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Bartley Henderson Letter, 1875

Letter from Bartley Henderson, Drumacrutten Monaghan, [Ireland] to his cousins in Morning Sun, Des Moines County, Iowa. The Uncle William Henderson mentioned in the letter, arrived with his brother Robert from Ireland. Both men settled in Meredith, Delaware County, N.Y. In 1853, William and his family resettled in Yellow Springs Township, Des Moines County, Iowa.

Spelling and punctuation are as they appear in the letter. --Evelyn Henderson O'Connell - posted to this website August 3, 2011

23rd Aug 1875
My Dear Cousins
I address you both by the same appellation as I believe you both stand in the same relationship to us, as Husband and wife are one I have been wondering no little that I have had no communication from you this past 10 or 11 months. I do not know the date of my last note but perhaps it did not come to hand for there were a great many ship wrecks at the time. We were all very sorry to hear of the death of Uncle William. But let us cherish the fond hope that those dear ones who have a vacancy the Family circle are only gone before for a short while for shortly we all must follow & I trust we are all living in this world as if each day was our last. How many pass from the Stage of time Yet how few seem prepared to accept of the call and enter the Heaven of Safety.Safe in the Arms of Jesus. I can bear but a faint remembrance of Uncle William. He used to take me on his Knee & talk about to me about the things I was learning at school.I looked upon him then as an old man. What a great Blessing it is when we are spared to such an old age as he arrived at that the Lord blesses us with such a measure of health and strength as he enjoyed & the faculty of reason & of memory even to the last. Nearly all William's acquaintances are passed from this world the only ones now living are John and James Sullivan both very old men. I suppose you have heard him speak of some of them. You make mention of a young man from Monaghan going to see you who knew me. Well, I think very few young people could leave Monaghan without being able to say something about me for between teaching in the Model School & also in the Sabbath School I became acquainted with a great many. There was a young man the name of Joseph Robinson who left here & who I think happened to be to see some of you but the account was so vague there was little satisfaction. I could not tell you the extreme happiness it would be to hear from you or your wife & Family regularly Father's & Uncle Hugh's address is Leagh Monaghan They are all well. But you could not get them induced to get the Family photograph taken. I would feel very much obliged if you would send me one of yours & I'll be very happy to send you one in return. We have 2 Boys & one girl in our Family. They are all well. Father & all the rest join in sending their Love to you both.

P.S. Please write soon & give us all the information possible relative to the crops. Bartley Your afft Cousin

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a service of the Delaware County Historical Association located at 46549 State Highway 10, Delhi, NY 13753

Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger