence unreadable, crease in paper) it would take us all so if you come home. I will at least give you last years wages whatever more wages in not so high this year yet as they were last year, however they may turn. Your Mother is very anxious that you should come home right away, but you know best as you now know both sides of the question, it is for you alone to judge.
Jack Arbuckle is come home and he says California is in a poor state just now but I would not heed what he says as he don't care about work anyway. There is not many news only T. Gordon is got married to Mary Oliver last Saturday and T. Scots case is past now, that is for Shaw breaking in to the house. Scott got a judgement of $1,200. Twelve hundred dollars for that case and it was (unreadable word) for Shaw coming into the house when his wife was sick, but he got nothing for that, Shaw is speaking of carring it up but it is of no use and the next case comes on the 2 Tuesday of April about him driving away the cows and it is thought that Scott will get a big a judgement then he is a very proud man now to be sure.
Robt I sent away your money immediately after receiving you letter I did hesitate a little but having you hand of writ on it I sent it right of $120 one hundred and twenty dollars. You said to send it through the California Bank, but the Delhi Bank does no business with that Bank, so it went through New York Bank. Now what I would say is this if you think of coming home go immediately to Walt and get your money or as much as will bring you home do it immediately as the first loss of any thing is often the least
We have good open weather just now the snow is all away with no rain and if it keeps on we will soon be plowing. I am going way to Billy Middlemist sale in Platener (spelling probably wrong, can't read it) Brook to see if I can buy a dog. I went to McMurdies for a pup so he picked out 2, one of them the crot (sp) and the other was a numbed thing I thought is would come out all right but it is getting worse all the time, the other I thought would be too small so I have to look out for another.
Yours affectionately F.E.
Letter from Jane Elliot in Delhi, NY to her son Robert Elliot in California
Delhi Ap 9 1871
Dear Robert I take this opportunity to write you a few lines to let you know how we are all getting along as father and Gorge is so busy. First we are well hoping this will find you enjoying good health for which we have greate reason to thank god for his goodness to us all. We have been busy making sugar it has not been very good weather it has been mostly fresh weather since the beginning of March still we have made a good few pounds Gorg had a big boiling yesterday and a big boiling for tomorrow I expect I will have to go and boil tomorrow as they are wanting to get on with their stone draying now the days is so fine and warm we have such nice days just like May. The masons comes in two week to build the Cellar then the Carpenters so we will be kept busy. We will have to hire a man to help fix the Cellar perhaps we may get Scott if he is still hear. The Court comes on this week so it will be settled whether he gets the farm or not the last court Dan and (cannot read name) had to pay Scott, twelve hundred dollars for trespass last may the time was up last week and John Shaw came up and offered Scott two hundred dollars and expected to get clear but Scott did not take it if they don't pay up soon Clark will soon rremovee them.
I was at Delhi yesterday Willie got your letter I expect your arms are pretty bad milking so many cowes Willie took down Barthwicks butter and his to the City about two months ago and has not got their money yet. We have twelve cows come in we have six hefers and one bull keping we have put up two tubs of butter Johns WORKING at Tom Robinsons he has never been home since he took away his clothes Dave Scot has veen very sick theres something rong with his liver. Tell Jim I feel very sorry about him and his wife parting and the poor childen they wont be over well of with her Bill Frankling left a week ago for California and left his wife at Rob Patersons I suppose he had no money to take her and him both he is going to send for her.
Now Robert I want you to come home in the fall, you can have a good a wage at home as any other place and remember keep out of bad company as much as possible. You can fetch home a small chest and one the big tree leaves
from you mother JE
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son Robert Elliot in California
Delhi 10 April 1871
Your Mother has }
been riting to you }
But not to be seen }
(this is an aside to the left of the first two paragraphs)
Write soon and let us }
know how you are liking}
to milk so many cows }
Robert we received yours and was glad to see that you was well and had got a good place at last but the idea of milking 60 cows in one day I think is a little too much for any one man. I expected you
would be home to help us with hay but as you have got a good place we need not look for you just now. We have very fine weather since the beginning of March very little snow since
We have made about 2 cwt sugar but it is not good this year, we have not made it very good at all. We have 12 Cows in 6 Heifer Calvs very nice ones and the ewes is begun to lamb 4 of them lambed today.
I am now going to tell you about our lawsuite with Soper, it was at the Hook on the 14 March, start at one oclock and we sat all night till 5 in the morning and (page torn 2 or 3 words missing) 3 hours and went about again and finished about 3 in the afternoon. I tried hard to settle with him before, but no, I offered him $10 and pay all expenses, no, then I offered to take two men and him two and let them set on the price and I would pay, but no nothing but a lawsuite. It was tried before Homer Burgin, a Justice of peace. Soper had Michel Dickson, Bovina, and I had T.Arbucle so Homer have him a judgement of 15 dollars and 5 Dollars of his exp. He did not gain any thing it cost him more than that for exp. I did not (know?) at the time that Homer was in a bad fix with Soper, Lull of Bovina had 1000 Dollars of Sopers Money and failed Homer signed the note so he had to humer him a little, every one wanted me to carry it up but I do not like lawing. I would rather loss something and be done with it. Scots comes on tomorrow and I have to attend. Shaw offered him 500 to settle but Scot got a judgement of 1200 before expects as much this time.
Yours Fr. Elliot
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son Robert Elliot in California
Delhi 7 June 1871
Robert I again write to you we received yours and was glad to see that you are still in good health as this leaves us all enjoying the same precious blessing. When George wrote to you he would be telling you about Dan Arbuckle being so sick and is getting worse all the time the Dr. has no hopes of him.
Robert I would not have written so soon after Geo. But I want to know what you think about coming home, by all appearances we are going to have a heavy crop both of hay and Oats. The Rye is in the blow and is pretty good we have finished all our planting and sowing and we are finishing the wall by the side of the woods. we have had a hard job with the Cellar but we have a good one now it has cost over 200 Dollars and the porch at the door is not up yet The Carpenters is all so busy that I have had to apply to R. Hogg and he is going to try and do it soon he has J. Gordon this summer and they are all well. He had a letter from J. Hogg and he is not well and he thinks probably he will come home soon. Let us know how he is if you know when you write which I would like you to do on receipt of this as we will want some one to help us if you are not coming home and if you are we will do away till you come. I have wroough (worked) pretty hard this summer and your Mother complains of sore hands a good deal.
Lizzy is a good help to her but the Milking is hard on her. Janey is at School , you sent her word about some pretty flowers and you have to bring her some seed if you come home. John is left T Robison and is WORKING with Jas. Broonsely. George has worked very steady this summer & Frank has run about trapping woodchucks he has taken 19 so it is worth something.
You have to tell Bill Robison that he has a young son in Scotland and he is either to go to her or send her money to take her to California. I suppose you will have your grain all harvested now. There is no news around here just now, they are trying to Bond Delhi for 30,000 Dollars for the Delhi & Middletown Railroad to come up the Little Delaware, we are trying to stop them but I do not know whether we will can do it or not. Now Robt write us soon as you gett his and tell what you are going to do your mother is very anxious you should come home again.
Yours affectionately
Fr. Elliot
Letter from John Elliot in Delhi, NY to his brother Robert Elliot in California
Delhi Sunday April 7, 1872
Dear Brother
I received your letter last night and was glad to hear that you received the check all safe. You wrote that you had to send the check to N.Y. why did you not send it to San Francisco and get it cashed there. The Delhi bank does not do any business with the S. Francisco bank but the Delhi bank does business with the NY bank and it does business with the S. Francisco bank. All you had to do was to endorse the draft and send it to San Francisco by some honorable man and get it cashed there. Nevertheless if the money is safe it is all the same. You wished to know how I raised that other $25 it is very easy accounted for. I wanted Father to go and send the money for me as I was inexperienced in those things. I told him I could not raise more than $50 as that time as I had lent some about 1 month before he said it was not worth while to send $50 so he lent me 25 for 2 weeks. If you want any more during the summer just let me know and I will let you have what I can. I can let you have $25 or $30 in May if you need it and if not I can let father have it.
Well as you say Jim Hoog is dead broke but to hear his father tell he is all right. Got a letter from him last night and he has got over his love sickness and is getting quite fat as he expresses himself. If I do not lose my guess he will be poorer before he is fatter.
Well I am about dead broke for something to say however I will try and give you a little home news.
In the first place I am at home and calculate to be all summer. We have been chopping wood this last 2 weeks since I came home putting up our 2 cords apiece we never had so much wood ahead. If I am not mistaken there is a Whamp in the nest. I think father is going to Scotland in the fall and that accounts for getting so much wood ahead but than it is the only thing that we could do at the present time as we have not had any sugar weather yet. It is raining to day the only spring rain that we have had this spring. This has been the driest winter I ever wittnesed a great many has had to melt snow all winter not only for there cattle but for cooking to. McHolester has draw water 2 miles for 40 head of cattle for 2 months so know it is bad enough.
James Midlmass and his wife, formerly known as Nancy Cline started for California along with Samuel and Eupherine last Wednesday by the Overland route.
I will have to draw to a close as I have not much more time to have a (unreadable word) with you. A few more news and then I must go to milking. We have got 11 cows come in. We will milk 19 this summer. We have got the nicest lot of olderney yearlings, 9 in all , that I have ever seen. We have got our old neighbors back, but they are quite peacable.
No more at present but remain your affectionate
John Elliot
All Well
Notes in the Margins:
James Bosthwick is making a fine thing of it, he owes father $600 and bill $800 and don't pay 1 cent interest on it if he is not a little more careful he will get sold out in a few years.
Write soon, it is like quaker town up here now days, no girls, no boys no nothing else
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son Robert Elliot in California
Delhi 13 April 1872
Dear Robert
I write a few lines to you along with Lizzy. I have been writing to Scotland and I am about tired of it. We have had a good run of sap today for the first but it was so windy it was difficult to catch it, however we managed to boil about 8 or ten gallons of first rate molasses. John is come home and seems to be quite a different man if he only continues as he has begun as I hope he will. We have 11 cows come in all doing very well as we have filled 4 tubs of butter. I sold 1 at Delhi but have sent the rest to New York as I thought I could get a little more for it there 32 cts. We have got the Railway to Delhi now and we are getting feed and every thing a good deal cheaper. Corn is 85 cts pr bushel and that is cheaper than it used to be at Oneonto. There has been lots of sales this year Gray up at Wm Elliots sold his place to David Coury for 6000 x 500 Dollars and he sold all off.
Old Dub Shaw was up and bought an old cow with scarcely a tooth in her head. We have got owerens (have no idea what this word is, but that is what it looks like, the rest of the thought looks like it may be a name as the Dan & John he is referring to are not Francis's children) all up here again. Dan and John is both married John is teaching school and Dan is with his father in law, E. Edgerton Ranc is a big fellow now and is all the help the old man has. Uncle Wm's folk is all well and Jas. (James) & Jannet Bart. (probably Bosthwick) Jamey comes to Delhi every Saturday ties his horses to a post and takes his stand at Bartlets Door for 5 or 6 ours sometimes doing nothing he is not going to be much of a farmer I doubt. The folks around here is just much the same as when you left. Robt Hog had a letter from Jim in his new place he is now in good health and getting fat so he writes. Give Walter and Jas. (James) our kind love when you see any of them I think they have forgot us altogher I am glad you write so often and I got two papers from you
Ever yours
F. Elliot
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son Robert Elliot in California
Delhi 9 August 1872
Dear Robert
I received yours and was glad to see that you was enjoying good health which is the best blessing we can have here and as it left you well so it found us all in good health for which we ought all to be thankful to God for all his mercies to us.
You spake of finishing you haying when you wrote we got it on the 3d of Augst and we finished on the 5th .Our hay crop is lighter in wet meadows this year our under meadow and Orchard was not near so heavy the rest was all good we will begin oat harvest Monday if all well. They are a heavy crop and a good many lodged which will be to reap the rest of our corps is all good except a little rye we cut yesterday it is then but good (illegibly word) is of it.
You spake of leaving your place soon but did not say what you was going to do if it would such you to come home this fall. I will give you good wages to work at home. I am anxious to keep the place in my own hands for another year and then I will either let it or sell it to you then if we be all spared till that time. I would like to have you come home as I am thinking of going to Scotland next fall if nothing comes in the way to prevent it. George & John has done very well all summer but I think they would be the better of seeing something as I believe they think they are not very well used . Sometimes so I think it will be better all round to let them hire out and feel a little of the ways of the world. Now if it is not going to suit your plan to come home now write and let me know so as I will know how to act. Your Mother is very sore against strange men coming to the house as she says has as many of our own and has to hire so that I to would like one of you at least if I have to hire a hand in haying I would not mind that.
Now Robert as I am not so able as I have been for work I require some one to look a little after the things about the place. Geo. and John is good workers but they do not seem to have any care about any thing. There is very little news around here just now as folks is all busy old T. Middlemist, T. Gale and Walter Paterson is away to visit Scotland once more by the laws Tomys going to see Brundenlaw Hill once more before he dies. I am just going to start of to see Uncle Wm. before the oats begin T them and Jenneys folks is all well
Write soon
Your affectionate Father
Frances Elliot
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son Robert Elliot in California
Delhi 12 Nov. 1875
I have been very long in answering your last letter which came duely to hand with the order for the money you sent and as this leaves all in tolerably good health. Your Mother has been sick for 3 days with arisipulis in her face but is some better now so that we all acknowledge Gods goodness in giving us so much good health hoping this will find you all enjoying the same precious blessing.
Delhi 12 Nov. 1875
Things around here are moving on just in their old way the man we had all summer left two weeks ago and school is to be taken up on Monday, Frank & Janey is going so your Mother & Lizzy and I will be all that is at home fore two months when Mark Moscript that we had a year ago is coming back from the west. His father lives in Aleganie Co. his Mother died last fall and his Father got him advised to stop out there but he does not like it and is coming back at New Year. I sent him word that I want him again if he be to hire he is slow at work but very perfect. The one we had this summer was different he went over a great deal of it in a very confused style I would have kept him on but he was so dirty and slovenly about the house none of them liked him especialy Janey whe did not like him at all, I was to hire any but him.
Delhi 12 Nov. 1875
We have Jim Hogg come home making a great flourish but I think he is very wild man. California has not done him any good he tells Lizzy stories about being away at he black hills and how he was speculating in pork and a boat load sunk just before he came away and he lost $700 Dollars. Now I hope you are all doing better both fore this world and the next in California then he has done or if not you have better been somewhere else. I think it is a great pity fore any young man like him to spend 7 or 8 years the very best of their life and make nothing for I believe his is as poor as when he went away but he had got his ankle sprained and can not run round just now. He says he got it first lassoing bulocks in some place I forgot I am about tired writing but I will send you the Albany Journal and you will see the Election news I am not good at writing I have been drawing the School wood and my hands is sore so you must excuse this short letter, long next write soon and let us know how you all are
From your affectionate Father
Francis Elliot
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son Robert Elliot in California
Delhi 19 Dec. 1875
Dear Boys
We have received you welcome letter and are glad to see that you are both well which is our best blessing and as this leaves us all in possession of that blessing we can not be too thankful to the giver of all good for all his blessing he is daily bestowing on us.
You will surely by this time have go my letter but it must been on the road a long time or perhaps lost if it is I may say again that I got your Order for 21 Dollars all right. You mention in your letter that James is with you just now. I think if he stops with you he will do as well as going around the country picking up a job here and there. Tell him to write me a few lines when he gets time for it is a long time since I had a letter from him.
Now Robert as soon as you receive this you must write to me again. I want to know what sort of a man this father in law of Walters is. I have heard reports that he was rich and Walt has written to me for 150 Dollars and I though if he was so rich that he ought to apply to him for what money he wants and not send all the way here so I want you to write what you think about me sending it. My idea is that Walt is not doing any good in California if he was to borrow Money to rent a small place of land like that only 160 Acres. If it had been George I would thought nothing of it but if Walts father in law is anything like Johns I would not give him 150 cents because he will take all he has and then he will have him to keep.
John has been WORKING here a good deal this summer and his wife keeps house but she is not a good housekeeper. They had a good cow as I am informed but they have not sold one lb of butter of her not even fed a pig he bout one of me and if he has not got his work before him with her I am deceived for once. There is a great noise over at Shaws to night Herriot is getting married to one of John Thompson boys on Scots Mountain. Wm. family is all well I was over there last week they had another child but it did not live but about two weeks so I was over at the funeral but they wont miss it very much as they have ten left.
Jas. Bosthwick family is all well Walt (not the same Walt as above) has been hired with John Hymers all summer and he had got him to buy a patent right of him for these filates (could be tilates, jilates, pilates) goes round the stove pipe he has to pay him six hundred Dollars for one county in Pennsylvania he is trying now to get out of it John held his wages as part payment but he went to a lawyer about it and he told him to collect his wages as they were due a the other was not till the 1 April.
Now Robt about the Money you speak of you can keep it as long as you want it as I do not want it right away but write me as soon as you get this and tell me exactly about Walt and the Old Man because if any of them is extravagent of lazy they can not have any of my money
I remain your
Affectionate Father
Francis Elliot
Notes at bottom:
Open weather so far have had two very cold snaps but is milder now with some snow have had no sleighing yet
Robert I want to send Walt that money if you recommend it he does not say how to send but I think by PO Order if you think it is right
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son Robert Elliot in California
Delhi 17 Sept 1876
I ought to write to George }
Which I will soon but I am }
not good at writing now tell }
him so if you write to him }
soon }
Dear Robert
I received your welcome letter and am glad to see that you are in good health and as this leaves us all in the possession of the same precious blessing which none but God can Give we ought to be thank full. We have had too months of very dry weather it was fortunate it was as late in the season or it would have been a bad job as it was it only hurt the pastures. We had a very good crop of hay and oats the oats is light in weight and the potatoes is but small that is all except the pastures and many one was very bad of for water for their cattle but it is not all lost for butter which we did not expect to be over 25 ct. is now selling from 30 to 35 ct owing to the dry weather and the export to foreign countries has been the means of raising it no less that 17 thousand pakages was shipped to Britain last week which makes quite a hole in the receipts at New York.
I see you have met with quite a loss in your (illegible word), but we have all to submit to losses of that kind if in business of any kind. Uncle Wm. & Family are all well and likewise Jas. Brathwick (Bostwick) (as the yankees call him he is getting a new house so he as his hands full he has bought 40 acres of land ajoining his place and I think got into a debt he will never get out off it is nothing getting into debt if one see ones road out again. I see by your letter that George is not making a fortune. I think his best plan would be to come home again if he is not content to stay at home there is plenty of places to be had it is a great pity for a man to work so many years of the best of his time for nothing. Wages here is not quite as high as they have been still a man can get 20 to 25 Dollars pr Month for 9 Month yet and that is not so bad yet I gave my man 23 Dollars this Summer but about 5 Month after he came he turned sulky and would hardly speak to any one so when he had been 6 Months I asked him one day what was the matter with him he said nothing but if I was not suited with him he would leave so I said if that is what you want it will be better I have heard since that he wanted to go to the sentenial with his girl that she would not mary him unles he took her there so John is WORKING for me now we are trying to break up piece fallow on the hill in the corner that you helped to clear. I though you would be home this fall but I am beginning to loss hopes since you have got so well aquainted about San Francisco. I had a thought of coming to California this fall but if I have to get a place for Jack (John) I will not can aford it this year. I would like to see the country but I would like better to remain if I could get a nice little place convenient but believe you Mother will hardly leave the old place and I would like very ill myself for putting so many repairs on it and leave it will be a great loss at this time but I dread the winters so very but that I could submit to a good deal but I will see about New year if we are all spared and well. You will see Geo. and see what he says about coming home and write as soon as you can. Frank is big and stout but very thoughtless likes better to play ball than work.
Yours affectionately
Francis Elliot
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his brother Robert Elliot in California
Thursday Jan 25 1877
Dear brother
I take my pen in hand to let you know how we are prospering we are all well, hoping this will find you enjoying the same. We are having pretty cold weather this winter, and there is as deep a snow on the ground as has been known for many years.
You will no doubt be sorry to hear of uncle Willies death he died the day before yesterday the circumstances were these 3 years ago this winter he had a team of oxen hired to draw out timber for a barn which he has since built it came on wet and he worked out in the rain for three 3 days and got completely soaked through, each day. The result was he caught a bad cold which he had never got rid of the morning he died he arose and kindled the fire when he took a bad coughing spell he started bleeding at the lungs and died in a very short time. We sent a paper with lizzie murrays death in I suppose you will have got it by this time.
We received the letter containing the news of your marriage I wish you all the job imaginable I think your course is highly commendable everthing considered. I whish you would get Mr & Mrs Elliots picture taken and send them out. We have sold a dairy of 4830 lbs of butter of 21 cows or 230 lbs to a cow. I think that is pretty good for old Delaware. I wish you would come home again and see us all and get that watch you left. Father and I are going to try and get along alone this year except haying and harvest. Father is going to try to get the Adam Hume place for John it is for sale Geordie Laidlaw has been on it for the last four or five years and has not payed a cent of neither interest of principal and they are gong to turn him out.
I suppose you was not at the centennial there were non of us at it except Liz (probably his sister Lizzie) she and Rachel Hogg went with John Murray they was through N.Y.C & brooklyn and was 2 1/2 days at philadelphia she says it was splendid. We calculate milking 22 cows next summer we still have the same old barn we had when you went away. I am not going to school this winter we have got our thrashing most all done which we are doing by hand. oats are not turning out as good as usual potatoes was a pretty slim crop on account of the drought and bugs we used to go out with an old pan and stick and knock them into the pan we could gather a half panful in a short time folks that did not take the trouble did not have many potatoes as it is getting along towards bedtime I will stop for the time Write soon and tell us the news
PS in you answer please insert Jims address
With kind regards to all
I remain
Your affectionate
Frank Elliot
Note: Uncle Willie is William Elliot, married to Agnes Elliot, they appear on the 1870 Meredith Census, they are related, but have not yet determined if he is Francis's brother or related in some other way and just referred to and Uncle
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son Robert Elliot in California
Delhi the 12 March 1877
Robert I am wearying very sore to hear from you although you wrote last yet if you go Franks letter I thought you would answer it before I wrote to you. But being a little unwell and not able to do much I will let you know how we are all getting on the rest of us is all well I got a cold in the beginning of winter which is sticking to me very bad some beter one day and worse the next but I think if the good weather was come I will get over it if I live till then. Frank wrote to you about you uncle Wms death. I suppose its being so suden is a warning to us all to be prepared for that great change and we know not when nor how it will come so it is best to be trusting in him who is able to take care of us all if we only put our trust in him alone.
I have bought the Adam Hume Farm for John told them try themselves on it. I have to pay 2,700 Dollars for the Farm and about 1000 Dollars for the Stock of 9 cows 2 Calvs and 2 Horses and implements besides a little Hay and Grain they will need. Geo. Laidlaw was living on the place when I bought it but has died since Jenny is left alone with 5 Children and very little left to her share as there is two Morgages on it of nearly 3000 Dollars. Old Adam sued George to Court as he did not pay up his Interest and we got them to settle it but though it never was tried it Cost Jenny 300 Dollars. We are all well of when kept out of the law I don't know if you hard of Ann Oliver and Alick Brydons suit or not but it came of last week and the Jury gave Ann a judgement of 1000 Dollars and it will cost him very near another 1000 for exps. There is a word of him having to give up his farm but we will know by and by . They count Jok (sp) Brydon simple but robt. is worse he was so confused on the stand that all he swore to first after he got back to his seat it came into his mind that he was to say something else he told Bill Yeumons (sp) that he said something wrong Bill told Judge Folet and he ordered him on the stand again and he swore every thing away he said before. I have hired one of the Hamiltons Boys for the Summer at 18 Dollars pr Month he is only about 19 years old but if we are all well we will get along. Frank is quite stout now if he would only stay at home but he likes to run round a good deal he is just like James no steadiness in him I thought we might do without a man this summer but I dare not trust him for last summer he ran of in haying and oat harvest all a like if he gets away he cares nothing for the work. Give our respect to your wife and all the rest of the boys and send us word how you are all getting on what is you prospect for crops this summer I see by the papers has been very dry.
Yours truly, affectionately
Francis Elliot
Tonight you Mother turned sick }
with a numbness down one side the }
Dr says it is rheumitism she is not }
very ill and I hope will turn no worse }
Letter from Jane Elliot in Delhi, NY to her son Robert Elliot in California
Delhi Sep 10 1877
Dear boys
I sit down to write a few lines to you to let you know how we are getting along as I think you have forgotten us altogether for it is a very long time since we heard from you. well we are all well at present thank god for his goodness to us all hopping it will find you all well . well we have get a big adition to our family in a big fat man Jim Elliot (do not know if this is her son James or James Elliot from Scotland, Francis's brother) weighs about two hunder he has got a divorce from his wife and come out here to stay hes bos over us all I shall not stand it much longer perhaps I may come out to you yet . We have Tom Davidson for our man the one we had took sick and never came back we have Walt Barthwich helping them for a few weeks as Frank is hired he went away about the end of haying and hired for two months and ahaf he will be home when his time is out Jim had a good deal of blame for him going away John and his family are all well him and her done all there haying but two or three days father sent down our man to help him after he got down. I must tell how very sick Rob Hoag has been he took sick about the forend of July his old (illegible word) something about he kidnes they had to sit up with him for six or seven weeks he suffered a grat deal none thought that he ever be better he is able to go round now with a stick I don't think he will work any more. We have very good crops this year everything has been good they are drying pottes to day and have a pretty fare crop we had a bad summer with the bugs we picked them and and put posin on them it took me all the time I had to keep them down. The girls got many good laugh at Jim he called them bogs. The girls is busy fixing up things expecting to go to the fair tomorrow I suppose ther are all going Jim thinks its two much two pay perhaps somebody will take him in for charity. well I will have to stop for want of news I hope you will say nothing about what I have wrote when you write home remember and don't be long let us know how Walter is getting along when you writ and anser to this letter adres it to Elisabeth for if Father gets it Jim will get it to read
No more at present
From your loving mother
J. Elliot
John wrote to some of you and you have never answered it
I will send a paper along with this
Note: Jane passed away October 25, 1877
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son Robert Elliot in California
Delhi 9 Nov 1878
Dear Robert
It is so long since I wrote to you that I think shame to begin but as the saying is no word is good word for this leaves us enjoying good health through the bounties of a kind providence to whom we are indebted to for all our blessings and I hope that this will find you all partaking of the same valuable and precious blessing.
Cold winter is coming on us again we have our first snow this week we have had a fine fall till two days ago. We have had no frost and pasture has kept good but we have the cattle all in the Stable now we have made a great deal of our cows this summer more then ever before it has been a good sumer for every thinkg pastures has been excelent and crops of all kinds except potatoes they have either been a total failure or they have rotted bad but Aples and every thing else is good. We will make very near three hundred lbs. of butter to a cow this season I have just taken away 26 Firkins of 20 ct. and we will have 40 pails by the end of the month the Firkins weighed 28 cwt & 60 lbs if the pails runs as much they well be fully 300 spring included of 21 cows and I have fed no grain till the 6 day of Otr now can you come that in mild California. but Lizzy is a good maker of butter and she has got plenty of it this summer I sold the Firkins to John Hudson Delhi first it being so low but a week after he seazed on me for the fresh and I did not know what to say as he was buying whole Dairies for 20 & 21 ct I told him I was not prepared to sell yet but he asked me if I would take 28 ct I said yes but he is to pay me 27 and 28 if the market will stand it when he takes it away but it is down now and he is going to loss by it if it does not take a turn for the better
John and his family are all well. Frank is just come home after haying and oat harvest he went away to the Hop picking when he came home he hired to Peter Arbuckle but our hired man is away now and he is home sometimes going round Fiddling to the neighbours which he is turned pretty good at do not know what he is going to make and sometimes he is going to be a blacksmith and again a carpenter but hie is just like his brother James never satisfied unless he is roving round the country. I once thought out of as many boys that one of you would surely stay at home but it is not to be so I must just submit for a little while. They are trying hard to sell Robt Hoggs Farm but it is not easy to sell farms just now there is a great greenback move around here just now but they have lost it election I supose you will not be troubled with it in that State as it is all gold. Now Robert write soon as I weary very much to hear from you all if Jas. (James) is with you tell him to write or George if he is with you now.
From your
Francis Elliot
Elections news Delhi all }
republican but one school comis. }
My respects to your wife & child }
Frank says he answered you letter }
in the spring }
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son Robert Elliot in California
Delhi 26 Nov 1880
You will be thinking by this time that I have forgotten you altogether but not so I answered your letter as soon as received but I did not direct it right and it went to washington to the dead letter Office and sent back I adressed San Louis Obispo Co but I mean to do a little better this time. we was glad to see that you are all enjoying good health and as this leaves us all in possession of the same precious blessing we ought to thank God for his loving kindness to all of us and at all times You speak of that little money you have don't put yourself about if you send me the interest it is all I care about in the mean time and that when convenient. We have had a very fine summer and fall abundant crops of all things. Butter has not been very high but is rising slowly. I sold my firkins two months ago for 25 ct and I could get 23 for the tubs but I am going to hold it a little longer I see in your letter that your market is a little better than that and as your cows will soon be coming in you will get a good price and it takes a good price to pay.
John and his family are all in good health and Frank he is as wild as ever he left two months ago and is WORKING round he can not settle at one place over a month he has been at 4 different places since he left home
We have an Irishman WORKING for us just now slow but sure but I only hired him till new year I would like you to see George and see if he has no inclination to come home as he is the only one of you that I can look for now I would pay him good wages if he comes and settle down and as far as I know he would make as much money if not perhaps a good bit more.
Jenny is going to the Academy this winter so there will be a small family of us if she was gone. Barthwicks family are all well likewise Agness Elliot (wife of Uncle Wm who passed away) and family. James (Wm and Agnes have a son James who would be approx 18 yrs old at this time) is managing the whole thing this two years now and he is very attentive considering. Tell Geo. to write me a letter and tell me what he thinks about coming home as I will soon have to look out for another and if he does not write you must right away however short you may think I am not so good at writing as I was once so do not when I am long think I have forgot any of you but write oftener. No more but hope this letter may find you out.
From your affectionate Father
Francis Elliot
Delaware Co
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son Robert Elliot in California
Delhi 4 March 1881
Dear friends
I thought I would not be so long in writing to you this time it is a very stormy day so that I can do nothing else it has faln about 12 inches of snow in two hours. Now Robert this leaves us all enjoying good health here I have had very good health all winter only I have sprained by rist but that is a small afai . I can not write very well with it yet but it is better then it was now I hope when this reaches you it will find you all in good health which is the best news we can hear from each other and the greatest blessing any of us can have and how thankful we ought to be to God for all his mercies. Today I am all alone Frank is down to Johns he went away to help Robert Bryden to move Lawyer Bell and Roby has traded farms so Robie is away over into Gregory hollow. Frank went away Wednesday morning and this is Friday noon and nothing of him yet he has been at home all winter but I might about as well been alone if it had not been for drawing a little hay now and then he mostly lies in bed till after I have all the cattle fed the cows is beginning to come in and nothing but Lizzy and me as Jennie has not come home from School yet she will be home Saturday the 12th and I have hired John Hoggs boy Frank he was to be home the 1 March but he is with Old Andrew Chisholm his sale is on the 8th and he asked me to let him stay till after the sale.
I have likewise hired Jas. Barthwicks boy Jamie he comes home the 2 April so we aught to be strong this summer your Brother Frank is going to work with Jas. Grays Boys at laying celler wall but they will not easy get him up in the morning. John has got an adition to his family another Boy the only thing his wife is particulary good at is having Children. Now Robert after what you told me about George I do not want him at all I know what he used to be and I have plenty of that kind so long as Frank goes back and forward. I wish them all well but it will be better if they stop where they are give my respects to them all when you see them. Likewise Walter I think although he once told me he could do his own turn yet he might write to us and let us know how they are all and how they are getting on.
We are going to milk 25 cows this summer only there is a lot of them young will be about 22 the way they count I have just sold our fresh butter 43 pails and tubs for 32 ct pr lb I sold the Firkins early for 25 ct so I thought I would hold on to the rest a while. Uncle Jas sent us a letter a few days ago his is staying with Robert he has not been well all winter he once spoke of coming back to America but I think he will never see it again now Robert write soon and let us all know how you are getting on
from your
affectionate Father
Francis Elliot
My thanks to you for the nice pen }
you sent me it was very mindful }
of you to do so }
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son Robert Elliot in California
Delhi 21 Febry 1882
Dear Robert
As I can do nothing out of doors to day I adress you a few lines to let you know that we are all well thank God for that best of blessings.
We have had a very changeable winter so far not very much snow but alternate rain and frost and high winds today it rains and hails time about and is very bad for the grass and it is not unlikely we may have it dry after all this. It is a long time now since we had a real dry summer last year it was a little dry but it was so far on in the season that it did not hurt any thing much,
I supose John has written you a letter and he would tell you what a hunt him and I had after horses he has what I think will make a good team and mine too if they had got over the Distemper. Horses is very high just now and stock of all kinds cows is very high John Haye Bovina had a sale last week and his cows a dairy of over 20 head averaged $63.44 ct and one of them is full blood Alderney was sold for one hundred and 45 Dollars.
Alexander Shaw is dead and buried since Ed came home he had a cancer or some growth in his stomack and it got so big at last that he could not swallow any thing and just died for want.
We have at last got into our new church and we had a very ful house the first day it is seated for 500 far by the Choir and every seat had one more than enough that day we are going to have our dedication tomorrow and Mr. Robison is very proud of his new church he is in very good health and spirits and all right now since he has got him another wife and a new Church.
John tells me that you have it very dry in California when you wrote his letter I hope you have had plenty rain since, better late then never. I hope it will be all right by this time so that you may be able to come and see us all once more if it is Gods will that it may be so but if it be otherwise determined then let us submit with patience if I had anyone to leave behind me that I could depend on I would have been in California this winter. Frank is at home this winter but I have him but a little while now and again there is no getting him up in the morning till 9 or 10 Oclock I feed all the stock every morning and it takes a long time before I get over them all twice, cows calves sheep and horses we have two colts out of old Nell 1 & 2 years nice ones, and 5 Hogs this winter full 2 hours work so if it was not for a home for the Girls I would have given it up long since but I am in very good health this winter better than I have been for some years past but the winter is severe on me in general hired help is very scarce this winter and wages high a great many wants both men and women and can not find them. Walter Barthwick is hired to old Holister for 8 months for 24 Dollars pr Month and Girles is getting 4 & 5 Dollars pr Week but when they work good and are atentive it does not matter so much about a Doller or 2. Best wishes to you your wife and family and now I must close write when convenient.
From you affectionate
F. Elliot
Letter from James Elliot in Scotland to his nephew Robert Elliot in California
Stonerigg Mains June 27th 1882
Dear friends all it is with Pleasure I write a few lines to you I was seeing Brother Alexander & read your kind letter happy to hear you were all well & doing well I wish we were all there I believe the Climate is good for all sorts of People no doubt there is a something every where & will be as long as we are in this world, Dear Robert I was at America lately & stayed with your father was well of for I will say this Br as he is that he is a man amongest men both for kindness of every thing I heard from him lately & they are all well & doing well but at times the cold with him is pretty sever & that was what sent me to Scotland again so I believe California would suit any of us, now are you all within reach of any church where you are for we are all growing older & for our welfare hereafter we ought to think this is not our fixed Place of abode, now Robt. I am living with brother robert down in berwickshire Robt has got a very good farm there 8 miles east from Kelso good steading for every thing granerys new also stables splendid new thrashing mill with steam Power & & nearly a new dwelling house. I have been a good while with him I live in the old farm house closely its on to the steading still I believe yours is the best healthiest climate & perhaps as good otherwise to, they call the Landlord of Robts place Connel Hood he rose from an officer to Connel in fighting all through the indian mutting got shot on the face & leaves a hole in it, Robert Sandy will enclose this in his letter which I hope you will receive if so give my kind regards to your Wife & children also yourself, James & George also Walter his Wife and Children so this leaves us all well at present Hopping when it reaches you it may find you all enjoying the same precious blessing from your affectionate
Uncle James Elliot
Stonerigg Mains Coldstream
Berwickshire Scotland/Please write soon
Note: I would like to see you all verry well but the distance is great and also expensive & times here is very dull write me all the news. Jas. Elliot
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son Robert Elliot in California
Lizzie & Jeany There is not any }
of us likes to live at the village }
so if we can get away we will }
not be long here we have to do }
as much as we can F. E. }
Delhi 21 June 1883
Dear friends it is a long time since I heard from you and would like to know how you are all getting along if you are all in good health which is the best blessing we have in this world and may we all think much of it while we are in possession of it. this leaves all of us in health except myself and I am well in health but have got sore eyes you know they always were a little tender I saw an eye Dr about them and he says it is the Optic nerve that is affected he gave me a little vial to anoint them with and a pair new glasses and I think they are some better.
John and family are all well and Frank and his wife. Robert I intended to come out to California this summer but after losing so much money with Seth White and getting entangled with his property which I have rented to them till next April to get clear of her dowr as as they call her claim the law is when a man fails and if he should die she can hold one third of all his property and I will can sell it better to have a clear title to it she would have taken ten pr ct readie money which I would not have paid if I had been going to live on the place my self so I let them stay 11 months to get clear of them there has been no settlement yet so we do not know what we will get. if the money that was in there had been all my own I would not have troubled myself with it but I though I would try and make a little to help pay some of it I owe Lizzy 550 Dollars was in there and Uncle James when he went back to Scotland left 700 Dollars with me which was all in there in my name fortunately I sent him 400 hundred the fall before he failed and that leaves 300 hundred with Interest on the whole since he went back but if I be spared a little while longer I will be able to make it all up if God wills it this Money was all under my name and I will pay it every cent. James says not to put myself about he is in no hurry but he is not able to work and I know he has not very much to loss besides the Interest is running an everyone says I bought the place cheap but as soon as I can get what I paid for it and what was in the Bank which was 1800 hundred and interest I will sell. It is far to large a house for me to live in and if I be spared tell next spring I will try and get clear of it all and try again
James Barthwicks folks are all well now Jeney has not got over (name unreadable) death yet but is able to be about they are building a barn this summer Jas has a brother come from Scotland and a son with him he is a taylor and the son is a mason to trade
You would hear of Mrs. McMurdies death this spring and the Old man is very frail now J and C runs the farm David has got placed somewhere out west to preach and Wm is at some of the schools and John S. Murray has got another little farm down at Delancey and as anxious for the world as ever although they have lost all their children now but Ellie and she does not look very healthy do not be long writing and let me know how you are all
From your Affectionate
Francis Elliot
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son Robert Elliot in California
Delhi 24 Septr 1883
Robert it is with pleasure that I write to you this leaves us all in good health hoping when it reaches you it will find you all enjoying the same valuable blessing which is our best blessing for tis God that lifts our comforts high or sinks them in the grave Still he does all things well and our duty is to be content.
We have had a very dry fall again it is raining today and is very much wanted the springs is very low and pastures is dryed up to and the mills can grind very little I hope it will not be so bad as it was last winter.
There is never any thing done about the Seth White business and it is a question when it will be settled as they have 1 year any way and by applying to the Judge can get lengthened to two years. I have had no chance to sell the place yet and Uncle James is come from Scotland and wants me to come to California very bad but I cannot come at this time and I do not know whether Lizzie & Jennie would be willing to come at all or not. Homer Burgin wants to hire Lizzie for 1 year from November and Jeanie has taken up with his son Ed so I do not think any of them will be willing to come at all and I do not like to leave them behind for I think if I came to California I will want to stay (say nothing about Jennie when you write or to anyone that she will be likely to get it again) I can not get them to say what they will do ever if I was ready to come you can think it over and write to Lizzie she will tell you what she would like to do better than me I harldy want to advise them any was Uncle Jim would like to come out and have me to come with him and I would come but you see how it is with me . Jas. talks of getting a house and a piece of land between us but I some some difficulty about it if we have nobody to keep house for us but if I could get all things settled and even one of them to come I would come and if not we will have to do our best here if we have our health all is well You sent fifty Dollars which I got all right and you speak of compounded interest. I do not want it, if I get simple interest it is all I ask and you need not be in any hurry about it I had to get 2500 Dollars to pay down when I bought that place we cannot lift money anytime we like when it is lent out I have another payment to make this fall of 696 Dollars but I can get along by that time John will have sold his butter he is making a lot of butter this year if he only gets a good price for it it is rising a little could 23 or 24 cents for Firkins just now he talks of selling at 25 or 26 he is milking 26 cows this summer he has 4 x 2 year old Heifers 3x3 year old amongst them he sold 28 tubs in the spring and he has to day 26 Firkins and 22 Tubs in the Celler how does that compare with California. Frank is doing very well too but I do not know how much they have made. Now when you write you let us know if there is any chance of getting 20 or 30 acres near the hill of course we would have to build tell us how it is situate for water where you are and about the price pr acre as uncle Jim thinks the climate is all right there is no difficuly in the way whatever but I feel a little different about it. still I would have tried it this fall if things had been all right write soon to either Jim or me and let us know all the particulars
your affectionate Father
Francis Elliot
My respects to your wife }
and family May God bless }
you all amen }
Did you get Uncle Jas letter }
let us know
Letter from James Elliot visiting in Delhi to his nephew Robert Elliot in California
Delhi, 9th (November? illegible) 1883
As I am now arrived at your fathers in Delhi and anxious to hear from you all I thought of writing a few lines to let you know that your folks are all well at present hopping when this reaches you it may find you all enjoying the same blessing which we ought all to be thankful for, for without his assistance we can do nothing, now Robt I may state that I wrote to you before I came away from Scotland but received no word and you father wrote to me a few times before I left Scotland concerning his misfortunes with the Bank he wrote then that if he could wind up all his affairs he thought then he would, that he would be ready by the first of April next if all goes well so I made up my mind to come out to him in hopes that he might be able to start about that time, and I would then have come along with him but now it may be yet I don't know, whither it would be best to try something where he is on to come out for my own part I think by the good account that your letter gave that you wrote to me it gave me a better opinion of the place and most of all the moderate climate that you have where you live, be what we have about Delhi is, so that if other things would suit I think I like where you are quite the best. Providing it be safe enough to come to where you are, but Please and write soon and give me you mind about everything for I am on with the climate if other things be suitable, not thinking but their will everywhere be ups and owns in this world, but if it will be safe enough to come to where you are and perhaps get a piece of land your father was telling me about a piece of land lying in to you have you got it yet or not if you give me any encouragement to come out to you ,you and I might probably bargin about a piece if their be any water near it. now in all your experience is it about as good for most things and about as convenient for about all you want where you are living at present, your father and I has often been talking about coming out but then how is he to leave all his business behind him and also to get the girls to come out to sure if I could do anything I would to get him to come out for I do think your climate would really suit him or I either.
Their has been a great time here with elections Thomas Arbuckle has got it here by quite a big majority your father helped him a good deal he also may help you father to yet some other way. now in an average way how are you situate for fuel what do you have to pay for a ton of coal for your place, how far is your place from San Francisco is it nearst to you from San F by land or sea and loest fare. I saw James Brumley at Delhi that was out here where you are he says he lost his wife when out and would like come our and put up a stone at her head he says its the cheapest way for anyone to go by immigrant train he said last time he want that he went that way he said he longer than by the express and then he just paid from New York to San Francisco fifty Dolars and ten Dolars after by sea to San Luis near your place also about four Dol from Delhi to New York about seventy althogher, it is quite a little still if you give me fair encouragement and think theirs a good chance and safe enough come if spared and well I really would like to come on account of the climate I like Delaware Co well enough only for the winters, but I hate them, they are so severe and long, my youngest Brother Alexander that you wrote to in Scotland by your accounts by letter to him he thinks a great deal of California he talked very favorably to me about it and told me that he would like to go to it very much that he believed it was the very climate that would suit him being often ill with pains he is quite able to come if he sets about it. I have seen all your brothers and sisters.
Please give my kind regards to your wife and children and also to J and W and Geroge and yourself from your sincere well wisher
James Elliot, write soon
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son Robert Elliot in California
Delhi 12 Dec 1883
Dear Robert I am going to write you immediately about this California coming to your letter does not surprise me one bit although you may have heard some things that is not true Uncle Jas is a little peculiar he is very saving and perfect in his way and he used to find fault (or rather tell them for I do not think he means to find fault) if he saw anything wasted or not done as he had seen it, and very little puts him about .Jas Barhwicks brother has been here all summer and has come to Delhi to work and he wanted to stop with us a few days till he gets a place to loge in and they do no show him the least civility I say they, Jane Barthwich is staying with us I thought it would be company for your sister and I believe she has set Jane against him so as far as I see it has come all from there Wm Barthwick tells me privalty that he will not go back there again if he can help it and Uncle Jas is just the same way it is not Aunt Jenney they have any fault with but the family and I do not know what to do I have had no chance to sell the Seth White property and to leave all my business in T. Arbuckles hand I do not think is would do John is very avers to it for one he says he is not honest enough to have the charge of it although he is County Judge. I have almost made up my mind to go and live on it myself it is a nice place only the taxes is very high but I must have a little of something to do and it would suit me I will keep 2 Cows and horse and the house is large I could let the half of it or keep boarders and Jeanie is not experienced enough for that I think she would like to get out to service and I do not know how it will all turn out yet.
Now if Jas insists in coming to California I do not see what he can do if he was there he can not milk any although he can and does do a good deal on a farm and as far as I know is this to be in with me or some one to work round for his board or if I would come out there to join in buying a place he has quite a little money although he has brought very little of it which him but he has I think over three thousand dollars in Uncle Robt hands in Scotland and about six hundred here so if he takes care of it he has plenty to keep him and I am not one bit afraid but he will take care of it, he is very careful and about his health he is generaly prety well if he does not work too hard his liver is grown to his side a little so the Dr., says and if he works too hard he spits blood for some days after. He is very destitute and to be pitied as any old man is and I pity him very much, but his is chery and content so far if he had anything to do he is more so but here he has nothing and he has to be with me whereever I go. Lizzy was over from Homers last week and she likes it very well and she tells me she is not coming home this summer so I hardly know how it will end yet but I will let you know as soon as I know myself were all well except myself my eyes is never right and my face is swelled down below one of them I can not find out what is the trouble however have not much pain but I can not sleep at night if my face wants break and run it would perhaps get away
my best wishes to you all at present
Your affectionate Father
Francis Elliot
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son Robert Elliot in California
Delhi 28 Janry 1884
Dear Robert and friends it is a good while since we heard from you and I have not much to do so I will write you a letter to tell you that we are all in very good health here it is very hard weather and has been all this month on Friday night the thermometer was 24 deg below zero with 1 1/2 feet of snow but very little sickness. Lizzy is hired to Jas. Oliver up at the lake she is also very well she is to keep his house as he has lost his wife he is to pay her 4 1/2 Dollars pr week and sister Jeanie is at home wand seems very content Uncle James is also in very good health but grumbling away about the cold just as cold as Greenland he says. John as his family are all well he has just sold his butter to Andw. Strangway Bovina for 27 ct he has a good dairy he gets some way between 14 & 15 hundred Dollars for it but some way he needs a big pile of money to keep his house there is something wrong but I do not think it is his fault and it is a pity. And Frank I have not seen him for a month he is doing very well John never paid over one hundred Dollars in one year Frank paid 2 Hundred and 44 Dollars which shows the difference, but his wife is going to have a young one if she has not it now which accounts for not seeing him but we here from them sometimes and they were well when we heard last. Wm. Strangway up on the hill has had a very bad acident with a cow it seems she had a calf and he was stooping to take it away when she pulled up her head and stuck her horn in his mouth and it came out below his eye tearing his face the Dr. took 2 or 3 pieces of bone and when he was dressing it he is now in a fair way of recovery. Aunt Jennys folks is all well Jane is WORKING at the milnery business in Delhi and stoping with us I would not have had her but for Jeany sake to keep her company.
Now Robert I see nothing but we will have to go into the Seth White house if I had known I never would have had it but now we must make the best of it and keep boarders or let part of it if I can. It is a nice place and they wanted to rent it but I will not rent it all. My greatest trouble is to raise money to pay for it in the meantime. I have to pay 28 hundred Dollars the first of May and I can pay two thousand but I will have to apply to you for some if you can raise me any I hate to trouble you about it and if you realy can not then I can borrow it I think and it is what I do not like to do, write when you get this and let me know how you are situate if you could let me have part it will help. I am very much obliged to you for the papers we get regularly, I think you will be getting a poor return but if there is any that would like to get regular let me know and I will send them to you. I may let you know that Homer Burgin son has got married is the way Lizzie is not staying with them she was not hired all sumer but he made her promise to give him the first chance when spring came and they have not acted very honourable toward her - it is dark.
Your loving Father
Francis Elliot
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son Robert Elliot in California
Delhi the 5 May 1884
Dear Robert
I received your welcome letter with the draft all right and I am glad to see that you are all in prety good health I hope your partner is better of Newralga you spoke of it is a very bad trouble this leaves us all well may we all thank God for his great kindness to us all in bestowing on us so many rich blessings.
you was asking after my eye sight and I am thankful to tell you they are a good deal better and my health is improved a great deal Uncle Jas. is with us at present but is entirely given over talking about California he has been up at Aunt Jennys 3 weeks and go so tired he did nothing but grumble, we have a nice place here but the house is large and will take a good deal to keep it in repair a (illegible word) will hold 10 horses and as many waggons but I may get a chance to sell by & by or some of it. Taxes is high I paid 100 Dollars last year village school and state tax but they have lowered it some this year we have had a fine dry seed time and the oats is about all sowed it is beginning to rain and fine and fresh and the grass is coming fast. we have never received any (illegible word) of old Seth yet his (illegible word) says he thinks they will be able to pay 26 or 27 cts on the Dollar but it will be the fall of the year or new year before they can pay it. this is a good place to keep boarders but neither Jeanie nor me care much about it I have let 4 rooms there is a dressmaker has two of them and an old woman and her daughter has the other two at a little over 4 Dollars pr month or 50 Dollars a year which will pay the taxes
we miss Lizzie coming in the summer as she did last year we had a visit of her Mr. One day but she can not get away so when we will see her if we are all well I do not know Aunt Jenny & Jamey Barthwick and family are all well so as there is not many news I will stop I may say I was glad of the money you sent but you need not send any more just now unless I send for it I enclose the note and you can reduce of what you have sent and send me another at your convenience.
I remain yours
Francis Elliot
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son Robert Elliot in California
Delhi 8 May 1885
Dear Robert I received your welcome letter and was glad to see that you was all enjoying good health and as this leaves us all well we have great reason to be thankful to the giver of all good for all his gracious benefits. my eyes troubles me a good deal being disccoulerd but not very painful except at times if I get a little cold. the Dr. says it proceeds from the spine which I got hurt when I got the fall the other summer. Johns family is all well now if you have not got a letter lately you will not know that Johns boy Frank had been so sick with bloody Diariea but is quite well again and Frank and his family is all well now to his wife has another Daughter about 1 month ago and got a hired girl come home and took diptheria and died and the little girl took it and was very bad but got better at last. Frank got sick himself and was out of his head for 24 hours they were quarentined and no one was allowed to go unless they stayed Homer Burgin went to see them and could not get away and it was a blessing as it turned out that he was there or I do not know what they would have done.
Now I am going to tell you a little more about Lizzy, as I told you she came home to be married and the fellow came to see her one night and it so happened that there was something going on in the Opera house and Lizzy and Jane Barthwick and Jane Elliot was all going and they wanted him to go but he said no he would rather stop at home with me that passed of all right and the next day when he was going away he went into Jack Davidsons for some cloths and Jack said you was not at the Opera last night he said no, says Jack your girl had a chap there I was there O says Jack , I believe I am mistaken it was one of Walter Patersons Girls but John went home in believing what he told him first and wrote an anonimous letter and called her far all the flirts he could get his tongue about and when she got it she was that mad she threw all up and would have nothing more to say to him he came three or four times pleading but no, so Old Jas Oliver came at last to try to hire her and got her advised to go and make his butter for 6 Dollars pr week and how it will all end time will by.
I am glad to see that you have got plenty of rain in California at last I hope it is general and banished all the grasshoppers we having a good spring here a little backward for sowing oats but it will come out all right. butter is very low here as well as with you and the Farmers is complaining a good deal. Now Robert do not be long in answering this for as you see I am not good at writing now
From your Father
Francis Elliot
P.S. I saw John since I wrote this }
he says he has not wrote you yet but }
will soon he says not to send the }
chronicle paper anymore but would }
like the Call sent (unreadable word) }
if it Geo. Let him know as it is out }
F. E.
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son Robert Elliot in California
Delhi 23 July 1885
Robert it is a long time since I heard from any of you I write to let you know that I am still here and all in good health that is for me as I am never very well at best , the fall I got 3 years ago sticks to me but I must not complain there is plenty younger then me not so able to be around but the rest of us is all very well. John was down with some hogs to send away Monday night all busy with the hay which is a fair crop for such a dry season we have occasshionely a shower but the heat is so intense it is hardly ever known we would have had an abundant crop if it had been a leakie season but everything shriveled up Apples going to be small and potatoes to. Oats if getting white but they will be very light and corn wont be much if it do not come rain soon.
They are having it very dry in Scotland this summer too it was wet and cold in the spring but it has gone to extreme the other way they are selling of the cattle for want of feed.
We had a visit of Lizzie the other week she is in good health plenty to do and plenty to eat. James Barthwick was hired with John this summer again but he is left John has another hired boy about 16 and because he would not do as Jamy wanted him he have him a thrashing occassionaly. Jamie was at Delhi one evening at a show and did not get home till 11 or 12 next day the boy took his Syth to mow with and he had to get a licking for that but he was a little hard that time he hurt his back that he could not work and John found it out and questioned him about what he did it for, he swore (which he was always ready to do) if this was the way he was to be used he would leave John told him to go which it was the best thing he could do it was a bad example to swear before his boys. you must give my good wishes to the rest of your brothers when you see any of them and give them a hint to write to me as I do not know any of their addresses now. We have no (unreadable word) as three tenants in the house this year but I not like it Jane don't say anything but they are never out of the road as they have to come into the kitchen for water and the stove is covered with teapots from morning till night but the house is so big we can do nothing with it. All ourselves as we do not care about keeping boarders the taxes is so high we have to do someway to get a little money to help to pay them and a big house needs a good deal of repairs. I would like to sell it but I see no chance just yet and if it was not for the taxes it is a very nice place to live. I pay a little over 100 Dollars taxes pr year and not much to be made of it we keep two cows but it cost near two Dollars pr week for feed and that goes with a lump of the profit and I think if this dry weather continues they will go dry altogether we get 4 ct pr qt 3 months in summer & 5 ct the rest of the year I have 1 to come in in the spring and one in the fall so that we have milk all the year. Mr. B. Mendel is our best customer and he does not forget the boys in California every little while he is asking how you are all getting along so you must write soon and give us all the news
From your affectionate Father
Fr. Elliot, Delhi N.Y.
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son Robert Elliot in California
Delhi the 24 1886 (no month)
Dear Robert
You are the only one I ever get a letter from and I like to hear from you all. I am glad to see that you are all enjoying good health which is the greatest of all blessings this leaves us all well. we had a letter from Lizzy yesterday and she is well and likes her place very well she is with Mr. John Hobie up in Brushton she went to him the 1 Febry. John & Franks families are all well Jas. Barthwicks folks are all well Maggie has been sick but is a good deal better. Jane has left the Milners store Delhi and gone home to help her Mother with the Dairy and Walt is making a great blow on his farm what he is doing but time will try and he is just like his Father more blow than anything else.
we have had a very mild winter more temprate then usual and spring is very fine so far we have had very little snow and frost has not been deep in the ground as usual but I had a newspaper from Scotland yesterday printed 5 March they have had an awful storm nothing like it for forty years trains all stuck on the roads no traffick between Edin. and London for two days the thermometer at zero two or three trains stuck between Berwick & Newcastle and you know there is no stoves or steam in the cars in Scotland so you may think many would suffer severly. there is great want in England & Scotland what with strikes and riots they are very ill of it and how it will all end no one can tell and it is not much better some places in this country the WORKING class has got into societies and they will neither work themselves nor let others work I think the world is in a very bad state.
I will now give you an idea of how things is around here as you state in you letter butter has been very low many fair good dairies was sold in new york for 15 to 18 ct and people is poor those in debt has the worst of it and there is always some tryes to live of their neighbour anyway and stores and any person having anything to sell never know whether he is going to get any thing for them or not. I feel the low Markets as bad as any one although I have not much to sell. there is failures here and there among grocers and others and they can hardly help it it is not easy to tell who has money or who wants it. pride and poverty prevails here at this time. I have had poor returns from John and Frank, John wants one hundred of paying his interest and Frank could not pay anything at all if I had not sold a piece of land this year I would have been in a bad fix. I borrowed one thousand dollars from Dr. Gates and gave him a morgage on this place payable 1 april 87 and 88 but he got it mad out different so I have it to pay this year and next this year I can pay but if I get as little from the boys next year I fear there will be some other way to try.
do not be very long in writing and give us the news I want to know how many family you have now I was asking Janey but she does not mind anything about it if you will write to her she will return you an answer she is a better writer than me now
God bless and keep you all
Your affectionate Father
Francis Elliot
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son Robert Elliot in California
Delhi March 2, 1887
Dear Robert I have been a little longer than I intended in writing to you but they say no word is good word and at yours found us all in good health which we still enjoy and we was glad to see that you all enjoyed the same blessing how thankful we ought all to be to the giver of all needed blessings.
Lizzy was home one month at new year and then went back to her old place to Mr. Hobie in Bovina I see John Oliver is still writing to her but she never minds him she got a bad afront. Jane and me is still keeping house alone we have still the two cows and selling milk we sold 275 Dollars worth last year but the Delhi taverns losing the licence they are so angry that Old Griffis threatens to put on a milk wagon at 3 cents for Qt, but he cannot hurt us very much. Our friends are all in good health James Elliot your cousin is come out for a Dr. and Aug his mother hardly know any one but himself he is gone to N.Y. for 3 months and then he is going to Oneanta to comence practice he has been very dilegent to have got through so quick.
We have had very stormy weather for nearly 3 months back not very much cold weather this winter but snow in plenty steadie sleighing a little rain now and again but frose up next morning and more snow. March has come in a little more pleasant but still hard frost.
We have still three tenents in the house but I was talking of parting with one of them we are rather crowded although we do not need the rooms yet they are in the way some times.
I have a chance to sell out just now and I do not know very well what to do the house is so bad to keep in repair being so large and there is a good deal of work about the place both sumer and winter . this winter I have had to shovel the walks often twice a day it is quite a grade down to the street and if it is not kept swept it gets quite slipperie. I could easly get another house where there would be less to do but this is a nice place quiet and retired being back from the street but you cannot give me an advice not being aquainted.
From yourFather Francis Elliot
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son Robert Elliot in California
Note: John's wife is Phoebe Redmond
John Day has been sick but is some better I hope you did not get the telegraph for it would put him so much about
Delhi Dec 14 - 1887
Dear Robert
I have eaten my supper since I got your letter and I write to you stating that we are all well but one of Johns children is sick and I suppose they have telegraphed to him about it, more I think to scare him than anything else. I was up there last night and I think he has a bad cold set down on his breast the Dr. says it is hooping cough and inflamation on his lungs I wanted them to put a mustard cloth on his breast but no him and his mother is both alike ackward. they were giving him Laudnam which I did not think very good for him but however I see no immediate danger whatever may take place. Some one has been telling her that he will send for his children but she says she will never give them to no one that way and he can not even get them himself if he was to come for them. the law is when a man or a woman leaves their family the one that is left with them is their guardian and the one that went away has no control over them if he wants his children beside him he has to take her too. If she was in a strange place away from Sally Simmonds and these fine friends of hers I think she would be a better woman but she thinks he will come home again and don't want me to do anything with the farm till he come. Saly has promised I supose to pay up the mortgage on the personal and there is no fear but he will come back but I told him last year when I signed of four hundred Dollars for him that times was a little bad and if he could pay his interest I would sign of the principle he promised to pay for a year to two. there is something else that I had a letter from him and he speaks of certain circumstances connected with this step that would cause him to take it over again now you need not think to take any of the children and if he will not come himself and take them all and even then I do not know if she will go. I tried by best to hinder him to marry her and now he has left them all on my hands and now he writes home not to be hard on his wife as she will have it hard enough he knows the love I ever had for any of the Redmons and if it was not for the children I would care very little about her and still I pity the ignorant fool. He wants me to look up a house for them but I have plenty to look after without them if they are all well.
I do not know yet what I will do with the farm and the stock is in miserable condition. I hired on the man till the 1st April but he is very careless I have paid 35 Dollars for feed since he went away and she has made 6 tubs butter take it all to pay the taxes and the feed is just wasted if the stock be to sell it will not bring much but I not care much. I would rather lose it all then go through again what I have done the last six weeks so I wish I was clear of it altogether I remain
Your affectionate Father
Francis Elliot
God is with us all }
Let us trust in him }
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son John Elliot in California
Delhi Janury 10 - 1888
I received your letter and am glad to see that you are well I was up at he old place yesterday and they are all well Matties is all better. Lizzie is at home Frank & Elmer is at school Phebe has made up her mind I hear to come to California providing any one will go with her George Lambert speaks some of comeing out. I have done nothing with the place yet nor like to and I hardly know what to think about it as you know times is very tight just now here nobody seems to have any money. Homer wants it for Frank but they cannot sell his place so I am stuck. Lizzy is at home but no word of being married she says she will go on to it with me again but I could not do it this business has added ten years to my life but some way will be stired up to get clear of it. I still trust to God to help me who is an all sufficient help in every time of need
John whatever is done with it I would like them to move out there about the beginning or on to the middle of March as Phebe says the sooner the better. I meant to pay their passage but if I can not sell it I have no money and it is not to be had to borrow there is some bad work among the tax payers this year but if I have any I will do what I can to help. Robert once spoke some of coming for the children tell him to come if he can I know it is expensive but we will meet it someway and I would like very well to see him. you mention in you last that Al Mason owed you 4 Dollars but he is all broke down and owes many one far by you he owes D. Wight 250 Dollars so we may whistle to that. you want a list of indebtedness by and by I will send you one I am pefectly confused sometimes I hardly know what I am doing I thought my worldly cares was about at an end but this has caused me more trouble then anything I ever met with in my life the whole trouble is I am not able for it besides I have got a fall on the ice and lamed by shoulder but it is some better or I could not have written this letter. you say George is not to be trusted with the cows but what was I to do I was glad I got him as I thought he would know better about everything then anyone else he is doing very well to be left alone prety much.. the cows is very poor if they have to go to a sale they will not bring much one of heifers got hurt coming home and lost her calf they are all dry or very near they have made six tubs of butter since you left Balantine sent for it today. I got of the dairy 434.42/100 c Dollars and I will get about 75 Dollars for the 6 tubs will be 590.42c since you went away I have paid for feed 37.50c and it is about done again but they will have to be fed to bring them through at all if I could only get clear of them all I would not care so much. every one wants to hire farms this year but I do not like the idea and will not do it if I can help it we was speaking about signing the papers but I want to know what I can do with it first as a the new papers will be to be signed to
From your Father
Francis Elliot
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son John Elliot in California
Delhi 23 Jany 1888
Dear John
I have been rather long in answering your letter but the reason is I have been trying to do something with the place before writing to you. I have had plenty after it to rent it only two to buy so Homer Burgin was the best man he has bought it for Frank. they sold the little place to James Barthwick Jr. he is married to one of Anthony Lamberts girls he pays down six hundred which nearly pays all Franks personal so Homer has deeded the whole to me to pay down on the old place amounting to 29 hundred Dollars so that will far more than pay his personal. I had to let him have the farm for six thousand five hundred dollars and were going up tomorrow to aprize the personal Homer sold Jas Barhwick the little place for twenty three hundred and the personal amounted to a little over 600. real estate is not easy sold just now you wrote to me that George was not very trusworthy but I was glad he consented to stay the cattle is very poor the two horses is not bad but the mare does not look very well when the Sheriff was up they aprized every thing Roudie 100 Colt 150 & Roxy 80 Dollars but I hope the two men that is to aprize this time will do a little better James Mable is my man and I do no know who Homer is to have yet. you mentioned in your last that you would send for Phebe and the Children about May now I have sold the place to get possession the first March as I wanted the cows of my hand before they began to come in now I do not see that it makes any difference when they come as Phebe says the sooner the better. now I do not know how things will stand between you and me yet in money matters but I will give two hundred Dollars to help pay their passage and to get them away before the first of March it will save a good deal of trouble as I dont know what to do with them if you do not send for them they will not can be there try if you can get them removed before that date if possible G. Lambert once spoke of coming out but he has changed his mind and he is about hiring out to Al Brydon to go on the first March so you see how I am situate. I send you the paper that you have to sign you will see where it is marked with pencil and you sign on top of that likewise you must be particular to get that other paper properly fixed you will be aquainted about Santa Maria now and the paper will show you what is to be done. Robert once spoke of coming to see us all send him on right away so that he will have a little time to stay. you never told me what rout you took if it was comfortable or what you paid for your passage or anything but if Robt. Comes it will make little difference that is about all at present. I am very glad it is of my hand again as I am realy not able to run after it we have had very cold weather for two weeks back the thermometer 16 below zero this morning if this business was all settled up I will send you a list of everything both for and against write and send the papers as soon as you can
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son Robert Elliot in California
Delhi 26 Janury 1888
Dear Robert elliot
I have been very long in answering you letter this time waiting to see what I was going to do with Johns place. I have finely got it of my hand to your Brother Frank you know Homer Burgin bought the little place for him and they have sold it to James Barthwick Jr. for a little over 2900 Dollars he is to pay down 600 which very near pays all his personal so Homer has deeded that place to me which pays all Franks personal and 1200 on the farm so I have now no personal Morgages on my hand which I am very glad of. Frank is now in a good position and a good woman for a wife and if he is anything atentive he may do very well. I have sent a quit claim deed to John to sign and get fixed he will have to go before some officer of the law to sign it and record it in the County Office I have given him directions if he follows them right out how to proceed. Johns wife is very willing to come to him if she had anyone to go with now you once spoke of coming to see us all and I would like very well if you could come now and come right away if you can come. I wrote to George that if you could not come I wanted him to come as I think he has less on his hands it will cost quite a little to come and I can not do much just now but I will make it all right sometime I mean to pay 200 Doll. on their passage is all I can do at this time as I have so much out at this time now Robert if you could correspond with John a little as I think you know best how to get that paper fixed and let me know just as soon a possible Frank & Barthwick gets possession the first March so there is not much time to spare Johns wife says she would not care if she had to stay at her fathers for one week but not much longer do your best to help me out of this business. I meant to have been in California this winter if it had not been for this business. J. S. Murray is got quite well again so he gave up the thought of coming that is about all and it leaves all comfortably well thank God for his great mercies to us all for in our own strength we can do nothing (3 unreadable words) you can help in letting me know it will seen a long time
Your affectionate Father
Francis Elliot
Letter from Robert Elliot in Delhi, NY to his wife Lizzie Elliot in California
Albion N York
March 10th 1888
My Dear Wife
It is under different circumstances that I now write to you. I made a good trip no dust or dirt, no mistakes or trouble and enjoyed myself but it would have been very pleasant to have you with me for I feel lonesome without you and I suppose you are a little that way yourself. There is one thing that was and is yet a great trouble to me I got very badly gauled sitting so long I was in great misery for two days before I got here. I go no sleep for five nights the sixth I slept good now I will give you a description of my journey. I got to S.F. the next day at eight - stayed with Townsend that night started on the Southern Pacific at 9:30 oclock went down or up the San Joaquin plains past Visalia & Tulare got to Mohave at half past 3 next morning the edge of the desert - had to wait for the train 4 hours started and at Barstow (unreadable word) my first (unreadable word) that night. we got to the Needles on the Colorado river the line of Arozona that next night and day we went through Arozona and into New Mexico. the following night we got to Albuquerque took the Santa Fe rout from there to Kansas City left K. City at 1/2 past 6 got to Chicago at one next day waited until 9 that night took the grand Trunk got to Detroit at 6 oclock next morning crossed the suspension bridge at 1/2 past 3, and I must say that I am dissapointed very much it is not 1/2 as long as I thought and the falls is the other way from what I always thought but if I come back that way I may have a better opinion of them, got to Albion at 1/2 past 5 found your Aunt well and hearty and a better preserved woman than expected. I went to the door and knocked she opened it and I asked her if she knew me of course she did not, then I told her who I was, she then asked where Neil was they all got it into their heads he was with me. I wrote Eddie from Chicago but he has not arrived yet at 9 oclock Saturday night he may come by a latter train if not I will go on to Rochester and see him. we had a visit to day Sam Stinsons sister. I asked your Aunt about the property she says that the sister deeded it all to her so it is all right now. I will go on home Monday morning I realy should not stay that long but your Aunt say I cannot go until then.
After you get this write me a letter and let me know how you all are for I am getting anxious, I have quit a bad cold that I caught one night but my throat is not sore. I will write you another letter from home for I know they will be all acceptable. Tell Mabel that I had a grand ride, and so be a good Girl, and tell Jennie & Mary we went a good deal faster than Toony could Trot, and as for yourself what can I tell you just this I have not seen a woman since I lift home I would give your little for, for I would like a good hug and kiss just now, from you dear lips if ever I take another journey you go or I stay. now my dear what more can I say. I will write about Ed in my next tell Grand pa & G.Ma all but the private part of it Kiss the Girls for me and Grandma too, and for yourself my Darling I wish I could kiss you a thousand times and I will before a month so keep up a good heart.
Your loving Husband
Robert Elliot
Letter from Robert Elliot in Delhi, NY to his wife Lizzie Elliot in California
On the old place
March 18th 1888
My Dear Wife
I have been a little longer in writing this time but you know we had so much to talk about you have perhaps seen about the great storm in N.Y. last week it is the most severe storm that has been for 33 years and I was caught in it at Norwich. I left Albion the 12 of March I think Ed is a good boy and pretty smart you got my letter with his note in it. The Monday I left Albion the storm came on and I was snow bound for two days. I got to Delhi just two weeks from the day I left the Ranch and you would have thought Father was 25 years old running around to get my chair and get any Books off, he had my bed put into his room close to a big coal stove and it seemed so strange that he should wait on me and poor Lizzie she nearly broke down she said I did not look natural at all and I feel rather proud of my two sisters that Jack Wilson is a nice looking man and I hope they will get married it will not be this summer but they are all right they think a good deal of each other. Lizzie is a nice looking Girl and Jennie is a Jewal one of the best natured Girls here. Now my Dear do not get jealous for I am coming home the last of the month. I have a lot of (unreadable word) to do I will get Franks horse (unreadable word) tomorrow. There is about 3 ft of snow on the ground and colder than Greenland. Frank has got a very nice Wife and two smart girls. She is a great talker but they think a great deal of each other, they are something like ourselves. I met a good many of my old acquaintances yesterday lot I did not know, went to Aunt Jenny Barthwick Friday night, will go to Delhi tomorrow. I met a lot of my cousins yesterday, Aunt Agnes's Girls they are very nice looking girls and will bring some pictures if I can get them
I do not know when you will be able to answer this for I will start by the First of April. I have not received any letters yet and I am getting out of patience to hear from My Darlings.
I met Phebe Lizzie and the three boys he, Jack (John) has 3 nice boys but will tell you more about them in my next send on those pictures if you have 7 days before the 1st of April, more next tine, so be of good cheer.
Kiss the Girls for me and my best wishes and Love to you all
I Remain
Your Affectionate
Robt Elliot
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son Robert Elliot in California
Delhi 16 May 1889
Dear Robert
I was beginning to think it long since we had any corespondence and to weary to hear from you all this leaves us all in good health I have not been better in health for some years as just now and Jenny is very well so is Lizzy & John (daughter & son-in-law) they are milking 32 cows and she is all alone. Johns two brothers is there the youngest will be 17 years old and the four milks all those cows. Franks folks is all well they have 22 cows 1 hired man hired woman and pays her 4 Doll. Pr week Frank has sent away 12 tubs butter and John 34 so you see the difference of the two. John & Lizzie is up in the morning and has half a day worked before Franks folks is out of bed so you can Judge the difference of the two families. Frank and his wife is both alike easy suficient for the day is the evil thereof the one family gets to church most every day the other never goes at all, now I believe there is a providence watching over us all (although we see it not) we all know it is right to trust God and strive to do what is right as far as we can for if we do not use the means how can we expect to reap if we do not sow it is not much we can do but we should do something and be thankful for small favours. There is some Scarlet fever around here Jas. Mable has lost his oldest child and different ones has it.
we are having very fine weather with warm showers most of the Cattle was out on the tenth with plenty of grass and it was a blessing for a good many as hay was scarce and 16 Dollars pr ton was the least. we have had to remarkable winter and spring no frost gardens is forward and every thing that was put early in plenty held back O we will catch it yet was in every ones mouth but now it is the 16 of May and warm foggie nights.
Your old friends is all about their usual old Wm. Patterson is hammering away here but is failing I know a great difference of him this last year. Mr. Mendee does not forget to ask for you all ocasionly and Aunt Jenny and family all well young Jim seems to be doing very well on his farm and Will is in Philadelphia WORKING at his trade he came home a while ago and wanted to get in at Oneanto but did not succeed so he started back. Butter has got very low it is down to 18 to 20 ct. and you know it is about the 1 June when we used begin to pack but this year will be earlier owing to plenty of grass. Write soon and let me know how you are getting along hoping this will find you all enjoying good health is the sincere wish of you affectionate
Francis Elliot
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son Robert Elliot in California
Delhi 19 Dec 1889
Dear Robert
I am wearying to hear from you it is a long time since I had a letter from you I had one from John about ten days ago and he seems to be tired of California he says times is very dull and a great many going idle and as soon as he can get as much money he is comeing home again but I think it will be some time before he will get back if he has the money to earn. there is a time in every mans life when he has a chance to do well if he embrace the opportunity but if we miss it once it seldom comes back if he had been on the farm now his boys is getting big and he could have without any hired help.
Now what to do with Frank I do not know I do not think he is ever going to do any thing on the farm. if it was not for his family I would turn him of right of but I do not see what they are to do for a living, but I have warned him that if I ever see him drinking about again as I have I would sell him out. he came in last week and put up his horses at the hotel and left no orders about them if I had not happened to find out that they were there they would have stood all night without anything to eat and he is (or apears to be) very sorry about it every time. I had to mortgage his butter as I did not think it safe and his hired help all to pay store bills cooper bill mill & a many others I have not sold it yet as it is very low indeed there is no sale for it he was offered 20 ct all round but it is down to 17 & 18 and no sale
I have not been as short of money I do not know the time I would I would like if you can send me two years interest on that two hundred Doll. Note. I do hate to trouble you about for I know that times is very hard everywhere and if it is putting you about very much I will try and get along some way. money is very scarce with a good many and them that has any is afraid to let it out as there is failures all round. Dr. Calhoun is smashed up and C. Granlees and a good many others. there is a great deal of butter unsold and what is away is sent down and some went away two months ago and no word about it. John Wilson has his yet and James Barthwick & son and a great many I could name everything is at a stand still Old Cows is unsaleable and very low at any age. this leaves us all in good health which is one great blessing as long as we have our health we can struggle through a great many difficulties. Jas. Barthwicks folks is all well but old Jamie is failing very fast he has had a bad summer he has had four hired men and could not get along with any of them and now he is alone and has been since the end of haying he had one man since but he just stayed two days young Jim and Rob Harkness helped him with his Oats. we have a very wet time this fall I think there has been very few days but what the plowes could go. it is mild and fresh today but very muddid
I remain you
Affectionate Father
Francis Elliot
Write any way whether }
you send the money or no }
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son Robert Elliot in California
Robert I get a little Santa Maria pr }
every week I do not know who }
sends it but the call is all the }
paper I want stop it if you }
find out }
Delhi 7 Febry 1890
Dear Robert
I received your welcome letter and am glad you are all in good health as this leaves us all in the enjoyment of the same precious blessing may we be enabled to thank God for his daily blessings and his long long suffering patience with us all. Lizzy and John are well now she had this influenza for about two weeks but is better. Franks family has all had it but are better to, he is very steadie now an doing better if he only keeps on and there is much need for it as the butter market is very low. I do no know yet what we will get for it we had to send it to New York as there is no sale in the country for it this year . I received an advance of 400 dollars on it to pay some of his debts his hired help took the most of it the man wages was 218 Dollars and the girl 34 weeks 136 Dollars 354 Dol. He paid them to much and I am not expecting over 15 or 16 ct at most they made a nice dairy of 22 Firkins + 37 Tubs if it had been worth say 20 ct which he was offered at one time but we do not know sometimes how to act. Now I kept a little of this money to pay my taxes and with the fifteen Dol. You sent. You need not send me any more just now when I want any more I will let you know it does not take much to keep Jane and me still taxes and living it takes quite a little as there is nothing coming in here. When we had the cows it was different Still I am glad I sold when I did as property is now very low everything is low except clothing and a great many failures Old Dr. Calhoun went down with between 40 and 50 thousand and it is not known yet what he will pay if any thing and now Smith & Penfield is down with Seventy five thousand and if things does not take a turn nobody knows where it is to end. Money seems to be scarce and there is no confidence in any person it is hardly possible to borrow any money in Delhi at this time indeed I think it is not safe to lend money to any one because what people think the most thriving is going first there is 2 or three more that is not to depend much upon old Jas. Mable has one thousand in the Mill he is very unfortunate he lost about 4 thousand with Seth White and now this, only his wife got 8 or ten thousand when her father Old John Ainsley died and they taxed her for one thousand when she told them she had given it all to the boy, now this loss perhaps is for her telling the lie we all know that there is a divine providence watching over us all (although it is better if we are punished here) it is best to watch and be readie as we know not he day nor the hour when he may come and find us asleep.
the weather here has been very open so far almost no snow a little black frost for one night and on rain again and the roads most of the time very muddie it is hard on the grass the ground is so we when it does come a little frost there is nothing to protect it and now I must finish by wishing you all well from you affectionate Father
Francis Elliot
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son Robert Elliot in California
Delhi 25th Nov. 1890
Dear Robert & friends
I have been very long in writing to you this time but I have been troubled with a sore eye a long time finely I had to get it cut as the Dr. was afraid of Cancer so it was cut out and it is all right again and I see better then I have done for some years and I have been threatened with Typhoid fever. I took it with a cold Chill and had to have the Dr. two or three times but I am better of that too but old age brings on many infirmities and vexation together.
I have been bothered with Frank a great deal every now and then he is at Delhi or some place else drunk and when he is at home he does not seem to work any when I go up which is not often it is seldom that I find him at home and now I told them they will have to leave for he is neither doing good for himself nor any one else but ill and what is to come of them is a question that neither Homer not I are able to answer. but if he will drink he has to work for it he has been to well off and is not thankful for it he has missed the best chance that he will ever have again most likely. he has been 8 years on the two places and I have paid out eight hundred Dollars for them more then I have got in besides three hundred Dollars on notes that I will never get I was a fool to let them on to the old farm but they were so anxious that I was in hopes they would do better in place of that he is worse he will come to Delhi and stop 3 or 4 days sometimes but he never comes near me I have not seen him for over two months so who I will get to go on it I do not know I will not rent it if I can help it but it is hardly possible to find any one that has anything to pay down. Meggie Elliot is married on a fellow by the name of Gemmel who is very anxious to buy it but neither him nor his father has anything to pay down on it and I have got a good lesson on that I will not be likely to make that mistake again if I keep in the mind I am in at present. James Barthwick Jr. has sold the little place he was on he has not paid any thing on the place but he has kept up his interest and sold it for what he was to pay the man that bought it is Gurdon Dibble he married Hettie Graham Walts Girl and I think I will be better with them than Jim. I am in your sister Jennies opinion if you are going to have any dealings at all let it be with strangers and if you have to turn them out it does not come so hard and people does not speak so hard about it John Wilson & Lizzy is in good health and seems to get along very well he is a very diligent man and will get along if any one will and Jas. B. and Aunt Jennie is both well and building Castles in the air the same as ever he is always going to do great feats but never gets at them. the butter markets is a good bit better then it was last year grain is very high is one reason there is not much fed and most everything is up a little so that I think times with the farmer may improve and land start up a little
I had a letter from John he seems to have plenty work but he writes a very humble letter and would be very glad to be back on the farm again he sees it all when it is to late but I blamed his wife more then him but what cant be cured has to be endured.
Write soon that I may know how you are all coming on
From your loving Father
Francis Elliot
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son Robert Elliot in California
Delhi 29th Janry 1891
Dear Robert & Friends all I miss your new years letter this year and I have taken it into my head that you must either be sick or something else the trouble so I concluded to write to you again and when you get this you must write immediately and let us know how you are all and what kind of a winter you have in California. this leaves all in good health here at present it is just such a winter as suits me and I have been very well all winter if it was not for Franks bad conduct I would have nothing to annoy me they are all well has another little girl and snowed in for anything I know for I never see him but hears more then I want to.
we have had good sleighing since the 20th Novr it is quite a thaw just now but it may not last long John Wilson & Lizzie are all well and doing all right they have 40 cows and has about the half to come in about new year he says there is more time to milk in winter then summer and better prices for butter if it does take a little more feed the most of the farmers feeds grain all the year anyway he is getting 25 ct pr. lb just now 5 ct pr lb. more then they got for last years butter and James Barthwicks people are all well and building castles in the air as usual. Jamey is always telling folks what he is going to do but he keeps going back all the time aunt Jennie says we can aye pay our interest anyway but they are back this year like a good many you remember
Old Peter Jack Bill Scotts Father in law he has failed just now and poor Bill will be out too it is over ten years since he signed all over to old Peter but how they do I do not know I here he signed all over to Jas. Jack and it will just be another swindle like Smith & Penfield at the Delhi Mills it is nearly one year since they failed and they are still carrying on yet but it is come to a close now they have either to pay 50 ct. on the Dollar of let the Mill & the factory be sold at what they will bring it is thought they will buy them in for it is believed that they have money. Councelor Bell he died about one month ago and has left a lot of property and a good many old people has been taken away this winter. young Jas. Barthwick tired of his place this year and bought a place up Platner Brook above his father and Gurd Dibblre bought it and for my part I would rather have Gurd than Jim he is is a good worker and Hettie Graham his wife is a better care taker & butter maker then James he worked for David Landon 3 or 4 years and could get no wages so he got ten cows when he went on the farm was so much Old Dav is very hard up both in purse and person now do not be long in writing and let us know how all the boys is getting along.
From your affectionate
Francis Elliot
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son Robert Elliot in California
Delhi 23 June 1891
Robert I am ashamed for being so long in answering your kind letter but am not good at writing now it takes me a long time & it tires me very much but it leaves us all in good health and that is the best news I have to send. Jane has had the hooping cough for six weeks but is quite well again. Lizzies folks is all well their little girl is thriving like a weed although she is only getting cow milk they are very busy putting up a new barn they have a very good barn but it is too little he pulled own an old barn stood out in the meadow and thought it would go up again but it was quite decayed and they are making all new it is 50 by 26 feet they want it for a winter stable they think to have part of their cows to come in in the fall it will be better then milking so many in summer when there is so much to do farmers feed about all winter any way now and more time to milk.
Franks folks is all well for anything I know but none of them ever comes near us so I know very little about them they just stay on there and if I keep away they do not come near but if I am spared till fall they will have to leave. I never get anything from him and it is doing them more ill then good the farm is ruined and the buildings is in down coming state and it will not sell for much now they keep a hired man all the time and sometimes two and a woman or two. I went up one time, there was four women in the house one waiting on the children one dressmaker one doing the work and his wife sitting in the midst of them and Frank at one side of the stove and the hired man at the other this was about ten oclock and they sat there till twelve the man went to feed the cattle they did very little but talk about their neighbours so I have never been back it was not only the house but everything about the place a log lying at the door as old Dan Shaw used to do cut their wood as they use it and I do not believe they are ever within a church door. I would have put them away last fall but Homer came and pled on me to let them stay one more year and I again took pity always thinking they would try and do better.
Farmers in general is doing better this year butter was a good price all spring John Wilsons spring butter ranged from 35 ct. down to 22 and they sold very near 700 Dollars worth of butter it is down now to 19 & 20. we have had a fine spring and sumer so far it set in dry first of May cold nights & warm days and grass came early but it got a little to dry & pastures was getting short but on the 17 June rain came on and every thing is looking very well indeed. I had a visit of old John Hogg a week ago they are all well he tells me they sold over 500 Dollars worth of butter this spring. Willie & Jamey was at home and Davie was hired out but they could not agree so Old Meg said she would not stay if Dav did not come home he sent word he would come if the other two would hire out & leave so he came home and hired a man and Jamey his sister and his mother and the two men is milking 35 cows & Johny says they have no trouble now I think he looks as young like as he did ten yeqars ago. Old Wm. Patterson is still alive but is not able to do any work. Jas Mable and Alex Mable is both very old and frail but is in good health. Frank Graham is given up farming and gone to Bovina to live Mary is done for work and they sold their farm to one of Jas. Thompsons boys for about 9000 Dolls. for everything but you will not remember them. we are going to have a wedding Cortland Robison to Miss Egerton, he was a small boy when you went away he is as good at preaching as his father a big strong man he is not placed any where yet but is preaching somewhere on the Hudson River. Jas Barthwick & Aunt Jenney and all their family is all in good health Jamey has been alone all winter & spring as they can not get a man to stay with them he has hired one of the Stewart boys for haying if he stays with them young Will has run away we heard he was in California the last time he was here there was a woman got after him and he had to flee he is a wild bad boy. I think I have given you plenty of news such as they be. hoping by the blessing of God this may find you all well as it leaves us.
Your affectionate
Francis Elliot
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son Robert Elliot in California
Delhi Augt. 7th 1891
Dear Robert & friends
I one more atempt to write you a letter to let you know that we are all well except myself and I have nothing to complain of but my eyes one of them is troubling me very bad and I think it is a little better than it has been it is a sort of inflamation got into it but I think it proceds from the fall I got before I left the farm as my head has never been just right since but old age brings on many infirmities and I ought not to complain. Jennie has been up at Lizxzies nearly 3 weeks helping them to milk for they are always short of hands and hired help has been very high this year in haying but I expect her home tonight they are WORKING to hard up there but they will take no advice till they find it out. If Frank had half of their ambition they would be about right. I supose he is not near done yet but it is only hearsay for I never see him but afar off for he hides if he sees me in the village. I do not know what to do about the old place I am not very able to attend to it myself and to set a lawyer to it they would goble up the whole of it it will not bring much now anyway for it is in a shameful state but he will have to leave before every house about the place will be down as he is doing nothing for it. John did something for the place but Frank does nothing I do not know what his crops are like this year but last year they were not put in to any purpose I was up in oat harvest and the crop was very poor he had planted a few potatoes not half what he should have had and what he did have was not worth diging he had never had a hoe in them and they were out of sight with weeds he had atempted to run the plough through them he ran it through 3 rows one way and stuck so that is a sample of his farming. I get nothing from him and I think it would be better for themselves if they were of it altogether I supose Johns folks is all WORKING and earning wages the last letter he wrote he said Phebe was WORKING someplace at 30 Doll. pr month Frank was earning 2 pr day Elmer was hoeing beans at one Doll. Pr. day he did not say what his own wages was but he got them raised last spring 25 ct. pr day so I think they must be making money fast. I sometimes wonder if he ever thinks of coming home again he wrote to me once as soon as he had as much money he would come back they did not like it there at first perhaps they think more of it now since they are all earning money. I see by the papers Walter has got on for Supervisor in his County I hope he will make a good one now I have few news to write things is all about the old way most of the old folks that you knew is about the old way there was one funeral this week Henry Rockafellow he took the grip and it threw him into consumption
Your affectionate Father
Francis Elliot
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son Robert Elliot in California
Delhi 2nd Nov. 1891
Dear Robert & friends all it is with pleasure I write to you all though I have been a long time about it. I received yours and was glad to see that you was all in good health and all seemingly doing well I hope this chrome mineing may turn out all right but if you are sure of getting the rent of your farm all right I think you will be safe enough. I see by Johns writing that he is doing very well now he has 65 Doll pr month and they all like Call. very well now & Walter has got a good position. I hope he will succeed and be attentive and I do not know about Jas. & Geo. I hope they are steady and doing well I like to hear of you all doing well if we only could get Frank on the right track but he is taking along time to sow his wold oats. John & Lizzie Wilson is away up there today Frank borrowed 250 Doll. of Lizzy when he went on to that place and they have got neither principle nor interest except 4 or 5 young calves John got from him 2 years past. I have not seen him but afar off since spring I hear he has sold his butter as they made it all summer I supose for fear me or someone got a mortgage on it but I will have to turn him off in the spring if I am spared and well he is not only not paying anything on the farm but he is letting the buildings go down and I can not think of going near it, it is 9 years since he first went on to the little place and all the money I have got since is 250 Doll. But what need I trouble you about it you can not help it nor no one else as I see.
James Barthwick and aunt Jenny are all about the old style Old Jamie has had some kind of a Shak his right hand and arm Shakes very bad all the time his is 9 years younger then me but he is about done he wants to sell his farm now after he has put up a new house and barn and every house about the place is new and it is doubtful if he gets much more then he paid for the buildings after WORKING himself about done. young Jim has a little place above them on the same brook and he would like his fathers place none of them has done any more than kept up the interest so if they can live altogether I might do but I don't think they would agree one year they know too much to live together. old Jim owes me 600 Doll if I could get that I would let them fight it out the best way they could .
we have had a fine fall here this year after the wet Oat harvest it set in dry and it is still dry and the springs very low you was asking me if I got any papers from California I get the Santa Maria times but who sends them I do not know I do not know what it costs but is not much account to me although it is improving. you was inviting me to come out to California but there is two difficulties in the way first I do not think I would stand a journey like that very well now although I have been very well for a long time it would try me and tire me both before I reached you I am afraid and the other is the want of means at this time however I have good health and that is the best gift for me better then a ride in the cars so by the blessing of God this leaves us all enjoying good health hoping it will find you all well
your feeling Father
Francis Elliot
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son Robert Elliot in California
Delhi 18th June 1892
Dear Robert and friends
It is with a sory heart that I write you this letter this time my hand shakes so, your sister Lizzie died on Thursday morning at 1/4 past 7 oclock the 16th June after severe suffering for over a week. She had a child just one week old that morning that she died some blames the Dr. for not atending her right but she has complained of a pain in her side for two years back and when there is any pain or weak spot thats where inflamation will start and the weather has been very hot that day she died the thermometer stood 92 in the shade so inflamation siezed on her. all was done that could be done she was sensible until about 20 minutes before she breathed her last she turned a great deal worse on Thursday morning about one oclock they sent down for me. Jenney had been there all the time since she turned so ill and I saw she could not live but a very short time when I went in she said Father what are you doing here as soon in the O she said I see Father I am dieing she was not always so severe pained but her sufferings was very great about half an hour before she died she looked round and told them to bring her babies they brought them and she kissed them both and bad them good bye just as if she had been going on a journey then she looked round and said Father Jenney John all here she said she lay still two or three minutes and said she would like to sit up a little while but could not be lifted she looked straight up for about 3 minutes and said I am dieing it was the last words she spoke. I think she did not know any more nor feel any pain after that.
Franks folks are well is is behaving a great deal better now if he continues. Old J. Barthwick is very hard up it is like as if he had a shoke of palsey all one side is in a shok he can work very little. Jenney is well she is up at John Wilson helping to take care of the two babies for the oldest is only 14 months old her name is Reena Nancie she asked Lizxzie what she wanted the babys name to be she said she wished him to be call Robert Elliot Wilson.
Robert it is a long time since I wrote you the last letter I doubt if you ever got it I directed to that new place of yours I will send this to your old adress and I hope it reachs you all right.
From your affectionate but sorrowful Father
Francis Elliot
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son Robert Elliot in California
I wrote in my first letter about }
the interest due on the not if }
convenient you may send it }
Delhi the 26 October 1892
Dear Robert & friends all
I am still spared to rite you another letter I have been very sick but am a great deal better and am able to be around again when the Dr. examined me between 6 & 7 years ago he thought it was a cancer that was in my stomach but he changed his mind and said it was a tumer or an abcess whatever it was it very near stopped by breath it came up my wind pipe and it was a steady cough I had no time to put it out for two days . I thought every hour would be my last the Dr. said if my lungs had not been sound I could not have stood it I coughed on for over a week and any victuals I could take came all up again so I neither got sleep nor victuals for a week and it has left me very weak but am better and I thank God for his merciful deliverance for a little while longer and for his long suffering mercy to us all. Jennie is quite well again and we have Lizzies oldest child which is a good deal extra work for her for she is not quite walking alone yet it is still fine weather and election is very quiet but there is going to be a great struggle but I think Harrison will get in again. I wrote you a letter a while ago but has got no answer from you I enclosed the note I had against you as I did not wish you to have to pay if I was taken away and I hope you received it all right but if not and it has fallen into the hands of any one else you will know what to do. I am tired and will stop here write soon
Francis Elliot
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son Robert Elliot in California
Delhi 3d Nov. 1893
Dear Robert and friends
I received your letter and am glad to see that you are all enjoying good health which by the blessing of God leaves us all enjoying the same valuable and precious blessing. The day is fixed at last when we are to start on that long tedious journey I have tickets for Tuesday the 14 of Nov and if all goes well we will start. I was out at Binghamton on Wednesday first of the month with Frank he is away to the Keely institute to try and get clear of that craving for drink he seems very anxious to try and I do hope it will be the means of doing him good. he sold all his firkins of butter and he can give account of very little of the money he had 21 Tubs of butter left so I sold that for 25 ct. pr. lb. and as he was willing to go I thought it my duty to go with him. it is situate out side of the city a nice clean place by itself we had to pay down one hundred Dollars for fees and 28 Dolls for board with a few other expenses Railway fare and all will be 135 Dolls. but it will be the best spent money he has spent this long time if it only does him good. I supose it takes the craving entirely away but if they are determined to have it as some is then it is worse than ever. I have to pay 56 Dollars apiece from Delhi but I could not by them at Delhi less then 58 Dolls. I met the passenger agent at Binghamton by chance he gave me a 2 ct. a mile book from Delhi to Bingamton where we get our tickets and the train that comes right through to Los Angles I forgot to ask how long it will take if we are all well it will not matter I will give the rest of the news if we be spared to get there all right
Yours affectionately
Francis Elliot
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son Robert Elliot in California
Delhi 30th Oct. 1894
Dear Robert & friends
I received your welcome letter and am glad to see that you are all well as this leaves us all enjoying the same precious blessing let us thank the giver of all good for all his gifts but we cannot expect good at the hand of the Lord and not evil and we must not frown at his aflictions but bear it patiently seeing that he is able to give or withold at his will. when we are aflicted if we could trace it back we would see that it is often our own doings or neglect at least that is my experience in my long life.
Some way I never had any faith in that chrome business of yours so I am not astonished to hear of its failure but I am sory to think that you have lost so much good time and money in it you can not be very well off indeed I do not see how you get along at all I can not help you any just now but about the first of December I will try and let you have one hundred Dollars and I think it is your best plan to go back on the farm and set the girls to work many a good clever woman works for their living. I was a little disapointed in you and your family when I was out for I thought if I had one in my family that would push their way in the world it was you but go back on the farm and everything may turn out all right if your girls is all at home you will need no other help it is honour to work and a disgrace to be idle when there is necesity for it you are getting up in years and if you do not save a little now when are you going to do it as old age will be upon you and what then. My only ambition was when we came to America to be able to pay every man his own and keep out of the poor house you may think I am a little severe but it is the truth. Walter Barthwick has left his farm sold butter and stock and implements and has not paid any interest this year and how the law alows such conduct I do not know he is over on the Beaverkill just now visiting his wifes friends he says he is going to Alabama but where he will go is a mystery he is a regular scamp. I hope he will not come to California Jack and him used to be great friends. old James B. is very unable to work it would been a good for Walt but he would not let him have it he says he would rob his father as soon as he would the Ogilvies
Frank is given up drinking I think but he is away the half of his time and his wife along with him if she would stop at home it would not be so bad but everything is left to the hired man he sold his Firkins just as he made them all summer to keep them in readie money and if he does not stop he will be as bad as Walt B I will stop now I have not many news to write that is interesting
Your affectionate Father
Francis Elliot
Letter from Francis Elliot in Delhi, NY to his son Robert Elliot in California
Delhi 6th Febry 1896
Dear Robert Elliot
I have been very long in answering your letter I have not been very well all fall but I am better and my hand does not shake near so bad. our friends is all well except Old Jas. Barthwick he is in a very bad state he can not stand nor sit still one moment but when he is asleep and then all is quiet he can not live long in the state he is in.
John Wilson is married again to David Courys oldest daughter I have not seen her since they were married if she is only kind to Lizzies two children it was the best thing he could do she is over forty years old so she is not likely to have any of her own, and about Franks folks they are all well and just sticking on there he has not paid one Dollar this last year and I have got one hundred Dollars for the last 3 years I have a Chattle motgage on his stock and I threatened to foreclose now he comes to me and says if I will give up the C. Morgage to T. Johnston Butend will buy it and raise 800 Dollars which is due for interest I do not know what to do. Cows if going to be high this spring Tom will but the morgage and as soon as he sees he can get two or 3 hundred more he will sell him out he is just such a man and I do not know what to do if he is sold out. I do not know what is to become of them there is four children it is them I am vexed about they sold their butter last year as they made it I told him the money would go as it came no he would put it in the bank and at new year he was trying to borrow money to pay his taxes there was some weeks last summer they were 4 & 5 times at
The rest of this letter is missing, this is the last letter I have from Francis Elliot. Francis Elliot died November 1, 1899.