Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site
Deaths occurring during the year ending June 1, 1875
Native= County, State or Country of Birth
C= civil condition; M is married; S is single; W is widowed
HK for trade is housekeeper
Some of these names were difficult to read. I tried to cross check the names I was unsure of with other census records, however, it was not always possible to do this. I did the best I could with the spellings. I would like to thank Shirley Houck of the Delaware County Clerk's Office for her assistance. --Clarence Putman, December 2004
Town of Andes-1st Election District
Name Age Sex Date C Native Trade Cause Death
Jenette Ada Taylor 6 F 4/3 NY Scarlet Fever
William David Taylor 4 M 3/30 NY Scarlet Fever
James Black Taylor 2 7/12 M 4/28 NY Scarlet Fever
John Whitson 83 M 2/27 Scotland Farmer Inflamation
Of Lungs
Maude Benjamin 1 9/12 F 11/22 Del. County Inflamation
Of Brain
Benjamin Conner 63 M 10/8 Del. Farmer General
County Debility
Christina Miller 70 F 10/20 Germany Inflamation
Of Bowels
Town of Andes-2nd Election District
Name Age Sex Date C Native Trade Cause Death
Seely E Washburn 54 M 4/14 M NY Farmer Consumption
Mercy R Baker 67 F 1/20 W NY HK Consumption
Samuel B Shaver 51 M 3/2 M NY Farmer Found Dead
John Smith 63 M 3/5 M NY Farmer Unknown
Elizabeth Barnhart 58 F 8/26 M NY HK Inflamation
Sarah Shaver 71 F 1/3 M NY HK Rupture &
Adam Finkle 65 M 7/4 M NY Farmer Lung Disease
James Seath 74 M 10/19 M Scotland Farmer Bright Disease
Jessie Miner 18 F 1/11 M NY HK Spinal Fever
Town of Bovina
Name Age Sex Date C Native Trade Cause Death
Jas. Archibald 31 M 9/20 M NY Farmer Liver Complaint
Morris S Reynolds 63 M 3/29 W NY None Bright Disease
Phebe McCune 80 F 5/11 W NY None Billious Fever
Bartholamew McFarland 72 M 1/28 M NY Black Kidney and Liver
Smith Disease(Combined)
Hugh Leagan 31 M 11/5 M NY Teamster Typhoid Fever
Town of Colchester-North of the East Branch of the Delaware River
Name Age Sex Date C Native Trade Cause Death
Jacob Fuller 62 M 10/3 M NY Farmer Erysipeles
Minerva Hurd 76 W 4/23 W Conn. ---- Infirmities of age
Erastus Fuller 44 M 2/20 M NY Farm Inflamation of
Laborer the lungs
Infant 1/12 F 3/7 S NY ---- Inflamation of
The bowels
Esther Ryant 76 F 5/23 W NY HK Inflamation of
The lungs
Mary P Baker 23 F 4/20 M NY ---- Consumption
Rhoda Vail 1/12 F 11/19 S NY ---- Inflamation of
The lungs
John McArthur 70 M 10/5 W Scotland Farmer Infirmities of age
Timothy Fuller 22 M 5/8 S NY Farm Consumption
Elinor J Bogart 39 F 3/23 M NY Toll? Consumption
George Sickler 50 M 6/15 M NY Farmer Stomach Cancer
John N Elwood 21 M 7/2 S NY School Killed by a tree
Teacher falling on him
Marcelia Finn 76 F 11/29 M Ireland ---- Infirmities of age
George H Fuller 43 M 4/27 M NY Black Typhoid Fever
Conklin Washburn 49 M 7/25 M NY Lumberman Inflamation on the
Hirman Fuller 70 M 12/26 M NY Farmer Appopsley
Isabella C Montgomery 57 F 3/6 M Scotland ---- Dropsy
Rebecca Fuller 38 F 6/29 M NY ---- Inflamation of the
Ann Bassett 35 F 9/12 M NY ---- Typhoid Fever
Nettie Knapp 2 3/12 F 2/24 S NY Inflamation on the
Benjamin P Bogart 46 M 6/30 M NY Lumberman Killed by a tree
Falling on him
Henderson Fuller 10/12 M 4/17 S NY ---- Inflamation on the
Town of Colchester-South of the East Branch of the Delaware River
Name Age Sex Date C Native Trade Cause Death
Jane Disbrow 78 F 7/23 M Putman ---- ----
Ebin Jennings 23 M 8/10 M Delaware Farmer Hart
Daniel Campbell 70 M 11/4 M Scotland Farmer ----
Pheby Campbell 70 F 12/9 M Delaware ---- ----
Liddy Bontton 1 3/12 F 11/8 S Delaware ---- ----
Conklin Washburn 56 M 8/5 M Delaware Mill Hand ---
Anna M Cochram 62 F 2/3 M Schoharie ---- Hart
Stephen Russell 43 M 5/1 M Delaware Farmer ----
Charles Knox 24 M 9/8 S Sulivan Mill Hand ----
Hellen J Jagger 28 F 2/26 M Mass. ---- Consumtion
Sarah Barnhat 62 F 12/24 M Delaware ---- Dropsy
Pheby Gregory 79 F 5/6 W Delaware ---- ----
James Merrill 1/12 M 3/18 S Delaware ---- Chicken Pox
Cathrin Fuller 48 F 11/22 S NY ---- Consumtion
Elya Hendrson 71 F 6/13 M Scotland ---- Dropsy
Town of Davenport-1st Election District
Name Age Sex Date C Native Trade Cause Death
Nancy McLaury 58 F 2/14 M NY HK Cancer or tumor
Wife of Geo. H McLaury on Liver
John Wright 16 M 9/12 S NY None Rheumation of Heart
Charles Hillis 1 1/12 M 3/14 S NY None Croup
Son of David
Delcina Blake 18 F 2/5 S NY None Consumption
Frank Sherman 1 8/12 M 4/21 S NY None Measels
Son of Elbridge
Smith Gordon 43 M 2/14 M NY Retired Intemperance
Hotel Keeper
Thomas H Oliver 25 M 8/30 M NY Farmer Consumption
Nellie Pierce 1 6/12 F 1/28 S NY None Croup following
Daughter of Benjamin measels
Cora May Pierce 1 7/12 F 1/22 S NY None Congestion of lungs
Daughter of John S following measels
Cora May Elwell 1 1/12 F 3/22 S NY None Scarlet Fever
Daughter of Julius
Sabun Crandall 54 M 1/1 M NY Farmer Dyspepsia
Philip Becker 63 M 3/6 W NY Farmer Billious Pneumonia
Town of Davenport-2nd Election District
Name Age Sex Date C Native Trade Cause Death
Jessie? A Blakely 23 F 9/20 M NY HK Bilious Fever
Lydia I White 7/12 F 6/2 S NY Chronic Bronchitis
Daniel Bemas 23 M 6/7 M NY Day Laborer Drowned
Nancy Humprhry 89 F 10/17 W Ireland Old Age
Henry Osterhout 81 M 3/16 M NY Retired Farmer Old Age
Charlotte Shaver 67 F 4/22 M NY HK Inflamation on lungs
Daniel Young 79 M 5/21 W NY Retired Farmer Old Age
William C Miller 66 M 5/23 M NY Farmer -----
Alcina Polmateer 21 F 5/28 M NY HK Appolexy
Elizabeth Evans 56 F 9/22 M NY HK Water on brain
Clarisa Schermerhorn 86 F 9/6 W NY Old Age
Polly Polmateer 65 F 1/21 M NY HK Dropsy
Adelbert Butts 9 M 1/23 S NY Inflamation
Town of Delhi-1st Election District
Name Age Sex Date C Native Trade Cause Death
Frankie Harder 5/12 M 8/20 S NY Congestion of Brain
James Cavir 92 M 4/11 W NY Farmer
Hugh Clark 68 M 8/10 M Scotland Farmer Congestion of Lungs
John Lambrech 8/12 M 5/31 S NY Inflamation of lungs
Alvid Burdick 68 F 11/12 M NY
Grove Webster 84 M 4/19 W Conn. Farmer Congestion of Lungs
Elizabeth Young 60 F 6/5 M Scotland Complaint Bowel
Mathew Dagg 23 M 11/20 S Scotland Farmer Fall from a Scafold
Purdence Fisher 79 F 6/19 W NY Infirmities of Age
Harriett Bennett* 22 F 2/2 M NY Consumption(Tubercular)
Jonathan Knapp 70 M 12/11 M Conn. Farmer
Mary Wheeler 17 F 5/20 S NY Consumption(Tubercular)
Ebenezer F Hutson 56 M 12/26 M NY Merchant Consumption(Tub.)
Cyrus Carrington 56 M 8/11 W NY Tin Smith Heart Disease
Curanice Flowers 73 F 12/27 M NY Typhoid Pneumonia
Charles Nicoll 2/12 M 12/11 S NY Whooping Cough
Town of Delhi-2nd Election District
Name Age Sex Date C Native Trade Cause Death
Margarett Oliver 67 F 9/12 M Scotland Consumption(Hemonhage)
Alice Patterson 20 F 3/28 S NY Inflamation of Spine
Samuel Gordon 80 M 2/14 W Scotland Farmer Paralysis
Mary L Jack 28 F 1/31 M NY Brights Disease of
Robert Wight 51 M 3/7 M NY Farmer Inflamation of Lungs
John McKnee 67 M 4/24 M NY Farmer Cancer in Stomach
Jacob Rowe 84 M 7/15 W NY Shoemaker Apoplexy
James Brown 76 M 2/8 W Scotland Farmer Brights Disease of
Peter Niver 60 M 2/22 M NY Farmer
Delsena Blake 17 F 2/5 S NY
Rachel McNaughton 94 F 1/31 W Ireland Infirmities of Age
John Redman 75 M 2/23 W NY Farmer Rupture
Jefferson Jackson 66 M 1/11 S NY Farmer Inflamation(Congestion)
Philip Odell 88 M 1/29 W NY Carpenter Inflamation
(Congestion) Lungs
Lydia Hablensack 51 F 4/8 S NY
George Plingh 56 M 1/7 W NY Farmer Inflamation
(Congestion) Lungs
Alexander Smith 68 M 12/13 S Holland Sailor Disease of Heart
Lewis McKnee 80 M 4/23 W NY Farmer
Elizabeth Carrington 77 F 9/20 W NY
Lucinda Peak 75 F 2/3 S NY
Phoebee Davis 84 F 2/14 W NY Infirmities of Age
Lorenzo Kniskern 47 M 1/26 M NY Cooper Tumor on Brain
Agnes N Gildg?(Gilday)86 F 5/1 S Scotland Pelvic Peritonitis
James B Malden 28 M 9/28 M Scotland Commerical Typhoid Fever
Helen Easton 29 F 7/18 M NY Paralysis
Infant daughter 1/12 F S NY
Of F.A. Browne
Lydia f Payne 43 F 2/4 M NY Consumption(Tuberculas)
Town of Franklin-1st Election District
Name Age Sex Date C Native Trade Cause Death
William H Noble 53 M 11/24 M Conn. Merchant Congestion of Lung
Ebenezer Hanford 85 M 1/8 W Conn. Shoemaker Diabetes
Alice Murphy 14 F 3/23 S Delaware Billious fever
John Mollar 87 M 5/20 W England Farmer Infirmities of age
James R Cobine 66 M 3/26 M Ireland Farmer Apoplexy
Charles E Barnes 21 M 2/22 M Delaware Farmer Billious Fever
James A Malloy 16 M 9/13 S Delaware Farmer Typhoid Fever
Betsey Parmer 83 F 11/23 W Conn. Infirmities of age
Thomas Middleton 69 M 3/5 S Scotland Merchant Consumption
Augusta Chamberlain 32 F 5/30 M Delaware Erysipelas
Stephen Hine 51 M 2/24 M Delaware Merchant Rupture near heart
George W Briggs 52 M 10/16 M Maine Teacher Diabates
Olin Allen 85 F 5/20 W Conn. Congestion of Lungs
Alma Root 72 F 3/19 W Delaware Apoplexy
Mary White 68 F 10/1 M Delaware Typhoid Fever
Otis White 73 M 10/8 W Delaware Farmer Typhoid Fever
William Watters 66 M 7/31 M Delaware Merchant Apoplexy
Erastus Burdick 63 M 11/13 M Delaware Miller Dropsey about lungs
Town of Franklin-2nd & 3rd Election Districts
Name Age Sex Date C Native Trade Cause Death
Eleanor Cook 73 F 11/15 W Delaware Inflamation of lungs
Arthur G Knapp 3 5/12 M 1/11 Delaware Erysipelas
Effie E Wheat 9 F 3/26 Delaware Inflamation of lungs
Amanda Schermerhorn 44 F 3/1 M Delaware Alcration of stomach
Charlotte Tupper 74 F 1/4 W Mass. Old Age
Jennie Jones 30 F 3/23 M Delaware Dropsy
Marion Hewitt 29 F 3/31 M Delaware Liver Complaint
Polly Weed 74 F 8/30 M Conn. Hart Disease
Lillie Underwood 3 F 12/25 Delaware Scarlet Fever
Noah Phillips 55 M 1/3 M Delaware Farmer Dropsy
Angeline Potter 66 F 8/3 M Schoharie Consumption
Town of Hamden
Name Age Sex Date C Native Trade Cause Death
John S Signor 47 M 4/14 M Delaware Framer Liver Complaint
Althea Dora Carman 15 F 9/10 S Delaware None Diabatis
James Russell 86 M 3/21 S Scotland Farmer Heart Disease
Mary Terry 1 3/12 F 10/23 Delaware None Congestion of lungs
Frances M Williams 21 M 5/23 S Delaware Teacher Meazles
James Duncan 35 M 4/27 M Scotland Boot Maker Liver Complaint
Thos. J Tiffany 75 M 3/1 M Mass. Farmer Exposure & Fatigue
Nellie E Russell 6/12 F 9/2 Delaware Lung Complaint
John Henderson 77 M 1/30 M Scotland Farmer Kidney Complaint
Agnes Ballatine 79 F 3/20 M Scotland Farmer Influenza & Old Age
Peter Akre 45 M Nov M Delaware Laborer Consumption
Archibald McAuslin 80 M 1/4 M Scotland Farmer Cancer
Maragret C Munn 33 F 4/30 M Delaware Farmer Dropsy
Margaret C Munn 1 6/12 F 10/4 Delaware Cholera Infantum
James Renwick 65 M 3/8 S Delaware Farmer Paralysis
Isabella Renwick 61 F 3/16 M Delaware Farmer Paralysis
George Wight 86 M 2/27 S Scotland Farmer Infirmities old age
Jane Wight 76 F 2/23 M England Farmer Influenza cold
Town of Hancock-1st & 3rd Election Districts
Name Age Sex Date C Native Trade Cause Death
Ann Van Pelt 59 F 11/19 M New York HK Consumption
James Baxter 23 M 10/6 M Delaware Farmer Typhoid Fever
Elmira Lewis 64 F 8/26 W Delaware HK Dropsy
Aneilla Lewis 35 F 2/24 S Delaware None Disease of Heart
Franklin Fish 87 M 3/26 M Mass.Retired Farmer Inflamation Lung
Caroline Wilcox 47 F 6/15 M Chenango HK Disease of Kidneys
John Watson 75 M 1/19 M Scotland Farmer Broken leg Gangrene
Martha Riekhart 46 F 8/26 M Dutchess HK Disease of liver
Town of Hancock-2nd Election District
Name Age Sex Date C Native Trade Cause Death
Harry Warren 8 M 7/3 S New York cars run over foot
John E Dunn 5/12 M 2/28 S New York Croup
Philomena Loupret 37 F 2/28 M Canada HK Sun Stroke
Bridget Tormay 36 F 10/13 M Ireland HK Consumption
Elizabeth Havers 47 F 5/9 W New York HK Dropsy
Johnny Leonard 13 M 1/19 S New York Inflamation bowels
Francis Shimmer 102 F 10/9 W New York Dropetd Dead(Old Age)
Ezra Appley 72 M 12/14 M New York Shoemaker Paralysis
Martin Carr 53 M 11/15 M Ireland Erie R.R.
Edward Joice 48 M 5/22 M Ireland Erie R.R. Paralysis
Catherine Imer 51 F 1/4 M Germany HK Sore Throat
Warner Crary 1 3/12 M 8/28 S Penn. Cholera Infantum
Amos L Hull 52 M 5/8 M New York Carpenter Pneumonia
Eunice Thomas 19 F 5/8 M Penn. HK Consumption
Mary Currier 24 F 3/14 S New York Teaching School Consumption
Maria Eaqan 22 F 12/29 S New York HK Consumption
Charles Rodgers 6 M 5/30 S New York Scarlet Fever
Town of Harpersfield
Name Age Sex Date C Native Trade Cause Death
Mary Houck 85 F 4/7 W Delaware Disease Unknown
Hannah Thomas 26 F 1/27 M Delaware Consumtion
Elsey Titus 53 F 3/22 S Delaware Lung Fever
Harriett Groat 10 F 9/22 Delaware Diptheria
Latta B Kelley 3 8/12 F 4/8 Delaware Measles
Edie Seley 1 5/12 M 3/24 Delaware Scarlet Fever
Jesse Snyder 2 5/12 M 11/25 Delaware Diptheria & Croup
Maria Roes 68 F 4/30 S Schoharie Cancer
Stephen Maynard 58 M 3/3 M Delaware Farmer Disease of Kidney
Louis A Buck 23 M 2/19 S Delaware Farmer Typhoid Fever
Elander English 44 M 10/8 S Delaware Insanity
Ann Hume 81 F 1/21 W Delaware Pneumonia
Polly S Wardwell 78 F 2/25 W Greene Consumption
Hannah Hogland 33 F 1/2 S Delaware Tailoress Consumption
Wm H McClaury 92 M 12/2 W Delaware Rt Farmer Not known
Town of Kortright-1st & 2nd Election Districts
Name Age Sex Date C Native Trade Cause Death
Moses Stronoghon 51 M 5/17 M Ireland Farming Heart Disease
Margaret J Harper 50 F 6/11 M Farming Heart Disease
John Sloan 65 M 6/12 S Ireland Farming Heart Disease
Elizabeth Shiland 82 F 10/15 W Washington Co. Pneumonia
Sarah E Jobson 38 F 6/20 M Delaware Co. Consumption
John Davis 27 M 1/12 S Delaware Shoemaker Brain Fever
Town of Masonville
Name Age Sex Date C Native Trade Cause Death
Arthur Wood 2 M 12/1 S Delaware Scarlet Fever
Alferetta Hill 6w F 11/16 S Delaware Inflamation of stomach
Andrew Cook 22 M 4/21 S Delaware Farmer Congestion of Heart
Harriet Darling 60 F 2/16 M Schoharie Typhoid Fever
Florina C Stilson 16 F 3/30 S Delaware Measles
Rebecca Wilbur 7 F 1/14 S Delaware Spotted Fever
Thaddeus Gilbert 96 M 8/6 W Mass. Farmer Infirmities of age
Olivia P Smith 17 F 4/9 S Delaware Measles
Justin Smith 19 M 8/6 S Delaware Farmer Typhoid Pneumonia
Adolphus Dewey 34 M 4/10 S Delaware Farmer Measles
Ellis T Randall 1 M 10/16 S Delaware Congestion of Brain
Emma Randall 29 F 5/27 S Delaware Consumption
Minnie Darling 12 F 12/9 S Delaware Typhoid Fever
Bertie Darling 9 M 12/1 S Delaware Typhoid Fever
Adaline Parker 16 F 2/28 S Delaware Consumption
Nathan Shaw 86 M 4/11 W Conn. Farmer Apoplexy
Sarah J Head 86 F 5/16 M Albany Co. Heart Disease
Town of Meredith
Name Age Sex Date C Native Trade Cause Death
Catherin Myres 88 F 7/10 W New York Infirmities of Age
Robert McMurry 85 M 7/6 M Ireland Farmer Infirmities of Age
Elizabeth McMurry 85 F 1/19 W Ireland Infirmities of Age
John S Graham 65 M 4/19 M New York Farmer Heart Disease
Louisa Dales 57 F 2/27 W New York Consumption
Hezekiah Brande 31 M 4/15 M New York Farmer Chronic Diarrhea
Lillie Brown 1 F 5/9 S New York Congestion of Brain
Jane Mitchel 83 F 2/22 W Ireland Cancer
John Halsey 65 M 3/8 S New York Laborer Consumption
Thomas Creig 82 M 5/6 M Ireland Farmer Infirmities of Age
Town of Middletown-1st & 3rd Election Districts
Name Age Sex Date C Native Trade Cause Death
Patrick Redmond 71 M 11/5 W Ireland Farmer Disease of Heart
Henry M George 25 M 6/4 S New York Mill Sawyer Consumption
Mary E Beadle 10 F 10/31 S New York Inflamation of Throat
Bertha Slawson 2 1/12 F 3/11 S New York Irritation of Bowels
Orrin Hewitt 64 M 12/8 W New York Farmer Gangrene
Elizabeth A Hewitt 55 F 11/25 M New York Apoplexy
Susan Mead 85 F 12/8 W New York Apoplexy
Mary O Webb 7/12 F 11/19 S Mich. Concussion of Brain
Clarissa Sanford 65 F 6/25 W New York Suicide by Hanging
Mary Riley 80 F 2/26 W Ireland Disease of Kidneys
Lauria Myers 59 F 12/26 W New York Typhoid Fever
John O Kelly 56 M 11/4 M New York Farmer Disease of Kidneys
Cora Kelly 14 F 6/3 S New York Consumption
Ezekiel C Kelly 55 M 1/1 M New York Retail Congestion of Lungs
Moses Smith 60 M 4/12 W New York Farmer Concussion of Brain
Town of Middletown-2nd Election District
Name Age Sex Date C Native Trade Cause Death
Ernest Chamberlain 8/12 M 1/22 S Penn. Croup
Ella E Bellows 10/12 F 5/25 S New York Putrid Sore Throat
Stephen Cunningham 29 M 3/27 M New York Shoemaker Consumption
Catherine Jaguish 42 F 12/3 M New York Typhoid Fever
Peter Yaple 77 M 6/19 M Delaware Blacksmith Consumption
Bolivar Burr 49 M 4/4 M New York Carpenter Consumption
Alvah Simonson 61 M 2/26 M New York Farmer Consumption
Emory J Sanford 47 M 2/1 M New York Farmer Bilious Fever
Harriet Sprague 83 F 12/8 M New York Old Age
John Slater 72 M 4/9 W New York Laborer Apoplexy
Town of Roxbury-1st Election District
Name Age Sex Date C Native Trade Cause Death
Adline L Burcham 30 F 3/21 M New York Infimation of Bowels
Hector T Burcham 2/12 M 4/22 S New York Unknown
Melinda Ceary 54 F 3/16 M New York Unknown
Antoinett Clark 42 F 1/2 M New York Cosispetion
George Mondore* 1 M 3/15 S New York Unknown
Boretta Mondore** 19 F 5/10 S New York Lung Fever
Winfry Craig 59 M 11/26 M New York Acidn't-Thrown from Wagon
Town of Roxbury-2nd Election District
Name Age Sex Date C Native Trade Cause Death
Nancy Morris 82 F 9/8 M Unknown Unknown
Fletcher Mead 1/6D? M 2/29 Delaware Information of Lungs
Eliza J Faulkner 17 F 12/19 Delaware Information of Bowels-Lungs
Town of Roxbury-3rd Election District
Name Age Sex Date C Native Trade Cause Death
Christian Kaltenback 64 M 6/16 S Bachen Farm Suicide by Hanging
Germany Laborer
Enos Carroll 76 M 12/11 M New York Farmer Dropsy
George Cramer 45 M 11/20 M Bavaria Farmer Meningitis
Cora Raeder 2 weeks F 9/30 S New York Spina-Bifida
Emma Meeker 19 F 10/6 S New York Typhoid Fever
Sarah C Newkirk 34 F 11/6 M New York Typhoid Fever
Infant Vandyke 2 days M 5/25 S New York Convulsions
Cynthia Meeker 74 F 3/20 W New York Phetisis Pulmonalis
Sarah Day 96 F 5/6 S New Jersey Old Age
William Sanford 3 1/12 M 5/23 S New York Acute Hydrocephalus
Town of Sidney-1st Election District
Name Age Sex Date C Native Trade Cause Death
Abbie Swart 63 F 5/24 S Otsego HK Paralysis
Emma Hitchcock 33 F 12/28 M Delaware HK Consumption
Cornelia Lawton 25 F 9/2 M Virginia HK Consumption
Peter Vandervort 79 M 5/7 W Schoharie Farmer Disease of Kidneys
Solomon Wheat 70 M 8/1 W Conn. Farmer Inflamation of Bowels
Ruth Hoyt 98 F 2/15 W Conn. Old Age
Laura Wood 58 F 4/8 M Delaware HK Scratica
David Whitney? 70 M 9/22 M Vermont Farmer Consumption
Town of Sidney-2nd & 3rd Election Districts
Name Age Sex Date C Native Trade Cause Death
Souis? B Hughes 89 F 4/29 W Conn. HK Hart Disease
Elizabeth Whitney 73 F 4/22 S Vermont HK Bilious Fever
Garrett Quackenbush 92 M 4/25 W Albany Farmer Infirmities of Age
Olive Perkins 84 F 12/3 W Conn. HK Infirmities of Age
Elizabeth Bissel 75 F 4/22 S Otsego HK Typhoid Fever
Daniel Bissel 73 M 4/26 W Otsego Farmer Typhoid Fever
Adolphus Dewey 34 M 4/9 S Delaware Farm Labor Measles
George Tansley 84 M 10/17 W England Farmer Infirmities of Age
Rosillah Williams 67 F 1/10 M Otsego HK Dropsy on the Hart-
No Doctor
Eliza Andrews 79 F 11/23 W Delaware HK Infirmities of Age
Netta Hill 9 F 10/24 Chenango Dyptheria
Bertha Winegard 10 F 10/26 Schoharie Dyptheria
Fredde J Debois 7 M 11/10 Penn. Dyptheria
Samuel Norton 53 M 2/26 Chenango Painter Consumpion
(Congestion of Lungs)
Rebecca Garrett 63 F 10/17 S England Domestic Servant Dropsy
Town of Stamford
Name Age Sex Date C Native Trade Cause Death
John W Stewart 62 M 12/5 M Delaware Farmer Congestion of Brain
Lucretia Foote 48 F 2/28 M Delaware Farmer's Congestion of
Wife Lungs
Elisha Bush 71 M 2/6 M Renslaer Farmer Heart Disease
William C Grant 66 M 4/17 S Delaware Farmer Puerperal Fever
Hape? D Warner 1 M 5/21 S Delaware Dyptheria
Helen A Canfield 22 F 4/2 S Delaware Consumption of Lungs
James B Keeler 1 M 4/23 S Delaware Measles & Congestion
Of Lungs
George Telford 2 M 7/22 S Otsego Cholera Infantum
Charles Foote 73 M 5/12 M Conn. Farmer Typhoid Pneumonia
Edward Lamb 78 M 2/28 W Delaware Farmer Fracture of Skull
Mary Lamb 35 F 3/8 M Otsego Farmer's Inflamation of
Wife Womb
Fanny Barlow 10 F 10/27 S Delaware Consumption of Lungs
Alexander Johnson 75 M 12/12 S Ireland Farmer Old Age
Abigal A Blish 38 F 2/13 M Delaware Farmer's Convulsions caused
Wife by child birth
Town of Tompkins-1st Election District
Name Age Sex Date C Native Trade Cause Death
David W Smith 64 M 1/27 M Conn. Farmer Brights Disease of
The Kidneys
Harper Rogers 76 M 6/21 M New York Shoemaker Consumption
Georgiana Bennett 2 days F 3/31 S New York
Anna Cuff 5 F 6/- S New York Cause not known
Lucy Lakin 1 5/12 F 3/13 New York Inflamation of lungs
Samuel D Higgins 68 M 12/5 M New York Doctor Unknown
Robert Wilson 18 M 11/29 S New York Railroad Run over on Rail
Hand Road Track
Helen M Bundy 32 F 5/4 M New York Confinement
Clarence E Smith 6 days F 9/27 New York Unknown
Wealthy Sampson* 27 F 6/7 M New York Consumption
Town of Tompkins-2nd & 3rd Election Districts
Name Age Sex Date C Native Trade Cause Death
Ira Moore 66 M 12/21 M New York Farmer Heart Disease
Droped Dead
Margret Fletcher 54 F 5/17 M New York Dropsy of Heart
Jacob Gordinier 54 M 7/11 M New York Farmer Diabetes
John Thompson 79 M 2/23 W Ireland Farmer Cancer on lip
Betsey Boice 34 F 3/7 M New York Consumption
Libbie Boice 13 F 4/4 S New York Inflamatory Fever
Harriet Niles 52 F 11/6 M New York Dropsy
Ruta? Webster 65 F 4/8 W New York Lung Fever
Mary Van Lone 31 F 12/27 M New York Inflamanation of Lungs
Elizabeth Frone 38 F 10/8 M New York Typhoid Fever
Elmira Bard 67 F 9/20 M New York
Lucy Ann Skinner 54 F 1/11 M New York Inflamation of Lungs
Lilly Rood 2 F 9/26 S New York Unknown only sick 10 hours
Jessie Finch 78 M 1/22 W New York Farmer Heart Disease Found
Dead in Bed
Edwin Mullinex 41/4 M 3/24 S New York Hooping Couph
Thomas Patterson 82 M 1/20 M New York Farmer Infirmities of Age
Ira M Dart 15 M 3/13 S New York Congestion of Lungs
Esther Huyck 63 F 4/12 M New York Liver Complaint
Abram Cole 41/4 M 1/14 S New York Scarlet Fever
James Oliver 41/2 M 6/5 S New York Drowned
William C Booth 20 M 3/11 S New York Farmer Consumption(Hemorage
From Lungs)
Benjamin L Carpenter 60 M 4/6 M New York Farmer Heart Disease
Droped Dead
Cynthia Woodmansee 70 F 4/15 W New York Typhoid Fever
Town of Walton-Northerly Part
Name Age Sex Date C Native Trade Cause Death
Mabel Miller 3 mo F 5/25 New York Infl Lungs
Mabel C Swart 1y 0m F 3/17 N. Jersey Whooping Cough
Phebe Gregory 79 2/12 F 5/21 W New York Inflamation of
Lungs & Fever
Robert Melville 21 10/12 M 3/22 S Delaware Farmer Inflamation of Lungs
Ann Middlemint 81 8/12 F 11/18 M Scotland
____ Cole 7 days F 8/31 S Delaware
William Smith Fuller 1 2/12 M 5/16 S Delaware Lung Cancer?
Ira Benedict 86 10/12 M 5/10 W Conn. Asthma for many years
Sophia Steele 85 F 3/2 W Conn.
Maria Mason 77 F 6/12 W Ulster Rheumation of Heart
John McLean 70 M 8/18 M Schenectady Miller Diseased Bladder
& Sawyer
____ Kinch 3/12 F 10/24 S Delaware
Albert Signor 86 M 11/21 M New York
Ezra Baldwin 67 M 3/28 New York Rheumatism
William Bouton 68 M 4/13 M Ireland Injured by
Machinery of Bark Mill
Polly Tiffany 74 F 7/8 W New York
Lucinda Simmons 30 F 7/8 S Ulster
Dora Schenck* 1 F 7/14 S Delaware
Edwin P Grover 1/12 M 10/1 S Delaware
_____ Pangburne 3 days? M 10/20 S Delaware
Phebe Ann Chaffer? 50 F 12/7 M New York
Lulie M Crawford 1 6/12 F 11/20 S Delaware
Francis M Close 27 M 3/3 M Delaware Merchant ___ Spinal
Herbert Smith 1/12 M 3/16 S Delaware
Archie Vroman* 4/12 M 4/6 S Delaware
Frank Vroman* 2 M 4/21 S Delaware
____ Doig 6/12 4/17 Delaware
Town of Walton-Southerly Part
Name Age Sex Date C Native Trade Cause Death
Mrs Mary Hoyt 43 F 2/19 M Delaware Inflamation of Lungs
Jane Carr 70 F 4/11 S Ireland Infirmity of Age
Effie Benedict 19 F 7/31 S New York Fever
Sarah Chace 62 F 3/1 M Delaware Inflamation of Lungs
William S Hoyt 61 M 8/15 M Delaware Farmer Typhoid Fever
Alice Fitch 25 F 8/29 S Delaware Typhoid Fever
Sinus Weed 52 M 9/27 M Delaware Farmer Consumption
Silas Cable 64 M 3/19 M Delaware Farmer Typhoid Fever
William Jones 26 M 1/19 S Delaware Farmer Consumption
Charles Hawley? 84 M 3/4 W Ireland Laborer Dropsey
Fanny Fitch 15 F 4/8 S Delaware Inflamatory Rheumatism
Carry Drake 17 F 3/18 S Delaware Congestion of Lungs
Matie Murrvin? 2/12 F 9/28 S Delaware Spinal Fever
Jonathan Beers 87 M 4/3 W Conn. Infirmity of Age
Abigal Barlow 40 F 1/11 M Delaware Heart Disease
Smith Robison 1 6/12 M 4/20 S Delaware Whooping Cough
Abey Case 88 F 4/28 W Conn. Infirmity of Age
James Rosa 70 M 5/27 M Ulster Lung Fever
Lousia Stewart 15 F 12/2 S Delaware Inflamation of Bowels
John Wakeman 80 M 7/1 M Conn. Heart Disease
Bidget McPherson 37 F 11/2 M Ireland Child Birth
Irena Jenkins 70 F 4/11 S Delaware Unknown
Alba Cable 64 M 10/20 M Delaware Farmer Pallsey
Nora Beagle 3 F 3/22 S Delaware Unknown
* Listed as B under Color
* Listed as Black
** Listed as Black
* Listed as Black
* Listed as Black
* Listed as Black
a service of the Delaware County Historical Association located at 46549 State Highway 10, Delhi, NY 13753
Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger