
Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site

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I recently located the membership roll for the Bovina Reformed Presbyterian Church and did a transcription of it. It is not long, with 129 members. There likely was an earlier membership roll that has yet to be located. --Ray LaFever, May 9, 2006

The Reformed Presbyterian Church, also known as the Covenanter Church, was created around 1814. Members of the church, also known as Cameronians, held that Christians ought not to take any part in a government that was not conducted on religious principles. Because the United States Constitution had no mention of God, the Covenanters never voted or held elective office, though they were law-abiding citizens.

In 1825, the congregation agreed to build a meeting house: "Bovina, N. Y., June 13th, 1825. The male members of the congregation being present, the meeting was constituted with prayer. John McEvers was chosen chairman and James Miller, sen., was chosen clerk. The following items were agreed to: 1st, That a meeting-house be built with stone, of the following dimensions: Length, 34 feet; width, 24 feet; height 12, and to have a gallery. 2d, James Russell, David Ballantine and John Russell are appointed to collect the subscription and superintend the erection of the building. 3d, David Ballantine was chosen treasurer." The church was near the butt end - the graveyard of the church still exists. In the 1860s, the congregation built a new church in Bovina Center, where the playground and firehouse now exist.

The congregation held its own, though it was never as large as the Associated Presbyterian congregation. In 1865, the membership was at 40, with about 90 people regularly attending services. That number was up by 1875 to 87, with about 110 in regular attendance. At some point, however, the numbers dropped. It was reported that the congregation was inactive in the early 1920s, though services were still taking place.

On October 13, 1937, the church property, which included the church building and the pastorate or manse, was deeded to the Reformed Presbyterian Synod of North America. In September 1942, a meeting was held at Fred Henderson's at which the congregation of 18 met and voted to sell the church property. The Reformed Presbyterian Church applied to the County Court to go ahead with the sale of the property. The church elders at this time were Millard F. Russell, Cecil H. Russell and Fred J. Henderson. The deacons were George H. Russell and Arthur Russell. The land and buildings were sold to J. Russell Boggs in October 1943. His son, Donald Boggs, tore down the church around 1944 to build a barn on his farm on Reinertsen Hill Road. Some members joined the Reformed Presbyterian Church in Walton, which still exists and has the pulpit Bible from the Bovina Reformed Presbyterian Church. Some others joined the Bovina United Presbyterian Church.

Scroll over to view all 6 columns of data

Date of Adm  First Name               Last Name      Family                                                      How received  How removed
6/23/1855    John G.                  Russell                                                                    Exam.       Died 1913                                                   
8/30/1859    Margaret N.              Russell        Wife of John G.                                             Ex & Cer    Died 1914                                                   
6/26/1875    Margaret A.              Scott          Wife of Wilson R.                                           Exam.       Died May 1916                                               
7/3/1858     Andrew T.                Russell                                                                    Exam.       Died Oct 1922                                               
4/21/1865    Eliza M.                 Russell        Wife of Andrew T.                                           Certif.     Died May 22, 1906                                           
4/26/1884    J. Keurdy                Russell        Son of Andrew T.                                            Exam        Died                                                        
10/13/1887   Nettie A.                Russell        Daughter of A.T.                                            Exam        Certified to UP Church, Oneonta, NY 1915                    
10/13/1887   George T.                Russell        Son of Andrew T.                                            Exam        Removed Membership, Sept. 1909                              
6/29/1853    Nancy T.                 Campbell       Wid. Of Duncan                                              Exam        Died May 6, 1912                                            
10/23/1875   Mary C.                  Campbell       Daughter of Nancy T.                                        Exam        Died July 26, 1912                                          
5/12/1877    Elizabeth N.C.           Miller         Wife of David J.                                            Exam        Died Aug 23, 1919                                           
10/13/1887   Emma S.C.                Laidlaw        Wife of Rd. Laidlaw                                         Exam        Died Aug 17, 1928                                           
9/28/1866    William B.               Thompson                                                                   Exam        Died Feb 23, 1929                                           
5/10/1888    Jannette                 Thompson       Wife of Wm. B.                                              Cer & Exam  Died Aug 1919                                               
9/22/1883    Cora J.T.                Van Bramer     Daughter of Wm. B. Thompson, wife of --- Van Bramer         Exam        Died Apr 9, 1910                                            
11/16/1889   Alexander M.             Thompson       Son of Wm. B.                                               Exam        To UP Church BC                                             
5/10/1888    Leonard                  Thompson       Son of Wm. B.                                               Exam        United with --- church (rest illegible)                     
10/11/1866   James B.                 Thompson                                                                   Exam        Died - Aug 1916                                             
4/26/1884    Marietta                 Thompson       Wife of James B.                                            Exam        Died                                                        
5/14/1892    Libbie T.                Taylor         Daughter of James A. Thompson, Wife of John Taylor          Exam        Certified to Pres Church, Delhi, NY, Jan 1917               
10/22/1897   Phoebe May               Thompson       Daughter of James B., now wife of Robert R. Tweedie(?)      Exam        By letter to Andes, NY                                      
4/25/1874    A. Dixon                 Thompson                                                                   Exam        Died Aug 12, 1933                                           
10/15/1892   Addie M.                 Thompson       Wife of Dixon                                               Exam        Died July 5, 1929                                           
5/23/1903    Mable                    Thompson       Daughter of Dixon                                           Exam        Transferred to Walton Cong                                  
10/3/1868    James                    Russell                                                                    Exam        Died                                                        
9/28/1866    Mary J.T.                Russell        Wife of James                                               Exam        Died                                                        
4/22/1871    John A.                  Russell                                                                    Exam        Died Sab. Dec 11, 1910                                      
4/14/1883    Agnes O.                 Russell        Wife of John A.                                             Certif.     Died Aug 16, 1933                                           
10/22/1897   Clarence A.              Russell        Son of John A.                                              Exam        Rec'd letter of standing to church of Troy, NY              
5/18/1901    Everett O.               Russell        Son of John A.                                              Exam        Received letter of standing May 10, 1924                    
6/30/1858    Hellen B.                Thompson       Wife of Robt. F.                                            Exam        Died - Aug 21, 1917                                         
10/13/1887   Fannie B.                Thompson       Daughter of Robt. F.; Now Mrs. Walter G. McDivitt           Exam        Received letter of standing, Nov 20, 1920                   
9/28/1866    Lydia                    Johnston       Wife of Fred                                                Exam        Died Feb 9, 1923                                            
10/12/1879   Francis A.               Russell                                                                    Exam        Died Jan. 27, 1910                                          
6/24/1899    Addie C.                 Russell        Wife of Francis A.                                          Cert & Ex   By letter to UP of Bovina, Oct 1, 1941                      
5/12/1877    Margaret A.              Thompson       Wife of J.W.                                                Exam        Died Nov 1st 1938                                           
5/28/1887    Thomas D.                Russell                                                                    Exam        Died June 20 1937                                           
10/13/1887   Jennie G.                Russell        Wife of Thomas D.                                           Certif.     Died July 29, 1935                                          
6/25/1880    Margaret B.              Russell        Wife of E. R. McKee, daughter of David B.                   Exam        Died Apr. 7 1943                                            
10/11/1873   James A.                 Russell                                                                    Exam        Died Jan 28, 1917                                           
4/26/1884    Rose D.                  Russell        Wife of James A.                                            Certif.     Died                                                        
5/22/1897    Phena(?) May             Russell        Wife of Rev. W.M. Robb; daughter of James A.                Exam        Certified to Southfield Cong Southfield, Mich, May 1912     
5/18/1901    Calvin M.                Russell        Son of James A.                                             Exam        Certified to Syracuse                                       
11/6/1869    Robert H.                Russell                                                                    Exam        Died March 31, 1921                                         
4/14/1883    Margaret D.              Russell        Wife of Robert H.                                           Certif.     Died June 25, 1933                                          
5/18/1895    Elmer G.                 Russell        Son of Robert H., Paster of Kansas City                     Exam        Pastor, Kansas City                                         
10/22/1897   Herman St. J(?)          Russell        Son of Robert H.                                            Exam        Received letter of standing May 11, 1912                    
5/23/1903    Charles J.               Russell        Son of Robert H.                                            Exam        By letter to Oneonta                                        
1/18/1904    Cecil H.                 Russell        Son of Robert H.                                            Exam        By letter to UP Ch at Bovina                                
5/10/1888    William T.               Russell        Son of Stephen Russell                                      Exam        Died Feb 7, 1925                                            
1/10/1905    Martha B.                Russell        Wife of Will T.                                             Cer & Ex    Died July 25, 1903                                          
10/18/1890   George H.                Russell        Son of Stephen Russell                                      Exam        Died Sept 18, 1948                                          
1/10/1905    Irene                    Russell        Wife of George H.                                           Cer & Ex    Died Feb 1 1936                                             
10/12/1879   Eliza J.P.               Russell                                                                    Exam        Died Jan 31, 1932                                           
9/26/1891    Mary J.                  Russell                                                                    Exam        Died Feb 1926                                               
5/3/1866     Jannette                 Russell                                                                    Exam        Died May 1907                                               
10/13/1897   Andrew S.                Gilchrist                                                                  Certif.     Died April 19, 1915                                         
10/13/1897   Eliza                    Gilchrist      Wife of Andrew S.                                           Certif.     Died June 15, 1906                                          
10/13/1897   John K.                  Gilchrist      Son of Andrew S.                                            Certif.     Removed membership May 11, 1906                             
10/13/1897   Margaret                 Gilchrist      Daughter of Andrew S.                                       Certif.     Died Sept 2, 1908                                           
10/13/1897   Ella                     Gilchrist      Daughter of Andrew S.                                       Certif.     Removed membership March 21, 1907                           
10/13/1897   Annabelle G.             Ross           Wife of Will                                                Certif.     Removed membership May 11, 1906                             
5/18/1895    Mary M.                  Odell          Wife of --- Odell                                           Exam        Removed membership 1906                                     
             Mrs. George              McLawry        Wife of George                                              Exam        Died                                                        
10/22/1897   Maggie C.                Monroe         Wife of James                                               Cer & Ex    Removed membership Feb 5, 1906                              
5/18/1901    Elma J.                  Scott          Daughter of Margaret A., Wife of David Cameron              Exam        Received letter of standing Feb 5, 1913                     
10/16/1880   William S.               Thompson                                                                   Exam        Died March 7, 1921                                          
10/6/1866    James Dewitt             Warren                                                                     Exam        Died Mar 10 1917                                            
10/6/1866    Jennie                   Warren         Wife of Dewitt                                              Exam        Died                                                        
11/4/1905    Echo S.                  Robb           Wife of Wilmer G.                                           Certif.     Certif to Hitherton(?) Mich, 1914                           
9/29/1906    Fred                     Henderson                                                                  Certif.     Transferred to Walton, NY                                   
6/28/1907    Hazel Elinor             Russell        Daughter of James A.                                        Exam.       Certified to Syracuse                                       
6/28/1907    Andrew Ralph             Thompson       Son of William S.                                           Exam.       Certified to Pres. Church 1914                              
1/3/1908     Mrs. Nellie J.           Henderson      Wife of Fred Henderson                                      Cert & Ex.  Transferred to Walton, NY                                   
1/3/1908     John F.                  Thompson       Son of Dixon Thompson                                       Exam        Transferred to Walton, NY                                   
1/3/1908     Eldred Ray               Thompson                                                                   Exam        Suspended                                                   
12/26/1908   Archibald Millard        Thomson        Son of Will S. Thomson                                      Exam        Certified to Walton, NY                                     
6/26/1909    Anna Christina           Scott          Daughter of Wilson and Margaret A.                          Exam        Removed membership May (?) 1930                             
1/10/1910    William                  Rice                                                                       Cert.       Died                                                        
1/10/1910    Sarah F.                 Orr                                                                        Cert.       Certif to Walton, NY - Apr 1917                             
10/7/1911    David Barton             Russell        Son of T.D. Russell                                         Exam        Pastor at Utica, Ohio                                       
5/11/1912    Helen Spencer            Russell        Daughter of T.D. Russell                                    Exam        Certified to (illegible), May 1929                          
5/29/1915    Ruth                     Russell        Daughter of T.D. Russell                                    Exam        Certified to Lake Reno, June 1932(?)                        
5/29/1915    Renwick                  Russell        Son of T.D. Russell                                         Exam        Died June 3, 1924                                           
5/29/1915    Millard                  Russell        Son of Fran A.                                              Examinat.   Transferred to Walton Cong                                  
5/29/1915    Arthur                   Russell        Son of Fran A.                                              Examinat.   Transferred to Walton Cong                                  
5/29/1915    Ernest                   Russell        Son of Fran A.                                              Examinat.   By letter to UP Church                                      
5/7/1916     Mrs. Ina                 Thomson        Wife of John Foldine T.                                     Certif & Exa                                                            
5/7/1916     Mrs. Ruth                Thompson       Wife of Eldred Ray T.                                       Certif & ExaSuspended                                                   
1/30/1916    Harry                    McCumber                                                                   Examin.     Suspended                                                   
5/5/1916     Mrs. Jessie              McCumber       Wife of Harry McC                                           Examin.     Suspended                                                   
5/30/1916    Frank                    Rice                                                                       Examin.     No trace                                                    
5/27/1915    Mrs. Mary                Thiense(?)     Widow                                                       Certif & ExaCertified to Gould Memorial Church of Roxbury, NY           
11/25/1913   Clara                    Keys                                                                       Certificate Certified to Greeley R.P. Church                            
10/9/1915    Mrs. Wilba Katherina     Graham         Wife of Rev T.E. Graham                                     Certificate Received letter of standing June 26, 1920                   
5/6/1916     Mrs. Ella                Mead           Wife of Benjamin M.                                         Certif & ExaNo trace                                                    
5/6/1916     Kenneth Radcliffe        Kaufman        nephew of Dixon Thomson                                     Examinat.   Suspended                                                   
5/6/1916     Lafayette Franklin       Compton                                                                    Examinat.   Stricken from roll 6/21/19                                  
4/21/1917    Edna                     Russell        Daughter of Will T.R.                                       Examinat.   Died                                                        
4/21/1917    Edith                    Russell        Daughter of Will T.R.                                       Examinat.   Certified to U.P. Church of Andes, NY                       
6/23/1918    Janet T.                 Laidlaw        Daughter of Mr & Mrs A. Laid.                               Examinat.   Died May 1931                                               
11/30/1918   Frank                    Munson                                                                     Certif. & ExDied - Dec 13, 1920                                         
6/26/1920    Herbert                  McCumber       Nephew of Harry McCumber                                    Examin.     Suspended                                                   
11/5/1921    Margaret Elizabeth       Russell        Daughter of Will T. Russell                                 Examin.     By letter to UP of Bovina, Apr 1, 1941                      
11/5/1921    Lester James             Henderson      Son of Fred Henderson                                       Examin.     Cert fo Walton NY, May 8, 1942                              
4/29/1922    Mrs. Abagail             Fuller                                                                     Cert & Exam Died Dec 12, 1933                                           
4/29/1922    Mrs. Anna Katherine      Ruston                                                                     Examin.     Cert. to M.E. Church Andes                                  
4/29/1922    Richard Douglas          Ruston                                                                     Examin.     No Trace                                                    
4/29/1922    Dorothy Evelyn           Ruston                                                                     Examin.     Cert. to M.E. Church Andes                                  
5/10/1924    Margaret                 Laidlaw        Dau of Mr. and Mrs. Laidlaw                                 Examin.     Cert to U.P. Church Bov Ctr                                 
5/9/1925     Verna E.                 Ruston                                                                     Examin.     Cert. to M.E. Church Andes                                  
5/9/1925     Gordon R.                Ruston                                                                     Examin.     Cert. to M.E. Church Andes                                  
5/9/1925     Isabel H.                Russell        wife of Millard Russell                                     Certificate transferred to Walton, NY                                   
5/9/1925     Herbert Wm.              Russell        Son of W.T. Russell                                         Examine     Letter to U.P. Church Jan 1942                              
5/9/1925     Burton H.                Hernderson     Son of F.J. Henderson                                       Examine     Letter to U.P. Church Jan 1942                              
11/13/1926   James Wilber             Tweedie        Son of Mrs. R.R. Tweedie                                    Examine     By letter to Andes                                          
11/13/1926   Clair Thomson            Tweedie        Son of Mrs. R.R. Tweedie                                    Examine     By letter to Delhi                                          
11/13/1926   Mrs. Margaret C.         Thompson       Wife of A. Melville Thompson                                Certificate Certif to Hemet(?) - Sept 14, 1930                          
10/6/1928    Beatrice                 Thomson        dau of Mr. & Mrs. J.F. Thomson                              Examin      Transferred to Walton                                       
10/6/1928    Hannah                   McCumber       dau of Harry McC                                            Examin      Suspended                                                   
10/6/1928    John                     McCumber       son of Harry McC                                            Examin      Suspended                                                   
11/21/1931   Wanda Hoffman            Henderson      wife of Lester J. Henderson                                 Examin      Cert to Walton May 8, 1942                                  
5/7/1933     Arimenta                 McCumber       Dau of Harry Mc                                             Examin      Suspended                                                   
5/7/1933     James                    McCumber       Son of Harry Mc                                             Examin      Suspended                                                   
5/7/1933     Elizabeth                Henderson      Wife of Burton Henderson                                    by letter   Letter to U.P. Church Bovina                                
10/29/1932   Marion Ormiston          Spear          Wife of Rev Spear                                           by letter   by Cert to New Castle                                       
11/15/1933   Doris                    Thomson        Dau of Mr. & Mrs. J.F. Thomson                              Exam        To Lutheran Cong at Delhi                                   
11/15/1933   Millard                  Russell, Jr.   Son of Millard F. Russell                                   Exam        Transferred to Walton                                       
11/2/1940    Clifton                  Russell        Son of Millard F. Russell                                   Exam        Transferred to Walton 

a service of the Delaware County Historical Association located at 46549 State Highway 10, Delhi, NY 13753

Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger