Transcribed by Roger D. Davis, April 28, 2002
Delhi Paint and Paper - C.W. Hill
More Bros. Inc. - Walton, NY
G.W. Merritt Lumber Co. - Margaretville, NY
E.R. Howland, coal, roofing and mason supplies - Walton, NY
G. D. Arbuckle Dept. Store - Delhi, NY
Neal Floral Co. - Walton, NY
Dann's Garage - Dodge and Plymouth - Walton, NY
Gulf Gas - W.D. Maxwell - Delhi, NY
A.J. Holmes & Co. - furniture, undertaking and ambulance service - Walton, NY
M. Dubois - Eyes examined, glasses fitted - Walton, NY
Howard E. Lane - Pharmacist - Walton, NY
Earl Jenkins - Used Cars - Margaretville, NY
T.H. Evans - Plumbing and heating - Walton, NY
Delhi Motor Co. - Dodge and Plymouth - Delhi, NY
Vannakin Lumber Co., Inc. - Walton, NY
Arthur S. Close - General insurance - Margaretville, NY
Delhi Diner - Delhi, NY
A.W. Dubben - Hardware - Delhi, NY
Lyon Bros. - furniture, Funeral directors - Walton, NY
D.W. Coulter, Inc. - Chevrolet cars and truck service - Walton, NY
J.L Atkin - Grocery - Shavertown, NY
Ray Place Jr. - Furniture and undertaking, Lady attendant, ambulance - Downsville, NY
Gulf Service Station - Margaretville, NY
Hillis Bros. - Desoto and Plymouth GMC - Downsville, NY
J. D. Frisbee, DDS - Andes, NY
Dr. A.L. All - Veterinarian - Andes, NY
C.L. Dickson - General Merchandise - Andes, NY
Peoples National Bank - Margaretville, NY
Victory Chain - N.J. Sanford, Mgr. - Margaretville, NY
First National Bank and Trust Co. - Walton, NY
Shields Bros. - Hardware - Downsville, NY
Oneonta Dept. Store - Oneonta, NY
Ivan Cairns - Dodge, Plymouth cars and trucks - Margaretville, NY
Delaware Telephone Co. - Walton, NY
J.E. Cassidy - Feed and coal - Downsville and Hancock, NY
Walton Bazaar - C.W Teed and Co.
F.L. Huyck - Monument works - Walton, NY
F.H. Dickson - Lee tires and Atlantic products - Delhi, NY
The Opera House - Downsville, NY
Kelly's Drug Store - Margaretville, NY
Harris 5 & 10c Store - Margaretville, NY
Dr. E. Ogden Bush - Dentist - Walton, NY
Smalley Theatre - Walton, NY
Klindt's Garage - Downsville, NY
Gregory's Market - Downsville, NY
Shaw's Restaurant - Downsville, NY
Vogue Specialty Shop - W.B. Melnick - Walton, NY
W.H. Austin - Walton, NY
Dairymen's League Cooperative Assn. - Walton, NY
Margaretville Co-op G.L.F. Service - Margaretville, NY
L.Bussy & Co. - General merchandise - Margaretville, NY
Whites Drug Store - Downsville, NY
Cables Horse and Cattle Market - Downsville, NY
Margaretville Restaurant - Wesley Dorrer, Prop. - Margaretville, NY
Delhi Co-op G.L.F. Services - Delhi, NY
Sydney Flisser - Insurance - Fleischmanns, NY
Korn's Apparel Shop - Margaretville, NY
Albert Armstrong Estate - General Merchandise - Shavertown, NY
Bronson Smith Motor, Inc. - Walton, NY
Tweedie Construction Co., Inc. - Walton, NY
Gladstone's Service Station - Downsville, NY
H.E. Little - Building materials - DeLancey, NY
Jay Dreher Supply Co. - Hardware - Roscoe, NY
Crawford Brothers, Inc. - Flour, feed, paint, and roofing - Downsville, NY
W.E. Holmes, Sons & Co. - Men's and ladies shoes, wallpaper and more, Downsville, NY
Marvin H. Bull - General Insurance - Downsville, NY
The First National Bank of Fleischmanns - Fleischmanns, NY
Greene's - Florists - Fleischmanns, NY
A & P FoodStores - Downsville, NY
Jardine Jackson - Ladies furnishings - Downsville, NY
Gladstone Brothers - Dealers in horses, cattle, machinery - Andes, NY
Newkirks Funeral Home - DeLancey, NY
Delaware Valley Greenhouse - J.D. Winter, florist - Delhi, NY
Swart Mercantile Company - merchandise and coal - Margaretville, NY
Burns Clothing Store - Walton and Downsville, NY
Oliver's Turkey Farm - Andes, NY
George R. McNair - Undertaking and embalming, ambulance service - Andes, NY
Gladestone's Jersey Farm - Andes, NY
H.T. Hulbert - hardware, plumbing, lumber - Andes, NY
Wm. Hyzer & Sons - Flour, feed, coal, lime - Andes, NY
Victory Chain, Inc. - George Geer, Mgr. - Downsville, NY
N.L. Lattin - furniture and undertaking - Margaretville, NY
A.H. Todd & Son, Inc. - Ford Sale and service - Fleischmanns, NY
Catskill Mountain News - Margaretville, NY