
Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site

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The 1810 Federal Census - Town of Walton

Transcribed by Terry Thornton, August 2005

Key to the last two columns

1st Number: Free white males under age 10
2nd Number: Free white males age 10-16
3rd Number: Free white males age 16-26
4th Number: Free white males age 26-45
5th Number: Free white males age 45 and over

6th Number: Free white females under age 10
7th Number: Free white females age 10-16
8th Number: Free white females age 16-26
9th Number: Free white females age 26-45
10th Number: Free white females age 45 and over

Surname             First Name      Males     Females
Wood                Ichabod         20010     20010     
Webster             John            10010     10100     
Platt               Levi            00010     00000     
Bennet              Abijah          20010     10010     
Bennet              Nathan          00011     01001     
Bennet              Joseph          01110     11010     
Morehous            Jonathan        00100     00100     
Plow                John            10010     10100     
Van Deburgh         Ezekial         00101     50002     
Guire               Samuel          12010     10110     
Bennet              Daniel          10010     00100     
Patrick             John            00010     10100     
Bennet              Margaret        10000     10010     
Barlow              John            10210     00111     
Wakeman             Stephen         31110     11010     
Olverson            Jeremiah        01101     10121     
Wakeman             James           11210     11010     
Murwin              James           10310     10010     
Gould               Luther          20010     01010     
Nichols             Daniel          11201     02101     
Dennis              George          00001     31110     
Dayman              John            00001     00001     
Wakeman             Moses           12110     31210     
Compton             Hugh            30010     20010     
Beers               Ephraim         00211     00110     
Beers               David           10100     00100     
Cable               Joseph          41010     00010     
Gold                Levi            11010     21010     
Gold                Eli             02010     31011     
Smith               William         00000     00000     
Wakeman             Epaphra         10021     00110     
Banks               David           01010     40010     
Robinson            Daniel          00001     01001     
Jones               John            02001     10001     
Pine                Joshua          31101     10111     
Pine                John            00101     01011     
Freer               John            20001     10010     
Pine                Daniel          22120     20010     
Cob                 Josiah          10010     10010     
Phelps              Benijah B.      10110     00010     
Howard              Shadrack        00210     11010     
Townson             William         21010     22110     
Townson             Platt           00001     00001     
Perkins             James           00010     10010     
Ellison             Jeremiah        00010     20100     
North               Gabriel         11101     02001     
St. John            Selick          00010     00010     
Coleman             Daniel Jun.     10110     11100     
Benedict            Caleb Jun.      20200     00110     
Hanford             Samuel          10101     53110     
Smith               David           11110     00010     
St. John            David           00101     01101     
Heth                Isaac           00010     10010     
Benedict            Silas           01001     10010     
Hanford             Levi            20201     02101     
Johnson             Silas C.        11110     11110     
Isbell              Eber            10010     00100     
Hobby               Drake           21010     00010     
Steel               John            30310     10100     
St. John            Thomas          01010     21011     
Johnson             Dorman          20010     10110     
Williams            Elisha          17101     30001     
Warren              John            00010     00100     
Howland             Job             10010     32010     
Knowles             Squire          00100     00100     
Howland             Gersham         00001     00001     
Wicker              Afher           00100     00100     
Chace               George          21010     20010     
Chace               Edward          00111     00101     
Combs               John            01101     01001     
Combs               John Jun.       10100     11100     
Williams            William         12101     10001     
Warren              Elias           10110     20100     
Richards            Nehemiah        00201     00201     
Babcock             Jabez           00100     10100     
Rowell              James           20010     10100     
Whitmash            Thomas B.       10010     00010     
Robinson            Jonathan        32010     10010     
Goodrich            Elnathan        12010     11010     
Sawyer              Elisha          10011     10101     
Stockden            Charles W.      01011     00110     
Brock               Philip          11010     41010     
Garner              Geter           20010     21100     
Diar                William         10010     20001     
Case                Buel            00100     10100     
North               Robert          00301     31001     
Fish                Nathaniel       01010     12110     
Ogden               Daniel          42201     02010     
North               Benjamin        00010     11100     
Ells                John            02201     01001     
Rayment             Lewis           20110     20010     
Mead                Aaron           11210     20010     
Dalrymple           Israel          00200     30100     
Symore              William         00010     10110     
Steel               Asahel          20100     00100     
Fish                Symore          11101     10101     
Hoyt                Thaddeus        02201     01010     
Benedict            Matthew         30010     01010     
Benedict            Billy           20010     40010     
Benedict            David           11010     30010     
Benedict            Ezra            00101     00021     
Merick              Zuartus         10110     30010     
Heth                Jacob           01010     00101     
Ells                Jacob           00110     11010     
Fish                Ezra            11010     00110     
Fish                Asa             13010     41110     
Raymond             Judd            10040     31010     
Goodrich            Michael         20001     00001     
Goodrich            Stephen         20110     00100     
Mervin              Matthew         01401     01001     
Biddle              Micajah         00010     00010     
Kellog              Nathan          02001     00101     
Johnson             Samuel          00001     01001     
Johnson             Silvester       10100     00100     
Johnson             Shubal          20010     32010     
Chace               Benjamin        10001     11010     
Trewer              Titus           00010     20010     
Gardener            Fletcher        01110     20100     
Hanford             Stephen         00100     11100     
Robards             Zalmon          30010     02001     
Townson             Isaac           10110     42110     
Beach               Samuel Jun.     20010     11010     
Heth                David           00010     10101     
McCall              Benijah         01201     00101     
Benedict            Daniel          10010     10100     
Basset              Arcibald        00101     30200     
Whitney             David           10001     21010     
Orr                 Robert          01001     01010     
Symore              Samuel          11001     11101     
St. John            Peter           24002     00111     
Steel               Nathaniel       10221     01001     
Hyde                Asahel          00001     00000     
Gay                 William         10010     20100     
Tilkins             Francis         01001     00101     
Rogers              Calvin          20011     00010     
Marsh               John            30110     10100     
Marsh               Charles         01001     00200     
Hoyt                Andrew          01010     10011     
Fish                Thaddeus        00010     20100     
Johnson             Solomon         22010     21010     
Spencer             Isaac           10010     00100     
Root                Daniel Jun.     30010     01010     
Root                Daniel          00001     00011     
Johnson             Simon           20010     00010     
Sorrels             Amos            00000     00000     
Johnson             Scuyler         00010     20010     
Hanford             Moses           11110     00110     
Root                Theodorus       10010     00100     
Patten              Alexander       10010     32110     
Freer               John            10100     00100     
Fryer               Casper          02001     01001     
Fryer               Peter           00100     10100     
Honeywl             Israel          20010     20010     
Honywel             John            00010     30100     
Honywel             William         20100     00010     
Honywel             Matthias        00201     01201     
Benedict            Caleb           11301     11101     
Benedict            James           10110     11210     
Weed                Jonathan        00201     01001     
Wood                Joseph          01001     00201     
Wood                Caleb           10010     10010     
Seeley              William K.      20201     10201     
Robinson            Wheeler         10100     30100     
Loomis              Daniel          20010     10100     
Adams               Joseph          10010     01010     
Ells                Samuel          12101     11110     
Butler              John            00201     23101     
Wakeman             Eliphlet        00010     20100     
Berry               Seth            10301     52100     
St. John            Cook            31001     11010     
Russel              William         41000     30020     
Delamater           Benjamin        10200     20100     
Champlin            Joseph          30011     10011     
Brown               Elisha          20010     20010     
Case                Ephraim B.      10001     20210     
Raimond             Sarah           21000     11011     
Cable               William         00010     00000     
Steel               Nathaniel Jun   12010     10010     
Ogden               Isaac           50010     02010     
Ogden               Abram           20210     10200     
Goodrich            Elizabeth       00000     10010     
Andrews             Abijah          31010     30010     
St. John            Samuel          11010     40010     
Hoskin              Augustus        10001     31010     
Hatheway            Isaac           12010     21010     
Griswold            Thomas          21211     12010     
Weed                James           00201     10100     
Weed                Lewis           20010     10010     
Weed                Edmond          20010     20010     
Demmon              James           20010     20010     
Kitchel             Ebenezer        21011     03000     
Kinny               Amos            30010     20110     
Pierce              Simeon          00010     10010     
Keeler              Ebenezer        10201     01101     
Comstock            Russel          31110     40010     
Hanford             Samuel          10200     10010     
McCall              John            00100     20100     
Caswell             Zelotes         40010     10010     
Tiffany             Nathaniel C.    02111     33010     
Olmsted             Samuel          30010     10010     
Tiffany             Samuel          00001     00001 

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a service of the Delaware County Historical Association located at 46549 State Highway 10, Delhi, NY 13753
©2016 - Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger