
Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site

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Hardcopy submitted by Shirley Houck, electronic text by Joyce Riedinger, September 24, 2000

An inventory of rents in lease of fee, one or more lives or for a term exceeding twenty one years . The rents are payable by the following persons to E.D. Hunter the person entitled to become the same, and we assess the rents in the following to the heirs of E.D. Hunter Deceased

           [Renter]         Price    Rent     (Renter]             Rent    Price
         Bartram, Uriah P    31.97   456.72   Scott, Thomas        36.13   516.14
         Bouton, Betsy       23.50   335.71   Preston, Ezekil       6.50   235.71
         Bouton, Zalmon L.   19.67   281.00   Miller, Nicholas     23.88   341.14
         Bookhout, Tall & Geo 9.75   137.85   Griffin, Joseph      27.00   385.71
         Bookhout, Jim       26.50   378.57   Stratton, A.W.       13.13   187.57
         Beers, Danil G      19.24   274.85   Hinckley, Fphraim    38.08   544.00
         Burrough, C A       17.68   257.60   More, Richard         3.50    50.00
         Burrough, Curtis     6.12    87.55   Sandford, John V     13.50   192.86
         Keator, George      20.50   292.85   Cotterpaugh, Fred      .28     4.00
         Keator, Hiram       20.88   296.28   Stratton, Jason W    12.50   178.57
         Coon, Isaac.        10.06   143.71   Smith, Robert        28.57   408.14
         Corbin, Sam T       18.75   267.85   Meeker, Ada & Orrin   8.13   116.14
         Carroll, Sam B      21.28   304.00   Keator, Thos. B       6.75    96.43
         Chase , Nathan      29.35   419.2*   Travis , Etheil      10.75   153.14
         Bouton, Corbin T    24.00   342.85   Tyler, Irvine        16.38   234.00
         Dart, Nelson K        .63     9.00   Thompson, Andrew     33.06   472.28
         Fuller, Lewis A     19.56   279.42   Underwood, Danl      21.75   310.75
         Fuller, Widow Cyrus 11.56   165.14   Erkson, John A       23.36   333.71
         Hill, Arnold        15.98   228.28   Pullings, David      10.00   142.85
         Ingalls, Robert.    24.38   348.28   Whipple, A G         16.38   234.00
         Harlie, John & Mat  40.31   575.85   Thompson, Jas H      25.40   362.85
         Keator, Jacob C      9.00   128.57                             
         Shout, Saml B       12.00   171.45                              11679.61
                                              *covered by ink blob 
                               Rents reserved as aforesaid to E Satterlee & F. Borgh

         Falkner, Thos 3d       37.87   541.00
         Earles, Nathan P        8.20   117.14
         Jenkins, Samuel         9.20   131.44
         Schermerhorn, William  20.15   287.85
         Keator, Charles W      37.90   541.44
         Kilpatrick, George     43.38   619.71
                      Rents reserved as aforesaid to the estate of Barnet Cole deceased

         Mead, Erastus            14.95   213.57
         Wilson, Robt F           19.50   278.57
         Van Valkenburgh, Hiram P  9.40   134.28
         Mead, David              27.00   385.71
         Morse, Levi              20.00   285.71
         Ballard, Asa              9.80   140.00
                               Rents reserved as aforesaid to Miss Duane
         Griffin, Teman            9.00   128.57

                               Rents Reserved as aforesaid to W______

         Sturgis, George          16.80   240.00
         Booth Daniel             13.50   196.42
                               Rents Reserved as aforesaid to John T. More deceased

         Hannah, Thomas            5.00    71.42

                               Rents Reserved as aforesaid to John L More

         Harley, Charles           7.00   100.00
                               Rents Reserved as aforesaid to A D Crary

         Bircham, Robert          14.00   200.00
    p 3                        Rents reserved as aforesaid to Wm W More

         Bircham, Robert          11.38   162.57
                               Rents reserved as aforesaid to Edward J Burhans

        Griffin, Joseph            4.50   blank
        Crispell, John            20.00     "
        Davis, David              10.80     "
        Underwood, Danl T          5.00     "
        Older, Seymour W          40.40     "
        Sherwood, James           23.62     "
        Sloat, Robt D             43.58     "
        Aiken, Gilbert H          13.90     "
        Mead, David                5.37     "
        Mark, Stephen             12.40     "
        More, Jas E               17.25     "
                                 196.82     "

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a service of the Delaware County Historical Association located at 46549 State Highway 10, Delhi, NY 13753

Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger