
Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site

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Names of Persons who United with the First
Congregational Church, Walton, N. Y.
April 6, 1890

James M. Acheson              Harry McCabe                  
Julius O. Barber              Willis B. McCabe              
Ellen S. Barlow               Lizzie S. Marvin              
Samuel A. Bartow              Mary M. Marvin                
Mrs. Samuel A. Bartow         Mrs. Addie A. Montgomery      
E. P. Berray                  Clarence E. Morris            
Robert B. Berray              James Munn                    
Anna M. Brisack               Mrs. James Munn               
Marcus P. Brisack             Henry E. Marvin               
Seymour C. Bush               Ella M. Marvin                
Charles A. Churchill          Henry S. Moore                
Mrs. Charles A. Churchill     Mrs. Mary J. Morehouse        
John G. Cochran               David C. McAllister           
Ida M. Cuddeback              Anna S. Norton                
Grace A. DeLaney              George J. Pierson             
Fannie B. Eells               Mrs. George J. Pierson        
Emma L. Eells                 Carmi C. Randall              
Demont T. Gerowe              Ward J. Renwick               
Everett W. Harris             Harry W. Reynolds             
John A. Heckroth              Chas. A. Rogers               
Bessie B. Hollister           William C. Rogers             
Riley J. Houck                Mrs. Wm. C. Rogers            
Inda M. Howland               Charles Rosa                  
Henry S. Hoyt                 John C. Smith                 
flora B. Hoyt                 William T. Smith              
Lillie Hubbell                Philip B. St. John            
Anna D. Jamieson              Frederick A. Strohmann        
Clay M. Landfield             Ella M. Trask                 
Ella R. Landfield             Mrs. Fannie G. Twaddell       
Henry Leonard                 Sarah A. Twist                
Mrs. Jane C. Leonard          Robert VanAkin                
Mrs. Loisa Leuchtmann         Mrs. Robert Van Akin          
Cecelia R. Lewis              Charles R. Wakeman            
Percy C. Lines                Minnie R. Washburn            
Mrs. Percy C. Lines           William D. Williams           
Alfred Lockwood               David Woodin                  
E. Smith Lyon                 Mrs. David Woodin             

submitted by Paul Cerquoz, October 10, 2000

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a service of the Delaware County Historical Association located at 46549 State Highway 10, Delhi, NY 13753

Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger