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Delaware County, New York
The information herewith was transcribed by me from the originals to the best of my ability. Some writing is faded, some spelling is poor. I did not correct any spelling, punctuation, etc. errors in the originals. Symbols I used are:
Church Meeting Notes - July 22, 1832 - October 28, 1832 Baptist Church Notes - April 30, 1853, East Franklin Subscription Notes of West Meredith/Croton Church 1853-54 West Meredith Baptist Church Members - February 27, 1854 Quit Claim Deed - February 21, 1861 Identified People by Shirley Brownson from Baptist Church Notes 1832-1861 Letter to Croton Baptist Church, 1895
Undated: Refers to Ichabod Brownson and Elisha Browson, who lived in Franklin, Delaware County, New York -- Records from the Baptist Church of Christ, Franklin, Delaware County, NY, indicate that Ichabod was admitted for membership in 1802 and Elisha in 1807. They both died in 1842.
The Committee to whom was refered the case of Br Denias Hine
beg leave to report that ha... investigated the peculiar sentiments
advanced by B... Hine as we believe in a Christian spirit have
come ... the conclusion that those sentiments are not in accord with
the word of God but directly opposed to the se... of the scriptures of
truth and to sound orthodoxy. Viz ... immortality of the soul the
effect of regeneration in ... and the duration of punishment to the
impenitent to be ... for a limited period The soul and body to be
burned up or consumed into ashes thus making the only hell a sinner will
suffer will be at the resurection of the dead and the burning up of
soul and body at the time of the burning up of this Earth We would also
state in a few words that we believe such doctrine to be dangerous from
the fact that is has a tendency to lower down the infinite holy law of
God and make it unjust to punish eternally for transgression and also
to keep sinners in a state of security supposing the longest that they
will suffer will be but short. We also believe that the punishment of
the ungodly and impenitent is set forth in the Bible as clear as language
could make it to endure as long as the happiness or eternal life of the
righteous and that the death of the sinner is put in opposition with the
life of the righteous in many places in the bible showing that if one
would come to a termination the other might
July 22, 1832 - October 28, 1832 Note: No Indication of church name or specific location -- Notes were taken in several different handwritings Brother E. Brownson (presumably Elisha or Elijah) and Deacon Brownson (probably referring to Ichabod Brownson who was a Baptist Deacon) were members. All lived in Franklin, Delaware County, New York, as of the 1830 New York State Census. Records from the Baptist Church of Christ, Franklin, Delaware County, NY, indicate that Elijah was admitted for membership in 1801, Ichabod in 1802, and Elisha in 1807. Shirley Brownson, January 22, 1998 -1- 1832 Lords day July 22 Elder Wattles preached two discourses then broke bread a comfortable time A letter was received from some brethren in Franklin to send the Elder and brethren to sit in council to consider the propriety of constituting a church and to constitute if thought proper to meet on the last tuesday of July at 9 o clock AM at the New Meeting house by Alonzo Hawley,s Voted to grant their request A request was made by several brethren and sisters for letters of dismission to join the church about to be organized voted to answer their request The Names are Cloin(?) Bolton Sally Bolton Sally Bolton 2nd Eliza Bolton Patty Boyd Rebecca Boyd William Boyd & Electa Boyd
Sunday July 29 the church was stayed after Service to appoint Brethren to sit in council on the above request Voted that Elder Kingsley Deacons Stilson & Brownson Brethren Midad Jackson Thomas Woolcut William Stilson & Orrin Sears be appointed The Brethren except Br Jackson were there and proceed(?) to constitute(?) the Sermon By Elder Griswold the address to the -2- 1832 Church by Elder Kingsley the right hand of fellowship by Elder Jones Sunday August 12. the church was stayed after service upon the request of Br Orrin Sears for a letter of commendation Voted that his request be granted Covenant Meeting August 24 Prayer by Br Woolcut articles were read the Brethren and Sisters related their minds and it appeared that there was a determination to arise and go to their Father manifested by almost all confessing their coldness and stupidity and resolving to become more awake A letter was read from one who was once a member in this church namely Sally Stephens or from the Pastor in Harpersville requesting a letter of Recommendation & dismission for the above named person Deacon Stilson the only member acquainted with her and the circumstances of her removal from the church about twenty years ago made some remarks and thought that enquiry ought to be made of some in the East church as they might be acquainted with that which might be necessary to know in order for an understanding on the above named subject Voted that Deacon Stilson enquire and make report to the church Communion Aug 25 2 Sermons -3 1832 Sunday September 9 The Church was stayed after service Br Alonzo Hawley from the second church in Franklin made a request for Elder Kingsley to labor some part of the time with said church say half of the day some times Voted that the request be granted or that Elder Kingsley preach half the day the next sabbath with them Voted that we have a church meeting next Saturday at 1 oclock in the afternoon Met according to appointment Prayer by Elder Kingsley Deacon Stilson reported that he had visited brethren and sisters in the East Church respecting the case of Sally Stephens and could obtain no information against her sufficient to not grant a letter Voted to grant her a letter A letter was read from Polly Comstock who moved out of the bounds of the church some years ago and requesting information whether she was still in the church and requesting a letter if one could be granted Confessing that she had been out of the way and desired forgivness Voted to grant a letter -4 1832 Br Hawley complains of Sister Georgey for making improper expressions at Dr Cady,s ... the previous Labor by Br Midad Jackson and Br Woolcut Voted to receive the complaint Called on Dr Cady as a witness Br Georgey objected on the ground of his hearing the expressions above named or that on the ground of his being a party and his not being sworn a 2'nd objection or without his being sworn The church voted that the objection brought by Br Georgey as respects Dr Cady,s being a party is without without a foundation Br Georgey also requires that Dr Cady take the voidere {ed. note - voir dire) oath Voted that the second objection is without foundation Dr Cady,s Testimony stating that conversation took place on the day that Elder Wattles preached here states that there was remarks about Elder Watles sermon and way of delivery Mrs Smith stated that it was a good discourse also Mrs Georgey stated that it was a good discourse far better than what it was the sermon a fortnight ago Enquired what Sermon He Dr C says what the one on temperance She replied yes He Dr C said he had no fault to find with the discourse Sister Georgey said that she did not want to be accused of paving the road of the ... to hell -5- 1832 He Dr C said that he did not know that she or any was accused of paving the road to hell Sister Georgey said that it was condemning our forefathers Sister G said that the discourse was the greatest piece of blasphemy refering to Eld K discourse Cross examined says he has no reasonable doubts but what she meant the sermon preached by Elder K Mrs Cady testified that the Dr related it as she understood it as it respects the blasphemy she understood her to say that it was the greatest piece of blasphemy she ever heard Sister M Smith testifies that she heard Sister G say or understood her to say that she liked the sermon better than she did a fortnight ago She heard something about a book but thinks it was out of doors She heard nothing about blasphemy Sister Georgey called on Sister Fulford who stated that Mrs G said we had a good sermon to day Mrs F said not like the sermon we had a fortnight ago not meaning to speak against the sermon recollects Mrs G saying something about the forefathers says that Mrs Cady come out and said that she did not think much of such christianity meaning as she supposed those that did not were oposed to temperance upon questions Thinks the conversation was begun by the women and not Dr Cady -6- 1832 Thinks that there is no Material alteration between what she now says and what she told the Dr at her house only the conversation respecting Mrs Cady doubting the Christianity of those that did not like such sermon, no recollection about blasphemy or about a book Did not think anything about the Dr or Sister G being mad (Br Cook having liberty came forward and confessed that he had been much out of the way in not meeting with the church and in another particular meaning unlawful intimacy before marriage that he had been a great ways out of the way and that he heartily desired forgiveness and wished the brethren had been more faithful Voted to forgive him) Dr Cady being called the 2 time states his having of it in writing relating to what Mrs Fulford stated at her house read the writing Voted to adjourn the case till monday next at two oclock (Br Satterlee came forward and confessed that he is told by Brs Fox and Lester Ward that he said that in Mr Benedict Harroon(?) Hark hear what the scripture saith The .... are turned out of heaven and -7- 1832 ... in chains unto the great day Sept 17, 1832 Met according to adjournment Prayer by Elder Barlow Voted to forgive Brother Saterlee Brother Saterlee confessed that he had refrained from drinking Spirits for a while but had broken over and had drink'd too much once at Capt. Bristols and had spoken things wrong then and at other times and was sorry and that he did wrong in carrying liquor to Dr(?) Stilsons drawing and was sorry for it voted to forgive him. Br E Brownson says he would have no objections against entire abstinence except as a medicine Voted that the complaint is substantiated by complainants witnesses provided nothing appears to contradict in Sister Gs testimony witnesses Br E Brownson says he spoke favorable to the sermon with those exceptions mentioned by her Br Saterlee do said the same as she wrote Sister H Jackson says Sister G would wait & see what others thought of the sermon -8- and on being asked thinks she meant to learn others opinion to form her own Eld K said Sister G said she had been troubled about it before Sister K & she talked together The Question now is whither the balance of testimony is against her or not Voted in the affirmative Adjournd without ...ay Prayer by Elder Kingsley Covenant Meeting September 22 After singing. Prayer by Elder Kingsley Read the Articles. The Brethren then related their minds & it was manifested that they felt a desire to be more awake with a determination to live more as the Lord requires of them After which the door being opened for any one having a christian experience to tell with a view of uniting with this church Mary Elizabeth Sturtevant (?) & Ansyl F Stilson came forward and related the dealings of God with them and was received into the fellowship of the Church after being Baptized The Sisters expressed their feelings then & quite a degree of engagedness exhibited quite encouraging Symptoms Brother Salmon M Smith letter of commendation requested. Voted. Voted that Brother James Slade & Sementha his wife have letters of dismission. A protracted meeting then was spoken of and unanimously -9- voted Voted that Deacon Stilson William Stilson & Henry Noble consult the arrangements around and make report what time to hold the above meeting Closed by Prayer by Elder Kingsley Received a request from Harpersfield Church to appoint the Pastor of the church and another member to sit in council on the third tuesday of October for the purpose of settling the difficulty between Polenheim (?) & Harpersfield Church Voted that Elder Kingsley & Deacon Stilson meet the council The Committee who was appointed to make report what time to hold a protracted meeting thought best to have it commence the 4th Sunday in October accordingly it was named on Sunday Septr 23 1832 Sunday Septr 23 1832 Elder Kingsley preached one discourse then repaired to the water and baptized the above candidates came back and broke bread quite an interesting time Sunday October 7 Church stayd after service Voted that we hold a church meeting tomorrow at two oclock Met according to appointment Prayer by Br Edwin Stilson -10- Br Midad Jackson complained of Br Georgey for improper speeches as may appear in evidence Br Georgey being called upon says the the charges are correct being called upon to state in what paticular or particulars he made improper expressions says that he accused Elder Kingsley of using partiality in the trial respecting his wife and now believes that he did not act partial On being questioned or requested to confess other things says that he could not recollect all. wishes the items might be named Objects against the complaint being received on the ground that gospel labour has not been taken After some remarks Br Georgey took back the objection Voted to receive the complaint Upon questions first whether he had not said that Dr Cady would if employed as Physician keep him along in order to get his property and by this means keep him sick would take his life Says that he said if Dr Cady did as he thought he did with respect to the case of his wife would do so & so Testimony being introduced first a writing respecting Br Georgey saying that the Doctor would take his property 2nd Br Todd says that Br Georgey says that he would as soon trust him self in the hands of Dr Cady -11- as though he had a sword in his hand because that he had tried to ruin his character and he Dr Cady would as soon take his life as his character Upon the complaint respecting Br G saying the church ... Dr Cady to make him strong in his evidence against his wife. Does not recollect saying so. Confesses that he said that his mother in her testimony ,,lied,, but thinks he did not say it was wilful thinks that he stated it was not wilful thinks now it was no ,,lie,, felt wrong the reason of is saying so Says that he has talked against Elder Kingsley about Elder Kingsley being officious in the difficulty at the East Church Thinks that he has not talked about Eld Kingsleys preaching an Antimasonic sermon for a quarter of veal beef Says that he has talked about Eld K preaching to the an antimason sermon for a quarter of veal beef that Wm Stilson hired him to do so (as he heard) and Mr Stilson would not pay him the beef but gave him a ... Br G. says he believes the story-had heard that Eld K denied it but: heresay did not alter his opinion. -12- 1832 On thinking about it Br Georgey says that he has considered that the crime was so bad a one that he could not believe it When come here did not believe or disbelieve Has not told the story to more than one or two Says that a great many believed the story men of good judgment Did not hold it as a bar against EK so but what he could go along with him in the church has stated that he did not calculate to with the church and could not go another step Has stated that the Dr & EK family had put their heads together to injure him all they could Thinks now that Elder K did not wrong in going to Mr Fulfords without calling upon him as he once thought Does not recollect saying when out that EK would lie - has stated that EK had money in view as a Lawyer had the reason why he preached Does not recollect saying so to Br Brownson Br. Brownson said Br Georgia said Eld K. preached like a lawyer for money (as witness) understand it that EK was destitute of piety. That the church was under his influence - and he put no confidence in the EK as a minister -13-Br Brownson states that he has heard Br G speak against Eld K at other times Br B says Br G said Eld K called him worse than a murderer he Br. G. had not much fellowship for such talk Br Georgia had talked against the Eld. for six months past frequently sometimes he was petty sometimes not EG Upon questions says respecting
April 30, 1853, East Franklin At a meeting held in East Franklin on April 30th the following resolutions were passed First Resolved that we deem it expedient to circulate a subscription to raise funds to the amount of twenty five Hundred Dollars or upwards for the construction of a Meeting House for the Baptist denomination to be located in East Franklin and that when said funds are raised we proceed to build the House - within the year 1854. And furthermore that said House shall be free to the use of all Orthodox denominations when not in use by said Baptist denomination. Second Resolved that when said funds are raised one third of the sum shall be payable by the first of Dec 1853 and the remainder shall be paid by the first of Dec 1854 We the undersigned in conformity with the above resolutions do severally agree to pay the sums opposite our respective names for the purpose therein contemplated Henry Jackson 300 00 A. Gates 75 00 Frederick Noble 50 00 Silas Wheat... Ithiel Brownson 150 00 Silas Wheat 75 00 Reuben Saunders 100 00 Ransom Evens 25 00 A H Saunders 100 00 Jeremiah Evens 50 00 Simeon Parsons 100 00 William Jackson Paid 25 00 Samuel Welton 150 00 Edmund Bell 50 00 N O Case Paid 50 00 Chauncey Ogden Paid 10 00 Francis Wolcott 100 00 Simon Miles Paid 20 00 Linus Wolcott 100 00 Daniel Remington 25 00 Linus Ogden 50 00 Salmon Jackson 10 00 George Carver 25 00 S. L. Slade 10 00 Marcus Brownson 75 00 C H Treadwell 35 00 Niles S Georgia 50 00 Abm. Bush 10 00 L (or S) W Jackson 50 00 Alpheus Perkins 10 00 Lewis Noble 50 00 Wm Gates 10 00 Seymour Brownson 50 00 G M Deyell 10 00 L F Titus transferred 50 00 Hermon Brownson 20 00 Herman Treadwell 25 00 Minor Treadwell 10 00 Elmore Jennings 25 00 Joel W Smith 10 00 Seymour Cook 25 00 A T Treadwell 25 00 G B Treadwell 20 00 Reuben Munn 20 00 Ezra Jesten Paid by note 25 00 Moses Bourn 20 00 Wm Stewart 25 00 Philander Meyers 30 00 Charles Blanchard 25 00 Uriah Valentine 15 00 Henry Valentine Paid 10 00 Lucius Jackson Paid 10 00 Ira Ogden 10 00 William W Jackson 10 00 Wm Blake 10 00 Seba Remington 25 00 Geo Saunders 20 00 Anson Osborn paid by note 10 00 Elijah Tupper Paid 25 00 Enos Wolcott paid by note 10 00 William Wheat Jr 25 00 Hartson Treadwell 20 00 W Remington 15 00 Charles Reid all paid 25 00 Hugh Reid 10 00 Levi Miles Paid 5
I did these papers a few years ago. The slash marks represent checkmarks that were in front of the names. Shirley Brownson, January 1998
We the undersigned do hereby severally promise to pay to Henry Jackson H. S. Treadwell A. J. Gates Seymour Cook Ithiel Brownson Samuel Welton Harmon Treadwell Reuben Saunders Simeon Parsons a committee of persons chosen and selected by the West Meredith Church and congregation assembled for the purpose of appointing Said Committee the Sums set opposite our respective names (the one third of Each of our subscriptions hereto be due & paid on the first day of December in the year of 1853 and the remaining two thirds to be due and paid on the first day of December in the year of 1854) for the purpose of building a Church or place of worship for the Said Church and Society. Said building to be located in or near the Village of Croton in the Town of Franklin - And we the Subscribers do request the aforesaid committee chosen & selected as aforesaid to contract for and purchase a site upon which to build said Church Edifice and to contract for the building of such Church or house of Worship or to procure all the materials necessary for the building of the same and to build and to complete said Church Edifice for the purposes aforesaid and in all respects to exorcise their own Judgments in its completion and we the Subscribers do authorize the said Committee so appointed as aforesaid to apply the sums of money hereto subscribed in payment therefor Henry Jackson Ithiel Brownson Hartson Treadwell Herman Treadwell A J Gates Rueben Saunders Committee Seymour Cook Simeon Parsons Witness our hands the Subscribers hereafter named and signed this 15th day of June 1853 NAME PAID NAME PAID / x Henry Jackson 300 / x Elmore Jennings 25 00 / x Frederick Noble 50 00 / x Geo Saunders 20 00 / x Ithiel Brownson 50 00 / x L (or S) W Jackson 50 00 / x Reuben Saunders 100 00 / x George B Treadwell 20 00 / x Herman Treadwell 25 / x A. J. Gates 75 00 / x Simeon Parsons 100 / C. H. Treadwell 35 00 / x Seymour Cook 25 / x S. L. Slade 10 00 / x Francis Wolcott 100 / x Wm Gates 15 00 / x Abel H. Saunders 100 / x G M Deyell 10 00 / x Linus Wolcott 100 / x Chas Blanchard 25 00 / x Samuel Welton 150 00 / Moses Bourne 20 00 / x William Stewart 25 / x Lewis Noble 50 00 / x J. (or G.) Chapman 5 00 / x Alpheus Perkins 10 00 / x Daniel Remington 25 / x Marcus Brownson 15 00 / x A T Trendwell 25 00 / x Edmund Bell 50 00 / x H S Treadwell 25 00 / x Uriah R Valentine 15 00 / x Seba Remington 25 00 / x Philander Meyers 30 00 / x (?) Brownson 20 00 / x Jeremiah Evens Jr 50 00 / x Niles S. Georgia 50 00 / x Ransom Evens 25 00 / x William W Jackson 10 00 / Reuben Munn 20 00 / x Hermon Brownson 20 00 / x Orson Georgia on house 5 00 in labour / x J. Washingtonsmith 10 00 / David N Georgia 3 00 / Henry Warfield 10 00 / x Samuel B Treadwell 5 00 / x Abm Bush 10 00 / x Lavell Saunders 5 00 / x Linus Ogden 50 00 Harvey Bell 10 00 / x William Wheat Jr. 25 00 / Marvin D Kellogg 10 00 / George Carver 25 00 / Joel B. Mallory 5 00 / x Ira Ogden 10 00 / R W Treadwell 5 00 / x Silas Wheat 75 00 / x Eryra Osterhout 5 00 / x L. F. Titus 50 00 / x Hartson Treadwell 6 00 / x Hugh Reid 10 00 x Carleton Ward 40 00 / x Wm. Blake 10 00 689 / x N O Remington 15 00 1755 {Note: These names appear to have been signed personally. Some were very difficult to decipher.}
February 27, 1854 Note: Large groups of these names were in the same handwriting - spelling is not necessarily consistent with the other church notes, even when completely legible. Shirley Brownson, January 1998 The following undersigned individuals being members of the West Meredith Baptist Church in good standing hereby anex our names as favorable to the location of our Meeting House at Croton and wish to be members of that body and make that our place of worship in the future. Croton February 27, 1854
(On back) Quit Claim Deed Harmon Treadwell & wife to Trustees of Baptist Society This indenture made the 21st day February in the year one thousand Eight hundred and sixty one between Harmon Treadwell and Lovina his wife of the town of Franklin in the County of Delaware and State of New York of the first part and Milton Bostwick A. T. Treadwell Henry Jackson Reuben Saunders G. Z. Saunders Ithiel Brownson & Linus Wolcott----- Trustees of the Croton Baptist Society and their successors in office of the second part Witnesseth That the said Party of the first part for and in consideration of one dollar to them in hand paid by the said party of the second part the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath remised released and quit claimed unto the said party of the second part and their successors in office Forever all that certain piece or parcel of land situate in Croton and heretofore occupied for a school house and since deeded by Trustees of School District to the trustees of the aforesaid Baptist Society reference to which deed the description will more fully appear with all and singular the hereditaments and appertenances thereunto belonging In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals the day and year first above written Sealed and delivered Harmon Treadwell in presence of Lovina Treadwell H ,,, Treadwell Delaware County On this 23 day of February 1861 before me personally came Harmon Treadwell and Lovina his wife to me known to be the individuals described in and who executice the within conayance and acknowledged that they executice the same and the said Lovina on a private examination by me made apart from her husband acknowledged that she executice the same freely and without any fear or compulsion of her said husband Hartson Treadwell Justice
by Shirley Brownson, January 22, 1998 from Baptist Church Notes 1832-1861, Franklin, Delaware Co., NY
Blanchard, Charles b. c. 1821, Meredith, Delaware Co., NY; m. Samantha Brownson parents: children: George Blanchard, Ocelia Blanchard Bourne, George W. Blanchard, Mary Etta Blanchard Squire, Tracy Blanchard Blanchard, Samantha (Brownson) b. 8/20/1818, Meredith, Delaware Co., NY; m. Charles Blanchard (children as above) parents: Elisha and (Mary Hill/Hull) Brownson Brownson, Elijah: b. c. 1777, New Milford, CT; m. Hannah Willard, widow parents: Ziba and Sarah (Porter) Brownson children: Ammon Brownson, Filelia Brownson Dye, Thurza Brownson, Lucinda Brownson, Sterling Brownson, Joel Brownson Brownson, Elisha: b. 12/23/1787, New Milford, CT; d. 7/8/1842, probably Delaware Co., NY m. 12/28/1812 Mary Hill or Hull parents: Ziba and Sarah (Porter) Brownson children: Julia Anne Brownson Remington, Sophia Brownson Fitzgerald, Mary Etta Brownson, Samantha Brownson Blanchard, Linus Brownson, Marcus Brownson, Julius Brownson Brownson, Ichabod: b. 4/15/1774, New Milford, CT; d. 4/19/1842, Delaware Co., NY m. 1/16/1800 Sarah (Salley) Treadwell parents: Ziba and Sarah (Porter) Brownson children: Ithiel Brownson, Thirsa Brownson Merwin, Harriet Brownson Stewart, Lucretia Brownson Stilson Brownson, Hermon: b. 8/1/1827, Delaware Co., NY; d. 1901 m. 12/29/1852, Mary Hubble O'Connor parents: Ithiel and Fanny (Munn) Brownson children: Fannie M. Brownson VanTassle, Lillias Brownson Ward, Ithiel Brownson, Milton Brownson Brownson, Irene (Bell) b. c. 1833, Delaware Co., NY; d. 1862, NY m. 1/7/1852, Seymour Brownson parents: children: Alice Brownson Huston Brownson, Ithiel: b. 3/22/1801, Meredith, NY; d. 6/25/1872, Delaware Co., NY m. 3/11/1824, Fanny Munn; 4/30/1835, Mindwell Dewey; 9/1863, Huldah Jackson parents: Ichabod and Sarah (Treadwell) Brownson children: Sally Brownson Murphy, Hermon Brownson, Seymour Brownson Brownson, Julius b. c. 4/23/1824, Meredith, Delaware Co., NY; d. before 1891, OR m. 9/9/1845, Mary A. Ogden parents: Elisha and Mary (Hill/Hull) Brownson children: Orren Brownson, Adelaide G. Brownson Baldwin, Mark Brownson, Ella A. Brownson Williams, Della Estell (Adella) Brownson Newton Brownson, Linus: b. 5/3/1820 , Meredith, Delaware Co., NY; d. 9/27/1900, Turner, Marion Co., OR m. 7/7/1841, Nancy Remington parents: Elisha and Mary (Hill/Hull) Brownson children: unknown, possibly at least one daughter adopted in OR Brownson, Marcus: b. 5/23/1822, Meredith, Delaware Co., NY; d.12/13/1891, Titusville, Crawford Co., PA m. 1844, Mary Ann Walling parents: Elisha and Mary (Hill/Hull) Brownson children: Tracy Brownson, Adeleida Brownson, M. Louise Brownson Crawford (adopted niece) Brownson, Mary A. (Ogden) b. c. 1826, MA, d. 1901, Philomath, Benton Co., OR m. 9/9/1845, Julius Brownson parents: children: Orren Brownson, Adelaide G. Brownson Baldwin, Mark Brownson, Ella A. Brownson Williams, Della Estell (Adella) Brownson Newton Brownson, Mary Ann (Walling): b. c. 1826, NY; d.3/17/1896, Crawford Co., PA m. 1844, Marcus Brownson parents: children: Tracy Brownson, Adeleida Brownson, M. Louise Brownson Crawford (adopted niece) Brownson, Mary Hubble (O'Connor): b. c. 1828, Delaware Co., NY; d. 1890 m. 12/29/1852, Hermon Brownson parents: Francis and Prudence O'Connor children: Fannie Brownson VanTassle, Lillias Brownson Ward, Ithiel Brownson, Milton Brownson Brownson, Mindwell (Dewey): b. c. 1800, Meredith, NY; d. 12/26/1862, Delaware Co., NY m. 4/30/1835, Ithiel Brownson parents: children: stepchildren: Sally Brownson Murphy, Hermon Brownson, Seymour Brownson Brownson, Nancy (Remington) b. c. 1818, NY; d. possibly OR m. 7/7/1841, Linus Brownson parents: children: unknown, possibly at least one daughter adopted in OR Brownson, Seymour: b. 5/25/1830, Croton, Delaware Co., NY; d. 3/19/1907, Oneonta, NY m. 1/7/1852, Irene Bell; 1863 or 1864, Harriet Rose parents: Ithiel and Fanny (Munn) Brownson children: Alice Brownson Huston, Adella Brownson Walsh Brownson, Julia Anne b. 11/10/1813, Meredith, Delaware Co., NY; m. Seba Remington parents: Elisha and (Mary Hill/Hull) Brownson children: Virgil Remington, Mary Jane Remington Zebriski Remington, Mary Jane b. 1840, Delaware Co., NY; d. 1877 m. Jacob Zebriski parents: Seba and Julia Anne (Brownson) Remington children: Elizabeth Zebriski, Lula Zebriski Crawford Remington, Seba b. c. 1812, Delaware Co., NY; m. Julia Anne Brownson parents: children: Virgil Remington, Mary Jane Remington Zebriski Remington, Virgil b. 8/4/1836, Delaware Co., NY; d. 1863 m. parents: Seba and Julia Anne (Brownson) Remington children: Stewart, Harriet (Brownson) b. 10/12/1810, Delaware Co., NY; d. 4/13/1878 m. 12/27/1827, William Stewart parents: Ichabod and Sarah (Treadwell) Brownson children: Sarah A. Stewart, Thirsa M. Stewart, James P. Stewart, Ithiel Stewart, Lucretia B. Stewart Remington, Mindwell Stewart Reynolds, Cary Stewart, Harriet E. Stewart Richards Stewart, Lucretia b.1/21/1837, Delaware Co., NY; d. c. 1877, d. c. 1877 m. 1861, Nelson Remington parents: William and Harriet (Brownson) Stewart children: Stewart, Mindwell b.8/23/1839, Delaware Co., NY; d. c. 1864 m. 1861, Deroy Reynolds parents: William and Harriet (Brownson) Stewart children: Stewart, Sarah b.10/15/1829, Delaware Co., NY; m. parents: William and Harriet (Brownson) Stewart children: Stewart, Thirza b.10/10/1831, Delaware Co., NY; m. parents: William and Harriet (Brownson) Stewart children: Stewart, William b. c. 1804, MA; d. between 1855-1860 m. 12/27/1827, Harriet Brownson children: Sarah A. Stewart, Thirsa M. Stewart, James P. Stewart, Ithiel Stewart, Lucretia B. Stewart Remington, Mindwell Stewart Reynolds, Cary Stewart, Harriet E. Stewart Richards
Dear Brethern and Sisters of the Croton Baptist Church - Greeting Your kind invitation to participate, by letter, in the Roll-call which the church will observe in the last month of this fast closing year is heartily appreciated. It is evidence that we still have a warm place in your affections. Be assured that the feeling is mutual. Providence has separated us in service, but our minds retain and cherish the memories of other days, when as one we labored to advance, locally and universally, the kingdom of Christ. We stretch ourselves, figuratively speaking, across the intervening natural territory which separates us physically, to be present, in spirit, at a gathering which we believe will be a "sitting together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus." The reports received by us of God's dealings with you and your community during the past few weeks causes sincere rejoicing. It can be "said of this man and that man he was born here." The strength and perpetutity of the Church depends upon additions to the family, and the natural increase is by birth. A human family in which there are no births soon runs out. A church in which there are no spiritual births soon decays. The Church of Christ was never meant to be maintained by any other way than by spiritual births in her body. All accession aside from this is a thing of circumstance. This is the normal method, the appointed method the natural method namely: births in the household, not adoptions. It must needs be in nature that we find barrenness. But there is no necessity for such misfortune in Zion. If barrenness exists in the church, there is a cause within the power of the body to remove. For God has predicated fruitfulness in Zion if conditions are fulfilled. The impregnating power of the Holy Ghost is ever available for the church. And it is only as the Holy Spirit shall "come upon and overshadow" the church that a birth-cry shall be heard in the spiritual houselold. "It is not by might, not by power but by my Spirit saith the Lord." We congratulate you upon the spiritual reviving and trust this is only the beginning of more plenteous outpourings of divine Grace. The story of Mary's Alabaster box is a familiar and fragrant one to every Christian heart. Pardon me if I take time to break a little one above your heads. It is practically a wasting of ointment, to bring a boquet of flowers, after people are dead, and placing them upon the coffin say - there smell these. We need to bring more flowers and diffuse more precious perfumes while the living are with us. I would speak therefore now of the very cordial and hearty reception accorded me this summer on visiting you. I never enjoyed the greetings or realized the friendships and the "tie that binds more fully and deeply. The kindness of your pastor in granting me such complete opportunity to speak from the pulpit, and the reception accorded to the message, linger with me as a choice perfume distilled from vacation flowers. If there was a cloud in all the brightness of my visit to Croton - I must say Croton for I can never know it by any other name - it was that some faces and forms we love to remember were gone from their accustomed places. Their seat was empty at the fireside and in the church. But their image lingers before our vision, and their lives are linked to our memory. "Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord." He giveth his beloved sleep." May the Father of all mercies give to those who tarry for a litle while, of his strength and grace. "The Lord be with you all."
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