
Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site

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Submitted by Carolee Inskeep, November 13, 2006

Reta L. Elwood kept a Birthday Book in which she listed the names and birthdays of about 120 friends and relatives who lived in the Walton area.

Although the book does not contain a year of publication, it does contain the inscription "Reta L. Elwood from Miss Kilpatrick." Reta was born in 1914, so the book entries were made after that time. The title page reads: "The Longfellow Birthday Book: A Daily Text Book of Choice Selections from H. W. Longfellow. Made in the U.S.A. Chicago. M.A. Donohue & Co. 701-733 Dearborn Street." The book is 3.5" wide and 4.5" tall.

The birthdays are arranged in the book by day-of-the-month. They are arranged here alphabetically, by surname, for ease of research. Reta's notes are also included. This is an example of what the entries look like.

Additionally, there are two news clippings inside the book:

The first is undated and reads: "On Wednesday evening over fifty neighbors and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Elwood of East brook for a surprise reception. After several informal games the bride and groom were blindfolded while packages showered around them from all sides which they were requested to open. These gift packages contained hand painted china, silver, pyrex, aluminum, mahogany candlesticks, cut glass, towels, blankets and other useful articles. A delicious luncheon was served, consisting of salads, pickles, sandwiches, cake, coffee and cocoa. Soon after the lunch the guests departed with many good wishes for the long life, happiness and prosperity for the happy young couple."

The second is dated "1965" and contains two obituaries pasted together: "GRANGER. In RD 1, Mt. Upton, George Gilbert Granger of Mt. Upton, aged four months. GEORGE GILBERT GRANGER. George Gilbert Granger, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Granger of Mt. Upton RD 1, died unexpectedly Saturday, Apr. 24, 1965, at his home. Private funeral services were held Sunday at 2 in C. H. Landers chapel, Sidney, Rev. Charles K. Root, pastor of Mt. Upton Methodist church officiating. Burial was in Walton cemetery. The child was born in Sidney, Dec. 14, 1964, the son of Donald and Anna (Schultes) Granger. He is survived by his parents, four sisters, Coral, 7; Brenda, 6; Dawn and Robin, 1; his paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Granger; maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Decker; and a great-grandmother, Mrs. Jennie Granger, all of Walton." --Carolee Inskeep, November 13, 2006

BIRTHDAY               NAME                    RETA'S NOTES

July 26                - Robert
May 30                 ALEXANDER, Veda         1915
July 10                BAILEY, Gertrude        1914
May 26                 BARNHART, Mildred       1913
March 19               BATES, Vida
January 11             BENNETT, Aunt Anna
January 20             BENNETT, Louise         1901
November 8             BENNETT, Robert E.      1867
March 15               BENNETT, Vera           1897
November 4             BONNEFORD, Mazie E.      '13
September 23           BRUNDEGE, Orra M.       1911
March 17               BURGHART, George
February 1             BURTON, Mr. Edward
February 2             BURTON, Mrs. Edward
October 8              BUTLER, Charlotte        1913
March 6                BUTLER, Dorothy          1914
August 30              CARPENTER, Mrs. Rachel   1854
June 1                 CHARLES, Jack            1916
November 20            CHARLES, Margaret
August 31              DAG, Barbara Ann         1935
February 10            DAG, Harland
October 16             DAVIS, Mrs. William
May 26                 DEARIE, Bill
November 25            DEBUS, Linda Granger
November 26            ELMORE, Gertrude
December 1             ELWOOD, Douglas Ramon    1926. ("1929" crossed out)
May 26                 ELWOOD, Grandfather      1828.  Aug. 30, 1902.
December 13            ELWOOD, Hildred E. Haynes
March 2                ELWOOD, Jean Elizabeth
October 31             ELWOOD, L. Reta (sic)    1914
July 28                ELWOOD, Lloyd
November 5             ELWOOD, Mrs. Louisa      1848.  Died Sept. 20, 1929
November 28            ELWOOD, Margaret
July 22                ELWOOD, Marjorie S.      1898.  1931 ("1929" crossed out)
October 17             ELWOOD, Aunt Mary        1867
December 29            ELWOOD, Rexford Robin    1900
September 23           ELWOOD, Robert Rexford   1931
June 7                 ELWOOD, W. Ramon         1902
October 12             ELWOOD, Mr. Wm. H., Jr.  1875
June 26                ETNER, Robert            1912
January 9              FISH, Mr. Claude
June 27                FISH, Miss Linda Elwood
September 24           GALLUP, Grandma
June 12                GRANGER, Allen
April 1                GRANGER, Donald Eugene   1939
March 8                GRANGER, George F.
November 1             GRANGER, Mrs. George F.
September 20           GRANGER, Gilbert         1913
November 7             GRANGER, Melba Ann       1934.  1990-1934=56
August 4               GRANGER, Mrs. Oliver     1865
October 18             HAMMOND, Katherine       1915
June 24                HAWKINS, Evelyn          1917
February 27            HENDERSON, Mary Cathrine
February 14            HESSINGER, Gary
March 20               HOUCK, Charlotte         1913
May 23                 HOWES, Marion            1908
September 27           HOWES, Millie            1914
March 18               HOWLAND, Agnes
June 20                HOWLAND, Catherine
February 21            HOWLAND, Janette
November 18            HOWLAND, Mrs. Ray
November 20            HOWLAND, Ward            1900
March 2                JONES, Barbara Ann
May 1                  JONES, Gladys
April 8                JONES, Marjorie
November 28            JONES, Paul
September 29           JONES, W. Elwood         1901
September 11           KILPATRICK, Margaret                    
January 19             LINDSLEY, Bob
November 30            LOCKWOOD, Maud
September 14           MacGIBBON, Virginia D.    '14
April 6                McADAMS, Elmer W.        1907.  "1935" crossed out.
January 10             McADAMS, Mrs. Frances B. 1915-1935
May 19                 McCLENTHON, Aleck
February 25            MERRITT, Mrs. A. J.
December 31            MERRITT, Ansel J.        1885
October 6              MERRITT, Catharine       1909
September 21           MERRITT, Charles O.      1845.  Feb. 14, 1899
November 28            MERRITT, Cora R.         1876
January 24             MERRITT, Aunt Eva A.     1878.  Died Mar. 16, 1912
November 19            MERRITT, John            1880
August 29              MERRITT, Viola           1882.  Died Nov. 25, 1918
April 29               MERRITT, Walter O.       1911
July 31                MICHAEL, Helen E.        1931, friend
October 15             MOFFETT, Aunt Rachel     1854.  Died 1928.
May 17                 MONROE, Mrs. Earl        1913  (Grace Mullinnex)
September 11           MORE, Andrew             1901
January 30             MORE, Emma               1864
March 2                MORE, Herman L.          1857
April 7                MORE, Hattie Ruoff       1905
January 29             MORE, Verna Ruoff        1907
September 18           MORE, William E.         1889-1938 (?)
March 23               O'MALLON, Cathrine       1924
March 17               O'MALLON, George C.
May 7                  O'MALLON, Madeline       1922
February 5             O'MALLON, Cousin Madeline Merritt
April 5                PALMATIER, Inez          1916
March 15               PALMER, Elizabeth        1918
December 8             PALMIERI, Viola
July 21                RAPPLEYEA, Fenton
January 29             RHINDBECK, George        1935
November 22            RINSMA, Christina
June 12                ROSA, Mrs. Elizabeth Shaw
March 26               ROSENFELD, Tom
May 1                  ROWELL, Helen L.         1915
September 17           SHAW, Elis
August 29              SHAW, Mrs. Lida          1872. 1937.
November 2             SIGNOR, Miles
July 26                SHIELDS, Evelyn Jane     1913
May 12                 SMITH, Elliett
July 8                 SMITH, Everett
August 28              SMITH, M. Vera
May 27                 SMITH, Mary Louise Elwood  1905
November 28            STERN, Eleanor
September 19           STEVENS, Marjorie         1914
September 24           TUCKER, Florence          1915                    
May 4                  TWADELL, Aileen           1914
March 3                TWADELL, Russell          1912
April 15               TWEEDIE, Ada E.           1897
July 3                 TWEEDIE, Stupe
December 21            WILSON, Douglas Hobart    1932
October 31             WILSON, Howard
October 3              WRIGHT, Helen             1914

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Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger