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from Downsville News Column March 27, 1919
The column from front page entitled "SIXTEEN YEARS AGO" [1903]
Some Things Noted That Now Seem Srange, and Some Things That Are of Interest Jan. 2--Arney and Harvey Liddle drew a load of Stove wood from their home on the Tub Mill road to the village. The load contained five cords and weighed six tons. Jan. 2--Thomas E. White had three ribs broken by the overturning of a load of hay. Jan. 7--Harvey Hawley killed a 20 lb. wildcat at Rock Eddy point. Jan. 7--Emery Jenkins of Union Grove rents Odd Fellows telephone line for a period of three years. Jan. 15-- Mrs. Theron Scott, totally blind, operated upon at Albany hospital and cataracts removed. Jan. 15-- Eggs sold in Downsville for 15 cents a doz.; pork for 12 cents per pound; potatoes-80 cents per bushel, and very scarce; wood for $1.50 per cord. Jan. 15--Output of Downsville creamery 400 pounds of butter a day; patrons received 32 cents for December butter fat. Jan. 14--Mr. and Mrs.George Gregory celebrate 30th anniversary of wedding and get $30 worth of presents. Jan. 14--Willie Garrison, while skating on river at East Branch, breaks through ice and drowns. Jan. 28--New iron bridge at Shinhopple, spanning river is completed. Jan. 9--While WORKING in a quarry at Fish's Eddy, Leroy Eberlin is instantly killed by dynamite blast and temporarily buried under three feet of earth. Jan. 13-- Tree 70 feet in height and 31/2 feet in diameter cut on Wesley Signor farm in Telford Hollow. Jan. 21--Death of Mrs. Peter Disbrow, Brock Mt., aged 68. Jan. 24--Death of L. R. Williams, Downsville, aged 87. Feb. 3--Cows averaged $29.50 at Flynn auction, Pepacton. Feb. 1--Henry Finnegan of Harvard, aged 54, drowned in river at East Branch. Feb. 10-- Marriage of Miss Mary Isabel Sutton and John Lakin, at Long Flat. Feb. 11--Surprise party for George S. Holmes--his 22nd birthday. Recives a purse of money. Feb. 13--Death of Samuel Wilson, bachelor, aged 70. Feb. 12, 13 and 14--Receipts from "Hick'ry Farm" drama for benefit of band. $100; band gets $52. Feb. 15-- Death of Mrs. John Frazier, aged 54. Feb. 26--The sum of $1,300 is raised to hold fair at Downsville. Feb. 26-- Patrons of Downsville creamery receive 28 cents per pound for January butter fat. Feb. 26--County Treasurer Hugh Adair's name forged to a note of $30,000. Gay Charlie Woodruff involved. Feb 26-- Marriage of George W. Hulbert and Edith VanDusen. Feb. 26--marriag of I. R. Young and Bertha Tompkins of Downsville at Walton. Mar. 3- Cows averaged $32, potatoes 91c. and hens 45c. at Harley Bogart' auction. Mar. 5--F. W. Odwell signs to play ball with Chicago-American team. Mar. 9--E.R. and W.L. Bell, private bankers at Delhi, file petition in bankruptcy. Mar. 27--Death of William Christie, Huntley Hollow, aged 68. Mar. 30--Marriage of Frank Parks and Myrtle Fuller, also Albert Fuller and Hila Spencer. March-During this month Walter Baxter and Amos Gregory chop- ped and piled 125 1/2 cords of acid wood, making a pile 1,004 feet long. Apr.15-- Death of Mrs. J.A. Harrington of Horton. Apr.15-- Work on Gregory Hollow telephone began. Apr. 15-- Death of Mrs. William law, aged 65. May 14--george W. Hulbert, in case tried before Judge Sewell, at Delhi, wins $500 damages in suit against town of Colchester. May 22-- J. S. Hubbell's saw mill burned at East Branch. Loss $1,800. May 26--Marriage of George S. Holmes and Margaret Shaver. Seventy guests present. May 26--Two-year old son of Isaac alen of Pepacton drinks carbolic acid and dies. May 14--Order of Eastern star organized in Downsville with nine charter members. June 3--Marriage of Robert Neff and Eva Gregory, also Revilo Signor and Edna Gavett. June 14-- Marriage of Albert Laraway and Frank Williams. June 25--Daily output of butter at Downsville creamery, 2,500 lbs. July 2-- Andrew, Frank and Jacob Lown of Gregory Hollow arrested by Officer Jones for stealing can of milk and chickens from Elmer Aikens. Andrew settled. July 25--The 10-year-old son of Bert Babcock burned to death when Mcumber house near Horton is consumed by fire. Aug. 26--Death of G.S. Sackett, aged 54. Aug. 29--Charles Miller, aged 26, while intoxicated, is drowned in Beaverkill at elk Brook. Sept. 13--Death of John S. White, aged 69. Sept. 26--John Cunningham's house on Holliday's Brook consumed by fire. Sept. 26-- Death of George R. Howard, aged 79. Sept. 28-- Death of O.M. Anderson, aged 39. Oct. 5-- Hubbell hotel, Arena, burglarized and $120 in cash taken. Oct. 15--Big flood in East Branch and much damage done by high water all along the valley. Oct. 19--Marriage of Emerson Shaver and Lillian Hulbert. Nov. 3-- Colchester goes Democratic by large vote and for license by 57 majority. Nov. 29--Emeline Hitt house in Telford Hollow consumed by fire. Dec. 8--Ernest Rowe badly injured while hunting. Accidentally shot by own gun. Dec. 9--Death of Mrs. S. O. Shaver, Pepacton, aged 75. Dec. 27--Death of Mrs. E. A, Crispell, aged 79. I have checked and all spellings are as printed in paper. If you want to delete all the references to butter, etc., it is fine wih me. Submitted by Jane Flannery, Janurary 10, 2008
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