
Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site

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Delaware House

Hotel Delaware

This house is newly built, well furnished, and is finely adapted for the summer boarding business. The rooms are all light, airy and comfortable, and there are roomy verandas. House has baths and sanitary plumbing and modern conveniences. The House is but a short distance from the Beaverkill and Delaware Rivers, both noted for their fine fishing, and where the boating and bathing are excellent.

The table of the Delaware House is well supplied, and is a feature enjoyed by all. Good service at all times. The house is within good reach of post office, stores, churches, and railroad depot. House accomdates 25 guests. Three daily mails from New York enable one to keep in close touch with the affairs of the metropolis.

Delaware House is an admirable retreat for city people during the summer months. The country is mountainous, the scenery grand and the climate healthy. The O. & W. furnishes excellent train service from New York, the fare from that city to East Branch being $3.04.
No Hebrews or consumptives taken.
For further information address
East Branch, N.Y.

East Branch, N.Y.

is situated near the junction of the Beaverkill and Delaware rivers, and is in one of the most beautiful valleys in the state. The Village has 400 population; two churches, Baptist and Methodist, an excellent school and up-to-date stores. The river scenery is picturesque, and the bass fishing fine. Many small streams, such as Baxter Brook, Trout Brook and Read's Creek, empty into the river, and in the trout season, fishermen have a fine opportunity to display their skill. All of the streams are well stocked.

Baker's Eddy, East Branch, N.Y.

The mountains in the vicinity of East Branch are heavily timbered and during the fall, partridges and rabbits are numerous and the hunting is excellent. A point of interest is the fire observation tower situated on the highest mountain in this section, overlooking several counties in New York and Pennsylvania.

From Hill Above the Maples, East Branch, N.Y.

Beaverkill Point

submitted by --Ada Prill, June 27, 2005 (The booklet is undated)

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a service of the Delaware County Historical Association located at 46549 State Highway 10, Delhi, NY 13753

Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger